ISSN 2320 - 2602 International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology (IJACST), Vol. 4 No.1, Pages : 01 – 07 (2015) Special Issue of ICCSIE 2015 - Held during January 16, 2015, Bangalore, India
Research Challenges in the Emerging trends of Cloud Computing Shaik Khaja Mohiddin1, Dr.Suresh Babu Yalavarthi2 1.Asst. Proff, VVIT, Nambur,Guntur,
[email protected] 2.Prof. in Computer Science,JKC College Guntur,
[email protected]
ABSTRACT: with the recent development and vast growing of the technologies with a variety of flavors cloud computing has attracted many IT industries irrespective to their vastness , towards itself either it may be a service providing side where a variety of services are provided with low cost and down to the public or it may be related security providing aspects but with the growing sound of cloud computing its challenges and issues are also growing as there is positive and negative side of every technology in the same way cloud has also the same but here the advantage is that these negative i.e. practical problems can be converted to the positives , which stand as the solutions for the upcoming issues, cloud service users are more worried about the availability , quality and security issues of cloud ,In this paper we have traced out the various upcoming research challenges that the cloud is facing and also proposed certain measures to overcoming them where ever they are required. Though cloud computing has became a popular thing now also the researches are going on it as new things are being developed in it at the same time certain challenges are also developed in it. In this paper challenging research issues in cloud computing are discussed in detail: Key words: Cloud Computing, DIDS, HIDS , IDS, IPS, , NIST.
There is a great impact of Cloud Computing on the IT industry for the past few years large companies such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft tend to provide more powerful, reliable and cost efficient cloud platforms, and business enterprises, besides these cloud computing provides several forceful features which takes it nearer to the business owners, some of them are labeled as
Fig1shows showing a representation of cloud services No upfront investments: Cloud computing provides pay for what you use pricing model, here a cloud users lends the sources from the cloud service provider and they pay for the resources for how much they have used from it so it avoids a pre investment cost to a lot. Lowering operating cost: as the resources can be allocated and de allocated depending upon the load, due to which operations can be carried out at low cost.
INTRODUCTION Many businesses think cloud computing is only for the big operators: the Google and Microsoft’s and international names that seem to have unlimited reserves of cash and staff to make it work. But businesses of all sizes and ages are using cloud computing
Highly Scalable: infrastructure providers pool large amount of resources from data centers and make them to be easily accessible, where a service provider can expand the services to large scale in order to overcome the rapid increase in service demands.
'Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, ondemand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
Easy access: all the services provided by the cloud are web based so an authenticated user can access these services simply by getting through the internet, there is no limitations for the access of cloud services i.e. they can be accessed easily device independent and get accessed even with cell phones, PDAs, laptops. 1
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology (IJACST), Vol. 4 No.1, Pages : 01 – 07 (2015) Special Issue of ICCSIE 2015 - Held during January 16, 2015, Bangalore, India
Reducing business risks and maintenance expenses: as the cloud services users are lending the infrastructure from the cloud providers so they do not go with its maintenance expenses everything is going to be handled by these infrastructure providers, so the service providers can cut down hardware maintenance and the staff training costs.
infrastructure; consumers do not have any requirements for this beside a simple network connection, here also consumers do not have to maintain these cloud infrastructures which may include servers, operating systems or storage. Examples of PaaS providers include Google App Engine [5], Microsoft windows azure and force .com.
The remaining part of the paper is organized as follows section 2 describes the overview of cloud computing, in section 3 the architecture of cloud computing is described and in section 4 various threats and their respective measures have been specified, in section 5 we have specified certain Intrusion Detection systems and Intrusion prevention Systems have been described, finally the paper is concluded in Section 6.
Software as a Service (SaaS). Here cloud providers applications are utilized by the consumers which are running on the cloud infrastructure. Client can access these various flavor of applications from any one of their devices, with the help of thin client interface, which may be either a web browser. Client has an advantage that they do not involve in managing infrastructure, which may include servers, operating systems, storage, any individual application capabilities. Examples of SaaS, racks pace [6].
