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Nov 26, 2015 - MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracker. SoC System-on- ...... Bus compatible to the international ISO/OSI-models but only 1, 2, 3 and 7th layers.






REPUBLIC OF TURKEY YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ZIGBEE RADIO EMBEDDED APPLICATIONS IN SMART GRID A thesis submitted by A. Tahir Ġnce in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE is approved by the committee on 26.11.2015 in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Communication Engineering Program. Thesis Adviser Assist. Prof. Dr. Hakan P. PARTAL Yıldız Technical University Approved By the Examining Committee Assist. Prof. Dr. Hakan P. PARTAL Yıldız Technical University


Associate Prof. Dr. Salih DEMĠREL, Member Yıldız Technical University


Associate Prof. Dr. Serhat ERKÜÇÜK, Member Kadir Has University


This study was partially supported by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology Industrial Thesis Supporting Program (SAN-TEZ), Grant No: 0102.STZ.2013-1.


The long list of acknowledgements starts with my advisor, Assist. Prof. Dr. Hakan P. PARTAL. Besides the usual help and guidance provided by a thesis advisor, he first introduce the project for Smart Grid while taking his class on RF Circuit Design. Since taking the class, he has provided immeasurable support for getting this project off the ground and turning it into a thesis. Thanks also go to Prof. Dr. Mehmet UZUNOĞLU for gave me opportunity to join the project in Yıldız Technical University Smart Home Lab. In this interdisciplinary project I got the chance to work on Smart Grid and Smart Home Energy Management Systems. Prof. UZUNOĞLU and Dr. PARTAL started to ball rolling on the project and brought together researcher from different research interest. Furthermore, thanks also go to Associate Prof. Dr. Bülent VURAL, Associate Prof. Dr. Uğur SavaĢ SELAMOĞULLARI and Research Assistant Onur ELMA for gave me insight about new electrical grid concept and providing the opportunity to work with them. During the thesis period, YTU Smart Home lab has always felt like a home for me. I owe most of my skills at developing embedded systems to the work I’ve done at Smart Home lab with project members. They have been and continue to be a fantastic group to work for. The last but not least, I also thank to Research Assistant Giray E. KIRAL and Research Assistant Mehmet A. BELEN for their problem solver personality. Without them, I never successfully completed this comprehensive research on time. December, 2015 A. Tahir ĠNCE

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................. vii LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ x ABSTRACT......................................................................................................... xi ÖZET .................................................................................................................. 13 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 15 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Literature Review ....................................................................................... 15 Objective of the Thesis ............................................................................... 23 Hypothesis .................................................................................................. 24 Thesis Organization .................................................................................... 24

CHAPTER 2 WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS AND ZIGBEE PROTOCOL .............................. 26 2.1 Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks ................................................. 26 2.2 Comparative Study of Wireless Sensor Network Technologies ................. 27 2.2.1 Wireless Sensor Network Protocols for Smart Grid and Buildings 28 EnOcean ............................................................................ 30 InSteon .............................................................................. 31 Z-Wave ............................................................................. 31 DASH7.............................................................................. 32 Wireless M-Bus (WM-Bus) .............................................. 32 KNX-RF............................................................................ 33 Wavenis ............................................................................ 33 One-NET ........................................................................... 33 IEEE 802.15.4 ................................................................... 33 2.2.2 Comparison of WSN features for Smart Grid Home Energy Management Systems ..................................................................... 40 v

CHAPTER 3 DEVELOPMENT OF A ZIGBEE INTEGRATED RADIO MODULE........................ 44 3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 44 3.2 Radio Unit Design ....................................................................................... 45 3.2.1 Balanced-Unbalanced Line Conversion and Impedance Matching . 46 3.2.2 PCB Antenna Simulation and Fabrication ....................................... 54 3.3 ZigBee Communication Circuit Prototyping ............................................... 57 3.4 CC2530 ZigBee Software Stack Implementations ...................................... 58 3.5 Results and Comments................................................................................. 63

CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT OF ZIGBEE RADIO EMBEDDED APPLICATIONS IN SMART GRID ............................................................................................................................... 64 4.1 WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK WITH ZIGBEE COMMUNICATIONS (MULTIP MOTE ) ....................................................... 64 4.1.1 Design and Development of WSN MultiP Mote ............................. 65 4.1.2 Results and Comments..................................................................... 68

4.2 ZIGBEE INTEGRATED SMART PLUG DESIGN ................................. 69 4.2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 69 4.2.2 ZigBee Compatible Smart Plug Design ........................................... 70 Power Supply Unit ............................................................ 71 Measurement Unit............................................................. 71 Control Unit ...................................................................... 73 Communication Unit......................................................... 76 4.2.3 User Interface .................................................................................. 78 4.2.4 Test results and Designed Smart Plugs ........................................... 79 4.2.5 Results and Conclusions ................................................................. 82

CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCASSIONS ................................................................................... 85 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 88 CURRICULUM VITAE ..................................................................................... 94




Buildings Energy Management Systems Electrical Vehicle Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning Home Energy Management Grounded Co-Planar Waveguide Integrated Circuit Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Telecommunication Standardization Sector ISO/IEC International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and by the International Electro technical Commission (IEC) MEMS Microelectromechanical systems MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracker SoC System-on-Chip WSN Wireless Sensor Networks YTU Yıldız Technical University


LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3 Figure 1.4 Figure 1.5 Figure 1.6 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8 Figure 3.9 Figure 3.10 Figure 3.11 Figure 3.12 Figure 3.13 Figure 3.14 Figure 3.15 Figure 3.16 Figure 3.17 Figure 3.18 Figure 3.19 Figure 3.20 Figure 3.21 Figure 3.22 Figure 4.1

Smart Grid Diagram .................................................................................. 16 Berkeley Mote and Smart Dust ................................................................. 20 Berkeley Epic Core and usage in different applications .......................... 21 Mica Mote and Tmote ............................................................................. 21 Intel iMote2 ............................................................................................. 22 Waspmote with sensor board ................................................................... 22 Smart Home concepts with its compounds .............................................. 29 Smart Home Energy Management Systems Architecture ....................... 30 IEEE 802.15.4-based networks topologies with device types .................. 37 The most popular wireless protocols ........................................................ 43 Johanson Integrated passive balun reference design model .................... 47 ZigBee Radio Module simulation model in AWR .................................. 48 6 port Linear Simulation model in SONNET with TOP and BOTTOM Layers ....................................................................................................... 49 ZigBee Integrated Radio RF Lines dimensions (mm) ............................. 50 ZigBee Integrated Radio TOP and BOTTOM layers in SONNET EM .. 50 AWR RF Transmission Line Calculators ................................................ 52 Module Linear S-Parameter results ......................................................... 53 Module and Balun Comparison ................................................................ 53 Module Layout and Schematic in Eagle CAD ........................................ 54 Module Layouts TOP, BOTTOM and Elements in Eagle CAD ............. 54 Designed PCB antenna in CST Microwave Studio Environment ........... 55 PCB antenna TOP and BOTTOM layer dimensions (mm) ..................... 55 Fabricated PCB antenna and its Return Loss (S11) value ....................... 56 Return Loss (S11) and far-field directivity of antenna ............................ 56 Antenna gain and radiation pattern ........................................................... 57 ZigBee Radio Modules. Fabricated and assembled board ........................ 57 ZigBee Radio Module on wireless communication circuit ...................... 58 Provided OSAL APIs in Z-Stack and TIMAC ......................................... 60 Z-Stack main program and its content ...................................................... 60 Z-Stack flow chart .................................................................................... 61 TI CC2530 Z-Stack End-Device current consumption ............................ 62 TI CC2530 SimpliciTI End-Device current consumption ........................ 62 Designed and Prototyped MultiP Mote with communication and sensor viii

Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 Figure 4.4 Figure 4.5 Figure 4.6 Figure 4.7 Figure 4.8 Figure 4.9 Figure 4.10 Figure 4.11 Figure 4.12 Figure 4.13 Figure 4.14 Figure 4.15 Figure 4.16 Figure 4.17 Figure 4.18 Figure 4.19 Figure 4.20 Figure 4.21 Figure 4.22 Figure 4.23 Figure 4.24

options ....................................................................................................... 65 Mote Block Diagram ................................................................................ 66 Prototyped WSN MultiP mote and its usage with different protocols ..... 67 Prototyped WSN MultiP motes and with developed ZigBee Radio Module on Communication Circuit ........................................................................ 68 Power Supply Units Schematic ................................................................. 71 Power Measurement chip (Cirrus CS5490-ISZ) Voltage, Current, Active and Reactive Power Calculation Block Diagram ...................................... 72 Power Measurement Units Schematic ...................................................... 73 Control Units Schematic ............................................................................ 74 First version of User Interface with fault condition ................................. 75 Smart Plug Control Algorithm and its sub-functions with protection feature ...................................................................................................... 76 Second version of ZigBee communication unit schematic with Xbee ..... 77 Second version of Xbee gateway .............................................................. 77 Third version of CC2530 based ZigBee Communication Circuit ............ 78 Third version of CC2530 based ZigBee Communication Circuit located in the Smart Plug ........................................................................................... 78 TI CC2530EM Based Smart Plug Gateway ............................................. 79 Second version of User Interface ............................................................. 80 Digital Load Bank for calibration ............................................................. 80 Comparison between measured voltage from Smart Plug and Real Value .................................................................................................................... 81 Comparison between measured current from Smart Plug and Real Value .................................................................................................................... 82 Smart plug voltage measurement accuracy (%) ....................................... 82 Smart plug current measurement accuracy (%) ........................................ 82 Second version of smart plug designs ..................................................... 83 Second and third version of Communication and Control Units in fabricated circuit ...................................................................................... 84 Third versions of Smart Plug and its circuits ........................................... 85


LIST OF TABLES Page Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 2.3 Table 2.4 Table 3.1 Table 4.1 Table 4.2

IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol Specifications, Frequency bands and data rates ……………………………………………………………………………38 Summary of Features of Smart Grid and Buildings Communication Protocols …………………………………………………………………43 Maximum Number of Devices and Communication Range of wireless network protocols ……………………………………………………… 44 Data Speed and Communication Range of wireless network protocols ……………………………………………………………………………45 RF Transmission Line dimension for 50 ohm signal line ...... ……………………………………………………………………… 53 MCU comparison for wireless sensor nodes ...... ……………………………………………………………………… 68 Mote elements with communication protocol power consumption and specifications ............................................................................................ 69


