Representative for Children and Youth (RCY) Survey closes ... - bcpvpa

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Jun 10, 2016 - Visit the curriculum website at for a list of summer ... Online, free, concise ...
In this issue …


the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 10, 2016

Election results Children in Care survey Leadership Opportunities MediaScan Kevin Reimer on school leadership

BCPVPA members elect seven Directors


members cast their votes this past week and elected seven members to the Board, effective July 1. Elected to two-year terms were: Tracy Godfrey (Vernon); Heidi Grant (Nechako Lakes); Brett Johnson (Greater Victoria); Lee Karpenko (Prince George); Carol-Ann Leidloff (Kootenay Lake); and, Brian Leonard (Coquitlam). Elected to a one-year term was: Brad Baker (North Vancouver). These members will join the existing Board members who are completing their two-year terms: Kevin Reimer, Susan Clough, Steve Dalla Lana, Darren Danyluck and David DeRosa. Our thanks to all candidates and voters.

Redesigned Curriculum Summer Institute in Teacher Education 2016

The Ministry of Education’s 2016 Summer Institute in Teacher Education (SITE) is located at various post-secondary institutes across the province and provides opportunities for provincial, national, and international educators to engage in professional development with the redesigned curriculum. SITE is flexible, provides a wide range of courses, and is designed with practicing teachers in mind. Visit the curriculum website at for a list of summer institutes and to register to learn with other education professionals

Survey closes at 12 midnight Last opportunity to share your expertise Representative for Children and Youth (RCY)

is particularly interested in receiving completed surveys from school districts 23, 27, 33, 35, 57, 60, 61, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85 & 87. The survey is open to all principals and vice-principals who have yet to complete it. RCY is grateful to the principals and vice-principals who completed the recent online survey on supports for education outcomes of children and youth in care. To encourage more principals and vice-principals from across the province to contribute their valuable perspectives, RCY has re-opened the survey until midnight on Friday, June 10. This anonymous and confidential survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. Survey Link: eNews/1



the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 10, 2016

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Online, free, concise Professional Learning from the BCPVPA (to July 5)

Fostering Effective Relationships with Chris Kennedy, Superintendent, West Vancouver • Capacity is 120 and this sessions is more than 50% full The BCPVPA is hosting an online series of 30-minute professional learning opportunities to July 5. The sessions are free for BCPVPA members. The next session, June 14 at 7:30 am, will feature West Vancouver Superintendent Chris Kennedy on Fostering Effective Relationships. Session Information: As we move into school and district leadership roles, our relationships tend to become increasingly complex. One way to foster relationships is through our work and the culture we build and model. Chris will spend his session exploring ways both face-to-face and digitally so we can develop and maintain effective relationships. This is a Technology for Professional Learning (#T4PL) initiative of the BCPVPA. For a list of upcoming sessions, registration, and online instructions visit

Last week’s presentation Leading a Learning Community with Tammy Renyard (SD61 Principal) is now available online at

Leadership opportunities Kamloops is accepting applications from ‘outstanding and visionary educontinues next page

cational leaders to assume principal positions at a number of elementary and secondary schools in Kamloops and in rural communities.’ Apply by 12 pm, June 13. Surrey is accepting applications for Director of Instruction, Education Services. The Director of Instruction together with four other directors, colead the Education Services Department. The Director takes a lead role in building system capacity and implementing our district vision - Learning by Design Apply by 12 noon, June 14. Nicola-Similkameen invites applications for VP, Princeton Secondary, an 8-12 school with approximately 150 students and a teaching staff of 13. Applications are due by 4 pm, June 16. Arrow Lakes invites applications for Principal, Nakusp Secondary. The successful candidate will, “have exemplary organizational and planning skills, and have a thorough knowledge of BC secondary schools. You are an experienced rural educator and are seen leading change and educational transformation.” Applications are due by 12 noon, June 17. eNews/2


Call for articles

the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 10, 2016


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Leadership opportunities Nechako Lakes invites applications for Principal (.5 FTE Principal, .5 continued from previous page FTE teaching) for Grassy Plains, a K-12 school with approximately 92 students and 14 staff. Apply by June 17. Surrey is accepting applications for District Principal, Student Services, with a primary focus on supporting all learners through a universal design model. Apply by 12 noon, June 20 Arrow Lakes invites applications for Director of Learning. As Director you are a lead learner and one of a team of two District leaders. You will lead Aboriginal Education and continue to grow respective and inclusive indigenous learning for all. Applications are due by noon, June 21. http://

