Would DIAL be able to facilitate that directly or through other partners/consultants? Generic. Yes. Data for Development
Request for Proposals Q&A Data for Development May 9, 2017
Questions For the one year planning that is being done, how many project sites and initiatives are anticipated? Per our understanding a partner is any entity described as NGO, Donor, Industry or Govts. And respondent in this case will be a "Consultant" that is responsible for integrating multiple partners and build, manage and deliver the D4D platform. Please confirm It has been specified in the problem statement that some investments have already been made across communities for D4D. Do we have an inventory of data sources that we have partnered with? Our understanding is that D4D initiative will include understanding these "data suppliers" and scale their data needs, as applicable, to multiple use cases and geographies. Have there any conversations around privacy and country wise regulation of some specific data?
Reference Response Generic 3 to 5
Beyond the technology capabilities and for deriving insights across various domains, the team will need to have the right SMEs / Business Analysts. We, as a company, might not have the SMEs across all sectors. Would DIAL be able to facilitate that directly or through other partners/consultants? Data for Development focus area requires endto-end services among which Field Implementation is one of them. Are there any pre-defined set of sites identified? Our previous conversations touched upon North Africa and India. Can we get a sense of what these regions are going to be and how many of them are targeted for the current timeline? We would like to understand the scope for Field implementations. This would include identifying the OEM partners, deployment options (Cloud v/s On-Premise v/s Prefered Data Centers) , integrations, System Integration Testing, User Acceptance Testing etc. The plan, hence, would
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At the moment we do not explicitly have data sources, we are in the process of securing these. The sources range from geospatial providers and mobile network operators.
No specific conversations, the burden of this will not fall on the consultant. The anonymization of data will be joint between SI and Data Partner. Yes.
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DIAL was designed to be sector and region agnostic; however, we will be focusing our projects primarily in the developing world (e.g. Africa, southeast Asia, Latin America, etc.)
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May 2017
Data for Development
be different for each Field Implementation. Is that a fair assumption?
The selected partner will collaborate with the existing and evolving ecosystem of partners and support DIAL in endeavors to broaden the investment scope and onboarding of new partners. Could you please let us know how many partners are already on-boarded? Is there any process already identified to on-board partners seamlessly?
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In one of the scenarios its mentioned as there is a need to design and launch an open architecture based data platform that will broaden the reach of the use cases and enable rapid, scaled-up prototyping. Will this be a responsibility of a single partner or jointly done by multiple partners?
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The requirement right now mentioned is at a very high level. The design / deployment of the Common Data Architecture would potentially be decided based on the use case and the needs of individual use cases. Assuming we can use a standard reference architecture and then decide on the hosting on a per-need basis. Please confirm Could you please explain more about “InCountry Implementation” and “Pre-Program implementation.” It has been specified that the PM will assist DIAL with developing processes, methods, standards and training for executing overall program. DIAL team's location would be different from where the implementation is being done? We are assuming that the PM will be based along with the DIAL team and be available "on the ground" at the implementation site on an on-need basis. Please confirm
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By the time the Program Management project starts there will be two formal engagements already negotiated. We are currently making headway with at least six other partners. DIAL already has an internal process of onboarding partners (NDAs, RFPs, SOWs, Contracting, etc.) The SI/Consultant will ultimately own and drive the open architecture; however, we intend for this to be developed jointly ensuring collaboration between our partner ecosystem - for example, algorithms developed in a food security or public health or poverty mapping project have to be interoperable, standards driven, open protocol compliant, Correct.
I think you meant "per" program implementation. This refers to the specific project/investment. Confirmed. We want resources based in the DC office; however, dependent on the project we may need the PM to be able to be on the implementation site on an on-need basis.
Data for Development
It has been specified that the common data architecture will be developed for this task. We are assuming that the development team will be working from respondent’s development centers and it will be bespoke development. Please confirm Please confirm the location of the Business Consultants who would do the requirement gathering. Will it be DIAL location or site location. Business Consultants would need to be working at different site(s) closer to the suppliers and users of the platform. It is assumed that DIAL would assist in providing access (visas etc) that are needed for facilitating this
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We are responsible for providing the necessary software / hardware as per the SOE (Standard Operating Environment) of respondent. Any specific Software / Hardware required for DIAL's need will have to estimated and agreed as per the budgeting exercise. Please confirm
Requirement gathering is responsibility of the SI/PM/Consultant. Dependent on the project needs the business consultant may have to be on site. DIAL can write a visa letter to assist in the procurement of visas, but all arrangements will have to be done by the PM. The official contract will detail travel coverage. Yes.
Q1. How do you envision the DIAL platform to interface with other big data platforms that exist to achieve social impact for humanitarian/ development purposes (e.g. UNICEF Magic Box)? The two other platforms we are considering collaboration with include Magic Box and GSMA BDSG Accelerator platform. The first is an already functional platform that developed out of the Ebola crisis in 2014. We are to meet with the Unicef team in June in NYC to discuss options to work together. They have asked us for technical guidance, expansion of use cases, oppty to develop joint standards for utilizing telco data, etc. They have partnerships with additional data providers we haven’t considered as yet (e.g. SABRE, IBM weather data) so there’s learnings there too. We are in a fact finding stage and no commitments as yet from either party. For GSMA, we are closely aligned and have a PMO function being setup to work together with their Data for SDGs team. More to come. Q2: Please elaborate how you foresee interactions between the chosen program management partner and other partners that you may have already identified? We want to form our approach as we prepare for upcoming d4d partner workshop. We have made it very clear to most potential partners that our SI partner will represent DIAL as super PMO; we are also going to be recruiting for a Head of Programs & Head of Technology for DIAL D4D team who will be working closely with our SI/ PMO partner and other partners.
May 2017
Data for Development
Q3. Please confirm if we can recommend use of our proprietary-tools for DIAL-internal purposes in specific pre-agreed areas such as data governance, where the primary usage is expected to be limited to DIAL and may not be for sharing under terms of ‘open source’. For all other areas, we understand and appreciate the need for usage and development of open source technologies. Sure Q4. Are the commercials expected to be submitted as a time & materials rate card with standard assumptions for expenses, or, as a fixed fee basis, or, both? Would like to see rate card(s), actuals as per our discussions on commercials. Ok to provide ranges, implying flexibility in approach, and ability to draw down on an as needed basis. Q5. Are you planning a round of orals as a next step in the RFP process? Not unless required.
May 2017
Data for Development