UMESMAL includes (i) robotics, machine vision, and flexible automation, (ii) real-time control. using modern software an
Robotics, Control Systems, and Mechatronics University of Maryland Eastern Shore Mechatronics and Automation Laboratory (UMESMAL) facility is being utilized to support outreach, educational, and research activities consistent with the broad umbrella embraced by the term „mechatronics‟. The term „mechatronics‟ have evolved from „robotics‟ and embodies the synergy of various engineering disciplines to develop optimally configured products that integrate mechanical design, instrumentation and dataacquisition, control theory, soft computing, computer aided engineering(CAE), information technology, robotics, machine vision, and flexible automation. Ongoing activities in the UMESMAL includes (i) robotics, machine vision, and flexible automation, (ii) real-time control using modern software and hardware platforms (iii) design and development of autonomous mobile robotic platforms on land, water, and air in collaboration with NASA with various applications including agricultural automation and environmental monitoring, and (iv) computer aided engineering and simulation efforts related to engineering mechanics and control systems. The facility also includes remote sensing apparatus and camera systems for manned airplanes, small remote and autonomous controlled aerial platforms, as well as kites. The remote sensing efforts are conducted in collaboration with NASA and USDA, and supports ongoing cross disciplinary research efforts in agricultural automation and precision agriculture. The facility supports K-12 outreach, as well as education and research involving STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Mathematics) majors at UMES. Engineering and engineering technology students have worked in teams in the facility to participate and win top spots in national and international robotic design competitions arranged by organizations such as American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in recent years.
Precision Agriculture and Remote Sensing “Precision Agriculture” is a knowledge-based system that enables farmers to apply precise amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, or other inputs to specific areas where and when they are needed for optimal crop growth. It integrates many advanced engineering technologies, including GPS receivers, GIS data bases, grid sampling/mapping techniques, yield monitors, variable-rate applications and remote sensing imagery. Potentially, these advanced technologies can improve farm profitability, reduce chemical use, and reduce environmental degradation. Environmental concerns and agricultural needs are of critical importance in the rural setting of UMES and its proximity to the Chesapeake Bay. Governor O'Malley's Chesapeake Bay Restoration Plan ( includes recommendations for implementing precision agricultural practices for effective nutrient management on at least 100,000 acres in the state of Maryland in the coming years. Support from the USDA has established the basic foundation for "Precision Agriculture" related infrastructure at UMES, which has provided the launching pad for several related endeavors, including Maryland Space Grant Consortium(MDSGC)/NASA supported synergistic project with the acronym AIRSPACES (Aerial Imaging and Remote Sensing for Precision Agriculture and Environmental Stewardship). Precision Agriculture and remote sensing projects at UMES have benefitted from the enthusiastic involvement of students and cross-disciplinary collaboration among faculty in engineering, engineering technology, aviation sciences, agriculture, and natural sciences programs at UMES. Regular discussions and meetings of students, farm personnel, project investigators, and, USDA and NASA collaborators have provided a fertile platform to advance project goals and research endeavors. Ongoing efforts also include support and involvement of Pioneer-Dupont besides USDA and NASA to conduct field experiments using drought tolerant corn seeds to address challenges related to nutrient and water use efficiency, and climate change to cope with food demands of a growing population.
Biofuels, Renewable Energy, and Carbon Sequestration The environmentally friendly paradigm of the Precision Agriculture project is synergistic with the “green” initiatives of UMES and University System of Maryland (USM) and has led to experiential learning and research efforts to produce biodiesel from a variety of feedstock including different species of algae, soybean grown in UMES farm, as well as processing waste (used) cooking oil from campus dining services. Processed bio-diesel will be used to run farm equipment and other campus vehicles that currently use conventional petroleum diesel. Biodiesel production from used cooking oil is already underway at UMES and a used cooking oil biodiesel processing unit has been installed in a suitable facility. The biodiesel produced from the facility is being made use of by some of the farm equipment utilized in the “Precision Agriculture” project. With funding from USDA Capacity Building Grant (CBG) program and under the supervision of the project leaders the students are coordinating the entire logistics of this rather complex operation involving dining services, physical plant, and farming staff. Project leaders envision the biodiesel facility to be powered entirely by clean energy from wind, solar, biodiesel generator, and other innovative renewable sources in the future, and provide an experiential learning and research platform for the students. Use of carbon neutral biodiesel instead of petroleum diesel with the farm equipment and carbon sequestration efforts that have been initiated to grow algae using exhaust gases from steam generation plants (used for heating) will reduce the carbon foot print of the campus consistent with the “green initiative” mandate of USM chancellor which is also reflected in the strategic plan of UMES president ( UMES is also partnering with Cornell (Lead) and several other universities to advance a national K-16 bioenergy education effort ( with support from USDA-AFRI program. UMES component of the effort is co-directed by faculty in natural sciences and engineering, and involves faculty and students from all STEAM majors at UMES.