DNS (Domain Name System): association between an IP address. (used for routing) ... denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Exemple: .... Relies on general-purpose components (CPU, memory, etc.) .... Single-processor quad-core Intel i7-2600K. 8GB RAM ... Randomising fields does not strongly impact performance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Reproducing DNS 10Gbps flooding attacks with commodity-hardware S. Ruano Rincon
S. Vaton
Télécom Bretagne (Brest, France) & AFNIC Labs (Saint Quentin en Yvelines, France)
TRAC 2016, September 7th, 2016
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S.Ruano Rincon et al. (TB & AFNIC Labs)
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Attacks against the DNS DNS (Domain Name System): association between an IP address (used for routing), and a domain name (easier to remind) Exemple: Name: telecom-bretagne.eu Address: DNS is an essential service for Internet reliability (with other services such as BGP) Read, for ex., the ANSSI Annual Report on the Resilience of the French Internet (with the collaboration of AFNIC) DNS servers: target of frequent and sometimes severe denial-of-service (DoS) attacks Exemple: random qnames attacks targeting a country TLD Out-of-service or slow DNS servers ⇒ partial Internet blackout, and a slow down of all services over the Internet It is then essential to protect DNS servers, and in particular TLD servers, against DoS attacks such as flooding attacks (or reflect-and-amplify attacks). S.Ruano Rincon et al. (TB & AFNIC Labs)
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DNS flooding attack detection testbed Goal of this study: to be able to monitor DNS servers and detect flooding attacks at tens of Gb/sec with commodity hardware 1 2 3
generate "classical" DNS flooding attacks ⇒ traffic generation monitor DNS requests ⇒ traffic capture identify flooding attacks ⇒ traffic analysis (statistical approach rather than signature-based approach) Need: Access to actual attack captures take appropriate countermeasures
Xena traffic generator
Attacking machine
Analysis machine
Target server
10GbE Network
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DNS flooding attacks Random qname attacks I
attack against authoritative servers of a specific domain (for example .pt or .fr) principle: huge number of queries for domain names composed of non existing random prefixes and a given fixed domain suffix
because of the hierarchical structure of the DNS service these queries are eventually handled by the authoritative server for the target specific domain (for example, .fr) ⇒ Denial of Service
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DNS flooding attacks
Random qname attacks I
Example: september 4th 2014, random attack against the Wallis-et-Futuma’s .wf domain, "dafa888" ⇒ 14 hours at a maximum rate of 1 million requests per second. RIPE Atlas DNSMON reported 99% of unanswered queries from one AFNIC TLD servers (e.ext.nic.fr) Traffic characteristics in case of a random qname attack F F
fixed DNS server’s IP address (the victim’s) varying queried qname over a fixed domain suffix, for ex. randomqname.www.dafa888.wf varying source IPv4 or IPv6 address varying query type, for example A (IPv4 address), AAAA (IPv6 address), ANY (all records) or TXT (text records)
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DNS flooding attacks Reflect-and-amplify attack I
reflection attack: use the DNS server as a weapon to flood a given target Operating mode: F F
botnet: a large number of zombie machines controlled by a bot herder use zombies to send a large number of DNS requests with a spoofed source IP adress (that of the victim) DNS answers are sent to the victim, which causes a denial of service
amplification: F F
DNS answers much larger than requests ⇒ amplification example: use misconfigured DNS servers (open resolvers) and ask all their records (request ANY) Top Level Domain DNS servers are also commonly used for reflect+amplify attacks (because they hold a large number of records) DNSSEC signed domains: signature involves even larger DNS answers
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DNS flooding attacks
Reflect-and-amplify attack I
Example: attack against Spamhaus in 2013, 300 Gb/sec of inbound traffic Traffic characteristics in case of a reflect+amplify attack: F F
fixed spoofed source IP address (that of the victim) public open DNS resolvers or TLD DNS servers (as DNS server’s IP address) commonly, query type ANY fixed or randomized queried qname and additionnally include an EDNS0 OPT-pseudo record advertising a large buffer size (for example, 9000 bytes), and indicate that DNSSEC signed records are supported
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Existing counter-measures set a Response Rate Limit (RRL) at DNS server it is possible to drop ANY type queries with Linux’s netfilter Best Current Practices: I I
close open resolvers authenticate DNS clients by signatures (to avoid IP spoofing)
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Generating traffic at Nx10 Gbps
Commercial hardware based appliances. E.g. XENA traffic generator Programmable hardware such as NetFPGA boards Commodity hardware
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10 Gbps DNS flooding traffic generator
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Generating traffic at Nx10 Gbps
Commercial hardware based appliances. E.g. XENA traffic generator I I I
Lack of flexibility Expensive Accurate rate control and timestamping
Programmable hardware such as NetFPGA boards Commodity hardware
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Generating traffic at Nx10 Gbps
Commercial hardware based appliances. E.g. XENA traffic generator Programmable hardware such as NetFPGA boards I I I I I
Specialized hardware More flexible Less expensive Highly supported by academic institutions Needs hardware description languages programming
Commodity hardware
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Generating traffic at Nx10 Gbps
Commercial hardware based appliances. E.g. XENA traffic generator Programmable hardware such as NetFPGA boards Commodity hardware I I
Even less expensive Requires specific software frameworks to handle communication between NICs and processing applications Relies on general-purpose components (CPU, memory, etc.) Less precise/accurate than hardware-based solutions
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Generating traffic at Nx10 Gbps
Commercial hardware based appliances. E.g. XENA traffic generator Programmable hardware such as NetFPGA boards Commodity hardware ⇒ in this work, we use commodity hardware to generate DNS related attacks
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Software network engines for commodity hardware
DPDK (Intel) I
Strong support from industry
HPCAP (Moreno et al., Univ Autónoma de Madrid) I I
Specially designed for capture with no packet losses. Still an academic work that needs a stable release.
