8th World Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures Yerevan, Armenia, October 6-10, 2003
RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF ADVANCED ANTISEISMIC TECHNIQUES FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE IN ITALY Maurizio Indirli1, Bruno Spadoni2, Bruno Carpani3, Riccardo Cami1, Paolo Clemente4, Alessandro Martelli5, M. G. Castellano6 1
ENEA&GLIS, Via Martiri di Monte Sole 4, I-40129, Bologna, Italy,
[email protected] 2 ENEA&GLIS, Via Martiri di Monte Sole 4, I-40129, Bologna, Italy,
[email protected] 3 ENEA&GLIS, Brasimone, Camugnano, I-40032, Bologna, Italy,
[email protected] 4 ENEA&GLIS, Via Anguillarese 301, I-00060, S. M. Galeria,Roma, Italy,
[email protected] 5 ASSISi President, GLIS Chairman, EAEE-TG5 Coordinator, ENEA and Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, ENEA, Via Martiri di Monte Sole, 4, I-40129, Bologna, Italy,
[email protected] 6 GLIS, FIP Industriale, Via Scapacchiò, 41, I-35030, Selvazzano Dentro, Padova, Italy,
[email protected]
ABSTRACT Particular attention has been devoted for several years to the research, development and application of innovative antiseismic techniques (IATs) applicable to the seismic protection of cultural heritage in Italy, in the framework of national projects and contracts, especially after the recent earthquakes which struck Italy and heavily damaged many historical structures and towns. Activities are going on taking advantage of the collaborations established by ENEA and the Italian Working Group on Seismic Isolation (GLIS) with Cultural and Archaeological Heritage Superintendences (Marche and Umbria Regions, City of Pompeii), and Italian National and Local Institutions, Universities, firms and designers. The activities regard: a) R&D on ancient churches damaged by the 1997-98 Marche-Umbria earthquakes, in the framework of the PROSEESM project; b) a feasibility study for the reconstruction of Mevale di Visso (a medieval village destroyed by the aforesaid earthquakes) using seismic isolation; c) the application of Shape Memory Alloy Devices in the Church of San Serafino at Montegranaro (damaged by the aforesaid earthquakes) and in San Pietro in Feletto Church; d) application of IATs to single masterpieces, in particular the seismic protection, by means of three-dimensional isolators, of a precious ancient Roman ship at the Museum of Ercolano (Naples); e) the presentation of the ART-IN-SAFE national project; the research, coordinated by ENEA, concerns especially the integrated protection of works of art and archives manuscripts against natural catastrophes (mainly earthquakes) and
incidental events (fires, attempts, explosions, etc.); f) collaborations in progress with Regional and Local Institutions, after the October 31st 2002 Molise earthquake, regarding structural monitoring, damage analysis and restoration of historical structures and towns, in particular for the reconstruction of San Giuliano di Puglia; g) a MSc Thesis, regarding the study of the effects of ancient earthquakes on Greek and Roman buildings, joined to an analysis of their construction techniques, completed at the Bologna University, in cooperation with ENEA.
1. INTRODUCTION In the last ten years, the Italian Agency for New Technology, Energy and the Environment (ENEA) gradually increased the efforts in order to study and apply Innovative Anti-seismic Techniques (IATs) for the protection of Cultural Heritage Structures (CUHESs, including important monuments, historical centers, museums, archives and single works of art), in the framework of both international and national collaborations (see Indirli et al., 2001, 2002). In fact, the CUHESs seismic protection is a strategic field in Italy, which is characterized, as many other Mediterranean Countries, by a large amount of ancient (and frequently precious) buildings and a non-negligible seismicity in a large part of its territory. CUHESs are usually rather vulnerable and the earthquakes (even those with moderate intensity, often emphasized by local soil conditions and structural vulnerability) can cause collapse or heavy damage of many of them. Several existing still standing CUHESs, even not yet severely damaged, have been at least weakened by previous earthquakes. In addition, their earthquake resistance has been lowered by other factors, like bad maintenance, wrong restorations and extensions, chemical attacks to the masonry materials due to air pollution and traffic induced vibrations. Thus, there is the urgent need for many of them to be seismically rehabilitated or at least, “improved”, in order to make them capable to withstand future earthquakes without collapsing or becoming affected by severe damage.
2. THE MOLISE EARTHQUAKE Many seismic events struck Italy during its history, including the more recent 2002 31st October Molise earthquake, with epicenters located at about 5 km from San Giuliano di Puglia, 5.4 and 5.3 magnitudes and VIII-IX MCS intensity (Fig. 1). The earthquake caused not only the collapse of the elementary school of San Giuliano di Puglia, killing 28 children (in addition to a teacher), but most buildings, located around the school and besides the main street, suffered heavy damage, causing two further victims. The non-homogeneous damage was caused not only by bad construction (see the report of Universities of Basilicata and Naples “Federico II”, 2003, Fig. 3), but also by a large local amplification of the seismic motion (maximum 1.6 under the school, according to subsequent detailed microzoning studies (Fig. 4, see the report of National Civil Defense Department, 2003), which led to a peak horizontal acceleration of 0.2 g. Due to the above mentioned factors, about 200 houses (built in the first decades of 1900 and subsequently extended with lack of seismic requirements) principally located around the school and the main street (Fig. 3, zone 2) were completely demolished during the post-emergency phases
(Fig. 2). Even if the ancient historical center was sited on a rock soil area with low or absent amplification factor (Fig. 3, zone 4), it suffered spread severe damage in the more notable structures (the Marchesale Castle and the Church of San Giuliano, see Fig. 5) and in the majority of the architectonical sectors inside and outside the medieval walls.