ABSTRACT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ZIGBEE RADIO EMBEDDED APPLICATIONS IN SMART GRID A. Tahir ĠNCE Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering MSc. Thesis Adviser: Assist. Prof. Dr. Hakan P. PARTAL

The usage of information technologies has been growing in the new energy transmission and distribution infrastructure that is named as Smart Grid. Attention of Smart Grid has been gradually increasing with the idea of more efficient energy usage and controllable energy consumption. This new growing infrastructure is separated from previous electrical grid by multi directional communications among consumers service providers, transmission and distribution companies, and power producers that consume or produce electrical energy. The main goal of the establishing new electrical infrastructure is to associate the electricity transmission and distribution networks with communication technologies in order to optimize production, transport and distribution and consumption of the electrical energy on the grid. In this thesis, short range communications subsystem units for Building Energy Management System are designed and developed. A wireless communication circuit with ZigBee Radio Module, Wireless Sensor Networks Mote and Smart Plug devices are developed for Smart Grid Communications applications. The main objective of designing these discrete units is developing Smart Home-enabled devices and understanding their importance in the Smart Grid environment. Smart building applications require multidisciplinary studies including RF and digital communications, power electronics, and embedded systems, etc. With the aim of designing the communication and measurement units for this environment, a ZigBee Integrated Radio Module, a Multi-Protocol Wireless Sensor module (MultiP Mote) and a ZigBee Smart Plug device are designed and tested in a Smart Home environment that is located at Yıldız Technical University in Istanbul. xi

Key words: ZigBee Radio Module Design, Wireless Communication Circuit, Embedded System Design, Wireless Sensor Networks, Smart Plug, Smart Grid Communications, and Smart Home Applications.



AKILLI ŞEBEKELER İÇİN ZIGBEE RADYO ENTEGRE EDİLEN UYGULAMALARIN TASARIMI VE GELİŞTİRİLMESİ A. Tahir ĠNCE Elektronik ve HaberleĢme Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Tezi Tez DanıĢmanı: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hakan P. PARTAL Akıllı ġebekeler olarak isimlendirilen yeni enerji iletim ve dağıtım altyapısında bilgi teknolojilerinin kullanımı artmaktadır. Daha verimli enerji kullanımı ve kontrol edilebilir enerji tüketimi düĢüncesi ile Akıllı ġebekelere ilgi gitgide artmaktadır. Bu büyüyen yeni altyapı, bir önceki Ģebeke yapısından elektrik üreten ve tüketen tüketiciler, servis sağlayıcıları, iletim ile dağıtım Ģirketleri ve enerji üreticileri arasındaki çok-yönlü iletiĢim ile ayrılır. Yeni elektrik altyapısı kurulmasındaki temel amaç Ģebeke üzerinde iletim ve dağıtım sistemi ile haberleĢme sistemini bağdaĢtırarak elektrik enerjisinin üretim, iletim ve dağıtımını optimize etmektir. Bu tezde, Bina Enerji Yönetim Sistemi haberleĢme alt-birimleri tasarlanmıĢ ve üretilmiĢtir. Akıllı ġebeke haberleĢme uygulamaları için ZigBee Radyo modülü ile bir kablosuz haberleĢme devresi, kablosuz algılayıcı ağı birimi ve akıllı priz cihazları geliĢtirilmiĢtir. Tüm bu ayrık birimlerin geliĢtirilmesinin temel amacı, Akıllı Ev uyumlu cihaz geliĢtirilmesi ve bu cihazların Akıllı ġebeke ortamındaki öneminin anlaĢılması amaçlanmıĢtır. Akıllı bina uygulamaları RF ve dijital haberleĢme, güç elektroniği ve gömülü sistemlerin dâhil olduğu disiplinler arası çalıĢmayı zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bu akıllı Ģebeke ortamı için haberleĢme ve ölçüm birimleri tasarımı amacı ZigBee bütünleĢmiĢ radyo modülü, Çoklu protokol Kablosuz algılayıcı ağlar sensör devresi (MultiP Mote) ve akıllı priz tasarlanmıĢ ve Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Ġstanbul'da yer alan Akıllı Ev ortamında kullanılmıĢtır.


Anahtar Kelimeler: ZigBee Radyo Modül Tasarımı, Kablosuz HaberleĢme Devresi, Gömülü Sistem Tasarımı, Kablosuz Sensör Ağları, Akıllı Priz, Akıllı ġebekelerde haberleĢme ve Akıllı Ev Uygulamaları.



Literature Review

Attention of Smart Grid has been gradually increasing with the idea of more efficient energy usage and controllable energy consumption considerations [1]. This new proposed infrastructure is separated from previous electrical grid by multidirectional communication among costumers, service providers, transmission and distribution companies, and power producers that consumes or produces electrical energy. The main goal of the establishing new electrical infrastructure is to associate the electricity transmission with distribution networks communication technologies in order to optimize production, transport and distribution of electrical energy on the grid.

Figure 1.1 Smart Grid Diagram [2] 15

In the costumer side Smart Grid solutions focus on commercial and residential building applications. The main reason is buildings spend a significant part of the total electrical consumption. The residential energy consumption is 29% of the total consumption in EU countries and 37% in the U.S. [3]. The most effective way to reduce residential energy consumption is to provide energy-awareness as much as possible for consumers with real-time monitoring. It is the fact that electrical load monitoring and remote controlling in buildings can provide with more effective energy consumption. It is reported that approximately 25% reduction of energy demand occurs via monitoring of real-time energy consumption [4]. Since 1990s, has been carried on home automation studies that are aiming residential comfort and energy efficiency [5]. Thus, academicians and companies are targeted on buildings/home automation applications for more reliable, sustainable and efficient energy usage [6, 7]. After introduced Smart Grid standards, home automation concept has been evolved into smart home concept. A smart home system basically consist of four main parts that are renewable energy sources with battery system, smart plug/outlet and smart devices, home energy management/control unit, and utility (grid and meter) connection [4, 8]. One of the vitally important component of smart home management system for efficient energy consumption is Home Energy Management (HEM) System that turns into a touchstone for demand response, peak time rebates, critical peak pricing, time of use pricing, distributed generation, and electrical vehicle (EV) integration. In these applications, many different devices operate together such as inverter, converter, battery and MPPT systems; energy metering points with smart plugkind devices, smart devices and sensors. Nowadays, in order to access between smart plug/outlet or smart devices and central energy management unit, various communication protocols that can be wired, power 16

line and wireless are used. Two type of communication technology are widely acknowledged in the environment of smart home appliances control and monitoring. One of them is over grid communication that is Power Line Communication (PLC) and some wire line communication standards, and the others are wireless communication standards and protocols. The most popular communication technology in smart home is wireless communication, for this various standards and protocols already presented such as IEEE, ITU-T, ISO/IEC or proprietary network protocols. These potentially used protocols and standards are shown below for Smart Home and Buildings Energy Management Systems. 

IEEE 802.11x (Wi-Fi)

IEEE 802.15.3x (UWB)

IEEE 802.15.4x (ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, One-NET, MiWi, SimpliciTI et al.)








Wireless M-Bus (Metering-Bus)


The communication and information technologies have an important role in smart grid. Various companies around the world are increasing their attentions day by days on this field because of the business potentials. Therefore, the producers and researchers are


working on communication subsystem development for Smart Grid such as RF radio modules. With the aim of developing and usage of radio communication units in Smart Grid area various studies are presented. Wireless sensor network protocols are extensively preferred. As an example of the study by Jie and Ying, a module has been developed using with TI CC2530 [9]. In Jie et al.’s study, lumped circuit elements have been used for balanced-unbalanced signal conversion and impedance matching. However, the simulation in this publication has been carried out from the unbalanced 50 ohm balun output. Balanced output of Radio IC and its transmission lines are not modeled in their study. Another similar study, Eroglu et al. developed a ZigBee communication module for HVAC systems in their study [10]. In the study, the Freescale MC13213 RF SoC with differential RF balanced output has been used. This SoC has 16 +j136 ohm (at 2.45GHz) output impedance. Eroglu et al. designed and simulated 50 ohm transmission line and a PCB F-antenna in their study. Similarly, balanced transmission line and lumped balun circuit not included in their simulation model. In Radio module development, balanced output must be converted to unbalanced output and then it is also required to be design a 50 ohm transmission lines that suitable for antenna. But in radio module development research, there are no balun circuits and transmission line in RF simulation. Many researchers have only been interested in antenna modeling and its transmission line in their studies. For an efficient communication module design, a circuit model that from the RF SoC output to the antenna input must be developed. All PCB lines (traces) followed by the signal and the lumped circuit elements, s-parameter values are needed to be included in a simulation environment.


With the integration of communication and information technologies on Smart Grid, another popular topic that is called Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) finds a unique places because of its convenient features. WSN applications have been used together in the Smart Grid be part of communication and management systems. For this mentioned compatible WSN applications, there are miscellaneous WSN mote designs and concepts are available. The first successful embodiment is built by Berkeley workgroup in 1999 and called Berkeley Mote. This can be considered the forefather of WSN technologies. In addition to this, many other studies carried out by the Berkeley group like Smart Dust that is a tiny WSN unit designed for light, magnetism, vibration, temperature and chemical detection. It can be said to be a form of MEMS unit. These are some of the milestone of the WSN studies [11].

Figure 1.2 Berkeley Mote and Smart Dust Another popular mote study, Berkeley Epic, is an improved design as a continuation of the Berkeley Mote and Smart Dust studies. In another embodiment, the Berkeley Epic Core WSN module in question has a flexible usage profile for many applications [12]. It is not large in size like other WSN units, is quite small in size, and has the potential to adapt very easily to various applications such as energy metering unit used together with home energy management systems.


Figure 1.3 Berkeley Epic Core and usage in different applications In addition, Berkeley workgroup designed other rectangular and circular shape mote that called Mica Mote and USB-enable Tmote sensor development boards. All Berkeley mote family has been developed on the basis of Berkeley Epic and sold by Memsic Inc. [13].

Figure 1.4 Mica Mote and Tmote Researcher are designed more WSN mote for different purpose and use in different physical conditions. For instance, Intel iMote designed for different needs into a partnership between Intel and Berkeley workgroup. This embodiment has high capability such as more CPU processing, memory and access ports and needs more electrical power. The mote uses Bluetooth technology for wireless communication because of this reason this mote concept has a rare difference from other motes. For many years Bluetooth was positioned as short distance cable substitution alternative therefore not commonly used in WSN application. The main reason to use this


technology by Intel is Bluetooth popularity in many areas and software development environment. After the first model, the company has introduced iMote2 to the market quickly with some upgrade.