OVERVIEW OF CLOUD COMPUTING Here we take the definition of cloud computing provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) [1]. NIST definition of cloud computing is given as Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, ondemand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. In cloud computing, the various kind of available service models are: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Here the cloud providers provide the consumers with on demand provisioning of infrastructural resources, which are usually VMs, here the cloud owners are called as Iaas Providers examples of IasS Amazon EC2[2],Go Grid [3] and flexiscale [4] Cloud computing provides the consumer with the capability of conditional dealing related with storages, networks and other computing resources, and allow the consumer to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and applications, storage been controlled by the consumer having a limited control on the selected networking components. Platform as a Service (PaaS). Here the cloud providers provide the consumers with ability to install on the cloud
Fig2 shows cloud computing security requirements 2
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology (IJACST), Vol. 4 No.1, Pages : 01 – 07 (2015) Special Issue of ICCSIE 2015 - Held during January 16, 2015, Bangalore, India
There exist four deployment models architecture, which are described below:
either increased depending on the number or users or can be either decreased on requirement.
Private cloud. The cloud infrastructure is operated for a private organization. It may be managed by the organization or a third party, and may exist on premise or off premise.
Scalability of infrastructure: nodes can be either added or terminated depending on the requirement with slight modifications to infrastructure set up and software. Cloud architecture can be scaled either horizontally or vertically depending on the requirement.
Community cloud. This kind of cloud has been developed for sharing data by several organizations and supports a specific community which has common things such as mission, security requirements, and policy and compliance considerations). This kind of cloud is managed by a third party or an organization it may exist either on or off premise
Broad network access: Capabilities are available over the network and accessed through standard mechanisms that promote use by heterogeneous platforms (e.g., mobile phones, laptops, and PDAs).
Public cloud. The cloud infrastructure is made available to the general public or a large industry group and is owned by an organization selling cloud services.
Location independence: There is a sense of location independence, in that the customer generally has no control or knowledge over the exact location of the provided resources, but may be able to specify location at a higher level of abstraction (e.g., country, state, or datacenter).
Hybrid cloud. The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more clouds (private, community, or public) that remain unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology, that enables data and application portability (e.g., cloud bursting for loadbalancing between clouds) [7].
Reliability: cloud can be accessed from multiple sites, which makes cloud to be suitable for business community and disaster recovery. Economies of scale and cost effectiveness: Cloud implementations, regardless of the deployment model, tend to be as large as possible in order to take advantage of economies of scale. Large cloud deployments can often be located close to cheap power stations and in lowpriced real estate, to lower costs.
ARCHITECTURE OF CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud computing Architecture: A Cloud Architecture consists of certain types of entities, according to NIST which are labeled as below: Consumer: This could be a bank or any other consumer that would avail of services on the cloud. Provider: This would be a system integrator who would integrate offerings from multiple parties to provide a solution and sign contracts with cloud consumers. These parties would be (a) Data center and hardware provider (b) Infrastructure (software) providers (c) Virtualization (software) providers (d) Application providers and optionally (e) Network provider
Fig 3shows deployment models in cloud
A number of key characteristics of cloud computing has been identified. Flexibility/Elasticity: cloud users can utilize the computing recourses without any human interaction; this facility can be done either rapidly or slowly and can be 3
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology (IJACST), Vol. 4 No.1, Pages : 01 – 07 (2015) Special Issue of ICCSIE 2015 - Held during January 16, 2015, Bangalore, India
Auditor: This could be a reputed audit firm who can conduct an independent security, data privacy and performance audit of operational processes and deployment infrastructure. The scope of the audit could include banking aspects depending on the charter, which could be specified Broker: These parties would provide value added services using aggregation or arbitration on the top of business services provided by cloud providers. Carrier: This would be the provider of network infrastructure to connect various bank branches to the data center.
