Jun 3, 2016 - The BCPVPA is hosting an online series of 30-minute professional ..... A 20% International Group Discount
In this issue …
the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 3, 2016
BCPVPA votes June 7-9 Children in Care survey Leadership Opportunities Think Tank: Math skills & literacy Kevin Reimer on mentors
eVote for BCPVPA Directors June 7 to 9 You will receive an email ballot on June 6 and you will be able to vote for up to seven candidates.
The candidates are: Brad Baker (North Vancouver) Tracy Godfrey (Vernon) Heidi Grant (Nechako Lakes) Wendell Hiltz (Burnaby) Brett Johnson (Greater Victoria) Lee Karpenko (Prince George) Carol-Ann Leidloff (Kootenay Lake) Brian Leonard (Coquitlam) Jinder Sarowa (Abbotsford) Candidate statements are available at http://bit.ly/BCPVPA2016Election and on our website
Representative for Children and Youth (RCY)
is particularly interested in receiving completed surveys from school districts 23, 27, 33, 35, 57, 60, 61, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85 & 87. The survey is open to all principals and vice-principals who have yet to complete it. RCY is grateful to the principals and vice-principals who completed the recent online survey on supports for education outcomes of children and youth in care. To encourage more principals and vice-principals from across the province to contribute their valuable perspectives, RCY has re-opened the survey until midnight on Friday, June 10. This anonymous and confidential survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. Survey Link: http://bit.ly/1TNw0AH eNews/1
eVote June 7 to 9
the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 3, 2016
you will receive an email ballot on June 6
Represent the BCPVPA on a Ministry of Education Think Tank
Applications are due by June 10 An application form is available here http://bit.ly/18AMAlR This person will provide insight and direction on new assessments in Math Skills and Literacy and work alongside other educators and academics. Objectives: Provide advice on the nature of provincial assessments in the areas of Math Skills and Literacy in the graduation years; Help refine definitions and constructs; Produce draft tables of specifications for these provincial assessments; Provide advice on how results from these provincial assessments will be communicated; Draft sample question types and models for the new assessments; Provide advice on how these measures will align with student graduation requirements. Meetings and timeline: The group will meet two to three times this summer. The first meeting will take place June 27-28 in Victoria. Travel expenses will be covered, including flight or mileage, accommodation, and meal per diem according to government guidelines. Selection criteria: A strong background and understanding of large-scale assessment in Literacy/ Language Arts or Mathematics; Knowledge and experience in educational measurement; Experience with interdisciplinary approaches in the areas of Math Skills or Literacy; Understanding and experience with the new BC curricula; Strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills; The ability to work collaboratively in a team environment, and to be enthusiastic and committed to addressing the challenge.
Leadership opportunities Kootenay-Columbia invites applications for Principal, Robson Commucontinues next page
nity School, effective Aug 1. Apply by 9 am, June 6. http://bit.ly/1TebApE Kootenay Lake invites applications for Principal who will be deployed to LV Rogers Secondary School, REACH, and DESK. LV Rogers Secondary enrolls approximately 658 students and another 40-60 International Students in Grades 9-12. REACH is the alternate school and DESK is the Distributed Learning program, both under the umbrella of LV Rogers. The appointment will be a three-year term, if it is the first administrative contract with SD8. Applications are due by 12 pm, June 7. http://bit.ly/1Ug1PUZ Kootenay Lake is seeking applications for the position of District Principal, Aboriginal Education. The successful candidate ‘will have demonstrated a history and a commitment to Aboriginal Education and be able to present ideas, and motivate staff through a passionate and clear vision for Aboriginal Education.’ Applications are due by 12 pm, June 7. http://bit.ly/1Ug1PUZ
Click to join the BCPVPA’s more than 3275 followers on Twitter eNews/2
eVote June 7 to 9
the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 3, 2016
you will receive an email ballot on June 6
