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Research & Development

A custom publication of the Disease Control Priorities Project

©2006 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: E-mail: [email protected] All rights reserved The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent, The World Health Organization, or the Fogarty International Center, U.S. National Institutes of Health. The World Bank, the World Health Organization, and the Fogarty International Center, U.S. National Institutes of Health do not guarantee the accuracy of the data included herein. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank, the World Health Organization, or the Fogarty International Center, U.S. National Institutes of Health concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission other than for non-commercial, educational and scholarly purposes may be a violation of applicable law. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to reproduce, photocopy or reprint other than for non-commercial, educational and scholarly purposes, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone: 978-7508400; fax: 978-750-4470; Internet: All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2422; e-mail: [email protected]. The chapters in this publication were originally published in the following two books, and any citations should include the complete information provided: 1) Dean T. Jamison, Joel G. Breman, Anthony R. Measham, George Alleyne, Mariam Claeson, David B. Evans, Prabhat Jha, Anne Mills, and Philip Musgrove, eds. 2006. Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries, 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press. 2) Alan D. Lopez, Colin D. Mathers, Majid Ezzati, Dean T. Jamison, and Christopher J. L. Murray, eds. 2006. Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors. New York: Oxford University Press.



Priorities for Global Research and Development of Interventions ..................................................................................


Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries Barry R. Bloom, Catherine M. Michaud, John R. La Montagne, and Lone Simonsen


Science and Technology for Disease Control: Past, Present, and Future ........................................................................


Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries David Weatherall, Brian Greenwood, Heng Leng Chee, and Prawase Wasi


Product Development Priorities .......................................................................................................................................


Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries Adel Mahmoud, Patricia M. Danzon, John H. Barton, and Roy D. Mugerwa


Economic Approaches to Valuing Global Health Research ............................................................................................


Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries David Meltzer


Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation, Research, and New Product Development .........................................................


Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries Dan W. Brock and Daniel Wikler


Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Interventions ...........................................................


Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries Peter Nsubuga, Mark E. White, Stephen B. Thacker, Mark A. Anderson, Stephen B. Blount, Claire V. Broome, Tom M. Chiller, Victoria Espitia, Rubina Imtiaz, Dan Sosin, Donna F. Stroup, Robert V. Tauxe, Maya Vijayaraghavan, and Murray Trostle


Information to Improve Decision Making for Health ......................................................................................................


Sally K. Stansfield, Julia Walsh, Ndola Prata, and Timothy Evans


Drug Resistance ................................................................................................................................................................ Ramanan Laxminarayan, Zulfiqar Bhutta, Adrian Duse, Philip Jenkins, Thomas OBrien, Iruka N. Okeke, Ariel Pablo-Mendez, and Keith P. Klugman


Chapter 4

Priorities for Global Research and Development of Interventions Barry R. Bloom, Catherine M. Michaud, John R. La Montagne, and Lone Simonsen It is a profound and necessary truth that the deep things in science are not found because they are useful; they are found because it was possible to find them. —J. Robert Oppenheimer In R. Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb

NEEDS, CONTEXT, OPPORTUNITIES, AND MAJOR CHALLENGES Half of the entire increase in human life expectancy—a crude but easily defined measure of the health of populations— realized over recorded history occurred in the 20th century. From 1900 to 2000, life expectancy at birth increased from 48.0 to 77.1 years in the United States and from 48.0 to 77.7 years in the United Kingdom, gains of almost 30 years. However, improvements in life expectancy were not limited to the industrial nations. For example, between 1900 and 1990, life expectancy in India increased from 27 to 59 years, a gain of 32 years (Fogel 2004). These increases are largely attributable to a better understanding of biology, medicine, and public health—that is, to the benefits of research. Research is traditionally defined as the generation of new knowledge and the development of new and enabling technologies to identify or respond to major gaps in current knowledge. Research includes the development of new tools, methodologies, and strategies. The World Health Organization (WHO) and its Advisory Committee on Health Research have suggested two other defining aspects of health research—namely, the verification of knowledge in different contexts and the creation and dissemination of products of knowledge. The Institute of Medicine (1997, page 1) in

the United States has defined the realm of global health research as “problems, issues, and concerns that transcend national boundaries and may best be addressed by sharing knowledge and cooperative action.” An important corollary of this definition is that global health research is derived from individuals and institutions rather than from nation states. Thus, global health knowledge should be available to everyone, not just to the country in which it is done or that sponsored it. As a result, knowledge derived from health research is a true public good, which by definition possesses the following two special properties (Commission on Macroeconomics and Health 2001): • Nonexclusivity. Thus, when supplied it does not require payment to benefit individuals or groups (for example, the benefit to the world community of eliminating smallpox). • Nonrivalry. Hence, the use of the benefits by an individual, group, or country will not diminish others’ ability to benefit from the same good or service.1 Investments in research have produced remarkable improvements in global health, especially over the past 20 years. Immunization programs have led to unprecedented progress in the fight against common childhood diseases (such as measles, 103

©2006 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1

pertussis, poliomyelitis, and tetanus) and in the eradication of smallpox. At the same time, vaccination programs have catalyzed the construction of a global infrastructure for epidemiological monitoring and research, especially in the Americas and in Asia. Moreover, researchers are rapidly developing many preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic tools, and the growing power of genomics and proteomics will accelerate the pace. The 21st century will see a continuation of the inexorable trend toward the globalization of travel, trade, and communications. At one level, economic globalization has increased disparities between countries in terms of gross domestic product per capita. On a population basis, however, economic gains by China, India, and other developing countries have made vast numbers of people substantially wealthier than ever before (Fischer 2003). Cell phones and radios are ubiquitous, even in the most remote parts of Africa and Asia, and the Internet has permitted the transmission of data across long distances rapidly,

accurately, reliably, and cheaply. With these technologies, global research relationships that once would have been impossible are now commonplace. For example, in a matter of weeks, researchers in China could sequence the gene for the surface protein of the coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and then produce the surface protein as diagnostic antigen. Such speedy reaction would have been inconceivable just a decade ago. Daunting challenges remain, however, that health research alone is unlikely to solve. The context for health is very complex and varies in different countries of the world (box 4.1). The predictable outcome of current trends is an increase in the health and technology gaps between the rich and poor countries. Tip O’Neill, the colorful speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives for 10 years, often said that “all politics is local.” A provocative thesis we present here is that (a) all health care is national, and (b) all health research is global.

Box 4.1

Context of Global Health Advances include the following: • the globalization of knowledge and the increased mobility of the world’s population • the expansion of knowledge about disease problems in most of the developing world • the remarkable progress achieved in the control of infectious diseases in most parts of the world • the worldwide penetration of new forms of communication • the promise of new technologies in biomedical research (for example, in the fields of genomics, transgenic organisms, informatics, robotics, and nanotechnology) • the increasing flow of private resources devoted to understanding health problems related to development. The following concerns are pertinent: • The world’s population continues to grow, numbering 6.3 billion people in 2004, with 200,000 added each day. In at least 68 countries, more than 40 percent of the population is younger than 15, whereas in wealthy countries, the proportion of elderly people in the population is expanding quickly. • Despite falling global poverty rates, progress is uneven: 1.2 billion people still live on less than US$1 a day, and 2.8 billion live on less than US$2 a day. One in six children is chronically hungry.

• Disparities have increased. The richest 20 percent of the world’s population now accounts for 150 times the income of the poorest 20 percent. The ratio of the income of the top 20 percent to that of the poorest 20 percent rose from 30 to 1 in 1960 to 61 to 1 in 1991 and to 78 to 1 in 1994. Evidence of global environmental degradation is apparent, especially in the developing world. For example, 45 percent of tropical rain forest has already been lost, at least 20 percent of current species will be extinct by 2030 and 50 percent by the end of the century, and half of China’s and many other countries’ cities already face water shortages. • With global warming, temperatures will likely rise 1.0°C to 4.5°C this century, threatening coastal areas and changing patterns of vectorborne and epidemic disease. • The pace of migration from rural to urban environments is speeding up, giving rise to more megacities. • The period 1955–98 witnessed 31 civil and foreign wars, 35 million displaced people and refugees, and 127 instances of state failures—ethnic wars, revolutionary wars, and disruptive regime changes—in 96 states. • Terrorism has become a global threat. • Gender discrimination persists.

Sources: King and Zeng 2001, 2002; Wilson 2003; World Bank 2004; World Revolution (

104 | Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries | Barry R. Bloom, Catherine M. Michaud, John R. La Montagne, and others ©2006 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2

disease and major unipolar depressive disorders, for example, but also these two chronic conditions already account for an increasing burden of disease and death in developing countries. Demographic changes in many low- and middleincome countries are driving the observed transition toward patterns of disease previously seen only in the industrial countries. The incidence of both ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease increases rapidly with age; thus, countries in which the proportion of elderly people in the population increases will also experience increases in the relative importance of noncommunicable illness. Unlike communicable illnesses among younger people, chronic illness associated with aging cannot be entirely prevented, only delayed. These factors must be considered when setting priorities for global health research.

Global Burden of Disease Tables 4.1 and 4.2 summarize some of the key findings that are most relevant to a discussion of global health research priorities. The magnitude and distribution of the burden of disease across different regions in 2001 reveals a great deal about unmet research needs (Mathers and others 2003), in particular: • Communicable diseases and maternal, perinatal, and nutritional conditions remain the major contributors to the burden of disease in Sub-Saharan Africa and in parts of East Asia and the Pacific. These regions differ significantly from all the other low- and middle-income regions and call for a unique set of priorities in relation to global health research. • Noncommunicable diseases are already the leading contributors to the disease burden in all other low- and middle-income regions, which are undergoing rapid demographic, economic, and epidemiological transitions. Not only does the world face an epidemic of cardiovascular

Children under five still account for an unnecessarily large share of the disease burden in many low- and middle-income

Table 4.1 Broad Patterns of the Disease Burden, by World Bank Region, 2001


East Asia and the Pacific

Population (millions)


Europe and Central Asia

Latin America and the Caribbean


Middle East and North Africa

South Asia

SubSaharan Africa

Highincome countries






World 6,150

Communicable, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional conditions (prevalence, percent)









Noncommunicable diseases (prevalence, percent)









Injuries (prevalence, percent)









Source: Mathers and others 2003.

Table 4.2 Leading Causes of the Disease Burden, by World Bank Region, 2001 Rank

East Asia Europe and and the Pacific Central Asia

Latin America and the Caribbean

Middle East and North Africa

South Asia

Sub-Saharan Africa

High-income countries


Cerebrovascular diseases

Ischemic heart disease

Perinatal conditionsa

Ischemic heart disease

Perinatal conditionsa


Ischemic heart disease


Perinatal conditionsa

Cerebrovascular diseases

Unipolar depressive disorders

Perinatal conditionsa

Lower respiratory infections


Cerebrovascular diseases


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Unipolar depressive disorders

Homicide and violence

Traffic accidents

Ischemic heart disease

Lower respiratory infections

Unipolar depressive disorders


Ischemic heart disease

Self-inflicted injuries

Ischemic heart disease

Lower respiratory infections

Diarrheal diseases

Diarrheal diseases

Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias


Unipolar depressive disorders

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Cerebrovascular diseases

Diarrheal diseases

Unipolar depressive disorders

Perinatal conditionsa

Tracheal and lung cancer

Source: Mathers and others 2003. a. Perinatal conditions include low birthweight, birth asphyxia, and birth trauma.

Priorities for Global Research and Development of Interventions | 105 ©2006 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 3

regions where lower respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, and perinatal conditions persist. Because these diseases can largely be prevented through relatively low-cost interventions, research into how best to implement these interventions and reduce the infectious disease burden in lower-income countries remains a priority.

The 10:90 Issue Efforts over the past two decades by the Commission on Health Research in Development, the WHO human reproduction and tropical disease research programs, the WHO Ad Hoc Committee on Research Relating to Future Intervention Options, and—more recently—the Global Forum for Health Research have been largely responsible for the increasing focus on the role of health research in economic and social development. At a time when few health research resources were being devoted to the specific health problems of developing countries, these entities played a critical role in making the case that more should be done. The Global Forum for Health Research took the most effective advocacy position, arguing that 90 percent of the US$70 billion per year devoted to health research and development (R&D) was spent on diseases of the rich countries and only 10 percent was spent on the diseases uniquely afflicting poor countries. This advocacy has been effective and has galvanized global recognition that more research funding should be devoted to improving the health of the 85 percent of the world’s population who live in developing or transition countries. An absolute divergence in gross domestic product persists between industrial and developing countries and, thus, what they can reasonably devote to research. Infectious diseases continue to exact their highest tolls in the poorest countries, and new tools to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), malaria, respiratory and diarrheal disease, SARS, influenza, and more exotic infections such as Ebola are urgently needed. A longer-term view of global health problems recognizes the increasing convergence of health problems, particularly chronic diseases and injuries. It is no longer true that research on cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or depression, for example, is not relevant to developing countries. Vast knowledge is available on how to prevent a major portion of heart disease, lung cancer, type 2 diabetes, sexually transmitted infections, and injuries in the elderly, yet most countries do not implement that knowledge effectively. Thus, more research is needed to successfully transfer that knowledge from industrial to developing countries. For example, if monitored carefully, cost-effective, community-based antihypertensive, antiretroviral, and antidepressive treatments could have an enormous effect in most developing countries. Increased surveillance and diagnostic capacity for emerging infectious diseases in developing countries will prevent

enormous new disease burdens in those countries, while at the same time providing early warning to industrial countries to stimulate new research on vaccines and drugs. Even though industry in developing countries may currently be devoting more effort to creating look-alike drugs, which are unlikely to add a great deal to the duration or quality of life, than to creating drugs for major global killers, and even though market incentives for interventions in resource-poor countries are lacking for most diseases, the solution is not to balkanize research and science, but to stimulate scientific capacity in all countries. Local researchers and industries in developing countries might be able to create interventions that can find a niche in markets in developing countries or that public sector or public-private partnerships are prepared to support.

Global Health Agendas Some major global health problems cannot be addressed with the available knowledge and existing tools. Major challenges for R&D remain to reduce the unfinished burden of infectious diseases; address the rapidly increasing burden of chronic diseases in aging populations; and reduce the unnecessary burden caused by injuries, casualties of war, and humanitarian emergencies. The Unfinished Agenda of Infectious Diseases. In 1969, the U.S. surgeon general issued a now famous, if less than prescient, pronouncement: “The time has come to close the book on infectious diseases” (WHO 2000). In 2001, infectious diseases still accounted for 32 percent of the global burden of mortality and 37 percent of the global burden of disease. In Sub-Saharan Africa, they are responsible for 68 percent of deaths. The HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to spread, affecting large proportions of populations in Sub-Saharan Africa, but it is at only an early stage in Asia, when effective prevention efforts could make a difference, as they did in Thailand. AIDS is responsible for the decline in life expectancy to less than 40 years of age in five Sub-Saharan African countries. Yet recent promising results of public health efforts in Brazil, Senegal, Thailand, and Uganda demonstrate that HIV/AIDS can be prevented and controlled on a nationwide scale. Even though the public in industrial countries often seems surprised by each new outbreak of infectious disease, the pattern of emerging infectious diseases worldwide is continuing and, at the same time, is constantly changing. Since 1970, people have been afflicted by 32 new diseases that had never previously been reported in humans, such as hepatitis C, Legionnaire’s disease, Ebola, Vibrio cholerae 0139 epidemic, Nipah virus encephalitis, SARS, and the highly pathogenic avian influenza. The 1918 influenza epidemic killed 20 million to 40 million people worldwide. Precisely when human-to-human transmission of the avian influenza viruses will occur is impossible to predict, but it is likely to happen eventually. This

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eventuality underscores the importance of encouraging systematic collaboration on emerging and reemerging infections and strengthening global surveillance and laboratory capability. A syndromic approach to diagnosis and surveillance, as for the identification of flaccid paralysis, which accelerated the elimination of poliomyelitis in the Western hemisphere, may be crucial when laboratory diagnosis is not readily available. Finally, the deliberate dissemination of anthrax spores in September and October 2001 in the United States has raised the specter of biological terrorism, either with pathogens natural to the environment that took years to eradicate, like smallpox, or genetically engineered pathogens of unknown capability. Thus, the global infectious disease agenda remains unfinished. Given the continuing emergence of new infectious diseases and the increasing resistance of microbial pathogens to existing drugs and of insect vectors to pesticides, as well as low compliance with treatments, it is likely to remain so. The Coming Epidemic: Chronic Diseases and Aging Populations. In 1998, for the first time, chronic diseases contributed more to the global burden of disease than infectious diseases, indicating the emergence of a convergence between the principal diseases of the developing countries and the industrial countries. Worldwide, cardiovascular disease is the major cause of mortality and morbidity (13.6 percent of total disability-adjusted life years) followed by cancer (6.6 percent of total disability-adjusted life years). Diabetes type 2 is increasing in most countries of the world at an alarming rate. An unanticipated finding from the global burden of disease analysis was that psychiatric illness, particularly depression, is a major cause of disability everywhere (Murray and Lopez 1996a, 1996b). Depression is now the most important disability among women in the United States, and globally it is projected to be the second largest contributor to the burden of disease by 2020. The success of public health and childhood immunization in reducing the number of childhood deaths from infectious disease is partially responsible for the increasing burden of chronic diseases. However, part of the increase is caused by poor eating habits, lack of exercise, smoking, and other unhealthy lifestyle choices that tend to increase with a nation’s income. Even though noncommunicable diseases associated with aging are increasingly contributing to the global burden of disease, the emergence of a highly virulent infectious disease pandemic could allow communicable illnesses to reassert their primacy. The Unnecessary Epidemic: Injuries, Casualties of War, and Humanitarian Emergencies. Before the analysis of the global burden of disease, the contribution of injuries to the burden of disease and disability was unclear. The most rapidly rising category of injuries is that resulting from motor vehicle crashes. If present trends continue, by 2020 motor vehicle crashes will be

the third largest contributor to the global burden of disease. Clearly public health sectors have a great deal to contribute in terms of reducing injuries from motor vehicle crashes, falls, and workplace injuries. Less amenable to intervention by public health systems will be wars and humanitarian emergencies. Obtaining accurate figures is difficult, but as Murray and others (2002) note, available statistics have greatly underestimated the burden of war and civil strife on health systems.

The Crisis in Health Systems Unprecedented advances in the development of health care technologies, drugs, vaccines, and new diagnostics, which hold the promise of healthier and longer lives for many, have profound influences on health systems worldwide; in rich and poor countries alike, they raise expectations and demand for health services along with difficult issues relating to access to information, costs, quality of care, equity, organization, and accountability. All systems are challenged by the need for quality improvement and self-learning. The overall cost of health care has increased so much that fewer individuals can afford to pay for the best available care; thus, the financing of health systems has become central to national policy debates worldwide. Access and equity considerations pose particularly daunting challenges in poor countries, where access to treatment may be a matter of life and death for entire populations. This situation now prevails in the SubSaharan African countries, where the continuing spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic has resulted in a sharp drop in life expectancy. Comparative analysis of health systems worldwide seeks to understand the determinants of their performance—for instance, financing, human resources, health information, and quality of care—and to find ways to correct failures. Strengthening such research is one obvious way to tackle the current crisis in health systems.Another less obvious but important implication of the current situation is the need to pursue the best possible science to develop new and better tools and the concomitant need to ensure the availability and affordability of drugs and technologies where they are needed to address major health problems.

New Frontiers for R&D The extraordinary advances in science provide unprecedented opportunities for both industrial and developing regions. The following sections highlight promises as well as potential pitfalls of frontier research. Genomics, Molecular Epidemiology, and Preventive Medicine. Probably the most exciting area of biomedical research for at least the next decade derives from the Human Priorities for Global Research and Development of Interventions | 107

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Genome Project and other efforts to sequence entire genomes of mammals, birds, insects, and microbial pathogens. Examination of these genome sequences will allow investigators to define and understand intrinsic risks for disease as well as interactions between genes and environmental threats. The sequencing of the major microbial pathogens has given rise to molecular targets for new drugs against specific pathogens that are distinct from their host counterparts and unique antigenic fragments that may become effective components of new vaccines. Researchers have sequenced the genomes of virtually all major viral, bacterial, and parasitic infectious disease agents and placed the results in databases available to everyone, a true public good (see The Institute of Genomic Research at The availability of these genome sequences has catalyzed ambitious research efforts. For example, a project is under way to genetically engineer the Anopheles mosquito to render it unable to transmit malaria. Even if this effort fails, knowledge of the mosquito’s genome has given new life to medical entomology and will likely help reduce vectorborne diseases in other ways. In a second example, the growing number of available influenza virus sequences will greatly aid understanding of the epidemiology and evolution of pandemic and interpandemic influenza viruses and will be a powerful tool for guiding vaccine strain selection. The genome project has already changed the understanding of health and disease (box 4.2). Until now, epidemiology has dealt largely with external and environmental risks for disease. What the Human Genome Project offers is knowledge of the other side of the health equation—that is, the intrinsic risks for disease. Previously undreamed of molecular and cellular tools to explore gene expression and function are becoming available

to provide such knowledge on a scale that was inconceivable even five years ago. The hope is that genomics and related biomedical research on stem cells will give rise to new therapies for repairing and remodeling tissue damaged by chronic disease, from heart disease to diabetes and chronic neurological diseases. The possibility of preventive treatment has now also arisen—that is, the identification of risks for chronic disease early in life and the implementation of preventive strategies—behavioral, nutritional, or medical—to avert or overcome intrinsic risks and thereby prevent disease. Despite the optimism and enthusiasm, a darker side of the Human Genome Project is emerging. Because individuals face different risks, the focus on “boutique medicine” will increase—that is, the focus on risks for individuals and the development of niche interventions targeting those risks, rather than the focus on populations. Identification of those intrinsic risks at birth, for example, will for some time be a luxury available to better-off children in rich countries but not to babies in poor countries or to poor populations of rich countries. Ultimately the Human Genome Project and the rapid advances in biomedical research in the industrial world have the unintended potential to increase the gap between rich and poor. If, however, most complex diseases have multigenic susceptibilities, the magic bullet approach of boutique medicine may not fulfill current expectations of rich or poor countries. New therapies, whether they arise from genomics or from more traditional pharmacology, must be tested carefully to ensure that people in developing countries are not unfairly treated in clinical trials. Contract research organizations now carry out 60 percent of clinical trials. Many of these organizations already test products in developing countries that will

Box 4.2

Uncovering Individual Risks for Specific Diseases Genomic information makes possible predicting individual risks for certain diseases and to certain components of the environment. One level relates to polymorphisms in individual genes that represent intrinsic risks for certain conditions (for example, breast cancer). A second level relates to differences in the expression patterns of multiple genes on DNA chips that make it possible, for example, to distinguish melanomas from lymphomas from colon cancers or stages within these cancers that no pathologist could duplicate for accuracy. Within patterns for breast cancer or certain types of leukemia, experts can now distinguish those likely to survive five years from those with

a poor prognosis and are creating the first generation of drugs effective against mutated genes causing specific cancers. The promise of the genome is first and foremost a greater knowledge about disease, risks for disease, and mechanisms of pathogenesis. The exploitation of knowledge from the genome is just beginning, and practical ramifications and many effective products have yet to be realized. Despite the hyperbole about its promise, the genome does represent a new frontier, beyond random testing of compounds, for rational and evidence-based design of effective interventions.

Source: Authors.

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have anticipated markets in rich countries but are unlikely, should they be licensed, to be available or affordable to populations in developing countries. This practice is both an ethical and a practical health problem. Finally, in countries where testing for genetic risks becomes available, the likelihood of risk adjustment—that is, the exclusion of people with some risks from insurance and discrimination in relation to jobs, marriage, and housing—can be anticipated. In this information age, personal genetic information will certainly present an unprecedented challenge to privacy and confidentiality. A Faint Hope: Population-Based Research. The focus of future research in the rich countries will likely be on individual risks and on interventions tailored to those risks. Yet from the point of view of the world as a whole, the most effective interventions are population-based interventions, such as vaccines, insecticide-impregnated bednets, environmental modifications, antismoking campaigns, clean water, and safe sex. With knowledge derived from biomedical science and the Human Genome Project, it is hoped that some interventions will emerge that do not require knowing any individuals’ intrinsic genetic risks and that may apply to entire populations at risk. The hope is that they could be comparable to existing population-based interventions—for example, vaccines recommended for all children to prevent major infectious diseases, treatment of schoolchildren once a year with ivermectin to prevent onchocerciasis, and antismoking campaigns. In the rich countries, research has shown that aspirin and a combination of inexpensive antihypertensive drugs reduce deaths from heart attacks by 30 percent and from strokes by 50 percent. Even though they are off patent, these interventions are currently not widely used in developing countries. These findings are the products of basic research, but their effective use will depend on operational research. The Next Frontier: Human Behavior and Social Determinants of Disease. Another revolution in research is emerging: understanding the functioning of the human brain and, ultimately, human behavior. Biomarkers for neuropsychiatric disease and environmental stresses are being sought, and with MRI and positron emission tomography technology, researchers can see areas of the brain that are thinking, remembering, or enjoying music. Within the next 50 years, science will have the technical ability to begin to untangle the processes of thinking in molecular terms, with exciting or frightening possibilities to alter or affect them. Anticipating quantifiable biomarkers for stresses and psychopathology as well as objective tools for measuring the effectiveness of new psychotropic interventions in changing behavior is not unreasonable. Thefactors that lead people to engage in unhealthy or destructive behaviors are more complex than simple individual choices.

Many of the lessons of social epidemiology—and the flourishing world of advertising—indicate that most behaviors, including risky or unhealthy behaviors, are socially patterned. Science has unfortunately not done a good job of learning how to change social patterns. For example, merely targeting individuals at high risk for HIV/AIDS without changing the social context that might reinforce stigmatization is not the best way to prevent disease. Indeed, in many developing countries that now provide free counseling, testing, and antiretroviral drugs for people with HIV/AIDS, the biggest barrier remains the social stigma of being HIV positive.Health systems must widen their view beyond individual patients to target entire communities and the media to change unhealthy socially patterned behavior. In the United States, epidemiological estimates indicate that 50 percent of the 2.3 million annual deaths are preventable or postponable. McGinnis and Foege (2004) find that in 2000, 19 percent of deaths were caused by tobacco, about 14 percent were attributable to poor diet and lack of exercise, and about 12 percent to injuries. One of the great challenges is to learn how to communicate what is known about the prevention of such conditions as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes more effectively. Reliable and comparative analysis of health risks is key for preventing disease and injury. A recently published study (Ezzati and others 2003) reports estimates of the disease burden caused by the joint effect of 20 selected leading risk factors in 14 subepidemiological regions of the world. In regions where high mortality persists, four risk factors—underweight in childhood, micronutrient deficiency, indoor smoke from solid fuels, and tobacco—caused 35 to 42 percent of lower respiratory infections in 2000. In the same regions, the combined risks of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, and physical inactivity caused 82 to 89 percent of the burden of ischemic heart disease. Important gaps in scientific evidence about the effects of multiple risk factors and risk factor interactions persist and require further exploration (Ezzati and others 2003). In this context, investigators should not underestimate social and behavioral determinants of disease, including poverty, environment, culture, and so on.