Figure 1.5 Intel iMote2 The last but not least embodiment that called Waspmote is an open-source wireless sensor platform that is launched to the market by Libelium Corp. [14]. The mote specially focused on the implementation of energy efficient units to be completely autonomous and battery powered WSN nodes. Waspmote is to be favored into WSN applications thanks to Libelium Corp. support and easy to develop an application. Besides, numerous additional sensor boards can be used together with mote as shown blow.

Figure 1.6 Waspmote with sensor board On the other hand, electrical load controlling (measuring, scheduling et al.) has an important role to reduce consumer bills and decrease grid consumption peak point with 21

the help load management device such as Smart Plug with BEMS/SHEMS in the Smart Grid environment. The smart plugs are employed in home energy management systems. Appliances can be monitored and controlled through smart plugs in real time. The electrical energy consumed by an appliance can be measured and transmitted to a user visually through the smart plug. With the use of smart plugs, it is now possible to run different energy management algorithms with different objectives such as comfort, security, energy savings, etc. It is expected to achieve savings of up to 10% through energy management algorithms [15]. Morsali et al. proposed energy management algorithm which monitors and controls home appliances with smart plugs and showed that total energy consumption is reduced by approximately 22% [16]. In literature, several smart plug designs are reported. These plug designs also can equipped with various sensors like light sensor, temperature sensor, humidity sensor and motion sensor [17]. In addition, cost-effective and more reliable smart plug is proposed with consideration of customer awareness [18]. With the help of load control devices such as smart plug allow to use power scheduling techniques that based on several inputs such as electricity tariff, appliances power measurement data, various sensor data, power consumption limit, locally generated power with renewable source, and battery state of charge condition [19, 20]. A comprehensive literature review is presented in this section. The main purpose of this section is to gives an insight into buildings energy management systems and its subunits such as RF radio module, wireless sensor networks mote, smart plug and relationship between them in Smart Grid environment.



Objective of the Thesis

Smart Grid Building applications can be divided communication, measurement, and management units. Our purpose is design and development of Building Energy Management System sub-units that are a wireless communication circuit with ZigBee Radio Module, Wireless Sensor Networks Mote and Smart Plug devices respectively. The main objective of design and fabricate all discrete units is fabricating Smart Homeenable devices and understand its necessaries in the environment. Most of studies focus on on-side of Smart Home/Buildings Energy Management System designing. For instance, various Smart Plug energy measurement and control devices produced in some application. Likewise, miscellaneous wireless sensor network motes developed with many kind sensor options for many different areas such as military, medical, industrial, entertainment, agriculture, maritime and Smart Grid applications which is very popular area in this decade. In this thesis, design of a small size radio module for use in sensor measurement applications such as temperature, humidity, ambient light and electrical measurements in an environment. For this purpose, wireless sensor networks mote and smart plug device are designed and fabricated for collecting sensor data from home environment to sending over to energy management system. With this thesis, three discrete devices (Radio Module, Smart Plug and WSN Mote) are produced and together successfully tested. In this way, designed ZigBee Integrated Radio usage possibility with different kind of devices and entire system integration is shown.




Most of studies in literature focus on Smart Home/Buildings Energy Management System design without communication circuit. For instance, many wireless communication-enable smart plug devices are presented into the market. Likewise, same things for wireless sensor networks mote developments can be pronounced. A configurable and scalable communication circuit that can be used in various applications with some adjustment is proposed in this thesis. The communication and information technologies have an important role in smart grid. Various companies around the world are increasing their attentions day by days on this field because of the business potentials. Therefore, the producers and researchers are working on communication system development such as RF modules. However, many researchers only interested in antenna modeling and its transmission line in their studies. For a convenient communication module design, it has to be created a circuit model that from the RF SoC output to the antenna input. All PCB lines (traces) followed by the signal and the used lumped circuit elements s-parameter values are need to include in a simulation environment. We also proposed a radio module development concept and we claimed that correct circuit model has main role on robust communication.


Thesis Organization

This thesis is organized in 5 chapters. In Chapter 2, wireless sensor network protocols are




comprehensively for



Management applications in Smart Grid. In Chapter 3, a ZigBee Radio Module is designed and fabricated based on some radio module studies shown in Chapter 1. In this chapter, the radio module design presented 24

and compared with other standard module design. With this chapter, more acquired Radio Module development is achieved with the help of RF simulation programs (AWR, SONNET and CST). After Radio Module ZRM v1.1 designed and manufactured, a compact and miniature planar PCB PIFA antenna which is operated @2.45GHz ISM band is designed, fabricated and tested. And finally, a ZigBee evaluation module (Z-EM) is fabricated for to use with developed Smart Plug (ZSP v1) and developed Wireless Sensor Networks Mote (MultiP Mote) with manufactured ZigBee Radio Module and fabricated PCB antenna on single PCB board. In Chapter 4.1, a WSN Mote (MultiP Mote) is developed with a few sensor options that are temperature, humidity, and ambient light. In this chapter, all sub Mote units (MCU, sensors and communication modules) are presented. For achieve to design this mote, embedded sensor measurement and mote control software is developed. With study in this chapter, battery operated WSN Mote device is manufactured and tested in Smart Home environment. In Chapter 4.2, a Smart Plug (ZSP v1) device is developed with the help of Chapter 2 (Radio Module) study. This Smart Plug designed to be RF communication protocol independent. For this purpose, the device separated two main parts that are energy measurement and control module and communication module. A serial communication protocol (UART protocol based frame structure) that called SPCP v1 (Smart Plug Communication Protocol) is designed on energy measurement and control module. With the help of that Smart Plug device can use with many wireless protocols such as ZigBee, Wi-Fi, W-MBUS and so on. In thesis scope we used this smart plug with ZigBee protocol and tested in Smart Home environment.



Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is distributed self-managed sensors that monitor collected data from physical and environmental conditions. Sensors read measured data from the environment and deliver on the network with the developed embedded sensor units that called node. A wireless sensor network consists of several different device types in the networks that are sensor nodes, routing points and sink node. The sink node and gateway points assume that feeding by power source (limitless) and the sensor nodes powered by battery or Energy Harvesting sources. The main focus on wireless sensor network application is energy consumption. In most sensor network application battery replacement is not preferred. Because of this reason, sensor network applications there are some restrictions such as power consumption, data rate and service quality (QoS). The main importance of this application is maintenance free network design. Also, with the reason for expansion WSN pushes many other areas like Energy Harvesting applications. Because of the data transmission high energy consumption profile, measured raw data from ambient computes on the sensor network nodes before transmission. This brings more advantages than standard sensor applications. The researchers give a lot of attention on wireless sensor networks software development that are designing operating systems, protocols and advanced routing algorithms. WSN protocols have same design restrictions: Multi-hop necessary, energy efficiency, auto or self-configuration needs. For more energy efficient wireless sensor networks application, operating systems and protocols provide some features such as 26

wake-up scheduling, dynamic voltage scaling and son on. Also another important concern for efficient energy consumption on WSN network is, designing more effective routing protocol for data transmission into network. Therefore, a few routing protocols are used such as Location-based, Data-centric, Hierarchical, Mobility-based, Multipathbased, Heterogeneity-based, and QoS-based. Hierarchical LEACH is the most popular WSN routing protocol among researchers [21]. Wireless sensor networks is can find place in almost any application such as military, medical, industrial, entertainment, agriculture, maritime and so on. In wireless sensor networks application, various sensors are used such as temperature, humidity, vehicular movement, lightning condition, pressure, soil makeup, noise levels, the presence or absence of certain kinds of objects, mechanical stress levels on attached objects, the current characteristics such as speed, direction, size of an object [22]. After Big Data concept came into our lives with IoT, data analysts are dealing with tremendous data from sensors. This case makes force to change ID centric network to data centric network [23]. Various sectors gives lots of attention on wireless sensor network approach such as event detection, edge detection and more. With the wireless sensor network protocols this data centric networks approach is applying [23]. In this chapter, comprehensive wireless sensor network protocols that are mostly used in Smart Grid applications survey presented. 2.2

Comparative Study of Wireless Sensor Network Technologies

The main aim of in this section is performance analysis of commonly-used wireless communication protocols for energy management systems in Smart Grid and Smart Home and Buildings Environment. In this section, introduce a comprehensive overview of different wireless communication protocols and standards in home/buildings environment by comparing their main specification in terms of various differences such as delay, range, using frequency band, maximum node number of networks, security, and cost etc. The purpose of this section is gives an overview of the existing Smart Home in Smart Grid Environment enable wireless sensor network communication standard with their main usage (area), modulation techniques, data transfer speed, used frequency bands, moreover, limitations and other specifications. Using all these features, make a decision 27

which protocol is suitable and which conditions such as network density, data rate, latency etc. are appropriate for SHEMS. 2.2.1 Wireless Sensor Network Protocols for Smart Grid and Buildings A different Smart Grid application such as BEM/HEM system brings different network requirements such as latency, reliability, data rate, data payload et al. Thus, it is existed miscellaneous Smart Grid Communication and Network protocols. The major design challenge of HEM system is to select the best standard for controlling and monitoring devices in existing smart home environments without any changes in used infrastructure. Because of mobility and flexibility features, wireless communication more convenient than wired technologies in most of the smart home applications. Besides, low power consumption, low unit cost, long battery life, simplicity, reliable and secure communication specifications should be within for HEM system wireless communication protocols. The increasing of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has created consumer demand and gradually being used in homes automation for energy management system. Todays, one of the most prior application areas of this technology is home automation. Wireless home automation networks (WHANs) are use in order to monitoring and control applications for home user comfort and efficient home energy management.


Figure 2.1 Smart Home concepts with its compounds [24] Wireless sensor networks in home and building automation gradually become more and more common nowadays. The use of wireless technologies provides various advantages that could not be accomplish using a wired network, and they are reduced installation costs, easy placement and coverage, easy extension, aesthetical benefit [25].