maintain the security standards and hold security certifications globally, supervision manageability on security preventions, in combustibility, uninterrupted power supplies, precautions for natural disasters etc. Cyber security: they deal with the protection of the system from cyber world, many of the cloud computing services are being affected by the cyber attacks, during these attacks large amount of computing resources are utilized due to which consumer is disabled from the computing services. Many of the commonly found attacks are discussed Insider attack: entrepreneur, employee and associates who accesses the cloud and the whole information system are termed to be insiders; they are organized and run by these individuals to harm or damage knowledge about consumers. Flooding attack: here the attacker sends very large amounts of packets from exploited information resources, which are termed as zombies. User to root attacks: in this kind of attack an intruder steals the password and gains the access of the authorized user and gets access to the whole system [8] Port scanning: in this kind of attack first open and closed filtered ports are identified on the system. With the help of port scanning intruders can stop information with the help of open ports like MAC and IP addresses which belong to a connection, various which run on the system Virtualization attacks: in virtual environment virtual machines will be captured after the compromisation of hypervisor. Backdoor channel attacks: here the intruders get in contact with the node in the cloud and they use this node as zombie resource to execute a DDoS attack Storage allocation and multitenancy: processing of data in the cloud is related to certain issues [9], isolation of data and service level agreement should be realized by the providers. Authorization and authentication: deployment of virtual machines, resources, and IP addresses are dynamic in cloud computing compared to conventional information technologies. Along with synchronization, authorization, authentication and identity management have to be configured, while achieving this data privacy is also indispensable. Data modification, forgery and integrity: to gain their own benefit some untrusted providers and system administrators can manipulate data related to authorized
Fig 4 shows cloud architecture Cloud services helps consumer to outsource the maintenance burden of servers and applications; scale systems up or down on demand; being able to access data from anywhere with a network connection; and the ability to replace occasional heavy capital expenditure (CAPEX) on IT with regular and predictable operational expenditure (OPEX). Cloud computing is evolving technology and will contain flaws, experience failures, and experience security compromises. THREATS IN CLOUD COMPUTING There has aroused a number of security issues from tradition computing to cloud computing which may be classified into physical and cyber security. Physical security: They deal with the physical properties of the system such as data centre, which is owned by the infrastructure provider, who has to
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology (IJACST), Vol. 4 No.1, Pages : 01 – 07 (2015) Special Issue of ICCSIE 2015 - Held during January 16, 2015, Bangalore, India
users and consumers [10], due to these real users has to face a lot of problems, with the help certain kinds of
encryption techniques these kinds of attacks can be overcome.[11][12].
Table 1 shows various threats that are observed at various levels and there effects level
Application level
Virtual level
Physical level
Service level
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Security requirements
End client applies to a person organization who subscribes to a service offered by a cloud provider and is accountable for its use
Platform as a service Infrastructure as a service
Developer moderator applies to a person or organization that deploys software on a cloud infrastructure.
Physical data center
Owner applies to a person or organization that owns the infrastructure upon which clouds are deployed.
• Privacy in multitenant environment • Interception • Data protection from exposure (remnants) • Modification of data at rest and in transit • Access control • Data interruption (deletion) • Communication protection • Privacy breach • Software security • Impersonation • Service availability
Access control Application security Data security Cloud management control security Secure images Virtual cloud protection
threats Interception Modification of data at rest and in transit. Data interruption Privacy breach Impersonation Session hijacking Traffic flow analysis Exposure in network
Programming flaws Software modification Software interruption Impersonation Session hijacking Traffic flow analysis Exposure in network Connection flooding
Network attacks
VARIOUS IDS/IPS IN CLOUD :As there are different kind of attacks in the cloud to overcome them, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are considered to the practical solution to resists these attacks. These intrusion detection systems may be either hardware or software including the computing entities, These systems realize intrusion detection, log detected information, either they alert or perform predefined procedures [13,14]. Every suspicious detected entity cannot be termed as an intrusion, sometimes unexpected events may also occur so it is important to decide whether they are intruders or not. There exist mainly three types of IDS, which are given as
Legal not abusive use of cloud computing. Hardware security Network protection Network resources protection.
Connection flooding DDOS Hardware interruption Hardware theft
Network based IDS, Host based IDS and Distributed based IDS.