”Appropriate Science” for the Developing World Although much discussion about “appropriate technology” for developing countries has taken place in recent decades, curiously little discussion has occurred about appropriate science. Much of the past debate assessed the imbalance of research relevant to developing countries’ health problems largely as a function of the projected affordability of the products of the research—drugs, diagnostics, and new technologies developed in the industrial countries—rather than considering the potential contributions that scientists from developing countries could make both to advancing science and to addressing their Priorities for Global Research and Development of Interventions | 109

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countries’ health problems. Although some technologies are more or less appropriate to contexts in developing countries for reasons of cost, maintenance, or skill requirements, no limitation exists on what science or knowledge is appropriate in developing countries. Some might argue that people in developing countries should restrict their research focus to diseases that principally affect their countries. If that were generalized to all countries, rich countries would not carry out research on tropical diseases, and the developing countries would do little research on chronic diseases. This strategy would violate two fundamental principles of science. First, connectivity in science is unpredictable: research on one disease or problem often brings conceptual or technological advances that are vital to progress in others; therefore, to the extent possible, every country should support a relatively broad spectrum of research. Second, creative science requires the freedom to pursue ideas. Progress in science is not fostered by restricting freedom of inquiry. There is every reason to believe that scientists in developing countries will create knowledge of value to diseases that primarily afflict people in industrial countries, both because of the convergence of health problems and because scientific knowledge is a public good. Epistemology is the formal study of knowledge, and theories of how knowledge is generated abound. One such theory particularly relevant in the context of health research holds that three basic kinds of knowledge exist:2 • Public knowledge. This knowledge is generally published in the scientific literature, available in principle to all (with the glaring exception of those who cannot afford the major scientific journals). Because this knowledge is available to the entire global scientific community, it is a true public good. Indeed, publication in such journals is the basis for most judgments of academic and scientific achievement and is a precondition for scientific support and advancement. • Contextual knowledge. This kind of knowledge is absolutely essential to bringing the fruits of public knowledge to a particular country or people. It requires learning and experience and involves cultural, social, and economic knowledge of a place, without which effectively implementing public knowledge or scientific discoveries in that context or evaluating the success of programs within national contexts is often impossible. In this case, research may have to be carried out in relation to how to implement interventions, as WHO’s Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases programs in leprosy and malaria have done in the absence of full scientific evidence. As essential as it may be, the global scientific and academic communities do not widely recognize or value contextual knowledge. • Tacit knowledge. In contrast to public knowledge and contextual knowledge, tacit or intrinsic knowledge is impossible to write down or teach because it depends on a special kind

of communication between individuals that makes transmission of knowledge possible. One thinks of a few great clinical teachers who simply “know” the diagnosis without laboratory tests, or health care professionals who can put their colleagues in developing countries at ease and bring out the best in everyone being taught rather than being condescending or patronizing. Tacit knowledge is intuitive, breaks down barriers of culture or training, is highly motivating, and is often transformational in people’s lives. A few examples illustrate the importance of contextual knowledge. Many ideas and interventions are available, but knowledge on their effectiveness in different populations and on how to increase their usefulness is limited. The need to define best practices in different circumstances is urgent in relation to health. For example, data from the industrial countries indicate that providing a three-drug package containing aspirin to people with hypertension as preventive treatment might be possible on a population-based model as well as by individual physicians or medical personnel. However, Asians are more predisposed to hemorrhagic strokes than Europeans; therefore, treatment with such a regimen in Asia might have a significantly increased risk of adverse effects. In another example, antiretroviral drugs are responsible for the 50 percent decline in mortality from HIV/AIDS in the United States, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; bilateral agencies; and the pharmaceutical industry are engaging in major efforts to make them available to resource-poor endemic countries. Despite encouraging examples in Brazil and Haiti, it is unclear whether—as in DOTS (directly observed treatment short course), a supervised method of administering drugs used for treating TB in resource-poor countries—these drugs can be given safely and effectively by community-based treatment programs, be appropriately monitored, and prevent the emergence of drug resistance or toxicity and thus provide cures for a high percentage of the patients in poor countries. However, if this method can be used, it will strengthen the fight against HIV/AIDS. Research on community-based programs for treating children with epilepsy or adults with depression provides another example. The provision of ivermectin (Mectizan) to prevent and treat onchocerciasis revealed that even making a drug to be taken only once a year available and providing it free of charge had an almost negligible effect initially, because in some areas of Sub-Saharan Africa an effective health delivery system was simply not available. It is to Merck’s credit that the Mectizan program invested considerable resources to create a delivery and monitoring system that has moved onchocerciasis to the category of diseases targeted for elimination as public health problems by WHO. The flow of knowledge is not unidirectional. Reciprocity between research in different fields and different countries is

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vital for the expansion of knowledge, and the unique contributions of developing countries to global health research are often overlooked and not always appreciated. For example, DOTS was initially developed in Tanzania, where researchers found that the best drug combination given with supervision, even though more costly, was both more effective in preventing relapse and emerging drug resistance and more cost-effective than the cheapest combinations. Similarly, artemisinin, the most rapidly acting drug for treating cerebral malaria, derives from an ancient Chinese medicine, qinghaosu, and is now a major tool in the armamentarium of malaria treatments. Research on isolated populations in developing countries can further the understanding of some of the genetic determinants of a variety of diseases, and transnational research on almost any disease has the potential to provide important insights into differences in risk factors in different contexts. Such reciprocity depends critically on the development of scientific capacity. In terms of resource allocation, research funders often appear to have overlooked the necessary connection between research and training the next generations of researchers. Scientific and health capacity building and training are inseparable from research, yet funders seldom recognize the training aspect, and it is difficult to ensure that funding for training will be recognized as integral to research.

”Appropriate Technology” for the Developing World The development community has long debated the nature of appropriate technology for resource-poor countries. Innumerable instances exist of high-tech biomedical equipment standing unused in laboratories and hospitals throughout the developing world, serving as status symbols but not as tools to further knowledge or alleviate illness. However, the best tools appropriate for learning from the research should be made available when the primary purpose of research is to acquire knowledge, particularly if human subjects are engaged as volunteers in clinical studies to help develop that new knowledge. For example, researchers studying the effectiveness of antiretroviral drugs in resource-poor countries should have access to technology that can measure CD4 cells, viral loads, and antiviral drug resistance, which are critical for analyzing the drugs’ effectiveness. Sophisticated technology may be vital to establish the scientific principle of effectiveness, thereby enabling implementation of the most cost-effective treatment program in settings where the high-tech methodology may no longer be necessary on a large scale but may remain useful for validating the effectiveness of lower-tech surrogate markers.

Strengthening Capacity and Institutions A 1996 WHO report (Ad Hoc Committee on Health Research Relating to Future Intervention Options 1996) emphasizes

three research needs that had not previously been articulated as essential to development. • The first is a need for new knowledge through research to develop new tools for addressing continually emerging global health problems. Some of this knowledge will be generalizable, but much will be context specific and perhaps country specific. • The second is the recognition that in many developing countries research capacity—that is, people with the training to carry out surveillance and laboratory and operational research—is limited, indicating an enormous need for training. Career structures and incentives to retain trained professionals in public health, medical sciences, and health systems in developing countries are also needed. An enormous brain drain is under way for nursing and other health professionals. The inducements to leave developing countries for higher salaries and better working conditions in the industrial world are compelling, even though many in the health field would prefer to help alleviate their own countries’ health problems if it were feasible for them to do so. • The third is that all the key priorities depend on the strengthening of institutions: universities, schools of public health and medicine, centers for disease control, and research institutions for health policy and economics. As the report indicates, remarkably few high-level institutions for research and training in public health have been created in developing countries during the past 25 years. Little progress has been made since the mid 1990s. Thus, their large needs for human capacity as well as laboratory and research infrastructure for public health are not surprising. For this situation to improve in a timely way, a new basis for cooperation in support of people and institutions must be forged between the developing and industrial countries. Clearly governments should make greater commitments to health training and institutions. Whereas the international community has focused primarily on access to drugs in resource-poor countries, new partnerships in research are clearly needed. It is gratifying that programs that encourage and support cross-national, North-South, and South-South scientific collaborations and institutional links have been increasing, and the tremendous effect of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in supporting research has emphasized the value of public and private commitments and partnerships in research. Regrettably, concomitant commitment has been lacking on the part of governments and many foundations to support training in research; career path opportunities; and institutions such as university science departments, medical schools, and schools of public health, all of which are critical for reducing the research and capacity gap between rich and poor countries. No simple answer is available regarding the best ways to ensure effective collaboration in relation to global heath. Global Priorities for Global Research and Development of Interventions | 111

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Box 4.3

SARS and Influenza: A Paradigm Shift for Global Research Collaboration Outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases are by their nature unpredictable. They can be contained when they are detected early and the number of cases is small. When they are not contained, they can have enormous human and economic consequences. Economic losses attributed to SARS, which infected 8,000 people and killed 774, have been estimated at US$30 million per day in Canada and a total of US$16 billion to US$30 billion in Asia. The global response to the SARS epidemic demonstrated the power of international collaboration under leadership of WHO among public health professionals, researchers, and institutions in several countries to halt the progression of a new disease (La Montagne and others 2004). Another example is influenza: an existing international network of influenza research sites, which is critical for defining the strains to be used each year for immunization, was instrumental in developing an

unprecedented rapid response to the potentially devastating bird H5N1 influenza A. These examples represent an important paradigm shift in global research collaboration in that they required national surveillance at the epidemiological and laboratory levels; unprecedented sharing of information at all levels of the health system; and close cooperation among clinicians, epidemiologists, and bench scientists, as well as those involved in veterinary surveillance, for the rapid development of effective intervention strategies. Integrated global responses raise difficult issues pertaining to information sharing and ownership of specimens and reagents, which have profound implications for future global health R&D. They also underscore that, despite the political temptations of denial and the economic threats of epidemic disease, honest and accurate information is essential for early warning and for making effective health policy.

Source: Authors.

collaborations can be difficult,they are not inexpensive,and their successes are limited in number, but they can potentially have a major effect (box 4.3). Questions arise about how to develop economies of scale in R&D and institutional capabilities; how many research centers are optimal in a developing country; how much should be done by country partners and how much in the developing countries; and what the roles of basic scientific versus epidemiological, clinical, and operational research should be. The experience of working together in true partnerships appears to be generally rewarding for scientists in both industrial and developing countries and seems to be an effective way of increasing research capacity. One set of lessons still to be learned is what the best forms of collaboration are: individual scientist, institutional, transnational, or multinational.

PRIORITY SETTING Setting priorities for R&D of interventions is both complex and critical in the context of severely constrained resources. A systematic approach that takes into account the disease burden as well as scientific opportunities has been proposed to guide decisions. Approaches The challenge is to ensure that available resources are targeted at major health problems.

Inherent Difficulties in Setting Priorities. The first part of this chapter underscored the immense scope of health problems and the potential of global health research to make a difference. Given the complexity of the task and the multiple participants involved in the process, defining priorities for the global health research agenda is daunting. Scientists tend to argue that more research is urgently needed on the diseases they are studying. Their research may certainly include worthwhile issues, but they may not be priorities in the wider context of global health R&D. Some hold the view that the choice of priorities should begin with a statement defining topics that should not be priorities—for example, the development of vaccines (such as a leprosy or hookworm vaccine) when cost-effective treatments are available. Others strongly disagree, given the interconnectedness and unpredictability of science. The failure of the U.S. “war on cancer” offers a useful caution on the limitations of rational planning of science. In the 1960s, a group of distinguished scientists developed a set of future research priorities for the National Cancer Program. Despite the importance of the problem, the requisite scientific knowledge was not then available to develop the modern tools that have recently been successful in treating and preventing cancer. Planning for where the new innovations and discoveries will come from is hard, and planners have to be open to changing their priorities and incorporating new approaches.

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A key challenge is the problematic nature of anticipating scientific connections in advance. For example, the sequencing of a mouse leukemia virus genome as part of the National Cancer Program is what enabled scientists years later to classify HIV as a related member of the retrovirus family. Indeed, who would have predicted that research on the once arcane coronavirus would become essential to control the spread of SARS? Or that the esoteric question of whether tumor cells extinguished differentiated functions of normal body cells would lead to the discovery of monoclonal antibodies? Or that the study of sex in bacteria would give rise to the entire genetic revolution of the past half century? The need to recognize the unpredictability of science and the limitations of scientists at any time is best illustrated by Oppenheimer’s statement at the beginning of this chapter. Systematic and Evidence-Based Approach to Priority Setting. The process of setting priorities for the global health research agenda is complex and includes accurate or perceived assess-

ments of the burden of disease; developed countries’ threat assessments, for example, in relation to bioterrorism and epidemic potential; scientific or technical opportunities; advocacy; political commitment; ethical considerations; and funding availability. Using a systematic and evidence-based approach to priority setting, the WHO Ad Hoc Committee for Health Research Relating to Future Intervention Options (1996) undertook the first broadly based, systematic effort to formulate “best buys” for health R&D (table 4.3). The steps included assessments of the following: • • • •

size of the disease burden reasons the disease burden persisted adequacy of the current scientific knowledge base cost-effectiveness of potential interventions and the probability of successful development of new tools • adequacy of the current level of ongoing research and funding.

Table 4.3 R&D Best Buys Category

Key R&D investments

Maternal and child health Strategic research

Understand the relative importance, in different environments, of increased nutrient intake and of control of infectious disease as a way to reduce malnutrition

Package development and evaluation

Evaluate and refine the package for the integrated management of the sick child

New tools to improve package content

Evaluate the efficacy and optimal dosage of candidate rotavirus vaccines in low-income countries

Develop, evaluate, and refine the mother-baby package for pregnancy, delivery, and neonatal care Evaluate the implementation of a range of family planning packages offering a wide choice of methods Evaluate the efficacy of optimal dosage of candidate conjugate pneumococcal vaccines and the effectiveness of existing vaccine against influenza B in low-income countries Develop and evaluate ways to increase efficiency in the Expanded Program on Immunizations by simplifying delivery and maximizing use of opportunities for immunization Evaluate the promotion of insecticide-impregnated bednets for inclusion in a future healthy household package Develop new contraceptive methods, particularly to widen the choice of long-term but reversible methods, postcoital methods for regular and emergency use, and methods for men

Microbial threats Strategic research

Screen drugs on molecular targets predicted by the genome sequence of major pathogens Investigate influences on the spread of antimicrobial resistance and approaches to monitoring resistant strains with the aim of identifying ways of slowing their emergence

Intervention development

Develop an effective prophylaxis for TB—for example, depot (or long-acting), or a vaccine chemoprophylaxis Develop a malaria vaccine Develop an HIV vaccine Develop improved methods for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, including vaginal microbicides

Noncommunicable diseases and injuries

Establish a special program for research and training on noncommunicable diseases and healthy aging Establish a special program or initiative for research, training, and capacity building on injuries

Health policy

Establish a special program for research and training on health systems and policy

Source: Ad Hoc Committee on Health Research Relating to Future Intervention Options 1996.

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This five-step approach has been influential. The Global Forum for Health Research and the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases have endorsed it and further developed it. The Global Forum’s combined approach matrix links the five steps with four actors or factors determining the health status (Global Forum for Health Research 2002): • individual, family, and community • health ministry, health research institutions, and health systems and services • sectors other than health • central government macroeconomic policies. The five steps also provide the basis for the strategic emphases matrix for tropical diseases research (Remme and others 2002). The individual disease chapters in this volume used a slightly modified version of the framework developed by the WHO Ad Hoc Committee to identify gaps and guide the formulation of research priorities on the basis of the following premise: even though the current mix of available costeffective interventions averts a proportion of the burden of any particular disease and the remaining burden could be further reduced with improved application of existing technologies to affected populations, a fraction of disease remains that cannot be averted. Two reasons account for this fact. First, the cost for extending the existing technology to the remainder of the population would be prohibitive. Second, the existing interventions may simply not be sufficiently effective. These two categories define the magnitude of the need for new or better tools and, in essence, serve as a rationale and indicate priorities for research. A clear example is the case of HIV/AIDS. Neither behavioral interventions, such as exhortations for abstinence and fidelity and the provision of condoms, nor antiretroviral therapy has stopped the global spread of HIV, which challenges the scientific community to undertake more research on preventive vaccines. The availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy challenges the research community to find ways of providing effective and life-saving treatment for HIV/AIDS patients in a manner that ensures proper use and compliance, averts the development of drug resistance, and thereby becomes a financially sustainable policy. Participants and Decision Makers. Two main concerns lie at the core of most discussions of the priority-setting processes: the predominance of the industrial countries and the predominance of the scientific community in formulating research agendas. Two-thirds of respondents in a survey of researchers that was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and

Infectious Diseases of the U.S. National Institutes of Health and was conducted in May 2004 were leading scientists from lowand middle-income developing countries and worked in the same region in which they held their citizenship. The survey highlighted their views about key factors influencing research priority setting as well as major barriers that hampered stronger participation by scientists from developing countries in global health research. According to the survey, the most important factors determining research priorities were the magnitude of disease burdens and the needs of the industrial countries. Major barriers to the success of research collaboration in global health were the lack of sustained funding; the difficulty of linking research, programs, and policy; the weak research leadership; and the absence of a science culture (Harley, Simonsen, and Breman 2004). A more balanced participation of scientists from industrial and developing countries, a better gender mix, and the inclusion of major stakeholders are essential to the successful development of a truly global health research agenda. The challenge is to develop creative mechanisms for addressing current shortcomings. The process for selecting the best research projects and programs within each priority area is well established and is grounded in scientific merit, based primarily on trust in peer review and expert judgment. Keeping this process independent from political pressures is extremely important. However, the peer review process has limitations, including a natural conservatism and risk aversion by scientists, given the responsibility for the allocation of public funding, their often narrow base of expertise in one discipline, and their specific cultural perspective. Alternative models of project selection from industry and other scientific, mission-oriented entities might offer interesting alternatives—for example, managerial systems or strategic planning processes, particularly for translating knowledge into successful interventions, an area that research is currently emphasizing. Ethical considerations and pressures exerted by advocacy groups—such as public-private partnerships for targeted drug or vaccine development, fresh looks at “orphan drug” legislation, patent rules ensuring financial returns to industry as well as the affordability of new products in developing countries, and commitment before their development by the public and private sectors to subsidize their development or ensure markets for the products—are likely to counterbalance to some extent the lack of incentives for the pharmaceutical industry to develop drugs, diagnostics, and vaccines for which markets do not exist or are not profitable. In addition, one might hope that the growing pharmaceutical and vaccine industry in developing countries might place a higher priority on addressing nationally and regionally important health problems than do multinational companies.

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The share of total R&D funds allocated to major causes of the disease burden in developing countries remains insufficient. As a result, the availability of funding to support global health R&D is ultimately the defining factor regarding the implementation of selected R&D priorities. Thus, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has become a major driving force in defining priorities for global health R&D through its support of promising public-private partnerships. The new US$200 million it provided to finance the Grand Challenges in Global Health represents the newest large influx of funds in support of global health research (see Foundation of National Institutes of Health at

Findings Research agendas proposed in the various chapters fall into three broad categories: • priorities that are already on the global health agenda • important topics that are not yet on the global agenda, but should be pursued • promising research topics that are not yet priorities, but should be pursued. Michaud and others (2005) provide a more exhaustive account of the research priorities summarized here and recommended in the volume. Priorities Already Part of the Global Health Agenda. Priorities that are already the most prominent part of the global health agenda relate almost exclusively to the unfinished agenda of infectious diseases and to the continuous threats of emerging infectious diseases, including bioterrorism. The largest investments pertain to the development of new drugs and vaccines that are needed to reduce the burden of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and TB; to the early detection and control of new highly pathogenic viral agents (for example, SARS); and to the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases resulting from microbial terrorism (for instance, anthrax and smallpox). In 2001, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases developed a global research plan for HIV/AIDS, malaria, and TB. The plan outlines a comprehensive approach for fighting infectious diseases that involves building a sustainable research capability domestically and internationally and enhancing global partnerships. It comprises short-, medium-, and long-term goals for research that “will lead to prevention and treatment strategies that are effective, feasible, and realistic for individual countries struggling with the burden of numerous infectious diseases” (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 2001).

Since the mid 1970s, the WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases and a few other institutions have been key players in strengthening research and research capacity for tropical diseases that are endemic in specific developing regions—African trypanosomiasis, Chagas disease, dengue, leishmaniasis, leprosy, lymphatic filariasis, malaria, onchocerciasis, and schistosomiasis. As a result, effective control measures are now available for Chagas disease, leprosy, lymphatic filariasis, and onchocerciasis—but questions remain regarding effective implementation strategies. The other diseases still lack effective control measures and, thus, require further research to develop better tools and effective control strategies ( The process that led to the formulation of the Grand Challenges in Global Health represents two important departures from earlier approaches to priority setting. First, the announcement of the call for ideas in May 2003 had an unprecedented dissemination worldwide and resulted in over 1,000 submissions from scientists and institutions in 75 countries. Second, the formulation of a grand challenge, described as “a call for specific scientific or technological innovation that would remove a critical barrier to solving an important health problem in the developing world with a high likelihood of global impact and feasibility” (Varmus and others 2003) was broad and had a clear goal. The research agendas proposed in chapters 16, 18, and 21 are extensive and encompass research on basic epidemiology and risk factors and the development of new or better drugs, vaccines, diagnostics, and intervention methods. The fact that these priorities do not represent a marked departure from previous research priorities for these conditions attests to the complexity of these diseases and their importance in the poorest countries. They will require a broadly based and sustained global research effort to overcome the rapid spread of antibiotic and insecticide resistance, limited human resources, and poorly developed health systems that severely constrain the health community’s ability to reduce the burden of disease. Important Topics That Are Not Yet on the Global Research Agenda but Should Be Pursued. Cardiovascular diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders, obesity, diabetes, and cancers are causing a rapidly increasing share of the disease burden in all developing regions, with the exception of Sub-Saharan Africa; however, they do not yet figure prominently on the global health research agenda. The research priorities recommended independently by the authors of various chapters pertaining to major causes of noncommunicable diseases converge. Indeed, diet, lifestyle, obesity, tobacco, and alcohol are common risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, and

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diabetes. These diseases and risk factors represent a cluster of conditions that pose similar research challenges. The first important cross-cutting theme emerging from this cluster of chapters is the issue of portability, or how to bring knowledge and programs from one location and define how they can become best practices elsewhere. Cost-effective preventive strategies and therapeutic approaches to reduce the burden of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and mental disorders have been developed and tested in industrial countries. Much of the extensive knowledge base accumulated in industrial countries to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancers is likely to be relevant to developing countries, yet few epidemiological studies have quantified the impact of major risk factors for chronic diseases in developing regions, and few trials have been conducted to assess the effectiveness of different intervention strategies. Research to explore the transferability of cost-effective interventions from industrial to developing countries therefore figures prominently in several chapters. The primary prevention for noncommunicable diseases in industrial countries rests on the reduction of major risk factors—namely, diet, lifestyles, and tobacco and alcohol consumption. Research priorities include the development of epidemiological databases and of intervention studies to identify cost-effective strategies to reduce the prevalence of major risk factors in different contexts in developing countries. The transfer of personal and population-based interventions to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, which are based on decades of research in the industrial countries, is particularly promising. Research priorities include evaluating a range of intervention strategies, from simple dietary interventions to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (for example, food supplementation with folic acid and linoleic acid and reduction in the salt, saturated fat, and trans fat content of processed foods), to the hypothetical “polypill,” which would combine drugs to lower cholesterol, clotting, and blood pressure. Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease is particularly important for diabetes, which is itself an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The second theme pertains to lifelong medical management of chronic conditions that cannot be cured but could be improved through the development and testing of public health prevention and treatment algorithms. This issue has been little considered in past discussions of priorities for global health research but now appears to be reasonably cost-effective. Examples include unipolar depression, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, epilepsy, diabetes, and secondary prevention of ischemic heart disease and stroke. The third theme pertains to crucial implementation research that combines operations research and health services and systems research. Such research is becoming central to ensuring the success of the rapid scaling-up of cost-effective interventions that is required to meet the health targets of the

Millennium Development Goals, particularly in resource-poor countries with weak health systems. In this context, further research is critical to elucidate neglected areas of health system reforms, including the following (Mills 2004): • improving public service provision • enhancing human resources • ensuring accountability for health outcomes, funds, and medicines • ensuring a functioning central government • providing evidence for policy. Promising Research Topics Not Yet Global Priorities. Other important research topics emerge from the various chapters that are not yet global priorities but that are nevertheless worthwhile pursuing. Major themes pertain to the following: • epidemiology of injuries and cost-effective interventions to reduce the burden resulting from both intentional and unintentional injuries, particularly motor vehicle crashes and road and vehicle safety • major risk factors for disease in different contexts (for example, tobacco, obesity, physical activity) • medical and surgical errors • occupational and environmental health • risk analysis and risk communication • delivery of care at different levels of the health system • performance of health systems • management of health research • reproductive and sexual health • health effects of global warming. The importance of strengthening the research agenda in those and other areas and the resultant opportunities to make a real difference have not been sufficiently recognized in the past.

KEY RECOMMENDATIONS The priority-setting process should focus initially on defining a small number of key priorities that have a reasonable chance of succeeding and yielding cost-effective outcomes in resourceconstrained environments and that are, thus, least likely to divert limited resources from being more effectively directed elsewhere. Five broad recommendations emerge from this chapter.

Invest More Wisely in Health R&D The focus should be on how best to invest limited resources for health R&D. This approach raises hard questions about selecting priorities and the extent to which the burden of disease and scientific opportunity to play a role. A telling example of the

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dilemma may be a vaccine against bird flu. Because bird flu, A (H5N1) or other strains, is not yet a major human disease, the setting of priorities by the disease burden criterion would not accord a bird flu vaccine high priority. But knowing that between 20 to 40 million people died in the 1918 influenza epidemic, and that with a transmission time of 1.5 days, there would be few public health measures other than a vaccine that would make a difference in preventing a pandemic, developing and testing multiple candidate vaccines should be an urgent research priority. Despite the paucity of past analysis of the relationship between the cost of research in an area and its success in improving the level of health, the amount invested is unlikely to have been the most important determinant of success. The What Works Working Group has developed 17 case studies of success stories, all of which were supported by public finance mostly in resource-constrained settings (Levine and What Works Working Group 2004). A review of lessons learned from the 20 biggest research successes in improving health in low- and middle-income countries would be a worthwhile undertaking.

Shift the Paradigm for Priority Setting The paradigm shift from dividing the world’s health problems into those of the industrial countries and those of the developing countries toward creating a better understanding of the commonality of health problems between the industrial and most developing countries lies at the core of priority setting for global health research. Implicit in this shift is the recognition that the health problems of Sub-Saharan Africa are urgent and require special emphasis on the devastating burden of infectious diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS, and on the need to develop effective infrastructure for health. In time, the expectation is that the health needs of most Sub-Saharan African countries will similarly converge with those of other regions of the world and that knowledge developed in these regions will be transferable and helpful to accelerating development there. As sociologists have long recognized, scientific and medical technology diffuses from the industrial to the developing countries, and it will, in the short term at least, increase the disparities between rich and poor countries—and perhaps to a comparable extent between the rich and the poor within countries—because more affluent and better-educated populations tend to have greater access to new technologies. However, even though disparities in health between affluent urban dwellers and poor rural populations in China and India have increased over the past decade, the overall quality of health of the entire population has increased during the same period. The hope is that information derived from research will be a great leveler over time and will contribute to reducing global inequities.

The shift in thinking in relation to the convergence of health burdens and research opportunities in both industrial and developing countries has far-reaching implications for the formulation of research priorities. In addition to emphasizing the commonality of health problems, it also emphasizes the importance of stronger global research collaboration in tackling major health problems and underscores the need for much stronger public-private partnerships to ensure that affordable drugs and vaccines will be developed and made available in resource-constrained environments.

Maximize the Potential of Information Technology No advances in science have more potential for improving health globally than the information and communication sciences. At the scientific level, the ability to handle increasingly massive amounts of data, whether from genetics, epidemiology, or clinical trials, offers the opportunity to mine the world of knowledge in ways that could not be contemplated a decade ago. Knowledge can be transferred instantaneously through the Internet; through access to open databases; and through the new public libraries of science and medicine, such as the U.S. National Library of Medicine PubMed Central. With information technology, procedures can be put in place to minimize medical and pharmaceutical errors and to provide greater accounting for medical costs and outcomes. Finally, research with partners in many parts of the world can now be carried out in real or in lag time, as in the case of clinical research on malaria (Royall and others 2004). The tools, hardware, and software for this informatics revolution must be made available as widely as possible to universities and health systems in developing countries.