Figure 1. San Giuliano di Puglia after the 2002 Figure 2. San Giuliano di Puglia after the almost total 31st October earthquake (January 2003). demolition of the heavy damaged part (April 2003).
Figure 3. The San Giuliano area and the Figure 4. The microzoning studies: amplification different damage sectors (4: ancient historical factors A and geo-morphological risk GM (a: high, center, 2: school and main street). m: medium, b: low).
After a large participation of ENEA (with up to 22 experts, mainly belonging to the Section on Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Risks, PREV) in the post-earthquake emergency activities in various cities and villages of Molise (San Martino in Pensilis, Campobasso, Guglionesi, Petacciato, etc.) in support to the National Civil Defense Department, a team formed by ENEA-PREV scientists (M. Indirli, B. Spadoni, P.
Clemente), GLIS members (M. Dolce, A. Dusi, G. Mancinelli) and other experts (L. D’Alesio, M. Mucciarella) has been working for the post-emergency phases and reconstruction of San Giuliano di Puglia since the beginning of 2003, within a cooperation with the authorities of such a village (“San Giuliano Technical Scientific Group”, TSG). The TSG activities concerned the participation in the detailed evaluations of damage, demolitions (of almost 200 buildings) in co-operation with Molise Region, Cultural Heritage Superintendence and Province of Campobasso, National Fire-Brigade (Fig. 6), ensuring safe conditions to the buildings to be repaired, actions for allowing residents to safely reenter their non-damaged houses (10% of the 1200 inhabitants of the village, which was completely evacuated immediately after the seismic event) and preparation of the reconstruction plan (Indirli, 2003), including the ancient historical center rehabilitation.
Figure 5. The San Giuliano historical center; the spread damage due to the earthquake, not only in the Marchesale Castle and San Giuliano Church, is evident.
Figure 6. The demolition activities, in co-operation with the National Fire-Brigade, at San Giuliano di Puglia.
In agreement with most residents (ENEA also performed a sociological investigation on this and other aspects), the village will be reconstructed mostly where it was (with the exception of an area closely surrounding and including that of the collapsed school, for obvious sentimental reasons). The seismic safety will be ensured by adequate construction methods and a possibly large use of IATs: Seismic Isolation, SI, for the new buildings, Passive Energy Dissipation, PED, for retrofitting, Shape Memory Alloy Devices, SMADs, and other non-invasive advanced techniques for CUHESs and historical centers (as the CAM system – Masonry Active Ties, see Dolce et al., 2001). To this purpose, ENEA is signing a new collaboration agreement with the village authorities, which foresees technical support to
them for the approval of the designs and the final safety certification of the buildings using the aforesaid techniques. The first phase of the agreements also foresees, among others, some first pilot applications: namely, the construction of two (one large and one small) new r.c. buildings with SI, the retrofit of a masonry building and the restoration of a historic building.
3. THE PROSEESM PROJECT To assess methodologies for the application of IATs to CUHESs through the indispensable wide-ranging studies, a group of partners (Impresa Pouchain, 2000) proposed the PROSEESM Project to MURST, which approved it in 2000. PROSEESM is at the same time a R&D and training project, coordinated by the “Impresa Generale di Restauro Pouchain” (a well known Italian building company specialized in cultural heritage restoration). The technical coordination for R&D has been entrusted to ENEA; other partners are the Company ENEL.HYDRO, the engineering companies Studio Croci and Tekno In, and as far as training activities are concerned, the Universities of Basilicata, Perugia, and Rome “La Sapienza”. External support is provided by “Istituto Centrale del Restauro” (Central Restoration Institute) and the Superintendences for Cultural Heritage of Marche and Umbria Regions. More precisely, PROSEESM aims at the “development and application of integrated innovative technologies and assessment of comparison methodologies to optimize the interventions of seismic protection of cultural heritage by respecting the safety and conservation requirements”. Some pilot applications of both IATs and more conventional techniques, even to CUHESs damaged by the 1997-1998 earthquakes, have been planned in Marche and Umbria Regions in the framework of the project. Two churches (identified by ENEA, based on a proposal of Studio “Il Trilite” and the partner Tekno In) heavily damaged by the aforesaid earthquakes has been selected for rehabilitation by means of sub-foundation and SI, namely the San Giovanni Battista Church (Fig. 7) at Apagni, near Sellano (Perugia, Italy) and the Santa Croce Church, near Nocera Umbra (Perugia, Italy). For them, the agreement of the Superintendent for Cultural Heritage of Umbria Region has already been obtained by the PROSEESM partners. Both churches had been damaged by previous earthquakes, including that of Valnerina in 1979, after which they had been restored with conventional methods. These restorations, although correctly performed, were clearly insufficient as to protect both churches against even moderate earthquakes: in fact, the 1997-1978 earthquakes (which may be classified as moderate) damaged them again in the same positions where they had been damaged in 1979. The Romanesque Apagni church of San Giovanni Battista (Mucciarella, Indirli, Clemente, 2001), is a single-room structure, with a shed roof and an extension of the façade containing the bells, known as a bell-sail, typical of the stone churches found in the Apennines of Umbria-Marche, constructed between 1300 and 1600. The masonry walls are made by a double wall structure (total wall thickness about 70-80 cm) with a rubble fill core (“muratura a sacco”, a masonry technique by which two external faces of stone are held together by a nucleus of lime based mortar and broken bits of stone). The church was constructed on a gentle slope, so the walls have different height. On the internal walls traces of frescos can still be seen, especially in the chancel zone. The previous earthquake of 1979, with epicenter between Norcia and Cascia, caused serious damage to several buildings. Sellano Town Hall and the Superintendence of Umbria performed and realized several projects to restore the damaged structures and increase their
