Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Astrophysics Volume 2015, Article ID 205367, 30 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/205367
Research Article Growth of Accreting Supermassive Black Hole Seeds and Neutrino Radiation Gagik Ter-Kazarian Division of Theoretical Astrophysics, Ambartsumian Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Byurakan, 378433 Aragatsotn, Armenia Correspondence should be addressed to Gagik Ter-Kazarian; gago
[email protected] Received 1 May 2014; Revised 26 June 2014; Accepted 27 June 2014 Academic Editor: Gary Wegner Copyright © 2015 Gagik Ter-Kazarian. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In the framework of microscopic theory of black hole (MTBH), which explores the most important processes of rearrangement of vacuum state and spontaneous breaking of gravitation gauge symmetry at huge energies, we have undertaken a large series of numerical simulations with the goal to trace an evolution of the mass assembly history of 377 plausible accreting supermassive black hole seeds in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) to the present time and examine the observable signatures today. Given the redshifts, masses, and luminosities of these black holes at present time collected from the literature, we compute the initial redshifts and masses of the corresponding seed black holes. For the present masses ðBH /ðâ â 1.1 à 106 to 1.3 à 1010 of 377 black holes, the Seed /ðâ â 26.4 to 2.9 à 105 . We also compute the fluxes of ultrahigh energy computed intermediate seed masses are ranging from ðBH (UHE) neutrinos produced via simple or modified URCA processes in superdense protomatter nuclei. The AGNs are favored as promising pure UHE neutrino sources, because the computed neutrino fluxes are highly beamed along the plane of accretion disk, peaked at high energies, and collimated in smaller opening angle (ð ⪠1).
1. Introduction With typical bolometric luminosities âŒ1045â48 erg sâ1 , the AGNs are amongst the most luminous emitters in the universe, particularly at high energies (gamma-rays) and radio wavelengths. From its historical development, up to current interests, the efforts in the AGN physics have evoked the study of a major unsolved problem of how efficiently such huge energies observed can be generated. This energy scale severely challenges conventional source models. The huge energy release from compact regions of AGN requires extremely high efficiency (typically â¥10 per cent) of conversion of rest mass to other forms of energy. This serves as the main argument in favour of supermassive black holes, with masses of millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun, as central engines of massive AGNs. The astrophysical black holes come in a wide range of masses, from â¥3ðâ for stellar mass black holes [1] to âŒ1010 ðâ for supermassive black holes [2, 3]. Demography of local galaxies suggests that most galaxies harbour quiescent supermassive black holes in their nuclei at the present time and that the mass of the hosted black hole is correlated with properties of the host bulge. The
visible universe should therefore contain at least 100 billion supermassive black holes. A complex study of evolution of AGNs requires an answer to the key questions such as how did the first black holes form, how did massive black holes get to the galaxy centers, and how did they grow in accreting mass, namely, an understanding of the important phenomenon of mass assembly history of accreting supermassive black hole seeds. The observations support the idea that black holes grow in tandem with their hosts throughout cosmic history, starting from the earliest times. While the exact mechanism for the formation of the first black holes is not currently known, there are several prevailing theories [4]. However, each proposal towards formation and growth of initial seed black holes has its own advantage and limitations in proving the whole view of the issue. In this report we review the mass assembly history of 377 plausible accreting supermassive black hole seeds in AGNs and their neutrino radiation in the framework of gravitation theory, which explores the most important processes of rearrangement of vacuum state and a spontaneous breaking of gravitation gauge symmetry at huge energies. We will proceed according to the following structure. Most observational, theoretical, and computational
2 aspects of the growth of black hole seeds are summarized in Section 2. The other important phenomenon of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays, in relevance to AGNs, is discussed in Section 3. The objectives of suggested approach are outlined in Section 4. In Section 5 we review the spherical accretion on superdense protomatter nuclei, in use. In Section 6 we discuss the growth of the seed black hole at accretion and derive its intermediate mass, initial redshift, and neutrino preradiation time (PRT). Section 7 is devoted to the neutrino radiation produced in superdense protomatter nuclei. The simulation results of the seed black hole intermediate masses, PRTs, seed redshifts, and neutrino fluxes for 377 AGN black holes are brought in Section 8. The concluding remarks are given in Section 9. We will refrain from providing lengthy details of the proposed gravitation theory at huge energies and neutrino flux computations. For these the reader is invited to visit the original papers and appendices of the present paper. In the latter we also complete the spacetime deformation theory, in the model context of gravitation, by new investigation of building up the complex of distortion (DC) of spacetime continuum and showing how it restores the world-deformation tensor, which still has been put in by hand. Finally, note that we regard the considered black holes only as the potential neutrino sources. The obtained results, however, may suffer if not all live black holes at present reside in final stage of their growth driven by the formation of protomatter disk at accretion and they radiate neutrino. We often suppress the indices without notice. Unless otherwise stated, we take geometrized units throughout this paper.
2. A Breakthrough in Observational and Computational Aspects on Growth of Black Hole Seeds Significant progress has been made in the last few years in understanding how supermassive black holes form and grow. Given the current masses of 106â9 ðâ , most black hole growth happens in the AGN phase. A significant fraction of the total black hole growth, 60% [6], happens in the most luminous AGN, quasars. In an AGN phase, which lasts âŒ108 years, the central supermassive black hole can gain up to âŒ107â8 ðâ , so even the most massive galaxies will have only a few of these events over their lifetime. Aforesaid gathers support especially from a breakthrough made in recent observational, theoretical, and computational efforts in understanding of evolution of black holes and their host galaxies, particularly through self-regulated growth and feedback from accretionpowered outflows; see, for example, [4, 7â18]. Whereas the multiwavelength methods are used to trace the growth of seed BHs, the prospects for future observations are reviewed. The observations provide strong support for the existence of a correlation between supermassive black holes and their hosts out to the highest redshifts. The observations of the quasar luminosity function show that the most supermassive black holes get most of their mass at high redshift, while at low redshift only low mass black holes are still growing [19]. This is observed in both optical [20] and hard Xray luminosity functions [19, 21], which indicates that this
Journal of Astrophysics result is independent of obscuration. Natarajan [13] has reported that the initial black hole seeds form at extremely high redshifts from the direct collapse of pregalactic gas discs. Populating dark matter halos with seeds formed in this fashion and using a Monte-Carlo merger tree approach, he has predicted the black hole mass function at high redshifts and at the present time. The most aspects of the models that describe the growth and accretion history of supermassive black holes and evolution of this scenario have been presented in detail by [9, 10]. In these models, at early times the properties of the assembling black hole seeds are more tightly coupled to properties of the dark matter halo as their growth is driven by the merger history of halos. While a clear picture of the history of black hole growth is emerging, significant uncertainties still remain [14], and in spite of recent advances [6, 13], the origin of the seed black holes remains an unsolved problem at present. The NuSTAR deep high-energy observations will enable obtaining a nearly complete AGN survey, including heavily obscured Comptonthick sources, up to ð§ ⌠1.5 [22]. A similar mission, ASTROH [23], will be launched by Japan in 2014. These observations in combination with observations at longer wavelengths will allow for the detection and identification of most growing supermassive black holes at ð§ ⌠1. The ultradeep X-ray and near-infrared surveys covering at least âŒ1 deg2 are required to constrain the formation of the first black hole seeds. This will likely require the use of the next generation of spacebased observatories such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the International X-ray Observatory. The superb spatial resolution and sensitivity of the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) [24] will revolutionize our understanding of galaxy evolution. Combining these new data with existing multiwavelength information will finally allow astrophysicists to pave the way for later efforts by pioneering some of the census of supermassive black hole growth, in use today.
3. UHE Cosmic-Ray Particles The galactic sources like supernova remnants (SNRs) or microquasars are thought to accelerate particles at least up to energies of 3 à 1015 eV. The ultrahigh energy cosmicray (UHECR) particles with even higher energies have since been detected (comprehensive reviews can be found in [25â 29]). The accelerated protons or heavier nuclei up to energies exceeding 1020 eV are firstly observed by [30]. The cosmicray events with the highest energies so far detected have energies of 2 à 1011 GeV [31] and 3 à 1011 GeV [32]. These energies are 107 times higher than the most energetic manmade accelerator, the LHC at CERN. These highest energies are believed to be reached in extragalactic sources like AGNs or gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). During propagation of such energetic particles through the universe, the threshold for pion photoproduction on the microwave background is âŒ2 à 1010 GeV, and at âŒ3 à 1011 GeV the energy-loss distance is about 20 Mpc. Propagation of cosmic rays over substantially larger distances gives rise to a cutoff in the spectrum at ⌠1011 GeV as was first shown by [33, 34], the GZK cutoff. The recent confirmation [35, 36] of GZK suppression in the
Journal of Astrophysics cosmic-ray energy spectrum indicates that the cosmic rays with energies above the GZK cutoff, ðžGZK ⌠40 EeV, mostly come from relatively close (within the GZK radius, ðGZK ⌠100 Mpc) extragalactic sources. However, despite the detailed measurements of the cosmic-ray spectrum, the identification of the sources of the cosmic-ray particles is still an open question as they are deflected in the galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields and hence have lost all information about their origin when reaching Earth. Only at the highest energies beyond âŒ1019.6 GeV cosmic-ray particles may retain enough directional information to locate their sources. The latter must be powerful enough to sustain the energy density in extragalactic cosmic rays of about 3 à 10â19 erg cmâ3 which is equivalent to âŒ8 à 1044 erg Mpcâ3 yrâ1 . Though it has not been possible up to now to identify the sources of galactic or extragalactic cosmic rays, general considerations allow limiting potential source classes. For example, the existing data on the cosmic-ray spectrum and on the isotropic 100 MeV gammaray background limit significantly the parameter space in which topological defects can generate the flux of the highest energy cosmic rays and rule out models with the standard X-particle mass of 1016 GeV and higher [37]. Eventually, the neutrinos will serve as unique astronomical messengers, and they will significantly enhance and extend our knowledge on galactic and extragalactic sources of the UHE universe. Indeed, except for oscillations induced by transit in a vacuum Higgs field, neutrinos can penetrate cosmological distances and their trajectories are not deflected by magnetic fields as they are neutral, providing powerful probes of high energy astrophysics in ways which no other particle can. Moreover, the flavor composition of neutrinos originating at astrophysical sources can serve as a probe of new physics in the electroweak sector. Therefore, an appealing possibility among the various hypotheses of the origin of UHECR is so-called Z-burst scenario [38â51]. This suggests that if ZeV astrophysical neutrino beam is sufficiently strong, it can produce a large fraction of observed UHECR particles within 100 Mpc by hitting local light relic neutrinos clustered in dark halos and form UHECR through the hadronic Z (s-channel production) and W-bosons (t-channel production) decays by weak interactions. The discovery of UHE neutrino sources would also clarify the production mechanism of the GeV-TeV gamma rays observed on Earth [43, 52, 53] as TeV photons are also produced in the up-scattering of photons in reactions to accelerated electrons (inverse-Compton scattering). The direct link between TeV gamma-ray photons and neutrinos through the charged and neutral pion production, which is well known from particle physics, allows for a quite robust prediction of the expected neutrino fluxes provided that the sources are transparent and the observed gamma rays originate from pion decay. The weakest link in the Z-burst hypothesis is probably both unknown boosting mechanism of the primary neutrinos up to huge energies of hundreds ZeV and their large flux required at the resonant energy ðž] â ðð2 /(2ð] ) â 4.2 à 1021 eV (eV/ð] ) well above the GZK cutoff. Such a flux severely challenges conventional source models. Any concomitant photon flux should not violate existing upper limits [37, 48, 49, 54]. The obvious question is
3 then raised: where in the Cosmos are these neutrinos coming from? It turns out that currently, at energies in excess of 1019 eV, there are only two good candidate source classes for UHE neutrinos: AGNs and GRBs. The AGNs as significant point sources of neutrinos were analyzed in [50, 55, 56]. While hard to detect, neutrinos have the advantage of representing aforesaid unique fingerprints of hadron interactions and, therefore, of the sources of cosmic rays. Two basic event topologies can be distinguished: track-like patterns of detected Cherenkov light (hits) which originate from muons produced in charged-current interactions of muon neutrinos (muon channel); spherical hit patterns which originate from the hadronic cascade at the vertex of neutrino interactions or the electromagnetic cascade of electrons from chargedcurrent interactions of electron neutrinos (cascade channel). If the charged-current interaction happens inside the detector or in case of charged-current tau-neutrino interactions, these two topologies overlap which complicates the reconstruction. At the relevant energies, the neutrino is approximately collinear with the muon and, hence, the muon channel is the prime channel for the search for point-like sources of cosmic neutrinos. On the other hand, cascades deposit all of their energy inside the detector and therefore allow for a much better energy reconstruction with a resolution of a few 10%. Finally, numerous reports are available at present in literature on expected discovery potential and sensitivity of experiments to neutrino point-like sources. Currently operating high energy neutrino telescopes attempt to detect UHE neutrinos, such as ANTARES [57, 58] which is the most sensitive neutrino telescope in the Northern Hemisphere, IceCube [35, 59â64] which is worldwide largest and hence most sensitive neutrino telescope in the Southern Hemisphere, BAIKAL [65], as well as the CR extended experiments of The Telescope Array [66], Pierre Auger Observatory [67, 68], and JEM-EUSO mission [69]. The JEM-EUSO mission, which is planned to be launched by a H2B rocket around 20152016, is designed to explore the extremes in the universe and fundamental physics through the detection of the extreme energy (ðž > 1020 eV) cosmic rays. The possible origins of the soon-to-be famous 28 IceCube neutrino-PeV events [59â61] are the first hint for astrophysical neutrino signal. Aartsen et al. have published an observation of two âŒ1 PeV neutrinos, with a ð value 2.8ð beyond the hypothesis that these events were atmospherically generated [59]. The analysis revealed an additional 26 neutrino candidates depositing âelectromagnetic equivalent energiesâ ranging from about 30 TeV up to 250 TeV [61]. New results were presented at the IceCube Particle Astrophysics Symposium (IPA 2013) [62â 64]. If cosmic neutrinos are primarily of extragalactic origin, then the 100 GeV gamma ray flux observed by Fermi-LAT constrains the normalization at PeV energies at injection, which in turn demands a neutrino spectral index Î < 2.1 [70].
4. MTBH, Revisited: Preliminaries For the benefit of the reader, a brief outline of the key ideas behind the microscopic theory of black hole, as a guiding principle, is given in this section to make the rest of the
4 paper understandable. There is a general belief reinforced by statements in textbooks that, according to general relativity (GR), a long-standing standard phenomenological black hole model (PBHM)ânamely, the most general Kerr-Newman black hole model, with parameters of mass (ð), angular momentum (ðœ), and charge (ð), still has to be put in by handâcan describe the growth of accreting supermassive black hole seed. However, such beliefs are suspect and should be critically reexamined. The PBHM cannot be currently accepted as convincing model for addressing the aforementioned problems, because in this framework the very source of gravitational field of the black hole is a kind of curvature singularity at the center of the stationary black hole. A meaningless central singularity develops which is hidden behind the event horizon. The theory breaks down inside the event horizon which is causally disconnected from the exterior world. Either the Kruskal continuation of the Schwarzschild (ðœ = 0, ð = 0) metric, or the Kerr (ð = 0) metric, or the Reissner-Nordstrom (ðœ = 0) metric, shows that the static observers fail to exist inside the horizon. Any object that collapses to form a black hole will go on to collapse to a singularity inside the black hole. Thereby any timelike worldline must strike the central singularity which wholly absorbs the infalling matter. Therefore, the ultimate fate of collapsing matter once it has crossed the black hole surface is unknown. This, in turn, disables any accumulation of matter in the central part and, thus, neither the growth of black holes nor the increase of their massenergy density could occur at accretion of outside matter, or by means of merger processes. As a consequence, the mass and angular momentum of black holes will not change over the lifetime of the universe. But how can one be sure that some hitherto unknown source of pressure does not become important at huge energies and halt the collapse? To fill the void which the standard PBHM presents, one plausible idea to innovate the solution to alluded key problems would appear to be the framework of microscopic theory of black hole. This theory has been originally proposed by [71] and references therein and thoroughly discussed in [72â75]. Here we recount some of the highlights of the MTBH, which is the extension of PBHM and rather completes it by exploring the most important processes of rearrangement of vacuum state and a spontaneous breaking of gravitation gauge symmetry at huge energies [71, 74, 76]. We will not be concerned with the actual details of this framework but only use it as a backdrop to validate the theory with some observational tests. For details, the interested reader is invited to consult the original papers. Discussed gravitational theory is consistent with GR up to the limit of neutron stars. But this theory manifests its virtues applied to the physics of internal structure of galactic nuclei. In the latter a significant change of properties of spacetime continuum, so-called inner distortion (ID), arises simultaneously with the strong gravity at huge energies (see Appendix A). Consequently the matter undergoes phase transition of second kind, which supplies a powerful pathway to form a stable superdense protomatter core (SPC) inside the event horizon. Due to this, the stable equilibrium holds in outward layers too and, thus, an accumulation of matter is allowed now around the SPC.
Journal of Astrophysics The black hole models presented in phenomenological and microscopic frameworks have been schematically plotted in Figure 1, to guide the eye. A crucial point of the MTBH is that a central singularity cannot occur, which is now replaced by finite though unbelievably extreme conditions held in the SPC, where the static observers existed. The SPC surrounded by the accretion disk presents the microscopic model of AGN. The SPC accommodates the highest energy scale up to hundreds of ZeV in central protomatter core which accounts for the spectral distribution of the resulting radiation of galactic nuclei. External physics of accretion onto the black hole in earlier part of its lifetime is identical to the processes in Schwarzschildâs model. However, a strong difference in the model context between the phenomenological black hole and the SPC is arising in the second part of its lifetime (see Section 6). The seed black hole might grow up driven by the accretion of outside matter when it was getting most of its mass. An infalling matter with time forms the protomatter disk around the protomatter core tapering off faster at reaching out the thin edge of the event horizon. At this, metric singularity inevitably disappears (see appendices) and the neutrinos may escape through vista to outside world, even after the neutrino trapping. We study the growth of protomatter disk and derive the intermediate mass and initial redshift of seed black hole and examine luminosities, neutrino surfaces for the disk. In this framework, we have computed the fluxes of UHE neutrinos [75], produced in the medium of the SPC via simple (quark and pionic reactions) or modified URCA processes, even after the neutrino trapping (G. Gamow was inspired to name the process URCA after the name of a casino in Rio de Janeiro, when M. Schenberg remarked to him that âthe energy disappears in the nucleus of the supernova as quickly as the money disappeared at that roulette tableâ). The âtrappingâ is due to the fact that as the neutrinos are formed in protomatter core at superhigh densities they experience greater difficulty escaping from the protomatter core before being dragged along with the matter; namely, the neutrinos are âtrappedâ comove with matter. The part of neutrinos annihilates to produce, further, the secondary particles of expected ultrahigh energies. In this model, of course, a key open question is to enlighten the mechanisms that trigger the activity, and how a large amount of matter can be steadily funneled to the central regions to fuel this activity. In high luminosity AGNs the large-scale internal gravitational instabilities drive gas towards the nucleus which trigger big starbursts, and the coeval compact cluster just formed. It seemed they have some connection to the nuclear fueling through mass loss of young stars as well as their tidal disruption and supernovae. Note that we regard the UHECR particles as a signature of existence of superdence protomatter sources in the universe. Since neutrino events are expected to be of sufficient intensity, our estimates can be used to guide investigations of neutrino detectors for the distant future.