Increase Global Research Capacity Research capacity continues to limit the successful implementation of those interventions most needed to improve health in resource-constrained environments. The number of people trained to carry out the surveillance and the laboratory and operational research that are so essential to the successful implementation of cost-effective interventions remains woefully inadequate. Redressing this limitation is a daunting task that will require substantial financial investment and creative approaches to create conditions that will reverse the brain drain and strengthen academic and research institutions in developing countries.

Create a Global Health Architecture Health is not the sole provenance of the health sector, and yet there is no forum or architecture for coordinating the increasingly important multisectoral interactions to improve health. Priorities for Global Research and Development of Interventions | 117

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Cardiovascular and pulmonary disease in Europe and the United States are increasingly determined by China’s energy sector, and global warming is impacted by the policy of the U.S. President. Health is critically affected by education, energy, transport, finance, trade, immigration, communication, and the environment. Major health problems will be most successfully addressed if partnerships can be developed between sectors, governments, NGOs, business and industry, and academe. Support Freedom of Scientific Inquiry No country has a monopoly on ideas, and every country has something important to contribute to knowledge about health. The universality of science requires that scientists everywhere strive for the highest level of rigor and quality and that every country have some sustainable level of scientific research and problem-solving capacity. Encouraging and supporting scientists with the ability and passion to contribute to knowledge about health, globally or locally, must become one of the key aims of the global health and development agendas.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT This chapter is dedicated to the memory of John La Montagne, who was a tireless supporter of health research into problems of developing countries, a good friend, and an inspiration to us all.

NOTES 1. Obviously, nonrivalry does not pertain to knowledge that is proprietary, as in the pharmaceutical industry, although the system of patents was created to make such enabling knowledge available to all by providing a limited monopoly for its exploitation by discoverers or inventors. 2. For this formulation, we are indebted to Suwit Wibulpolprasert, deputy permanent secretary of the Ministry of Health, Thailand.

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Chapter 5

Science and Technology for Disease Control: Past, Present, and Future David Weatherall, Brian Greenwood, Heng Leng Chee, and Prawase Wasi

As we move into the new millennium it is becoming increasingly clear that the biomedical sciences are entering the most exciting phase of their development. Paradoxically, medical practice is also passing through a phase of increasing uncertainty, in both industrial and developing countries. Industrial countries have not been able to solve the problem of the spiraling costs of health care resulting from technological development, public expectations, and—in particular—the rapidly increasing size of their elderly populations. The people of many developing countries are still living in dire poverty with dysfunctional health care systems and extremely limited access to basic medical care. Against this complex background, this chapter examines the role of science and technology for disease control in the past and present and assesses the potential of the remarkable developments in the basic biomedical sciences for global health care.

MEDICINE BEFORE THE 20TH CENTURY From the earliest documentary evidence surviving from the ancient civilizations of Babylonia, China, Egypt, and India, it is clear that longevity, disease, and death are among humanity’s oldest preoccupations. From ancient times to the Renaissance, knowledge of the living world changed little, the distinction between animate and inanimate objects was blurred, and speculations about living things were based on prevailing ideas about the nature of matter. Advances in science and philosophy throughout the 16th and 17th centuries led to equally momentous changes in

medical sciences. The elegant anatomical dissections of Andreas Vesalius swept away centuries of misconceptions about the relationship between structure and function of the human body; the work of Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, and Robert Hooke disposed of the basic Aristotelian elements of earth, air, fire, and water; and Hooke, through his development of the microscope, showed a hitherto invisible world to explore. In 1628, William Harvey described the circulation of the blood, a discovery that, because it was based on careful experiments and measurement, signaled the beginnings of modern scientific medicine. After steady progress during the 18th century, the biological and medical sciences began to advance at a remarkable rate during the 19th century, which saw the genuine beginnings of modern scientific medicine. Charles Darwin changed the whole course of biological thinking, and Gregor Mendel laid the ground for the new science of genetics, which was used later to describe how Darwinian evolution came about. Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch founded modern microbiology, and Claude Bernard and his followers enunciated the seminal principle of the constancy of the internal environment of the body, a notion that profoundly influenced the development of physiology and biochemistry. With the birth of cell theory, modern pathology was established. These advances in the biological sciences were accompanied by practical developments at the bedside, including the invention of the stethoscope and an instrument for measuring blood pressure, the first use of x-rays, the development of anesthesia, and early attempts at the classification of psychiatric disease as well as a more humane approach to its management. The early development of the use of statistics for analyzing data obtained in medical practice also 119

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occurred in the 19th century, and the slow evolution of public health and preventive medicine began. Significant advances in public health occurred on both sides of the Atlantic. After the cholera epidemics of the mid 19th century, public health boards were established in many European and American cities. The Public Health Act, passed in the United Kingdom in 1848, provided for the improvement of streets, construction of drains and sewers, collection of refuse, and procurement of clean domestic water supplies. Equally important, the first attempts were made to record basic health statistics. For example, the first recorded figures for the United States showed that life expectancy at birth for those who lived in Massachusetts in 1870 was 43 years; the number of deaths per 1,000 live births in the same population was 188. At the same time, because it was becoming increasingly clear that communicable diseases were greatly depleting the workforce required to generate the potential rewards of colonization, considerable efforts were channeled into controlling infectious diseases, particularly hookworm and malaria, in many countries under colonial domination. However, until the 19th century, curative medical technology had little effect on the health of society, and many of the improvements over the centuries resulted from higher standards of living, improved nutrition, better hygiene, and other environmental modifications. The groundwork was laid for a dramatic change during the second half of the 20th century, although considerable controversy remains over how much we owe to the effect of scientific medicine and how much to continued improvements in our environment (Porter 1997). This balance between the potential of the basic biological sciences and simpler public health measures for affecting the health of our societies in both industrial and developing countries remains controversial and is one of the major issues to be faced by those who plan the development of health care services for the future.

SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND MEDICINE IN THE 20TH CENTURY Although rapid gains in life expectancy followed social change and public health measures, progress in the other medical sciences was slow during the first half of the 20th century, possibly because of the debilitating effect of two major world wars. The position changed dramatically after World War II, a time that many still believe was the period of major achievement in the biomedical sciences for improving the health of society. This section outlines some of these developments and the effect they have had on medical practice in both industrial and developing countries. More extensive treatments of this topic are available in several monographs (Cooter and Pickstone 2000; Porter 1997; Weatherall 1995).

Epidemiology and Public Health Modern epidemiology came into its own after World War II, when increasingly sophisticated statistical methods were first applied to the study of noninfectious disease to analyze the patterns and associations of diseases in large populations. The emergence of clinical epidemiology marked one of the most important successes of the medical sciences in the 20th century. Up to the 1950s, conditions such as heart attacks, stroke, cancer, and diabetes were bundled together as degenerative disorders, implying that they might be the natural result of wear and tear and the inevitable consequence of aging. However, information about their frequency and distribution, plus, in particular, the speed with which their frequency increased in association with environmental change, provided excellent evidence that many of them have a major environmental component. For example, death certificate rates for cancers of the stomach and lung rose so sharply between 1950 and 1973 that major environmental factors must have been at work generating these diseases in different populations. The first major success of clinical epidemiology was the demonstration of the relationship between cigarette smoking and lung cancer by Austin Bradford Hill and Richard Doll in the United Kingdom. This work was later replicated in many studies, currently, tobacco is estimated to cause about 8.8 percent of deaths (4.9 million) and 4.1 percent of disabilityadjusted life years (59.1 million) (WHO 2002c). Despite this information, the tobacco epidemic continues, with at least 1 million more deaths attributable to tobacco in 2000 than in 1990, mainly in developing countries. The application of epidemiological approaches to the study of large populations over a long period has provided further invaluable information about environmental factors and disease. One of the most thorough—involving the follow-up of more than 50,000 males in Framingham, Massachusetts— showed unequivocally that a number of factors seem to be linked with the likelihood of developing heart disease (Castelli and Anderson 1986). Such work led to the concept of risk factors, among them smoking, diet (especially the intake of animal fats), blood cholesterol levels, obesity, lack of exercise, and elevated blood pressure. The appreciation by epidemiologists that focusing attention on interventions against low risk factors that involve large numbers of people, as opposed to focusing on the small number of people at high risk, was an important advance. Later, it led to the definition of how important environmental agents may interact with one another—the increased risk of death from tuberculosis in smokers in India, for example. A substantial amount of work has gone into identifying risk factors for other diseases, such as hypertension, obesity and its accompaniments, and other forms of cancer. Risk factors defined in this way, and from similar analyses of the pathological

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role of environmental agents such as unsafe water, poor sanitation and hygiene, pollution, and others, form the basis of The World Health Report 2002 (WHO 2002c), which sets out a program for controlling disease globally by reducing 10 conditions: underweight status; unsafe sex; high blood pressure; tobacco consumption; alcohol consumption; unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene; iron deficiency; indoor smoke from solid fuels; high cholesterol; and obesity. These conditions are calculated to account for more than one-third of all deaths worldwide. The epidemiological approach has its limitations, however. Where risk factors seem likely to be heterogeneous or of only limited importance, even studies involving large populations continue to give equivocal or contradictory results. Furthermore, a major lack of understanding, on the part not just of the general public but also of those who administer health services, still exists about the precise meaning and interpretation of risk. The confusing messages have led to a certain amount of public cynicism about risk factors, thus diminishing the effect of information about those risk factors that have been established on a solid basis. Why so many people in both industrial and developing countries ignore risk factors that are based on solid data is still not clear; much remains to be learned about social, cultural, psychological, and ethnic differences with respect to education about important risk factors for disease. Finally, little work has been done regarding the perception of risk factors in the developing countries (WHO 2002c). A more recent development in the field of clinical epidemiology—one that may have major implications for developing countries—stems from the work of Barker (2001) and his colleagues, who obtained evidence suggesting that death rates from cardiovascular disease fell progressively with increasing birthweight, head circumference, and other measures of increased development at birth. Further work has suggested that the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes, which constitute part of the metabolic syndrome, is also associated with low birthweight. The notion that early fetal development may have important consequences for disease in later life is still under evaluation, but its implications, particularly for developing countries, may be far reaching. The other major development that arose from the application of statistics to medical research was the development of the randomized controlled trial. The principles of numerically based experimental design were set out in the 1920s by the geneticist Ronald Fisher and applied with increasing success after World War II, starting with the work of Hill, Doll, and Cochrane (see Chalmers 1993; Doll 1985). Variations on this theme have become central to every aspect of clinical research involving the assessment of different forms of treatment. More recently, this approach has been extended to provide broadscale research syntheses to help inform health care and research. Increasing the numbers of patients involved in trials and applying meta-analysis and electronic technology for

updating results have made it possible to provide broad-scale analyses combining the results of many different trials. Although meta-analysis has its problems—notably the lack of publication of negative trial data—and although many potential sources of bias exist in the reporting of clinical trials, these difficulties are gradually being addressed (Egger, Davey-Smith, and Altman 2001). More recent developments in this field come under the general heading of evidence-based medicine (EBM) (Sackett and others 1996). Although it is self-evident that the medical profession should base its work on the best available evidence, the rise of EBM as a way of thinking has been a valuable addition to the development of good clinical practice over the years. It covers certain skills that are not always self-evident, including finding and appraising evidence and, particularly, implementation—that is, actually getting research into practice. Its principles are equally germane to industrial and developing countries, and the skills required, particularly numerical, will have to become part of the education of physicians of the future. To this end, the EBM Toolbox was established (Web site: However, evidence for best practice obtained from large clinical trials may not always apply to particular patients; obtaining a balance between better EBM and the kind of individualized patient care that forms the basis for good clinical practice will be a major challenge for medical education. Partial Control of Infectious Disease. The control of communicable disease has been the major advance of the 20th century in scientific medicine. It reflects the combination of improved environmental conditions and public health together with the development of immunization, antimicrobial chemotherapy, and the increasing ability to identify new pathogenic organisms. Currently, live or killed viral or bacterial vaccines—or those based on bacterial polysaccharides or bacterial toxoids— are licensed for the control of 29 common communicable diseases worldwide. The highlight of the field was the eradication of smallpox by 1977. The next target of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the global eradication of poliomyelitis. In 1998, the disease was endemic in more than 125 countries. After a resurgence in 2002, when the number of cases rose to 1,918, the numbers dropped again in 2003 to 748; by March 2004, only 32 cases had been confirmed (Roberts 2004). The Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), launched in 1974, which has been taken up by many countries with slight modification, includes Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and oral polio vaccine at birth; diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis at 6, 10, and 14 weeks; measles; and, where relevant, yellow fever at 9 months. Hepatitis B is added at different times in different communities. By 1998, hepatitis B vaccine had been incorporated into the national programs of 90 countries, but an estimated 70 percent of the world’s hepatitis B carriers still live in Science and Technology for Disease Control: Past, Present, and Future | 121

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countries without programs (Nossal 1999). Indeed, among 12 million childhood deaths analyzed in 1998, almost 4 million were the result of diseases for which adequate vaccines are available (WHO 2002a). The development of sulfonamides and penicillin in the period preceding World War II was followed by a remarkable period of progress in the discovery of antimicrobial agents effective against bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and helminths. Overall, knowledge of the pharmacological mode of action of these agents is best established for antibacterial and antiviral drugs. Antibacterial agents may affect cell wall or protein synthesis, nucleic acid formation, or critical metabolic pathways. Because viruses live and replicate in host cells, antiviral chemotherapy has presented a much greater challenge. However, particularly with the challenge posed by HIV/AIDS, a wide range of antiviral agents has been developed, most of which are nucleoside analogues, nucleoside or nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, or protease inhibitors. Essentially, those agents interfere with critical self-copying or assembly functions of viruses or retroviruses. Knowledge of the modes of action of antifungal and antiparasitic agents is increasing as well. Resistance to antimicrobial agents has been recognized since the introduction of effective antibiotics; within a few years, penicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus became widespread and penicillin-susceptible strains are now very uncommon (Finch and Williams 1999). At least in part caused by the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in medical practice, animal husbandry, and agriculture, multiple-antibioticresistant bacteria are now widespread. Resistance to antiviral agents is also occurring with increasing frequency (Perrin and Telenti 1998), and drug resistance to malaria has gradually increased in frequency and distribution across continents (Noedl, Wongsrichanalai, and Wernsdorfer 2003). The critical issue of drug resistance to infectious agents is covered in detail in chapter 55. In summary, although the 20th century witnessed remarkable advances in the control of communicable disease, the current position is uncertain. The emergence of new infectious agents, as evidenced by the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic in 2002, is a reminder of the constant danger posed by the appearance of novel organisms; more than 30 new infective agents have been identified since 1970. Effective vaccines have not yet been developed for some of the most common infections—notably tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV—and rapidly increasing populations of organisms are resistant to antibacterial and antiviral agents. Furthermore, development of new antibiotics and effective antiviral agents with which to control such agents has declined. The indiscriminate use of antibiotics, both in the community and in the hospital populations of the industrial countries, has encouraged the emergence of resistance, a phenomenon exacerbated in some of the

developing countries by the use of single antimicrobial agents when combinations would have been less likely to produce resistant strains. Finally, public health measures have been hampered by the rapid movement of populations and by war, famine, and similar social disruptions in developing countries. In short, the war against communicable disease is far from over. Pathogenesis, Control, and Management of Noncommunicable Disease. The second half of the 20th century also yielded major advances in understanding pathophysiology and in managing many common noncommunicable diseases. This phase of development of the medical sciences has been characterized by a remarkable increase in the acquisition of knowledge about the biochemical and physiological basis of disease, information that, combined with some remarkable developments in the pharmaceutical industry, has led to a situation in which few noncommunicable diseases exist for which there is no treatment and many, although not curable, can be controlled over long periods of time. Many of these advances have stemmed from medical research rather than improved environmental conditions. In 1980, Beeson published an analysis of the changes that occurred in the management of important diseases between the years 1927 and 1975, based on a comparison of methods for treating these conditions in the 1st and 14th editions of a leading American medical textbook. He found that of 181 conditions for which little effective prevention or treatment had existed in 1927, at least 50 had been managed satisfactorily by 1975. Furthermore, most of these advances seem to have stemmed from the fruits of basic and clinical research directed at the understanding of disease mechanisms (Beeson 1980; Comroe and Dripps 1976). Modern cardiology is a good example of the evolution of scientific medicine. The major technical advances leading to a better appreciation of the physiology and pathology of the heart and circulation included studies of its electrical activity by electrocardiography; the ability to catheterize both sides of the heart; the development of echocardiography; and, more recently, the development of sophisticated ways of visualizing the heart by computerized axial tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance, and isotope scanning. These valuable tools and the development of specialized units to use them have led to a much better understanding of the physiology of the failing heart and of the effects of coronary artery disease and have revolutionized the management of congenital heart disease. Those advances have been backed by the development of effective drugs for the management of heart disease, including diuretics, beta-blockers, a wide variety of antihypertensive agents, calcium-channel blockers, and anticoagulants. By the late 1960s, surgical techniques were developed to relieve obstruction of the coronary arteries. Coronary bypass

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surgery and, later, balloon angioplasty became major tools. Progress also occurred in treatment of abnormalities of cardiac rhythm, both pharmacologically and by the implantation of artificial pacemakers. More recently, the development of microelectronic circuits has made it possible to construct implantable pacemakers. Following the success of renal transplantation, cardiac transplantation and, later, heart and lung transplantation also became feasible. Much of this work has been backed up by large-scale controlled clinical trials. These studies, for example, showed that the early use of clot-dissolving drugs together with aspirin had a major effect on reducing the likelihood of recurrences after an episode of myocardial infarction (figure 5.1). The large number of trials and observational studies of the effects of coronary bypass surgery and dilatation of the coronary arteries with balloons have given somewhat mixed results, although overall little doubt exists that, at least in some forms of coronary artery disease, surgery is able to reduce pain from angina and probably prolong life. Similar positive results have been obtained in trials that set out to evaluate the effect of the control of hypertension (Warrell and others 2003). The management of other chronic diseases, notably those of the gastrointestinal tract, lung, and blood has followed along similar lines. Advances in the understanding of their pathophysiology, combined with advances in analysis at the structural and biochemical levels, have enabled many of these diseases to be managed much more effectively. The pharmaceutical industry has helped enormously by developing agents

Percentage dead Routine hospital care alone 13% dead (568/4300) Aspirin only 10

Streptokinase only

Routine care  combination of both Streptokinase and Aspirin 8% dead (343/4292)


0 0


3 2 Weeks from starting treatment



Source: ISIS-2 Collaborative Group 1988 (with permission).

Figure 5.1 Effects of a One-hour Streptokinase Infusion Together with Aspirin for One Month on the 35-Day Mortality in the Second International Study of Infarct Survival Trial among 17,187 Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Who Would Not Normally Have Received Streptokinase or Aspirin, Divided at Random into Four Groups to Receive Aspirin Only, Streptokinase Only, Both, or Neither

such as the H2-receptor antagonists and a wide range of drugs directed at bronchospasm. There have been some surprises— the discovery that peptic ulceration is almost certainly caused by a bacterial agent has transformed the management of this disease, dramatically reducing the frequency of surgical intervention. Neurology has benefited greatly from modern diagnostic tools, while psychiatry, though little has been learned about the cause of the major psychoses, has also benefited enormously from the development of drugs for the control of both schizophrenia and the depressive disorders and from the emergence of cognitive-behavior therapy and dynamic psychotherapy. The second half of the 20th century has witnessed major progress in the diagnosis and management of cancer (reviewed by Souhami and others 2001). Again, this progress has followed from more sophisticated diagnostic technology combined with improvements in radiotherapy and the development of powerful anticancer drugs. This approach has led to remarkable improvements in the outlook for particular cancers, including childhood leukemia, some forms of lymphoma, testicular tumors, and—more recently—tumors of the breast. Progress in managing other cancers has been slower and reflects the results of more accurate staging and assessment of the extent and spread of the tumor; the management of many common cancers still remains unsatisfactory, however. Similarly, although much progress has been made toward the prevention of common cancers—cervix and breast, for example—by population screening programs, the cost-effectiveness of screening for other common cancers—prostate, for example—remains controversial. Many aspects of maternal and child health have improved significantly. A better understanding of the physiology and disorders of pregnancy together with improved prenatal care and obstetric skills has led to a steady reduction in maternal mortality. In an industrial country, few children now die of childhood infection; the major pediatric problems are genetic and congenital disorders, which account for about 40 percent of admissions in pediatric wards, and behavioral problems (Scriver and others 1973). Until the advent of the molecular era, little progress was made toward an understanding of the cause of these conditions. It is now known that a considerable proportion of cases of mental retardation result from definable chromosomal abnormalities or monogenic diseases, although at least 30 percent of cases remain unexplained. Major improvements have occurred in the surgical management of congenital malformation, but only limited progress has been made toward the treatment of genetic disease. Although a few factors, such as parental age and folate deficiency, have been incriminated, little is known about the reasons for the occurrence of congenital abnormalities. In summary, the development of scientific medical practice in the 20th century led to a much greater understanding Science and Technology for Disease Control: Past, Present, and Future | 123

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of deranged physiology and has enabled many of the common killers in Western society to be controlled, though few to be cured. However, although epidemiological studies of these conditions have defined a number of risk factors and although a great deal is understood about the pathophysiology of established disease, a major gap remains in our knowledge about how environmental factors actually cause these diseases at the cellular and molecular levels (Weatherall 1995). Consequences of the Demographic and Epidemiological Transitions of the 20th Century. The period of development of modern scientific medicine has been accompanied by major demographic change (Chen 1996; Feachem and others 1992). The results of increasing urbanization, war and political unrest, famine, massive population movements, and similar issues must have had a major effect on the health of communities during the 20th century, but there has been a steady fall in childhood mortality throughout the New World, Europe, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, and many parts of Asia during this period, although unfortunately there has been much less progress in many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. Although much of the improvement can be ascribed to improving public health and social conditions, the advent of scientific medicine—particularly the control of many infectious diseases of childhood—seems likely to be playing an increasingly important part in this epidemiological transition. Although surveys of the health of adults in the developing world carried out in the 1980s suggested that many people between the ages of 20 and 50 were still suffering mainly from diseases of poverty, many countries have now gone through an epidemiological transition such that the global pattern of disease will change dramatically by 2020, with cardiorespiratory disease, depression, and the results of accidents replacing communicable disease as their major health problems. Countries undergoing the epidemiological transition are increasingly caught between the two worlds of malnutrition and infectious disease on the one hand and the diseases of industrial countries, particularly cardiac disease, obesity, and diabetes, on the other. The increasing epidemic of tobaccorelated diseases in developing countries exacerbates this problem. The global epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes is a prime example of this problem (Alberti 2001). An estimated 150 million people are affected with diabetes worldwide, and that number is expected to double by 2025. Furthermore, diabetes is associated with greatly increased risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension; in some developing countries the rate of stroke is already four to five times that in industrial countries. These frightening figures raise the questions whether, when developing countries have gone through the epidemiological transition, they may face the same pattern of diseases that are affecting industrial countries and whether

such diseases may occur much more frequently and be more difficult to control. Partly because of advances in scientific medicine, industrial countries have to face another large drain on health resources in the new millennium (Olshansky, Carnes, and Cassel 1990). In the United Kingdom, for example, between 1981 and 1989, the number of people ages 75 to 84 rose by 16 percent, and that of people age 85 and over by 39 percent; the current population of males age 85 or over is expected to reach nearly 0.5 million by 2026, at which time close to 1 million females will be in this age group. Those figures reflect the situation for many industrial countries, and a similar trend will occur in every country that passes through the epidemiological transition. Although data about the quality of life of the aged are limited, studies such as the 1986 General Household Survey in the United States indicate that restricted activity per year among people over the age of 65 was 43 days in men and 53 days in women; those data say little about the loneliness and isolation of old age. It is estimated that 20 percent of all people over age 80 will suffer from some degree of dementia, a loss of intellectual function sufficient to render it impossible for them to care for themselves. Scientific medicine in the 20th century has provided highly effective technology for partially correcting the diseases of aging while, at the same time, making little progress toward understanding the biological basis of the aging process. Furthermore, the problems of aging and its effect on health care have received little attention from the international public health community; these problems are not restricted to industrial countries but are becoming increasingly important in middle-income and, to a lesser extent, some low-income countries. Although dire poverty is self-evident as one of the major causes of ill health in developing countries, this phenomenon is emphatically not confined to those populations. For example, in the United Kingdom, where health care is available to all through a government health service, a major discrepancy in morbidity and mortality exists between different social classes (Black 1980). Clearly this phenomenon is not related to the accessibility of care, and more detailed analyses indicate that it cannot be ascribed wholly to different exposure to risk factors. Undoubtedly social strain, isolation, mild depression, and lack of social support play a role. However, the reasons for these important discrepancies, which occur in every industrial country, remain unclear. Economic Consequences of High-Technology Medicine The current high-technology medical practice based on modern scientific medicine must steadily increase health expenditures. Regardless of the mechanisms for the provision of health care, its spiraling costs caused by ever more sophisticated technology and the ability to control most chronic illnesses, combined with greater public awareness and demand for

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medical care, are resulting in a situation in which most industrial countries are finding it impossible to control the costs of providing health care services. The U.K. National Health Service (NHS) offers an interesting example of the steady switch to high-technology hospital practice since its inception 50 years ago (Webster 1998). Over that period, the NHS’s overall expenditure on health has increased fivefold, even though health expenditure in the United Kingdom absorbs a smaller proportion of gross domestic product than in many neighboring European countries. At the start of the NHS, 48,000 doctors were practicing in the United Kingdom; by 1995 there were 106,845, of whom 61,050 were in hospital practice and 34,594 in general (primary care) practice. Although the number of hospital beds halved over the first 50 years of the NHS, the throughput of the hospital service increased from 3 million to 10 million inpatients per year, over a time when the general population growth was only 19 percent. Similarly, outpatient activity doubled, and total outpatient visits grew from 26 million to 40 million. Because many industrial countries do not have the kind of primary care referral program that is traditional in the United Kingdom, this large skew toward hospital medicine seems likely to be even greater. The same trends are clearly shown in countries such as Malaysia, which have been rapidly passing through the epidemiological transition and in which health care is provided on a mixed public-private basis. In Malaysia, hospitalization rates have steadily increased since the 1970s, reflecting that use is slowly outstripping population growth. The number of private hospitals and institutions rose phenomenally—more than 300 percent—in the same period. In 1996, the second National Health and Morbidity Survey in Malaysia showed that the median charge per day in private hospitals was 100 times higher than that in Ministry of Health hospitals. Those figures reflect, at least in part, the acquisition of expensive medical technology that in some cases has led to inefficient use of societal resources. As in many countries, the Malaysian government has now established a Health Technology Assessment Unit to provide a mechanism for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of new technology. Those brief examples of the effect of high-technology practice against completely different backgrounds of the provision of health care reflect the emerging pattern of medical practice in the 20th century. In particular, they emphasize how the rapid developments in high-technology medical practice and the huge costs that have accrued may have dwarfed expenditure on preventive medicine, certainly in some industrial countries and others that have gone through the epidemiological transition. A central question for medical research and health care planning is whether the reduction in exposure to risk factors that is the current top priority for the control of common diseases in both industrial and developing countries will have a major effect on this continuing rise of high-technology hospi-

tal medical practice. The potential of this approach has been discussed in detail recently (WHO 2002c). Although the claims for the benefits of reducing either single or multiple risk factors are impressive, no way exists of knowing to what extent they are attainable. Furthermore, if, as seems likely, they will reduce morbidity and mortality in middle life, what of later? The WHO report admits that it has ignored the problem of competing risks—that is, somebody saved from a stroke in 2001 is then “available” to die from other diseases in ensuing years. Solid information about the role of risk factors exists only for a limited number of noncommunicable diseases; little is known about musculoskeletal disease, the major psychoses, dementia, and many other major causes of morbidity and mortality. The problems of health care systems and improving performance in health care delivery have been reviewed in World Health Report 2000—Health Systems: Improving Performance (WHO 2000). Relating different systems of health care to outcomes is extremely complex, but this report emphasizes the critical nature of research directed at health care delivery. As a response to the spiraling costs of health care, many governments are introducing repeated reforms of their health care programs without pilot studies or any other scientific indication for their likely success. This vital area of medical research has tended to be neglected in many countries over the later years of the 20th century.