Leadership opportunities Vancouver Island North invites applications for Acting District Princontinued from previous page cipal, Aboriginal Programs, effective August 1. Applications are due by 12 noon, June 8. http://bit.ly/1ORWdvR Vancouver Island North invites applications for Acting Director of Instruction. This senior leadership position has become available due to the recent appointment of the incumbent as Acting Superintendent of Schools. Applications are due by 12 noon, June 8. http://bit.ly/1ORWdvR Surrey is accepting applications for Director of Instruction, Education Services. The Director of Instruction together with four other directors, colead the Education Services Department. The Director takes a lead role in building system capacity and implementing our district vision - Learning by Design Apply by 12 noon, June 14. http://bit.ly/1Of1DGo Nicola-Similkameen invites applications for VP, Princeton Secondary, an 8-12 school with approximately 150 students and a teaching staff of 13. Applications are due by 4 pm, June 16. http://bit.ly/1Umb2bz Arrow Lakes invites applications for Principal, Nakusp Secondary. The successful candidate will, “have exemplary organizational and planning skills, and have a thorough knowledge of BC secondary schools. You are an experienced rural educator and are seen leading change and educational transformation.” Applications are due by 12 noon, June 17. http://bit.ly/1YdmVVb
FALL INSTITUTE October 18-22, 2016
The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia offers BC teachers a unique professional development program at the Parliament Buildings in our provincial capital. Participating teachers will learn about parliamentary democracy and become champions of citizenship education. The intensive agenda includes briefings with the Speaker of the House, MLAs, parliamentary staff, senior public officials, a provincial court judge and opportunities to collaborate and share with colleagues from across the province. Please encourage teachers in your school or district to apply online today! For more information: www.leg.bc.ca
[email protected] | 250-387-8669
Ad-Adminfo (Principals, Vice-Principals and Superintendents)-Fall 2016 BCTI.indd 1
Arrow Lakes invites applications for Director of Learning. As Director you are a lead learner and one of a team of two District leaders. You will lead Aboriginal Education and continue to grow respective and inclusive indigenous learning for all. Applications are due by noon, June 21. http://bit.ly/1YdmVVb Surrey invites applications for Assistant Superintendent. The ideal candidate will have a broad range of experience that encompasses teaching and administrative roles in a school district such as principal, district principal, director, or assistant superintendent. http://bit.ly/1R6VnzU North Vancouver invites applications for Assistant Superintendent. The ideal candidate is ‘a passionate educator currently in a district level, leadership role’ who will ‘bring a strong operational background with extensive experience in the running of schools.’ http://bit.ly/1SudDPL
3/17/2016 2:48:14 PM
eVote June 7 to 9
the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 3, 2016
you will receive an email ballot on June 6
Online, free, concise Professional Learning from the BCPVPA (to July 5)
Leading a Learning Community with Tammy Renyard, Principal Greater Victoria The BCPVPA is hosting an online series of 30-minute professional learning opportunities to July 5. The sessions are free for BCPVPA members. The next session, June 7 at 7:30 am, will feature SD61 Principal Tammy Renyard on Leading a Learning Community. Session Information: Leading a learning community requires leaders to consider the question - What do we know and believe about learning? Our purpose must always be collective growth – moving all learners in the building. Non-judgmental dialogue about practice, in relationship to learning, is critical if we want to see change at the school level. To open up the conversation, ask the question – Is what we are doing, giving us what we want? Follow-up questions may include: How do we know? What is our evidence? As we work towards shifting practice, we consider multiple entry points for our teachers. Tammy Renyard has lead learning initiatives with teachers at the school and district level in BC, Alberta and across the Northern Territories for many years. She is passionate about working side-by-side with educators to truly transform practice. Tammy would like us to consider: How can we safely include all educators in continuous, focused learning and growth? This is a Technology for Professional Learning (#T4PL) initiative of the BCPVPA. For a list of upcoming sessions, registration, and online instructions visit http://bit.ly/1TXgphx
BCPVPA’s Super
Vision for Learning Level 1
(August 2016 thorugh May 2017)
Cohorts in Nanaimo, Surrey Metro, Merritt, Fort St. John Details, registration and cohort dates on our website: http://bit.ly/1ODKKTe
The BCPVPA awards up to 20 $1000 scholarships per year. For information visit http:www.bcpvpa.bc.ca and click on Student Scholarships.