Figure 2.2 Smart Home Energy Management Systems Architecture 29

In today’s life because of huge amount of wireless sensor network standards are exist, choosing the best one is getting a challenge because of the they are in many cases very similar. The wireless sensor network standards and protocols are designed for different application such as military, industrial monitoring, health care, home automation and energy management, environmental sensing and monitoring, accessing control and alarm systems et al., and expected things is every application has different requirements on the communication system [26]. Some of them, for example, environmental sensing and monitoring need to a long battery life with tolerable latency feature. On the other hand, some application, such a military intruder alarm, requirements can be totally different. Wireless sensor network, due to favorable features, is a promising technology for Smart Grid applications. Comprehensive Wireless Sensor Networks protocols and standards investigation is discussed in this section below. EnOcean EnOcean is a sensor network protocol that developed for buildings such a smart home systems and it can be functionally used in logistics, industry and transportation. It works on 868 MHz (Europe) by using Amplitude Shift Key (ASK) and 315 MHz (North America) frequencies [27, 28]. The transmit range up to 30 meter (m) in buildings and 300 m for outdoor application. The newest version of this standard is recently rectified and published in March 2012 [27]. The most significant feature of this protocol is being suitable for battery less sensor modules that uses motion converter, solar cell, thermo energy harvester, and et al. during energy harvesting in buildings with extremely ultralow power consumption. The main rule of low-power-consumption technique for embedded system is having effective sleep/wake-up schedule. EnOcean transmitter has 30

less than 1us delayed switch using with novel RF oscillator for sleep/wake-up tasks which it makes the protocol very appropriate for energy harvesting applications [27]. EnOcean has various patents for energy harvesting on wireless sensor networks that is also provides excellent performance to operate maintenance-free. Besides, rolling code encryptions is included [29]. The stack structure of this protocol consists of three basic layers: physical layer, data link layer and network layer. The secured data conveys on PHY layer using two main frequency bands with 125 kbps data rate [27]. Its main advantage are easy to install, no wires require and time saving features. In wireless systems, multiple signals are sometimes carried over the network and there is a risk of collision and interference. But these undesirable effects are reduced with help of appropriate property of EnOcean [30]. InSteon The proprietary InSteon protocol focused on home/building automation, alarm systems and access control that can uses air (wireless) and power line mediums for communication. It operates among 902 to 904 MHz ISM band using FSK modulation with three data different rate that are 0.18, 2.88 and 13.165 kbps when wireless communication [31]. The protocol has dual-band mesh network that work with 131.65 kHz modulated power lines as well as RF [33]. The maximum number of member is 256 in the same group, also 224 unique IDs are defined for each devices and the rolling code encryption is implemented [29]. The InSteon home automation protocols have provided load control in smart grid applications for many years. Z-Wave The proprietary Z-Wave sensor network protocol clearly aims home automation systems and operates at unlicensed 908 MHz +/- 12 kHz in the North America and the 31

ISM frequency band of 868 MHz in Europe using with Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) modulation [34, 35, and 25]. The maximum number of member is 232 nodes in a network [29]. Its adjustable transmission data rate is from 9.6 to 40 kbps. Z-Wave also provides mesh network. DASH7 DASH7 is a wireless sensor network technology with low power consumption feature. It is based on ISA 18000-7 standard that uses 433.92 MHz European frequency and has 7 band among 433.056MHz and 433.784MHz [36]. This standard that is not available for free was actually developed for active RFID applications, and after adjusted for automation systems. The data rate of this protocol can be tuned from 28 to 200 kbps that uses up to 100 m indoor and 10 km outdoor application [29]. The main customer of this protocol is who want to track their assets such as military, manufacture factories et al. also its unique low power consumption feature makes it good options on energy harvested wireless sensor networks applications [37]. Wireless M-Bus (WM-Bus) The Wireless Metering Bus (WM-Bus) is specializing primarily in metering (gas, heat, water and others) networks and proposed Open Metering System Group [38]. The Metering-Bus standard is defined in EN13757-4 and according to the standard the WMBus compatible to the international ISO/OSI-models but only 1, 2, 3 and 7th layers customized [39]. As well as Wireless M-Bus is characterized by different operation modes (C-, F-, N-, P-, Q-, R-, S-, and T-modes) that work in different frequency bands (169, 468 and 868Mhz). Wireless communication data rates among 2.4Kbps and 100Kbps depends on operation modes [40]. The protocols primary objective in design of a wireless metering network is energy saving because meters not always feeding by 32

power grid and designed with high energy efficient constraints [41]. Different WM-Bus solutions mainly use FSK modulation and early version of the protocols network designed only star topology with the direct communication collector and meters. Afterwards, defined Q-mode provides multi-hop tree topology with TDMA source routing protocol. With the help of its low frequency operation modes and multi-hop techniques the WM-Bus cover longer distances. KNX-RF The proprietary KNX protocol is based on international standard ISO/IEC14543-3, European standards CENELEC EN50090 and CEN EN 13321-1 and 13321-2, Chinese standard GB/Z 20965 and ANSI/ASHRAE 135 that was developed for home and building automation communication system [42]. It uses 868.3 MHz with FSK modulation and 16.384 kbps data rate. It provides various transmission media such as twisted-pair, power line, RF, infrared and Ethernet. It provides CSMA protocol that helping to reduce the probability of a collision in the network. Wavenis The Wavenis, developed by Chronos System, is a wireless sensor network protocol with ultra-low power consumption for machine to machine (M2M) applications [43]. This protocol is usually used in smart grid applications such as remote telemetry, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), automatic meter reading (AMR), utility monitor metering and those applications supported by Wavenis Open Standard Alliance. The protocol operates on 433MHz in China, 868MHZ in Europe and 915 MHz US ISM bands and it uses frequency hopped spread spectrum (FHSS) technique [27]. This protocols network architecture provides point-to-point, point-to-multi point accesses and mesh infrastructure [44]. 33 One-NET One-Net protocol uses the licensed-free Sub-GHz frequency channels that are three channels at 856, 868 MHz (Europe) and 25 channels from 902 to 928 MHz for North America [45]. That protocol can access a range up to 100 m indoor and 500 m outdoor applications with adjustable data rate that from 38.4 to 230.4 kbps, and also AES-128 encryption property is available [29]. There are various protocols are available but Onenet developed in order to solve problems of a network in the home environment. The One-Net HA protocol provides low power, low-cost, high secure, open-source, low latency and long range wireless communication. Its network can be star, peer-to-peer and mesh networks topologies. The payload of protocol consists of 5 bytes packet length [46]. IEEE 802.15.4 IEEE 802.15.4 standard defines the physical (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) layers specifications for low rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs) with very low power consumption. A device in a LR-WPAN uses 64-bit IEEE MAC address and 16-bit short network address and with this a LR-WPAN theoretically provides 216 devices. In the network, devices can be a Full-Function Device (FFD) or a ReducedFunction Device (RFD). FFD devices can communicate any type of device but RFD only communicates with FFD. The protocols defined 3 type devices that are Coordinator (FFD), Router (FFD) and End-Devices (FFD or RFD). In early version of IEEE 802.15.4 standard, it can operate in two different topologies depending on the application requirements: the star topology or the peer-to-peer topology and now meshnetwork option is available. A number of wireless network protocols are using this standard, on the one hand some of them are using PHY and MAC layer, on the other hand, several of them are just using 34

PHY layer. According to IEEE standard, 27 frequency channels defined and numbered 0 to 26. They are available across the three frequency bands, and its features are specified for this: 868–868.6MHz 902–928MHz and 2400–2483.5MHz [47]. This three frequency channels are determined to be IEEE standard 802.15.4-2003 standard. The device which has those specifications cope communicating with no battery or very limited battery consumption requirements typically operating in the personal space (LR-WPAN) of 10 m [27]. The PHY responsible for activation and deactivation of the radio transceiver, energy detection (ED) within the current channel, link quality indicator (LQI) for received packets, clear channel assessment (CCA) for carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA-CA), channel frequency selection, and data transmission and reception features [48]. This standard aims to conform to established regulations in Europe, Japan, Canada, and the United with the new additions in 2006, we can show those in table: Table 2.1 IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol Specifications, Frequency bands and data rates [47]

This PHY standard should be providing such features in 868/915 and 2450 MHz: 

Receiver sensitivity should be PER < %1in all frequency and conditions, at least -85 dBm in (2450 MHz O-QPSK , 868/915 MHz ASK and O-QPSK PHY2003/2006), and at least -92 dBm in (868/915 MHz BPSK)


The transmitted spectral products shall be less than -20 dB (relative limit) and 30 dBm (absolute limit) for |f – fc| > 3.5 MHz (2450 MHz O-QPSK PHY2003/2006).

The transmitted spectral products shall be less than -20 dB (relative limit) and 20 dBm (absolute limit) dB for |f – fc| > 1.2 MHz (868/915 MHz BPSK, ASK and O-QPSK PHY-2003/2006).

The minimum jamming resistance levels are 0 dB for adjacent channel rejection and 30 dB for alternate channel rejection (2450 MHz O-QPSK, 868/915 MHz BPSK, ASK and O-QPSK PHY in 2006).

IEEE 802.15.4 transmitter shall have EVM values of less than 35% when measured for 1000 chips, the transmitted center frequency tolerance shall be ± 40 ppm maximum, transmitter shall be capable of transmitting at least –3 dBm, and receiver shall have a receiver maximum input level greater than or equal to –20 dBm in apply to either or both the 2450 MHz PHY and the 868/915 MHz PHY.