earthquake resistance. Sellano was chosen as one of the pilot area in which typical interventions were done, such as the insertion of concrete walls and edges, without reinforcing the existing masonry walls, very vulnerable to seismic actions. The church of Apagni (in which already reinforcing walls at the corners were present, as usual in the ancient constructions) was damaged by previous earthquakes, including that of Valnerina. Thus, it had been also restored with conventional methods. The interventions interested especially the walls and the cover. The walls were reinforced by means of cement injections from the external side only. The covers were rebuilt using materials very similar to the original ones, i.e. wooden roof trusses and squared beams, and roof-tiles. A concrete slab was also cast on the roof-tiles and the waterproofing. Typical roman tiles were finally placed. Concrete string-courses were realized on each walls, but at different levels, so the connection between them could not be effective. The previous restoration on the Apagni Church, although correctly performed and formally in line with the existing codes at the time of the intervention, was clearly insufficient as to protect the church and turned out to be counterproductive when the building was struck again by the 1997 Umbria and Marche earthquake. In fact, the new seismic event (which may be classified as moderate) damaged the church again, in the same positions where it had been damaged in 1979. The cracks present on the structure after the 1997 earthquake pointed out the effects of the interventions realized in the 80's.
Figure 7. The Apagni Church of San Giovanni Battista Figure 8. The damage summary map in the immediately after the 1997 earthquake. church façade.
Figure 9. Sketch of the damage to the below-wall, where Figure 10. The damage in the bellhorizontal and inclined cracks are evident. sail.
Under seismic excitation (Figg. 8-10), the architectonic organism (in addition to several typical injuries due to its intrinsic structural vulnerability, as the falling down of the bell-sail, rotation of the front, additional parts separation, widespread presence of cracks near the openings), gave even an unexpected answer, showing abnormal damage (i. e. was cut by shear forces in three different parts, shifting mutually, with a damage concentration in the middle of the walls), caused by differential movements between portions with different stiffness (the strengthened roof and the lightly-connected basement). The very large cracks present on the walls allowed to verify the width of the walls in which the injections were effective and the point of injection. Thus, the church was declared unsafe and closed. The reading of the fissures and lesions was thus very interesting from a didactic point of view.
Figure 11. Prompt safety intervention scaffoldings and protections.
Figure 12. Restoration works.
The typical seismic excitation shear-force response of the entire single-room building should have been the opening and overturning towards the exterior. However, the insertion of the concrete string-courses and the cement injections presence, due to the previous restoration, conferred different stiffness to the masonry wall structure along its verticality; consequently, the entire building was roughly divided by the horizontal shear-force into three parts, which moved reciprocally amongst themselves with different behavior. Thus, the “a sacco” masonry suffered a general loss of cohesiveness and extensive detachments; a typical
damage in blocks, due to the walls non-uniform resistance (subsequent to the previous injections), was evident. In fact, the masonry walls fractured exactly along the reticular lines along which the injections were executed . All the church suffered evident damage in the façade, the longitudinal walls (exterior and interior), the vela campanaria, the roof, the apse and the triumphal arch. A prompt safety intervention had been decided, respecting as best as possible the original church structure and components, in order to: repair damages and strengthen the weak points of the masonry structure; joining one each other roof, concrete string-course and walls; eliminating the mutual actions due to the additional parts (Figg. 11-13). A preliminary in-situ experimental campaign for dynamic characterization was also performed, before and after the conventional intervention. The experimental analysis will continue after the completion of the innovative intervention (see below).
Figure 13. The Apagni Church after conventional restoration.
Figure 14. investigations.
Moreover, regarding this small but representative Italian CUHES, further questions have been taken in account, in order to maximize lessons becoming from the past (earthquakes, damage patterns and unsatisfactory interventions) and, at the same time, to give an appropriate seismic protection, leaving, as much as possible, the structure untouched in its historical and architectonic characteristics. Thus, the designers’ attention has been turned to IATs. Consequently, joined together the in-the-field demand and the PROSEESM research efforts, as well as the Umbria Cultural Heritage Superintendence consent to experimental applications, The Apagni Church has been selected for a pilot application, by means of subfoundation and Seismic Isolation (SI). In addition, ENEL.HYDRO completed the experimental campaign of diagnostics investigations on foundations and masonry wall structures (Fig. 14), foreseen by PROSEESM (Brevi, Pulcini, 2002); a first part (217 000 Euros, coming from the Restoration Program of Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Umbria Region) of the necessary funds to cover the extra-costs related to SI sub-foundations have been provided (Umbria Region, 2002). Finally, a study for the SI application to the Apagni church is now in progress, in order to carry out the final project of the intervention in the next months (Fig. 15-16).
