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for The Sexton Company,. LLC in Salem, OR. The. Sexton Company designs and builds underwater housing. He also is the cha
Teledyne RDI Memberships:

Representing Opportunity, Growth, Professionalism

Each year Teledyne RDI offers 100 students an opportunity to become MTS members — at Teledyne’s expense. The criterion is straightforward: be an undergraduate or graduate student studying some aspect of marine science. This month MTS followed up with Jeremy Childress, who became an MTS member through the Teledyne Program.


oday Jeremy Childress works for The Sexton Company, LLC in Salem, OR. The Sexton Company designs and builds underwater housing. He also is the chair and a founder of MTS’ Oregon section. But, of course, he first began as a student. His marine science education began at Millersville University in Pennsylvania, where he studied marine biology. “At the time, I also conducted independent research on Estuarine Biotic Integrity Indices in small salt marsh creeks near Chincoteague, VA,” he explained. “I did my graduate work at Oregon State University, where I studied Marine Resource Management, and completed my thesis on Evaluation of Dungeness Crab Pots as Platforms of Opportunity for Ocean-Observing Research. The thesis highlighted and compared multiple examples of marine technology used off the Oregon coast.” It was while collecting information for his thesis that Jeremy learned about the Marine Technology Society and discovered he could become a member through the Teledyne Student Program. “I thought membership would be a great way to receive

information on marine technology current events,” he said. “What I ultimately found most useful, however, was the access to the MTS Journal archives and the people that I met at the two national conferences I’ve attended.”

Student to Professional

Jeremy noted that the transition to professional membership was an easy step Jeremy Childress, former student member and now professional member. "Thank you, Teledyne RDI, for providing the opportunity for him, as he is curfor me and many other students," he said. rently employed in the marine technology sector. “What I really wanted to do was to find a way to get the most out of my ings, and would like to become more membership and make it easier for involved in several MTS professional others to learn about the Society and committees.” for them to join. I worked with some The Oregon Section hosted their colleagues and we started up the kick-off meeting at Oregon State Oregon Section,” said Jeremy. “I am University with representatives from looking forward to the opportunity to several local organizations discussing perhaps present future research findthe importance of building a community centered around marine technology. As well, the Section also discussed The MTS Store sponsoring a local student organization and planned several events for the upcoming year. This is where you will find that lost issue of the Journal for “I would also like to take this opyour archives. And the Conference proceedings you missed. portunity to say thank you, Teledyne RDI, for providing the opportunity for me and many other students to Even that really cool gadget you spotted at an MTS booth. become involved with MTS,” said Jeremy. “My own experience was career changing. I look forward to the opporThe MTS Store. Stop by today. Stop by often. tunity when I, too, can help the future (We change our goods frequently.) generation of marine technologists. For now, I would strongly encourage both current and future students to become more involved with MTS.”


February | March 2012
