However, no guidelines on password strength are given. ... Only some security testing is aimed at a functional level; i.e. if user enters incorrect pass- ..... The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) 2010 list the number 1 security.
! ! Requirements Engineering Security Requirements; The Strange Relationship Between Application and Security Requirements.
by Mike Libassi
! !
! Abstract
Security has taken a backseat to functional requirements and the costs have been high for this. The standard methodology of functional and non-functional requirements is not helping to solve this. When security is addressed in a functional requirement there is an assumption the development team has the correct level of security expertise and things are missed. At time security verification gets done at a later stage in development or even after release; causing costly fixes. Ways to move all aspects of security into the functional spotlight is a focus of much work; and there has been valuable research in this area. Some of the research is explored here as well as an idea that builds upon it with an “anti-user” process. A process that may be able to help close the dived between functional and security requirements.
1. Introduction At times security and business requirements run on different tracks, and worse run different races with dissimilar goals. On occasion the security of a systems function or users data is listed upfront in the functional requirements. Other times security is a “back room” function and imposes restrictions or listed as a non-functional requirement. This inconsistency leaves a blurred boundary between functional and security requirements; and boundary that is crossed either by: • An applications requirements has security needs that are pushed down into the infrastructure. or • The infrastructure has security policies that are pushed-up into an applications functionality. This has affected how and when security is verified in the development lifecycle and makes for difficult measures of impacts and efforts. This was also recognized by (Cheng & Atlee, 2007 p. 9), “To further add to the challenge, there is no consensus on the degree to which security requirements should be realized at the requirements level.” There is a loss of security with this requirements gap; so how can this gap be closed or minimized? This paper is an evaluation of the issues and current research in this area; with some considerations of an “anti-user” process that could help minimize the gap. 1.1 Importance We could keep the status-quo and have security remain part of the non-functional requirements. However, we do encounter security holes by keeping security as non-functional par
of the process. An example could be the functional requirement states the user must login with a password. However, no guidelines on password strength are given. The details of password strength end-up coming from a security department, or policy, and a conflict occurs that causes requirements to be changed. Security policies could state the password must be twelve or more characters however the page element only has room for ten, or only allows twelve (missing the “or more” part). These missed changes can cause effort resizing; or worse these are noticed during development and cause code rework that is more expensive than reworking requirements. Does making security a non-functional requirement end-up making security un-functional? Seems security gets attention only after an incident happens or towards the end of development. Only some security testing is aimed at a functional level; i.e. if user enters incorrect password they get a bad password message. Deeper security testing, like penetration testing, comes after deployment. Discoveries in this late stage produce costly repairs that could have been caught, and fixed, in requirements. These fictitious examples are very close to reality; (Verdon & McGraw, 2004 p. 6), “roughly 50 percent of security problems are the result of design flaws.” It is cheaper to correct mistakes early than after release. 1.2 Overview of major considerations Security as an afterthought. In the twenty years of requirements engineering security, along with other aspects of a system like performance, have been bound to the non-functional section of the process. The nonfunctional requirement is loosely defined as: system requirements that are not part of the behavior of the system. However, security is deemed a critical part of a system, even more today, and !4
not system behavior. Unfortunately non-functional requirements become an afterthought and so does security.
! Security is dropped into requirement teams that have little to no security background or training. There is an expectation that development teams contains security expertise. This is not completely false; especially where business rules are upholding security or need to comply with regulations. Some development teams may have great security knowledge and expertise. However, development direction is on functionality so most process and documentation it tied to it. Testing also follows the functional road with functional and regression tests. Only testing the functional requirements is leaving security holes to be tested after the system is built; or worse after its released.
! Post release security Pushing a complete system through with little to no security testing only to be evaluated later with penetration testing seems to be the norm. It’s like building-in automotive safety after the car is built then crash tested to see where safety is lacking. Are we running development as crash test dummies? There is research that discusses this and is reviewed further in the background section of this paper. 1.3 Overview of the paper This paper is an exploration into these issues and background research in security requirements and offers an exploratory view of possible improvements and changes in this area.
The idea and architecture the “anti-user requirement” is explored as both a process improvement and an automated system. The paper covers the following: • Section 2 reviews current work in the areas of security metrics and research into integration of security into the requirements process. • Section 3 briefly covers areas of similar process and research that should be considered for further review. • Section 4 covers considerations of the security gap and its affects. A summary architecture for a “anti-user” process that leverages the works covered in section 2. • Section 5 is summary and recommendations.