Figure 15. Studies for SI at the Apagni Church.
Figure 16. Preliminary ABAQUS Finite Element Model (FEM) of the Apagni Church.
4. THE FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR MEVALE DI VISSO A feasibility study concerning the SI use for the reconstruction with original materials of the historic village of Mevale di Visso (Macerata, Marche Region, Italy) destroyed by the 199798 Umbria-Marche seismic event, is now almost completed (Procaccio, Bertocchi, Cami, Indirli, 2002, Indirli, Bertocchi, Cami, Procaccio, 2002). The study had been entrusted to ENEA by the Marche Regional Government and its Technical-Scientific Committee in 2000, in the framework of the Mevale reconstruction plan, according to their new politics of possibly reconstructing the village in its original site and to the purpose of bringing the village back to its original appearance as much as possible, by also taking the opportunity for reconstructing parts of it that had collapsed during previous earthquakes and getting rid of some illegally built modern constructions. In the past, the usual politics in Italy was not to reconstruct such villages at their original site, but to move them to a different location and rebuild them using modern methods and materials, like reinforced concrete (r.c.). By going on in this way, more and more parts of the Italian cultural heritage will be fully lost forever. Thus, it is necessary to find ways for reconstructing these villages where they are, using original methods and materials (masonry, stone, wood, etc.) as much as possible and, at the same time, making them capable of resisting violent earthquakes. In fact, masonry constructions, if in good conditions, are the structures for which SI provides the best behavior (since they are the most stiff) and the largest protection advantages (since they have no ductility). year 217 a.C. 174 a.C. 63 a.C. 1279 1298 1328 1349 1352 1458 1639 1695 1703 1730 1741 1751 1781 1785 1789 1799 1832 1917 1930
day month
time GMT
jun. 43 15 11 15 X X Etruria (Trasimeno) 42 15 12 40 X X Sabina 42 44 12 44 ? VIII Spoleto 30 apr. 23:00 43 16 12 47 IX IX App. Umbria-Marche 1 dec. 42 33 12 50 VIII IX-X Reatino 4 dec. 06:15 42 51 13 01 X X App. Umbria 9 sep. 42 38 12 07 VIII-IX VIII-IX L’Aquila-Viterbese-Umbria 25 dec. 16:00 43 29 12 09 VIII-IX VIII-IX North. Tiberina Valley 26 apr. 12:15 43 31 12 11 VIII-IX VIII-IX North. Tiberina Valley 8 oct. 00:35 42 38 13 16 X X Laga Mountains 11 jun. 02:20 42 37 12 07 IX IX North. Lazio 14 jan. 17:55 42 41 13 05 XI XI App. Umbria-Norcia 12 may 05:00 42 45 13 07 IX IX App. Umbria-Norcia 24 apr. 10:00 43 25 13 0 IX IX App. Marche-Fabriano 27 jul. 01:00 43 14 12 45 X X App. Umbria-Gualdo Tadino 3 jun. 06:25 43 35 12 34 IX-X X App. Marche-Cagli 2 oct. 21:10 42 33 12 47 VIII-IX VIII-IX South. Umbria -Piediluco 30 sep. 10:45 43 31 12 13 IX-X X North. Tiberina Valley 28 jul. 22:05 43 08 13 08 IX IX-X App. Marche-Camerino 13 jan. 13:00 42 59 12 36 X X Topino Valley-Spello 26 apr. 09:35 43 28 12 07 IX-X IX-X Tiberina Valley 30 oct. 07:13 43 40 13 16 VIII VIII-IX North. Marche-Senigallia I0: Epicentral Intensity MCS; Imax: Maximum Intensity MCS; Me: Magnitudo.
Figure 17. Mayor Historical Seismicity in Marche-Umbria Regions.
Me 6.3 6.3 5.5 6.6 6.3 6.7 6.7 5.7 5.4 5.4 5.7 6.5 6.4 6.4 6.0 6.0 5.4 5.4 5.6 5.7 5.7 5.7
Mevale had always suffered severe damage during the numerous earthquakes which hit its area in this and the past centuries (Figg. 17-18), and was heavily struck by the 1703 earthquake (XI MCS), which caused the ruin of the ancient castle. The main shock killed 37 inhabitants and many houses collapsed. It had already been partially destroyed by the 1979 Valnerina earthquake. The 1997-78 seismic event nearly completely destroyed again the village (more than the 87% of the covered surface collapsed), including buildings reconstructed or rehabilitated after 1979 (Fig. 19); thus, it was necessary the Mevale complete demolition in 2001-2002.
Figure 18. Recent (1979-1997) seismic activity in Umbria-Marche.
Figure 19. Historical village of Mevale di Visso (Macerata, Italy) rehabilitated after the 1979 Valnerina earthquake (top) and completely destroyed after the 1997-98 earthquake (bottom).
