List and Description of ... b) List of NGOs including women NGOs which could .... Business Licenses â Registration Pap
Request for Proposal
Date: May 2016 Dear Sir / Madam:
We kindly request you to submit your Proposal for for NGOs in Matrouh________
Capacity Building Program
Please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex, in preparing your Proposal. Your offer, comprising of a Technical and Financial Proposal, in separate sealed envelopes, should be submitted on or before date: 5th of June 2016 at 17:30h to the address below: Executive Secretariat for the Demining and Development of the North West Cost [Ministry of International Cooperation, 8 Adly St., Downtown, Cairo, Egypt] [Hend Selim] [Email address:
[email protected]] [Fax number: +202- 23909744]
Country: Arab Republic of Egypt Project Reference: Support to the North West Coast Development Plan and Mine Action Program Post Title: Empowering Local Communities and Capacity Building for Four Local NGOs in Matrouh Governorate Duty Station: Matrouh Governorate Duration of Assignment: 12 months Expected Starting Date: July 2016 Background The “Support to the North West Coast Development Plan and Mine Action” project was first introduced in November 2006 through an agreement signed between UNDP and the Ministry of International Cooperation (MoIC), resulting in the establishment of the Executive Secretariat for Demining and Development of the North West Coast. The project has been implemented along two main phases. Building on the achievements realized and lessons learned from the first phase, the aim of the second phase (Current Phase) was defined as follows: to expand the mine clearance operations, enlarge the scale and accelerate the implementation of development projects in the area, strengthen the structure and procedures of the Executive Secretariat, invigorate the funding mechanisms and activities applicable to donors and the private sector, mobilize more resources and expand the victim assistance activities. The main activities of Executive Secretariat since its launch till present are as follows:- Demining Operations - Development Activities - Media and Advocacy - Mine Risk Education - Victims Assistance (VA): The main objective of VA portfolio is to fully re-integrate mine victims into the society as well as to help them sustain their socio-economic well-being. This is achieved through:
Establishing and maintaining an updated database on mine victims Physical Rehabilitation Capacity Building for NGOs working on mine victims Introducing micro credit schemes (financial grants from Executive Secretariat channelled to victims through civil society organizations) Engaging mine victims in Income Generating Projects (IGP) In line with the mentioned VA objective, Exec Sec contracted a consultant company to assist in upgrading the VA implementation methodology and produce IGPs documents. The consultancy
aimed at aligning the VA component with local sustainable socio-economic development, ensuring the proper consideration of local context and sensitivities, such as tribal affiliation, tribal territorial distribution and specific needs of children and women. To achieve these aims, the consultant identified the potential IGPs with their profiles. Moreover, Exec Sec contracted another consultant to develop and implement a capacity building program for 4 local NGOs for the duration of 12 months. Exec Sec believes that it is quite important to have more NGOs operating for the welfare of the Mine Victims. And for that sake, Exec Sec identified the need to contract an expert consultant, a consulting firm, or an NGO whose mission will be to strengthen NGOs, assist them to build and further develop their institutional and managerial capacities, with a special focus on microfinance project management. The consultancy will aim at providing NGOs with the necessary skills to successfully mobilize resources upon closure of the Mine Action project, and should ultimately contribute to the empowerment and local ownership of the overall project objectives. Criteria upon which Local NGOs were identified to attend the capacity building program:-
Nomination by Directorate of Social Solidarity in Matrouh. Compliance with Egyptian Law of NGOs. Willingness to work for the welfare of the Mine Victims.