Summary of Scientific Medicine in the 20th Century The two major achievements of scientific medicine in the 20th century—the development of clinical epidemiology and the partial control of infectious disease—have made only a limited contribution to the health of developing countries. Although in part this limited effect is simply a reflection of poverty and dysfunctional health care systems, it is not the whole story. As exemplified by the fact that of 1,233 new drugs that were marketed between 1975 and 1999, only 13 were approved specifically for tropical diseases, the problem goes much deeper, reflecting neglect by industrial countries of the specific medical problems of developing countries. For those countries that have gone through the epidemiological transition and for industrial countries, the central problem is quite different. Although the application of public health measures for the control of risk factors appears to have made a major effect on the frequency of some major killers, those gains have been balanced by an increase in the frequency of other common chronic diseases and the problems of an increasingly elderly population. At the same time, remarkable developments in scientific medicine have allowed industrial countries to develop an increasingly effective high-technology, patch-up form of medical practice. None of these countries has worked out a way to control the spiraling costs of health care, and because of their increasing aged populations, little sign exists Science and Technology for Disease Control: Past, Present, and Future | 125

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that things will improve. Although some of the diseases that produce this enormous burden may be at least partially preventable by the more effective control of risk factors, to what extent such control will be achievable is unclear, and for many diseases these factors have not been identified. In short, scientific medicine in the 20th century, for all its successes, has left a major gap in the understanding of the pathogenesis of disease between the action of environmental risk factors and the basic disease processes that follow from exposure to them and that produce the now well-defined deranged physiology that characterizes them. These problems are reflected, at least in some countries, by increasing public disillusion with conventional medical practice that is rooted in the belief that if modern medicine could control infectious diseases, then it would be equally effective in managing the more chronic diseases that took their place. When this improvement did not happen—and when a mood of increasing frustration about what medicine could achieve had developed—a natural move occurred toward trying to find an alternative answer to these problems. Hence, many countries have seen a major migration toward complementary medicine. It is against this rather uncertain background that the role of science and technology for medical care in the future has to be examined.

SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND MEDICINE IN THE FUTURE Before considering the remarkable potential of recent developments in basic biological research for improvements in health care, we must define priorities for their application.

between different socioeconomic groups in many industrial countries and to define the most effective approaches to educating the public about the whole concept of risk and what is meant by risk factors. In addition, a great deal more work is required on mechanisms for assessing overall performance of health care systems. The third priority must be to focus research on the important diseases that the biomedical sciences have yet to control, including common communicable diseases such as malaria, AIDS, and tuberculosis; cardiovascular disease; many forms of cancer; all varieties of diabetes; musculoskeletal disease; the major psychoses; and the dementias. Of equal importance is gaining a better understanding of both the biology and pathophysiology of aging, together with trying to define its social and cultural aspects. In the fields of child and maternal health, the requirements for research differ widely in industrial and developing countries. Industrial countries need more research into the mechanisms of congenital malformation and the better control and treatment of monogenic disease and behavioral disorders of childhood. In developing countries, both child and maternal health pose different problems, mainly relating to health education and the control of communicable disease and nutrition. In many developing countries, some of the common monogenic diseases, notably the hemoglobin disorders, also require urgent attention. In short, our priorities for health care research come under two main heads: first, apply knowledge that we already have more effectively; second, apply a multidisciplinary attack on diseases about which we have little or no understanding. These issues are developed further in chapter 4.

New Technologies Priorities for Biomedical Research in the Future In the setting of priorities for biomedical research in the future, the central objective is to restore the balance of research between industrial and developing countries so that a far greater proportion is directed at the needs of the latter. In the 1990s, it was estimated that even though 85 percent of the global burden of disability and premature mortality occurs in the developing world, less than 4 percent of global research funding was devoted to communicable, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional disorders that constitute the major burden of disease in developing countries (WHO 2002b). The second priority is to analyze in much more detail methods of delivery of those aspects of health care that have already been shown to be both clinically effective and cost-effective. It is vital that the delivery of health care be based on welldesigned, evidence-based pilot studies rather than on current fashion or political guesswork. It is essential to understand why there are such wide discrepancies in morbidity and mortality

The sections that follow briefly outline some examples of the new technologies that should help achieve these aims. Genomics, Proteomics, and Cell Biology. Without question the fields of molecular and cell biology were the major developments in the biological sciences in the second half of the 20th century. The announcement of the partial completion of the human genome project in 2001 was accompanied by claims that knowledge gained from this field would revolutionize medical practice over the next 20 years. After further reflection, some doubts have been raised about this claim, not in the least the time involved; nevertheless, considerable reason for optimism still exists. Although the majority of common diseases clearly do not result from the dysfunction of a single gene, most diseases can ultimately be defined at the biochemical level; because genes regulate an organism’s biochemical pathways, their study must ultimately tell us a great deal about pathological mechanisms.

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The genome project is not restricted to the human genome but encompasses many infectious agents, animals that are extremely valuable models of human disease, disease vectors, and a wide variety of plants. However, obtaining a complete nucleotide sequence is one thing; working out the regulation and function of all the genes that it contains and how they interact with each other at the level of cells and complete organisms presents a much greater challenge. The human genome, for example, will require the identification and determination of the function of the protein products of 25,000 genes (proteomics) and the mechanisms whereby genes are maintained in active or inactive states during development (methylomics). It will also involve the exploration of the roles of the family of regulatory ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules that have been discovered recently (Mattick 2003). All this information will have to be integrated by developments in information technology and systems biology. These tasks may take the rest of this century to carry out. In the process, however, valuable fallout from this field is likely to occur for a wide variety of medical applications. Many of these are outlined in a recent WHO report, Genomics and World Health 2002 (WHO 2002a). The first applications of DNA technology in clinical practice were for isolating the genes for monogenic diseases. Either by using the candidate gene approach or by using DNA markers for linkage studies, researchers have defined the genes for many monogenic diseases. This information is being used in clinical practice for carrier detection, for prenatal diagnosis, and for defining of the mechanisms of phenotypic variability. It has been particularly successful in the case of the commonest monogenic diseases, the inherited disorders of hemoglobin, which affect hundreds of thousands of children in developing countries (Weatherall and Clegg 2001a, 2001b). Through North-South collaborations, it has been possible to set up screening and prenatal diagnosis programs for these conditions in many countries, resulting in a marked decline in their frequency, particularly in Mediterranean populations (figure 5.2). Gene therapy, that is, the specific correction of monogenic diseases, has been fraught with difficulties, but these are slowly being overcome and this approach seems likely to be successful for at least some genetic diseases in the future. From the global perspective, one of the most exciting prospects for the medical applications of DNA technology is in the field of communicable disease. Remarkable progress has been made in sequencing the genomes of bacteria, viruses, and other infective agents, and it will not be long before the genome sequence of most of the major infectious agents is available. Information obtained in this way should provide opportunities for the development of new forms of chemotherapy (Joët and others 2003) and will be a major aid to vaccine development (Letvin, Bloom, and Hoffman 2001). In the latter case, DNA technology will be combined with studies of the basic immune mechanisms involved in individual infections in an attempt to

Expected % of births with thalassemia major 100 90 80 United Kingdom

70 60



Sardinia 40 Cyprus

30 20 Ferrara

10 0 1970




1978 Year




Source: Modified from Modell and Bulyzhenkov (1998, 244).

Figure 5.2 Decline in Serious Forms of Thalassemia in Different Populations after the Initiation of Prenatal Diagnosis in 1972 Following the Development of North-South Partnerships.

find the most effective and economic approach. Recombinant DNA technology was used years ago to produce pure antigens of hepatitis B in other organisms for the development of safe vaccines. More recently, and with knowledge obtained from the various genome projects, interest has centered on the utility of DNA itself as a vaccine antigen. This interest is based on the chance observation that the direct injection of DNA into mammalian cells could induce them to manufacture—that is, to express—the protein encoded by a particular gene that had been injected. Early experiences have been disappointing, but a variety of techniques are being developed to improve the antigens of potential DNA-based vaccines. The clinical applications of genomics for the control of communicable disease are not restricted to infective agents. Recently, the mosquito genome was sequenced, leading to the notion that it may be possible to genetically engineer disease vectors to make them unable to transmit particular organisms (Land 2003). A great deal is also being learned about genetic resistance to particular infections in human beings (Weatherall and Clegg 2002), information that will become increasingly important when potential vaccines go to trial in populations with a high frequency of genetically resistant individuals. The other extremely important application of DNA technology for the control of communicable disease—one of particular importance to developing countries—is its increasing place in diagnostics. Rapid diagnostic methods are being developed that are based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique to identify pathogen sequences in blood or tissues. These approaches are being further refined for identifying Science and Technology for Disease Control: Past, Present, and Future | 127

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Box 5.1

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: The Path from Basic Science to the Clinic 1960 An abnormal chromosome, named the Philadelphia chromosome, was found in the white cells of most patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). 1973 By the use of specific dyes to label chromosomes, notably quinocrine fluorescence and Giemsa staining, the Philadelphia chromosome was found to be the result of a translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22: t(9:22)(q34:q11). 1983 It was found that the translocation that causes the Philadelphia chromosome juxtaposes the c-abl oncogene from chromosome 9 with a breakpoint cluster (bcr) region on chromosome 22, resulting in an abnormal bcr/abl gene. The product of this gene, an abnormal tyrosine kinase, has increased tyrosine kinase activity compared with the product of the normal c-abl gene, a major fact in causing the uncontrolled white cell proliferation characteristic of CML. 1996 A selective inhibitor of the abnormal tyrosine kinase produced by the bcr/abl gene product was developed that

results in a high remission rate in patients with CML and other tumors. A major advance in the understanding of the mechanisms of malignant transformation followed the discovery that many forms of cancer result from the acquisition of mutations in cellular oncogenes—that is, normal housekeeping genes of cells that are involved in a variety of regulatory functions. In some cases, we may be born with a mutation of this kind, but the vast majority of cancers seem to be attributable to acquired mutations involving one or more oncogenes. The discovery of a drug that was able to interfere specifically with the activity of the product of an abnormal oncogene was a major advance in oncology, offering the hope that future research will make it possible to tailor-make agents directed at abnormal oncogene activity for the treatment of cancer.

Source: Bartram and others 1983; Druker and others 1996; Klein and others 1982; Nowell and Hungerford 1960; Rowley 1973.

organisms that exhibit drug resistance and also for subtyping many classes of bacteria and viruses. Although much remains to be learned about the cost-effectiveness of these approaches compared with more conventional diagnostic procedures, some promising results have already been obtained, particularly for identification of organisms that are difficult to grow or in cases that require a very early diagnosis (Harris and Tanner 2000). This type of technology is being widely applied for the identification of new organisms and is gaining a place in monitoring vaccine trials (Felger and others 2003). The remarkable speed with which a new corona virus and its different subtypes were identified as the causative agent of SARS and the way this information could be applied to tracing the putative origins of the infection are an example of the power of this technology (Ruan and others 2003). Genomics is likely to play an increasingly important role in the control and management of cancer (Livingston and Shivdasani 2001). It is now well established that malignant transformation of cell populations usually results from acquired mutations in two main classes of genes: • First are oncogenes—genes that are involved in the major regulatory processes whereby cells interact with one

another, respond to environmental signals, regulate how and when they will divide, and control the other intricate processes of cell biology (box 5.1). • Second are tumor suppressor genes; loss of function by mutation may lead to a neoplastic phenotype. In the rare familial cancers, individuals are born with one defective gene of this type, but in the vast majority of cases, cancer seems to result from the acquisition during a person’s lifetime of one or more mutations of oncogenes. For example, in the case of the common colon cancers, perhaps up to six different mutations are required to produce a metastasizing tumor. The likelihood of the occurrence of these mutations is increased by the action of environmental or endogenous carcinogens. Array technology, which examines the pattern of expression of many different genes at the same time, is already providing valuable prognostic data for cancers of the breast, blood, and lymphatic system. This technology will become an integral part of diagnostic pathology in the future, and genomic approaches to the early diagnosis of cancer and to the identification of high-risk individuals will become part of clinical practice. It is also becoming possible to interfere with the function or

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products of oncogenes as a more direct approach to the treatment of cancer (box 5.1), although early experience indicates that drug resistance may be caused by mutation, as it is in more conventional forms of cancer therapy. The genomic approach to the study of common diseases of middle life—coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, and the major psychoses, for example—has been widely publicized (Collins and McKusick 2001). Except in rare cases, none of them is caused by a defective single gene; rather, they appear to be the result of multiple environmental factors combined with variation in individual susceptibility attributable to the action of several different genes. The hope is that if these susceptibility genes can be identified, an analysis of their products will lead to a better understanding of the pathology of these diseases and will offer the possibility of producing more definitive therapeutic agents. Better still, this research could provide the opportunity to focus public health measures for prevention on genetically defined subsets of populations. Pharmacogenomics is another potential development from the genomics revolution (Bumol and Watanabe 2001) (table 5.1). Considerable individual variability exists in the metabolism of drugs; hence, clinical medicine could reach a stage at which every person’s genetic profile for the metabolism of common drugs will be worked out and become part of their physicians’ toolkit. This information will also be of considerable value to the pharmaceutical industry for designing more effective and safer therapeutic agents. A word of caution is necessary: Although well-defined genetic variation is responsible for unwanted side effects of drugs, this information is still rarely used in clinical practice; a possible exception is screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency for primaquine sensitivity, though the costs preclude its application in many developing countries. Furthermore, plasma levels after the administration of most common drugs follow a normal distribution, indicating that if genetic variation exists, a number of different genes must be involved. Hence, although the idea of all people having their genetic profile for handling drugs as part of their standard medical care will take a long time to achieve, if it ever happens, no doubt exists that this field will gradually impinge on medical research and clinical practice. Many other potential applications of genomic research for medical practice wait to be developed. The role of DNA array technology for the analysis of gene expression in tumors has already been mentioned. Advances in bioengineering, with the development of biomicroelectromechanical systems, microlevel pumping, and reaction circuit systems, will revolutionize chip technology and enable routine analysis of thousands of molecules simultaneously from a single sample (Griffith and Grodzinsky 2001), with application in many other fields of research. Although somatic cell gene therapy—that is, the correction of genetic diseases by direct attack on the defective

Table 5.1 Pharmacogenomics Gene


Clinical consequence


Isoniazid, hydralazine, procainamide, sulfonamides

Neuropathy, lupus erythematosus


Beta-blockers, antidepressants, codeine, debrisoquine, antipsychotics, many others

Arrhythmias, dyskinesia with antipsychotics, narcotic effects, changes in efficacy, many others


Tolbutamide, phenytoin, nonsteroidal antiinflammatories

Anticoagulant effects of warfarin modified


Halothane and other anesthetics

Malignant hyperthermia

Drug metabolism

Protection against oxidants G6PD

Primaquine, sulfonamides, acetanilide, others

Hemolytic anemia


Captopril, enalapril

Modified response to treatment of cardiac failure, hypertension, renal disease



Cardiac arrhythmia (long Q–T syndrome)



Drug-induced arrhythmia

Drug targets

Source: Modified from Evans and Relling (Science 286: 487 [2001], as quoted in WHO 2002a). Note: Table shows examples of genetic polymorphisms that cause unwanted effects of drugs or modification of response. Currently, arrays are being developed for the rapid identification of families of polymorphisms related to infection-defense genotypes, drug-metabolism genotypes, and many others. Although many polymorphisms associated with variations to drug response or toxicity have been defined, the bulk of variation of response to drugs follows a multifactorial pattern of inheritance. The examples shown are as follows: NAT-2  N-acetyltransferase; CYP  cytochrome P450; RYR-1  ryanidine receptor; G6PD  Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; and ACE  angiotensin-converting enzyme. HERG and HKCNE2 are potassium channels.

gene—has gone through long periods of slow progress and many setbacks, the signs are that it will be successful for at least a limited number of monogenic diseases in the long term (Kaji and Leiden 2001). It is also likely to play a role for shorter-term objectives—in the management of coronary artery disease and some forms of cancer, for example. DNA technology has already revolutionized forensic medicine and will play an increasingly important role in this field. Although it is too early to assess to what extent the application of DNA technology to the studies of the biology of aging will produce information of clinical value, considering the massive problem of our aging populations and the contribution of the aging process to their illnesses, expanding work in this field is vital. Current work in the field of evolution using DNA technology seems a long way from clinical practice; however, it has considerable possibilities for helping us understand the lack of Science and Technology for Disease Control: Past, Present, and Future | 129

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adaptation of present day communities to the new environments that they have created.

intractable human diseases, particularly those involving the nervous system (Institute of Medicine 2002).

Stem Cell and Organ Therapy. Stem cell therapy, or, to use its more popular if entirely inappropriate title, therapeutic cloning, is an area of research in cellular biology that is raising great expectations and bitter controversies. Transplant surgery has its limitations, and the possibility of a ready supply of cells to replace diseased tissues, even parts of the brain, is particularly exciting. Stem cells can be obtained from early embryos, from some adult and fetal tissues, and (at least theoretically) from other adult cells. Embryonic stem cells, which retain the greatest plasticity, are present at an early stage of the developing embryo, from about the fourth to seventh day after fertilization. Although some progress has been made in persuading them to produce specific cell types, much of the potential for this field so far has come from similar studies of mouse embryonic stem cells. For example, mouse stem cells have been transplanted into mice with a similar condition to human Parkinson’s disease with some therapeutic success, and they have also been used to try to restore neural function after spinal cord injuries. Many adult tissues retain stem cell populations. Bone marrow transplantation has been applied to the treatment of a wide range of blood diseases, and human marrow clearly contains stem cells capable of differentiating into the full complement of cell types found in the blood. Preliminary evidence indicates that they can also differentiate into other cell types if given the appropriate environment; they may, for example, be a source of heart muscle or blood vessel cell populations. Although stem cells have also been found in brain, muscle, skin, and other organs in the mouse, research into characterizing similar cell populations from humans is still at a very early stage. One of the major obstacles to stem cell therapy with cells derived from embryos or adult sources is that, unless they come from a compatible donor, they may be treated as “foreign” and rejected by a patient’s immune system. Thus, much research is directed at trying to transfer cell nuclei from adult sources into an egg from which the nucleus has been removed, after which the newly created “embryo” would be used as a source of embryonic stem cells for regenerative therapy for the particular donor of the adult cells. Because this technique, called somatic cell nuclear transfer, follows similar lines to those that would be required for human reproductive cloning, this field has raised a number of controversies. Major ethical issues have also been raised because, to learn more about the regulation of differentiation of cells of this type, a great deal of work needs to be carried out on human embryonic stem cells. If some of the formidable technical problems of this field can be overcome and, even more important, if society is able to come to terms with the ethical issues involved, this field holds considerable promise for correction of a number of different

Information Technology. The explosion in information technology has important implications for all forms of biomedical research, clinical practice, and teaching. The admirable desire on the part of publicly funded groups in the genomics field to make their data available to the scientific community at large is of enormous value for the medical application of genomic research. This goal has been achieved by the trio of public databases established in Europe, the United States, and Japan (European Bioinformatics Institute, GenBank, and DNA Data Bank of Japan, respectively). The entire data set is securely held in triplicate on three continents. The continued development and expansion of accessible databases will be of inestimable value to scientists, in both industrial and developing countries. Electronic publishing of high-quality journals and related projects and the further development of telepathology will help link scientists in industrial and developing countries. The increasing availability of telemedicine education packages will help disseminate good practices. Realizing even these few examples of the huge potential of this field will require a major drive to train and recruit young information technology scientists, particularly in developing countries, and the financial support to obtain the basic equipment required. Minimally Invasive Diagnostics and Surgery: Changes in Hospital Practice. Given the spiraling costs of hospital care in industrial countries and the likelihood of similar problems for developing countries in the future, reviewing aspects of diagnostics and treatment that may help reduce these costs in the future is important. Changes in clinical practice in the latter half of the 20th century have already made some headway on this problem. In the U.K. NHS, the number of hospital beds occupied daily halved between 1950 and 1990 even though the throughput of the service, after allowance for change of definition, increased from 3 million to 10 million inpatients per year. Remarkably, by 1996, of 11.3 million finished consultant episodes, 22 percent were single-day cases. How can this efficient trend be continued? A major development with this potential is the application of minimally invasive and robotic surgery (Mack 2001). Advances in imaging, endoscopic technology, and instrumentation have made it possible to convert many surgical procedures from an open to an endoscopic route. These procedures are now used routinely for gall bladder surgery, treatment of adhesions, removal of fibroids, nephrectomy, and many minor pediatric urological procedures. The recent announcement of successful hip replacement surgery using an endoscopic approach offers an outstanding example of its future potential. Although progress has been slower, a number of promising approaches exist for the use of these techniques in cardiac surgery and for their augmentation by

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the introduction of robotics into surgical practice. Transplant surgery will also become more efficient by advances in the development of selective immune tolerance (Niklason and Langer 2001). These trends, and those in many other branches of medicine, will be greatly augmented by advances in biomedical imaging (Tempany and McNeil 2001). Major progress has already been made in the development of noninvasive diagnostic methods by the use of MRI, computer tomography, positron imaging tomography, and improved ultrasonography. Imageguided therapy and related noninvasive treatment methods are also showing considerable promise. Human Development and Child and Maternal Health. Among the future developments in molecular and cell biology, a better understanding of the mechanisms of human development and the evolution of functions of the nervous system offer some of the most exciting, if distant, prospects (Goldenberg and Jobe 2001). In the long term, this field may well have important implications for reproductive health and birth outcomes. The role of a better understanding of the monogenic causes of congenital malformation and mental retardation was mentioned earlier in this chapter. Already thoughts are turning to the possibility of the isolation and clinical use of factors that promote plasticity of brain development, and specific modulators of lung and gut development are predicted to start to play an increasing role in obstetric practice. A better understanding of the mechanisms leading to vasoconstriction and vascular damage as a cause of preeclampsia has the potential for reducing its frequency and thus for allowing better management of this common condition. Similarly, an increasing appreciation of the different genetic and metabolic pathways that are involved in spontaneous preterm births should lead to effective prevention and treatment, targeting specific components of these pathways and leading to reduction in the frequency of premature births. An increasing knowledge of the mode of action of different growth factors and promoters of gut function will enhance growth and development of preterm infants. Neuropsychiatry. Particularly because depression and related psychiatric conditions are predicted to be a major cause of ill health by 2020 and because of the increasing problem of dementia in the elderly, neuropsychiatry will be of increasing importance in the future (Cowan and Kandel 2001). Developments in the basic biomedical sciences will play a major role in the better diagnosis and management of these disorders. Furthermore, the application of new technologies promises to lead to increasing cooperation between neurology and psychiatry, especially for the treatment of illnesses such as mental retardation and cognitive disorders associated with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases that overlap the two disciplines.

The increasing application of functional imaging, together with a better understanding of biochemical function in the brain, is likely to lead to major advances in our understanding of many neuropsychiatric disorders and, hence, provide opportunities for their better management. Early experience with fetally derived dopaminergic neurons to treat parkinsonism has already proved to be successful in some patients and has raised the possibility that genetically manipulated stem cell treatment for this and other chronic neurological disorders may become a reality. Promising methods are being developed for limiting brain damage after stroke, and there is increasing optimism in the field of neuronal repair based on the identification of brain-derived neuronotrophic growth factors. Similarly, a combination of molecular genetic and immunological approaches is aiding progress toward an understanding of common demyelinating diseases—notably multiple sclerosis. Strong evidence exists for a major genetic component to the common psychotic illnesses—notably bipolar depression and schizophrenia. Total genome searches should identify some of the genes involved. Although progress has been slow, there are reasonable expectations for success. If some of these genes can be identified, they should provide targets for completely new approaches to the management of these diseases by the pharmaceutical industry. Recent successes in discovering the genes involved in such critical functions as speech indicate the extraordinary potential of this field. Similarly, lessons learned from the identification of the several genes involved in familial forms of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease have provided invaluable information about some of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved, work that is having a major effect on studies directed at the pathophysiology and management of the much commoner forms of the disease that occur with increasing frequency in aged populations. Nutrition and Genetically Modified Crops. By 2030, the world’s population is likely to increase by approximately 2.5 billion people, with much of this projected growth occurring in developing countries. As a consequence, food requirements are expected to double by 2025. However, the annual rate of increase in cereal production has declined; the present yield is well below the rate of population increase. About 40 percent of potential productivity in parts of Africa and Asia and about 20 percent in the industrial world are estimated to be lost to pathogens. Given these considerations, the genetic modification (GM) of plants has considerable potential for improving the world’s food supplies and, hence, the health of its communities. The main aims of GM plant technologies are to enhance the nutritional value of crop species and to confer resistance to pathogens. GM technology has already recorded several successes in both these objectives. Science and Technology for Disease Control: Past, Present, and Future | 131

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Controversy surrounds the relative effectiveness of GM crops as compared with those produced by conventional means, particularly with respect to economic issues of farming in the developing world. Concerns are also expressed about the safety of GM crops, and a great deal more research is required in this field. The results of biosafety trials in Europe raise some issues about the effects of GM on biodiversity (Giles 2003). Plant genetics also has more direct potential for the control of disease in humans. By genetically modifying plants, researchers hope it will be possible to produce molecules toxic to disease-carrying insects and to produce edible vaccines that are cheaper than conventional vaccines and that can be grown or freeze dried and shipped anywhere in the world. A promising example is the production of hepatitis B surface antigen in transgenic plants for oral immunization. Work is also well advanced for the production of other vaccines by this approach (WHO 2002a). Social and Behavioral Sciences, Health Systems, and Health Economics. As well as the mainstream biomedical sciences, research into providing health care for the future will require a major input from the social and behavioral sciences and health economics. These issues are discussed in more detail in chapter 4. The World Health Report 2002 (WHO 2002c) emphasizes the major gaps in public perception of what is meant by health and, in particular, risk factors, in both industrial and developing countries. Epidemiological studies have indicated that morbidity and mortality may be delayed among populations that are socially integrated. Increasing evidence of this kind underlines the importance of psychosocial factors in the development of a more positive approach to human health, clearly a valuable new direction for research on the part of the social sciences. Neither developing nor industrial countries have come to grips with the problems of the organization and delivery of health care. Learning more about how to build effective health delivery strategies for developing countries is vital. Similarly, the continuous reorganization of the U.K. NHS, based on short-term political motivation and rarely on carefully designed pilot studies, is a good example of the requirement for research into the optimal approaches to the provision of health care in industrial countries. Indeed, across the entire field of health provision and the education of health care professionals, an urgent requirement exists for research into both methodology and, in particular, development of more robust endpoints for its assessment. Similar problems exist with respect to research in health economics. Many of the parameters for assessing the burden of disease and the cost-effectiveness of different parameters for the provision of health care are still extremely crude and controversial, and they require a great deal more research and

development. These problems are particularly relevant to the health problems of the developing countries. One of the main barriers to progress in these fields is the relative isolation of the social sciences and health care economics from the mainstreams of medical research and practice. Better integration of these fields will be a major challenge for universities and national and international health care agencies.