The first reason of this large disruption is certainly the structural vulnerability. Poor materials and techniques, weak walls and lack of connections, bad maintenance, wrong interventions and extensions, in particular using heavy r. c. floors laying on weak masonry, were evident during the several in situ campaigns (Fig. 20). Moreover, detailed investigations (Pontoni, Venanzini, 2003, Ripepe, Ripepe, Spaziani, 2003) confirmed the existence of the particularly adverse site conditions (Fig. 21-24), anticipated by preliminary seismological and geological studies. In fact, Mevale lays on a lengthened hill (810 m) with very sloping mountainsides; after the 1997 earthquake, geological analyses showed a surface layer of degraded soil (0.2-4 m) and then a very fractured clay-marn substratum until 80 m, gradually getting better with depth. Seismic microzoning analyses pointed out that a significant local amplification (until 2.4, quite in the center of the village) of the seismic motion was evident in the rage of 2-10 Hz (Fig. 24).
Figure 20a. Example of poor construction materials and Figure 20b. Example of weak masonry and techniques, together with lack of connections. absence of transversal connections.
Figure 20c. Example of heavy r. c. roofs and floors, laying on old and weak masonry.
To avoid the need of moving the village to a different site and keep the possibility open of on-site reconstruction, the ENEA feasibility study included: on-site investigations and observations; SI system design and buildings’ response calculation for a significant part of the village (such as to be easily extended to the entire village); evaluation of the decrease of seismic risk with respect to more conventional reconstruction (r.c. structures or steel
reinforced masonry); quantification of costs related to the use of SI and the possible kinds of conventional reconstruction leading to at least an adequate (if not equal) level of seismic protection. The so far obtained numerical results demonstrate SI effectiveness.
Figure 21. Mevale geological section.
Figure 22. Mevale amplification spectra.
Figure 23. Mevale seismic amplification model.
Figure 24. Mevale planimetry with amplification factors.
Three ABAQUS Finite Element Models (FEMs) have been carried out for a simple study case, by using series of synthetic acceleration time-histories (EC8, soft soil, peak acceleration of 0.25 and 0.35 g, Fig. 25): • conventional reconstruction (stone masonry and wooden floors) and fixed base (CR); • conventional reconstruction (stone masonry and wooden floors) and SI (Fig. 26); • reinforced concrete frame and fixed base (CF). EC8 acceleration time-history, soft soil 0.25g EC8 acceleration time-history, soft soil 0.25g
Figure 25. Seismic input for calculations.
Figure 26. FEM of conventional reconstruction and SI.
Results in terms of accelerations and amplification values for the three FEMs are given in Fig. 27; amplification factors are present in CR and CF models, while they are, of course, absent in SI, with a clear benefit under seismic loads. The maximum displacement of the isolators is 160 mm (0.25 g) and 125 mm (0.35 g). Results are satisfying, but they can be implemented optimizing the isolator stiffness. Cost analysis regarded the three different reconstruction possibilities (SI, CR, CF) and the following typologies: • • •
single building with foundations on same levels (Fig. 28); single building with foundations on different levels; aligned row house with different roof levels (Fig. 29).
Accelerations [g] for 0.35 g SI base 0.488
top 0.485 SI
base 0.440
top 0.423
direction x CR base top 0.350 0.436 direction y CR base top 0.357 0.885
CF base 0.350
top 0.791 CF
base 0.357
top 0.997
Amplifications for 0.35 g SI
direction x CR
direction y CR
Figure 27. Calculated accelerations and amplifications for the different FEMs.
Regarding preliminary cost evaluation for different construction typologies, the comparison between SI and other techniques (CR and CF) speaks about a maximum percentage increment less than 20%. The SI extra-costs could be surely decremented if every reconstruction technique will foresee the same kind of foundations and embankment walls.
Figure 28. Single building with foundations on Figure 29. Aligned row house with different same levels. roof levels.
5. THE ERCOLANO ROMAN SHIP The wooden ship of the Ercolano Suburban Thermae (8.5 m length and about 2.6 m maximum width – see Fig. 30) was discovered in 1982, during the excavation of the ancient harbor of the Roman city (Meucci et al., 2002). During the very violent and destructive 79 a. C. Vesuvio eruption, the ship were capsized and moved; the massive pyroclastic flow, which entirely “sealed” the city by the accumulation of tufa materials, penetrated also through the damaged keel of the boat, filling up the interior. Thus, the ship slightly dropped down into the seabed and the wood carbonization process occurred. The ship structure is complete and clearly shows the construction methods. All the components of the ship are very fragile; thus, the Archaeological Superintendence of Pompeii (Naples) planned a complex intervention to completely restore the ship and permanently exhibit it in a special museum
area. The ship overall restoration is funded by the Campania Region and coordinated by the Italian Central Institute of Restoration (ICR). Now the ship is wrapped in a protective shell, consisting of a complex multi-layer structure (cloths, silicon rubber, fiberglass) and placed on a metallic frame.
Figure 30. Sketch of the Ercolano Roman ship after excavation a), actual location of the ship in Ercolano b), scheme of supporting system including 3D isolation system c), a single 3D device d), test on the shaking table e).