The BC Retired PVPA offers 4 scholarships of $1000 each. Application forms can be downloaded from www.bcrpvpa.ca click to join the BCPVPA’s more than 3275 followers on Twitter eNews/4
eVote June 7 to 9
the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 3, 2016
President Kevin Reimer on mentors & gratitude Follow on Twitter https://twitter.com/bcpvpapresident
Read the President’s blog http://bcpvpa.bc.ca/president/
2015 — 2016 Board of Directors President Kevin Reimer (Comox Valley)
[email protected] Directors Susan Clough (Surrey)
[email protected] Steve Dalla Lana (Prince George)
[email protected] Darren Danyluk (Rocky Mountain)
[email protected] David DeRosa (Kootenay-Columbia)
[email protected] Heidi Grant (Nechako Lakes)
[email protected] Brett Johnson (Greater Victoria)
[email protected] Bryan Johnson (Sooke)
[email protected] Lee Karpenko (Prince George)
[email protected] Carol-Ann Leidloff (Kootenay Lake)
[email protected] Brian Leonard (Coquitlam)
[email protected]
you will receive an email ballot on June 6
everal weeks ago, while waiting to board a plane, I was approached by a former student, who happened to be traveling for work as well. He had been in Grade 12 my first year of teaching and I had not seen him since he graduated many years ago. We had a few minutes to catch up, share stories, and reminisce about our time together. He had been a student of mine and I also had the opportunity to coach him as well. Today, he is a successful executive with a young family living in another part of the country. As we both parted to make our way to our gates he thanked me for providing a positive influence on his life. I expressed my appreciation for his kind words, we exchanged business cards and then both went on our way. As we enter the overwhelming busyness of June, I have found myself reflecting more and more on that conversation in the airport. As a new teacher just struggling to keep my head above water, if I was able to make any kind of a difference at all it was because I had a great mentor early in my career. With close to 30 years in public education I have had the great fortune of having many mentors in my life but perhaps none as influential as in my first few years of teaching. I was one of several brand new teachers beginning their careers at Delta Secondary in the late 1980s. With so many newbies beginning together, the school administration had wisely decided that we would be matched up with an experienced teacher on staff who would serve as mentors. I was fortunate to have been paired up with a teacher, who had been a coach of mine when I was a junior high school student, and now was a counselor at the school. Tom Fuchko, was an invaluable mentor, confidant, and friend in my first few years of teaching. Often, the most formative lessons that I learned during that time about students, teaching and learning were over a drink with Tom on a bar patio on a Friday afternoon. Tom made time for me, believed in my potential, and supported me during those times when I really wondered whether I had made the right decision in becoming a teacher. Like all great mentors he never provided answers for me but he asked great questions to which the answers were not readily apparent. To this day, I don’t know that I have found the answers to those questions as the work that we do and the opportunities for learning are ever-changing. As I continue to learn about educational leadership I often reflect on the positive experience that I had with my mentors. I believe wholeheartedly in the formative power of quality mentorship and am confident that mentoring programs should be at the center of every successful organization. eNews/5
eVote June 7 to 9
the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 3, 2016
you will receive an email ballot on June 6
During the course of my conversation with my former student in the airport waiting room I learned that Tom had passed away last spring. Tom had made such a positive difference in my professional and personal life the irony was not lost on me as I sat and talked with a young man who had expressed the positive influence I had made on his life as well. As we stride into the hectic pace of June, I offer this story as a reminder that the work that we do affects the lives we touch for many years. If you are new to this work I hope that there is a Tom Fuchko in your life who is offering support, providing guidance, and helping you to become the professional that they know you can be. With that mentoring in place I know that one day you will have a former student approach you, perhaps in the waiting room of an airport, to thank you for the positive difference that you have made in his or her life. Have a great weekend, Kevin