5. Spherical Accretion onto SPC As alluded to above, the MTBH framework supports the idea of accreting supermassive black holes which link to AGNs. Ì in use, it is In order to compute the mass accretion rate ð,
Journal of Astrophysics
â PC
Figure 1: (a) The phenomenological model of AGN with the central stationary black hole. The meaningless singularity occurs at the center inside the black hole. (b) The microscopic model of AGN with the central stable SPC. In due course, the neutrinos of huge energies may escape through the vista to outside world. Accepted notations: EH = event horizon, AD = accretion disk, SPC = superdense protomatter core, PC = protomatter core.
necessary to study the accretion onto central supermassive SPC. The main features of spherical accretion can be briefly summed up in the following three idealized models that illustrate some of the associated physics [72]. 5.1. Free Radial Infall. We examine the motion of freely moving test particle by exploring the external geometry of the SPC, with the line element (A.7), at ð¥ = 0. Let us denote the 4Ì ð Ì ð = (Ìð¡, Ìð, ð, Ì ), ð¥ð /ðÌð , ð¥ vector of velocity of test particle Vð = ðÌ 2 and consider it initially for simplest radial infall V = V3 = 0. We determine the value of local velocity VÌð < 0 of the particle for the moment of crossing the EH sphere, as well as at reaching the surface of central stable SPC. The equation of geodesics is derived from the variational principle ð¿ â« ðð = 0, which is the extremum of the distance along the wordline for the Lagrangian at hand 2 2 2 2 2 Ì2 ÌÌ â Ìð2 ðÌ , 2ð¿ = (1 â ð¥0 ) Ìð¡Ì â (1 + ð¥0 ) ÌðÌ â Ìð2 sin2 ðÌð
where Ìð¡Ì â¡ ð Ìð¡/ðð is the ð¡-component of 4-momentum and ð is the affine parameter along the worldline. We are using an affine parametrization (by a rescaling ð â ð(ðóž )) such that ð¿ = const is constant along the curve. A static observer makes measurements with local orthonormal tetrad: óµšâ1 óµš ðÌð¡â = óµšóµšóµš1 â ð¥0 óµšóµšóµš ðð¡â , ððâÌ = Ìðâ1 ððâ ,
ðÌðâ = (1 + ð¥0 ) ððâ , Ì â1 ðâ . ððâ Ì = (Ìð sin ð) ð
Ì ð, Ì and Ìð¡ can be derived The Euler-Lagrange equations for ð, from the variational principle. A local measurement of the particleâs energy made by a static observer in the equatorial plane gives the time component of the 4-momentum as measured in the observerâs local orthonormal frame. This
is the projection of the 4-momentum along the time basis vector. The Euler-Lagrange equations show that if we orient the coordinate system as initially the particle is moving in the Ì equatorial plane (i.e., ðÌ = ð/2, ðÌ = 0), then the particle always remains in this plane. There are two constants of the motion Ì namely, corresponding to the ignorable coordinates Ìð¡ and ð, the ðž-âenergy-at-infinityâ and the ð-angular momentum. We conclude that the free radial infall of a particle from the infinity up to the moment of crossing the EH sphere, as well as at reaching the surface of central body, is absolutely the same as in the Schwarzschild geometry of black hole (Figure 2(a)). We clear up a general picture of orbits just outside the event horizon by considering the Euler-Lagrange equation for radial component with âeffective potential.â The Ì circular orbits are stable if ð is concave up, namely, at Ìð > 4ð, Ì is the mass of SPC. The binding energy per unit where ð Ì mass of a particle in the last stable circular orbit at Ìð = 4ð Ì â 1 â (27/32)1/2 . Namely, this is Ì bind = (ð â ðž)/ð is ðž the fraction of rest-mass energy released when test particle originally at rest at infinity spirals slowly toward the SPC to the innermost stable circular orbit and then plunges into it. Thereby one of the important parameters is the capture cross 2 , section for particles falling in from infinity: ðcapt = ððmax where ðmax is the maximum impact parameter of a particle that is captured. 5.2. Collisionless Accretion. The distribution function for a collisionless gas is determined by the collisionless Boltzmann equation or Vlasov equation. For the stationary and spherical flow we obtain then Ì 2 ðâ Vâ1 ðâ2 , ðÌ (ðž > 0) = 16ð (ðºð) â
Journal of Astrophysics AGN
vr < 0
nÌ Ã 10â40 (g cmâ3 )
vr = 0 r=â x0 = 0
1.5 1.0
1 x0
x0 = 2 x0 = 1
Figure 2: (a) The free radial infall of a particle from the infinity to EH sphere (ð¥0 = 1), which is similar to the Schwarzschild geometry of BH. Crossing the EH sphere, a particle continues infall reaching finally the surface (ð¥0 = 2) of the stable SPC. (b) Approaching the EH sphere (ð¥0 = 1), the particle concentration increases asymptotically until the threshold value of protomatter. Then, due to the action of cutoff effect, the metric singularity vanishes and the particles well pass EH sphere.
where the particle density ðâ is assumed to be uniform at far from the SPC and the particle speed is Vâ ⪠1. During the accretion process the particles approaching the EH become relativistic. Approaching event horizon, the particle concentration increases asymptotically as (Ìð(Ìð)/ðâ )ð¥0 â 1 â Ì 00 )/2 Vâ , up to the ID threshold value ðÌð (Ìð)â1/3 = â(ln ð 0.4 fm (Figure 2(b)). Due to the action of cutoff effect, the metric singularity then vanishes and the particles well pass EH sphere (ð¥0 = 1) and in the sequel form the protomatter disk around the protomatter core. 5.3. Hydrodynamic Accretion. For real dynamical conditions found in considered superdense medium, it is expected that the mean free path for collisions will be much shorter than the characteristic length scale; that is, the accretion of ambient gas onto a stationary, nonrotating compact SPC will be hydrodynamical in nature. For any equation of state obeying the causality constraint the sound speed implies ð2 < 1 and the flow must pass through a critical sonic point ðð outside the event horizon. The locally measured particle velocity reads Ì 00 /ðž2 ), where ðž = ðžâ /ð = (Ì ð00 /(1 â ð¢2 ))1/2 and VÌð = (1 â ð ðžâ is the energy at infinity of individual particle of the mass ð. Thus, the proper flow velocity VÌð = ð¢ â 0 and is subsonic. At Ìð = ð
ð /2, the proper velocity equals the speed of light |VÌð| = ð¢ = 1 > ð and the flow is supersonic. This condition is independent of the magnitude of ð¢ and is not sufficient by itself to guarantee that the flow passes through a critical point outside EH. For large Ìð ⥠ðð , it is expected that the particles be nonrelativistic with ð †ðð ⪠1 (i.e., ð ⪠ðð2 /ðŸ = 1013 ðŸ), as they were nonrelativistic at infinity (ðâ ⪠1). Considering the equation of accretion onto superdense protomatter core, which is an analogue of Bondi equations for spherical, steadystate adiabatic accretion onto the SPC, we determine a mass accretion rate óž Ì 00 )ð , ðÌ = 2ðððð ðð 5/2 (ln ð
where prime (óž )ð denotes differentiation with respect to Ìð at the point ðð . The gas compression can be estimated as óž
Ì 00 )ð ð5/2 (ln ð ðÌ â ð 2 [ ] Ì ðð (Ìð) ðâ 2ð 1 + ð
The approximate equality between the sound speed and the mean particle speed implies that the hydrodynamic accretion rate is larger than the collisionless accretion rate by the large factor â109 .
6. The Intermediate Mass, PRT, and Initial Redshift of Seed Black Hole The key objectives of the MTBH framework are then an Seed increase of the mass, ðBH , gravitational radius, ð
ðSeed , and of the seed black hole, BHSeed , at accretion of outside matter. Thereby an infalling matter forms protomatter disk around protomatter core tapering off faster at reaching the thin edge of event horizon. So, a practical measure of growth BHSeed â BH may most usefully be the increase of gravitational radius or mass of black hole: Îð
ð = ð
ðBH â ð
ðSeed =
2ðº 2ðº ð = ðð, ð2 ð ð2 ð ð
Seed Seed = ðBH ÎðBH = ðBH â ðBH
, ð
where ðð , ðð , and ðð , respectively, are the total mass, Ì BH density, and volume of protomatter disk. At the value ð
ð of gravitational radius, when protomatter disk has finally reached the event horizon of grown-up supermassive black
Journal of Astrophysics
7 Z ð
Z0 Z1 PC ð Rd 0 RSPC
ðd = d/2Rg â ð d ð
ð ð1 RgSeed
6.2. PRT. The PRT is referred to as a lapse of time ðBH from the birth of black hole till neutrino radiation, the earlier Ì where ðÌ is the part of the lifetime. That is, ðBH = ðð /ð, accretion rate. In approximation at hand ð
ð ⪠ð
ð , the PRT reads ðBH = ðð
Figure 3: A schematic cross section of the growth of supermassive black hole driven by the formation of protomatter disk at accretion, when protomatter disk has finally reached the event horizon of grown-up supermassive black hole.
ð ð
ð2 ðð â 9.33 â
1015 [g cmâ3 ] . ðÌ ðÌ
In case of collisionless accretion, (3) and (11) give ðBH â 2.6 â
ð 10â24 g cmâ3 Vâ yr. cm ðâ 10 km ð â1
In case of hydrodynamic accretion, (4) and (11) yield Ìð can be calculated in polar coordinates hole, the volume ð (ð, ð§, ð) from Figure 3: Ìð = â« ð
Ì BH ð
ð§1 (ð)
âð§1 (ð)
ðð â« ððð â«
ð§0 (ð)
âð§0 (ð)
â â« ðð â« ððð â« BH
Ìð ) (ð
ð âªð
ðð§ ðð§
2 â2ð Ì BH ) , ð
ð (ð
ð 3
Ì â ð0 ), ð§0 (ð) = âð
2 â ð2 , where ð§1 (ð) â ð§0 â ð§0 (ð â ð0 )/(ð
ð ð BH
Ì BH we set ð§0 (ð0 ) â ð0 â ð
ð /â2. and in approximation ð
ð ⪠ð
ð 6.1. The Intermediate Mass of Seed Black Hole. From the first line of (6), by virtue of (7), we obtain Ì BH ð
2 = ð (1 ± â 1 â ð
ðSeed ) , ð
where 2/ð = 8.73 [km]ð
ð ðð /ðâ . The (8) is valid at (2/ ð)ð
ðSeed †1; namely, ð
â [km] ðð ð
ð ⥠2.09 . ð
ð ð
â ðâ ð
â Seed
For the values ðð = 2.6Ã1016 [g cm]â3 (see below) and ð
ðSeed â 2.95 [km](103 to 106 ), inequality (9) is reduced to ð
â /ð
ð ⥠2.34 à 108 (1 to 103 ) or [cm]/ð
ð ⥠0.34(10â2 to 10). This condition is always satisfied, because for considered 377 black holes, with the masses ðBH /ðâ â 1.1 à 106 to 1.3 à 1010 , we approximately have ð
ð /ðOV â 10â10 to 10â7 [71]. Note that Woo and Urry [5] collect and compare all the AGN/BH mass and luminosity estimates from the literature. According to (6), the intermediate mass of seed black hole reads Seed ðBH ð
ðBH ð â BH (1 â 1.68 Ã 10â6 ð ). ðâ ðâ [cm] ðâ
ðBH â 8.8 â
ð ð
ð2 cmâ3 óž
ðð ðð 5/2 (ln ð00 )ð
Note that the spherical accretion onto black hole, in general, is not necessarily an efficient mechanism for converting restmass energy into radiation. Accretion onto black hole may be far from spherical accretion, because the accreted gas possesses angular momentum. In this case, the gas will be thrown into circular orbits about the black hole when centrifugal forces will become significant before the gas plunges through the event horizon. Assuming a typical mass-energy conversion efficiency of about ð ⌠10%, in approximation ð
ð ⪠ð
ð , according to (12) and (13), the resulting relationship of typical PRT versus bolometric luminosity becomes ðBH â 0.32
ð ðBH 2 1039 ð ( ) [yr] . ðOV ðâ ð¿ bol
We supplement this by computing neutrino fluxes in the next section. 6.3. Redshift of Seed Black Hole. Interpreting the redshift as a cosmological Doppler effect and that the Hubble law could most easily be understood in terms of expansion of the universe, we are interested in the purely academic question of principle to ask what could be the initial redshift, ð§Seed , of seed black hole if the mass, the luminosity, and the redshift, ð§, of black hole at present time are known. To follow the history of seed black hole to the present time, let us place ourselves at the origin of coordinates ð = 0 (according to the Cosmological Principle, this is mere convention) and consider a light traveling to us along the âð direction, with angular variables fixed. If the light has left a seed black hole, located at ðð , ðð , and ðð , at time ð¡ð , and it has to reach us at a time ð¡0 , then a power series for the redshift as a function of the time of flight is ð§Seed = ð»0 (ð¡0 â ð¡ð ) + â
, where ð¡0 is the present moment and ð»0 is Hubbleâs constant. Similar expression, ð§ = ð»0 (ð¡0 âð¡1 )+â
, can be written for the current black hole, located at ð1 , ð1 , and ð1 , at time ð¡1 , where ð¡1 = ð¡ð + ðBH , as seed black hole is an object at early times. Hence, in the first-order approximation by Hubbleâs constant, we may obtain the following relation between the redshifts of seed
Journal of Astrophysics
and present black holes: ð§Seed â ð§ + ð»0 ðBH . This relation is in agreement with the scenario of a general recession of distant galaxies away from us in all directions, the furthest naturally being those moving the fastest. This relation, incorporating with (14), for the value ð»0 = 70 [km]/[s Mpc] favored today yields ð§Seed â ð§ + 2.292 à 1028
ð ðBH 2 ð ( ) . ðOV ðâ ð¿ bol
7. UHE Neutrino Fluxes The flux can be written in terms of luminosity as ðœ]ð = Ì ]ð /4ðð·2 (ð§)(1 + ð§), where ð§ is the redshift and ð·ð¿ (ð§) is the ð¿ ð¿ luminosity distance depending on the cosmological model. The (1 + ð§)â1 is due to the fact that each neutrino with energy Ì óž if observed near the place and time of emission ð¡óž will be ðž ] Ì óž ð
(ð¡1 )/ð
(ð¡0 ) = ðž Ì óž (1 + ð§)â1 of Ì] = ðž red-shifted to energy ðž ] ] the neutrino observed at time ð¡ after its long journey to us, where ð
(ð¡) is the cosmic scale factor. Computing the UHE neutrino fluxes in the framework of MTBH, we choose the cosmological model favored today, with a flat universe, filled with matter Ωð = ðð/ðð and vacuum energy densities Ωð = ðð/ðð , thereby Ωð +Ωð = 1, where the critical energy density ðð = 3ð»02 /(8ððºð) is defined through the Hubble parameter ð»0 [77]: ð·ð¿ (ð§) =
ðð¥ (1 + ð§) ð 1+ð§ â« ð»0 âΩð 1 âΩ /Ω + ð¥3 ð ð
= 2.4 à 1028 ðŒ (ð§) cm. 1+ð§ Here ðŒ(ð§) = (1 + ð§) â«1 ðð¥/â2.3 + ð¥3 , we set the values ð»0 = 70 km/s Mpc, Ωð = 0.7 and Ωð = 0.3.
7.1. URCA Reactions. The neutrino luminosity of SPC of Ì by modified URCA reactions with no muons given mass, ð, reads [75] Ì URCA = 3.8 Ã 1050 ðð ( ðâ ) ð¿ ]ð Ì ð
[erg sâ1 ] ,
where ðð = ð/2 ð
ð and ð is the thickness of the protomatter disk at the edge of even horizon. The resulting total UHE neutrino flux of cooling of the SPC can be obtained as URCA â 5.22 à 10â8 ðœ]ð
ð ðð ( â) Ì ðŒ2 (ð§) (1 + ð§) ð
[erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1 ] ,
7.2. Pionic Reactions. The pionic reactions, occurring in the superdense protomatter medium of SPC, allow both the distorted energy and momentum to be conserved. This is the analogue of the simple URCA processes: ðâ + ð ó³šâ ð + ðâ + ]ð ,
ðâ + ð ó³šâ ð + ðâ + ]ð
and the two inverse processes. As in the modified URCA reactions, the total rate for all four processes is essentially four times the rate of each reaction alone. The muons are already present when pions appear. The neutrino luminosity of the Ì by pionic reactions reads [75] SPC of given mass, ð, Ì ð = 5.78 Ã 1058 ðð ( ðâ ) ð¿ ]ð Ì ð
[erg sâ1 ] .
Then, the UHE neutrino total flux is ð ðœ]ð â 7.91
ðâ 1.75 ðð ) ( [erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1 ] . Ì ðŒ2 (ð§) (1 + ð§) ð (21)
The resulting total energy-loss rate will then be dramatically larger due to the pionic reactions (19) rather than the modified URCA processes. 7.3. Quark Reactions. In the superdense protomatter medium the distorted quark Fermi energies are far below the charmed c-, t-, and b-quark production thresholds. Therefore, only up-, down-, and strange quarks are present. The ðœ equilibrium is maintained by reactions like ð ó³šâ ð¢ + ðâ + ]ð ,
ð¢ + ðâ ó³šâ ð + ]ð ,
ð ó³šâ ð¢ + ðâ + ]ð ,
ð¢ + ðâ ó³šâ ð + ]ð ,
which are ðœ decay and its inverse. These reactions constitute simple URCA processes, in which there is a net loss of a ]ð ]ð pair at nonzero temperatures. In this application a sufficient accuracy is obtained by assuming ðœ-equilibrium and that the neutrinos are not retained in the medium of Î-like protomatter. The quark reactions (22) and (23) proceed at equal rates in ðœ equilibrium, where the participating quarks must reside close to their Fermi surface. Hence, the total energy of flux due to simple URCA processes is rather twice than that of (22) or (23) alone. For example, the spectral fluxes of the UHE antineutrinos and neutrinos for different redshifts from quark reactions are plotted, respectively, in Figures 4 and 5 [75]. The total flux of UHE neutrino can be written as ð â 70.68 ðœ]ð
ðâ 1.75 ðð ) ( [erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1 ] . Ì ðŒ2 (ð§) (1 + ð§) ð (24)
where the neutrino is radiated in a cone with the beaming 1+ð§ angle ð ⌠ðð ⪠1, ðŒ(ð§) = (1 + ð§) â«1 ðð¥/â2.3 + ð¥3 . As it is seen, the nucleon modified URCA reactions can contribute efficiently only to extragalactic objects with enough small redshift ð§ ⪠1.