The final exhibition of the structure foresees the completion of the following two main items: a rigid supporting frame with IAT devices; a reticular contact frame, made from special plastic materials. Both will be designed with the aim of reducing loads and stresses and distributing them uniformly. At the end of the overall work, the protective shell will be removed. The use of IATs has been judged as necessary by all the concerned parties, because the extremely fragile ship structure could be damaged even by small excitations (both in the horizontal and vertical directions). In fact, the Ercolano area is affected by periodical volcanic eruptions and tremors, and by earthquakes with epicenters nearby or in the region. The 3D SI devices developed in the EC-funded SPACE project (Maurer Söhne et al., 1999) will provide the necessary isolation from vertical ground-borne vibrations, and horizontal and vertical seismic actions. This part of the intervention (support and 3D system) has been entrusted by the Archaeological Superintendence of Pompeii to ENEA. In addition, a complete monitoring system (excitation and microclimate) of the ship will be implemented. The overall project has been recently completed and a dynamic characterization of the
whole system is in progress. The results obtained in the framework of a recent test campaign performed at ENEL.HYDRO (Fuller et al., 2002) will be compared with those elaborated with FEMs, which will allow to study the seismic response of the ship to real earthquake excitation, selected on the basis of the seismic input analysis of the site. Fig. 31 shows a MSC.Marc FEM (elaborated in co-operation with the University of Ferrara) for simplified static analyses; in Fig. 32 the ABAQUS FEM (used for dynamic calculations) is reported.
Figure 31. Simplified FEM of the supporting system (fixed base) for static analyses.
Figure 32. FEM of the system (3D isolators+supporting system+ship) for dynamic analyses.
6. OTHER APPLICATIONS TO SINGLE MASTERPIECES To the knowledge of the authors, a few further applications of IAT systems also concerned single masterpieces, located in Italy. More precisely, after the first applications to the famous Bronzes of Riace at the Museum of Reggio Calabria and the statue of Germanicus Emperor at the Museum of Perugia, both making use of multistage HDRBs (High Damping Rubber Bearings), the following ones are in progress: • the above mentioned Ercolano ship; • the Scylla and Neptune statues (Fig. 33), at the Museum of Messina, isolated by means of a system formed by Sliding Devices (SDs) and SMA dampers; • the statue of the Satyr of Mazara del Vallo (Fig. 34), recovered close to Pantelleria island and recently exhibited at the Quirinale Palace in Rome, isolated by means of multistage HDRBs.
Figure 33. The Scylla and Neptune statues, at the Museum of Messina, isolated by means of a system formed by SDs and SMA dampers.
Figure 34. The statue of the Satyr of Mazara del Vallo (recovered close to Pantelleria island), isolated by means of multistage HDRBs.
7. SHAPE MEMORY ALLOY DEVICES (SMADs) APPLICATION SMAD R&D and application for CUHESs seismic improvement started in the framework of the EC-funded ISTECH Project (FIP Industriale et al., 1995; Various Authors, 2001; Castellano et al., 1997, 2000, 2001; Indirli et al., 2001; 2002). SMADs were applied, for the first time in the world, to the restoration of three ancient structures: the Bell Tower of the San Giorgio in Trignano Church (Indirli et al., 2001), severely damaged by the 1996 Modena and Reggio Emilia earthquake - November 1999; the Upper Basilica of St. Francis at Assisi October 1999 - and the Cathedral of St. Feliciano at Foligno - July 2000 - both severely damaged by the 1997-98 Marche and Umbria earthquake. In the St. Francis Upper Basilica restoration, use was also made of innovative Shock Transmitters developed in the framework of the REEDS Project (ENEL et al., 1996).
Figure 35. The San Serafino Church at Montegranaro, after the 1997-98 Umbria-Marche seismic event.
Another significant SMAD application has been carried out in 2002 to the Church of San Serafino at Montegranaro (Ascoli Piceno, Italy), which was severe damaged by the 1997-98 Umbria-Marche seismic event (Mariani, Castellano, 2002). The actual church and the annexed monastery is the result of the reconstruction (1603) of a former XIII century building collapsed in 1431. In 1997, it suffered a wooden truss collapse and the roof partial failure (Fig. 35). Thanks to the Local Cultural Heritage Superintendence, a restoring intervention was immediately planned and the structural project entrusted to Rolando Mariani, which analyzed the potential wall overturning mechanisms (Fig. 36) and suggested a reinforcing tie system (Fig. 37). In particular, the designer worked out a retaining system of the two frontal tympana, the more vulnerable structural components in case of seismic loads, due to the “punching” effect between walls and ties at the attachments. In order to improve the wall connections, control the displacements and reduce the dynamic actions transmitted, the use of SMADs has been planned, as in the above mentioned applications (Fig. 38). The SMADs settled in the San Serafino Church are designed for working only in tension, with a peak force of 39 kN and a peak displacement of 20 mm.
Figure 36. Potential wall overturning mechanisms.
Figure 37. Reinforcing tie system.
Figure 38. The SMAD system for the San Serafino Church at Montegranaro.
SMADs were used also for the structural improvement of the San Pietro in Feletto Church (Treviso, Italy), where 6 (single tensional effect) SMADs were applied (Fig. 39). The devices are very small, with a peak force of 2 kN (4 SMADs) and 5 kN (2 SMADs), all with a peak displacement of 15 mm. The SMADs, in series with steel ties, are applied at the extrados of the chapel vault.
Figure 39. The San Pietro in Feletto Church (Treviso, Italy), interested by SMADs insertion.