Scope of consultancy and tasks: Under the overall guidance and direction of the of the Executive Secretariat for Mine Clearance and the Development of the North West Coast, the service provider to be contracted will assist the Programme to undertake the following tasks and activities to build the capacities of the four selected NGOs: Brief Description of the Required Services
Support to Mine Victim Assistance: In the past, there has often been a tendency to reduce the scope of mine victim assistance to the provision of artificial limbs, however this failed to recognize the long-term impact of landmine/ Explosive Remnants of War injuries, which have debilitating effects extending beyond the individual. In light of this, the project’s approach to victim’s assistance has become "for the care and rehabilitation, and social and economic reintegration, of mine victims and in this respect, a Victims Empowerment Program (VEP) was initiated in 2009 and succeeded in training four active and reputable NGOs that are targeting landmine victims and/or their families in Matrouh Governorate in the following areas: i) Financial Management ii) Project Management iii) Strategic Planning iv) Volunteer Management
Currently, the project aims to initiate a second phase of this program. Through this RFP, an institution is sought to support this phase by: A) Conducting a comparison between the baseline assessments conducted in the first phase of the VEP and the current institutional and project/programme implementation capacities of the 4 NGOs which have participated in the Executive Secretariat’s Victims Empowerment Programs. B) Identifying new NGOs as potential partners in tackling the development challenge of mine action through victims assessment, taking into consideration their geographical distribution. C) Conducting a needs assessment for these NGOs (newly identified as well as those which participated in Phase I of VEP) to identify the weaknesses which must be addressed in order to transform these NGOs into self-sustaining, effective and efficient civil society organizations, able to complement the activities of the government in tackling the developmental challenge of victims of mine-related incidents. D) Providing capacity development to these NGOs in light of the needs assessment, integrating results based management into the training curriculum. Conduct training evaluation and later, impact assessment. E) Assessing the potential of establishing new NGOs, by victims of mine-related incidents and support this process using clearly defined standards which ensure their development into self-sustaining effective and efficient agents of change and drivers of development. F) Exploring methods which would further facilitate the integration of victims of mine-related incidents into society. G) Supporting the development of advisory, advocacy, and service committees providing support to the victims of mine-related incidents community H) Conducting a stakeholders analysis to identify potential partners to this Victims Empowerment Program as well as their potential role. I) Conducting awareness raising sessions to the community on the role played by this phase of the Victims Empowerment Program. J) Identifying sustainability mechanisms for the Victims Empowerment Program
List and Description of Expected Outputs to be Delivered
a) Report providing a comparative assessment of the capacities of the NGOs which participated in Phase I of VEP. The assessment should examine both technical and governance aspects b) List of NGOs including women NGOs which could become potential partners, as well as criteria used in this identification process. Report on the capacity needs assessment conducted for the newly identified NGOs clearly indicating methodology used. c) Capacity development plan and modules including a gender module. This includes the training material to be used (curriculum of each session), number of participants and modality of delivery of trainings, evaluation of training as well as impact assessment to be submitted quarterly. d) Report on the methodology to be used in the establishment of new NGOs to serve victims of mine-related incidents and their families. e) Report on the mission and composition of committees to provide support to victims of mine-related incidents, and methodology to be used in their establishment. f) List of stakeholders (women and men) who could act as potential partners to this phase of VEP as well as their potential role. g) Communication and Awareness raising strategy, including submission of an action plan, target number and category of participants, evaluation of awareness session. h) Provide first round training modules on issues pertaining to NGOs’ management, micro-lending and microfinance management skills. i) VEP Sustainability action plan j) Developing a monitoring and evaluation scheme for Exec Sec team for better governance of NGOs k) Any other requirement that comes upon discussion with the service provider. All the above activities will adopt a participatory and rights-based approach in addressing the needs and rights of the communities’ most vulnerable groups, especially children, women and youth.