Figure 2.3 IEEE 802.15.4-based networks topologies with device types


The most popular IEEE 802.15.4 based protocols that are ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, ISA100.11a, and others are studied for Smart Grid and its applications. The











telecommunication, interactive toys, building, home and industrial automation, energy management and efficiency applications was introduced by ZigBee Alliance [27]. It has low cost, low power consumption that is enable with the help of ultra-low duty cycle, low data rate, short range and interference-resistant features. The first two layers which are Physical (PHY) and Medium-Access (MAC) have been being used IEEE 802.15.4 LP-WPAN standards [29]. The ZigBee Alliance includes 10 promoters such as Freescale, Texas Instruments, and Silicon Labs; 155 participants and 236 adaptors [49]. The ZigBee operating frequency was defined at three bands that are 868MHz (Europe), 915 MHz (Americas) or 920 MHz (Japan) and 2.4GHz (Worldwide), respectively, with 20, 40, and 250 kbps. Consequently, the silicon companies have developed two-type chipsets for this protocol: Sub-GHz and 2.4GHz. For the defined specifications by IEEE 802.15.4 standard, sub-GHz bands use BPSK, ASK and O-QPSK modulation, additionally, the last 2.4 GHz band uses O-QPSK modulation techniques. It was determined 16-bit network address in the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC standard which is used with ZigBee, whereby, in theory, the network coordinator provides 216 nodes. While is using 0 dBm transmitter output signal strength, according to path loss calculation, the nodes can be communicate over 75m distance [47]. Additionally, AES-128 encryption standard enables for this protocol. After addition IP feature, main difference disappeared between 6LoWPAn and ZigBee-IP. ZigBee protocol uses predominantly in miscellaneous application area because of various beneficial features such as its encryption techniques provide more security, provides long battery lifetime due to low duty cycle, supports large number of nodes up37

to 216 in a network, low cost and can be used in worldwide. It supports three different kinds of nodes router (Full-Functional Device, FFD), coordinator (FFD) and end-device (FFD and Reduced-Functional Device, RFD) [48]. 6LoWPAN protocol designed for basically Internet of Things (IoT) that called “embedded internet” and developed using IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The protocol has been offered by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to provide IPv6 requirement for Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks. Like the others IEEE 802.15.4-based protocols, it can be used environmental monitoring to improve agricultural yields, structural monitoring to track building and bridge integrity, industrial control to provide more sense and control points at lower cost [50]. The 6LoWPAN basically is an intermediate layer that provides the transport of IPv6 packets over IEEE 802.15.4 MAC. IPv6 requires minimum 1280 bytes for provide Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) and IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer that only has 127 bytes packet length. With the purpose of overcome this problem 6LoWPAN offers an adaption layer to perform Header compression, Fragmentation and reassembly, Layertwo forwarding functions [51]. 6LoWPAN performs vast scalable networks as a part of the Internet IPv6 and IETF open standard. The main interest in ISA 100 is industrial automation systems. It is also based on the IEEE 802.15.4-2006 standard that uses only the 2.4 GHz frequency band with frequency hopping to prevent ISM band interference [52]. One of the most important features is the low latency or fast response time specification that is 100 millisecond (ms). It has interoperability with a wide range of wired communication protocols such as HART, Profibus, Foundation Fieldbus and Device Net [29]. Additionally some IEEE 802.15.4-based protocols are available. The WirelessHART is an industrial standard and was developed for process monitoring and regulation [53]. 38

Also, it uses frequency hopping technique with blacklisting of bad channels and has a high reliability in challenging environments [29]. Another protocol ISA100 is developed for industrial automation systems [52]. One of the most important features is the low latency or fast response time of 100 milliseconds (ms). It has interoperability with a wide range of wired communication protocols such as HART, Profibus, Foundation Fieldbus and Device Net [29]. The last but not least, another two protocols should be mentioned. One of them is Texas Instrument SimpliciTI that is a proprietary protocol [54]. It is based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard that uses 2.4 GHz, 868, 915 and also 433 MHz unlicensed frequency bands with up to 300 kbps at a range of 100 meter. In another proprietary protocol is developed by Microchip that works on their micro controllers. This protocol is basically a software stack and designed for low data rate, short distance and low-cost network. With the different transmission power, it has a range up to 125 meters indoor and up to 550 meter outdoor [29]. It can be used up to 1024 nodes for same networks. The three MiWi standards which are MiWi P2P, MiWi and MiWi PRO star and mesh networking protocol operates at the 2.45 GHz and SubGHz (433, 868,915 and 950 MHz) frequencies and AES-128 encryption standard enables for this protocol [54, 57, 58]. Although the protocol is based-on IEEE 802.15.4 standard, the main difference between IEEE 802.15.4 and MiWi P2P protocol is the handshaking process. In the network, a node cans only a single device as its parent after the initial handshaking [59]. The protocols, in the beginning, defined with some specific functions which are the Personal Area Network identifier, The Media Access Control commands and setting the used RF channel. In addition, the protocol enables some SoC (System-on-Chip) specification options (sleep mode, wake/go sleep, energy detections scan, find out least noisy channel, indirect message et al.) [60]. 39

2.2.2 Comparison of WSN features for Smart Grid Home Energy Management Systems Still plenty of communication technologies are available on the market. The choice of the right wireless technology for a specific application service is not easy since different constraint such as range, data rate, power, latency and cost should be taken into account and a satisfactory tradeoff shall be identified. If the same technology platform should be used for different application services, the choice becomes even more difficult to take. Table 2.2 Summary of Features of Smart Grid and Buildings Communication Protocols Wireless Communication Technology

Data Rate

Coverage Distance



Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11x)

54Mbps to 600 MHz


2.4 GHz , 5 GHz



ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4x)

20Kbps, 40Kbps, 250Kbps


2.4 GHz , 5 GHz



P2P, S,T,M


Z-Wave (ITUT G.9959)



868MHZ, 915MHZ


Narrow Band

P2P, S,T,M



Spectrum Network

Energy Needed

P2P, S,M Very High




869.85 MHz


Narrow Band

P2P, S,T, DualMesh(wir elessPLC)

Wireless HART






P2P, S,M



20Kbps, 40Kbps, 250Kbps


868MHz, 915MHz, 2.4GHz



P2P, S,M



4.8Kbps, 100Kbps

Over 100m

433MHz, 868MHz, 915MHz



P2P, S




Up to 100m

868MHz, 2.4GHz



P2P, S,M


EnOcean (ISO/IEC 14543-3-10)



315MHz, 868MHz


Narrow Band


Extremely Low


Table 2.2 (Cont’d) Wireless Communication Technology

Data Rate

Coverage Distance



Spectrum Network

Energy Needed

UWB (802.15.3a)









Up to 30m




P2P, S, practical M




16.384 kbps

Up to 300m

868MHz, 915MHz


Narrow Band

Hybrid (LPC,RF, Twistedpair, Ethernet)

Wireless MBus (EN137574:2005 and 2012)

868Mhz (32.7100Kbps) 169Mhz (2.4-4.838.4Kbps)

Up to 450m

169MHz, 468MHZ, 868MHZ


Narrow Band

Star, MultiHop Tree


DASH7 27.7Kbps(ISO/IEC 200Kbps 18000-7-2004)

Over 100m



Narrow Band









Up to 100m

433MHz, 868MHz, 915MHz, 2.4GHz



P2P, S,M


ISA100.x (IEEE 802.15.4 version)


38,4 One-NET



Table 2.3 Maximum Number of Devices and Communication Range of wireless network protocols

Table 2.4 Data Speed and Communication Range of wireless network protocols

Figure 2.4 The most popular wireless protocols


In this study, we choose ZigBee protocol for to use with Smart Grid applications because of its specifications such as coverage range, modulation type, spectrum spreading technique, network model and energy needs.




Within the scope of this chapter; a small-size and ultra-low power radio module suitable for use in areas which are quite popular today such as Smart Grid, Wireless Sensor Networks and Energy Harvesting applications has been developed. The module designed using with the Texas Instrument (TI) CC2530 System-On-Chip (SoC), is compliant with the ZigBee protocol developed based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The CC2530 SoC has differential RF I/O (input/output) and it is necessary to match to 50 ohm transmission lines impedance. In the study, standard of-the-shelf RF I/O of CC2530 impedance is transformed to 50 ohms, with the help of an integrated balun. This, module can be used with any communication circuit without any additional impedance transformation. Thus, a ZigBee based RF communication module has been designed in ISM band for the Smart Grid communication purposes. This Radio Module designed can be used in Smart Plug (ZSP v1) and WSN Mote (MultiP Mote) in Smart Home applications. The completed RF Radio Module simulated using with RF SoC I/O (CC2530), passive balun and 50 ohm signal line scattering parameter (s-parameters) values with the help of AWR NI RF and SONNET EM software [61, 62, 63]. In this simulation study, vendor provided s-parameters (balun) 44

and microstrip line calculations (Co-Planar Waveguide with Ground and Coupled Microstrip Line) of the passive balun have been used. The passive balun used in the module, carries out impedance matching and balancedunbalanced signal conversion, at the same time is used as a band passing filter. In this way, the module can be used in the 2.45 GHz range in compliance with 50 ohm. This balanced output must be converted to unbalanced output and then it is also required to be design a 50 ohm transmission lines that suitable for antenna. But in these studies, there are no balun circuits and transmission line in RF simulation. The researcher only interested in antenna modeling in their study. In our study, from the RF SoC output to the antenna input, the PCB line (trace) followed by the signal and the used lumped circuit elements s-parameter values are not included in the simulation environment. Corresponding to these studies, within the scope of the thesis carried out, the radio module design exactly modeled in RF simulation tools with RF SoC impedance, all RF transmission lines, and RF circuit elements s-parameter values. In this way, the results of the modeling have been compared among from the RF SoC output impedance to antenna and from the unbalanced balun output to the antenna input. With this aspect, the work presented here became an original study investigating the RF module design and system modeling.


Radio Unit Design

In this section of this chapter, with the aim of low-cost design, the simulation work has been completed by using substrates containing 2 conductive layers. In this study, the RF communication module design is divided into 3 main parts. In the first part, starting with CC2530 complex impedance and its balanced output has been 45

transformed into 50-ohm unbalanced outputs with the help of integrated passive balun. In this way, 50 ohm compatible radio module design has been completed. In the second part, a small-size 2.45 GHz ISM band PCB antenna which can be used with this module, design work was carried out. This antenna design has been completed in CST Microwave Studio [64]. Subsequently, it has been produced and tested using LPKF Prototyping Machine. In the last part, designed two circuits (RF module and PCB antenna) has been tested and compered by assembling in both simulation (SONNET EM and CST) and real environment. Two different FR4 substrates are used in this study. One of them is h = 0.6mm and epsilon=4.58 substrate from Elecrow PCB Prototyping for RF Module, and other one is h = 1.6mm and epsilon=4.4 substrate for design and fabrication of PCB antenna [65].

3.2.1 Balanced-Unbalanced Line Conversion and Impedance Matching The balun circuit with the aim of balanced-unbalanced impedance matching, there is two design considerations are feasible. One of them is using lumped circuit elements (capacitor with inductor) and the other is using integrated passive balun such as ceramic baluns from Johanson Technology. In many applications on RF communication circuit or module development [63], lumped circuit elements are used for balanced-unbalanced signal conversion and impedance matching. While this method is convenient in terms of cost, however it makes RF design difficult and increases the size of the circuit. In addition, the lumped circuit elements to work in this high frequency area in these designs (MHz-GHz) must be able to be added to the simulation environment. However, in many designs, the sparameter measurements of the used lumped circuit elements not added to the simulation environment.