8. Simulation For simulation we use the data of AGN/BH mass and luminosity estimates for 377 black holes presented by [5]. These masses are mostly based on the virial assumption for the broad emission lines, with the broad-line region size
Journal of Astrophysics
3E7 z = 0.07
z = 0.1
1E7 z = 0.02
(dJ ð /dy2 )/ðd (0.41 erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1)
(dJ ð /dy2 )/ðd (0.41 erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1)
z = 0.01
10000 z = 0.5
z = 0.03
z = 0.7
z = 0.05
4 8 12 y2 = E /100 ZeV
y2 = E /100 ZeV
Figure 4: The spectral fluxes of UHE antineutrinos for different redshifts from quark reactions.
z = 0.07
2.8E5 (dJð /dy1 )/ðd (0.1 erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1)
z = 0.01
z = 0.1
2E5 1.6E5 1.2E5
(dJð /dy1 )/ðd (0.1 erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1)
z = 0.02
80000 z = 0.5
z = 0.03 z = 0.05
8 12 y1 = E /100 ZeV
z = 0.7
y1 = E /100 ZeV
Figure 5: The spectral fluxes of UHE neutrinos for different redshifts from quark reactions.
determined from either reverberation mapping or optical luminosity. Additional black hole mass estimates based on properties of the host galaxy bulges, either using the observed stellar velocity dispersion or using the fundamental plane relation. Since the aim is to have more than a thousand of realizations, each individual run is simplified, with a use of previous algorithm of the SPC-configurations [71] as a working model, given in Appendix G. Computing the corresponding PRTs, seed black hole intermediate masses, and total neutrino fluxes, a main idea comes to solving an inverse problem. Namely, by the numerous reiterating integrations of the state equations of SPC-configurations we determine those
required central values of particle concentration ðÌ(0) and IDfield ð¥(0), for which the integrated total mass of configuration has to be equal to the black hole mass ðBH given from observations. Along with all integral characteristics, the radius ð
ð is also computed, which is further used in (10), (14), Seed , ðBH , ð§Seed , and (15), (18), (21), and (24) for calculating ðBH ð ðœ]ð , respectively. The results are summed up in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 Seed /ðâ and 5. Figure 6 gives the intermediate seed masses ðBH versus the present masses ðBH /ðâ of 337 black holes, on logarithmic scales. For the present masses ðBH /ðâ â 1.1 à 106 to 1.3 à 1010 , the computed intermediate seed masses
Journal of Astrophysics ðBH /ðâ â 1.1 Ã 106 to 1.3 Ã 1010 mass range at present reside in final stage of their growth, when the protomatter disk driven by accretion has reached the event horizon.
Seed log (MBH /Mâ )
6 5 4 3
A. Outline of the Key Points of Proposed Gravitation Theory at Huge Energies
8 9 log ( MBH /Mâ )
Seed Figure 6: The ðBH /ðâ -ðBH /ðâ relation on logarithmic scales of 337 black holes from [5]. The solid line is the best fit to data of samples.
Seed are ranging from ðBH /ðâ â 26.4 to 2.9 à 105 . The computed neutrino fluxes are ranging from (1) (quark ð reactions)âðœ]ð /ðð [erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1 ] â 8.29Ã10â16 to 3.18à ð 10â4 , with the average ðœ]ð â 5.53Ã10â10 ðð [erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1 ]; ð ð â 0.112ðœ]ð , with the average (2) (pionic reactions)âðœ]ð ð â11 â2 â1 â1 ðœ]ð â 3.66 à 10 ðð [erg cm s sr ]; and (3) (modified URCA ð â 7.39 à 10â11 ðœ]ð , with the average URCA processes)âðœ]ð URCA
ðœ]ð â 2.41 à 10â20 ðð [erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1 ]. In accordance, the AGNs are favored as promising pure neutrino sources because the computed neutrino fluxes are highly beamed along the plane of accretion disk and peaked at high energies and collimated in smaller opening angle ð ⌠ðð = ð/2 ðð ⪠1. To render our discussion here a bit more transparent and to obtain some feeling for the parameter ðð we may estimate ðð â 1.69Ã10â10 , just for example, only, for the suppermassive black hole of typical mass âŒ109 ðâ (2 ð
ð = 5.9 à 1014 cm), and so ð ⌠1 km. But the key problem of fixing the parameter ðð more accurately from experiment would be an important topic for another investigation elsewhere.
9. Conclusions The growth of accreting supermassive black hole seeds and their neutrino radiation are found to be common phenomena in the AGNs. In this report, we further expose the assertions made in the framework of microscopic theory of black hole via reviewing the mass assembly history of 377 plausible accreting supermassive black hole seeds. After the numerous reiterating integrations of the state equations of SPC-configurations, we compute their intermediate seed Seed , PRTs, initial redshifts, ð§Seed , and neutrino masses, ðBH fluxes. All the results are presented in Tables 1â5. Figure 6 Seed gives the intermediate seed masses ðBH /ðâ versus the present masses ðBH /ðâ of 337 black holes, on logarithmic scales. In accordance, the AGNs are favored as promising pure UHE neutrino sources. Such neutrinos may reveal clues on the puzzle of origin of UHE cosmic rays. We regard the considered black holes only as the potential neutrino sources. The obtained results, however, may suffer and that would be underestimated if not all 377 live black holes in the
The proposed gravitation theory explores the most important processes of rearrangement of vacuum state and a spontaneous breaking of gravitation gauge symmetry at huge energies. From its historical development, the efforts in gauge treatment of gravity mainly focus on the quantum gravity and microphysics, with the recent interest, for example, in the theory of the quantum superstring or, in the very early universe, in the inflationary model. The papers on the gauge treatment of gravity provide a unified picture of gravity modified models based on several Lie groups. However, currently no single theory has been uniquely accepted as the convincing gauge theory of gravitation which could lead to a consistent quantum theory of gravity. They have evoked the possibility that the treatment of spacetime might involve nonRiemannian features on the scale of the Planck length. This necessitates the study of dynamical theories involving postRiemannian geometries. It is well known that the notions of space and connections should be separated; see, for example, [78â81]. The curvature and torsion are in fact properties of a connection, and many different connections are allowed to exist in the same spacetime. Therefore, when considering several connections with different curvature and torsion, one takes spacetime simply as a manifold and connections as additional structures. From this view point in a recent paper [82] we tackle the problem of spacetime deformation. This theory generalizes and, in particular cases, fully recovers the results of the conventional theory. Conceptually and techniquewise this theory is versatile and powerful and manifests its practical and technical virtue in the fact that through a nontrivial choice of explicit form of the world-deformation tensor, which we have at our disposal, in general, we have a way to deform the spacetime which displayed different connections, which may reveal different post-Riemannian spacetime structures as corollary. All the fundamental gravitational structures in factâthe metric as much as the coframes and connectionsâacquire a spacetime deformation induced theoretical interpretation. There is another line of reasoning which supports the side of this method. We address the theory of teleparallel gravity and construct a consistent Einstein-Cartan (EC) theory with the dynamical torsion. We show that the equations of the standard EC theory, in which the equation defining torsion is the algebraic type and, in fact, no propagation of torsion is allowed, can be equivalently replaced by the set of modified Einstein-Cartan equations in which the torsion, in general, is dynamical. Moreover, the special physical constraint imposed upon the spacetime deformations yields the short-range propagating spin-spin interaction. For the self-contained arguments in Appendix A.1 and Appendices B and C we complete the
Journal of Astrophysics
Table 1: Seed black hole intermediate masses, preradiation times, redshifts, and neutrino fluxes from spatially resolved kinematics. Columns: (1) name, (2) redshift, (3) AGN type: SY2: Seyfert 2, (4) log of the bolometric luminosity (ergsâ1 ), (5) log of the radius of protomatter core in special unit ðOV = 13.68 km, (6) log of the black hole mass in solar masses, (7) log of the seed black hole intermediate mass in solar masses, (8) log of the neutrino preradiation time (yrs), (9) redshift of seed black hole, (10) ðœð=ð , (11) ðœð=URCA , and (12) ðœð=ð , where ð /ðð erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1 ). ðœð â¡ log(ðœVð ð§
log ð¿ bol
0.004 0.001
44.98 43.45
Name NGC 1068 NGC 4258
log (
ð ) ðov
â7.59201 â7.98201
log (
ðBH ) ðâ
7.23 7.62
log (
Seed ðBH ) ðâ
2.5922 2.9822
log ðBH
8.02 10.33
0.006 0.148
â5.49 â4.97
â15.62 â15.10
â6.44 â5.92
Table 2: Seed black hole intermediate masses, preradiation times, redshifts, and neutrino fluxes from reverberation mapping. Columns: (1) name, (2) redshift, (3) AGN type: SY2: Seyfert 2, (4) log of the bolometric luminosity (ergsâ1 ), (5) log of the radius of protomatter core in special unit ðOV = 13.68 km, (6) log of the black hole mass in solar masses, (7) log of the seed black hole intermediate mass in solar masses, (8) log of ð /ðð erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1 ) . the neutrino preradiation time (yrs), (9) redshift of seed black hole, (10) ðœð=ð , (11) ðœð=URCA , and (12) ðœð=ð , where ðœð â¡ log(ðœVð Name 3C 120 3C 390.3 Akn 120 F9 IC 4329A Mrk 79 Mrk 110 Mrk 335 Mrk 509 Mrk 590 Mrk 817 NGC 3227 NGC 3516 NGC 3783 NGC 4051 NGC 4151 NGC 4593 NGC 5548 NGC 7469 PG 0026 + 129 PG 0052 + 251 PG 0804 + 761 PG 0844 + 349 PG 0953 + 414 PG 1211 + 143 PG 1229 + 204 PG 1307 + 085 PG 1351 + 640 PG 1411 + 442 PG 1426 + 015 PG 1613 + 658 PG 1617 + 175 PG 1700 + 518 PG 2130 + 099 PG 1226 + 023 PG 1704 + 608
log ð¿ bol
0.033 0.056 0.032 0.047 0.016 0.022 0.035 0.026 0.034 0.026 0.032 0.004 0.009 0.010 0.002 0.003 0.009 0.017 0.016 0.142 0.155 0.100 0.064 0.239 0.085 0.064 0.155 0.087 0.089 0.086 0.129 0.114 0.292 0.061 0.158 0.371
45.34 44.88 44.91 45.23 44.78 44.57 44.71 44.69 45.03 44.63 44.99 43.86 44.29 44.41 43.56 43.73 44.09 44.83 45.28 45.39 45.93 45.93 45.36 46.16 45.81 45.01 45.83 45.50 45.58 45.19 45.66 45.52 46.56 45.47 47.35 46.33
ð ) ðov â7.78201 â8.91201 â8.63201 â8.27201 â7.13201 â8.22201 â7.18201 â7.05201 â8.22201 â7.56201 â7.96201 â8.00201 â7.72201 â7.30201 â6.49201 â7.49201 â7.27201 â8.39201 â7.20201 â7.94201 â8.77201 â8.60201 â7.74201 â8.60201 â7.85201 â8.92201 â8.26201 â8.84201 â7.93201 â8.28201 â8.98201 â8.24201 â8.67201 â8.10201 â7.58201 â8.59201
log (
ðBH ) ðâ 7.42 8.55 8.27 7.91 6.77 7.86 6.82 6.69 7.86 7.20 7.60 7.64 7.36 6.94 6.13 7.13 6.91 8.03 6.84 7.58 8.41 8.24 7.38 8.24 7.49 8.56 7.90 8.48 7.57 7.92 8.62 7.88 8.31 7.74 7.22 8.23
log (
Seed ðBH ) ðâ 2.7822 3.9122 3.6322 3.2722 2.1322 3.2222 2.1822 2.0522 3.2222 2.5622 2.9622 3.0022 2.7222 2.3022 1.4922 2.4922 2.2722 3.3922 2.2022 2.9422 3.7722 3.6022 2.7422 3.6022 2.8522 3.9222 3.2622 3.8422 2.9322 3.2822 3.9822 3.2422 3.6722 3.1022 2.5822 3.5922
log (
log ðBH
8.04 10.76 10.17 9.13 7.30 9.69 7.47 7.23 9.23 8.31 8.75 9.96 8.97 8.01 7.24 9.07 8.27 9.77 6.94 8.31 9.43 9.09 7.94 8.86 7.71 10.65 8.51 10.00 8.10 9.19 10.12 8.78 8.60 8.55 5.63 8.67
0.034 0.103 0.055 0.052 0.017 0.041 0.036 0.027 0.041 0.030 0.036 0.064 0.021 0.013 0.006 0.028 0.016 0.033 0.016 0.144 0.158 0.102 0.065 0.240 0.085 0.099 0.156 0.097 0.090 0.091 0.138 0.116 0.293 0.063 0.158 0.372
â7.69 â10.15 â9.15 â8.87 â5.91 â8.10 â6.69 â6.20 â8.49 â7.09 â7.98 â6.21 â6.43 â5.79 â2.96 â5.07 â5.64 â8.16 â6.03 â9.35 â10.89 â10.16 â8.23 â11.04 â8.69 â10.29 â9.99 â10.44 â8.87 â9.45 â11.07 â9.65 â11.38 â8.81 â8.82 â11.50
â17.82 â20.28 â19.28 â19.00 â16.04 â18.23 â16.82 â16.33 â18.62 â17.22 â18.11 â16.34 â16.56 â15.92 â13.10 â15.20 â15.77 â18.30 â16.16 â19.48 â21.02 â20.29 â18.36 â21.17 â18.82 â20.42 â20.12 â20.57 â19.00 â19.58 â21.20 â19.78 â21.51 â18.94 â18.95 â21.64
â8.64 â11.10 â10.10 â9.82 â6.86 â9.05 â7.64 â7.15 â9.44 â8.04 â8.93 â7.16 â7.38 â6.74 â3.91 â6.02 â6.59 â9.11 â6.98 â10.30 â11.84 â11.11 â9.18 â11.99 â9.64 â11.24 â10.94 â11.39 â9.82 â10.40 â12.02 â10.60 â12.33 â9.76 â9.77 â12.45
Journal of Astrophysics
Table 3: Seed black hole intermediate masses, preradiation times, redshifts, and neutrino fluxes from optimal luminosity. Columns: (1) name, (2) redshift, (3) AGN type: SY2: Seyfert 2, (4) log of the bolometric luminosity (ergsâ1 ), (5) log of the radius of protomatter core in special unit ðOV = 13.68 km, (6) log of the black hole mass in solar masses, (7) log of the seed black hole intermediate mass in solar masses, (8) log of the ð /ðð erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1 ). neutrino preradiation time (yrs), (9) redshift of seed black hole, (10) ðœð=ð , (11) ðœð=URCA , and (12) ðœð=ð , where ðœð â¡ log(ðœVð Name Mrk 841 NGC 4253 NGC 6814 0054 + 144 0157 + 001 0204 + 292 0205 + 024 0244 + 194 0923 + 201 1012 + 008 1029 â 140 1116 + 215 1202 + 281 1309 + 355 1402 + 261 1444 + 407 1635 + 119 0022 â 297 0024 + 348 0056 â 001 0110 + 495 0114 + 074 0119 + 041 0133 + 207 0133 + 476 0134 + 329 0135 â 247 0137 + 012 0153 â 410 0159 â 117 0210 + 860 0221 + 067 0237 â 233 0327 â 241 0336 â 019 0403 â 132 0405 â 123 0420 â 014 0437 + 785 0444 + 634 0454 â 810 0454 + 066 0502 + 049 0514 â 459 0518 + 165 0538 + 498 0602 â 319
log ð¿ bol
0.036 0.013 0.005 0.171 0.164 0.109 0.155 0.176 0.190 0.185 0.086 0.177 0.165 0.184 0.164 0.267 0.146 0.406 0.333 0.717 0.395 0.343 0.637 0.425 0.859 0.367 0.831 0.258 0.226 0.669 0.186 0.510 2.224 0.888 0.852 0.571 0.574 0.915 0.454 0.781 0.444 0.405 0.954 0.194 0.759 0.545 0.452
45.84 44.40 43.92 45.47 45.62 45.05 45.45 45.51 46.22 45.51 46.03 46.02 45.39 45.39 45.13 45.93 45.13 44.98 45.31 46.54 45.78 44.02 45.57 45.83 46.69 46.44 46.64 45.22 44.74 46.84 44.92 44.94 47.72 46.01 46.32 46.47 47.40 47.00 46.15 46.12 45.32 45.12 46.36 45.36 46.34 46.43 45.69
ð ) ðov â8.46201 â6.90201 â7.64201 â9.26201 â8.06201 â7.03201 â8.22201 â8.39201 â9.30201 â8.15201 â9.44201 â8.57201 â8.65201 â8.36201 â7.65201 â8.42201 â8.46201 â8.27201 â6.73201 â9.07201 â8.70201 â7.16201 â8.74201 â9.88201 â9.09201 â9.10201 â9.49201 â8.93201 â7.92201 â9.63201 â6.90201 â7.65201 â8.88201 â8.96201 â9.34201 â9.43201 â9.83201 â9.39201 â9.15201 â8.89201 â8.49201 â7.78201 â9.24201 â7.91201 â8.89201 â9.94201 â9.38201
log (
ðBH ) ðâ 8.10 6.54 7.28 8.90 7.70 6.67 7.86 8.03 8.94 7.79 9.08 8.21 8.29 8.00 7.29 8.06 8.10 7.91 6.37 8.71 8.34 6.80 8.38 9.52 8.73 8.74 9.13 8.57 7.56 9.27 6.54 7.29 8.52 8.60 8.98 9.07 9.47 9.03 8.79 8.53 8.13 7.42 8.88 7.55 8.53 9.58 9.02
log (
Seed ðBH ) ðâ 3.4622 1.9022 2.6422 4.2622 3.0622 2.0322 3.2222 3.3922 4.3022 3.1522 4.4422 3.5722 3.6522 3.3622 2.6522 3.4222 3.4622 3.2722 1.7322 4.0722 3.7022 2.1622 3.7422 4.8822 4.0922 4.1022 4.4922 3.9322 2.9222 4.6322 1.9022 2.6522 3.8822 3.9622 4.3422 4.4322 4.8322 4.3922 4.1522 3.8922 3.4922 2.7822 4.2422 2.9122 3.8922 4.9422 4.3822
log (
log ðBH
8.90 7.22 9.18 10.87 8.32 6.83 8.81 9.09 10.20 8.61 10.67 8.94 9.73 8.91 7.99 8.73 9.61 9.38 5.97 9.42 9.44 8.12 9.73 11.75 9.31 9.58 10.16 10.46 8.92 10.24 6.70 8.18 7.86 9.73 10.18 10.21 10.08 9.60 9.97 9.48 9.48 8.26 9.94 8.28 9.26 11.27 10.89
0.038 0.014 0.028 0.198 0.165 0.109 0.158 0.179 0.195 0.187 0.097 0.179 0.173 0.186 0.165 0.268 0.155 0.414 0.333 0.718 0.399 0.349 0.643 0.474 0.860 0.369 0.834 0.280 0.233 0.672 0.186 0.512 2.224 0.892 0.857 0.575 0.575 0.916 0.458 0.784 0.450 0.407 0.957 0.196 0.761 0.559 0.473
â8.96 â5.32 â5.78 â11.84 â9.70 â7.49 â9.92 â10.35 â12.02 â9.98 â11.48 â10.67 â10.74 â10.34 â8.98 â10.84 â10.28 â11.05 â8.13 â13.13 â11.77 â8.91 â12.41 â13.92 â13.40 â12.38 â14.06 â11.70 â9.79 â14.03 â7.80 â10.23 â14.39 â13.22 â13.83 â13.48 â14.19 â14.01 â12.72 â12.93 â11.54 â10.19 â13.80 â9.61 â12.89 â14.32 â13.11
â19.09 â15.45 â15.91 â21.97 â19.83 â17.62 â20.05 â20.48 â22.15 â20.11 â21.61 â20.80 â20.87 â20.47 â19.11 â20.97 â20.41 â21.18 â18.26 â23.26 â21.90 â19.04 â22.54 â24.05 â23.53 â22.52 â24.19 â21.83 â19.92 â24.16 â17.93 â20.36 â24.52 â23.35 â23.96 â23.61 â24.32 â24.14 â22.85 â23.06 â21.67 â20.32 â23.93 â19.74 â23.02 â24.45 â23.25
â9.91 â6.27 â6.73 â12.79 â10.65 â8.44 â10.87 â11.30 â12.97 â10.93 â12.43 â11.62 â11.69 â11.29 â9.93 â11.79 â11.23 â12.00 â9.08 â14.08 â12.72 â9.86 â13.36 â14.87 â14.35 â13.33 â15.01 â12.65 â10.74 â14.98 â8.75 â11.18 â15.34 â14.17 â14.78 â14.43 â15.14 â14.96 â13.67 â13.88 â12.49 â11.14 â14.75 â10.56 â13.84 â15.27 â14.07