Integration of the Medical Sciences: Organizational Priorities for the Future From these brief examples of the likely direction of biomedical research in the future, some tentative conclusions can be drawn about its effects on the pattern of global health care. The control of communicable disease will remain the top priority. Although this goal can be achieved in part by improving nutrition and sanitation and applying related public health measures in developing countries, the search for vaccines or better chemotherapeutic agents must also remain a high priority. However, although optimism that new vaccines will become available is well founded, many uncertainties still exist, particularly in the case of biologically complex diseases like malaria. It is vital that a balance be struck between the basic biomedical science approach and the continued application of methods to control these diseases by more conventional and well-tried methods. For the bulk of common noncommunicable diseases, the situation is even less clear. Although much more humane, costeffective, and clinically effective approaches to their management seem certain to be developed, mainly by high-technology and expensive procedures, the position regarding prevention and a definitive cure is much less certain. Hence, the program for reducing risk factors, as outlined in the World Health Report 2002 (WHO 2002c), clearly should be followed. However, a strong case exists for a partnership of the public health, epidemiological, and genomic sciences to develop pilot studies to define whether focusing these programs on high-risk subsets of populations will be both cost-effective and more efficient. For those many chronic diseases for which no risk factors have been defined, strategies of the same type should be established to define potential environmental factors that may be involved. Although surprises may arise along the way, such as the discovery of the infective basis for peptic ulceration, the multilayered environmental and genetic complexity of these diseases, combined with the ill-understood effects of aging, suggests that no quick or easy answers to these problems will present themselves; future planning for global health services must take this factor into consideration. Given these uncertainties, an important place exists for the involvement and integration of the social sciences and health economics into future planning for biomedical research. Major gaps in knowledge about public perceptions and

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understanding of risk factors, a lack of information about the social and medical problems of aging populations, and widespread uncertainty about the most cost-effective and efficient ways of administering health care—both in developing countries and in those that have gone through the epidemiological transition and already have advanced health care systems—still exist. In short, the emerging picture shows reasonable grounds for optimism that better and more definitive ways of preventing or curing communicable diseases will gradually become available; only the time frame is uncertain. Although there will be major improvements in management based on extensive and increasingly high-technology practice, the outlook for the prevention and definitive cure of the bulk of noncommunicable diseases is much less certain. Hence, it is vital that research in the basic biomedical sciences be directed at both the cause and the prevention of noncommunicable diseases, and that work in the fields of public health and epidemiology continues to be directed toward better use of what is known already about their prevention and management in a more cost-effective and efficient manner.

New Technologies and Developing Countries The role of genomics and related high-technology research and practice in developing countries is discussed in detail in Genomics and World Health 2002 (WHO 2002a). The central question addressed by the report was, given the current economic, social, and health care problems of developing countries, is it too early to be applying the rather limited clinical applications of genomic and related technology to their health care programs? The report concluded that it is not too early, and subsequent discussion has suggested that this decision was right. Where DNA technology has already proven costeffective, it should be introduced as soon as possible (Weatherall 2003). Important examples include the common inherited disorders of hemoglobin (see chapter 34) and, in particular, the use of DNA diagnostics for communicable disease. The advantage of this approach is that it offers a technical base on which further applications can be built as they become available. It also provides the impetus to develop the training required, to initiate discussions on the many ethical issues that work of this type may involve, and to establish the appropriate regulatory bodies. The way this type of program should be organized—through North-South collaboration, local networking, and related structures, monitored by WHO—was clearly defined in the report. For the full benefits of genomics to be made available to developing countries—and for these advances not to widen the gap in health care provision between North and South— the most pressing and potentially exciting developments from the new technologies of science and medicine will have to

be exploited by current scientific research in the industrial countries. This need is particularly pressing in the case of the major communicable killers: malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS. Similarly—and equally important—if developing countries are to make the best use of this new technology for their own particular disease problems, partnerships will have to be established between both academia and the pharmaceutical industries of the North and South. Although this approach should be followed as a matter of urgency, that developing countries build up their own research capacity is equally important. Genomics and World Health 2002 (WHO 2002a) includes some encouraging accounts of how this capacity is being achieved in Brazil, China, and India. The establishment of the Asian-Pacific International Molecular Biology Network is a good example. It is important that work start now to apply the advances stemming from the basic biological sciences for the health of the developing world. This beginning will form a platform for the integration of future advances into health care programs for these countries. However, because of uncertainties of the time involved, more conventional public health approaches to medical care must not be neglected, and a balance should be struck between research in this area and research in the emerging biomedical sciences.

Economic Issues for Future Medical Research The central economic issues regarding medical research in the future are how it is to be financed and how its benefits are to be used in the most cost-effective way in both industrial and developing countries. Currently, research is carried out in both private and public sectors (table 5.2). Work in the private sector is based mainly in the pharmaceutical industry and, increasingly, in the many large biotechnology companies that evolved rapidly following the genomic revolution. In the public sector, the major sites of research are universities, government research

Table 5.2 Estimated Global Health Research and Development Funding for 1998 Type of funding

Total (US$ billions)


Public funding: high-income and transition countries



Private funding: pharmaceutical industry



Private not-for-profit funding



Public funding: low- and middleincome countries





Total Source: WHO 2002b.

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institutes, and centers—either within the universities or freestanding—that are funded through a variety of philanthropic sources. The input of philanthropic sources varies greatly between countries. In the United Kingdom, the Wellcome Trust provides a portion of funding for clinical and basic biomedical research that approaches that of the government, and in the United States, the Howard Hughes organization also plays a major, though proportionally less important, role in supporting medical research. Similarly, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other large international philanthropic foundations are contributing a significant amount of funding for medical research. In developing countries, such research funding as is available comes from government sources. For example, Thailand and Malaysia spend US$15.7 million and US$6.9 million each year, representing 0.9 percent and 0.6 percent of their health budgets, respectively (WHO 2002b). As examined in the report of the WHO Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (WHO 2001), considerable discussion is taking place about how to mobilize skills and resources of the industrial countries for the benefit of the health of the developing world. However, how this international effort should be organized or, even more important, funded is still far from clear. A number of models have been proposed, including the creation of a new global institute for health research and a global fund for health research with an independent, streamlined secretariat analogous to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. Recently, a number of large donations have been given—either by governments or by philanthropic bodies—to tackle some of the major health problems of the developing world. Although many of these approaches are admirable, those that involve single donations raise the critical problem of sustainability. People with experience in developing interactions between the North and South will have no doubts about the long period of sustained work that is often required for a successful outcome. Because of the uncertainties about sustainability and the efficiency of large international bodies, it has been suggested that a virtual global network for health research be established in which the leading research agencies of the North and South take part, together with a coordinating council (Keusch and Medlin 2003). In this scheme or in a modified form (Pang 2003), both government funding agencies and philanthropic bodies would retain their autonomy and mechanisms of funding while at the same time their individual programs would be better integrated and directed toward the problems of global health. A central problem of both private and public patterns of funding for medical research is that industrial countries have tended to focus their research on their own diseases and have, with a few exceptions, tended to ignore the broader problems of developing countries, a trend that has resulted in the wellknown 10/90 gap in which more than 90 percent of the world’s

expenditure on health research is directed at diseases that, numerically, affect a relatively small proportion of the world’s population. If the enormous potential of modern biomedical research is not to result in a widening of the gap in health care between North and South, this situation must be corrected. The governments of industrial countries may be able to encourage a more global view of research activity on the part of their pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries by various tax advantages and other mutually beneficial approaches. Progress in this direction seems likely to be slow, however. For this reason, moving quickly toward a virtual global network for research that would bring together the research agencies of the North and South holds many attractions. Although those of the North that rely on government and charitable funding may find it equally difficult to convince their governments that more of their budget should be spent on work in the developing world, they vitally need to move in this direction, possibly by turning at least some proportion of their overseas aid to this highly effective approach to developing North-South partnerships. In short, to produce the funding required for medical research in the future and to ensure that it takes on a much more global view of its objectives, a complete change in attitude is called for on the part of the industrial countries. This transformation, in turn, will require a similar change of outlook on the part of those who educate doctors and medical scientists. The introduction of considerable sums of research monies into the international scene by governments or philanthropic bodies as single, large donations, while welcome, will not form the basis for the kind of sustainable research program that is required. Rather, the attitudes of both government funding agencies and charitable bodies in industrial countries will have to change, with a greater proportion of their funding being directed at diseases of the developing world in the future. Achieving this end will require a major program of education on the global problems of disease at every level, including governments, industry, universities, charitable organizations, and every other body that is involved in the medical research endeavor. Issues requiring the assessment of the economic value of medical research are discussed in chapter 4. Education The central theme of the previous sections is that the potential fruits of the exciting developments in the biomedical sciences will be achieved only if a complete change in attitude occurs on the part of industrial countries, with the evolution of a much more global attitude to the problems of medical research and health care. Change will have to start in the universities of the industrial countries, which will need to incorporate a more global perspective in medical education so that the next generation of young people is more motivated to develop research

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careers that take a more international view of the problems of medical research. A major change of emphasis in education will be required and will be difficult to achieve unless those who control the university education and research programs can be convinced that funding is available for further development in these new directions (Weatherall 2003). Excellent examples of the value of the development of North-South partnerships between universities and other academic institutions do already exist. An effective approach to increasing global funding for internationally based research is through virtual global networks involving the leading research agencies in the North and South. Hence, a similar effort will be required to educate these agencies and their governments that this approach to improving the level of health globally is cost-effective. In particular, it will be vital to persuade them that this approach may constitute an effective use of their programs of aid for developing countries. Carrying out a number of pilot studies showing the economic value of North-South partnerships in specific areas of medical research may be necessary. Indeed, a number of these partnerships have already been formed in several countries and information of this type almost certainly exists (WHO 2002a). Of course, much broader issues involving education need to be resolved for the better exploitation of medical research. The problems of educating the public so that developing countries can partake in the advancements of the genome revolution were set out in detail in Genomics and World Health 2002 (WHO 2002a), but a great deal of work along these lines is also required for industrial countries. People are increasingly suspicious of modern biological science and of modern hightechnology medicine, a factor that, together with concerns over the pastoral skills of today’s doctors, is probably playing a role in driving many communities in industrial countries toward complementary medicine (see Horton 2003). These trends undoubtedly are attributable to inadequacies of medical education and the way that science is taught in schools—reflected by the lack of scientific literacy both in the general public and in governments. If trust is to be restored between the biomedical sciences and the public, significant efforts will have to be made to improve the level of scientific literacy, and a much more open dialogue will need to be developed between scientists and the community. This requirement will be increasingly important as work on basic biomedical sciences impinges on areas such as gene therapy, stem cell research, and the collection of large DNA databases to be used for both research and therapeutic purposes in the future. The difficulties in achieving a more global view of medical research and health care on the part of industrial countries for the future should not be underestimated. Without a major attempt to solve these difficulties, the potential of modern biomedical sciences seems certain to simply widen the gap in health care between North and South.

Ethical Issues Few advances in scientific medicine have not raised new ethical issues for society. The genomics era has encountered many problems in this respect, and although many of the initial fears and concerns have been put to rest by sensible debate and the development of effective control bodies, new problems continue to appear (WHO 2002a). The ill-named field of therapeutic cloning is still full of unresolved issues regarding human embryo research, the creation of embryos for research purposes, and other uncertainties, but these questions should not be overemphasized at a time when most societies face even more onerous ethical issues. For example, as the size of our aging population increases, many societies may have to face the extremely difficult problem of rationing medical care. The theme recurring throughout both industrial and developing countries is how to provide an adequate level of health care equally to every income group. Many developing countries still lack the basic structure for the application of ethical practices in research and clinical care, including the development of institutional ethics committees, governmental regulatory bodies, and independent bioethical research bodies. Every country requires a completely independent bioethics council that can debate the issues uninhibited by pressures from government, commerce, or pressure groups of any kind. Our approaches to developing a more adequate ethical framework for much of medical decision making, whether it involves preventive medicine, clinical practice, or research, constitute another neglected area that requires research input from many different disciplines. The important question of the ethical conduct of research in the developing countries by outside agencies has been reviewed in detail recently (Nuffield Council on Bioethics 2002). Why Do We Need Research? It is important to appreciate that considerable public suspicion exists about both the activities and the value of biomedical research. Suspicion has been generated in part by the field’s exaggerated claims over recent years, an uneasy feeling that research is venturing into areas that would best be avoided, and a lack of understanding about the complexity of many of the problems that it is attempting to solve. At the same time, many government departments that run national health care programs, the private sector (with the exception of the pharmaceutical industry), and many nongovernmental organizations set aside extremely small fractions of their overall expenditure for research. For many of those organizations, research seems irrelevant as they deal with the stresses of daily provision of programs of health care and with crisis-management scenarios that have to follow rapid change or major failures in providing health care. Science and Technology for Disease Control: Past, Present, and Future | 135

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One of the major challenges for the biomedical research community will be to better educate the public about its activities and to restore their faith in and support for the medical research endeavor. Educating many governments and nongovernmental organizations about the critical importance of decision making based on scientifically derived evidence will be vital. Medical care will only get more complex and expensive in the future; its problems will not be solved by short-term, politically driven activity. The need for good science, ranging from studies of molecules to communities, has never been greater.

SUMMARY Clearly, the most important priorities for medical research are development of more effective health delivery strategies for developing countries and control of the common and intractable communicable diseases. In this context, the argument has been that much of the medical research that has been carried out in industrial countries, with its focus on noncommunicable disease and its outcomes in high-technology practice, is completely irrelevant to the needs of developing countries. This view of the medical scene, however, is short term. Although some redistribution of effort is required, every country that passes through the epidemiological transition is now encountering the major killers of industrial countries. Learning more about those killers’ basic causes, prevention, and management is crucial. Although the initial costs of providing the benefits of this research are often extremely high, they tend to fall as particular forms of treatment become more widely applied. Hence, because we cannot completely rely on our current preventive measures to control these diseases, medical research must continue. Research in basic human biology and the biomedical sciences is entering the most exciting phase of its development. However, it is difficult to anticipate when the gains of this explosion in scientific knowledge will become available for the prevention and treatment of the major killers of mankind. Thus, medical research must strike a balance between the welltried approaches of epidemiology, public health, and clinical investigation at the bedside with the application of discoveries in the completely new fields of science that have arisen from the genome revolution. If this balanced approach toward the future provision of health care is not to continue to worsen the gap between North and South, however, a complete change of attitude is necessary toward health care research and practice on the part of the industrial countries. A major effort will be required to educate all parties—international nongovernmental organizations, governments, universities, and the private sector—in global health problems (Weatherall 2003). Equally important will be a major change of emphasis in the universities of industrial countries toward education programs in science and medicine

to provide medical scientists of the future with a more global perspective of health and disease. If this transformation can be achieved—if it can form the basis for the establishment of networks for sustainable research programs between universities and related bodies in the North and South—much progress will be made toward distributing the benefits of biomedical research and good practice among the populations of the world. However, the great potential of advances in the biomedical sciences for global health will not come to full fruition without much closer interaction between the fields of basic and clinical research and the fields of public health, health economics, and the social sciences.

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———. 2002c. The World Health Report 2002: Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life. Geneva: WHO.

———. 2002a. Genomics and World Health 2002. Geneva: WHO.

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Chapter 6

Product Development Priorities Adel Mahmoud, Patricia M. Danzon, John H. Barton, and Roy D. Mugerwa

The overall goal of this chapter is to introduce the multistep process that leads to new product development and use and to outline the economic and institutional context for products developed specifically for major global diseases. In addition, it attempts to define the major financial efforts under way to help stimulate the process. Because product development is integrally related to intellectual property issues and to regulatory and liability concerns, these topics are also included. Data on product development for the developing countries are not systematically available. We have, therefore, used information based on analyses for developed countries and, when possible, made comparisons.

INTRODUCTION In recent decades, scientific advances in many disciplines, particularly molecular biology, genomics, and medicinal chemistry, opened the way for developing new therapeutic agents, several vaccines, and enhanced diagnostic capabilities. The central questions for the purpose of this chapter are what drives research, discovery, and development and what institutional and financing arrangements are necessary to promote research and development (R&D) for global diseases? Medical needs and public health imperatives constitute the logical answer to the first question; however, our armamentarium for combating major global diseases suffers from certain fundamental gaps. Innovation or discovery in the health fields is the process whereby the findings of many sciences are translated from basic findings into approaches to protect health (vaccines) or reverse disease (therapeutic and diagnostic products).

Even though investigators have explored the conceptual framework for understanding how knowledge may be translated into products over the years, consensus is lacking on the specific drivers of the process or on the effects of alternative institutional arrangements. Several features of the innovation process and its environment are essential for product development (Hilleman 2000; Nederbragt 2000; Schmid and Smith 2002). Innovation advances through a sequence of steps from discovery, through process development, to animal and human testing—a sequence with many overlapping features. Discovery may come in two ways: in a nonlinear, quantum-leap fashion that results in findings of an unexpected or unpredictable nature or in a linear fashion that builds on existing knowledge. Nonlinear processes are characteristically random despite many efforts to inject varying degrees of predictability or goal definitions (Webber and Kremer 2001). By contrast, the goal of linear innovation is defined improvement of a known process or mechanism.

Discovery Product development is fundamentally anchored to the discovery process. In modern societies, discovery represents a societal capability that involves multiple institutions and constituents. The concept of networks of innovation has been introduced to describe one of the processes of discovery that leads to the development of pharmaceutical products or vaccines (Galambos and Sewell 1995, 272). Original scientific observations are made in organizations widely distributed across society, such as academic environments, government laboratories, biotechnology companies, or the large organizations dedicated 139

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to R&D. Because of the multiplicity of these settings and the traditions of open scientific communications, combined with the high costs of research and the importance of incentives, intellectual property issues must be taken into account. The outcome is appreciably complex. Therefore, prescribing in a systematic way how to develop products along a planned pathway—particularly those intended for use in developing countries—is challenging. Recent decades have witnessed many attempts to develop specific drugs or vaccines to meet developing countries’needs,and the process has been difficult.Examples include pharmaceuticals to treat major global killers such as malaria and African trypanosomiasis and vaccines for most of the diarrheal diseases and respiratory infections (Nossal 2000).

market needs to determine the level of investment required for plant construction and operation are the two fundamental components of this phase. One important feature of discovery and development is the length of time it takes. Estimates indicate that the average time for a new chemical entity (NCE) or vaccine to proceed from discovery through preclinical testing, human clinical trials, and regulatory approval is longer than a decade (Garber, Silvestri, and Feinberg 2004; Hilleman 1996; Rappuoli, Miller, and Falkow 2002), including the time spent on unsuccessful attempts. This timeline imposes certain pressures on how decisions are made, on the investment needed, and on competing priorities.

Development Institutions Development Cycles Discovery may set in motion a series of steps that eventually leads to the deployment of a product suitable for human use. The next step following discovery is process definition to map the steps of manufacturing and scalability to optimize the size of manufacturing. This process involves translating an idea discovered anywhere in the multiplicity of settings defined earlier, including mobilizing the energies of many sciences, to come up with a product. For instance, for a discovery in the therapeutic field to be translated into a drug, the sciences of medicinal chemistry, structural biology, and structure-function relationships are fundamental to the process. More recently, the product development process has begun using genomics and proteomics to bring about a more focused approach to defining clinical candidate products. Only then are pharmacology, toxicology, and bioavailability used in the next phase of therapeutic evaluation. The capabilities for process definition and scalability have traditionally been concentrated in the research-based pharmaceutical industry, but several recent successful efforts in publicprivate partnerships (PPPs) have expanded these capabilities, such as the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) and Global Alliance for TB Drug Development (GATB). Developing countries such as Brazil, India, and the Republic of Korea are now undertaking major efforts to achieve similar capabilities (Biehl 2002; Lohray 2003). Therapeutic evaluation may begin at an in vitro or molecular level before proceeding to animal testing and the usual three phases of human assessment (Hilts 2003). The scientific disciplines of clinical research, epidemiology, and biostatistics have progressed at a significant pace in recent decades. In parallel, ethical and societal concerns about research involving human subjects and its standards, particularly across countries, cultures, and capabilities, are being extensively debated (Agre and Rapkin 2003; Barrett and Parker 2003; Emanuel and others 2004; McMillan and Conlon 2004). The engineering aspects of product development are the next major step. Optimizing manufacturability and assessing

As indicated previously, innovation and discovery occur in a multiplicity of settings. Although these settings have been concentrated in developed counties and have served the process of product development well, the challenges of developing new products for the developing world are considerable. Many countries, such as Brazil, India, and Singapore, are initiating a new wave of fundamental research institutions (Ahmad 2001; Jayaramann 2003). Their involvement in the discovery of products necessary for the health needs of developing countries is a fundamental paradigm shift. Along with the developing world’s emerging biotechnology industry, a movement toward product discovery and development is under way. In addition, multiple PPPs—for example, the MMV (2002) and the GATB (2001)— are adding to the total global effort (Lyles 2003; Widdus 2001). The major feature of these new settings is their ability to focus on the immediate needs of developing countries. The challenge, however, lies in sustaining their funding and ensuring their ability to proceed from discovery to development and manufacturing, possibly with appropriate partners. Finally, the evaluation of a product’s pharmacological, biological, and toxicological properties may be carried out in developed or developing countries. Indeed, the evaluation of the safety and efficacy of products intended for developing countries should occur in those settings. Although quality control standards should be applied globally (Milstien and Belgharbi 2004), specific efforts must be directed at protecting the rights of human subjects (Agre and Rapkin 2003; Barrett and Parker 2003; Emanuel and others 2004; McMillan and Conlon 2004). In general, clinical development is heavily regulated in developed countries, and additional mechanisms exist for monitoring other aspects of product development, such as animal experimentation, use of controlled substances, and so on, but the global situation varies considerably. The time is ripe to consider the development of a global coordinated effort that involves uniform standards and reciprocity. The analysis in the following sections focuses on the costs of developing drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics. The emphasis on

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drugs and vaccines reflects both the available evidence and the fact that regulatory requirements and costs are much greater for drugs and vaccines than for devices and diagnostics.

PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS The costs of developing new medicines and diagnostics reflect both the technical complexities of product development and costs related to regulatory approval, which requires clinical trials to establish product safety and efficacy. Although the relative contributions of these two components are difficult to distinguish empirically—and even conceptually—there is general consensus that increasing regulatory requirements have contributed to the rising costs of new product development in the United States. In considering the costs of new product development for diseases prevalent in low-income countries (LICs), we attempt to identify those costs that might be influenced by regulatory policy as opposed to the unavoidable costs resulting from the hard science of new product development.

R&D Costs for Drugs for Industrial Countries The most detailed evidence on the cost of developing new drugs is from DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski (2003), who estimate the cost of bringing a compound to market at US$802 million in 2000 dollars. Their estimate is based on U.S. data from 10 major companies for a randomly selected sample of 68 compounds that entered human testing between 1983 and 1994 and reached approval between 1990 and 2001. The 68 compounds include 61 small molecule chemical entities, 4 recombinant proteins, 2 monoclonal antibodies, and 1 vaccine. Together, the 10 companies accounted for 42 percent of R&D by U.S. companies. The cost estimates are based on project-level data obtained from the companies for the period 1980–99. The sample was restricted to compounds that originated within these companies to avoid omitted costs of in-licensed products. Earlier studies using similar data and methods found significantly lower R&D costs for drugs launched in the 1970s and 1980s (DiMasi and others 1991; Hansen, 1979). For the 1980s drug cohort, the estimate was US$359 million per NCE (U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment 1993). Thus, the estimate for the 1990s drug cohort of US$802 million represents a significant increase over and above inflation. Three main factors contribute to this high and rising cost of R&D. Understanding the contribution of each of these factors is important to understanding whether drug R&D costs might be lower in developing countries. First, the inputs into pharmaceutical R&D are costly, including highly trained scientists, highly specialized capital equipment, expensive animal studies, and clinical trials involving thousands of human subjects that are often coordinated across

multiple countries. Clinical trial out-of-pocket costs reflect expenditures on patients’ medical treatment and monitoring, data collection, and analysis. In the study by DiMasi, Hansen, and Grobowski (2003), the average expected clinical cost, adjusted for the probability of entering each clinical phase, was US$60.6 million per compound entering human trials. In addition, the authors estimated that the out-of-pocket costs of drug discovery and preclinical development account for 30 percent of overall R&D costs, raising the total expected out-of-pocket cost to US$86.8 million per compound entering clinical trials. The average number of clinical trial patients per compound was 5,303, and the average cost per patient was US$23,500 before adjusting for the probability of entering each clinical phase. Second, in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves only roughly one in five compounds that enter human clinical trials.1 The costs incurred for the four out of five compounds that failed must be included as costs of bringing one new compound to market. Failures occur because of safety concerns, lack of significant efficacy, and poor economic prospects. Even though the new technologies of drug discovery should eventually improve predictive accuracy for both safety and efficacy, success rates were no better in the 1990s than in the 1980s (DiMasi,Hansen,and Grabowski 2003; DiMasi and others 1991). Adjusting for failure rates raises the total outof-pocket cost from US$86.8 million to US$403 million per approved compound. Third, the US$802 million total cost estimate includes the opportunity cost of capital over the roughly 12-year investment period. Using an 11 percent real (net of inflation) cost of capital, DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski (2003) estimate the total cost of capital at US$399 million. This figure represents the return that shareholders would have received had they invested in activities that yielded immediate returns rather than in the lengthy drug discovery process. If pharmaceutical R&D is financed by—and hence must compete for—private equity capital, shareholders must be compensated for this opportunity cost. Thus, the cost of capital is appropriately included as a cost of R&D if the R&D is undertaken in commercial firms and financed by equity capital. As discussed later, if not-forprofit organizations finance R&D, the opportunity cost of capital may be lower. If we assume financing by private equity, adding the US$399 million cost of capital to the US$403 million out-of-pocket cost yields US$802 million as the capitalized cost at launch, before taxes, per approved compound. The after-tax estimate is considerably lower because, like any business expense, R&D expenses are tax deductible, plus R&D tax credits may be available in certain circumstances. However, for purposes of comparing the costs of R&D to the revenues a commercial firm would require to cover these costs, if costs are measured net of tax, then revenues must also be measured net of tax, in which case adjusting for tax makes little difference. Hereafter we use the before-tax R&D cost estimates to facilitate Product Development Priorities | 141

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comparison with other estimates of R&D costs. The before-tax estimates are also most relevant to not-for-profit firms and PPPs that are not subject to taxes. If commercial firms facing a commercial cost of capital and with no in-kind contributions (see the next section) undertake R&D, they might be able to save roughly 10 to 20 percent of their costs by conducting trials in developing countries and possibly more if they adhere to the countries’ regulatory requirements, which may permit fewer and shorter trials than are normal for the FDA. Whether firms could realize those potential savings may be a matter of judgment depending on perceived liability risks. If commercial firms conduct R&D for LIC diseases in not-for-profit spinoffs, they may realize tax advantages and a lower cost of capital, which would further reduce their cost below the US$802 million estimate.