In most of studies, Radio Module circuits modeling are designed from balun (with lumped elements or integrated passive balun) circuits balanced output in the simulation program. This means the studies only modeling 50 ohm transmission lines. However, a design in this way is incomplete and a RF circuit would not be fully modeled. A balun structure designed using lumped circuit elements in designs with off-the-shelf integrated passive balun for accurate simulation result, the module simulation must be carried out using the S-Parameters of the circuit elements. When RF communication module is developing there are two solutions for impedance matching, balanced-unbalanced signal conversion and the band pass filter designing. One of them is the use of lumped circuit elements (capacitance and inductance) and the other one is the use of integrated balun. In this study, small-size integrated passive balun is preferred because of its small size and low insertion loss (S21) value. Texas Instruments recommends its reference impedance matching design that consists of lumped elements for its product with the aim of help designer. In fact, Texas Instruments RF chipsets (Transceivers and SoC such as CC2520, CC2530 etc.) have different RF I/O impedance. Therefore, each design must have a unique matching network. However, the design methods are similar for all chipset families [66].

Figure 3.1 Johanson Integrated passive balun reference design model [66]


Agilent's ADS and National Instruments (NI) AWR programs are used to make RF all system simulation with RF lines, S-parameter file (measurements). Also, they provide RF transmission line calculation. The last mentioned specification is very important for RF circuit designing. In our study, we choose AWR NI software to calculate all transmission lines and RF all system simulation tasks. Here, the module is modeled by using TI CC2530 balanced output impedance value, Coupled MS Transmission Lines, integrated passive balun s-parameters (s3p) and 50 ohm transmission line. According to CC2530 datasheet the output impedance of SoC is 69-j29 ohm at 2.45 GHz ISM band [66]. Because RF TI CC2530 SoC having a differential output, it is an active non-linear component, it has been modeled in the simulation environment by using Z=69-j29 impedance, which is only owned by RF_P and RF_N (I/O) and this simulation model presented in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 ZigBee Radio Module simulation model in AWR In this model, we used circuit s-parameter obtained from SONNET EM software environment. Both radio module’s TOP and BOTTOM layers modeled in SONNET. With the help of SONNET 2D planar EM simulations microstrip lines are simulated and


the software produced s-parameter output (s6p file). The 6 port SONNET simulation model shown in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3 6 port Linear Simulation model in SONNET with TOP and BOTTOM Layers Here, the 1st and the 3th ports are the CC2530’s balanced RF outputs, 1st one unbalanced RF output which connects to the antenna. Additionally 4th, 5th, and 6th ports are used to connect to Johanson passive balun ports (from the vendor Johanson). Due to convenient dimension, grounded co-planar waveguide (G-CWP) model has been selected for this study to be 50 ohm RF signal line. In order CC2530 output to match 50 ohm antenna input, integrated balun and microstrip transmission line structures were used. In this section, between the CC2530 SoC and antenna, impedance matching operation was carried out using balun and Coupled MS Line. Then the calculation of microstript feed line, located between 50 ohm unbalanced output of passive balun and 50 ohm antenna input, performed and added to the simulation environment. Dimensional values of Coupled Line and the MS 50 ohm CPW Line, used all RF signal line in this module, are presented in Figure 3.4. Finally, Figure 3.5 shows Radio Module simulation model is shown SONNET environment.


Figure 3.4 ZigBee Integrated Radio RF Lines dimensions (mm)

Figure 3.5 ZigBee Integrated Radio TOP and BOTTOM layers in SONNET EM In this chapter, the simulation models and the results for CC2530 SoC, microstrip transmission lines, integrated passive and PCB antenna studies are presented. Moreover in this simulation study, design is divided into two parts. Initially, the impedance matching procedure has been performed between CC2530 SoC and passive balun. Therefore, the systems became functional for the desired interval between SoC output pins and integrated balun inputs. As a result of this, the impedance 50

matching structure managed 50 ohm output. The passive balun (2450BM15A0002) designed by Johanson Technology for Texas Instrument RF products such as CC253x, CC254x, CC257x, CC383x and CC852x family of chipsets because of


balanced-unbalanced impedance matching and filtering necessaries [61]. Secondly, feed line calculations between passive balun output and antenna input, both have 50 ohm output – input, has been performed using AWR software. There are two options for designing feed line. One of these is use of microstrip line, while the other one is use of CPW Ground Lines. Calculations for microstript and CPW Ground Line sizes in case of using a different substrate are presented in Table 3.1 and these values calculated using AWR that shown Figure 3.6. Table 3.1 RF Transmission Line dimension for 50 ohm signal line Epsilon (Ɛr)=4.58, T=35um, Loss Tangent=0.022 for Elecrow PCB Prototyping RF Dielectric Layer Line Width Gap Transmission Thickness (mm) (mm) (mm) Line Type 1.6 2.93 -Microstrip 0.6 0.5 0.15 CPW Ground


Figure 3.6 AWR RF Transmission Line Calculators While developing a RF communication module, each components of the structure should be simulated in the RF simulation environment respectively. Once for all, all the components must be brought together then the simulation should be completed. In this conducted study, RF components which have scattering parameters (s1p, s2p... sNp) choose from market and used in the simulation environment. Figure 3.7 shows Radio Module input-output RF performance using linear s-parameter simulation. Also separately balun simulation result compared with ZigBee Radio Module ZRM v1.1 in Figure 3.8.


Figure 3.7 Module Linear S-Parameter results

Figure 3.8 Module and balun Comparison ZigBee Radio Module schematic and layout designed using Eagle CAD. Last version of module illustrated in Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10.


Figure 3.9 Module Layout and Schematic in Eagle CAD

Figure 3.10 Module Layouts TOP, BOTTOM and Elements in Eagle CAD 3.2.2 PCB Antenna Simulation and Fabrication In this section of chapter, an antenna design is needed to connect to the ZigBee Integrated Radio Module. For this purpose, a reference PCB antenna studies are used


[67]. We design PCB antenna at 2.45 GHz ISM band and using with h=1.6mm FR4 substrate using CST Microwave Studio. Figure 3.11 illustrates designed antenna in CST Microwave Studio environment, additionally all dimension of this 35x21mm antenna shown in Figure 3.12. After design finished, this antenna is fabricated and measured using network analyzer that illustrated in Figure 3.13. Antenna S11 and far-field directivity charts shown in Figure 3.14. Finally, antenna gain and radiation pattern illustrates in Figure 3.15.

Figure 3.11 Designed PCB antenna in CST Microwave Studio environment

Figure 3.12 PCB antenna TOP and BOTTOM layer dimensions (mm)


Figure 3.13 Fabricated PCB antenna and its Return Loss (S11) value

Figure 3.14 Return Loss (S11) and far-field directivity of antenna


Figure 3.15 Antenna gain and radiation pattern 3.3

ZigBee Communication Circuit Prototyping

ZigBee Radio Module is soldered on ZigBee Communication circuit which have designed PCB antenna. With this, we achieved a communication circuit that can be used with miscellaneous applications.

Figure 3.16 ZigBee Radio Modules. Fabricated and assembled board


Figure 3.17 ZigBee Radio Module on wireless communication circuit 3.4

CC2530 ZigBee Software Stack Implementations

In WSN unit design, it is mainly aimed at low energy consumption. In the WSN application, all operating system and communication protocol studies use a basically operating system and task scheduling methodology for handling time critical software tasks and energy restrictions. Most of producer provides software stack for ZigBee development using with their chipset families. However, software stack should be occupied the least memory space possible in the processor unit. Also, the hardware communication should be considered, when these software used together with the sensors. Therefore, the software stack and the compatible sensors used in SoC or MCU, present in the developed module, should be selected and arranged according to the additional processor units or applications that will be made (power modes, hardware drives like communication protocols such as I2C, SPI, and UART et al.). Along with this module, TI SimpliciTI, TIMAC and Z-Stack software stacks can be used. These software stacks have been developed in order to be used in WSN applications. Both of these stacks are provided by Texas Instruments. In our study, we use Z-Stack that is a ZigBee-enable software stack and also SimpliciTI. Thus designing an ultimate ZigBee Radio module used software stack must provide almost every 58

communication protocols which are usually use with sensors. In these mentioned stacks, there are some differences. TIMAC and Z-Stack use IEEE 802.15.4-2003 MAC layer. On the other hand proprietary protocol SimpliciTI can be used for this application but it is not supporting IEEE 802.15.4 standards. Z-Stack is developed using with TIMAC that is basic IEEE 802.15.4 compatible software stack and it can find a place in various areas. On the other hand, Z-Stack provides all TIMAC specifications moreover supports version of ZigBee (2007 Stack Profile 1) and ZigBee PRO (Stack Profile 2). Despite it has been stated that using the Profile 1 and Profile 2 standards, 300 and 1000 sensor units can be used within a single network respectively, in a real test environment up to 400 sensor unit has been supported [68]. Z-Stack and TIMAC ZigBee software stacks have a basic RTOS (Real Time Operating System) that called OSAL and thanks to the task scheduling specification of OSAL, it can be useful and energy efficient for developer. OSAL provided a few application programing interfaces (APIs) and these illustrated in Figure 3.18.


Figure 3.18 Provided OSAL APIs in Z-Stack and TIMAC OSAL used for all critical task such as power management, timer control, memory allocation, delivering data (messages) between tasks, and some hardware management (communication protocols UART, SPI etc. and ADC control). Z-Stack consists of HAL, OSAL, IEEE 802.15.4, User Application and Monitor Test tasks. In Figure 3.19 and Figure 3.20, Z-Stack main program and its flow chart are illustrated.

Figure 3.19 Z-Stack main program and its content


Figure 3.20 Z-Stack flow chart Within the scope of the thesis study, using the TI SimpliciTI and Z-Stack software stacks, test software has been developed and the power consumption of the module has been reviewed. These mentioned all software stacks are used in the IAR Embedded Workbench 8051 compiler to develop the embedded test software in question. In the event of the use of the mentioned TI SimpliciTI and Z-Stack software stacks the voltage used during communication (on 3.3V) is presented in Figure 3.21 and Figure 3.22. These consumption values obtained using Texas Instrument CC2530EM board.