Journal of Astrophysics
13 Table 3: Continued.
Name 0607 â 157 0637 â 752 0646 + 600 0723 + 679 0736 + 017 0738 + 313 0809 + 483 0838 + 133 0906 + 430 0912 + 029 0921 â 213 0923 + 392 0925 â 203 0953 + 254 0954 + 556 1004 + 130 1007 + 417 1016 â 311 1020 â 103 1034 â 293 1036 â 154 1045 â 188 1100 + 772 1101 â 325 1106 + 023 1107 â 187 1111 + 408 1128 â 047 1136 â 135 1137 + 660 1150 + 497 1151 â 348 1200 â 051 1202 â 262 1217 + 023 1237 â 101 1244 â 255 1250 + 568 1253 â 055 1254 â 333 1302 â 102 1352 â 104 1354 + 195 1355 â 416 1359 â 281 1450 â 338 1451 â 375 1458 + 718 1509 + 022 1510 â 089
log ð¿ bol
0.324 0.654 0.455 0.846 0.191 0.631 0.871 0.684 0.668 0.427 0.052 0.698 0.348 0.712 0.901 0.240 0.612 0.794 0.197 0.312 0.525 0.595 0.311 0.355 0.157 0.497 0.734 0.266 0.554 0.656 0.334 0.258 0.381 0.789 0.240 0.751 0.633 0.321 0.536 0.190 0.286 0.332 0.720 0.313 0.803 0.368 0.314 0.905 0.219 0.361
46.30 47.16 45.58 46.41 46.41 46.94 46.54 46.23 45.99 45.26 44.63 46.26 46.35 46.59 46.54 46.21 46.71 46.63 44.87 46.20 44.55 45.80 46.49 46.33 44.97 44.25 46.26 44.08 46.78 46.85 45.98 45.56 46.41 45.81 45.83 46.63 46.48 45.61 46.10 45.52 45.86 45.81 47.11 46.48 46.19 43.94 46.16 46.93 44.54 46.38
ð ) ðov â9.04201 â9.77201 â9.10201 â9.03201 â8.36201 â9.76201 â8.32201 â8.88201 â8.26201 â8.08201 â8.50201 â9.64201 â8.82201 â9.36201 â8.43201 â9.46201 â9.15201 â9.25201 â8.72201 â9.11201 â8.16201 â7.19201 â9.67201 â8.97201 â7.86201 â7.26201 â10.18201 â7.08201 â9.14201 â9.72201 â9.09201 â9.38201 â8.77201 â9.36201 â8.77201 â9.64201 â9.40201 â8.78201 â8.79201 â9.19201 â8.66201 â8.51201 â9.80201 â10.09201 â8.43201 â6.82201 â9.18201 â9.34201 â8.35201 â9.01201
log (
ðBH ) ðâ 8.68 9.41 8.74 8.67 8.00 9.40 7.96 8.52 7.90 7.72 8.14 9.28 8.46 9.00 8.07 9.10 8.79 8.89 8.36 8.75 7.80 6.83 9.31 8.61 7.50 6.90 9.82 6.72 8.78 9.36 8.73 9.02 8.41 9.00 8.41 9.28 9.04 8.42 8.43 8.83 8.30 8.15 9.44 9.73 8.07 6.46 8.82 8.98 7.99 8.65
log (
Seed ðBH ) ðâ 4.0422 4.7722 4.1022 4.0322 3.3622 4.7622 3.3222 3.8822 3.2622 3.0822 3.5022 4.6422 3.8222 4.3622 3.4322 4.4622 4.1522 4.2522 3.7222 4.1122 3.1622 2.1922 4.6722 3.9722 2.8622 2.2622 5.1822 2.0822 4.1422 4.7222 4.0922 4.3822 3.7722 4.3622 3.7722 4.6422 4.4022 3.7822 3.7922 4.1922 3.6622 3.5122 4.8022 5.0922 3.4322 1.8222 4.1822 4.3422 3.3522 4.0122
log (
log ðBH
9.60 10.20 10.44 9.47 8.57 10.40 7.92 9.35 8.35 8.72 10.19 10.84 9.11 9.95 8.14 10.53 9.41 9.69 10.39 9.84 9.59 6.40 10.67 9.43 8.57 8.09 11.92 7.90 9.32 10.41 10.02 11.02 8.95 10.73 9.53 10.47 10.14 9.77 9.30 10.68 9.28 9.03 10.31 11.52 8.49 7.52 10.02 9.57 9.98 9.46
0.326 0.656 0.469 0.848 0.192 0.634 0.871 0.686 0.669 0.430 0.084 0.708 0.349 0.715 0.901 0.248 0.613 0.796 0.228 0.316 0.543 0.595 0.318 0.357 0.160 0.501 0.770 0.270 0.555 0.659 0.340 0.287 0.382 0.804 0.244 0.755 0.637 0.327 0.538 0.210 0.289 0.334 0.722 0.331 0.804 0.371 0.319 0.906 0.247 0.363
â12.14 â14.24 â12.63 â13.27 â10.38 â14.18 â12.07 â12.74 â11.63 â10.77 â9.36 â14.10 â11.83 â13.63 â12.31 â12.55 â13.08 â13.58 â11.04 â12.22 â11.16 â9.61 â13.20 â12.12 â9.31 â9.52 â15.11 â8.49 â12.94 â14.16 â12.26 â12.26 â12.26 â13.76 â11.34 â14.19 â13.55 â11.67 â12.28 â11.83 â11.34 â11.24 â14.42 â13.94 â12.16 â8.40 â12.35 â13.91 â10.51 â12.21
â22.27 â24.37 â22.76 â23.41 â20.51 â24.31 â22.20 â22.87 â21.76 â20.90 â19.50 â24.23 â21.97 â23.76 â22.44 â22.68 â23.21 â23.71 â21.18 â22.35 â21.29 â19.74 â23.33 â22.25 â19.44 â19.65 â25.24 â18.62 â23.07 â24.29 â22.39 â22.39 â22.39 â23.89 â21.47 â24.32 â23.69 â21.81 â22.42 â21.96 â21.47 â21.37 â24.55 â24.07 â22.29 â18.53 â22.48 â24.04 â20.64 â22.34
â13.09 â15.19 â13.58 â14.23 â11.33 â15.13 â13.02 â13.69 â12.58 â11.72 â10.32 â15.05 â12.78 â14.58 â13.26 â13.50 â14.03 â14.53 â11.99 â13.17 â12.11 â10.56 â14.15 â13.07 â10.26 â10.47 â16.06 â9.44 â13.89 â15.11 â13.21 â13.21 â13.21 â14.71 â12.29 â15.14 â14.51 â12.62 â13.24 â12.78 â12.29 â12.19 â15.37 â14.89 â13.11 â9.35 â13.30 â14.86 â11.46 â13.16
Journal of Astrophysics Table 3: Continued.
Name 1545 + 210 1546 + 027 1555 â 140 1611 + 343 1634 + 628 1637 + 574 1641 + 399 1642 + 690 1656 + 053 1706 + 006 1721 + 343 1725 + 044
log ð¿ bol
0.266 0.412 0.097 1.401 0.988 0.750 0.594 0.751 0.879 0.449 0.206 0.293
45.86 46.00 44.94 46.99 45.47 46.68 46.89 45.78 47.21 44.01 45.63 46.07
ð ) ðov â9.29201 â9.08201 â7.61201 â9.93201 â7.64201 â9.54201 â9.78201 â8.12201 â9.98201 â6.99210 â8.40201 â8.43201
log (
ðBH ) ðâ 8.93 8.72 7.25 9.57 7.28 9.18 9.42 7.76 9.62 6.63 8.04 8.07
log (
spacetime deformation theory [82] by new investigation of building up the distortion-complex of spacetime continuum and showing how it restores the world-deformation tensor, which still has been put in by hand. We extend necessary geometrical ideas of spacetime deformation in concise form, without going into the subtleties, as applied to the gravitation theory which underlies the MTBH framework. I have attempted to maintain a balance between being overly detailed and overly schematic. Therefore the text in the appendices should resemble a âhybridâ of a new investigation and some issues of proposed gravitation theory. A.1. A First Glance at Spacetime Deformation. Consider a Ì4 , written smooth deformation map Ω : ð4 â M in terms of the world-deformation tensor (Ω), the general Ì4 ), and flat (ð4 ) smooth differential 4D-manifolds. The (M following notational conventions will be used throughout Ì4 , the appendices. All magnitudes related to the space, M will be denoted by an over âÌâ. We use the Greek alphabet (ð, ], ð, . . . = 0, 1, 2, 3) to denote the holonomic world Ì4 and the second half of Latin alphabet indices related to M (ð, ð, ð, . . . = 0, 1, 2, 3) to denote the world indices related to Ìð Ì (Ωð ð = ð4 . The tensor, Ω, can be written in the form Ω = ð· ð ð Ì ð Ì ð· ð ð ), where the DC-members are the invertible distortion Ì ð· Ì ð ) and the tensor ð Ì (ð Ì ðð â¡ ðð ð¥ Ì ð and ðð = ð/ðð¥ð ). matrix ð·( ð The principle foundation of the world-deformation tensor (Ω) comprises the following two steps: (1) the basis vectors ðð at given point (ð â ð4 ) undergo the distortion transformations Ì and (2) the diffeomorphism ð¥ Ì ð (ð¥) : ð4 â by means of ð·; Ì 4 is constructed by seeking new holonomic coordinates ð Ì ð (ð¥) as the solutions of the first-order partial differential ð¥ equations. Namely, ð
Ì ðð , Ìðð = ð· ð
Ì ð = Ωð ð ðð , Ìðð ð ð
(A.1) ð
where the conditions of integrability, ðð ðð = ðð ðð , and nondegeneracy, âðâ =Ìž 0, necessarily hold [83, 84]. For reasons that will become clear in the sequel, next we write Ì (see Appendix B) of the infinitesimal the norm ðÌð â¡ ðð
Seed ðBH ) ðâ 4.2922 4.0822 2.6122 4.9322 2.6422 4.5422 4.7822 3.1222 4.9822 2.9922 3.4022 3.4322
log (
log ðBH
10.54 9.98 8.10 10.69 7.63 10.22 10.49 8.28 10.57 7.79 8.99 8.61
0.278 0.417 0.099 1.405 0.989 0.753 0.597 0.752 0.882 0.453 0.209 0.294
â12.36 â12.48 â8.39 â15.54 â11.05 â14.01 â14.14 â11.53 â14.99 â8.92 â10.53 â10.96
â22.49 â22.61 â18.53 â25.67 â21.18 â24.14 â24.27 â21.66 â25.12 â19.06 â20.66 â21.09
â13.31 â13.43 â9.34 â16.49 â12.00 â14.96 â15.09 â12.48 â15.94 â9.87 â11.48 â11.91
Ì4 in terms of the spacetime displacement ðÌ ð¥ð on the M structures of ð4 Ì = ÌððÌ = Ìð â ðÌð = Ωð ð â ðð â M Ì4 . ðð ð ð ð
Ì4 comprises the following A deformation Ω : ð4 â M â two 4D deformations Ω : ð4 â ð4 and Î©Ì : ð4 â â Ì 4 , where ð4 is the semi-Riemannian space and Ω and ð Î©Ì are the corresponding world deformation tensors. The key points of the theory of spacetime deformation are outlined further in Appendix B. Finally, to complete this Ì and ð Ì , figured in (A.1). In theory we need to determine ð· the standard theory of gravitation they can be determined from the standard field equations by means of the general linear frames (C.10). However, it should be emphasized that the standard Riemannian space interacting quantum field theory cannot be a satisfactory ground for addressing the most important processes of rearrangement of vacuum state and gauge symmetry breaking in gravity at huge energies. The difficulties arise there because Riemannian geometry, in general, does not admit a group of isometries, and it is impossible to define energy-momentum as Noether local currents related to exact symmetries. This, in turn, posed severe problem of nonuniqueness of the physical vacuum and the associated Fock space. A definition of positive frequency modes cannot, in general, be unambiguously fixed in the past and future, which leads to |inâ© =Ìž |outâ©, because the state |inâ© is unstable against decay into many particle |outâ© states due to interaction processes allowed by lack of PoincarÂŽe invariance. A nontrivial Bogolubov transformation between past and future positive frequency modes implies that particles are created from the vacuum and this is one of the reasons for |inâ© =Ìž |outâ©. A.2. General Gauge Principle. Keeping in mind the aforesaid, we develop the alternative framework of the general gauge principle (GGP), which is the distortion gauge induced fiberbundle formulation of gravitation. As this principle was in use as a guide in constructing our theory, we briefly discuss its general implications in Appendix D. The interested reader
Journal of Astrophysics
Table 4: Seed black hole intermediate masses, preradiation times, redshifts, and neutrino fluxes from observed stellar velocity dispersions. Columns: (1) name, (2) redshift, (3) AGN type: SY2: Seyfert 2, (4) log of the bolometric luminosity (ergsâ1 ), (5) log of the radius of protomatter core in special unit ðOV = 13.68 km, (6) log of the black hole mass in solar masses, (7) log of the seed black hole intermediate mass in solar masses, (8) log of the neutrino preradiation time (yrs), (9) redshift of seed black hole, (10) ðœð=ð , (11) ðœð=URCA , and (12) ðœð=ð , where ð /ðð erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1 ). ðœð â¡ log(ðœVð Name NGC 1566 NGC 2841 NGC 3982 NGC 3998 Mrk 10 UGC 3223 NGC 513 NGC 788 NGC 1052 NGC 1275 NGC 1320 NGC 1358 NGC 1386 NGC 1667 NGC 2110 NGC 2273 NGC 2992 NGC 3185 NGC 3362 NGC 3786 NGC 4117 NGC 4339 NGC 5194 NGC 5252 NGC 5273 NGC 5347 NGC 5427 NGC 5929 NGC 5953 NGC 6104 NGC 7213 NGC 7319 NGC 7603 NGC 7672 NGC 7682 NGC 7743 Mrk 1 Mrk 3 Mrk 78 Mrk 270 Mrk 348 Mrk 533 Mrk 573 Mrk 622 Mrk 686 Mrk 917 Mrk 1018
log ð¿ bol
0.005 0.002 0.004 0.003 0.029 0.016 0.002 0.014 0.005 0.018 0.009 0.013 0.003 0.015 0.008 0.006 0.008 0.004 0.028 0.009 0.003 0.004 0.002 0.023 0.004 0.008 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.028 0.006 0.023 0.030 0.013 0.017 0.006 0.016 0.014 0.037 0.010 0.015 0.029 0.017 0.023 0.014 0.024 0.042
44.45 43.67 43.54 43.54 44.61 44.27 42.52 44.33 43.84 45.04 44.02 44.37 43.38 44.69 44.10 44.05 43.92 43.08 44.27 43.47 43.64 43.38 43.79 45.39 43.03 43.81 44.12 43.04 44.05 43.60 44.30 44.19 44.66 43.86 43.93 43.60 44.20 44.54 44.59 43.37 44.27 45.15 44.44 44.52 44.11 44.75 44.39
ð ) ðov â7.28201 â8.57201 â6.45201 â9.31201 â7.83291 â7.38201 â8.01201 â7.87201 â8.55201 â8.87201 â7.54201 â8.24201 â7.60201 â8.24201 â8.66201 â7.66201 â8.08201 â6.42201 â7.13201 â7.89201 â7.19201 â7.76201 â7.31201 â8.40201 â6.87201 â7.15201 â6.75201 â7.61201 â7.30201 â7.96201 â8.35201 â7.74201 â8.44201 â7.24201 â7.64201 â6.95201 â7.52201 â9.01201 â8.23201 â7.96201 â7.57201 â7.92201 â7.64201 â7.28201 â7.92201 â7.98201 â8.45201
log (
ðBH ) ðâ 6.92 8.21 6.09 8.95 7.47 7.02 7.65 7.51 8.19 8.51 7.18 7.88 7.24 7.88 8.30 7.30 7.72 6.06 6.77 7.53 6.83 7.40 6.95 8.04 6.51 6.79 6.39 7.25 6.94 7.60 7.99 7.38 8.08 6.88 7.28 6.59 7.16 8.65 7.87 7.60 7.21 7.56 7.28 6.92 7.56 7.62 8.09
log (
Seed ðBH ) ðâ 2.2822 3.5722 1.45220 4.3122 4.7908 2.3822 3.0122 2.8722 3.5522 3.8722 2.5422 3.2422 2.6022 3.2422 3.6622 2.6622 3.0822 1.4222 2.1322 2.8922 2.1922 2.7622 2.3122 3.4022 1.8722 2.1522 1.7522 2.6122 2.3022 2.9622 3.3522 2.7422 3.4422 2.2422 2.6422 1.9522 2.5222 4.0122 3.2322 2.9622 2.5722 2.9222 2.6422 2.2822 2.9222 2.9822 3.4522
log (
log ðBH
7.93 11.29 7.18 12.90 8.87 8.31 11.32 9.23 11.08 10.52 8.88 9.93 9.64 9.61 11.04 9.09 10.06 7.58 7.81 10.13 8.56 9.96 8.65 9.23 8.53 8.31 7.20 10.00 8.37 10.14 10.22 9.11 10.04 8.44 9.17 8.12 8.66 11.30 9.69 10.37 8.69 8.51 8.66 7.86 9.55 9.03 10.33
0.008 0.347 0.008 2.561 0.036 0.022 1.345 0.029 0.228 0.047 0.023 0.045 0.075 0.030 0.166 0.024 0.071 0.014 0.031 0.123 0.018 0.108 0.016 0.027 0.034 0.018 0.011 0.169 0.015 0.128 0.055 0.038 0.056 0.023 0.039 0.016 0.025 0.142 0.056 0.179 0.024 0.032 0.024 0.026 0.042 0.031 0.092
â5.15 â6.60 â3.50 â8.25 â7.66 â6.34 â5.62 â7.08 â7.37 â9.05 â6.12 â7.66 â0.020 â7.79 â7.97 â5.97 â6.96 â3.45 â6.40 â6.73 â4.54 â5.79 â4.40 â8.45 â4.23 â5.33 â4.73 â6.13 â5.48 â7.86 â7.18 â7.30 â8.76 â5.91 â6.85 â4.73 â6.59 â9.08 â8.58 â6.94 â6.62 â7.82 â6.85 â6.49 â7.17 â7.75 â9.08
â15.28 â16.74 â13.63 â18.38 â17.79 â16.47 â15.76 â17.21 â17.50 â19.19 â16.25 â17.80 â15.39 â17.92 â18.10 â16.10 â17.09 â13.58 â16.54 â16.86 â14.67 â15.92 â14.53 â18.58 â14.36 â15.46 â14.86 â16.27 â15.61 â17.99 â17.31 â17.43 â18.89 â16.05 â16.98 â14.86 â16.72 â19.21 â18.71 â17.07 â16.75 â17.95 â16.98 â16.62 â17.30 â17.89 â19.21
â6.10 â7.55 â4.45 â9.20 â8.61 â7.29 â6.57 â8.03 â8.32 â10.01 â7.07 â8.62 â6.21 â8.74 â8.92 â6.92 â7.91 â4.40 â7.36 â7.68 â5.49 â6.74 â5.35 â9.40 â5.18 â6.28 â5.68 â7.09 â6.43 â8.81 â8.13 â8.25 â9.71 â6.87 â7.80 â5.68 â7.54 â10.03 â9.53 â7.89 â7.57 â8.77 â7.80 â7.44 â8.12 â8.70 â10.03
Journal of Astrophysics Table 4: Continued.