R&D Costs for Drugs for Developing Countries Recent studies by two PPPs that focus on new product development for diseases in developing countries yield much lower cost estimates for drugs in their portfolios than those in the previous section. The GATB and the MMV estimate the costs of R&D at US$150 million (MMV 2002) and US$178 million (midpoint of the range of US$115 million to US$240 million) (GATB 2001, 101) or less than a quarter of DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski’s (2003) estimate of US$802 million. The reasons for these large differences are instructive. First, the GATB and MMV estimates reflect only out-ofpocket costs, with no allowance made for the opportunity cost of capital. Nevertheless, the estimates of out-of-pocket cost are less than half of the US$403 million out-of-pocket cost estimated by DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski (2003). This difference in outof-pocket costs primarily reflects two factors: (a) fewer clinical trials and, hence, fewer patients in trials—namely, 1,368 patients per drug for the GATB compared with 5,303 in the DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski (2003) study—and (b) lower costs per patient of US$1,000 to US$3,000 for the GATB for trials run in developing countries compared with US$23,500 per patient in the DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski (2003) study. Some drugs for LICs may require fewer trials, fewer patients, or both per trial because of differences in drug types and trial objectives and different regulatory requirements. For example, some of the drugs in the two PPPs’ portfolios are modifications of existing drugs for which some data have been established. R&D costs for LIC drugs may also be lower to the extent that these drugs are tested for fewer indications, with less withinsample stratification by patient subgroup and less need to test for drug interactions. Clinical effects for infectious and parasitic diseases may also be greater than for chronic diseases, which permit smaller trial sizes.2 The lower trial cost per patient for LIC drugs partly reflects the lower costs of conducting trials in developing countries, with much lower costs of medical care and

personnel than in the United States. The trial duration may also be shorter because the target diseases are acute rather than chronic. To the extent that the lower out-of-pocket clinical costs in the GATB and MMV studies reflect fewer patients in trials and lower cost per patient, such savings could, in principle, apply to LIC drugs regardless of whether these drugs are developed by not-for-profit or commercial enterprises.3 Another factor contributing to the lower out-of-pocket costs reported by the MMV and the GATB is that these PPPs benefit from in-kind contributions of personnel, technologies, and other resources supplied by their industry and academic partners. The MMV estimates these in-kind contributions as equivalent to its own incurred costs. Thus, if these in-kind contributions are included, the full social cost for developing LIC drugs increases to US$250 million to US$300 million per compound, or only 25 to 35 percent less than the DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski (2003) estimate of US$403 million. However, as long as such in-kind contributions are available without charge to PPPs, the actual budget cost to PPP funders is only US$150 million to US$178 million, or less than half DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski’s (2003) estimate.4 The second major determinant of R&D costs is failure rates. The GATB and MMV estimates show overall drug failure rates similar to those in DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski’s (2003) study. Indeed, there is no obvious reason to expect significant differences in failure rates if LIC drugs face similar scientific challenges and are reviewed by the FDA or the European Medicines Evaluation Agency applying the same safety, efficacy, and risk-benefit tradeoff standards as are applied to drugs for the industrial countries. However, if the regulatory review of LIC drugs uses risk-benefit tradeoffs that reflect conditions in developing countries, then success rates might be higher, implying a lower budget cost per approved compound for LIC drugs. Finally, the third major contributor to R&D costs is the opportunity cost of capital, which accounts for US$399 million, or almost half of DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski’s (2003) US$802 million cost per compound. The GATB and MMV estimates do not include the cost of capital. Whether the cost of capital should be included in estimating the cost of R&D for LIC drugs depends on the circumstances and the perspective. If LIC drugs are to be developed by commercial firms that must generate a competitive return for their shareholders, then the cost estimates appropriately include a cost of capital at roughly 11 percent, as in the DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski (2003) study. However, if LIC drugs are developed by PPPs or other not-for-profit institutions with financing from philanthropic or governmental agencies, the opportunity cost of capital may be lower if these funders typically do not require a rate of return on their investment to compensate them for the forgone alternative uses of the funds during the investment period. For example, government investments sometimes assume a social opportunity cost of capital of about 5 percent. Using a 5 percent cost of

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capital for financing from philanthropic or governmental agencies implies a roughly 50 percent markup over out-of-pocket R&D costs to reflect the cost of capital rather than the roughly 100 percent estimated by DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski (2003), assuming the same time flow of investments. Applying this markup to the US$150 million to US$178 million estimated out-of-pocket R&D cost for the MMV and the GATB yields a total capitalized R&D cost of roughly US$250 million for LIC drugs if they are developed by PPPs with foundation or government funding, assuming that inkind contributions are at current levels and that trials are conducted in developing countries. Alternatively, these funders might choose to use a zero cost of capital, reflecting the importance that they attach to developing new medicines to treat currently untreatable diseases and to replace existing drugs that are increasingly ineffective because of resistance. In that case, the appropriate capitalization cost is zero, and the out-of-pocket costs of US$150 million to US$178 million are the full R&D costs per new compound for LIC diseases. Economics of Vaccine Discovery and Development In discussions of the economics of vaccine development, comparing the findings with those obtained for pharmaceuticals is useful. Note, however, that the two product categories are different in many fundamental and practical aspects. Pharmaceuticals are used to treat an existing clinical condition with the ultimate aim of reversing the course of disease. By contrast, vaccines are used to prevent a future threat. In addition, pharmaceuticals may be administered over a prolonged time frame and, in many chronic conditions, may be taken from the time of diagnosis for the rest of the patient’s life, whereas most vaccines are administered once or a few times. The costs of vaccine production consist of the traditional components of discovery, process development, scale-up, and manufacturing, as well as the costs pertaining to regulatory requirements, liability, and postlicensing studies (Andre 2002; Grabowski 1997). Furthermore, the economic framework for disease prevention (Kou 2002) raises many questions that are less clear than calculating the cost of treatment of a specific pathological condition in an individual or setting priorities for government budgets. Finally, the financing of vaccine purchasing and immunization programs has traditionally been separated from the totality of health care financing. Although this practice may have appeared to be advantageous at some point globally or in individual countries, the current outcome is less than satisfying in that the financing of vaccines is fragmented (Institute of Medicine 2004) and competes at a less favorable level with other budgetary priorities. Costs of Vaccine R&D The decision to develop a new vaccine is usually based on medical need, scientific feasibility, and market conditions. Because

most currently available vaccines have been developed over relatively long periods and multiple organizations have been involved in their discovery, our cost estimates are based on historical data and on many assumptions that are probably changing rapidly (Agre and Rapkin 2003; Barrett and Parker 2003; Emanuel and others 2004; McMillan and Conlon 2004). The cost elements are similar to those for pharmaceutical R&D except for the specific regulatory procedures for vaccines, such as the completion of plant construction before phase 3 trials. As noted earlier, estimates indicate that an NCE costs US$403 million to US$802 million in 2000 dollars (DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski 2003). Clarke (2002) estimates that a vaccine costs approximately US$700 million by the time the product is marketed, including not only the actual costs of products, but also such items as the cost of failures and the cost of funds (Grabowski 1997). In addition, the size of phase three clinical trials has recently escalated along with costs. The Institute of Medicine (2004) estimates that total expenditure on vaccine R&D in 1995 was US$1.4 billion. The large pharmaceutical companies accounted for approximately 50 percent of the total (Mercer Management Consulting 1995). However, the current situation is more complex for vaccine research than for drug R&D. In 2004, only five major multinational companies were investing in vaccine R&D and production (Institute of Medicine 2004). In addition, a multitude of smaller, new biotechnology organizations in both developed and developing countries are pursuing multiple vaccine targets that are of considerable value (Nossal 2004). Since September 11, 2001, U.S. government funding for microbial threats that can be used as agents of terror has increased: Project Bioshield is devoting more than US$5 billion during the next 10 years to discovering and producing vaccines and other therapeutics (Herrera 2004). These initiatives may have spillover benefits for vaccines and therapeutics for developing countries. Another barrier, in addition to complexity and costs that may directly or indirectly affect investment in vaccine R&D, is the condition of the vaccine market. Even though experts anticipate healthy growth in the total global vaccine market from approximately US$6 billion in 2004 to US$20 billion in 2009, the number of large private pharmaceutical companies involved in vaccine research is down to five (Mercer Management Consulting 2002). As a recent Institute of Medicine report (2004) demonstrates, other significant barriers also stand in the way of a well-functioning vaccine research and production system. These barriers include the difficulties of entering the field and of financing research, plus in the United States they include the government’s role in determining pricing in relation to the government’s purchase of a significant proportion of vaccines. Similar situations arise in other countries. All lead to an underappreciation of the value of vaccines and reduce the incentives for investment in future vaccine products. Product Development Priorities | 143

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As noted earlier, whether the cost of R&D for drugs or vaccines intended for use in developing countries is less than for products targeted to high-income markets is questionable. Certainly, developing vaccines for LICs requires investment from both industrial and developing countries and participation by scientists from both industrial and developing countries. In the case of vaccines, discovery similar to pharmaceuticals is a costly process. Therefore, a research infrastructure has to be supported in academic institutions and private sector and government laboratories for new ideas to emerge and to be tested. The capabilities needed to discover a new HIV or malaria vaccine are different and far more complex than those used to manufacture traditional vaccines such as whole-cell pertussis. Indeed, the technological know-how needed to discover new vaccines is embedded in the advancing edge of science. Alternative mechanisms of financing and managing the development of new vaccines for the developing world must be identified and may require governmental, international, and philanthropic funding. Appropriate new institutions or alliances could evolve from the multiple PPPs now being pursued. The case has repeatedly been made for a massive infusion of funds and global coordination if vaccines against great killer diseases such as HIV/AIDS are to be developed (Klausner and others 2003). Effect and Cost of Vaccination Programs The major societal and health effect of vaccines are realized mainly when immunization programs reach a significant proportion of individuals in a society (Mahmoud 2004). The effect of vaccines in interrupting or preventing the transmission of infectious agents depends on two concepts: inducing resistance in healthy individuals before exposure and extending the umbrella of prevention to the majority of the target population to achieve herd immunity (Anderson and May 1990). When deciding to mount a vaccination program, health professionals face scientific, public health, and financial considerations. The ultimate outcome is a cost structure that has to compete against well-established budgetary constraints and comparisons. The subject of the cost-effectiveness of vaccination programs has been examined at multiple levels and in many settings (Miller and Hinman 1999). The overall conclusion derived from most quantitative techniques—for example, cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and cost utility and decision analysis—indicates that vaccination was one of the most effective health measures of the 20th century (CDC 1999).

diagnostic methods. Progress has been made in securing adequate drug supplies to treat or prevent diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), and in many instances, the most pressing need is for improved diagnostics to ensure wider and wiser use of effective therapies. Thus, an urgent need exists to develop diagnostic tests that are simple, cost-effective, and robust enough to be used in resource-constrained settings with endemic diseases.

Diagnostics Development Priorities for Developing Countries The top priorities for developing new diagnostic methods pertain to HIV, TB, and malaria. In the field of HIV/AIDS, where the goal is to simplify the diagnosis of HIV, the need is for a noninvasive, inexpensive, and simple but highly sensitive and specific HIV test for saliva, sputum, urine, or other body secretions, as well as tests for monitoring highly active antiretroviral therapy. In diagnosis of mycobacterium TB, the limited sensitivity of microscopy and the diagnostic challenges posed by smearnegative, extrapulmonary, and pediatric TB emphasize the need to find an alternative approach. In this context, the GenProbe Amplified Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Direct Test (Coll and others 2003; O’Sullivan and others 2002) and nucleic acid amplifications assays, as well as serological tests (Perkins 2000), have great potential. Diagnosing latent mycobacterium TB infection using tuberculin skin testing has major limitations, including the inability to differentiate latent TB from active TB. The QuantiFERON-TB test (Mazurek and Villarino 2003), which was approved by the FDA for detecting latent mycobacterium TB infection, and the MPB64 patch test (Perkins 2000), a mycobacterial antigen test (Nakamura and others 1998) specific to the mycobacterium TB complex, are promising and should undergo further evaluation. For specific diagnosis of malaria, the most useful approach would be a rapid test to determine whether patients who present with fever have malaria. If this rapid test has the capability of estimating parasite density, it may help predict those at higher risk of progression to severe disease or treatment failure. For the major noncommunicable diseases—for instance, cardiovascular diseases—portable imaging devices, such as radiographic or ultrasound machines, are becoming the new standard for diagnosis. Adaptation of these technologies to settings in developing countries is urgently needed.

Economics of Diagnostics R&D

DIAGNOSTICS Evidence-based disease control strategies are now in place for most of the major infectious diseases affecting developing countries. Implementing these strategies depends on accurate

R&D for new drugs and vaccines poses major challenges in developing countries because of financial constraints and lack of infrastructure. By contrast, both the timelines and the costs of developing diagnostics are significantly lower even though the process of developing diagnostics is in many respects similar to

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the development of drugs or vaccines. Whereas the costs related to clinical trials and the opportunity cost of funds are lower, the process does have additional engineering requirements. For diseases with relatively large at-risk populations, large and small biotechnology companies have been sufficiently attracted to invest in diagnostic R&D and stand to generate adequate commercial returns even for inexpensive products. For less common diseases or diagnostic indications, industry investment has been minimal, and direct R&D investment by the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) ( and other public sector agencies or PPPs will be needed if products are to be developed. Diagnostics activity in the TDR’s Product Research and Development Unit currently focuses on two disease areas through work carried out by the TB Diagnostics Initiative ( and the Sexually Transmitted Diseases Diagnostic Initiative. This work is done in partnership with academic researchers, disease control experts, public health officials from disease-endemic countries, and industry. The TDR has recently invested substantially in its capacity to support the clinical development and registration of new diagnostics and will work closely with industry, regulatory agencies, and ministries of health in industrial countries and disease-endemic countries to improve the quality and standardization of diagnostic trials and to facilitate the implementation and appropriate use of proven technologies. As an example, the mission of the TB Diagnostics Initiative is to work

closely with interested parties to stimulate interest; identify obstacles; and facilitate the development, evaluation, approval, and appropriate use of new diagnostics for TB in LICs ( Current activities include research on new diagnostic targets and methodologies, product development programs to facilitate commercial and noncommercial R&D, and formal laboratory and field product evaluation trials. The Sexually Transmitted Diseases Diagnostic Initiative is a 10-year-old collaborative project established in recognition of the critical need for improved diagnostic tools for common sexually transmitted diseases. Its mission is to promote the development, evaluation, and application of diagnostic tests appropriate for use in primary health care settings in developing countries, with a focus on syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.

Cost Estimates of Diagnostics R&D No systematic estimates of the costs of developing diagnostics are available that are comparable to the studies for pharmaceuticals. The costs of developing new diagnostics depend on the type of tool; the duration from discovery to approval; and the technicalities involved in technology acquisition, patent fees, market research, laboratory and field trials, marketing and product launch, and support costs. Table 6.1 summarizes costs related to the development of selected diagnostics for TB. Note that these are out-of-pocket costs and do not include the

Table 6.1 Costs of Developing Selected TB Diagnostics (US$) Type of test Item Location of company

Rest of world

Market research costs


United States and European Union

Nucleic acid amplification

Screening test

Drug susceptibility testing

United States and European Union

United States and European Union

United States and European Union









Development of prototype





Consumables used during development




Technology acquisition and patent fees

Scale-up and validation Total product development costs









Total costs of clinical trials (location of study sites)

180,000 (disease-endemic countries)

1,450,000 (United States and European Union)

2,000,000 (United States and European Union)

Regulatory approval costs (agencies)

100,000 (FDA, European Union)

800,000 (United States)


Marketing and launch support costs




Product support costs for one year








294,000 (disease-endemic countries)




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opportunity cost of capital ( resources/contributions.htm).

FINANCING AND INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Research that contributes to the discovery and development of drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics occurs in public, private, and mixed settings, each with different funding mechanisms.

Public Sector In most high-income countries (HICs), government funding from tax revenues is generally targeted to basic research—that is, research that advances understanding of underlying disease processes but is unlikely to yield commercially viable products in the near term. The research may be done in government institutions or in academic and other not-for-profit research institutions. Governments also stimulate private sector R&D through tax credits.

Private For-Profit Sector Applied research that targets specific products is generally undertaken by the private sector using equity financing. Firms that rely on equity financing must provide a return to their investors comparable to returns on other potential investments, hereafter referred to as a competitive return. This requirement applies for multinational pharmaceutical companies, for biotechnology firms, and for firms in developing countries, unless they receive public subsidies. Start-up firms in HICs generally rely on equity capital from venture capitalists and other private investors, whereas established firms issue shares in the broadly based public equity markets but finance most of their R&D from retained earnings on existing products. The need to provide a competitive return to shareholders means that commercial firms can invest only in products that they expect will generate sufficient revenues to cover all costs, including the costs of R&D. In practice, commercial firms have focused on products with a potential market in industrial countries because of their residents’ ability to pay prices sufficient to cover costs. Differential, or “Tiered,” Pricing. For global products—that is, products targeting diseases that occur in all countries, such as cardiovascular diseases—revenues generated in HICs and in the more affluent sectors of middle-income countries are sufficient to recoup the investment in R&D to the extent that, ideally, prices in LICs need to cover only the incremental or marginal costs of production for these countries.

Even with pricing at marginal cost, medicines may still be unaffordable for the poorest populations, particularly for drugs with high manufacturing costs, in which case additional subsidies may be necessary. However, the important conclusion is that for drugs for global diseases, the existence of a market in industrial countries attracts private sector investment in R&D; thus, differential (tiered) pricing provides a finance mechanism for developing new drugs that can achieve both dynamic efficiency (appropriate incentives for R&D) and static efficiency (appropriate incentives for use of existing products) (Danzon and Towse 2005). By contrast, for drugs and vaccines that target diseases that occur predominantly in LICs, no HIC market exists in which to recoup the costs of R&D, and patents and differential pricing will not suffice to attract R&D for products that cannot expect to generate sufficient revenue to cover their development costs. In 2002, annual per capita spending on drugs alone in member states of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development was US$279, while developing countries typically spent less than US$20 per capita for all health services (Sachs 2001; Troullier and others 2002). Per capita health spending on drugs by the poorest individuals, who may be the majority of patients for communicable diseases, is even lower. Thus, for products that target LIC-only diseases, even if millions of patients are in need, expected revenues are insufficient to attract private sector investment for developing new products without additional public subsidies. For HIV/AIDS, even though the majority of the disease burden is in LICs, the markets in HICs have been sufficient to attract private sector companies to develop several drugs and to undertake considerable investment in an AIDS vaccine, albeit with little success to date. In 2001, the GATB increased the estimated size of the TB market from US$150 million to US$450 million per year, with the potential to grow to US$700 million per year (GATB 2001). This amount is within the range normally considered necessary to attract private investment. However, estimated potential revenues for antimalarials and treatments for other LIC diseases are still well below this threshold. In addition to the limited ability to pay, some developing countries still lack the health care infrastructure necessary for conducting clinical trials and for delivering medicines and vaccines effectively, which further reduces incentives for R&D investment. Given the low potential revenues and lack of necessary infrastructure, R&D for tropical diseases and TB for the past 25 years has been far less, relative to need, than for global diseases. The number of NCEs per million disability-adjusted life years lost (a proxy for research relative to need) was 0.55 for infectious and parasitic diseases but roughly 1.25 to 1.44 for cardiovascular system diseases (Troullier and others 2002). Between 1975 and 1999, just 16 of the 1,393 NCEs registered were for tropical diseases or TB (Troullier and others 2002).5

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Several of these products were fortuitous by-products of commercial research efforts initially intended for the oncology or veterinary market (Ridley 2003). Multinational companies appear to be showing some signs of increasing their investment in tropical disease R&D. For example, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, and Novartis have recently announced or established research centers devoted to tropical disease. AstraZeneca’s facility in Bangalore, India, will focus on TB treatments and receive a commitment of personnel and US$40 million in investment during 2003–8. The nonprofit Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases in Singapore is a US$122 million joint venture between Singapore and Novartis that will focus on dengue fever and TB. GlaxoSmithKline has established a research institute for TB and malaria in Spain (“Drugs for the Poor” 2003). Orphan Drug Acts. Orphan drug acts provide additional stimulus for private sector R&D for diseases that afflict only small populations in HICs. The U.S. Orphan Drug Act grants orphan status to drugs to treat diseases that affect 200,000 or fewer patients per year in the United States. Orphan drug status provides additional R&D tax credits and seven years of market exclusivity, during which the FDA cannot approve another drug to treat the same condition unless it uses a novel mechanism of action. Such market exclusivity enhances the orphan drug’s market power, enabling the developer to charge high prices that to some extent offset the low sales volumes, thereby covering the costs of R&D. The U.S. act has stimulated a sharp increase in the number of drugs developed to treat orphan conditions since its passage. The European Union recently adopted similar legislation. The potential for orphan status in the United States and the European Union may provide some additional stimulus for commercial firms to develop drugs and vaccines for LIC diseases, but the effects are likely to be minor for several reasons. First, after one product has acquired market exclusivity, firms have few incentives to develop other products to treat the same disease. Second, the value of orphan drug status in terms of annual revenue per patient is greatest for drugs to treat chronic diseases that require daily or weekly treatment. Potential revenues for treatments for acute diseases, for which each patient needs only a short course of treatment, are likely to be smaller. Thus, though orphan drug acts may create some additional stimulus for R&D for LIC diseases, other institutional and financing mechanisms are essential. Of these, PPPs are the most promising. “Pull” Financing Mechanisms. Since the late 1990s, organizations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation have increased their funding commitments to fight diseases in developing countries. This new funding, including funding coordinated through the Global Fund to

Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, is allocated primarily to paying for vaccinations and treatment. By paying for vaccines and drugs, such financing could provide additional revenues to suppliers of these products and, hence, stimulate R&D. However, for the financing of vaccines and therapeutics to serve as an effective pull mechanism for future R&D, such financing must be sustained and must pay originators enough that they can recoup the costs of R&D. Thus, purchasers such as the United Nations Children’s Fund or the Global Fund face a tradeoff between paying the lowest possible prices so as to maximize their ability to supply existing medicines to current patients and paying somewhat higher prices so as to create incentives for future R&D. Creating effective pull financing incentives for R&D is probably best done by means of explicit purchasing commitments for specific products. Some progress has been made in identifying the contractual and legal requirements of such commitments to enter into future contracts. The most promising candidates for initial implementation would be products or vaccines that are already in late stages of development or have been approved for industrial countries but for which additional purchasing commitments are needed to induce the investment necessary to undertake clinical trials and build the manufacturing capacity required to extend these products to LICs. Possible candidates are the pneumococcal vaccine and the rotavirus vaccine. For both these products, accelerated development and introduction plans have been created in the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization to address the many practical issues surrounding the implementation of an advance purchase contract. When advance purchasing commitments have been successfully demonstrated on products in the late stages of development, extending this promising approach to products at earlier stages of development may be possible.

Public-Private Partnerships In recent years, a growing number of initiatives involving partnerships between industry and government, nonprofit, and philanthropic organizations have been set up to stimulate tropical disease R&D. One of the oldest is the World Health Organization, World Bank, and United Nations Development Programme TDR, which has worked with industry, academia, and research institutions to spur R&D and has contributed to half the new drugs developed for neglected tropical diseases during the past 25 years (Ridley 2003; Troullier and others 2002) (see table 6.2 for examples of the program’s initiatives). The TDR is a relatively small program, with contributions of US$30 million in 2002. Since the late 1990s, increased government and foundation funding, particularly from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has stimulated the growth of product development PPPs, giving a “push” stimulus to R&D Product Development Priorities | 147

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Table 6.2 Selected Initiatives of the TDR Disease




Uncomplicated malaria

Lapdap Lapdap, artesunate Pyronaridine, artesunate

GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline Shin Poong

Dossier submitted (2002) Phase 1 Preclinical trials

Severe malaria

Intramuscular artemether Rectal artesunate

Artecef Under discussion

Registered (2000) FDA approval letter received

Visceral leishmaniasis

Miltefosine Paromomycin

Zentaris Institute for OneWorld Health

Registered (2002) Phase 3 studies

Sleeping sickness

Intravenous eflornithine


Registered (2001)

River blindness



Registered (1989)

Source: Ridley 2003.

(Varmus and others 2004). According to the Initiative on Public-Private Partnerships for Health, about 20 PPPs were involved in product development as of 2004. Although a few focus on a specific project, most adopt a portfolio approach with multiple candidates. The latter include five targeting HIV/AIDS vaccines or microbicides; three working with malaria therapeutics or vaccines; three investigating TB therapeutics, vaccines, or diagnostics; and at least six targeting drugs for other neglected diseases (Widdus 2004). The PPPs are heterogeneous in terms of their objectives, structure, and financing. In general, their goal is to develop products for use in developing countries with a public health rather than a commercial goal. Their sources for promising compounds include modifications of existing compounds; continued development of compounds previously abandoned because of a lack of commercial potential; and totally new initiatives coming out of academia, industry, or government laboratories. If a PPP acquires a product from another firm, the other firm typically retains patent rights in HICs and middleincome countries, and the PPP commits to noncommercial pricing in developing countries. PPPs draw on financing from foundations and, to a lesser extent, from governments. They work closely with private industry, including large pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms, obtaining a range of in-kind contributions, including promising compounds; useful technologies; patent rights; and expertise and advice on discovery, clinical trials, manufacturing, market estimation, regulatory requirements, and so on. They operate largely as “virtual” firms, usually contracting out actual operations to other firms or to contract research or service organizations. As compounds move into human trials, PPPs must also liaise closely with disease-endemic countries regarding clinical trials, regulatory requirements, and product delivery. Thus, they face significant scientific, managerial, financing, and operational challenges. Table 6.3 lists the leading product development PPPs and their committed funding as of early 2004. Several have received

grants of US$50 million or less, with significantly larger amounts for the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and the Malaria Vaccine Initiative. Several of the organizations rely heavily on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation for both their initial and continued funding (Widdus 2004). Note that the dollar funding amounts shown exclude in-kind contributions from industry and other sources, whose worth is difficult to calculate because the value to the PPPs is presumably greater than the cost to the donor. Table 6.4 shows the product development PPPs’ portfolios of products as of early 2004. The percentage of products still in preclinical development is higher for vaccines than for drugs, which may reflect the scientific challenges of developing vaccines for LIC diseases. In general, comparing funding amounts with the number of products in development across PPPs is inappropriate as an indicator of performance because the different PPPs target different problems and have received varying in-kind contributions. Also, some products are modest extensions of existing therapies, whereas others are more innovative and, hence, more risky approaches. As table 6.3 shows, aggregate committed funding for the product development PPPs as of early 2004 was US$1.2 billion, excluding in-kind contributions. A comparison of these funding amounts to the costs per NCE suggests that current rates of investment will produce some progress, but not rapid advances. Assuming optimistically that future funding for PPPs will be US$300 million per year, that private industry will invests similar amount, and that other sources will provide US$100 million a year (all of which are probably generous estimates) would imply total investment of US$700 million per year. If this level of investment were sustained over time, it might result in two or three NCEs per year, using the conservative cost estimates of US$200 million to US$300 million per NCE. This development level would be significant progress, although it still leaves a large shortfall, given the number of diseases for which no good treatment or vaccine is available and the threat of resistance developing to existing treatments. It is

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Table 6.3 Selected Endeavors by Product Development PPPs, 2004


Number of people killed annually by the disease

Number of new cases per year






Dengue fever Hookworm





International AIDS Vaccine Initiative South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative International Partnership for Microbicides Microbicides Development Programme Global Microbicide Project

Vaccines Vaccines Microbicides Microbicides Microbicides


Global Alliance for TB


Aeras Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics

Vaccines Diagnostics

108 30

Malaria Vaccine Initiative European Malaria Vaccine Initiative

Vaccines Vaccines

150 18




300,000,000– 500,000,000

350 45 95 27 64 42



Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative




Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative



Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative and Institute for OneWorld Health Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative and Institute for OneWorld Health






Chagas disease



Committed funds raised to date (US$ millions)

1,000,000– 1,500,000 16,000,000– 18,000,000


351,000,000– 353,000,000

11 (Institute for OneWorld Health) 30 (Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative)



Source: Sander 2004. n.a.  not applicable; —  not available.

Table 6.4 Product Development PPPs’ Portfolios, 2004 Number of products in PPP

Preclinical trials

Aeras Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiativea European Malaria Vaccine Initiative Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics GATBb Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative International AIDS Vaccine Initiative Institute for OneWorld Health International Partnership for Microbicides Microbicides Development Programme MMV Malaria Vaccine Initiative Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative South African AIDS Vaccine Initiativec Total Of which drugs Of which vaccines

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

2 3

10 2 2 3

1 0

1 1

1 0


1 1


14 in discovery 8

1 4 6

2 1

1 2

6 47 26

0 16 8

7 5

8 8





Sources: Initiative on Public-Private Partnerships for Health survey, PPPs’ Web sites, interviews. a. The Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative has two malaria drugs in phase 3 that are partly financed by the European Union. b. The GATB anticipates a portfolio of three phase 1 trials and expects its current phase 2 trial will enter phase 3 before 2007. Its portfolio also includes platform-related investments. c. The South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative does not yet have any of its own products at phase 1 but is collaborating on two projects that are at this stage.

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also far short of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health’s target for 2006 of US$3 billion in R&D spending for diseases in developing countries (Sachs 2001).