Planning Ahead begins on the next page … eNews/6
Planning Ahead Online, free, concise Professional Learning from the BCPVPA (to July 5)
Leading a Learning Community with Tammy Renyard, Principal Greater Victoria The BCPVPA is hosting an online series of 30-minute professional learning opportunities to July 5. The sessions are free for BCPVPA members. The next session, June 7 at 7:30 am, will feature SD61 Principal Tammy Renyard on Leading a Learning Community. Session Information: Leading a learning community requires leaders to consider the question - What do we know and believe about learning? Our purpose must always be collective growth – moving all learners in the building. Non-judgmental dialogue about practice, in relationship to learning, is critical if we want to see change at the school level. To open up the conversation, ask the question – Is what we are doing, giving us what we want? Follow-up questions may include: How do we know? What is our evidence? As we work towards shifting practice, we consider multiple entry points for our teachers. Tammy Renyard has lead learning initiatives with teachers at the school and district level in BC, Alberta and across the Northern Territories for many years. She is passionate about working side-by-side with educators to truly transform practice. Tammy would like us to consider: How can we safely include all educators in continuous, focused learning and growth? This is a Technology for Professional Learning (#T4PL) initiative of the BCPVPA. For a list of upcoming sessions, registration, and online instructions visit http://bit.ly/1TXgphx
2016 April 30-May 2, Saskatoon SK In the Land of Living Skies: The Expanding Horizons in Education and the Law The annual conference of the Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education Information: http://capsle.ca/ June 10, Nanaimo BCtechquity Symposium Navigate, VIU, BCDLLA and CANeLearn are hosting a day long event featuring Dr. Remi Holden and a Leadership Panel from across BC (Harry Janzen, Rod Allen, Gordon Li, Jeff Stewart, and Randy LaBonte) on Equity, Technology, Innovation and the New Curriculum. Registration is limited to 100. Information: http://lanyrd.com/2016/bctechquity/ June 26-28, Spokane, WA The annual conference of the Association of Washington School Principals and the Washington Association of School Administrators Information: http://www.awsp.org/ Planning Ahead/a supplement to BCPVPA eNews/7
July 4-8, Vancouver The BCPVPA’s 39th Annual Short Course at UBC. Leading Learning: Being, Knowing, Doing Gain the knowledge, understanding, and connections you need to enhance your school leadership journey Registration: http://bit.ly/21vEqTE July 6-8, National Harbor, Maryland Best Practices for Better Schools. The annual conference of the National Association of Elementary School Principals. Information: http://www.naespconference.org/ July 8-9, Kamloops (Sun Peaks) GiantSteps Learning. Dan Curtis, an SD22 VP, will lead a two-day conference that will focus on exercise, meditation, and gratitude. Registration: https://goo.gl/B3MXU7 July 9-11, Philadelphia PA GiantSteps Learning. Dan Curtis, an SD22 VP, will lead a two-day conference that will focus on exercise, meditation, and gratitude. Registration: https://goo.gl/B3MXU7 August 22-24, Vancouver (UBC) Creating the Future: Partnerships for Inclusive Learning This three-day conference is intended for individuals who have an interest in inclusive learning and includes principals and vice-principals, teachers, parents, paraprofessionals, therapists, and other members of a schoolbased team. Information: http://www.bcinclusivelearning.com
StartUP! for early career teachers
Start UP! Series 16 for early career teachers has been developed to support new elementary classroom teachers, including TTOCs and teacher candidates. Sessions are held in Vancouver and Surrey from late August through mid-September. Participants learn how to begin a class in September or later, build routines, tips on class management, and plan for the start of the year. Workshops include lesson ideas and key resources. Registration begins in June. For details visit www.startupyourclass.ca or register to receive information at http://bit.ly/startup_quick For information email Ray Myrtle
[email protected]
Know more
Super Vision For Learning Level 2 http:www.bcpvpa.bc.ca
Learning Walks with an Instructional Framework
Principals and vice-principals who have completed Level I of the BCPVPA Super Vision for Learning program will deepen their knowledge of effective instructional practices and use various tools and processes for observing and analyzing instruction and planning next steps based on the analysis.