Bringing the arts & arts integration in BC schools Summer camp for teachers


his August, ArtStarts invites teachers (K-12) to Summer Camp, an artsbased professional development event focused on bringing arts integration into classrooms. Through hands-on experiential workshops featuring visual artists, musicians, choreographers, First Nations creative facilitators and more, teachers will learn how to bring the new BC curriculum’s Big Ideas and Core Competencies to life. This two-day event offers practical skill-building workshops in movement, environmental art, painting and music, while addressing themes of ecology, social justice and cultural appropriation. Summer Camp takes place on August 25-26 in Vancouver. Early bird pricing is available until June 29.

BCPVPA Membership Survey

Our thanks

to the 1126 BCPVPA members who participated in the 2016 BCPVPA membersship survery. We have received the results and are starting to analyze them. The information gathered will inform our ongoing discussions at the Board level and with the Ministry regarding how to support educational leadership in the K-12 system.

Prize winners

Congratulations to the BCPVPA members whose names were drawn as winners in the BCPVPA’s 2016 membership survey contest (prizes will be sent next week): • original cartoon by Vancouver Province cartoonist Bob Krieger … Gord Redlin, Saanich • $50 Indigo gift card … Linda Picton, Prince George • A copy of Creating Thinking Classrooms … Chris Van Bergeyk, Okanagan Skaha

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3280+ Followers




the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 10, 2016

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Upcoming events July 4-8, Vancouver

The BCPVPA’s 39th Annual Short Course at UBC. Leading Learning: Being, Knowing, Doing Gain the knowledge, understanding, and connections you need to enhance your school leadership journey Registration:


Super Vision for Learning Level 1

(August 2016 thorugh May 2017)

Cohorts in Nanaimo, Surrey Metro, Merritt, Fort St. John Details, registration and cohort dates on our website:

September 24, WestVancouver TEDxWestVancouverED Join other educators who will Rethink Education. Together participants will explore this year’s theme “the forest through the trees”, creating conversation that inspires real change. Speakers include: Dr. Gordon Neufeld, Alan November, Angus Reid, Brooke Moore, Ian Landy, Tracy Cramer, Lisa Domeier de Suarez, Brad Daudlin, and Dean Shareski. The Playground will feature Discovery Education, Microsoft and Natural Pod among others. Information: 2017: April 30-May 2, Saskatoon SK In the Land of Living Skies: The Expanding Horizons in Education and the Law The annual conference of the Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education Information:

Connecting Landscapes for Learning Learning Forward’s 2016 Annual Conference Vancouver • December 3-7 Join thousands of practitioners, presenters, and thought leaders A 20% International Group Discount (for 10 or more people) will be offered from July 1–October 1. This discount will apply to registrations for one through five days and can be taken on multi-day registrations of three or more days or more, in conjunction with the early discount of $50.

Download the early bird brochure

The BCPVPA on YouTube eNews/4


3280+ Followers

the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 10, 2016

BCPVPA MediaScan Principals & vice-principals & the BCPVPA in the news

2000+ Tweets

Click to follow the BCPVPA on Twitter. Get our short, timely updates first.

Crossing guards/bus drivers don’t receive enough credit/first greeters who start the day: SD27 Principal Rick Miller ‘Incredibly inspiring, epitomizes taking a risk,’ SD73 Principal Kent Brewer on an 85 yr old grad (congrats Theresa) Congratulations to retired @AbbotsfordSD34 Principal George Peary recipient of Honourary Degree from @goUFV ‘An exceptional learning opportunity for our students & many staff’ SD20 @principaldd on a first responders drill Inspiring & fulfilling: SD71 Bill Green & @jeffstewart71 on designing a course to meet the needs of student athletes ‘Boys learn if you embrace your adversity you can have success,’ @NVSD44 VP Water Mustapich on the Boys Club Network Principal Phillipe Brulot @sd43bc on ‘medicine wheel garden/traditional plants at Suwalk’h alternative/ Inquiry Hub’ SD73 Principal Blair Lloyd on Stuart Wood Elem’s ‘last days of reading, writing & ‘rithmetic before it is closed’ My Strength is Not For Hurting: Former SD60 Principal Daniel Vecchio on ‘ending the silence’ about domestic violence Coming out in school isn’t easy but 100s of SD19 students attend assemblies @outinschools on LGBT2SQ+ issues Detecting waves of motion: SD68 Principal Chad Lintott on showcasing Wellington’s $24.5-million in seismic upgrades District Principal Philippe Brulot @sd43bc on telling positive stories about Aboriginal culture and accomplishments SD93 Directrice Marie-Josée Beaulieu: celebrating students’ francophone identity w/ 2 artists & @ ArtStarts grant MediaScan is published in the second eNews of the month. We try to monitor stories of interest, but if you have been in the news, please forward the story or a link to [email protected]