Industry in Developing Countries Pharmaceutical firms in developing countries have traditionally focused on the generic sector, making use of their expertise in engineering and other skills needed for efficient drug manufacturing. More recently, the adoption of product patents has created incentives for LIC firms to invest in R&D. For example, India adopted product patents as of 2005, and several leading generic firms are already developing new products. However, assuming that these firms will focus their efforts on developing drugs for tropical diseases would be a mistake. As for-profit firms, they face similar incentives to those of commercial firms in any country, which means focusing on the global diseases that offer the greatest expected net revenues rather than diseases specific to LICs. Nonetheless, several policies might help target R&D efforts in these countries toward tropical diseases. These policies include collaboration with the product development PPPs, provision of special government funding or tax credits for products that target LIC diseases, and provision of subsidies targeting the development and scientific testing of products derived from local products and other traditional medicines.

Other Proposed Mechanisms for Increasing Affordability In evaluating other proposals for making drugs or vaccines available in developing countries, distinguishing proposals to stimulate new product development from proposals to increase the affordability of existing drugs is critical. One proposal pertaining to affordability is that multinational companies should voluntarily license production rights to LIC producers. Experience with generic markets across countries indicates that necessary conditions for such out-licensing to reduce prices to consumers are (a) the existence of competition between multiple licensees, (b) the licensees having lower production costs than the originator firms, and (c) a mechanism that prevents middlemen and retailers from capturing any potential savings. In practice, these conditions may not be met. The more probable scenario of licensing to only one local generic manufacturer is unlikely to reduce prices to consumers. Another proposal is that governments should purchase patent rights, paying the originator firm the estimated value of the drug (net of production costs) and then selling the product to consumers at the marginal cost of production. This proposal has several disadvantages. First, because the government would presumably have to raise taxes to pay for the patents, the taxinduced efficiency loss could offset any efficiency gain in the pharmaceutical market, so the net effect on efficiency is

unclear. Second, the presumption that patents result in suboptimal drug consumption because of monopoly pricing ignores the widespread prevalence of insurance in HICs and middleincome countries, so that, in practice, consumers face out-ofpocket prices that are already close to marginal cost. Third, and most important, is the difficulty of estimating the value of a product before its use in the market, because both positive features (additional uses) and negative features (side effects) may be discovered. In addition, distortions in the amounts paid for patent rights would distort incentives for R&D. Moreover, the proposal would reduce originator firms’ incentives to invest in postlaunch improvements.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The issue of intellectual property is involved in the debate about the perceived conflict between patents and access.

The Role of Patents in Drug Development Under a patent system, an inventor is entitled to a limited monopoly for a period of time, typically 20 years. This exclusivity may permit high prices and, consequently, an increased economic return that serves as an incentive to develop new products. The system has worked quite effectively in the pharmaceutical area, where the incentives deriving from exclusivity have resulted in important new drugs. The first generation of patients pays a higher price than subsequent generations, which provides compensation for the large research costs involved in developing a new drug. When the patent expires, the price normally falls as generic competitors enter the market. Even though this approach has been extremely successful in the developed world, it does not generally work for products for which the main market is limited to the developing world. The total magnitude of the market in the developing world for products for HIV, malaria, TB, or less widespread diseases is likely to be too small to provide an adequate incentive for the private sector. This fact, together with the fact that patents are likely to result in higher prices, has raised important concerns in the developing world.

The Drug Access Debate The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) entered into force on January 1, 1995.6 This agreement requires the members of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which include nearly all major trading nations, to live up to defined standards of intellectual property protection. TRIPS was part of a much broader international trade package negotiated during the Uruguay Round, one of a series of international trade negotiations that have

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taken place since World War II. The United States and European nations, which were the strong proponents of TRIPS, were responding to pressure from their pharmaceutical, copyright content, and trademark-based industries. The pharmaceutical industry’s concern was that a number of developing nations had made deliberate decisions to deny patent protection to pharmaceutical products and to grant protection only to processes for producing pharmaceuticals. These nations believed that inexpensive access to pharmaceutical products was so important that these products should not be patented. In its 1970 patent law, for example, India excluded pharmaceuticals from product patent protection, effectively choosing to provide low-cost pharmaceuticals for its people at the expense of eliminating incentives to create new products. This law was one of the reasons the Indian generic pharmaceutical industry was able to evolve to make and market copies of drugs that were still on patent in wealthier nations. Another concern for the pharmaceutical industry arose from the compulsory license process, a legal process available in some nations to authorize the use of a patented technology under some circumstances even over the patent holder’s objection. In practice, compulsory licenses are rarely granted but are instead used as a threat to negotiate lower prices for the technology or pharmaceutical involved. The United States was determined to change these laws and in TRIPS achieved important requirements for expanding patent protection. The most important TRIPS provision relevant to pharmaceuticals is article 27, which includes a requirement that “patents shall be available for any inventions, whether products or processes, in all fields of technology.” (U.K. Commission on Intellectual Property Rights 2002). The clear intent of this language was to prohibit exclusions of pharmaceutical products as in the Indian law. Article 31 established careful procedural limitations on when a nation could grant a compulsory license. As part of the political compromise, transitional provisions gave developing nations extra time to comply with the treaty’s requirements and also set up arrangements for the remaining parts of patent terms to be made available for products developed during the transition period. Because of these transitional provisions, developing nations were not generally required to provide product patents on pharmaceuticals until January 1, 2005 (a date that has since been extended to 2016 for the least developed countries). During the years following the entry into force of TRIPS, a substantial and bitter debate over access to pharmaceutical products in developing countries focused largely on access to antiretroviral agents for HIV patients in Sub-Saharan Africa. A group of nongovernmental organizations argued that patents on these drugs in the developing world raise the prices of the products necessary to help such patients survive. The researchbased pharmaceutical industry countered that many of the relevant products are not covered by patents in the nations

involved and that the problem is not patents but the inadequacy of the countries’ medical infrastructure. An area of convergence has begun to emerge in relation to differential pricing: prices should be lower in developing nations than in developed nations, permitting pharmaceutical firms to recover their research expenditures in the developed world while making products available at near marginal production cost to the poor in the developing world. This differential pricing is justified because potential sales in poor nations are so small that the market provides only a minimal incentive: total sales in the poorest nations account for only about 1 percent of global pharmaceutical sales. The research-based pharmaceutical industry would prefer to achieve this differential pricing by means of a donation program or simply by charging different prices. Critics would prefer that the patent monopoly not be available to raise prices in the developing world, thereby opening up markets to local generic producers. Movement toward agreement on differential pricing was reflected in the Doha Declaration on TRIPS agreement and public health, reached at a November 2001 WTO meeting of trade ministers. This declaration affirmed that TRIPS “should be interpreted and implemented in a manner supportive of WTO members’ right to protect public health and, in particular, to promote access to medicines for all” (TRIPS, paragraph 4, 2001). It affirmed the right of nations to use the exceptions to TRIPS to address public health concerns, specifically stating that “public health crises, including those related to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemics, can represent a national emergency” and, thus, facilitate the right to use compulsory licensing (WTO 2003). The Doha Declaration left an issue unresolved: the manufacture of drugs under compulsory license for nations that do not have the capability to manufacture the drugs themselves. The problem arises from the compulsory licensing article of TRIPS, which contains a provision, article 31(f), requiring that the manufacture of products under compulsory license be predominantly for the domestic market. Thus, a small Sub-Sahara African nation clearly has the right to grant a compulsory license but may have no local industry able to manufacture the product. If it asks a foreign firm to manufacture the product, that firm would be manufacturing the product primarily for export, a violation of TRIPS. The Doha negotiators did not find a way to resolve this problem, and article 6 of the Doha Declaration called for members of the TRIPS Council (a group of national representatives) to find a solution by the end of 2002. By that time, all member countries except the United States had agreed to a procedure for waiving article 31(f). The new agreement covered products needed to address public health problems recognized in the Doha Declaration, but the United States feared that it would be expanded to a variety of other products and was unwilling to accept it. Finally, a compromise was reached in August 2003. Product Development Priorities | 151

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The United States accepted the 2002 document, provided that the General Council chairperson of the WTO made an appropriate parallel statement. The chair made the statement, which included language that the agreement would be used “in good faith to protect public health” and not be “an instrument to pursue industrial or commercial policy objectives,” and recognized the need to respond to the industry’s concern that products produced under this agreement would not be exported to major developed world markets (WTO 2003; see also UNAIDS 2003). This agreement represents a step forward for access and will certainly place pressure on the research-based pharmaceutical industry to provide products in the developing world at low prices. It leaves several important problems only partly resolved, however. One is the need to prevent importation of the low-priced products into the developed world. Such imports would cut into the patent-protected market and affect incentives to develop new products. A second is political backlash. When the general public becomes aware that a product is available to the poor in a developing nation at a price far below that which patients in developed nations must pay, the political backlash for the pharmaceutical industry in the developed world may be severe. Most important, resolving the legal problem of article 31(f) does not resolve the economic problem. It confirms that there will be no patent incentive for the development of drugs for diseases endemic to the developing nations and that public funds will be needed for this purpose. Such funds are currently inadequate.

The Research Tool Issue Another important problem arises from the changing nature of medical research and of patenting practice. This is the research tool problem: many of the basic tools used in medical research are now themselves patented. For example, the research use of certain genetically modified mice is patented in the United States, as are the uses of many gene sequences and protein crystal coordinates. In the case of the malaria antigen merozoite surface protein 1, some 39 patent families cover various aspects of the protein (U.K. Commission on Intellectual Property Rights 2002). Such patents can significantly complicate research and make it more expensive. Each one that might affect a particular research program requires legal analysis to determine whether it is valid and actually applies to the planned research program. If relevant, a license must be sought or the research program must be redesigned. The more patents are involved, the greater the likelihood that a patent holder will refuse to grant a license or will demand an exorbitant sum. Even though Walsh, Arora, and Cohen’s (2003) study finds no cases of research programs being canceled midstream because of this problem, it finds

many cases of efforts to avoid the problem by, for example, modifying the research; conducting the research offshore in locations where the relevant patents are not in force; or, in some cases, simply ignoring the patent.

REGULATORY AND LIABILITY ISSUES Developing and registering new products are generally lengthy and complicated processes (Abraham and Reed 2002; Baylor and McVittie 2003; FDA 2004) that are regulated both at the national level and, in some circumstances, at the international level. The role of the regulatory system extends beyond the launch of a new product to manufacturing and compliance standards and to postmarketing surveillance for clinical effects and potential untoward outcomes. For products that are intended to be deployed in global markets, manufacturers have to comply with regulatory requirements in the country of origin as well as the requirements of each country where the product may be marketed. One exception is the mutual recognition systems used currently by European Union countries (Pignatti, Boone, and Moulon 2004). The situation may be different for products intended for use only in developing countries; however, for legal and liability reasons, manufacturers in developed countries have refrained from working with two different sets of regulatory requirements. The best example for illustrating this process is the FDA (2004). Over the years, FDA regulations have developed into a clear pathway. The process is initiated through an application by the manufacturer and a step-by-step approach toward licensing. The agency gets involved in every phase of the development process and approves in advance the experimental design, assays, and endpoints for clinical trials. After it has collected all the information, the agency examines the materials submitted and reaches a decision. The FDA process extends through regulating and approving marketing materials and postlicensing collection of efficacy data and information about possible side effects. The FDA approval process differs somewhat for pharmaceutical products and vaccines. One of the main differences is the obligation of vaccine manufacturers to prepare materials for use in phase 3 trials in the final and approved production facility. This requirement means that the firm must invest in completing the manufacturing plant well ahead of launching a specific product, a process that can take three to six years. The regulatory process for vaccines also dictates batch release for every batch ready for deployment in the marketplace. This part of the regulatory process, although it ensures quality control, adds to costs and to the timeline. In 1996, the European Union adopted a centralized procedure for applications and approvals through the European Medicines Evaluation Agency and through a mutual

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recognition process (Pignatti, Boone, and Moulon 2004). In many ways, the procedure parallels the FDA process, with several differences reflecting the fact that the European Union consists of many countries, each with a country-based process that remains as an alternative or an addition to the communitywide process. The International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Regulation of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use was established to achieve coordination of the process of drug development between industry, Japan, the United States, and the European Union (Abraham and Reed 2002; Ohno 2002). The conference’s activities have improved understanding of the regulatory process and reduced duplication. In contrast, the absence of a unified or harmonized approach to product registration and approval at the global level adds multiple layers of complexity. National systems consist of complex processes with differing thresholds and interpretations and with changing requirements in addition to differing Global Manufacturing Program standards and enforcement. A number of recent attempts have been made to resolve the issue. First among these is the World Health Organization’s effort to expand its prequalification system, to develop technical standards earlier in the approval process, and to expand the availability of reference reagents for international calibration (Milstien and Belgharbi 2004). These efforts aim at injecting a higher level of quality control and transparency into the global regulatory system. The effort may have the potential to provide a global process that transcends national borders. Such a process should provide a simplified, systematic, and disciplined system that would reduce costs and speed up market access for new products. The issue of liability in relation to harm to individuals receiving pharmaceutical products has been extremely significant in U.S. product development. It is entirely appropriate for those developing new products to be sued if they are negligent in their research or product development, but in some cases pharmaceutical firms have been sued for side effects of drugs that may have been unforeseeable or may not even have been the result of the product. This type of liability can be a barrier to product development. Although perhaps a less serious concern since the 1993 Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals lawsuit in the United States, a case that has been interpreted to restrict the presentation to juries of evidence determined not to be “scientific,” the issue is still significant. It may also be part of the reason the U.S. vaccine industry has shrunk significantly, and it has certainly affected the direction of investment, pushing it away, for example, from products such as vaccines that are used in one or a few doses in healthy people toward products used repetitively by those who already have a chronic disease (Institute of Medicine 2004). It, thus, provides pressure directly contrary to public health priorities, which emphasize prevention and, therefore, the use of vaccines.

Whether or how this trend in the United States will affect the developing world is unclear. Europe has moved toward a liability system somewhat similar to that of the United States, but many developing nations may not have such a tort liability system. Even if they do not have such a system, groups participating in pharmaceutical development might be sued in the United States for harm occurring in the developing world. Doctrines exist that restrict such suits, but firms may fear that these doctrines are insufficiently effective. Hence, recognizing the potential costs of protecting against liability and, at the same time, ensuring that products are designed and manufactured to the highest standards will be important.

NOTES 1. The phase transition probabilities in DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski (2003) and the overall success probability of 0.215, conditional on entering human trials, are estimated from a larger sample of 538 investigational compounds first tested in humans between 1983 and 1994. 2. The size of trial required to estimate statistical significance depends on the magnitude of the drug effect; the extent of stratification within the total sample by patient age, condition, and so on; the required statistical confidence; and other factors. 3. DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski’s (2003) data for average cost and average number of patients are based on actual, retrospective cost data, whereas the GATB estimates are prospective estimates (best guesses) based on prior clinical trials for tuberculosis drugs in the United States and a survey of clinical trial experts to determine administrative and data management costs. 4. The MMV estimate of in-kind contributions does not include the value of basic research conducted by universities and foundations from which it obtains its lead compounds. Similarly, commercial firms also benefit from such basic research and it is omitted from the DiMasi, Hansen, and Grabowski (2003) estimates, so comparisons are not necessarily biased by this exclusion. 5. Tropical diseases include parasitic diseases (malaria, African trypanosomiasis, Chagas disease, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, and intestinal nematode infections); leprosy; dengue fever; Japanese encephalitis; trachoma; and infectious diarrheal diseases. 6. This section is based in part on Barton (2004).

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Chapter 7

Economic Approaches to Valuing Global Health Research David Meltzer

Health research has contributed tremendously to advancing health and welfare throughout the world. Gains in health have already been attained, and health research continues to have great potential to contribute to the well-being of persons in both low-income and high-income countries. The “10/90” reports of the Global Forum on Health Research (GFHR) have helped highlight that, although the burden of disease attributable to morbidity and mortality is greatest in developing countries, most health research has focused on the needs of developed countries and relatively little on the needs of lower-income countries (GFHR 2003). Despite the relative dearth of health research focused specifically on their most important health problems, lower-income countries have also benefited from health research, often as much from research originally motivated to serve high-income countries as from research specifically designed to address the needs of low-income countries. In the future, health research aimed primarily at addressing the needs of affluent countries is likely to continue to produce benefits for lower-income countries, even in the absence of efforts to manage scientific research in the interest of lowerincome nations. Indeed, as lower-income countries increase in income, their health problems will likely come to resemble more closely the health problems of higher-income countries. However, “trickle-down” approaches are not an efficient way of producing knowledge to advance the health and well-being of the populations of lower-income nations. Instead, a rational approach is needed that appreciates both the value of health in lower-income nations and the potential for rational scientific management to efficiently allocate resources for scientific research. The work of the GFHR and other organizations in this regard is an important step in this direction. Moreover,

recent advances in understanding about the value of improvements in health and in approaches to the value and priorities of health research provide powerful theoretical tools to address these issues. Although the application of these principles is still in its infancy, these tools provide a valuable framework for determining the value of health research relevant to low-income countries and for maximizing the value of research that aims to promote health in those countries. In the following section, recent innovations in determining the value of health research at an aggregate level are reviewed. The conclusion is that the value of health research has been immense and is likely to increase dramatically in coming years, especially in lower-income countries. In deriving these conclusions, not only health-oriented measures of improved health, such as life years, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), or quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), were considered, but also how increases in income may increase the value of such improvements. In a later section, recent methods that can be used to estimate the value of specific research projects are reviewed. The application of such methods promises to better identify the value of health research in specific instances, which can enhance the case for research spending to improve health in developing countries and can increase the efficiency with which available research funds are spent.

THE VALUE OF HEALTH RESEARCH Health research can be valuable for a variety of reasons. The most obvious reason is simply the value that people place on improvements in health. Those health improvements may be 157

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reflected in increased length of life or quality of life. Other reasons that health research can be valuable include the improvements in productivity, decreases in medical care costs, and greater ability to plan for and invest in the future when health improves. Health research can also sometimes decrease costs independent of any effects on health—for example, when a lower-cost treatment can replace a higher-cost treatment of similar efficacy. A large body of work has attempted to assess and quantify the economic value of health from these perspectives. The goal of some of this literature is a comprehensive assessment of the cost of illness (for example, Rice 1994). Such comprehensive assessments are often attempted in order to assess the costeffectiveness of medical or public health interventions, which are frequently measured in terms of quality-adjusted life expectancy (Gold and others 1996) or DALYs (WHO 1994; World Bank 1993). Other aspects of this literature focus on single dimensions of the economic value of health. For example, Ram and Schultz (1979) performed an early analysis showing the effects of malaria eradication on productivity. Similarly, Meltzer (1992) attempted to identify the effects of mortality on investment in education, the demographic transition, and the onset of sustained economic growth. In that work, it was suggested that health can increase income because increasing life expectancy raises returns to investment in education, in turn encouraging decreases in family size and further increases in investment in the education of children and a transition to sustained human capital–based economic growth. These and other mechanisms, including shifts in the ratio of productive adults to dependents and changes in savings rates with increasing life expectancy, have been suggested to produce positive effects of health on per capita income in both the short and the long run (Bloom, Canning, and Jamison 2004). Although some evidence suggests the importance of all these effects, recent work on the value of health in developed countries has focused primarily on the value that people place on improvements in their health. Such studies for the United States have suggested that increases in longevity over the past several decades are valued in the tens of trillions of dollars, indeed, contributing about as much to increasing welfare over the period as increases in per capita income. Subsequently, similar findings have been reported for other countries, and crossnational studies have found that the value of growth in life expectancy compared with the value of income growth has been even greater for low-income countries (Becker, Philipson, and Soares 2003). These studies have been influential in developing a broad consensus that the returns to health research are large and in producing dramatic increases in the budget for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States. The conclusions of these studies in the United States have been based on assessments of both the high value of health and the role that health research has played in improvements in health.

Although both the connection of health research to health and the valuation of health differ in important ways between lowerincome and higher-income countries, these studies provide a useful framework for understanding the past and likely future value of health research in lower-income countries.

The Value of Improved Health Several authors have contributed to the literature on the value of improvements in health: Becker, Philipson, and Soares (2003); Cutler and others (1997); Murphy and Topel (2003); and Nordhaus (2003). Although these studies differ somewhat in the analytic framework they use, the basic form of their analyses is quite similar. In essence, they all use estimates of the value of longevity on the basis of revealed preference techniques and multiply these values by the increases in longevity that have been observed to determine the value of improvements in health. Revealed preference estimates of the value of life are most commonly derived by assessing the wage premium required by workers to accept riskier jobs. This idea dates back at least to the work of Adam Smith, but the modern treatment of this issue stems primarily from the work of Thaler and Rosen (1975). For example, if the lifetime earnings of a risky mining job that has a 11,000 increased risk of death compared with another mining job is US$1,000, then the statistical value of a life would be said to be US$1,000,000, since paying 1,000 workers would result in one extra death on average and require that the employer pay wages equal to 1,000 workers  US$1,000/worker  US$1,000,000. A simple example considering the value of increases in life expectancy in the United States from 1970 to 2000 illustrates well how these sorts of estimates have been used to estimate the value of increased longevity. From 1970 to 2000, life expectancy at birth for Americans grew by a little more than 5 years, from about 75 years to about 80 years. With about 300 million Americans living during this period, this increase constitutes about 1.5 billion life years. Using a conservative revealed preference estimate of about US$4 million as the statistical value of a life (Viscusi and Aldy 2003), assuming a life expectancy of 75 to 80 years, and assuming discounting is somewhere between 0 and 3 percent annually, one gets a value of about US$50,000 to US$100,000 per life year saved. Multiplying this gain in life years and the estimate of the value of a life year, one gets a value of increased longevity over this period of about US$75 trillion to US$150 trillion, or about US$2 trillion to US$4 trillion per year. The average of these numbers translates into almost US$10,000 per person per year, which is about as large as the increase in per capita income in the United States during this period. In essence, this analysis is a simplified form of that performed by Murphy and Topel (2003). An alternative approach to obtaining a similar number may help some readers better understand the intuition behind these

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effects. Over this 30-year period, the 5-year increase in life expectancy that occurred raised life expectancy by about two months (or one-sixth year) per year. With each life year valued at about US$75,000, these gains in life years are readily seen to be worth about US$10,000 per person per year. Understanding the value of improvements in health in lower-income countries requires data both on increase in longevity and on how such increases in longevity might be valued. Data on increases in longevity are relatively easy to obtain for most countries and vary substantially across countries over time. For example, many countries that had low income in 1950, including the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mexico, and Thailand, have had an increase in life expectancy since 1950 of more than 20 years, or about three months per year, which is about 50 percent greater than the rate of growth in life expectancy in the United States. Although some countries that had low incomes in 1950 and did not experience much economic growth during this period did not increase in life expectancy over this period, the vast majority of countries with low incomes in 1950 experienced increases in life expectancy far exceeding the rate of increase in the United States and other developed countries. This fact suggests that the potential for increases in life expectancy is greater for lower-income countries than for higher-income ones, so the increase in life expectancy for lower-income countries might be expected to slow in coming years. If the rate of change in the value of health gains were determined primarily by the rate of increase in life expectancy, growth in the value of health in lower-income countries would be expected to slow in the future. Assessing the importance of changes in life expectancy relative to changes in the value of increased life expectancy in influencing the value of health requires data on the value of increased longevity. Such data on the value of mortality reductions are limited but do exist. Viscusi and Aldy (2003) reviewed the literature on the statistical value of life across countries that vary in income. One key finding is that the statistical value of life increases with income, with an elasticity of approximately 0.5 to 0.6, so that a 100 percent increase in income leads to a 50 to 60 percent increase in the statistical value of life. One implication of this finding is that economic growth is likely to result in increases in welfare through improved health, both because economic growth improves health and because the value of those health improvements increases as income increases. This statement can be assessed formally by analyzing change over time in the value of life (VL)  VLY  LY, where VLY is the value of a life year, and LY is life expectancy. Such numbers easily show the value of health gains that have been achieved. For example, India is the poorest country for which calculations of revealed preference estimates of the statistical value of life have been done (Viscusi and Aldy 2003). This study suggests a statistical value of life of US$0.6 million, or about US$10,000 to US$20,000 per life year saved. With

gains in life expectancy of about 25 years since 1950 and a population in 2000 of about 1 billion persons, the gains in life expectancy in India alone over the period are worth about US$400 trillion, or US$8 trillion per year, equivalent to about US$800 per person per year. Thus, as large as the US$75 trillion to US$150 trillion estimate for the health gains for the United States is, such gains are only about one-fourth as large as the gains for India. The value of the gains for India is larger for several reasons. One is just the longer period considered—30 years for the United States compared with 50 for India—although, in fact, gains in the United States were small enough between 1950 and 1970 that the longer period explains relatively little of the difference. Much larger factors are the fivefold greater increase in life expectancy in India than in the United States over the period (25 years compared with 5 years) and a population about five times as large. Thus, if health gains are valued in U.S. dollars, the value of such gains for India over this period far exceeds that for the United States. Given the 5:1 size of India and the gains in life expectancy, the ratio of those gains would be more like 25:1 than 4:1 (US$400 trillion as opposed to US$75 trillion to US$150 trillion) were it not that the statistical value of life in the United States is greater than that in India. Even if one does not feel comfortable assigning differential valuation to lives across countries, the fact that the valuation of gains in India is so much larger than the valuation of the gains in the United States using this method provides a powerful reminder of certain basics of the value of improving health in lower-income versus higher-income countries: many more people live in lowincome than in high-income countries, and the potential for large increases in life expectancy is thus far greater. Such statistics provide some insights into the value of historical improvements in health, but in terms of considering future investments, considering what can be said about the growth of the value of health in lower- versus higher-income countries in the future is useful. To do so, one finds it useful to decompose growth in the value of health into growth in life expectancy and growth in the value of longevity (growth in the value of life years). We begin with VL  VLY  LY and differentiate to obtain the finding that growth rates can be decomposed to find that gVL  gVLY  gLY , so that the growth in the value of life is the sum of the growth in the value of a life year and growth in life expectancy. To understand the meaning of this relationship, one finds it useful to consider the Viscusi and Aldy (2003) estimate of the elasticity of the value of life with respect to income. Substituting this elasticity income in the above equation, gVL  0.5 gY  gLY, where gY is the growth rate in per capita income. The relative magnitude of these two components is instructive. In developed countries such as the United States, where growth in life expectancy has been on the order of two months per year from a base of 75 or so years, the growth in Economic Approaches to Valuing Global Health Research | 159

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life expectancy is (212)75  0.2 percent per year. This rate is substantially smaller than the component of increased value of life related to growth in the valuation of gains in life, even with long-run real growth rates of only 2 to 3 percent, so the component attributable to growth in the value of life is 0.5  (2 to 3 percent)  1 to 2 percent per year. In lower-income countries in which growth in life expectancy is greater and baseline life expectancy is lower, life expectancy growth may be more important but is still not likely to exceed the effects of growth in per capita income. For example, Mali experienced dramatic growth in life expectancy of 1 percent per year (from 30 to 45 years from 1950 to 1990), but growth in per capita income in Mali from 1980 to 2000 was about 3 percent annually, translating into effects on the value of life of 1.5 percent annually. More striking perhaps is China, where growth in life expectancy from 40 to 70 years from 1950 to 1990 represented an increase of about 2 percent per year, whereas growth in per capita income (from 1980 to 2000) was about 8 percent per year (translating into effects on the value of life of about 4 percent per year). Two implications are immediately obvious: • First, the growth in the overall value of health over the period has been large—about 2 to 6 percent annually for these initially low-income countries. • Second, the major driver of the value of health over time has not been an increase in health per se but, instead, increases in income that produce increases in how health is valued. This finding is likely to be even more true as life expectancy increases so that continuing large increases in life expectancy become more difficult to achieve. As noted previously, estimates such as these of the statistical value of life can understandably be criticized on the basis of associating a greater value with saving lives of wealthier persons than saving lives of poorer persons. Nevertheless, it is striking to note that in India—the only relatively low-income country for which data on the statistical value of life are available—the total value of recent health gains far exceeds even the immense gains in the United States. Data on the value of life for other low-income countries would help reinforce this finding, but the combination of the greater potential for large increases in life expectancy and for greater growth in per capita income in low-income countries in the future suggests that the total value of health gains for such countries may far exceed those of higher-income countries. Indeed, it bears emphasis that, in attempting to value health in monetary terms rather than merely health terms, such as life years or QALYs or DALYs, an important new avenue is opened by which the value of health research can increase over time even as gains in life expectancy slow with increasing life expectancy, as they have in developed countries. Despite the concern that economic approaches undervalue the health of persons with lower incomes, such

valuations clearly suggest that the potential value of health research for these countries is immense. That this discussion has focused only on the value of mortality reductions and neglected those of reductions in morbidity even further reinforces the potential gains from health research. Not only is the magnitude of the value of these improvements in health immense in regard to how people value being healthier, but the total value of health also includes increased productivity, decreased medical care costs, and increased ability to plan for and invest in the future when health improves. Although these effects are often not easy to quantify, they may prove to be important components of the total economic value of improvements in health.