Mrk 1040 0.017 Mrk 1066 0.012 Mrk 1157 0.015 Akn 79 0.018 Akn 347 0.023 IC 5063 0.011 II ZW55 0.025 F 341 0.016 UGC 3995 0.016 UGC 6100 0.029 1ES 1959 + 65 0.048 Mrk 180 0.045 Mrk 421 0.031 Mrk 501 0.034 I Zw 187 0.055 3C 371 0.051 1514 â 241 0.049 0521 â 365 0.055 0548 â 322 0.069 0706 + 591 0.125 2201 + 044 0.027 2344 + 514 0.044 3C 29 0.045 3C 31 0.017 3C 33 0.059 3C 40 0.018 3C 62 0.148 3C 76.1 0.032 3C 78 0.029 3C 84 0.017 3C 88 0.030 3C 89 0.139 3C 98 0.031 3C 120 0.033 3C 192 0.060 3C 196.1 0.198 3C 223 0.137 3C 293 0.045 3C 305 0.041 3C 338 0.030 3C 388 0.091 3C 444 0.153 3C 449 0.017 gin 116 0.033 NGC 315 0.017 NGC 507 0.017 NGC 708 0.016 NGC 741 0.018 NGC 4839 0.023 NGC 4869 0.023
log ð¿ bol
44.53 44.55 44.27 45.24 44.84 44.53 44.54 44.13 44.39 44.48 â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â
ð ) ðov â8.00201 â7.37201 â7.19201 â7.90201 â8.36201 â8.10201 â8.59201 â7.51201 â8.05201 â8.06201 â10.39501 â10.51501 â10.59501 â11.51501 â10.16501 â10.81501 â10.40501 â10.95501 â10.45501 â10.56501 â10.40501 â11.10501 â10.50501 â10.80501 â10.68501 â10.16501 â10.97501 â10.43501 â10.90501 â10.79501 â10.33501 â10.82501 â10.18501 â10.43501 â10.36501 â10.51501 â10.45501 â10.29501 â10.22501 â11.08501 â11.48501 â9.98501 â10.63501 â11.05501 â11.20501 â11.30501 â10.76501 â11.02501 â10.78501 â10.42501
log (
ðBH ) ðâ 7.64 7.01 6.83 7.54 8.00 7.74 8.23 7.15 7.69 7.70 8.09 8.21 8.29 9.21 7.86 8.51 8.10 8.65 8.15 8.26 8.10 8.80 8.20 8.50 8.38 7.86 8.67 8.13 8.60 8.49 8.03 8.52 7.88 8.13 8.06 8.21 8.15 7.99 7.92 8.78 9.18 7.68 8.33 8.75 8.90 9.00 8.46 8.72 8.48 8.12
log (
Seed ðBH ) ðâ 3.0022 2.3722 2.1922 2.9022 3.3622 3.1022 3.5922 2.5122 3.0522 3.0622 3.4522 3.5722 3.6522 4.5722 3.2222 3.8722 3.4622 4.0122 3.5122 3.6222 3.4622 4.1622 3.5622 3.8622 3.7422 3.2222 4.0322 3.4922 3.9622 3.8522 3.3922 3.8822 3.2422 3.4922 3.4222 3.5722 3.5122 3.3522 3.2822 4.1422 4.5422 3.0422 3.6922 4.1122 4.2622 4.3622 3.8222 4.0822 3.8422 3.4822
log (
log ðBH
9.29 8.01 7.93 8.38 9.70 9.49 10.46 8.71 9.53 9.46 7.79 7.91 7.99 8.91 7.56 8.21 7.80 8.35 7.85 7.96 7.80 8.50 7.90 8.20 8.08 7.56 8.37 7.83 8.30 8.19 7.73 8.22 7.58 7.83 7.76 7.91 7.85 7.69 7.62 8.48 8.88 7.38 8.03 8.45 8.60 8.70 8.16 8.42 8.18 7.82
0.030 0.015 0.019 0.020 0.037 0.027 0.074 0.026 0.036 0.046 0.052 0.051 0.038 0.092 0.058 0.063 0.054 0.071 0.074 0.132 0.032 0.067 0.051 0.028 0.068 0.021 0.165 0.037 0.043 0.028 0.034 0.151 0.034 0.038 0.064 0.204 0.142 0.048 0.044 0.052 0.145 0.155 0.025 0.053 0.045 0.053 0.026 0.037 0.034 0.028
â7.48 â6.07 â5.95 â7.36 â8.38 â7.27 â8.86 â6.57 â7.52 â8.06 â9.20 â9.35 â9.16 â10.85 â8.93 â9.99 â9.24 â10.31 â9.65 â10.41 â8.70 â10.37 â9.34 â8.99 â9.90 â7.92 â11.29 â8.90 â9.64 â8.97 â8.67 â10.97 â8.44 â8.93 â9.36 â10.79 â10.31 â8.97 â8.76 â9.98 â11.71 â9.60 â8.69 â10.02 â9.69 â9.86 â8.86 â9.42 â9.22 â8.59
â17.61 â16.20 â16.08 â17.49 â18.51 â17.40 â18.99 â16.70 â17.65 â18.20 â19.34 â19.49 â19.29 â20.98 â19.06 â20.13 â19.37 â20.44 â19.78 â20.54 â18.83 â20.50 â19.47 â19.12 â20.03 â18.05 â21.43 â19.04 â19.77 â19.10 â18.80 â21.10 â18.57 â19.06 â19.49 â20.92 â20.44 â19.10 â18.89 â20.12 â21.84 â19.73 â18.82 â20.15 â19.82 â19.99 â18.99 â19.55 â19.35 â18.72
â8.43 â7.02 â6.90 â8.31 â9.33 â8.22 â9.81 â7.52 â8.47 â9.01 â10.15 â10.31 â10.11 â11.80 â9.88 â10.95 â10.19 â11.26 â10.60 â11.36 â9.65 â11.32 â10.29 â9.94 â10.85 â8.87 â12.25 â9.86 â10.59 â9.92 â9.62 â11.92 â9.39 â9.88 â10.31 â11.74 â11.26 â9.92 â9.71 â10.93 â12.66 â10.55 â9.64 â10.97 â10.64 â10.81 â9.81 â10.37 â10.17 â9.54
Journal of Astrophysics
17 Table 4: Continued.
Name NGC 4874 NGC 6086 NGC 6137 NGC 7626 0039 â 095 0053 â 015 0053 â 016 0055 â 016 0110 + 152 0112 â 000 0112 + 084 0147 + 360 0131 â 360 0257 â 398 0306 + 237 0312 â 343 0325 + 024 0431 â 133 0431 â 134 0449 â 175 0546 â 329 0548 â 317 0634 â 206 0718 â 340 0915 â 118 0940 â 304 1043 â 290 1107 â 372 1123 â 351 1258 â 321 1333 â 337 1400 â 337 1404 â 267 1510 + 076 1514 + 072 1520 + 087 1521 â 300 1602 + 178 1610 + 296 2236 â 176 2322 + 143 2322 â 122 2333 â 327 2335 + 267
log ð¿ bol
0.024 0.032 0.031 0.025 0.000 0.038 0.043 0.045 0.044 0.045 0.000 0.018 0.030 0.066 0.000 0.067 0.030 0.033 0.035 0.031 0.037 0.034 0.056 0.029 0.054 0.038 0.060 0.010 0.032 0.015 0.013 0.014 0.022 0.053 0.035 0.034 0.020 0.041 0.032 0.070 0.045 0.082 0.052 0.030
â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â
ð ) ðov â10.93501 â11.26501 â11.11501 â11.27501 â11.02501 â11.12501 â10.81501 â11.15501 â10.39501 â10.83501 â11.48501 â10.76501 â10.83501 â10.59501 â10.81501 â10.87501 â10.59501 â10.95501 â10.61501 â10.02501 â11.59501 â9.58501 â10.39501 â11.31501 â10.99501 â11.59501 â10.67501 â11.11501 â11.83501 â10.91501 â11.07501 â11.19501 â11.11505 â11.33501 â10.95501 â10.59501 â10.10501 â10.54501 â11.26501 â10.79501 â10.47501 â10.63501 â10.95501 â11.38501
log (
ðBH ) ðâ 8.63 8.96 8.81 8.97 8.72 8.82 8.51 8.85 8.09 8.53 9.18 8.46 8.53 8.29 8.51 8.57 8.29 8.65 8.31 7.72 9.29 7.28 8.09 9.01 8.69 9.29 8.37 8.81 9.53 8.61 8.77 8.89 8.81 9.03 8.65 8.29 7.80 8.24 8.96 8.49 8.17 8.33 8.65 9.08
log (
is invited to consult the original paper [74] for details. In this, we restrict ourselves to consider only the simplest Ì : ð4 â ð4 (Î©Ì ð ] â¡ spacetime deformation map, Ω ð ð¿] ). This theory accounts for the gravitation gauge group ðºð generated by the hidden local internal symmetry ðloc .
Seed ðBH ) ðâ 3.9922 4.3222 4.1722 4.3322 4.0822 4.1822 3.8722 4.2122 3.4522 3.8922 4.5422 3.8222 3.8922 3.6522 3.8722 3.9322 3.6522 4.0122 3.6722 3.0822 4.6522 2.6422 3.4522 4.3722 4.0522 4.6522 3.7322 4.1722 4.8922 3.9722 4.1322 4.2522 4.8798 4.3922 4.0122 3.6522 3.1622 3.6022 4.3222 3.8522 3.5322 3.6922 4.0122 4.4422
log (
log ðBH
8.33 8.66 8.51 8.67 8.42 8.52 8.21 8.55 7.79 8.23 8.88 8.16 8.23 7.99 8.21 8.27 7.99 8.35 8.01 7.42 8.99 6.98 7.79 8.71 8.39 8.99 8.07 8.51 9.23 8.31 8.47 8.59 8.51 8.73 8.35 7.99 7.50 7.94 8.66 8.19 7.87 8.03 8.35 8.78
0.039 0.065 0.054 0.058 0.019 0.062 0.055 0.070 0.048 0.057 0.054 0.028 0.042 0.073 0.012 0.080 0.037 0.049 0.042 0.033 0.107 0.035 0.060 0.066 0.072 0.108 0.068 0.033 0.153 0.030 0.034 0.042 0.045 0.091 0.051 0.041 0.022 0.047 0.065 0.081 0.050 0.090 0.068 0.073
â9.52 â10.36 â10.07 â10.15 â2.89 â10.27 â9.84 â10.47 â9.12 â9.91 â3.70 â3.70 â9.55 â9.85 â2.52 â10.35 â9.13 â9.84 â9.30 â8.16 â11.07 â7.47 â9.35 â10.36 â10.36 â11.09 â9.90 â9.06 â11.35 â9.07 â9.22 â9.50 â9.76 â10.94 â9.90 â9.24 â7.91 â9.32 â10.36 â10.25 â9.28 â10.12 â10.26 â10.51
â19.65 â20.49 â20.20 â20.28 â13.02 â20.40 â19.97 â20.61 â19.26 â20.05 â13.83 â13.83 â19.68 â19.98 â12.66 â20.48 â19.26 â19.97 â19.43 â18.29 â21.20 â17.60 â19.48 â20.49 â20.49 â21.22 â20.03 â19.19 â21.49 â19.20 â19.35 â19.63 â19.89 â21.07 â20.03 â19.37 â18.04 â19.45 â20.49 â20.39 â19.42 â20.25 â20.39 â20.64
â10.47 â11.31 â11.02 â11.10 â3.84 â11.22 â10.79 â11.43 â10.07 â10.87 â4.65 â4.65 â10.50 â10.80 â3.48 â11.30 â10.08 â10.79 â10.25 â9.11 â12.02 â8.42 â10.30 â11.31 â11.31 â12.04 â10.85 â10.01 â12.31 â10.02 â10.17 â10.45 â10.71 â11.89 â10.85 â10.19 â8.86 â10.27 â11.31 â11.20 â10.24 â11.07 â11.21 â11.46
We assume that a distortion massless gauge field ð(ð¥) (â¡ ðð (ð¥)) has to act on the external spacetime groups. This field takes values in the Lie algebra of the abelian group ðloc . We pursue a principle goal of building up the worldÌ Ì ð Ì (ð), where ð¹ is the deformation tensor, Ω(ð¹) = ð·(ð)
Journal of Astrophysics
Table 5: Seed black hole intermediate masses, preradiation times, redshifts, and neutrino fluxes from fundamental plane-derived velocity dispersions. Columns: (1) name, (2) redshift, (3) AGN type: SY2: Seyfert 2, (4) log of the bolometric luminosity (ergsâ1 ), (5) log of the radius of protomatter core in special unit ðOV = 13.68 km, (6) log of the black hole mass in solar masses, (7) log of the seed black hole intermediate mass in solar masses, (8) log of the neutrino preradiation time (yrs), (9) redshift of seed black hole, (10) ðœð=ð , (11) ðœð=URCA , and (12) ðœð=ð , where ð /ðð erg cmâ2 sâ1 srâ1 ). ðœð â¡ log(ðœVð Name 0122 + 090 0145 + 138 0158 + 001 0229 + 200 0257 + 342 0317 + 183 0331 â 362 0347 â 121 0350 â 371 0414 + 009 0419 + 194 0506 â 039 0525 + 713 0607 + 710 0737 + 744 0922 + 749 0927 + 500 0958 + 210 1104 + 384 1133 + 161 1136 + 704 1207 + 394 1212 + 078 1215 + 303 1218 + 304 1221 + 245 1229 + 643 1248 â 296 1255 + 244 1407 + 595 1418 + 546 1426 + 428 1440 + 122 1534 + 014 1704 + 604 1728 + 502 1757 + 703 1807 + 698 1853 + 671 2005 â 489 2143 + 070 2200 + 420 2254 + 074 2326 + 174 2356 â 309 0230 â 027 0307 + 169
0.339 0.124 0.229 0.139 0.247 0.190 0.308 0.188 0.165 0.287 0.512 0.304 0.249 0.267 0.315 0.638 0.188 0.344 0.031 0.460 0.045 0.615 0.136 0.130 0.182 0.218 0.164 0.370 0.141 0.495 0.152 0.129 0.162 0.312 0.280 0.055 0.407 0.051 0.212 0.071 0.237 0.069 0.190 0.213 0.165 0.239 0.256
ð ) ðov â11.12501 â10.72501 â10.38501 â11.54501 â10.96501 â10.25501 â11.05501 â10.95501 â11.12501 â10.86501 â10.91501 â11.05501 â11.33501 â10.95501 â11.24501 â11.91501 â10.64501 â11.33501 â11.69501 â10.62501 â11.25501 â11.40501 â11.29501 â10.42501 â10.88501 â10.27501 â11.71501 â11.31501 â10.88501 â11.60501 â11.33501 â11.43501 â10.74501 â11.10501 â11.07501 â10.43501 â11.05501 â12.40501 â10.53501 â11.33501 â10.76501 â10.53501 â10.92501 â11.04501 â10.90501 â10.27501 â10.96501
log (
ðBH ) ðâ 8.82 8.42 8.08 9.24 8.66 7.95 8.75 8.65 8.82 8.56 8.61 8.75 9.03 8.65 8.94 9.61 8.34 9.03 9.39 8.32 8.95 9.10 8.99 8.12 8.58 7.97 9.41 9.01 8.58 9.30 9.03 9.13 8.44 8.80 8.77 8.13 8.75 10.10 8.23 9.03 8.46 8.23 8.62 8.74 8.60 7.97 8.66
log (
Seed ðBH ) ðâ 4.1822 3.7822 3.4422 4.6022 4.0222 3.3122 4.1122 4.0122 4.1822 3.9222 3.9722 4.1122 4.3922 4.0122 4.3022 4.9722 3.7022 4.3922 4.7522 3.6822 4.3122 4.4622 4.3522 3.4822 3.9422 3.3322 4.7722 4.3722 3.9422 4.6622 4.3922 4.4922 3.8022 4.1622 4.1322 3.4922 4.1122 5.4622 3.5922 4.3922 3.8222 3.5922 3.9822 4.1022 3.9622 3.3322 4.0222
log (
log ðBH
8.52 8.12 7.78 8.94 8.36 7.65 8.45 8.35 8.52 8.26 8.31 8.45 8.73 8.35 8.64 9.31 8.04 8.73 9.09 8.02 8.65 8.80 8.69 7.82 8.28 7.67 9.11 8.71 8.28 9.00 8.73 8.83 8.14 8.50 8.47 7.83 8.45 9.80 7.93 8.73 8.16 7.93 8.32 8.44 8.30 7.67 8.36
0.363 0.133 0.233 0.201 0.263 0.193 0.328 0.204 0.189 0.300 0.527 0.324 0.287 0.283 0.346 0.784 0.196 0.382 0.119 0.467 0.077 0.660 0.171 0.135 0.196 0.221 0.256 0.407 0.155 0.566 0.190 0.177 0.172 0.335 0.301 0.060 0.427 0.502 0.218 0.109 0.247 0.075 0.205 0.233 0.179 0.242 0.272
â12.43 â10.68 â10.71 â12.23 â11.81 â10.29 â12.21 â11.50 â11.67 â11.80 â12.54 â12.19 â12.46 â12.46 â12.56 â14.56 â10.96 â12.82 â11.08 â11.91 â10.65 â13.62 â11.77 â10.20 â11.35 â10.47 â12.69 â12.87 â11.09 â13.71 â11.95 â11.96 â10.98 â12.31 â12.14 â9.40 â12.52 â12.78 â10.89 â11.21 â11.41 â9.79 â11.46 â11.79 â11.28 â10.56 â11.85
â22.57 â20.81 â20.84 â22.36 â21.94 â20.42 â22.34 â21.63 â21.80 â21.93 â22.68 â22.32 â22.60 â22.60 â22.69 â24.69 â21.09 â22.95 â21.21 â22.04 â20.78 â23.76 â21.90 â20.33 â21.48 â20.60 â22.82 â23.00 â21.22 â23.84 â22.08 â22.09 â21.11 â22.44 â22.27 â19.53 â22.65 â22.91 â21.02 â21.34 â21.54 â19.92 â21.59 â21.92 â21.41 â20.70 â21.98
â13.39 â11.63 â11.66 â13.18 â12.76 â11.24 â13.16 â12.45 â12.62 â12.75 â13.50 â13.14 â13.41 â13.41 â13.51 â15.51 â11.91 â13.77 â12.03 â12.86 â11.60 â14.58 â12.72 â11.15 â12.30 â11.42 â13.64 â13.82 â12.04 â14.66 â12.90 â12.91 â11.93 â13.26 â13.09 â10.35 â13.47 â13.73 â11.84 â12.16 â12.36 â10.74 â12.41 â12.74 â12.23 â11.52 â12.80