Figure 3.21 TI CC2530 Z-Stack End-Device current consumption

Figure 3.22 TI CC2530 SimpliciTI End-Device current consumption



Results and Comments

There are many integrated baluns available in the market and they are compatible with the TI CC2530. In the module, TI CC2530 SoC is used with the on-the-shelf integrated passive balun for impedance matching. When the balun selection is made, characteristics such as easy-to-use and low insertion loss (low insertion loss, S21) are taken into consideration. As mentioned, many RF radio module development studies only 50 ohms antenna feeding line and antenna input impedance are used. As it can be seen in the work carried out, in case of modeling by simulation software, the module is carrying the RF signal from the point of RF SoC output to antenna input. With the help of the s-parameter values, it can be calculate average communication quality during the communication. Here, a RF circuit simulation model is presented. The communication efficiency depends on the S-parameter response. It is seen that the Radio module resonates at around 2.45 GHz. However, in real world applications, an impedance matching is necessary to reduce the reflection losses in band. With this result, it appeared that the RF radio module needs further impedance matching to 50 ohms. Additionally, with the ZigBee software stack implementation current consumption of module is investigated. Figure 3.20 and Figure 3.21 shows power budgets of ZigBee radio Module for each communication cycle in the End-device mode.




In this section of the thesis, a suitable WSN Mote for to use in Smart Grid, Wireless sensor Networks (WSN) and Energy Harvesting (EH) applications has been developed. This design has been considered to be used together with the ZigBee Integrated Radio module and its communication circuit that are developed in Chapter 3. To briefly mention the MultiP Mote is consist of wireless communication unit (RF Radio Module), processing unit (MCU), sensor units (temperature, humidity and Ambient Light Sensors) and battery unit. The MultiP Mote designed within the scope of this section, works with ZigBee protocol, and has also been designed in order to be able to work with TI CC300 Wi-Fi and TI CC1120 W-MBUS communication modules at the same time. In this way, a unique WSN Mote design has been revealed. In the study, by providing the use of the RF Radio Module designed within the scope of the thesis, a MultiP Mote design to be used in academic and industrial applications has been completed. Sensor measurement and


communication tests have been carried out in the YTU Smart Home with the designed MultiP Mote. As mentioned Chapter 1, we developed a configurable communication and sensor measurement circuit for use in various applications such as sensor networks, smart plugs and sockets et al.

4.1.1 Design and Development of WSN MultiP Mote The MultiP Mote consists of sub-units that are MCU, sensor and communication parts. In this section, we present their purpose and sub-units specifications. In this MultiP Mote design, MSP430FR5739 mcu used because of its low power consumption feature and supporting CC3000 Wi-Fi software stack. This Mote structure designed to use with Anaren A2530R24AZ1, Texas Instrument CC2530EM, and designed and simulated ZigBee Integrated Radio Module ZRM v1.1 [69, 70]. For this purpose, the mote consists of header connectors. Figure 4.1 illustrates WSN MultiP Mote with a few sensor options.

Figure 4.1 Designed and Prototyped MultiP Mote with communication and sensor options 65

In this MultiP Mote designs, I2C computable STCN75 Temperature sensor, APDS9300 ambient Light sensor, SHT21 Humidity sensor and AT24C128C EEPROM are communicated with MCU bi-directionally. Mote block diagram shown in Figure 4.2. On the other hand used MCU and most popular wireless sensor node mcu compared using a few specifications in Table 4.1.

Figure 4.2 Mote Block Diagram

Table 4.1 MCU comparison for wireless sensor nodes


Each protocol has different power profile and also sensor and auxiliary circuit element consumed power separately. MultiP Mote elements with communication protocol power consumption and specifications illustrated in Table 4.2. Table 4.2 Mote elements with communication protocol power consumption and specifications

Figure 4.3 Prototyped WSN MultiP mote and its usage with different protocols


Figure 4.3 shows usage of circuit with different protocol. In here, a) WSN Mote with TI CC2530EM ZigBee Communication Circuit, b) WSN Mote Gateway for TI CC2530EM ZigBee Communication Circuit, c) WSN Mote with TI CC3000 Wi-Fi Communication Circuit, d) WSN Mote with Anaren ZigBee radio are shown.

Figure 4.4 Prototyped WSN MultiP mote and with developed ZigBee Radio Module on Communication Circuit

4.1.2 Results and Comments In this section of this thesis we developed WSN multi-protocol mote and its circuits that are illustrated in Figure 4.3. For this concept, we achieved a unique wireless sensor networks mote. This WSN mote allows collecting sensor data from environment (temperature, humidity and ambient light) using its FRAM MCU unit via I2C protocol. The running algorithms on MCU units process the collected data and deliver to the communication circuit. The circuit allows gathering sensor value and communication with three RF communication protocols which are very popular in Smart Grid Communication Systems. Also, its circuit was designed for dissimilar reason from standard WSN mote embodiments. The main reason of designing this kind of circuit is the researcher and developers need more than one wireless protocol in the Smart Grid Communication Systems. For 68

instance, Wi-Fi is very popular in our life and with this WSN mote we can easily initiate Wi-Fi enable wireless sensor network application in anywhere we need. Also as mentioned before, ZigBee protocol is very popular in short range application in very different environment such as health care, home automation, telecommunication, interactive toys, building, home and industrial automation, energy management and efficiency applications. With this WSN mote concept, we can easily initiate ZigBee enable wireless sensor network application in anywhere we need. And finally, wireless M-BUS protocol has wide area of use in metering application such as water, natural gas, and heat level and price measurement. With this WSN mote options, a WM-BUS network easily be deployed in where needed. In this section of this thesis, a unique WSN mote concept is fabricate and is used with different wireless communication protocols.



4.2.1 Introduction For smart home applications, which are examined as a subtitle of the smart grids serving as a bridge between consumer and grid in the management of sustainable energy sources, many new devices and appropriate software for these devices were developed [12, 71, and 72]. Today, smart plugs compatible with the smart grids have also become an important part of the smart homes and buildings. Smart plugs, take place in the future at smart homes, are defined as devices with on/off functions for the connected devices as well as with remote tracking function of consumed energy and electrical power parameters. Especially, smart plugs have a great importance for demand control that may work with the smart grid infrastructure.


As a result of a contract which will be executed between distribution companies and subscribers who have smart plugs, it will be possible to allow the distribution companies to access smart plugs at smart homes and thus to allow them to postpone certain loads. The remote monitoring and access to the plug may widely be influenced by communication protocols such as ZigBee, PLC, wMBus and Wi-Fi. In this part, design and production of a new smart plug with wireless communication feature has been performed. All smart plug devices and plugs at home/building which have been carried out within the project have the wireless communication infrastructure and gateways that enable the access to all of these plugs have been designed. All the plugs may be monitored and remotely controlled through a gateway to be used. In addition to this, the developed smart plug is a surface-mounted and plug-and-play design. The smart plug developed with this aspect is not only suitable for new buildings but also for existing buildings and resistance. The developed smart plug is a common design of VIKO by PANASONIC and Yildiz Technical University Department of Electrical Engineering. In addition, the developed smart plug has been tested in the smart home laboratory [73] which is located in our university and suitable for existing research and testing infrastructure.

4.2.2 ZigBee Compatible Smart Plug Design The smart plug prototype developed within the scope of the project [74] is divided into four main sections and all these sections have been tested. In this way, possible errors have been minimized and optimization of these sections has been performed. Subsequently, the prototype designed has been completed with the combination of these


sections. The mentioned device consists of power, measurement, control and communication units. Power Supply Unit The power supply unit has been designed to be a DC power supply to measurement, control and communication units on the circuit. This unit is used for gradual conversion of AC 220V / 50Hz mains voltage, received from the plug, to 6V and 3.3V DC voltage respectively. In the conventional solution, use of transformers is a common solution in AC / DC voltage conversion but there are disadvantages regarding cost and size. Therefore, in this unit, integrated cost effective link-switch LNK302 has been used as a buck converter. This structure has the 6V / 250mA power output. In the output of the buck converter unit, additionally there is one integrated LDO in order to lower the voltage in 3.3V DC level. In this way, 6V DC output received from the circuit is suited with relay contact and 3.3V DC voltage output is used as a supply voltage in measurement, control and communication units. The schematic view of the power supply unit located on the circuit is presented in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.5 Power Supply Unit Schematic Measurement Unit The measurement unit designed to measure active and reactive powers, PF, Irms, Vrms as well as other parameters belonging to the devices plugged on the smart plug. 71

Cirrus CS5490-ISZ power measurement chip has been used in this unit. The block diagram of the structure which is used when calculating the mentioned power value of the integrated power measurement is given in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6 Power Measurement chip (Cirrus CS5490-ISZ) Voltage, Current, Active and Reactive Power Calculation Block Diagram

This integrated power measurement contains filter blocks and delta-sigma (4th Order Delta-Sigma Modulator) ADC structure both in current and voltage inputs in order to prevent the influence of electrical noises that may come from the mains or DC supply layer to the measurement. In this unit, the current measurement is provided by converting the voltage across a shunt resistor. The power measurement chip (Cirrus CS5490-ISZ) that is located on the measurement unit can calculate the average (RMS) values by adding the instantaneous voltage and current values. The values calculated by this unit can be delivered to the processor located at the control layer through UART protocol. Measurement task located at the embedded software running on the processor is used for measuring the power values. Schematic circuit prepared for the measurement unit is given in Figure 4.7.


Figure 4.7 Power Measurement Unit Schematic Control Unit The control unit is responsible to accomplish data processing from measurement and communication tasks with the help of using MicroChip PIC 18F26J11. Its processor has two UART ports; while one of these ports communicates with Cirrus chip that is located at the measurement unit, the other one communicates with communication layer which hosts the existing wireless communication module. The schematic view of the control layer located on the circuit is presented in Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8 Control Unit Schematic There are four basic tasks structures on embedded software that runs on this unit. These are "measurement task", "timer task", "protection task", and "remote control task". Each


of these tasks is sub-functions located at the embedded software and comes into activity when an internal or external interrupt occurs on the processor. Measurement Task puts the power measurement value received from integrated cirrus to the appropriate data format and opens it to access of other tasks. Internal timer in the processor becomes a part of the process when an interrupt occurs or when remote control command that creates external interrupt to the processor. Measurement task functions when an internal time interrupt create on the processor or the remote control command, creating external interrupt to the processor, is received. Timer Task becomes a part of the process when internal timer interrupt occurs. Its main task is to activate the "protection task" in case of excess of the energy consumption of the device located on the smart plug out of a specified range by periodically reading the current and voltage values at specified time intervals. Protection Task takes the device in protection mode by activating in case of excess of the periodically measured current and voltage values out of a specified range. Overcurrent and voltage causes damage to the device and therefore leads to the reduction in lifetime. The designed smart plug makes a more accurate and quicker protection than the fuses used in the house thereby increases the lifespan of the device. Incorrect status alert that is sent to the user on the interface created in MATLAB environment is shown in Figure 4.9.