Frequency of Reporting Location of work
Monthly Exact Address/es: Matrouh Governorate “Marsa Matrouh”
Expected duration of work Target start date
12 months July 2016
Latest completion date Implementation Schedule indicating breakdown and timing of activities/sub-activities Names and curriculum vitae of individuals who will be involved in completing the services Currency of Proposal Value Added Tax on Price Proposal
June 2017 Required
EGP Must be exclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes
Validity Period of 90 days Proposals (Counting for the last day of submission of quotes) Partial Quotes Not permitted Payment Terms Installments based on the workplan (Please include in your financial proposal) Person(s) to Eng. Mahrous El Kilany- Director review/inspect/ approve Ms. Hend Selim- Victim Assistance Officer outputs/completed services and authorize the disbursement of payment Type of Contract to be Contract for Professional Services Signed Criteria for Contract Highest Combined Score (based on the 70% technical offer and Award 30% price weight distribution)
Technical Proposal (70%)
Criteria for the Assessment of Proposal
Summary of Technical Proposal Evaluation Forms
Score Weight
Points Obtainable
Expertise of Firm / Organization
Proposed Methodology, Approach and Implementation Plan
Management Structure and Key Personnel
Technical Proposal Evaluation Form 1
1.1 1.2
1.4 1.5
Expertise of the Firm/Organization Reputation of Organization and Staff / Credibility / Reliability / Industry Standing General Organizational Capability which is likely to affect implementation - Financial stability (10) - loose consortium, holding company or one firm (10) - age/size of the firm (20) - strength of project management support (10) - project financing capacity (10) - project management controls (20) Extent to which any work would be subcontracted (subcontracting carries additional risks which may affect project implementation, but properly done it offers a chance to access specialized skills.) Quality assurance procedures, warranty Relevance of: - Specialized Knowledge (30) - Experience on Similar Projects (25)
Points obtainable
90 80
25 90
Experience on Projects in the Region (15) Work for UNDP/ major multilateral/ or bilateral programs (20) 300 Technical Proposal Evaluation Form 2
Points Obtainable
Proposed Methodology, Approach and Implementation Plan 2.1 Quality and reality of the proposed work 40 plan with respected activities, inputs and target dates/deadlines 2.2 Have the important aspects of the task been 25 addressed in sufficient detail? 2.3 Is the proposal for methodology of work 65 prepared appropriately and in sufficient details? 2.4 Is the proposal based on a survey of the 40 project environment and was this data input properly used in the preparation of the proposal? 2.5 Is the report writing methodology prepared 65 in sufficient detail and quality? 2.6 Is the scope of task well defined and does it 100 correspond to the TOR? 2.7 Is the presentation clear and is the sequence 65 of activities and the planning logical, realistic and promise efficient implementation to the project? 400 Technical Proposal Evaluation Form 3
Points Obtainable
Management Structure and Key Personnel 3.1 Team Leader
General Qualification
140 SubScore 120
Suitability for the Project - Report Drafting Experience -Statistical Experience - Professional Experience in the area of specialization (skills of overseeing and monitoring similar surveys with the aim of achieving the maximum quality of outputs, through provision of: a) Quality control of field work b) Quality check of data entry and analyses) - Knowledge of the region - Language Qualifications
35 20 45
20 20 140
3.2 Project team/personnel
120 SubScore 100
General Qualification Suitability for the Project - Report Drafting Experience - Data processing experience - Professional Experience in the area of specialization(Proven experience of personnel in development of survey questionnaires, sampling methodology and data processing) - Knowledge of the region - Language Qualifications
25 15 40
20 20 120
3.3 Data collectors
40 SubScore
General Qualification Suitability for the Project - Professional Experience in the area of specialization (experience in implementing of at least Kosovo wide/region wide surveys; proven experience in successful conduction of similar surveys) - Knowledge of the region - Language Qualification
10 10 40 300
Total Part 3 A two-stage procedure will be utilized in evaluating the proposals. i) The technical components will be evaluated – Only those bidders who attain 70% of the obtainable scores of the 1000 points in the evaluation of the technical proposal will have their Price Component envelope opened. The technical proposal is evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the Term of Reference (TOR). ii) The price evaluation will receive a weighting of 30% against the technical component of 70%. iii) The company with the highest combined technical and price scoring will be awarded a contract. Cumulative Analysis The cumulative analysis evaluates the financial offer by introducing into the weighted evaluation the price proposed as per the following formula:
Sx = (Tx / Thighest) * (70%) + (Flowest / Fx) * (30%), where Sx = Total score for company x, Tx = Technical score for company x, Thighest = Highest technical score obtained among all responsive bids Fx = Financial Offer for company x, and Flowest = The lowest financial offer of all evaluated bid
prices among responsive bids
Contact Person for Inquiries
Hend Selim Victim Assistance Officer, Email address:
[email protected] Fax number: +202- 23909744 Executive Secretariat for the Demining and Development of the North West Coast, Ministry of International Cooperation
Mohamed Bendary Procurement Officer, Email address:
[email protected] Fax number: +202- 23909744 Executive Secretariat for the Demining and Development of the North West Coast, Ministry of International Cooperation Any delay in our response shall be not used as a reason for extending the deadline for submission, unless we determine that such an extension is necessary and communicates a new deadline to the Proposers.