! 2. Background The gap between functional and security requirements is not a new topic and has existing research in ways to alleviate the problems. Some of the different approaches, like the Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM), offer guidelines to incorporate security higher in the development process. The following research has also looked to ways to improve security by examining the gap and offering new methods to close it. Research by (Bishop, 2003) asks the question on what does security entail? Is it access controls, entitlement verification, data encryption standards or password strength? Does a line need to be drawn between operational security goals and security requirements of a project? A
goal is to make security less of a mystery to all facets of development. Working towards this goal may help blur the line between back-room security and functionality security requirements. These questions are important as we examine alternative security requirement methods. The Security Quality Requirements Engineering (SQUARE) methodology by (Mead, Viswanathan, & Zhan, n.d.) is an attempt to bring security requirements into mainstream requirements engineering by fitting it into the Rational Unified Process (RUP). The paper explores the nine steps of the SQUARE process and the problem it attempts to solve. The SQUARE process is worthy of examination as it attempts to inject security into the requirements process by moving security requirements out of the non-functional area. This is in line with goals discussed in this paper. (Cheng & Atlee, 2007) researches into strategies that extend security into requirements engineering in section 5.2. Section 2 talks about how requirements start ill-defined and gradually become detailed. I’d add with no security specialists at the start the security requirements, along with other non-functional requirements, can stay vague. Section 5.2 reenforces the problem of missing security higher up the development process (Cheng & Atlee, 2007 p. 8), “Although strategic, the threat-based approach to security requirements engineering is reactive and focuses on low-level security requirements; there is no notion of a general security policy.” The section goes on to support that there is no consensus on how much security should be realized at requirements level; and concludes with open questions that are applicable here. Ways of extracting security requirements early in the process is looked at by (N. Hallberg & Hallberg, 2006) with the USeR method. The USeR process extracts security requirements
from the text of functional requirements. The process is designed to be run along with normal requirements and is used to help find security areas that may have been overlooked. This concept is part of the detail considerations discussed in this paper. Investigating measurements of security requirements by (Islam & Falcarin, 2011) based on risk analysis and a goal / question metrics. This work investigates the metrics side of this problem and supports the need for security metrics (Islam & Falcarin, 2011 p. 70), “Without a systematically defined approach for security measurement and without good metrics, it is hard to answer, how secure a software product is.” The paper reviews the Goal Question Metric (GQM) framework. GQM is not an all encompassing security measure, as no such thing exists, however parts of the metrics could be used in future processes. This possibility is further examined in section 4 with the possibility of leveraging it in some manor in the “anti-user” process. The proposed process to capture and analyze object oriented security requirements by (McDermott & Fox, 1999) generates an “abuse case” to help verify security. The paper states that software practitioners that have little security experience are being driven to implement security features. Due to this we see lacking security in delivered software. In addition security is a non-functional requirement so its priority gets pushed towards the end of the development process. Lin, et al., also covers the “anti” concept with anti-requirements (AR) that are incorporated into (Lin, Nuseibeh, Ince, Jackson, & Moffett, 2003) abuse-frames. The abuse-frames are used for an early detection against current threats. The anti-requirement strives to push the collection of security issues early in the process. The work goes on to cover an abstract model of
the abuse-frames. The concept to push security requirement higher into the process is also reflected in other works and further in this paper. A vision where security becomes part of the requirements engineering community. The paradox is put forth where (Crook, Ince, Lin, & Nuseibeh, 2002 p. 203), “What is paradoxical is that there does not seem to be a wholehearted commitment by both academics and industry to treat this topic systematically at the top level of requirements engineering.” The paper covers six current problems and calls out the anti-requirement; that is defined as (Crook et al., 2002 p. 203), “An anti-requirement is a requirement of a malicious user that subverts an existing requirement.” This is a great concept however not a new one; previous academic and research has presented security policy models; that unfortunately go ignored. The paper does a great exploration into the question why is this still happening. The anti-requirement is a large influence for the antiuser process discussed in this paper. From examining what a security requirement entails, how to move it higher into the development process and ways to measure it; even with this research the area is still young and has future work for it. Other areas may also yield research that could benefit here.
! 3. Related Topics There are several areas of research in security testing, security mechanisms and security metrics. Few areas that are related, and could possible be leveraged, such as as the The Building Security In Maturity Model (BISMM), The Common Vulnerability Scoring SystemVersion (CVSS), CERT Vulnerability database and the SANS Vulnerability Analysis Scale.
The BISMM describes 111 activities organized in twelve practice areas. And through studies of 51 software security groups (SSGs) none had exactly the same structure. This suggesting there is no one set way to structure a security group. However, there were some commonalities observed that are worth study when security is examined for improvements. The BSIMM is a source of ideas and general guidance and not a ridged framework that is the silver bullet for security. Scoring and metrics systems for security exist such as the CVSS, CERT and SANS that should be part of the development process in some fashion. A software security group may use these resources as part of understanding the current threats that may affect the security of the software. These related resources are not fully covered here; as each could easily fill an entire review. However, all influence, directly or indirectly, the ideas under consideration in this paper.