PF_RING (Deri et al., Ntop) I
Zero-copy version needs a commercial license.
PFQ (Bonelli et al., Univ. of Pisa) I I
Uses the Intel vanilla driver, relying on multi-core processing. Unable to handle 10Gbps on a single core.
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General-purpose software-based traffic generators
based on DPDK (Intel) I I I
pktgen-dpdk (by Keith Wiles, Intel) Ostinato (specific accelerated version) MoonGen (Paul Emmerich, Tech. Univ. Munchen)
based on HPCAP (Moreno et al., Univ Autónoma de Madrid) I
Not-known public generator (or lacking documentation)
based on PF_RING (Deri et al., Ntop) I
zsend (that relies on zero-copy to handle high-speed traffic)
based on PFQ (Bonelli et al., Univ. of Pisa) I I
Not-known scriptable or high-level generator. Test tool in source code.
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DPDK-based traffic generators based on DPDK I
pktgen-dpdk F F
Ostinato (specific accelerated version) F F F
Still unstable. Poorly documented on how to use Lua scripts Designed to be easily configured via a GUI Originally designed on top of the Linux NAPI Accelerated version unable to saturate a 10GbE link
MoonGen F F F F
Highly configurable via Lua scripts Then: highest abstraction level Easily able to saturate 10GbE links On-development
⇒ we have decided to use MoonGen to script attacks against (or using) DNS
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Generating DNS flooding attacks Requirements Randomize different bytes/fields I I I I I I I
Source IP addresses Ports TTL qname (of several lengths) Varying DNS query data EDNS, UDP buffer size ...
Easily take into account other attacking strategies => High flexibility No need of highly accurate timestamping/control (as could be provided by hardware)
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MoonGen Link user-controlled Lua scripts to CPU cores and NIC ports Delegate rate control and timestamping to hardware
Figure: MoonGen Architecture, from IMC 2015 paper S.Ruano Rincon et al. (TB & AFNIC Labs)
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Using MoonGen to generate DNS-related attacks
Master function to control environment and configure devices: f u n c t i o n master ( . . . ) l o c a l rxMempool = memory . createMemPool ( ) l o c a l txDev = d e v i c e . c o n f i g ( { p o r t=t x P o r t , mempool=rxMempool , r x Q u e u e s =1, t x Q u e u e s =1}) f o r i = 0 , c o r e s − 1 do txDev : getTxQueue ( i ) : s e t R a t e ( r a t e / c o r e s ) dpdk . l a u n c h L u a ( " l o a d S l a v e " , t x P o r t , i ) end
S.Ruano Rincon et al. (TB & AFNIC Labs)
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Using MoonGen to generate DNS-related attacks Include DNS protocol support Slave functions to generate packets. Format and fill random DNS data function loadSlave ( . . . ) l o c a l mem = memory . createMemPool ( f u n c t i o n ( b u f ) buf : getDnsPacket ( ipv4 ) : f i l l { i p 4 S r c=g e n I P v 4 A d d S o u r c e ( ) , i p 4 D s t=d n s S e r v e r I P , ... d n s M e s s a g e C o n t e n t=genBody ( ) } end )
w h i l e dpdk . r u n n i n g ( ) do l o c a l b u f s = mem : b u f A r r a y (MAX_BURST_SIZE) bufs : a l l o c () ... s e n t = queue : s e n d ( b u f s ) S.Ruano Rincon et al. (TB & AFNIC Labs)
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Testing environment
Single-processor quad-core Intel i7-2600K 8GB RAM Debian Jessie Two Intel NICs: I I
Dual SFP+ port X520-DA2 Dual RJ45 port X520-TA2.
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CPU Requirements to saturate a 10 GbE link Comparing: I I I
Shield of Perseus (SOP): DNS-specialised generator Our DNS generator MoonGen’s example/tx-multi-core.lua (simple, non-random packets) 1.4 1e7 1.2
Packets per second
1.0 0.8
SOP Our DNS flooding tool MoonGen's ex. script
0.6 0.4 0.2
S.Ruano Rincon et al. (TB & AFNIC Labs)
10 Gbps DNS flooding traffic generator
CPU Frequency (Mhz)
00 20
00 19
00 18
00 17
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Limited by random fields? Using a single core, CPU @1.6Ghz Randomising fields does not strongly impact performance 1.102 1e7 1.100
Packets per second
1.098 1.096 1.094 1.092 1.090 1.088 1.086
S.Ruano Rincon et al. (TB & AFNIC Labs)
3 4 5 6 7 8 Number of random fields per packet
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Results and conclusions
MoonGen suited best our requirements Generating packets controlled by Lua scripts I I
Then: highest possible level of abstraction Highly flexible
Succesfully reproduce random qnames and reflect-and-amplify Able to scale to Nx10Gbps (as claimed by MoonGen authors): Our results: 30Gbps on a quad-core CPU
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Next steps
Capture and analyse traffic I
What approach scores highest at minimizing packet drops?
Is MoonGen efficient enough? (designed to generate) Detect attacks relating to DNS I
Statistics-based detection
Thank you for your attention!
S.Ruano Rincon et al. (TB & AFNIC Labs)
10 Gbps DNS flooding traffic generator
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