Click to join the BCPVPA’s more than 3280 followers on Twitter for short timely updates. eNews/5


Call for articles

the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 10, 2016

President Kevin Reimer on investing in great schools (via school leadership) Follow on Twitter

Read the President’s blog New post on curriculum redesign

2015 — 2016 Board of Directors President Kevin Reimer (Comox Valley) [email protected] Directors Susan Clough (Surrey) [email protected] Steve Dalla Lana (Prince George) [email protected] Darren Danyluk (Rocky Mountain) [email protected] David DeRosa (Kootenay-Columbia) [email protected] Heidi Grant (Nechako Lakes) [email protected] Brett Johnson (Greater Victoria) [email protected] Bryan Johnson (Sooke) [email protected] Lee Karpenko (Prince George) [email protected] Carol-Ann Leidloff (Kootenay Lake) [email protected] Brian Leonard (Coquitlam) [email protected]


Click to email your article


want to begin this week by offering my congratulations to the candidates who stood for election and all the members who voted (see the results on page 1). I look forward to working with this Board throughout the next school year and I am confident that they will well-represent the entire membership. I also want to thank Bryan Johnson (Sooke) who did not stand for election this year and will be ending his term on the Board on June 30. His perspective, knowledge, and counsel will be missed. In representing BCPVPA members I have the privilege of participating on a number of panels and committees. Most recently, I have joined the Leadership Development Working Group. This group, led by the Ministry of Education, is developing greater understanding of the leadership strengths and challenges in the K-12 sector. We are all well aware of the many and varied strengths that our principals and vice-principals demonstrate every day. However, we are facing an impending leadership recruitment and retention challenge given the current demographics, the complexity of our work as school leaders, and the ongoing concerns regarding fair compensation. We are not alone in this struggle. Provinces across the country are developing programs to better support leadership development in public education. A long standing example of formative work in this area comes from Ontario where, for many years, the Ontario Principals’ Council (OPC) has offered its Principal’s Qualification Program (PQP) for prospective school leaders. This is a year-long course that runs regionally throughout the province. To back this important initiative, the Ontario government has supported this professional learning approach with accompanying legislation. To become a principal or vice-principal in Ontario a teacher must take the PQP program provided by OPC. [Read more on the OPC website here] More recently, Prince Edward Island (PEI) has taken a similar approach to supporting school leadership. PEI has developed a school leader program for prospective principals and vice-principals. “Recognizing that school leadership has a major impact on student learning, we are expanding professional learning for our aspiring principals and viceprincipals,” said Education Minister Hal Perry when the program was announced. The School Leader Development Program, also backed by legislation that will go into affect in 2019, is a requirement for any interested teachers wishing to become a vice-principal or for current vice-principals to become principals. The program was designed by PEI eNews/6



the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter June 10, 2016

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principals and vice-principals in conjunction with the Department of Education and York University. The program is administered through the University of Prince Edward Island and current school leaders serve as program instructors. More information can be found at British Columbia remains the top educational jurisdiction in the country and among the highest performing in the world. In addition to being excellent teachers, BC’s principals and vice-principals create the conditions in schools for success. At every table that I sit at, meeting I attend, and committee I am involved with, my message is the same; great schools have great principals and vice-principals. You cannot have one without the other. To ensure that we continue to have great schools, there is no better investment than in the professional learning for school leaders. Professional learning is a cornerstone of the work that the BCPVPA does to support our leaders in the field. Perhaps the time has come for our Association to take a more significant role in identifying, recruiting, and training our own members similar to the approaches in other provinces. If we want to ensure that our next generation of school leaders have the skills they need to ensure that BC continues to have one of the best public education systems in the world, then the time has come to engage in a conversation about formalized leadership development in BC. Have a great weekend, Kevin

The BCPVPA awards up to 20 $1000 scholarships per year. For information visit and click on Student Scholarships.

The BC Retired PVPA offers 4 scholarships of $1000 each. Application forms can be downloaded from