Figure 4.9 First version of User Interface with fault condition In addition, in order to ensure the compatibility with any communication protocol for the control layer located on this device, "smart plug communication protocol" has been developed. The Remote Control Task activates when external UART interrupt occurs on the processor. This task performs the duties that come with the smart plug communication protocol. Device control and transmission of measurement data are performed according to the command from the communication layer. These all tasks are the responses to Pavg, Vrms, Irms, Power Factor and other power values; relay control located at smart plug, integrated measurement calibration and some commands. The basic structure of plug smart software algorithm is shown in Figure 4.10.


Figure 4.10 Smart Plug Control Algorithm and its sub-functions with protection feature Communication Unit In this developed smart plug communication layer, there is an XBee communication module using the ZigBee protocol together with various circuit elements. Schematic structure of the communication unit is shown in Figure 4.11.

Figure 4.11 Second version of ZigBee communication unit schematic with Xbee


A gateway is designed in order to provide communication and control of the smart plug with other systems or PC software. The "gateway" drawings created on computer and the "gateway" circuit with completed connections is shown in Figure 4.12.

Figure 4.12 Second version of Xbee gateway Furthermore, ZigBee embedded software has been developed as part of the thesis by using an Anaren module (CC2530 compatible) in the latest version of the smart plug device. This circuit is presented in Figure 4.13 and Figure 4.14. Also, new gateway designed for this model is shown in Figure 4.15.

Figure 4.13 Third version of CC2530 based ZigBee Communication Circuit


Figure 4.14 Third version of CC2530 based ZigBee Communication Circuit located in the Smart Plug

Figure 4.15 TI CC2530EM Based Smart Plug Gateway 4.2.3 User Interface The user interface is developed by using Visual Studio 2010 in C # language in order to deliver the power information of devices plugged into the smart plug. This software communicates with the plug by using the virtual COM port with the designed gateway


device. Through the interface, it can be seen which plug consumes how much power and on/off commands can be sent from the user to the plug. Furthermore, instantaneous and average values of active power, reactive power, voltage and current can be obtained at a time when the user desires. The prepared software interface is shown in Figure 4.16.

Figure 4.16 Second version of User Interface 4.2.4 Test Results and Designed Smart Plugs The designed smart plug has been tested in the Smart Grid Laboratory within the Yildiz Technical University. For the measurement test, the load bank shown in Figure 4.17 has been used.


Figure 4.17 Digital Load Bank for calibration With the help of the program running on the computer, a load has been taken up to a value of 5A with 0.1 A/100mA intervals from the load bank. The load bank that is used in this study has been checked remotely through a developed software. With each data sent by the computer, the load bank updates itself and drags with 0,1A steps. A total of 50 data up to 5A values has been sent. Furthermore, both the data in the smart plug and the data from the load bank have been simultaneously read when each data sent through the computer. Comparison of current and voltage values measured by the smart plugs and current and voltage values measured by the load bank as well as the error rate in these values are given in Figure 4.18, Figure 4.19, Figure 4.20 and Figure 4.21.


Figure 4.18 Comparison between measured voltage from Smart Plug and Real Value

Figure 4.19 Comparison between measured current from Smart Plug and Real Value

Figure 4.20 Smart plug voltage measurement accuracy (%)


Figure 4.21 Smart plug current measurement accuracy (%) 4.2.5 Results and Conclusions Smart Plug device has been completed in three stages. In the first version, the plug circuit PCB design is made in one piece. This circuit hosts all the (power, measurement, control and communications) units. On this circuit, device software designed and tested. Measurement settings of the smart plug prototype have been produced by using sets of experiments shown in Figure 4.22.

Figure 4.22 Second version of smart plug designs a) Power Supply and Measurement Units circuit 3D draw, b) Communication and Control Units 3D draw, c) Power Supply and Measurement Units in fabricated circuit, d) Communication and Control Units in fabricated circuit


After running the system and considering the testing results adequate, in order to run with a more modular circuit structure, the second version has been designed and communication and control units have been located at a separate PCB. The second version is shown in Figure 4.23.The power and measurement layers of this design that are mounted on the plug.

Figure 4.23 Second and third version of Communication and Control Units in fabricated circuit In here, power, measurement and control units are combined in a PCB, only communication unit has been involved in the other PCB. In this smart plug circuit, the “smart plug communication protocol” that has been developed in intercommunication (communication with the control) is provided by UART ports. Finally, the third version (the last) is shown in Figure 4.24. In this version of smart plug, power supply, measurement and control units collected in single circuit (bottom circuit) and communication unit is located upper circuit. This communication circuit basically designed a MultiP Mote and used a smart plug communication circuit. In the third version, the smart plug circuit has been adapted to operate according to any protocol purposes.


Figure 4.24 Third versions of Smart Plug and its circuits Multiple version of the smart plug device have been developed and fabricated. Thanks to the WSN mote circuit concept, the circuit is can easily be used in this smart plug device development application and it allows popular wireless protocols such as ZigBee, WM-BUS and Wi-Fi.


CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCASSIONS In this thesis, interdisciplinary studies have been performed on ZigBee Radio and Smart Grid communication applications. First, a RF circuit simulation model is presented. As previously mentioned, most communication designers are not considering of the complete module in the EM simulation environment. Thanks to the new model, it shows how the communication quality changes via circuit s-parameter throughput. It is seen that the Radio module resonates at around 2.45 GHz. However, in real world applications, an impedance matching is necessary to reduce the reflection losses in band. With this result, it appeared that the RF radio module needs more matching components for matching the circuit to 50 ohm. Additionally, with the ZigBee software stack implementation current consumption of module is investigated. Figure 3.20 and Figure 3.21 shows power budgets of ZigBee radio Module for each communication cycle in the End-device mode. Second, we developed a WSN multi-protocol mote and its circuits with a functional wireless sensor networks mote. The circuit allows gathering sensor output and communication with three RF communication protocols which very popular in Smart Grid Communication Systems.


The main reason of designing this kind of circuit is the researcher and developers need more than one wireless protocol in the Smart Grid Communication Systems. For instance, Wi-Fi is very popular in our daily life and with this WSN mote we can easily initiate Wi-Fi enable wireless sensor network application in anywhere we need. Also as mentioned before, ZigBee protocol is very popular in short range and low power communication applications in different implementations such as health care, home automation, telecommunication, interactive toys, building, home and industrial automation, energy management and efficiency applications. With this WSN mote concept, we can easily initiate ZigBee enable wireless sensor network application anywhere needed. And finally, wireless M-BUS protocol has wide area of usage in metering application such as water, natural gas, and heat level and price measurement. With this WSN mote options, a WM-BUS network can easily be deployed where it’s needed. In this section of this thesis, a WSN mote concept is developed and fabricated and used with different wireless communication protocols. Third, Smart Plug device has been completed in three stages. In the first version, the plug circuit PCB design is made in one piece. This circuit hosts all the (power, measurement, control and communications) units. On this circuit, device software designed and tested. Measurement settings of the smart plug prototype have been produced by using sets of experiments. After running the system and considering the testing results adequate, in order to run with a more modular circuit structure, the second version has been designed and communication and control units have been located at a separate PCB. In the second version, the power and measurement layers of this design are mounted on the plug.


Here, power, measurement and control units are combined in a PCB; only communication unit has been involved in the other PCB. In this smart plug circuit, the “smart plug communications protocol” that has been developed in intercommunication (communication with the control). Finally in the third (the last) version of smart plug device concept, power supply, measurement and control units collected in single circuit (bottom circuit) and communication unit is located upper circuit. This communication circuit basically designed a MultiP Mote and used a smart plug communication circuit. In the third version, the smart plug circuit has been adapted to operate according to any protocol purposes. Therefore, multiple versions of the smart plug designs have been evaluated. Thanks to the WSN mote circuit concept, the module can easily be used in these smart plug device development applications as it allows popular wireless protocols such as ZigBee, WM-BUS and Wi-Fi. The design and development studies here in this thesis would be good references for many Smart Grid engineers and the outcome of this study would be useful for several Smart Grid communication applications.



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Date of birth and place

: 24.06.1988, ESKISEHIR

Foreign Languages

: English


: [email protected]

EDUCATION Degree 3.75/4 2.91/4 4.27/5



Electronics and Communication Eng. Electrical-Electronics Engineering

Yıldız Technical University


Ġstanbul University


Yozgat Science High School



Date of Graduation






RF Design Engineer


06.2013-09.2014 Yıldız Technical University

Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology San-Tez Project Scholar

12.2011-06.2012 Ludre Measurement and Control

Embedded System Design Engineer

06.2011-12.2011 Cable TV - TURKSAT

Project Engineer


PUBLISHMENTS Papers 1. Kiral G.E., Elma O., Ince A.T., Vural B., Selamogullari U.S., Uzunoglu M., (2015). “A Novel Smart Plug with Adaptive Protection Feature for Smart Buildings”, IEEE Ind. Electron. Magazine. (Submitted) Conference Papers 1. Ince A.T., Elma O., Selamogullari U.S., Vural B., (2014). “Data Reliability and Latency Test for ZigBee-based Smart Home Energy Management Systems”, 7th International Ege Energy Symposium & Exhibition, 7:1-11. 2. Partal H. P., Belen M. A., Zorlu-Partal S., Ince A. T., (2015). “A Schottky Rectifier Design Using EM Simulation Tools for RF Energy Harvesting Applications”, The 31st International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES). 3. Partal H.P., Ince A.T., Belen M.A., Zorlu-Partal S., Tanski R., (2015). “Electromagnetic Modeling and Analysis of Rectifier Antennas”, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA). Projects 1. Developing Smart Plug for Energy Management in Smart Grid; Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Science, Industry and technology San-Tez Program Grant No: 0102.STZ.2013-1, 2013-2014. 2. Developing Long Range RF Energy Harvesting System for low power electronics, Industrial R&D Funding Program (TUBITAK-TEYDEB) Grant No: 7140183, 20142015. 3. Smart Metering Pilot Project, Republic of Turkey Energy Market Regulatory Authority, 2015-Today. AWARDS 1. Turkish Oil Foundation, Graduation Student Scholarship, 2013-2014 2. Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology San-Tez Project Scholarship, 2013-2014