ANNEX FORM FOR SUBMITTING SERVICE PROVIDER’S PROPOSAL (This Form must be submitted only using the Service Provider’s Official Letterhead/Stationery)
[insert: Location]. [insert: Date] To:
[insert: Name and Address of Exec Sec focal point]
Dear Sir/Madam: We, the undersigned, hereby offer to render the following services to UNDP in conformity with the requirements defined in the RFP dated [specify date], and all of its attachments, as well as the provisions of the UNDP General Contract Terms and Conditions: A.
Qualifications of the Service Provider
The Service Provider must describe and explain how and why they are the best entity that can deliver the requirements of Exec Sec by indicating the following: Profile – describing the nature of business, field of expertise, licenses, certifications, accreditations; b) Business Licenses – Registration Papers, Tax Payment Certification, etc. c) Latest Audited Financial Statement – income statement and balance sheet to indicate Its financial stability, liquidity, credit standing, and market reputation, etc. ; d) Track Record – list of clients for similar services as those required by Exec Sec, indicating description of contract scope, contract duration, contract value, contact references; e) Certificates and Accreditation – including Quality Certificates, Patent Registrations, Environmental Sustainability Certificates, etc. f) Written Self-Declaration that the company is not in the UN Security Council 1267/1989 List, UN Procurement Division List or Other UN Ineligibility List. a)
Proposed Methodology for the Completion of Services
The Service Provider must describe how it will address/deliver the demands of the RFP; providing a detailed description of the essential performance characteristics, reporting conditions and quality assurance mechanisms that will be put in place, while demonstrating that the proposed methodology will be appropriate to the local conditions and context of the work.
Qualifications of Key Personnel
Service Provider must provide: a) Names and qualifications of the key personnel that will perform the services indicating who is Team Leader, who are supporting, etc.; b) CVs demonstrating qualifications must be submitted if required by the RFP; and c) Written confirmation from each personnel that they are available for the entire duration of the contract.
Cost Breakdown per Deliverable* Deliverables [list them as referred to in the RFP]
Percentage of Total Price (Weight for payment)
Price (Lump Sum, All Inclusive)
1 2 3
Deliverable 1 Deliverable 2 …. Total 100% *This shall be the basis of the payment tranches E. Cost Breakdown by Cost Component [This is only an Example]: Description of Activity
I. Personnel Services 1. Services from Home Office a. Expertise 1 b. Expertise 2
Remuneration Total Period No. of Total Rate per Unit of of Personnel Time Engagement
2. Services from Field Offices a. Expertise 1 b. Expertise 2 3. Services from Overseas a. Expertise 1 b. Expertise 2 II. Out of Pocket Expenses 1. Travel Costs 2. Daily Allowance 3. Communications 4. Reproduction 5. Equipment Lease 6. Others III. Other Related Costs [Name and Signature of the Service Provider’s Authorized Person] [Designation] [Date]