8. THE ART-IN-SAFE PROJECT ART-IN-SAFE (Application and Research of Innovative Techniques for the Protection of Works of Art from Catastrophic Events), is a project merging together R&D and training, in the framework of programs of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). Coordinated by ENEA (ENEA, 2002), it foresees the participation of the subjects listed in Fig. 40: University of Basilicata; Impresa Filippucci; the Russian Research Centers of Saint Petersburg and Moscow; TIS, an Italian industry which produces IAT devices, Rome; University of Naples “Federico II”. The research concerns especially the integrated protection of works of art and archives manuscripts against natural catastrophes (mainly earthquakes) and incidental events (fires, attempts, explosions, etc.). It aims to individuate permanent or temporarily buildings (new or retrofitted) in which the objects can have the maximum level of safety. ART-IN-SAFE is
related to other ENEA projects, developing real/virtual restoration of ancient manuscripts, digital cataloguing/filing, on-line fruition and multimedia activities. PARTNER COUNTRY ENEA Italy UNIBAS Italy FILIPPUCCI Italy RUSSIA Russia TIS Italy UNINA Italy
ACTIVITY Research Center University of Basilicata SME Sperimental Facilities SME University of Naples “Federico II”
ROLE research project leader training project leader SME partner ENEA sub-contractor UNIBAS sub-contractor ENEA sub-contractor
Figure 40. ART-IN-SAFE partnership.
9. ARCHAEOSEISMOLOGICAL STUDIES The antiseismic peculiar properties investigation in the field of the archaeological heritage is very challenging, especially in seismic-prone-countries located in the Mediterranean area. This topic has been deeply faced in a recent MSc Thesis, (Carpani, 2003), in which the interdisciplinary science of archaeosismology is used in order to study the relationships between ancient societies and earthquakes, working on archaeological, seismological, architectural and structural data (Carpani, Indirli, 2004, in preparation).
Figure 41. Ancient earthquakes marks: Susita, Galilee, Israel (top-left), Olympia Zeus temple, Greece (bottom-left); skeletons found during the excavations at Kourion, Cyprus, in a large house destroyed by an ancient seismic event (right).
The main goals of this research have been the following:
- to recognize ancient seismic events from marks of past earthquakes (Fig. 41), evaluating together archaeological, seismological and architectural data; - to evaluate the earthquake effects on ancient communities and individuate their cultural reactions to these catastrophic events; a key question regards the consciousness of such efforts; thus, at least in some historical periods and in regions with high seismic risk, we can say that some populations conceived “an earthquake culture” with “active” answers to the problem; - to find antiseismic construction techniques and details, in order to reduce the seismic impact; the thesis perform a detailed investigation of some study cases, regarding archaeological sites located in the Mediterranean area, with particular regard to the Greek period between the bronze age and the growth of complex urban systems (Troy, Crete, Micene).
Figure 42. Examples of antiseismic construction techniques and details.
The application of the above mentioned “earthquake active culture” has been found in many cases: the undulations of the Troy walls (Fig. 42a); a bas-relief founded at Pompeii with a representation of the earthquake effects (Fig. 42b): some post-seismic interventions has been detected after the 62 a. C. earthquake, by the use, for example, of “opus quadratum”, brick walls and “cuci scuci” techniques; the vertical connections system (Fig. 42c) used for columns at the Poseidon temple (Sunion, Greece); the use of wool, ash and coal layers under the foundations, not only for drainage (Fig. 42d); the probably first use of concrete by Minoic culture at Crete, 1500 years before Romans (Fig. 42e); the corner assemblage (Fig. 42f) at the Parthenon Temple (Athens, Greece), by using lead clamps; the structural and architectural organization of the Artemis Temple at Ephesus; the artificial sand layers under the foundations at Paestum and Metaponto); the general reinforcement of
openings, the connections details between stone blocks and walls and many other smart solutions. Furthermore, the Homer masterpieces speak about Poseidon as the responsible of the hearth tremors (Iliad XII, 43; XX, 57-61; Odyssey I, 68; IV, 506-7) and some authors suggested the very fascinating idea of the Troy horse, one of the strongest imaginative conceptions of poetic myth, as a seismic allegory.