Journal of Astrophysics
19 Table 5: Continued.
Name 0345 + 337 0917 + 459 0958 + 291 1215 â 033 1215 + 013 1330 + 022 1342 â 016 2141 + 279 0257 + 024 1549 + 203 2215 â 037 2344 + 184 0958 + 291 1215 â 033 1215 + 013 1330 + 022 1342 â 016 2141 + 279 0257 + 024 1549 + 203 2215 â 037 2344 + 184
0.244 0.174 0.185 0.184 0.118 0.215 0.167 0.215 0.115 0.250 0.241 0.138 0.185 0.184 0.118 0.215 0.167 0.215 0.115 0.250 0.241 0.138
ð ) ðov â9.42501 â10.51501 â10.23501 â10.23501 â10.50501 â10.12501 â10.71501 â10.12501 â11.05501 â9.22501 â10.50501 â9.37501 â10.23501 â10.23501 â10.50501 â10.12501 â10.71501 â10.12501 â11.05501 â9.22501 â10.50501 â9.37501
log (
ðBH ) ðâ 7.12 8.21 7.93 7.93 8.20 7.82 8.41 7.82 8.75 6.92 8.20 7.07 7.93 7.93 8.20 7.82 8.41 7.82 8.75 6.92 8.20 7.07
log (
differential form of gauge field ð¹ = (1/2)ð¹ðð ðð ⧠ðð . We connect the structure group ðºð, further, to the nonlinear realization of the Lie group ðºð· of distortion of extended space Ì 6 ) (E.1), underlying the ð4 . This extension appears ð6 ( â ð to be indispensable for such a realization. In using the 6D language, we will be able to make a necessary reduction to the conventional 4D space. The laws guiding this redaction are given in Appendix E. The nonlinear realization technique or the method of phenomenological Lagrangians [85â91] provides a way to determine the transformation properties of fields defined on the quotient space. In accordance, we treat the distortion group ðºð· and its stationary subgroup ð» = ðð(3), respectively, as the dynamical group and its algebraic subgroup. The fundamental field is distortion gauge field (a) and, thus, all the fundamental gravitational structures in factâthe metric as much as the coframes and connectionsâ acquire a distortion-gauge induced theoretical interpretation. We study the geometrical structure of the space of parameters in terms of Cartanâs calculus of exterior forms and derive the Maurer-Cartan structure equations, where the distortion fields (a) are treated as the Goldstone fields. A.3. A Rearrangement of Vacuum State. Addressing the rearrangement of vacuum state, in realization of the group ðºð we implement the abelian local group [74] ðloc = ð (1)ð à ð (1) â¡ ð (1)ð à diag [ðð (2)] ,
on the space ð6 (spanned by the coordinates ð), with the group elements of exp[ð(ð/2)ðð (ð)] of ð(1)ð and
Seed ðBH ) ðâ 2.4822 3.5722 3.2922 3.2922 3.5622 3.1822 3.7722 3.1822 4.1122 2.2822 3.5622 2.4322 3.2922 3.2922 3.5622 3.1822 3.7722 3.1822 4.1122 2.2822 3.5622 2.4322
log (
log ðBH
6.82 7.91 7.63 7.63 7.90 7.52 8.11 7.52 8.45 6.62 7.90 6.77 7.63 7.63 7.90 7.52 8.11 7.52 8.45 6.62 7.90 6.77
0.244 0.180 0.188 0.187 0.124 0.217 0.176 0.217 0.135 0.250 0.247 0.138 0.188 0.187 0.124 0.217 0.176 0.217 0.135 0.250 0.247 0.138
â9.10 â10.65 â10.23 â10.22 â10.25 â10.19 â10.96 â10.19 â11.18 â8.78 â10.98 â8.42 â10.23 â10.22 â10.25 â10.19 â10.96 â10.19 â11.18 â8.78 â10.98 â8.42
â19.23 â20.78 â20.36 â20.35 â20.38 â20.32 â21.09 â20.32 â21.32 â18.91 â21.11 â18.56 â20.36 â20.35 â20.38 â20.32 â21.09 â20.32 â21.32 â18.91 â21.11 â18.56
â10.05 â11.60 â11.18 â11.17 â11.20 â11.14 â11.91 â11.14 â12.13 â9.73 â11.93 â9.38 â11.18 â11.17 â11.20 â11.14 â11.91 â11.14 â12.13 â9.73 â11.93 â9.38
exp[ðð3 ð3 (ð)] of ð(1). This group leads to the renormalizable theory, because gauge invariance gives a conservation of charge, and it also ensures the cancelation of quantum corrections that would otherwise result in infinitely large amplitudes. This has two generators, the third component â and ð3 of isospin ðâ related to the Pauli spin matrix ð/2, hypercharge ð implying ðð = ð3 + ð/2, where ðð is the distortion charge operator assigning the number â1 to particles, but +1 to antiparticles. The group (A.3) entails two neutral gauge bosons of ð(1), or that coupled to ð3 , and of ð(1)ð , or that coupled to the hypercharge ð. Spontaneous symmetry breaking can be achieved by introducing the neutral complex scalar Higgs field. Minimization of the vacuum energy fixes the nonvanishing vacuum expectation value (VEV), which spontaneously breaks the theory, leaving the ð(1)ð subgroup intact, that is, leaving one Goldstone boson. Consequently, the left Goldstone boson is gauged away from the scalar sector, but it essentially reappears in the gauge sector providing the longitudinally polarized spin state of one of gauge bosons which acquires mass through its coupling to Higgs scalar. Thus, the two neutral gauge bosons were mixed to form two physical orthogonal states of the massless component of distortion field, (ð) (ðð = 0), which is responsible for gravitational interactions, and its massive component, (ð) (ðð =Ìž 0), which is responsible for the ID-regime. Hence, a substantial change of the properties of the spacetime continuum besides the curvature may arise at huge energies. This theory is renormalizable, because gauge invariance gives conservation of charge and also ensures the
Journal of Astrophysics
cancelation of quantum corrections that would otherwise result in infinitely large amplitudes. Without careful thought we expect that in this framework the renormalizability of the theory will not be spoiled in curved space-time too, because the infinities arise from ultraviolet properties of Feynman integrals in momentum space which, in coordinate space, are short distance properties, and locally (over short distances) all the curved spaces look like maximally symmetric (flat) space. A.4. Model Building: Field Equations. The field equations follow at once from the total gauge invariant Lagrangian in terms of Euler-Lagrange variations, respectively, on both curved and flat spaces. The Lagrangian of distortion gauge field (ð) defined on the flat space is undegenerated Killing form on the Lie algebra of the group ðloc in adjoint representation, which yields the equation of distortion field (F.1). We are interested in the case of a spherical-symmetric gravitational field ð0 (ð) in presence of one-dimensional spacelike ID-field ð (F.6). In the case at hand, one has the group of motions ðð(3) with 2D space-like orbits ð2 where the Ì . The stationary subgroup of standard coordinates are ðÌ and ð ðð(3) acts isotropically upon the tangent space at the point of Ì 2 has the fiber sphere ð2 of radius Ìð. So, the bundle ð : ð4 â ð
Ì2 Ì â ð4 , with a trivial connection on it, where ð
ð¥), ð¥ ð2 = ðâ1 (Ì is the quotient-space ð4 /ðð(3). Considering the equilibrium configurations of degenerate barionic matter, we assume an absence of transversal stresses and the transference of masses in ð4 ð11
Ì (Ìð) , = âð
= âÌ ð (Ìð) ,
basis Ìð in the ID regime, in turn, yields the transformations of PoincarÂŽe generators of translations. Given an explicit form of distorted basis vectors (F.7), it is straightforward to derive the laws of phase transition for individual particle found in the ID-region (ð¥0 = 0, ð¥ =Ìž 0) of the space-time continuum tan ðÌ3 = âð¥, ðÌ1 = ðÌ1 = 0. The PoincarÂŽe generators ðð of translations are transformed as follows [71]:
Ì 3 = ð3 â tan ðÌ3 ðð, ð óµšóµš ð 2 óµš Ì = óµšóµšóµšóµš(ð â tan ðÌ3 3 ) ð ð óµšóµš 2 óµšóµš1/2 ð12 + ð22 2 Ì ðž óµšóµš +sin ð3 â tan ð3 4 óµšóµšóµš , ð2 ð óµšóµš
Ìâ and ð Ì ð, Ì are ordinary and distorted where ðž, ð,â and ð and ðž, energy, momentum, and mass at rest. Hence the matter found in the ID-region (ð =Ìž 0) of space-time continuum has undergone phase transition of II-kind; that is, each particle goes off from the mass shellâa shift of mass and energymomentum spectra occurs upwards along the energy scale. The matter in this state is called protomatter with the thermodynamics differing strongly from the thermodynamics of ordinary compressed matter. The resulting deformed metric on ð4 in holonomic coordinate basis takes the form 2
Ì 00 = (1 â ð¥0 ) + ð¥2 , ð
ðÌ ð00 1 Ì (Ìð) ð {Ì ð00 2 ðð0 â [Ì ð33
(Î â ðâ2 ð )ð =
ðÌ ð33 ðÌ ð11 ðÌ ð22 Ì Ì 11 Ì 22 +ð +ð ] ð (Ìð)} , ðð0 ðð0 ðð0
ðÌ ð00 1 Ì (Ìð) {Ì ð00 ð 2 ðð â [Ì ð33
ðÌ ð33 ðÌ ð11 ðÌ ð22 Ì Ì 11 Ì 22 +ð +ð ] ð (Ìð)} ðð ðð ðð
à ð (ð ð â ðÌâ1/3 ) , (A.5) where ðÌ is the concentration of particles and ð ð = â/ðð ð â 0.4 fm is the Compton lenghth of the ID-field (but substantial ID-effects occur far below it), and a diffeomorphism Ìð(ð) : ð4 â ð4 is given as ð = Ìð â ð
ð /4. A distortion of the
Ì ð] = 0 ð
Ì 33 = â [(1 + ð¥0 ) + ð¥2 ] , ð
Îð0 =
Ì ð) and ð Ì ) are taken to denote the Ì (Ìð) (Ìð â ð
where ð(Ì internal pressure and macroscopic density of energy defined in proper frame of reference that is being used. The equations of gravitation (ð0 ) and ID (ð) fields can be given in Feynman gauge [71] as
Ì 1,2 = ð1,2 cos ðÌ3 , ð
Ì = ðž, ðž
(ð =Ìž ]) ,
Ì 11 = âÌð2 , ð
Ì Ì 22 = âÌð2 sin2 ð. ð As a working model we assume the SPC-configurations given in Appendix G, which are composed of spherical-symmetric distribution of matter in many-phase stratified states. This is quick to estimate the main characteristics of the equilibrium degenerate barionic configurations and will guide us toward first look at some of the associated physics. The simulations confirm in brief the following scenario [71]: the energy density and internal pressure have sharply increased in protomatter core of SPC-configuration (with respect to corresponding central values of neutron star) proportional to gravitational forces of compression. This counteracts the collapse and equilibrium holds even for the masses âŒ109 ðâ . This feature can be seen, for example, from Figure 7 where the state equation of the II-class SPCII configuration, with the quark protomatter core, is plotted.
B. A Hard Look at Spacetime Deformation Ì4 can be recast in the form The holonomic metric on M ð ] ð ] Ì (Ìðð , Ìð] )ðÌ â ðÌ , with components Ì = ð Ì ð] ðÌ â ðÌ = ð ð ð Ì =ð Ì (Ìð , Ìð ) in dual holonomic base {ðÌ â¡ ðÌ ð ð¥ð }. In order ð]
to relate local Lorentz symmetry to more general deformed
Journal of Astrophysics
21 Ì Ì ð ð (Ì ð¥)) â ðºð¿(4, ð) first deformation matrices, (ð(ð¥)ð ð and ð Ì , as follows: for all ð¥
Ì ð = Ìðð ð ðð ð , ð· ð
log(P/POV )
ð Ìðð ðÌðð ð = ð¿ð ,
Ì ðð = Ìðð ð ðð ð , ð ð
Ì , Ì ð ð = Ìðð ð ð· ð ð
Ìð , Ì ð ð = Ìðð ð ð ð
AGN branch
Ì ð]Ìðð ðÌðð ] = ððð ; ððð is the metric on ð4 . A deformation where ð
tensor, Ωð ð = ðð ð ðð ð , yields local tetrad deformations 0
Neutron star branch
10 log(ð/ðOV)
Figure 7: The state equation of SPCII on logarithmic scales, where ð and ð are the internal pressure and density, given in special units ðOV = 6.469 Ã 1036 [erg cmâ3 ] and ðOV = 7.194 Ã 1015 [g cmâ3 ], respectively.
Ì ð ð ðð , Ìðð = ð
ð Ì ð ð ðð , ðÌ = ð
ðð = ðð ð ðð ,
ð = ðð ð ðð ,
Ì = Ìð â ðÌð = ð âðð â M Ì4 . The first deformation matrices and ðð ð ð Ì , in general, give rise to the right cosets of the Lorentz ð and ð group; that is, they are the elements of the quotient group Ì ðºð¿(4, ð)/ðð(3, 1). If we deform the cotetrad according to (B.2), we have two choices to recast metric as follows: either writing the deformation of the metric in the space of tetrads or deforming the tetrad field: ð
Ìððð Ì ð ð ðð â ðð Ì = ððð ðÌ â ðÌ = ððð ð ð spacetime, there is, however, a need to introduce the soldering tools, which are the linear frames and forms in tangent fiberbundles to the external smooth differential manifold, whose Ì4 components are so-called tetrad (vierbein) fields. The M Ì Ì 4 , spanned by the has at each point a tangent space, ðð¥Ì ð anholonomic orthonormal frame field, Ìð, as a shorthand for the collection of the 4-tuplet (Ìð0 , . . . , Ìð3 ), where Ìðð = Ìðð ð ðÌð . We use the first half of Latin alphabet (ð, ð, ð, . . . = 0, 1, 2, 3) to denote the anholonomic indices related to the tangent space. Ì of differential The frame field, Ìð, then defines a dual vector, ð, forms, ðÌ =
Ì0 ð ( ... Ì3 ð
= ðŸðð ð â ð , where the second deformation matrix, ðŸðð , reads ðŸðð Ìððð Ì ð ð . The deformed metric splits as ððð ð Ì ð] = Î¥2 ðð] + ðŸÌð] , ð
Ì ð ð = ðð ð and provided that Î¥ = ð ðŸÌð] = (ðŸðð â Î¥2 ððð ) Ìðð ðÌðð V = (ðŸðð â Î¥2 ððð ) Ìðð ðÌðð V .