Feedback from this year’s participants: • The practical application of the principles of supervision for learning have increased my capacity as a learning leader significantly. (SD#59) • The Framework has provided me with fantastic educational conversations that have allowed our staff to reflect and continue to develop our practice. (SD#22) Planning Ahead/a supplement to BCPVPA eNews/9 Planning Ahead/a supplement to BCPVPA eNews/8
September 24, WestVancouver TEDxWestVancouverED Join other educators who will Rethink Education. Together participants will explore this year’s theme “the forest through the trees”, creating conversation that inspires real change. Speakers include: Dr. Gordon Neufeld, Alan November, Angus Reid, Brooke Moore, Ian Landy, Tracy Cramer, Lisa Domeier de Suarez, Brad Daudlin, and Dean Shareski. The Playground will feature Discovery Education, Microsoft and Natural Pod among others. Information: www.tedxwestvancouvered.com October 25-28, San Antonio, TX iNacol’s (International Association for K-12 Online Learning) annual conference for K-12 online, blended and competency-based learning Information: http://www.inacol.org/symposium/ December 3-7, Vancouver Connecting Landscapes for Learning The Learning Forward (National Staff Development Council) annual conference at the Vancouver Convention Center (see box at the bottom of this page). Information: http://learningforward.org/
2017 February 16-17, Vancouver, BC The 30th annual conference of the BC Alternate Education Society Will Richardson is the keynote speaker and additional details will be available in September Information: http://www.ascd.org/conferences.aspx February 23-24, Richmond, BC Crosscurrents 2017 The annual conferece of the Special Education Association of BC Information: http://www.seaofbc.ca/crosscurrents March 25-27, Anaheim, CA TBA The annual conference of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Information: http://www.ascd.org/conferences.aspx
Connecting Landscapes for Learning Learning Forward’s 2016 Annual Conference Vancouver • December 3-7
Join thousands of practitioners, presenters, and thought leaders A 20% International Group Discount (for 10 or more people) will be offered from July 1–October 1. This discount will apply to registrations for one through five days and can be taken on multi-day registrations of three or more days or more, in conjunction with the early discount of $50.
Download the early bird brochure http://bit.ly/26Boyl5 Planning Ahead/a supplement to BCPVPA eNews/9
April 9-12, Banff, AB uLead 2017 Keynote presenters include Alberta’s Minister of Education, the Honourable David Eggen, New South Wales’ Minister of Education, the Honourable Adrian Picolli, Simon Breakspear (Sydney, Australia), Carol Campbell (OISE), Gillian Hamilton (Glasgow) and talented educational leaders from around the world. Several additional Ministers of Education from around the world will also attend and participate in a panel discussion Information: http://www.ulead.ca/uLead.html May 4-6, Richmond, BC The annual conference of the Early Childhood Educators of BC. Information: http://www.ecebc.ca/ July 3-7, Vancouver The BCPVPA’s 40th Annual Short Course at UBC. Leading Learning: Being, Knowing, Doing Gain the knowledge, understanding, and connections you need to enhance your school leadership journey Information: eNews and the BCPVPA webite July 9-11, Philadelphia PA Connecting Great Leaders Across All Levels. The first combined national conference of both the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the National Association of Seconday School Principals. Registration: https://www.principals.org/professional-learning/conferences/ July 20-20, Washington, DC EDMedia 2017 The world coference on educational media & technology Information: http://www.aace.org/conf/
End of school year sale
(regular price $32.95)
Creating Thinking Classrooms
Leading educational change for a 21st century world by Garfield Gini-Newman and Roland Case
(plus tax, shipping/postage) We will email you the
total cost (book + tax + postage) prior to processing your order. Planning Ahead/a supplement to BCPVPA eNews/12
Information and an order form http://bit.ly/1SBdwYX Planning Ahead
is published in the first eNews of the month. Get listed: email information about your event to Richard Williams
[email protected] and we will publicize it as space allows. Planning Ahead/a supplement to BCPVPA eNews/10