Fig5 shows network based intrusion detection system 5
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology (IJACST), Vol. 4 No.1, Pages : 01 – 07 (2015) Special Issue of ICCSIE 2015 - Held during January 16, 2015, Bangalore, India
A. Network Based Intrusion Detection System :An NIDS is an intrusion detection system where unauthorized access of a network is detected by analyzing the network traffic for signs of malicious activities and events. Network traffic is collected on different layers where each layer delivers the data coming from a layer to another layer. With the help of OSI reference model and TCP/IP model one can define the working of these layers, an example of NIDS is shown above. B. Host based intrusion detection system: In these systems sensors are located on servers and workstations in order to protect the attacks on the host, these systems to protect private and valuable information on server systems. These systems analyze suspicious activities like system call, processes or thread, asset and configuration access with the help of observation of situation of the host. It not only monitors traffic but also traces out more and settles with local settings of an OS and log records, its representation is shown as below.
Fig 7shows Distributed Intrusion Detection system Table 2 shows summary of IDS/IPS Techniques IDS/IPS Characteristics / Limitations / Technique Advantages Challenges Misuse detection
• Identifies intrusion by matching captured patterns with Preconfigured knowledge base. • High detection accuracy for previously known attacks. • Low computational cost. • Uses statistical test on collected behaviour to identify intrusion. • Can lower the false alarm rate for unknown attacks.
• Cannot detect new or variant of known attacks. • Knowledge base for matching should be crafted carefully. • High false alarm rate for unknown attacks.
ANN based IDS
• Classifies unstructured network packet efficiently. • Multiple hidden layers in ANN increase efficiency of classification.
• It requires lot of time at training phase. • Large number of samples required for training effectively. • Has lesser flexibility.
Fuzzy Logic based IDS
• Used for quantitative features. • Provides better flexibility to some uncertain problems.
• Detection accuracy is lower than ANN.
Association rules
• Used to detect known attack
• It cannot be used for totally unknown
Anomaly detection
Fig 6 shows host based intrusion detection system c. Distributed Intrusion Detection systems :It is a way of intrusion detection in a distributed environment such as grid or cloud computing [15]. The components in the distributed area establish communication between them with an agent based approach. DIDS deals the whole system like a traditional network or host [16]. DIDS representation is shown in the diagram.
• Lot of time required to identify attacks. • Detection accuracy is based on amount of collected behaviour or features.
International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology (IJACST), Vol. 4 No.1, Pages : 01 – 07 (2015) Special Issue of ICCSIE 2015 - Held during January 16, 2015, Bangalore, India based IDS
signature or relevant attacks in misuse detection.
attacks. • It requires more number of database scans to generate rules. • Used only for misuse detection.
Hybrid Techniques
• It is an efficient approach to classify rules accurately.
• Computational cost is high.
SVM based IDS
• It can correctly classify intrusions, if limited sample data are given. • Can handle massive number of features.
• It can classify only discrete features. So
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, preprocessing of those features is required before applying.
INTRUSION PREVENSTION SYSTEMS IPS holds all capabilities of IDS and also prevention characteristics along with them, in a nutshell security of a system has some traditional steps, there will be a firewall IDS, IPS and guard the system from behind modem, router or switches where ever it is needed. or a virtual machine can be isolated among security procedures On the detection of an intrusion a firewall rule is applied, routing configuration can be changed CONCLUSION Cloud computing is viewed as one of the most promising technologies in computing today, inherently able to address a number of issues The main objective of our study is to provide the cloud computing users aware of the various commonly occurring threats and there effects and possible Measures in order to overcome these threats and at the same time introducing various IDS/IPS they play an important role in order to find the threats and methods in order to unable the effects of these threats at least to certain minimal level . We hope that our work would be useful for better understanding of the challenges and pave a way for further research in this area.
REFERENCES [1]. NIST Definition of Cloud Computing v15, /groups/ SNS/cloud-computing/cloud-def-v15.doc. [2] Amazon Elastic Computing Cloud,