), as a shorthand for the collection of the
ð ð¥ð , whose values at every point form the dual ðÌ = Ìðð ð ðÌ ð basis, such that Ìðð âðÌ = ð¿ðð , where â denotes the interior product; namely, this is a ð¶â -bilinear map â: Ω1 â Ω0 with Ωð denoting the ð¶â -modulo of differential ð-forms on Ì4 . In components, we have Ìðð ðÌðð ð = ð¿ð . On the manifold, M ð Ì of type (1, 1) can be Ì4 , the tautological tensor field, ðð, M defined which assigns to each tangent space the identity linear Ì4 and any vector Ì âM transformation. Thus, for any point ð¥ Ìð â ð Ì Ìð) = Ìð. In terms of the frame field, the Ì ð¥Ì M Ì4 , one has ðð( ð Ì as ðð Ì = ÌððÌ = Ìð â ðÌ0 + â
Ìð â ðÌ3 , ðÌ give the expression for ðð 0 3 in the sense that both sides yield Ìð when applied to any tangent vector Ìð in the domain of definition of the frame field. One can also consider general transformations of the linear group, ðºð¿(4, ð
), taking any base into any other set of four ð linearly independent fields. The notation, {Ìðð , ðÌ }, will be used below for general linear frames. Let us introduce so-called
Ì to The anholonomic orthonormal frame field, Ìð, relates ð the tangent space metric, ððð = diag(+ â ââ), by ððð = Ì ð]Ìðð ðÌðð ] , which has the converse ð Ì ð] = ðððÌðð ðÌðð ] Ì (Ìðð , Ìðð ) = ð ð because Ìðð ðÌðð ] = ð¿]ð . With this provision, we build up a worlddeformation tensor Ω yielding a deformation of the flat space Ì (ðð) ð4 . The ðŸðð can be decomposed in terms of symmetric ð Ì [ðð] parts of the matrix ð Ì ðð = ððð ð Ì ð ð (or, and antisymmetric ð resp., in terms of ð(ðð) and ð[ðð] , where ððð = ððð ðð ð ) as ÌððÎ Ìðð Ì 2 ððð + 2Î¥ ÌÎ Ì ðð + ððð Î ðŸðð = Î¥ ð
Ì ð ) + ððð ð Ì ðð ÌððÎ Ìðð + ð Ìððð Ìðð, + ððð (Î
where Ì ðð + Î Ì ðð + ð Ì ðð , Ì ðð = Î¥ð ð
Ì = ð Ì ðð is the traceless symmetric part, and ð Ìðð, Î Ì ðð is Î¥ the skew symmetric part of the first deformation matrix.
Journal of Astrophysics
Ì ð¥Ì ð Ì 4, The anholonomy objects defined on the tangent space, ð read Ìð ðð ðÌð ⧠ðÌð , Ìð := ððÌð = 1 ð¶ ð¶ 2 Ì where the anholonomy coefficients, ð¶ curls of the base members, are
Ìðð =
ð Ìðð ðÌ ]
= Î©Ì V ðð . â
ð âð
ðð ð
where Ωð
ðâ ] ðð] ðð ðð â
ðâð ðð ð ð
and ΩÌ
ð ]
= ðÌ ð ð ðÌ ð ] . We also have ð ðÌ ] = ððÌ ð ðÌ ð ] , ð
ðÌ ð ð = ððÌ ð ð·Ì ð ,
ð]Ì ð ð]Ì ð = ð¿ðð ,
ðÌ ð ] = ððÌ ð ðÌ ] . â
The norm ðð â¡ ðð of the displacement ðð¥ on ð4 can be written in terms of the spacetime structures of ð4 as â
ðð = ðð = Ωð ðð â ðð â ð4 . â
The holonomic metric can be recast in the form â
(B.18) â
Ì = ÌððÌ = Ìð â ðÌ = Ìð â ðÌ = Î©Ì ð â ð ðð ] ð ð ð â
ð ð Ì4 , = Î©Ì ð ððÌ ðÌ = Ωð ð ðð â ðð â M
ð ð âð â ] Î©Ì ð = ðÌ ð ð ðÌ ð ð = Î©Ì ] ð ð ðð , ð
Ìðð = ðÌ ] ð ð] , â
Ìðð = ðÌ ð ðð ,
ð ðÌ = ðÌ ð ð ð . â
Ì ð ðð = ðÌ ð ð ð ð â
ð ðð ðÌ ð
+ ðÌ ð ð ðÌð ðÌ ð ð = ðð ð ðÌð ðð ð .
ð ð Ì = ððð ðÌ â ðÌ = ððð ðÌ ð ð ðÌ ð ð ð â ð ð â
= ðŸÌ ðð ð â ð .
ð ð·Ì ð = ð]Ì ð ðÌ ] ð ,
â âð 1 â â (ðð âðð âððð ) ⧠ð , 2
= ððð and
We have then two choices to recast metric as follows:
ð ð = ð ð ðð , â
Under a local tetrad deformation (B.20), a general spin connection transforms according to
ðð = ðð ð·ð ,
where ðð is understood as the down indexed 1-form ðð = âð Ì (A.2) can then be written in terms of the ððð ð . The norm ðð spacetime structures of ð4 and ð4 as
ðð = ð ð ð ð ,
ð = ð¿ð ,
ð ðÌ = ðÌ ð ð ð ,
In analogy with (B.1), the following relations hold: ð·ð = ð ð ð
ðð ðð = Ωð ðð ,
ðâ ð·Ì ð ðð ,
The (anholonomic) Levi-Civita (or Christoffel) connection can be written as â
All magnitudes related to the ð4 will be denoted by an over â ð â ð â ð ð â â â. According to (A.1), we have Ωð = ð·ð ðð and Î©Ì ] = ð ð ð·Ì ð ðÌ ] , provided â
Îðð := ð[ð âððð] â
In particular case of constant metric in the tetradic space, the deformed connection can be written as
= âð ð [ðð (ðð ) â ðð (ðð )] . (B.9)
óž óž ð 1 Ìð ððóž ððóž Ìð Ìð ÎÌ ðð = (ð¶ ðð â ð ðððóž ð¶ ðóž ð â ð ðððóž ð¶ ðóž ð ) . 2
ðâ ]
Ì â1 ð ) . [ð ðð ð ð]
ðð = ð·ð ðð ,
= ðð ðð (ðð ð ] â ð] ð ð )
Ìð ðð = âðÌð ([Ìðð , Ìðð ]) = Ìðð ðÌðð ] (ðÌðÌðð ] â ðÌ]Ìðð ð ) ð¶
= 2ðð ðÌðð ð (ðâ1
ðð , which represent the
= âð ([ðð , ðð ])
ðð , which represent the
= âÌðð ð [Ìðð (Ìðð ð ) â Ìðð (Ìðð ð )]
where the anholonomy coefficients, ð¶ curls of the base members, are
ð = ðð] ð â ð = ð (ðð , ð] ) ð â ð .
(B.15) â
The anholonomy objects defined on the tangent space, ðð¥â ð4 , read âð â ð 1 â ð âð âð ð¶ := ðð = ð¶ ðð ð ⧠ð , 2
In the first case, the contribution of the Christoffel symbols constructed by the metric ðŸÌ ðð = ððð ðÌ ð ð ðÌ ð ð reads óž óž óž óž â ð â ð ð 1 âð ÎÌ ðð = (ð¶ ðð â ðŸÌ ðð ðŸÌ ððóž ð¶ ðóž ð â ðŸÌ ðð ðŸÌ ððóž ð¶ ðóž ð ) 2
1 â â â + ðŸÌ ððóž (ðð âððŸÌ ððóž â ðð âððŸÌ ððóž â ððóž âððŸÌ ðð ) . 2
As before, the second deformation matrix, ðŸÌ ðð , can be decomposed in terms of symmetric, ðÌ (ðð) , and antisymmetric, ðÌ [ðð] , parts of the matrix ðÌ ðð = ððð ðÌ ð ð . So, Ì ðð + ÎÌ ðð + ðÌ , ðÌ ðð = Î¥ð ðð
where Î¥Ì = ðÌ ð ð , ÎÌ ðð is the traceless symmetric part, and ðÌ ðð is the skew symmetric part of the first deformation matrix. In analogy with (B.4), the deformed metric can then be split as 2
Ì ð] (ð)Ì = Î¥Ì (ð)Ì ðð] + ðŸÌ ð] (ð)Ì , ð â
Journal of Astrophysics
where 2
ðŸÌ ð] (ð)Ì = [ðŸÌ ðð â Î¥Ì ððð ] ð ð ð ] .
coupling prescription of a general field carrying an arbitrary representation of the Lorentz group will be (B.26)
Ìð = ðÌð â ð (Ì Ì ðð ð ) ðœðð , ððð ð â ðŸ ðÌð ó³šâ D 2
The inverse deformed metric reads ðâ ]
Ì ð] (ð)Ì = ððð ðÌ â1ð ð ðÌ â1ð ð ðð ðð , ð â
where ðÌ â1ð ð ðÌ ð ð = ðÌ ð ð ðÌ â1ð ð = ð¿ðð . The (anholonomic) LeviCivita (or Christoffel) connection is ð 1 ÎÌðð := Ìð[ð âððÌð] â (Ìðð âÌðð âððÌð ) ⧠ðÌ , 2
with ðœðð denoting the corresponding Lorentz generator. The Riemann-Cartan manifold, ð4 , is a particular case of Ì4 , restricted by the the general metric-affine manifold M Ì metricity condition ððð] = 0, when a nonsymmetric linear connection is said to be metric compatible. The Lorentz and Ì becomes either diffeomorphism invariant scalar curvature, ð
, ð Ì ð] : a function of Ìð ð only, or ð
where ðÌð is understood as the down indexed 1-form ðÌð = ð ððð ðÌ . Hence, the usual Levi-Civita connection is related to the original connection by the relation ð ð ð ÎÌ ðð = ÎÌ ðð + Î Ì ðð ,
provided Î ð ðð = 2Ì ðð] ðÌ ] (ð âÌ ð) Î¥Ì â ðÌ ðð ðð] âÌ ] Î¥Ì 1 ð] Ì Ì (âð ðŸÌ ]ð + âÌ ð ðŸÌ ð] â âÌ ] ðŸÌ ðð ) , + ð 2
where âÌ is the covariant derivative. The contravariant Ì ]ð , is defined as the inverse of ð Ì ð] , such deformed metric, ð ]ð ð Ì ð] ð Ì = ð¿ð . Hence, the connection deformation Î ð ðð that ð acts like a force that deviates the test particles from the geodesic motion in the space, ð4 . A metric-affine space Ì 4, ð Ì is defined to have a metric and a linear connection Ì , Î) (ð that need not be dependent on each other. In general, the lifting of the constraints of metric-compatibility and symmetry yields the new geometrical property of the spacetime, which Ì ðð and the affine torsion 2-form are the nonmetricity 1-form ð ð Ì ð representing a translational misfit (for a comprehensive discussion see [92â95]). These, together with the curvature 2Ì ð ð , symbolically can be presented as [96, 97] form ð
ð ð Ì (Ì Ì ð, ð
Ì ðð , ð Ì ðð) ⌠D (ð ððð , ðÌ , ÎÌð ) ,
Ì is the covariant exterior derivative. If the nonmetricwhere D Ìð ð Ì ðð] = âD Ì ð] â¡ âÌ ðð] ; ð does not vanish, ity tensor ð the general formula for the affine connection written in the spacetime components is ð
ð ÎÌ ð] = Î â
Ì +ðŸ
Ìð , Ì ð ð] + 1 ð âð 2 (ð])
Ì (Ì Ì ð] ðð (Ì Ì (Ì Ì ð
ð) â¡ Ìðð ðÌðð ] ð
ð) = ð
ð, Î) ð
Ì Ì ð] ð
Ì ðð] (Î) .
Ì and ð Ì in Standard C. Determination of ð· Theory of Gravitation Ì ðð = ð Ì ðð Let ð ð¥ð be the 1-forms of corresponding ð ⧠ðÌ connections assuming values in the Lorentz Lie algebra. The action for gravitational field can be written in the form â
ðÌð = ð + ðÌð,
where the integral â
ð=â =â
â â ð ð 1 1 â« âð
= â â« âð
ðð ⧠ðÌ â§ ðÌ 4Ê 4Ê â 1 ððΩ â« ð
ââÌ 2Ê
is the usual Einstein action, with the coupling constant relating to the Newton gravitational constant Ê = 8ððºð/ð4 , ðð is the phenomenological action of the spin-torsion interaction, and â denotes the Hodge dual. This is a ð¶â -linear map â : Ωð â Ωðâð , which acts on the wedge product monomials of ð1 â
ðð ) = ðð1 â
ðð Ìððð+1 â
ðð . Here we used the basis 1-forms as â(ðÌ the abbreviated notations for the wedge product monomials, ð1 â
ðð ð1 ð2 ðð = ðÌ â§ ðÌ â§ â
⧠ðÌ , defined on the ð4 space, the ðÌ Ìððð (ð = ð + 1, . . . , ð) are understood as the down indexed ð 1-forms Ìð = ð ðÌ , and ðð1 â
ðð is the total antisymmetric ðð
ðð ð
Ì ðð pseudotensor. The variation of the connection 1-form ð yields
ð¿ðÌð =
Ì ð ð] := 2ð Ì (ð]) ð + ð Ì ð ð] where Î ð] is the Riemann part and ðŸ is the non-Riemann part, the affine contortion tensor. The Ì ð ð] = ÎÌð [ð]] given with respect Ì ð ð] = (1/2)ð torsion, ð ð to a holonomic frame, ððÌ = 0, is the third-rank tensor, antisymmetric in the first two indices, with 24 independent components. In a presence of curvature and torsion, the
1 Ì ðð ⧠ð¿Ì ððð , â« âT Ê
where Ì ðð := âT
1 Ì ð ⧠ðÌð ððððð Ì ð ⧠Ìðð ) = ð â (ð 2
ð]ðŒ 1 Ìð = ð ðð ðŒ ððððð ðÌ , ð] â§ Ì 2
Journal of Astrophysics
and also ð Ìð = ð· Ì ðÌð = ððÌð + ð Ì ð ð ⧠ðÌ . ð
The variation of the action describing the macroscopic matter sources ðÌð with respect to the coframe ðð and connection 1Ì ðð reads form ð Ìð ð¿ðÌð = â« ð¿ð¿ ð
= â« (â â ðÌð ⧠ð¿ðÌ +
1 Ì ððð ) , â Σðð ⧠ð¿Ì 2
where âðÌð is the dual 3-form relating to the canonical energyð momentum tensor, ðÌð , by âðÌð =
]ðŒðœ 1 Ìð ð ð ðÌ 3! ð ð]ðŒðœ
Ì ðð is the dual 3-form corresponding to the Ì ðð = â â Σ and âΣ canonical spin tensor, which is identical with the dynamical spin tensor ðÌððð ; namely, Ì ðð = ðÌ âΣ
Ì]ðŒðœ .
ðð ðð]ðŒðœ ð
The variation of the total action, ðÌ = ðÌð + ðÌð , with respect to Ì gives the following field equations: Ì ðð and Ί the Ìðð , ð (1)
ð 1â ð
⧠ðÌ = ÊðÌð = 0, 2 ðð
Ì ðð = â 1 Ê â Σ Ì ðð , (2) â T 2 (3)
Ìð ð¿ð¿ = 0, Ì ð¿ÎŠ
Ìð ð¿ð¿ Ì ð¿ÎŠ
= 0.
Ì and ð Ì can readily be In the sequel, the DC-members ð· determined as follows: Ì ð = ððð âšÌðð , ðð â© , ð· ð
ð ð Ì ðð = ððð ðÌ (ðâ1 ) . ð
D. The GGP in More Detail Note that an invariance of the Lagrangian ð¿ Ί Ì under the infinite-parameter group of general covariance (A.5) in ð4 implies an invariance of ð¿ Ί Ì under the ðºð group and vice versa if and only if the generalized local gauge transformaÌ ð¥) Ì ð¥) and their covariant derivative â Ì ð Ί(Ì tions of the fields Ί(Ì are introduced by finite local ðð â ðºð gauge transformations: Ì óž (Ì Ì (Ì ÎŠ ð¥) = ðð (Ì ð¥) Ί ð¥) , óž
Ì ðΊ Ì ðΊ Ì (Ì Ì (Ì ð¥)] = ðð (Ì ð¥)] . ð¥) â ð¥) [ÌðŸ (Ì ð¥) â [ÌðŸ (Ì ð
Ì ð denotes the covariant derivative agreeing with the Here â Ì ð = ðÌð + ÎÌð , where Ì ð] = (1/2)(ÌðŸð ðŸÌ] + ðŸÌ] ðŸÌð ) : â metric, ð ] ðð Ì ÎÌð (Ì ð¥) = (1/2)ðœ Ìðð (Ì ð¥)ððÌðð] (Ì ð¥) is the connection and ðœðð are the generators of Lorentz group Î. The tetrad components Ìðð ð (Ì ð¥) associate with the chosen representation ð·(Î) by óž óž Ì ð¥), where Ì ð¥) is transformed as [ð·(Î)]ð â
ð Ί(Ì which the Ί(Ì ðâ
ð ðð Ì ðð = âÌ ð·(Î) = ðŒ + (1/2)Ì ð ðœðð , ð ððð are the parameters of the ð¥) â Ìðð (Ì ð¥) Lorentz group. One has, for example, to set ðŸÌð (Ì for the fields of spin (ð = 0, 1); for vector field [ðœðð ]ðð = ð¿ðð ððð â ð¿ðð ððð ; but ðŸÌð (Ì ð¥) = Ìðð ð (Ì ð¥)ðŸð and ðœðð = â(1/4)[ðŸð , ðŸð ] for the spinor field (ð = 1/2), where ðŸð are the Dirac matrices. Ì 4 , ðºð; Ìð ) with the Given the principal fiber bundle ð(ð Ì are ð Ì â ð Ì = structure group ðºð, the local coordinates ð Ì â ð4 and ðð â ðºð, the total bundle space (Ì ð¥, ðð), where ð¥ Ì is a smooth manifold, and the surjection Ìð is a smooth ð Ì ð } of ð4 with Ì â ð4 . A set of open coverings {U map Ìð : ð Ì Ì Ì â {Uð } â ð4 satisfy âðŒ UðŒ = ð4 . The collection of matter ð¥ Ì ð¥) take values in standard fiber over fields of arbitrary spins Ί(Ì â1 Ì Ìð à ð¹ Ì ð¥Ì . The fibration is given as âð¥Ì Ìð â1 (Ì Ì : Ìð (Uð ) = U ð¥) = ð¥ Ì The local gauge will be the diffeomorphism map ð Ìð : ð. â1 Ì â1 â1 Ì Ì Ì Ì ð maps Ìð (Uð ) onto Uð à ð4 ðºð â Ìð (Uð ) â ð, since ð Ìð à ð ðºð. Here à ð represents the direct (Cartesian) product U 4 4 the fiber product of elements defined over space ð4 such that Ì and ð Ì ð (Ì Ì ð (Ì Ì ð (Ì Ìð (Ì ð¥, ðð)) = ð¥ ð¥, ðð) = ð ð¥, (ðð)ðºð )ðð = ð ð¥)ðð ðð (Ì Ì Ì â {Uð }, where (ðð)ðºð is the identity element of the for all ð¥ Ì Ì â ð4 is diffeomorphic to ð¹, group ðºð . The fiber Ìð â1 at ð¥ Ì is the fiber space, such that Ìð â1 (Ì Ì ð¥Ì â ð¹. Ì The where ð¹ ð¥) â¡ ð¹ Ì defines an isomorphism action of the structure group ðºð on ð of the Lie algebra gÌ of ðºð onto the Lie algebra of vertical Ì tangent to the fiber at each ð Ì called Ì â ð vector fields on ð fundamental. To involve a drastic revision of the role of gauge fields in the physical concept of the spacetime deformation, we generalize the standard gauge scheme by exploring a new special type of distortion gauge field, (ð), which is assumed to act on the external spacetime groups. Then, we also consider the principle fiber bundle, ð(ð4 , ðloc ; ð ), with the base space ð4 , the structure group ðloc , and the surjection ð . The matter fields Ί(ð¥) take values in the standard fiber which is the Hilbert vector space where a linear representation ð(ð¥) of group ðloc is given. This space can be regarded as the Lie algebra of the group ðloc upon which the Lie algebra acts according to the law of the adjoint representation: ð â ad ðΊ â [ð, Ί]. The GGP accounts for the gravitation gauge group ðºð generated by the hidden local internal symmetry ðloc . The Ì ð¥) defined on ð4 must be physical system of the fields Ί(Ì invariant under the finite local gauge transformations ðð (D.1) of the Lie group of gravitation ðºð (see Scheme 1), where ð
ð (ð) is the matrix of unitary map: Ì ð
ð (ð) : Ί ó³šâ Ί,
Ì . ð (ð) ð
ð (ð) : (ðŸ ð·ð Ί) ó³šâ (ÌðŸ (Ì ð¥) â] Ί) ð
Journal of Astrophysics
25 UV = Rðó³° Uloc Rðâ1
Ì x) Ì ó³°(Ì ÎŠ x) = UVΊ(Ì ó³° Rð (Ì x , x)
Rð (Ì x, x)
Ί (x) = U Ί(x)
(2) In case of curved space, the reduction ð6 â ð4 can be achieved if we use the projection (ð0Ì ) of the temÌ ) on Ì ) of basis six-vector ð(Ì ððŒÌ , ð0ðŒ poral component (ð0ðŒ Ì â ð0Ì ). By this we the given universal direction (ð0ðŒ choose the time coordinate. Actually, the Lagrangian of physical fields defined on ð
6 is a function of scalars such that ðŽ (ððŒ) ðµ(ððŒ) = ðŽ ðŒ ðµðŒ + ðŽ 0ðŒ ðµ0ðŒ ; then upon the reduction of temporal components of six-vectors Ì , ð0ðœ Ì â©ðµ0ðœ = ðŽ0 âšð0Ì , ð0Ì â©ðµ0 = ðŽ 0 ðµ0 ðŽ 0ðŒ ðµ0ðŒ = ðŽ0ðŒ âšð0ðŒ we may fulfill a reduction to ð4 .
