Nov 25, 2013 ... The Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety (“Accord”) is an independent
bipartite agreement between global brands and unions ...
Request for Information (RFI) Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety November 25, 2013
Statement of Purpose
The Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety (“Accord”) is an independent bipartite agreement between global brands and unions designed to make all garment factories in Bangladesh safe workplaces. It includes, among other things, the carrying out of independent safety inspections at all covered factories, and public reporting of the results of these inspections. The accord is a legally binding agreement, which has been signed by over 100 global apparel companies. Currently, the scope of the accord covers over 1,500 factories which require fire, electrical and structural safety inspections. The accord is looking for qualified fire, electrical and building safety engineering firms to conduct initial inspections on behalf of the accord and in accordance with its standards. Additional information on the Accord can be found on at
Information Requested
The accord is seeking to conduct a large number of inspections in a short period of time, thereby requiring the services of various engineering firms. We are looking for firms that can 1
conduct inspections, as well as project manage the inspections across a number of service providers. Each inspection (whether fire, structural or electrical) will generally require one full day on site at the subject factory and one half day for analysis of the information gathered, formulation of findings and recommendations and preparation of reports. In your response to this RFI, you are requested to fill in with an “X” the boxes where you intend to submit a proposal by the closing date (see below). Scope of Work -‐ areas Project Management – overall project Conducting of Inspections – structural/building Project management – structural inspections Conducting of Inspections -‐ electrical Project management – electrical inspections Conducting of Inspections – fire safety Project management – fire safety inspections
Intention to Propose
In addition to completion of the table in section II above, please include with your response to the RFI the following questions. 1. Main point of contact for your organization and contact details. 2. Your credentials/qualifications for each area/scope of work on which you intend to propose, including similar projects that you have worked on. 3. Resourcing: a. Key team members for each area/scope of work on which you intend to propose and overall qualifications of your team. b. Size of your team and estimated number of inspections you will be able to conduct on a monthly basis in each of the three inspection areas (structural/building, electrical, fire safety) 4. Your ability to utilize the local (Bangladeshi) workforce in carrying out the inspections and your knowledge of the local landscape. 5. Availability (start date) to begin this work and, if your organization is indicating interest conducting inspections, an estimate of the amount of time between the start date and the date by which your organization can have personnel deployed to Bangladesh and beginning inspection work.
Firms should only respond to this RFI if they can demonstrate strong professional expertise and credentials in the relevant area(s) and extensive practical experience.
Time for response Please submit your response to this RFI by Wednesday, December 4, 11:59 pm, CET by email. Responses should be addressed to: Brad Loewen, Chief Safety Inspector, Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety
[email protected] Any responses to the RFI received after this date will not be considered.
Process The Request for Proposal (RFP) will be sent to all shortlisted candidates on or by Tuesday, December 10, 2013. The closing date for receipt of your response to the RFP is Friday, December 20, 2013, 5 pm CET. Any responses received after this time will not be considered. The Accord reserves the right to amend this RFI in its sole discretion.
Questions For any questions to the RFI, please contact Brad Loewen at
[email protected]