! 4. Detailed considerations An examination of the security gap and its impacts are considered here. Further an architecture summary is presented for an “anti-user” process that may help fill this gap. As stated from the BISMM examination this is not a silver bullet for security and requirements. However, it may be leveraged in some manor to spark further innovation in the field.
! 4.1 The gap between user and system security.
Having security as an afterthought creates a “security divide” that has become costly to cross or ignore. It is not implied here that development teams do not care about security; it is they are not afforded the experience or time too. Nor should they be expected to be experts when other groups can be used to handle security. There are times when a development team addresses security requirements upfront; however only when it is part of the functional design. This makes the security gap not a binary one but a grey area that is different from team to team and as unique as the software each is developing. This is reflected in much of the current research; and well stated by Lin: “However, what the security community has identified as important, but still lacking, is a precise notion of security requirements, a means of analyzing them, and a systematic approach to defining suitable problem boundaries in order to provide a focus for early security threat analysis.” (Lin et al., 2003 p. 1) When we look at where the question “is it secure?” is asked during development vs. the costs to repair, in Figure 1, it is clear not addressing security further up into requirements is becoming costly.
" Figure 1. Cost to Fix Over Time Why does security take a backseat in development? One could speculate many reasons; like no tangible benefits when paying for security upfront. Stakeholders pay for the minimum security as it is difficult to justify the costs when the numbers roll-up. The reasons go deeper then just costs; as stated by (McDermott & Fox, 1999 p. 1), “market forces are driving software practitioners who are not security specialists to develop software that requires security features.” There is an assumption when a security requirement is under development the development team is staffed with enough expertise to accommodate correct development and test of security. What further clouds this is that some teams have a varied level of security experience and understanding of possible issues. So we don’t have development teams sitting around making security up as they go along; there is some level of assessing security. Yet, the job of the development team
is developing the software to meet the functional requirements; so partial security knowledge gets part-time attention. Partial attention may also be due to the divide between functional and non-functional requirements. As set forth in requirement templates for years, security and other items like performance and reliability, are bound to the non-functional section of the document. The tone this sets is clear and though proposals to change requirements templates is not discussed here, it is a viable step to explore. Agile development helps break this in some ways by allowing security stories to be added to the backlog with functional stories. However, without a security specialist on the team the security stories may not come to be until after an incident happens on a live system. This lack of a security specialist further widens the gap and even security contractor firms also may not completely help. Even when external security resources are used it is typically later in development (as seen in Figure 1). The feedback loop of external security analysis can be partial, if any at all, leaving the development teams without a security “sage” to help guide them. This may be an extreme example yet not as uncommon as thought in the development industry. Impacts from this security gap have been documented.
! 4.2 Impacts An example is an occurrence at a bank in Hastings England. The system did not include an audit trail for address changes and a clerk took advantage of this flaw to withdraw a large amount of money from a customers account. After profiling a customer the clerk changed the customers address, generated an ATM card and PIN that was sent to the new address, used the !13
card to withdraw funds, then change the address back to the original customers (Anderson, 2001). The customer was left with no money and the bank no records of the address change to help resolve this issue. Could a dedicated security engineer assigned during development have caught this? This case it looked like a missing functional requirement and/or business rule was missed and having a security representative higher in the development may have caught this. There has been enough security issues that projects have arisen to track the common flaws; the OWASP is one of them. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) 2010 list the number 1 security risk is the injection attack. As stated in the (“Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP),” 2010), “The best way to find out if an application is vulnerable to injection is to verify that all use of interpreters clearly separates untrusted data from the command or query.” Verification of this type seems not to fit into functional testing and, due to the nature of this flaw at the number 1 position, not properly imposed during development. As seen in the cost to complexity model in Figure 1 it is cheaper to fix a security issue early rather than having it found in a penetration test after release or worse found after a security incident occurs. Analysis of the Diebold AccuVote-TS 4.3.1 system found (Kohno, Stubblefield, Rubin, & Wallach, 2004), “A voter can also perform actions that normally require administrative privileges, including viewing partial results and terminating the election early.” Similar issues with integrity may be overlooked even when a development team does address current security threats. Core design of a system that may be exploited from an insider threat is a case that may be out of the normal bounds of a development teams perspective; a perspective that a dedicated security analyst may catch in design. !14
There are areas that development depends on; wider use of open source and public libraries has lead to security issues with watering hole attacks. A development team may not think to verify or monitor code sources for changes and malicious software. This can be an area where an internal security team may help monitor. It is impossible to determine if any security analysis may have help eliminate the issues reviewed here. It is an important note even with added security analysis no system is 100% secure. However, if proper security analysis is applied to development it may help lessen the impacts from security incidents. 4.3 Improving requirements gathering to include security. As seen with previous research it is possible to push security higher in the requirements process. Even with the previous work and processes this gap still remains. Why it does remain is a mystery; however whatever method is used should not add too much overhead to the existing development teams. Also it must have a greater affect than a contractor running an external penetration test would. This is achievable if we build upon methods like: (Mead et al., n.d.) SQUARE, (N. Hallberg & Hallberg, 2006) USeR process, (McDermott & Fox, 1999) abusecase, (Crook et al., 2002) anti-requirements and (Lin et al., 2003) abuse-frames. All these offer great frameworks that can be used by an internal software security team that works in parallel with development. The internal security team is involved upfront and generates sets of anti-user requirements (AUR) during functional requirements, and development, that outlines possible exploits. The AUR defines an action and possible inputs that outline malicious behavior to break a part of
a system. The AUR will typically mirror a functional requirement; like the example in Figure 2 (below). Using the same traceability for functional tests back to functional requirements; the AUR has a security test cases that can be traced back to it. Figure 2 (below) is an example of a functional requirement (FR) that has points during development where AURs, and later security test cases, are generated. This is a specific example where user login and password storage and handling test points are identified.