10. CONCLUSIONS The main features and results of important R&D (recently completed or ongoing) projects, and demo-applications on the Innovative Antiseismic Techniques (IATs) for CUHESs protection has been summarized, with particular regard to the ENEA activities actually running in Italy. It is worth noting that the importance of these reference projects and demoapplications is crucial; in fact, the spread and heavy damage, due to recurrent seismic events, in many European and Mediterranean seismic-prone countries, with a huge amount of precious CUHESs, archeological areas and museums, every time brings to an irreparable loss of parts of unique historical tissue; a meaningful example is still the Umbria-Marche 199798 earthquake (sadly renowned because of the vaults collapse in the St. Francis Basilica frescoed by Giotto and Cimabue), but also the more recent 2002 Molise earthquake, in which many CUHESs, historical towns and works of art were damaged. Above all, the IATs application to some earthquake-damaged churches has been stressed, with particular regard to the use of Shape Memory Alloy Devices and Seismic Isolation coupled with sub-foundation systems. It is important to remember that several CUHESs, even if conventionally restored after previous seismic events, suffered again heavy damage in case of new earthquakes. Thus, the Institutions, owners and designers’ attention is now more sensible to IATs application, taking also in consideration the recent development of the new Italian seismic code together with the seismic reclassification of the Italian territory (Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, 2003). Another important field of activity regards the global or partial reconstruction of Italian historical villages, strongly damaged or almost collapsed during seismic events, due to structural vulnerability coupled with particularly adverse site conditions. About this topic, the feasibility study regarding Mevale di Visso (struck by the 1997-98 Umbria-Marche earthquake) gave also significant elements to understand the similar situation encountered during the work at San Giuliano di Puglia, hit by the 2002 Molise earthquake (Indirli, 2003). In both cases, IATs can highly increase the seismic protection, giving the real opportunity to rebuild the villages in its original site and bringing them back to their original appearance as much as possible. In the framework of the reconstruction plans at Mevale and San Giuliano di Puglia, a wide use of SI can be planned for the demolished houses, also in the area characterized by the highest amplification factor. In addition, SMADs and other noninvasive IATs as, for example, the CAM system (Masonry Active Ties), can be employed, coupled with a correct use of conventional techniques, for the restoration of important buildings (churches and historical palaces) and for the overall rehabilitation of the San Giuliano ancient center. The paper speaks about the last projects and applications of IATs to single masterpieces, principally to the ongoing Ercolano Roman ship (3D-Base Isolation), and spends just some words on the new interesting Italian ART-IN-SAFE project (which could start in the next
months) concerning the integrated protection of works of art and archives manuscripts against natural catastrophes (mainly earthquakes) and incidental events (fires, attempts, explosions, etc.). In conclusion, we can say that IATs applications to CUHESs are still increasing, especially in Italy, where a “global laboratory” can be now identified at San Giuliano di Puglia, where the potentialities offered by the preliminary reconstruction plan must be encouraged. On the other hand, relevant EC-FP6 projects regarding this topic are missing, at this moment, and synergic efforts are necessary, in prevision of the next calls. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special acknowledgements to all the people collaborating in the aforesaid projects: to our ENEA colleagues G. Bongiovanni, G. Buffarini, B. Carpani, P. Clemente, G. Delmonaco, M. Forni, P. Funaro, F. Immordino, A. Martelli, A. Paciello, A. Poggianti, D. Rinaldis, B. Spadoni, E. Valpreda, G. Venturi and others, and our young graduates A. Bertocchi, R. Cami, A. Procaccio, E. Sforza, all involved in the field activities; to H. Ahmadi and K. Fuller (TARRC, United Kingdom); to C. Alessandri (University of Ferrara), C.M. Rosskopf (University of Molise), A. Baratta and G. Zuccaro (University of Naples "Federico II"), M. Cattani (University of Bologna), G. Croci (University of Rome "La Sapienza"), M. Dolce and A. Masi (University of Basilicata), C. Modena (University of Padua), A. Parducci (University of Perugia), M. Ripepe (University of Camerino), A. Viskovic (University of Pescara); to C. Meucci (Istituto Centrale per il Restauro); to G. Bergamo, F. Bettinali, G. Bonacina, G. Brevi, F. Gatti, A. Pulcini and others involved in the experimental campaigns (ENEL.HYDRO); to G. Castellani, A. Mascini, M. Pouchain (Impresa Pouchain); to M. G. Castellano and R. Chiarotto (FIP Industriale); to G. Filippucci (Impresa Filippucci); to A. Dusi, G. Mancinelli, M. Mucciarella (GLIS), M. Canzian, R. Mariani, F. Pontoni, and other professionals. Best thanks to: L. Marchetti (Superintendent of the Cultural Heritage Office of Umbria Region), L. Tortoioli and S. Costantini (Umbria Regional Government), F. Maltempi (Mayor of Sellano, Perugia), P. Mazzotti, M. Smargiasso and F. Vitali (Marche Region), A. Cherubini (President of the TechnicalScientific Committee of Marche Region), M. L. Polichetti (Past-Director of the Italian Central Institute for Catalogue and Documentation), S. Italia (General Director of the Italian Archival Heritage), D. Cardamone, L. Tanfani (Cultural Heritage Superintendence of Ascoli Piceno), for the precious collaboration and confidence and, last but not least, to all the team of the Archaeological Superintendence of Pompeii (Naples). A brotherly embrace to: A. Borrelli (Mayor of San Giuliano di Puglia), L. Androne, A. Ceresetto, M. Di Cera, G. Di Fiore, M. Di Renzo, F. Ianiri, M. Pilla, A. Serrecchia, (San Giuliano di Puglia Local Government); M. Marinaro, A. Ciccone, A. Patavino, R. Picanza (San Giuliano di Puglia Technical Office); A. Ceresetto, G. Di Renzo, G. Di Stefano, A. Mastrantonio, G. Nardelli, A. Iacurto, M. Ritucci, A. Tolo, C. Tolo, M.D. Venturini and others (San Giuliano di Puglia Offices); M. Ritucci and others of the San Giuliano di Puglia “Victims Committee”. Many thanks to: all the personnel of the National Civil Defense Department, the Fire-Brigade with particular regard to the demolition team, the Regione Molise, the Campobasso Province and Town Hall, the Molise Cultural Heritage Superintendence, and people of other Institutions; A. Albino, L. D’Alesio, E. Di Pietro, G. D’Uva, M. Macchiarolo, V. Montanaro, R. Porrazzo, G. Ragazzi, C. Rinaldi, S. Romano, P. Sottile, G. Strassil and other professionals and technicians; L. Calfapietra and others of RAI; F. Esse, photographer. Finally, warm regards to all the people, kind and hospitable, encountered during a six-month stay at San Giuliano di Puglia and in Molise Region.
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