Ì x) Ί(Ì
Scheme 1: The GGP.
Here ð(ð¹) is the gauge invariant scalar function ð(ð¹) â¡ Ì ð , ð·ð = ðð â ðÊ, ðð . In an illustration Ì ðð ð· (1/4)Ì ðâ1 (ð¹) = (1/4)ð ð of the point at issue, the (D.2) explicitly may read Ì ðâ
ð¿ (Ì Ì ð¿ð ð
(ð) Ίðâ
ð (ð¥) Ì ðð â
ð Ί ð¥) = ð ðâ
â¡ (ð
ð )ðâ
ð Ίðâ
ð (ð¥) ,
A distortion of the basis (E.2) comprises the following two steps. We, at first, consider distortion transformations of the ingredient unit vectors ðð under the distortion gauge field (ð): ðÌ (+ðŒ) (ð) = Qð(+ðŒ) (ð) ðð = ð+ + Êð(+ðŒ) ðâ , ðÌ (âðŒ) (ð) = Qð(âðŒ) (ð) ðð = ðâ + Êð(âðŒ) ð+ ,
and also ðâ
Ì Ì ] (Ì ð ð¥) â] Ί
ð¥) (Ì
Ì ð ð
(ð) ðŸð ð·ð Ίðâ
ð (ð¥) . Ìð â
ð = ð (ð¹) ð ð
In case of zero curvature, one has ðð = ð·ð = ðð ð = (ðð¥ð /ððð ), âð·â =Ìž 0, where ðð are the inertial coordinates. In this, the conventional gauge theory given on the ð4 is restored in both curvilinear and inertial coordinates. Although the distortion gauge field (ððŽ) is a vector field, only the gravitational attraction is presented in the proposed theory of gravitation.
E. A Lie Group of Distortion ð6 =
sgn (ð
3 ) = (+ + +) ,
âð , sgn (ð3 ) = (â â â) .
The ð(ððŒ) = ðð à ððŒ (ð = ±, ðŒ = 1, 2, 3) are linearly independent unit basis vectors at the point (p) of interest of the given three-dimensional space ð
ð3 . The unit vectors ðð and ððŒ imply â
âšðð , ðð â© = ð¿ðð ,
where Q (=Qð(ððŒ) (ð)) is an element of the group ð. This induces the distortion transformations of the ingredient unit vectors ððœ , which, in turn, undergo the rotations, ðÌ (ððŒ) (ð) = ðœ
R(ððŒ) (ð)ððœ , where R(ð) â ðð(3) is the element of the group of rotations of planes involving two arbitrary axes around the orthogonal third axis in the given ingredient space ð
ð3 . In fact, distortion transformations of basis vectors (ð) and (ð) are not independent but rather are governed by the spontaneous breaking of the distortion symmetry (for more details see [74]). To avoid a further proliferation of indices, hereafter we will use uppercase Latin (ðŽ) in indexing (ððŒ), and so forth. The infinitesimal transformations then read ð¿QððŽ (ð) = Êð¿ððŽ ððð â ð,
The extended space ð6 reads 0 ð
âšððŒ , ððœ â© = ð¿ðŒðœ ,
where ð¿ðŒðœ is the Kronecker symbol and â ð¿ðð = 1 â ð¿ðð . Three spatial ððŒ = ð à ððŒ and three temporal ð0ðŒ = ð0 à ððŒ components are the basis vectors, respectively, in spaces ð
3 and ð3 , where ð± = (1/â2)(ð0 ± ð), ð02 = âð2 = 1, âšð0 , ðâ© = 0. The 3D space ð
±3 is spanned by the coordinates ð(±ðŒ) . In using this language it is important to consider a reduction to the space ð4 which can be achieved in the following way. (1) In case of free flat space ð6 , the subspace ð3 is isotropic. And in so far it contributes in line element just only by the square of the moduli ð¡ = |x0 |, x0 â ð3 , then, the reduction ð6 â ð4 = ð
3 â ð1 can be readily achieved if we use ð¡ = |x0 | for conventional time.
(E.4) ð ð¿R (ð) = â ððŒðœ ð¿ððŒðœ â ðð (3) , 2 provided by the generators ððð =â ð¿ðð and ðŒð = ðð /2, where ðð are the Pauli matrices, ððŒðœ = ððŒðœðŸ ðŒðŸ , and ð¿ððŒðœ = ððŒðœðŸ ð¿ððŸ . The transformation matrix ð·(ð, ð) = Q(ð) à R(ð) is an element of the distortion group ðºð· = ð à ðð(3): ð·(ðððŽ ,ðððŽ ) = ðŒ + ðð·(ððŽ ,ððŽ ) , ðð·(ððŽ ,ððŽ ) = ð [ðððŽ ððŽ + ðððŽ ðŒðŽ] ,
where ðŒðŽ â¡ ðŒðŒ at given ð. The generators ððŽ (E.4) of the group ð do not complete the group ð» to the dynamical group ðºð·, and therefore they cannot be interpreted as the generators of the quotien space ðºð·/ð», and the distortion fields ððŽ cannot be identified directly with the Goldstone fields arising in spontaneous breaking of the distortion symmetry ðºð·. These objections, however, can be circumvented, because, as it is shown by [74], the distortion group ðºð· = ð à ðð(3) can be mapped in a one-to-one manner onto the group ðºð· = ðð(3) à ðð(3), which is isomorphic to the chiral group ðð(2) à ðð(2), in case of which the method of phenomenological Lagrangians is well known. In aftermath, we arrive at the key relation tan ððŽ = âÊððŽ.
Journal of Astrophysics
Given the distortion field ððŽ , the relation (E.6) uniquely determines six angles ððŽ of rotations around each of six (ðŽ) axes. In pursuing our goal further, we are necessarily led to extending a whole framework of GGP now for the base 12D smooth differentiable manifold: ð12 = ð6 â ð6 .
Here the ð6 is related to the spacetime continuum (E.1), but the ð6 is displayed as a space of inner degrees of freedom. The ð(ð,ð,ðŒ) = ðð,ð â ððŒ
(ð, ð = 1, 2; ðŒ = 1, 2, 3)
are basis vectors at the point ð(ð) of ð12 : âšðð,ð , ðð,] â© =â ð¿ð,ð â ð¿ð,] ,
ðð,ð = ðð â ðð ,
â 4 â 2 â 2
ðð,ð ââ ð
= ð
â ð
ððŒ ââ ð
where ð = (ð, ð¢) â ð12 (ð â ð6 and ð¢ â ð6 ). So, the decomposition (E.1), together with 3
ð6 = ð
+ â ð
â = ð â ð , 3
sgn (ð ) = (+ + +) ,
sgn (ð ) = (â â â) ,
holds. The 12-dimensional basis (ð) transforms under the distortion gauge field ð(ð) (ð â ð12 ): Ìð = ð· (ð) ð,
where the distortion matrix ð·(ð) reads ð·(ð) = ð¶(ð) â ð
(ð), provided Ì = ð¶ (ð) ð, ð
Ì = ð
(ð) ð. ð
The matrices ð¶(ð) generate the group of distortion transformations of the bi-pseudo-vectors: ð,] ð¶(ðððŒ)
(ð) =
ð¿ðð ð¿ð]
â Êð(ð,ð,ðŒ) â ð¿ðð ð¿ð] ,
but ð
(ð) â ðð(3)ðð âthe group of ordinary rotations of 3 the planes involving two arbitrary bases of the spaces ð
ðð around the orthogonal third axes. The angles of rotations are determined according to (E.6), but now for the extended indices ðŽ = (ð, ð, ðŒ) and so forth.
F. Field Equations at Spherical Symmetry The extended field equations followed at once in terms of Euler-Lagrange variations, respectively, on the spaces ð12 Ì 12 [74]. In accordance, the equation of distortion gauge and ð field ððŽ = (ð(ððŒ) , ð(ððœ) ) reads ððµ ððµ ððŽ â (1 â ð0â1 ) ððŽððµ ððµ ðððµð¶ 1 = ðœðŽ = â âð ð , 2 ðððŽ ðµð¶
where ððµð¶ is the energy-momentum tensor and ð0 is the gauge fixing parameter. To render our discussion here more transparent, below we clarify the relation between gravitational and coupling constants. To assist in obtaining actual solutions from the field equations, we may consider the weakfield limit and will envisage that the right-hand side of (F.1) should be in the form ðððµð¶ (ð¥) Ì 1 ððµð¶. â (4ððºð) âð (ð¥) 2 ðð¥ðŽ
Hence, we may assign to Newtonâs gravitational constant ðºð the value ðºð =
Ê2 . 4ð
Ì6 is the familiar The curvature of manifold ð6 â ð distortion induced by the extended field components 1 ð , â2 (+ðŒ)
ð(1,1,ðŒ) = ð(2,1,ðŒ) â¡ ð(1,2,ðŒ) = ð(2,2,ðŒ)
1 ð . â¡ â2 (âðŒ)
The other regime of ID presents at ð(1,1,ðŒ) = âð(2,1,ðŒ) â¡ ð(1,2,ðŒ) = âð(2,2,ðŒ)
1 ð , â2 (+ðŒ)
1 â¡ ð . â2 (âðŒ)
To obtain a feeling for this point we may consider physical systems which are static as well as spherically symmetrical. We are interested in the case of a spherical-symmetric gravitational field ð0 (ð) in presence of one-dimensional space-like ID-field ð: ð(1,1,3) = ð(2,2,3) = ð(+3) =
1 (âð0 + ð) , 2
ð(1,2,3) = ð(2,1,3) = ð(â3) =
1 (âð0 â ð) , 2
ð(ð,ð,1) = ð(ð,ð,2) = 0,
ð, ð = 1, 2.
One can then easily determine the basis vectors (ðððŒ , ðððœ ), Ì 6 to where tan ð(±3) = Ê(âð0 ± ð). Passing back from the ð ð4 , the basis vectors read Ìð0 = ð0 (1 â ð¥0 ) + ð3 ð¥, Ìð3 = ð3 (1 + ð¥0 ) â ð03 ð¥,
Journal of Astrophysics Ìð1 =
1 {(cos ð(+3) + cos ð(â3) ) ð1 2
Ì and invariant action ð, Ì ðððð described by the Hamiltonian ð» then one has
+ (sin ð(+3) + sin ð(â3) ) ð2
+ (cos ð(+3) â cos ð(â3) ) ð01 + (sin ð(+3) â sin ð(â3) ) ð02 } , Ìð2 =
1 {(cos ð(+3) + cos ð(â3) ) ð2 2 â (sin ð(+3) + sin ð(â3) ) ð1 + (cos ð(+3) â cos ð(â3) ) ð02 â (sin ð(+3) â sin ð(â3) ) ð01 } , (F.7)
where ð¥0 ⡠Êð0 , ð¥ ⡠Êð.
G. SPC-Configurations The equations describing the equilibrium SPC include the gravitational and ID field equations (A.2), the hydrostatic equilibrium equation, and the state equation specified for each domain of many layered configurations. The resulting stable SPC is formed, which consists of the protomatter core and the outer layers of ordinary matter. A layering of configurations is a consequence of the onset of different regimes in equation of state. In the density range ð < 4.54 à 1012 g cmâ3 , one uses for both configurations the simple semiempirical formula of state equation given by Harrison and Wheeler, see for example [98]. Above the density ð > 4.54 à 1012 g cmâ3 , for the simplicity, the Iclass SPCI configuration is thought to be composed of regular n-p-e (neutron-proton-electron) gas (in absence of ID) in intermediate density domain 4.54 à 1012 g cmâ3 †ð < ðð and of the n-p-e protomatter in presence of ID at ð > ðð . For the II-class SPCII configuration above the density ððð = 4.09 à 1014 g cmâ3 one considers an onset of melting down of hadrons when nuclear matter consequently turns to quark matter, found in string flip-flop regime. In domain ððð †ð < ðð , to which the distances 0.4 fm < ððð †1.6 fm correspond, one has the regular (ID is absent) string flip-flop regime. This is a kind of tunneling effect when the strings joining the quarks stretch themselves violating energy conservation and after touching each other they switch on to the other configuration [71]. The basic technique adopted for Ì is the instanton calculation of transition matrix element ðŸ technique (semiclassical treatment). During the quantum Ì 1 to another one ð2 transition from a state ð1 of energy ðž Ì 2 , the lowering of energy of system takes place of energy ðž Ì correction to the classical and the quark matter acquires Îðž string energy such that the flip-flop energy lowers the energy of quark matter, consequently by lowering the critical density or critical Fermi momentum. If one, for example, looks for the string flip-flop transition amplitude of simple system of
|eâHT |
ð]eâÌS â©, â©=âšâ«[dÌ
where ð is an imaginary time interval and [ðÌ ð] is the integration over all the possible string motion. The action ðÌ is Ì of the surface swept by the strings proportional to the area ðŽ in the finite region of ID-region of ð
4 . The strings are initially in the -configuration and finally in the -configuration. The maximal contribution to the path integral comes from the surface ð0 of the minimum surface area âinstantonâ. A computation of the transition amplitude is straightforward by summing over all the small vibrations around ð0 . In domain ðð †ð < ððð , one has the string flip-flop regime in presence of ID, at distances 0.25 fm < ððð †0.4 fm. That is, the system is made of quark protomatter in complete ðœ-equilibrium with rearrangement of string connections joining them. In final domain ð > ððð , the system is made of quarks in one bag in complete ðœ-equilibrium at presence of ID. The quarks are under the weak interactions and gluons, including the effects of QCD-perturbative interactions. The QCD vacuum has a complicated structure, which is intimately connected to the gluon-gluon interaction. In most applications, sufficient accuracy is obtained by assuming that all the quarks are almost massless inside a bag. The latter is regarded as noninteracting Fermi gas found in the ID-region of the space-time continuum, at short distances ððð †0.25 fm. Each configuration is defined by the two free parameters of central values of particle concentration ðÌ(0) and dimensionless potential of space-like ID-field ð¥(0). The interior gravitational potential ð¥0int (ð) matches the exterior one ð¥0ext (ð) at the surface of the configuration. The central value of the gravitational potential ð¥0 (0) can be found by reiterating integrations when the sewing condition of the interior and exterior potentials holds. The key question of stability of SPC was studied in [72]. In the relativistic case the total mass-energy of SPC is the extremum in equilibrium for all configurations with the same total number of baryons. Ì and ð occur at the same point in While the extrema of ð a one-parameter equilibrium sequence, one can look for the Ì = ðð Ì 2âð Ì ðµ ð on equal footing. Minimizing extremum of ðž the energy will give the equilibrium configuration, and the Ì will give stability information. Recall second derivative of ðž that, for spherical configurations of matter, instantaneously at rest, small radial deviations from equilibrium are governed by a Sturm-Liouville linear eigenvalue equation [98], with the imposition of suitable boundary conditions on normal modes â ððð¡ . A necessary and with time dependence ðð (ð¥,â ð¡) = ðð (ð¥)ð sufficient condition for stability is that the potential energy be positive defined for all initial data of ðð (ð¥,â 0), namely, in first order approximation when one does not take into account the rotation and magnetic field, if the square of frequency of normal mode of small perturbations is positive. A relativity tends to destabilize configurations. However, numerical integrations of the stability equations of SPC [72] give for the pressure-averaged value of the adiabatic index Ì ln ð Ì )ð the following values: Î1 â 2.216 for Î1 = (ð ln ð/ð
28 the SPCI and Î1 â 2.4 for SPCII configurations. This clearly proves the stability of resulting SPC. Note that the SPC is always found inside the event horizon sphere, and therefore it could be observed only in presence of accreting matter.
Conflict of Interests The author declares that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.
Acknowledgment The very helpful and knowledgable comments from the anonymous referee which have essentially clarified the paper are much appreciated.
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