! Figure 2. Anti-User Requirements !16
Possible ares for security risk are identified; starting from functional requirements and carried down into certification testing. An important part of the process is a feedback loop to development teams on possible areas of risk that will be tested and should be addressed. This may be a person or a possible system that uses the text of the requirements and a current threat dB, like Metasploit, to generate the possible exploits. Another important part of this process is it’s not intended to be held-off until the end of development; in contrast it’s to test early and often with continuous feedback. An important part that will be needed is the test for the AURs and metrics generated from this process. 4.4 Improving security testing and metrics. Different processes or measures are added during AUR development. An example using the AUR SQL exploit injection (from 4.3) is security testing will need to build and execute tests to ensure they do NOT pass (thus, ensure the exploits do not work). Figure 3 is an extension of the AURs generated in Figure 2 and shows possible tests to be generated and executed. Like SQL injection, authentication web service vulnerabilities, decryption tests and software patch
! Figure 3. AUR Tests and Metrics These tests may also utilize existing security tools, like Metasploit shown in the example, to strengthen the test parameters. The AUR, tests and results are feed back into a security database to be leveraged in future analysis. Additional use of the metrics after a system is released into live production are collected to help improve future anti-user requirements. The process of scanning functional requirements and deriving possible security tests are completed manually by a security team member and later may become automated. As profiles for parts of a system are built a knowledge base is developed that may be leveraged with some form of scanning AI. This may extend from scanning text to running security audits of development, integration and final test environments.
The end of the development process is not the end of the security metrics. Feedback from live production events are also funneled back into the security DB to further bolster future efforts. Example from live attack patterns may help profile current threats that are happing to live systems; and may also happen to systems under development.
5. Summary and Recommendations Security has taken a “non-functional” seat on the functional train. This is not a surprise as most development teams are not security experts; or should they be expected to. However, this has left a gap between security and functionality where security is a “back-room” function or something a contract firm does after release. Worse, when security does bubble-up into functional requirements most teams are not at an expertise level to generate proper tests for the security. Several incidents have been documented where this gap may have been the cause. Even with current research into this the problem still remains; one where this gap is not fully addressed. The same reasons we add a UI designer or performance engineer into the development team, because they are experts in these areas, we need to add a security engineer. The security engineer can generate anti-user requirements (AUR), and AUR tests, starting at functional requirements down into final acceptance testing. Metrics from AURs, test designs, and results are captured and used to build a security database. This may also utilize current exploit knowledge bases and profile data from live attacks in production. The result is security tests that are ran early and often. More, a system in place that also provides feedback to development during the process. Later, parts of this process may be automated for efficiency. Thus easing the burden of security on functional developers while maintaining security in the development process.
! ! ! !20
Recommendations Recommendation
How it helps
Addition of Internal Software Security Team
Internal security specialist that are part of the development team. This brings a security specialist into the team. To help assess security and be a subject matter expert that helps grow security awareness.
Anti-User Requirement (AUR) development.
Starting at requirements; the software security team generates possible security exploits to a system. These are shared with development to make design fixes early in the process.
AUR test case development
Test cases from the AURs generated allows for verification early and often.
Anti-User Metrics
Learning from the process is important to continuous improvement. Collection of AURs and test cases, along with test results, helps with this improvement.
Security dB
Along with keeping the metrics from AURs a database of external threats, like Metasploit, is maintained to allow traceability of AURs back to known exploits.
Live security metrics
Security incidents from live production offers valuable profiles of know attacks that have happened. This data is also keep to allow for refined AUR creation.
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