The Connection between Gains in Health and Health Research To move from the finding that gains in health are highly valued to the finding that health research is highly valued, gains in health must be connected to health research. Making such associations is difficult even in high-income countries, but it has been done with some success. For example, Cutler and Kadiyala (2003) argue that the major recent gains in life expectancy in the United States have come from reductions in cardiovascular disease, about two-thirds of which can be tied to advances that have resulted from medical research as opposed to secular trends in nonmedical factors that promote health, such as per capita income and education. Similar calculations for lower-income countries have not been done. Nevertheless, although growth in income and education seem more likely to be important in producing increases in life expectancy for such countries, the major role of reductions in childhood infectious disease in recent gains in life expectancy suggests the great value of the research that has produced such innovations as childhood immunizations, improved sanitation, and oral rehydration therapy. Similarly, the high burden of cardiovascular disease in lower-income countries will be expected to decline in the coming years if the benefits of research can be applied in those settings. Such conclusions speak to the value of health research as a whole for lower-income countries, and they reflect the gains that come both from research done initially to benefit higherincome countries and from research done to benefit lowerincome countries. Although both of these classes of research may produce benefits for lower-income countries, discussion of their differences is in order. In the case of research done initially with the needs of high-income countries in mind, clearly some types of research benefit low-income countries more than others. For example, research that has demonstrated the power of relatively inexpensive medications to reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease (for example, aspirin in acute myocardial infarction) has much greater potential to produce large benefits for lower-income countries in the foreseeable

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future than does research that advances techniques for expensive acute treatments, such as cardiac catheterization. In this particular case of cardiovascular disease, estimates summarized by Cutler and Kadiyala (2003) suggest that higher-income countries have also benefited more from research that advanced such low-technology treatments than from research on high-technology treatments. Such patterns may not be maintained across other health conditions, but they do hold out the tantalizing thought that health research initiated by high-income countries in their own interest may sometimes be directed toward work of greater value if issues of cost and generalizability to lower-income settings are reflected more greatly in decisions about research priorities. When research directed toward the needs of lowerincome countries is considered, cost and feasibility must, of course, receive great attention. However, the immense reductions in mortality that have come from advances in knowledge about public health efforts—such as efficient and effective sanitation, immunization, and oral rehydration programs, all of which were developed primarily with the needs of low-income countries in mind—suggest the value of research targeted toward the needs of lower-income countries. Rigorous studies of the value of these innovations akin to those studies done to assess the value of health research for the United States are sorely needed to inform potential funders of the potential returns to such research.

METHODS OF ASSESSING THE VALUE OF HEALTH RESEARCH PROJECTS Although the aggregate value of health research has unquestionably been large, not all health research projects are sufficiently valuable to justify their costs. Some of these latter projects are inevitable because the outcome of research is intrinsically unpredictable. However, even if one abstracts from such uncertainty by considering the expected returns from a project before one embarks on it, research projects clearly vary in their likely value relative to their cost. Such assessments are obviously difficult to make, yet they are routinely done as part of the process of deciding the allocation of research funds. These assessments have traditionally been done rather informally, even in the most closely structured settings in which research funding is sought, such as the NIH study sections in the United States that review research proposals for NIH funding. An active discussion over the past decade has helped to identify valuable strategies for priority setting in global health research and determine their implications for research priorities in the field. The 2004 report on health research of the GFHR summarized the major contributions to this discussion (GFHR 2003). The approaches that are described date back to as early as 1990 with the work of the Commission on Health Research

for Development. They include the essential national research approach developed by the Council on Health Research for Development and approaches developed by the Ad Hoc Committee on Health Research, the Advisory Committee on Health Research, and the GFHR’s own Global Forum combined matrix approach. The 2004 report compares these approaches along several dimensions that include the following: 1. Objective of priority setting 2. Focus at global or national level 3. Strategies or principles (especially relating to the process for participation by stakeholders) 4. Criteria for priority setting: • Burden of disease • Analysis of determinants of disease burden • Cost-effectiveness of interventions (resulting from proposed research) • Effect on equity and social justice • Ethical, political, social, and cultural acceptability • Probability of finding a solution • Scientific quality of research proposed • Feasibility (availability of human resources, funding, facilities) 5. Contribution to capacity strengthening. In addition to describing the dimensions considered in these approaches to priority setting, the 2004 report also summarizes several efforts to apply these approaches in individual countries or for individual diseases or disease areas (see, for example, Remme and others 2002). The priorities identified include many of those identified in chapter 4 in this volume. Examining these dimensions of priority setting, one finds that some are intrinsically qualitative in nature but quantitative analysis also sometimes plays an important role. For example, several approaches, including the GFHR’s combined matrix approach, use DALYs to quantify the number of healthy years of life lost to the disease toward which the research is directed. Looking forward, one may find additional quantitative approaches helpful in assessing the value of research. For example, new methods based on value-of-information (VOI) techniques have begun to be proposed to better inform such assessments. In essence, VOI techniques model the uncertainty in the outcomes of research and the value of research contingent on that uncertainty in order to assess the expected value of the research. For example, a research project that has a 5 percent chance of success that it would produce health gains worth US$100 million and a 95 percent chance of failure, would have an expected value of (0.05  US$100 million)  (0.95  US$0)  US$5 million. Although these techniques have rich roots in statistical and economic theory, they are often difficult to apply well because of the difficulty in valuing health outcomes and modeling the uncertain outcomes of research. As a Economic Approaches to Valuing Global Health Research | 161

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result, these methods often can provide only loose bounds on the value of a research project (Meltzer 2001). Indeed, in the worst-case scenarios, in which the available information about the likely outcomes of research is essentially uninformative, VOI techniques only reproduce information on the burden and costs of illness. Nevertheless, in settings where more structure can be put into the problem, these techniques have begun to be applied successfully to specific research questions, such as the prioritization of research in Alzheimer’s disease (Claxton and others 2001). In general, the more remote the connection of the research to health outcomes, the harder it is to gain meaningful information from a VOI approach. Thus VOI approaches are far better at providing information on the value of applied research than they are at providing information on the value of basic research. For lower-income countries, this ability to illustrate the value of applied work may be especially valuable because often a technology has already been developed and the question is

how best to apply it in a given setting. With the limited funds that have traditionally been available for research in lowerincome countries and the high value that appears to be placed on improvements in health in these countries, VOI studies, as discussed previously, seem likely to frequently show that the benefits of research in lower-income countries far exceed the costs. It is hoped that such findings may be used to increase the pool of funds available for research in these settings. However, even if VOI techniques do not lead to increases in the total funding available for research in low-income countries, they may be helpful in informing resource allocation decisions, given available resources. In the context of a fixed research budget in which some research projects whose expected benefit exceeds their costs could still not be funded, rigorous data on the high rates of return on projects that did not make the funding line would then serve to highlight the returns to greater research in these settings. Because VOI calculations need not be complex (see box 7.1), the most important barriers to their

Box 7.1

Value of Information Although VOI calculations can be quite complex (for example, Claxton and others 2001), they need not be. For a researcher seeking funding, much simpler calculations may be sufficient to build a compelling case for funding. For example, quantifying the burden of illness in life years, QALYs, or DALYs lost and converting this into a burden or cost-of-illness measure in economic terms using an estimate of the statistical value of life may even be sufficient. To take a simple example, imagine a research program in a country with a statistical value of life of US$0.6 million (for example, the estimate for India) for a disease that currently kills 1,000 people per year. If one abstracts from issues such as the age of death and how one might differentially value deaths at different ages, this would have a potential value of US$0.6 billion per year. If the research study were viewed as having a 10 percent chance of preventing 50 percent of those deaths, its expected value would be P(success)  percent efficacy  statistical value of life  0.1  0.5  US$0.6 billion  US$30 million per year. Potential annual productivity gains produced by a successful treatment and annual costs of the treatment could be added to, or subtracted from, these US$0.6 billion annual benefits as well. One could go further, arguing that the research would be valuable into the future, and discount an infinite stream of those annual returns. At a discount rate (R) of 10 percent, this stream would have a value of US$20 million/R  US$200 million. This result

suggests that a research program costing up to this amount would be worthwhile if it could be expected to have this likelihood of success and percent efficacy. Even if those probabilities could not be reliably estimated, minimum values could be calculated at which the research program would continue to be worthwhile. As in their use in affluent countries, such calculations are likely to suggest that health research is of great value, often being predicted to return value many times its cost even accounting for uncertainty. In the preceding example, for instance, even an immense US$100 million research program would have an expected return 20 times as large. Such results would reflect the immense value in health research but would also suggest caution: with limited research funds, not all programs whose benefits exceed their costs should be funded if more valuable projects remain unfunded. In this area, funding agencies can be helpful to the research community by highlighting how they have used calculations such as these and publicizing the ratio of research costs to returns for those projects they have been able to fund. Even when a project is not funded despite a favorable ratio of expected returns to research costs, reporting the missed opportunity will serve as a reminder to the world community of the potential of health research for lowerincome countries that remains unrealized and thereby, perhaps, promote greater investment in health research to benefit the people of these countries.

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useful application to research in developing countries are the lack of awareness and acceptance of these methods on the part of researchers and funders focused on these settings. Organizations concerned with international health can exercise valuable international leadership by exposing these researchers and funders to these methods and encouraging their use.

Alzheimer’s Disease.” International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 17 (1): 38–55. Cutler, D. M., and S. Kadiyala. 2003. “The Return to Biomedical Research: Treatment and Behavioral Effects.” In Measuring the Gains from Medical Research: An Economic Approach, ed. K. M. Murphy and R. H. Topel, 110–62. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Cutler, D. M., E. Richardson, T. E. Keeler, and D. Staiger. 1997. “Measuring the Health of the U.S. Population.” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics 21782, Brookings Institution, Washington, DC.


GFHR (Global Forum for Health Research). 2003. The 10/90 Report on Health Research 2003–2004. Geneva: GFHR.

Improvements in health in recent decades have been of great value in both high- and low-income countries. Furthermore, future improvements in health are likely to be highly valued as the value of health increases with continuing growth in income. Health research has played a major role in the advances in health that have occurred, and the great potential value of future gains in health suggests that health research continues to merit increasing investment. New tools to prospectively assess the value of research offer the promise of even greater returns from health investment, especially for more applied research that can be closely connected to measurable benefits at the population level. Because low-income countries may often particularly benefit from applied research, these techniques to assess the value of research may be especially helpful in ensuring that the value of applied research in these settings is recognized. Providing researchers and policy makers in low- and high-income countries with the analytic tools needed to better identify and advocate for valuable opportunities for health research may be an important avenue to increasing the level and effectiveness of spending for health research.

Gold, M. R., J. E. Siegel, L. B. Russell, and M. C. Weinstein. 1996. CostEffectiveness in Health and Medicine. New York: Oxford University Press. Meltzer, D. 1992. “Mortality Decline, the Demographic Transition, and Economic Growth.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, Department of Economics. ———. 2001. “Addressing Uncertainty in Medical Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Implications of Expected Utility Maximization for Methods to Perform Sensitivity Analysis and the Use of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis to Set Priorities for Medical Research.” Journal of Health Economics 20: 109–29. Murphy, K. M., and R. H. Topel. 2003. “The Economic Value of Medical Research.” In Measuring the Gains from Medical Research: An Economic Approach, ed. K. M. Murphy and R. H. Topel, 41–73. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Nordhaus, W. D. 2003. “The Health of Nations: The Contribution of Improved Health to Living Standards.” In Measuring the Gains from Medical Research: An Economic Approach, ed. K. M. Murphy and R. H. Topel, 9–40. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Ram, R., and T. W. Schultz. 1979. “Life Span, Health, Savings, and Productivity.” Economic Development and Cultural Change 27 (April): 399–421. Remme, J. H., E. Blas, L. Chitsulo, P. M. Desjeux, H. D. Engers, T. P. Kanyok, and others. 2002. “Strategic Emphases for Tropical Diseases Research: A TDR Perspective.” Trends in Parasitology 18 (10): 421–26. Rice, D. 1994. “Cost-of-Illness Studies: Fact or Fiction?” Lancet 344 (8936): 1519–20. Thaler, R., and S. Rosen. 1975. “The Value of Saving a Life: Evidence from the Labor Market.” In Household Production and Consumption, ed. N. Terleckyj, 265–68. New York: Columbia University Press.

REFERENCES Becker, G. S., T. J. Philipson, and R. R. Soares. 2003. “The Quantity and Quality of the Life and the Evolution of World Inequality.” NBER Working Paper 9765, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA.

Viscusi, W. K., and J. E. Aldy. 2003. “The Value of a Statistical Life: A Critical Review of Market Estimates throughout the World.” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 27 (1): 5–76.

Bloom, D. E., D. Canning, and D. T. Jamison. 2004. “Health, Wealth, and Welfare.” Finance and Development 41 (1): 10–15.

WHO (World Health Organization). 1994. “Global Comparative Assessments in the Health Sector.” In Disease Burden, Expenditures, and Intervention Packages, ed.C.J.L.Murray and A.D.Lopez.Geneva:WHO.

Claxton, K., P. J. Neumann, S. Aranki, and M. C. Weinstein. 2001.“Bayesian Value of Information Analysis: An Application to a Policy Model of

World Bank. 1993. World Development Report: Investing in Health. Washington, DC: World Bank.

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Chapter 14

Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation, Research, and New Product Development Dan W. Brock and Daniel Wikler

The ethical justification for developing and providing the means to reduce the burden of disease in developing countries is self-evident. Nevertheless, those who pursue these laudable ends encounter ethical dilemmas at every turn. The development of new interventions requires testing with human subjects, an activity fraught with controversy since the dawn of scientific medicine and especially problematic with poor and vulnerable participants in developing countries. Ethical dilemmas arising in setting priorities among interventions and among individuals in need of care are most acute when needs are great and resources few. We address some of these concerns in this chapter, identifying some of the principal ethical issues that arise in the development and allocation of effective interventions for developing countries and discussing some alternative resolutions. We omit discussion of two other aspects of these ethical decisions: ensuring that the process of decision making is fair and involves the subject population (Daniels 2000; Holm 1998), and respecting legal obligations under international human rights treaties (Gruskin and Tarantola 2001).

HEALTH RESOURCE ALLOCATION Resource allocation in health and elsewhere should satisfy two main ethical criteria. First, it should be cost-effective—limited resources for health should be allocated to maximize the health benefits for the population served. A cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) of alternative health interventions measures their respective costs and benefits to determine their relative efficiency in

the production of health. Costs are measured in monetary terms; benefits are measured in health improvements. By dividing costs by benefits, one can obtain a cost-to-effectiveness ratio for each health intervention, and interventions can be ranked by these ratios. Although a CEA is typically an economic analysis performed by health economists, it is also a measure of one ethical criterion for the evaluation of health programs. Cost-effectiveness is not merely an economic concern, because improving people’s health and well-being is a moral concern, and an allocation of resources that is not cost-effective produces fewer benefits than would have been possible with a different allocation. Producing more rather than fewer benefits for people is one important ethical consideration in evaluating actions and social policies. Second, the allocation should be equitable or just; equity is concerned with the distribution of benefits and costs to distinct individuals or groups. The maximization of benefits, which is associated with the general philosophical moral theory of utilitarianism or consequentialism, however, is routinely criticized for ignoring those considerations (Rawls 1971). Equity in health care distribution is complex and embodies several distinct moral concerns or issues that this chapter delineates (Brock 2003a). There is no generally accepted methodology comparable to CEA for determining how equitable a distribution is; nevertheless, allocations are unsatisfactory if equity considerations are ignored. Efficiency and equity can sometimes coincide. In some of the world’s poorest countries, for example, health budgets support tertiary care and travel to clinics abroad for the elite and the well connected, even as the poor are denied effective,

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low-cost prevention or treatment for life-threatening diseases (Birdsall and Hecht 1995). Moreover, because equity concerns the relative treatment of different individuals, CEA is largely unobjectionable when it is used only for evaluating alternative health interventions that would serve the same patients. However, considerations of equity may conflict with costeffectiveness and so may provide moral reasons for an allocation that is not cost-effective. The discussion in this chapter accepts that CEA identifies one important ethical criterion in evaluating health care interventions—producing the most benefits possible for individuals served by those interventions— and then focuses on the other ethical criterion of ensuring equitable distribution of those benefits. This chapter considers two types of equity issues: first, those that arise in the general construction of a CEA—that is, in determining the form of a CEA; second, those that arise in the use of the results of a CEA for resource allocation in the health sector. It is worth noting that, when applied appropriately and broadly to all social conditions and programs that significantly influence health, CEA may often support using resources to affect the so-called social determinants of health—which largely affect the incidence of disease, disability, and premature mortality—rather than using those resources on health care to treat disease. However, we shall focus largely on CEA in the evaluation of health care and public health programs.

Issues in the Construction of a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Cost-effectiveness analyses require decisions about which costs to include, which if any financial gains should be counted as offsetting costs, whether to include benefits beyond the effects of the intervention on health, and whether all health gains should be valued alike. None of those decisions, in our view, is exclusively a technical issue, and CEA results reflect the analysts’ ethical judgments on those issues. Evaluation of Benefits. Evaluating health benefits within a CEA involves several issues. This chapter assumes that some version of a quality-adjusted life year (QALY) is used to combine the two main benefits of health care—(a) protecting or improving health or health-related quality of life and (b) preserving life. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) are a variant of QALYs in that they measure the losses from disability or premature death; a CEA will determine which interventions will maximize QALYs or minimize DALYs. Calculating QALYs requires a metric evaluating the effect of different states of limitations in function on health-related quality of life, such as the Health Utilities Index (Horsman and others 2003). The Disease Control Priorities Project uses the health state valuations or disability weights of the World Health Organization (WHO). The relative value of any particular health state, typically on a scale in which “0” represents death and “1” represents full,

undiminished function (or health) is generally determined by soliciting a group of individuals’ preferences for life in that state using standard gambles, time tradeoffs, visual analog scales, or person tradeoffs. In all these methods, a common issue is whose preferences to use for valuing health states. The main debate has been whether to use a randomly selected group of citizens or to use people who have the particular disability or limitation in function being evaluated. This issue matters because a number of studies have shown that persons without disabilities generally evaluate the quality of life with a particular disability as significantly worse than do persons who have that same disability (Menzel and others 2002). If the preferences of persons without disabilities are used, their lower evaluation of quality of life with various disabilities will mean that fewer QALYs will be produced by lifesaving interventions for persons with disabilities than if the preferences of persons with disabilities had been used. However, if we use the preferences of persons with disabilities, then both prevention and rehabilitation will receive less value than if the preferences of persons without disabilities had been used. This difference in evaluations in part results from ignorance, prejudice, and stereotypes on the part of persons without disabilities about what it is like to live with various disabilities. The difference results as well from the process of adaptation to disability in which disabled persons adjust by learning new skills, cope by adjusting their expectations to their new circumstances, and accommodate by substituting new aims and activities for ones made difficult or impossible by their disabilities (Solomon and Murray 2002). They thus adopt a new valuational perspective for making health and qualityof-life evaluations. Because the adoption of this new perspective resulted from a disability, it will represent a set of values for making choices that reflects a restricted set of abilities. Nevertheless, neither the nondisabled perspective nor the adapted disabled perspective is mistaken; they are only different (Brock 1995). These differences create controversy in the literature over which perspective is correct for cost-effectiveness evaluations in health care. A second issue is whether, in evaluating interventions that preserve or extend life, we should use life years saved (as QALYs do) or lives saved. Certainly individuals offered two interventions that would preserve their lives for different lengths of time would prefer, all other things being equal, the alternative with the longer period of survival. Moreover, when the differences are extreme—for example, extending group A’s lives by a week or extending an equally numerous group B’s lives by 10 years— virtually everyone would judge this difference to support giving priority to group B. This fact suggests that even the proponent of counting lives saved should require that the lives saved for a shorter period of time must still be saved for a significant period of time; what is significant will depend in part on the

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duration of lives saved by the alternative with which it is being compared. Some empirical studies indicate that ordinary people tend not to give much weight to differences in the duration of health benefits to different groups of persons when prioritizing between them, as long as the lesser duration benefits are viewed as significant; this attitude suggests that they favor lives saved over life years saved (Nord and others 1996). The life years saved versus lives saved controversy remains unsettled.

the moral urgency, grounded in fairness, of preventing the death. The younger a person is, the greater is the moral value of providing a QALY to him or her. This view leaves open to what extent the moral value of QALYs should decline with the age of the recipient. This age weighting to favor the young has been attacked by some as unjust age discrimination, but because an explicit moral justification in terms of fairness is offered for it, critics must show why that justification is unsound.

Should Life Years Be Age Weighted? The standard assumption in most CEAs using QALYs is that one QALY has the same social value, regardless of the age of the recipient (Gold and others 1996). Thus, equality is adopted as the weighting for QALYs achieved by recipients at different ages, and that is the approach adopted in this volume. The use of any age weighting that gives less value to benefits for the elderly than for younger persons is often charged as unjust age discrimination. Even the use of equally weighted QALYs is often charged as unjust age discrimination because, other things being equal, saving the lives of younger persons will produce more QALYs than saving the lives of older persons. The goal of lives saved, as opposed to life years saved, removes this disadvantage to the elderly from CEAs that use QALYs. However, if the relevant benefit is adding years to life, then standard CEA is neutral or impartial regarding age, in the sense that it gives the same value to a year of life extension whatever the age of its recipient. WHO, in its burden-of-disease and resource prioritization studies that use DALYs, rejected the equal age weighting that is standard with QALYs. Instead, it gave less value to DALYs prevented for infants, young children, and the elderly, in comparison with persons in their productive adult years. WHO justified this weighting by the fact that the very young and the elderly both tend to be economically, socially, and psychologically dependent on adults during those adults’ productive working and child-rearing years (Murray 1994). This justification is ethically problematic, however, because it assigns different value to meeting people’s health needs on the basis of differences in the instrumental value to others of meeting their needs. This approach differentiates people solely on whether they are a means to benefiting others. The same reasoning would justify giving priority to rich over poor patients with the same medical needs because the rich are more socially productive than the poor, a practice that would be widely regarded as unjust. Writers in this field have provided different reasons for giving greater value to QALYs for younger patients, however, that are not subject to this moral objection and that are specifically grounded in fairness. For example, Alan Williams has developed an argument to the effect that fairness requires that individuals should each receive “fair innings” of QALYs in their lives (Williams 1997). In this view, the earlier a preventable death could occur and the worse a person’s past health is, the greater is the unfairness the person suffers—so the greater is

What Costs Should Count in Health Cost-Effectiveness Analyses? No controversy surrounds the inclusion in a CEA of direct costs of a health intervention program or direct health benefits to the intervention’s recipients. Ethical issues do, however, arise in other aspects of the cost calculation (Brock 2003b). A full CEA of alternative health programs should take account of all the economic effects on public or private expenditures of the alternative health interventions or programs under analysis. An example is provided in the consideration of treatment for two alternative health conditions judged to have equally detrimental effects on patients’ health: the first condition permits patients to continue working, and the second interferes with regular work and so has large economic costs to the patients’ employers. Should the costs of treating the second be reduced by the cost savings to the employers from returning the patients to work on a regular basis? If so, the second treatment program will have a more favorable cost-effectiveness ratio than the first, even if it may be no better or worse without consideration of those economic effects. The same issue arises in many other contexts. From the moral perspectives of both a consequentialist and a standard CEA, these indirect economic effects for others are real benefits or cost reductions and should be part of the CEA. The fundamental moral objection to giving higher priority to treating those who can be treated at lower net cost because of the economic savings to their employers is the same as that with WHO’s instrumental rationale for its age weighting. One condition or group of patients gets higher priority solely because treating it or them is a means to producing economic benefits to others, thereby reducing the net social costs of their treatment. This approach violates the Kantian injunction against treating people solely as means—the first group has lower priority for treatment solely because treating that group is not a means to the economic savings to employers. It fails to give equal moral concern to the health needs of each group of patients because it discriminates against the less socially valuable patients. Conversely, at the macro level of the allocation of resources to health instead of other social goods, the WHO Commission on Macroeconomics and Health has supported increasing health investments in developing countries because such investments often more than pay for themselves in their economic and development benefits (CMH 2001). Using a “separate spheres” view, only the health benefits and health Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation, Research, and New Product Development | 261

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costs of alternative health interventions should determine their priority for obtaining resources, but this view remains controversial. Another aspect of cost calculation concerns whether future health care and other costs, such as old-age payments, that will be incurred as a result of a person’s life being saved should be added to the costs of treating that person now. Persons who do not die now because of a life-saving intervention will typically go on to incur future health costs that would not have been incurred had they died now. The U.S. Public Health Service Panel on cost-effectiveness recommended that inclusion of these costs be optional in CEAs (Gold and others 1996). Others have argued that, if CEA is designed to maximize lifetime utility, the future costs should be included (Meltzer 1997). These are costs that would not be incurred if the patient was not saved, but virtually no one would argue that, because of those costs, we should judge a life-saving intervention as not costeffective and thus deserving of lower priority than interventions that do not have those effects. What does this thinking show? That we are not prepared to allocate health resources on the basis of a full CEA that accounts for all the costs incurred and saved by those interventions—that is, that some should be disregarded on ethical grounds. Should Health Benefits and Costs Be Discounted in Cost-Effectiveness Analyses? As standard practice in CEAs, both health care costs and benefits are discounted at the same rate, for example, 3 percent or 5 percent, and the Disease Control Priorities Project applies a 3 percent discount rate to costs and benefits (Gold and others 1996). Little controversy surrounds the idea that future monetary costs and benefits should be discounted to their present value in a CEA. The same amount of money is worth more if received today than in 10 years because it can be invested at the market rate of interest if received today. For the same reason, costs that can be deferred require fewer present dollars to meet them. The controversial issue is whether health benefits should be discounted—that is, whether the same magnitude of health benefit has progressively less social value the farther into the future it occurs. This issue is complex and has engendered an extensive literature that cannot be reviewed here, but we can at least try to focus the issue. It is appropriate to discount for the uncertainty about whether potential beneficiaries will survive to receive a future health benefit and to discount for any increased uncertainty about whether a benefit will occur because it is more distant. However, these uncertainties are reflected in the calculation of expected future benefits and do not require that future benefits be discounted. Likewise, if individuals receive a health benefit (such as regaining mobility) sooner rather than later, their total lifetime benefit may be greater, but this fact, too, is reflected in the estimation of the total benefit without discounting.

The ethical issue about discounting is whether, after taking account of such considerations, a health benefit of the same size has progressively less social value the farther into the future that it occurs. To make the issue more concrete, suppose we must decide between two programs: one will save 100 lives now, and the other, say a hepatitis vaccination program, will save 200 lives in 30 years. The vaccination program will save twice as many lives, but if we apply even a 3 percent discount rate to the future lives saved, they are equivalent to only 78 lives saved now, and we should prefer the first program. This example illustrates not only the theoretical issue, but its practical import, too, because discounting future health benefits will systematically tend to disadvantage prevention programs that must be undertaken now but whose benefits occur only at some point in the future. This reasoning applies not only to many vaccination programs, but also to most programs to change unhealthy behaviors in which the benefits generally occur at some later time. Arguments for discounting health benefits at the same rate as costs have included consistency arguments (Weinstein and Stason 1997), avoidance of paradoxes in allocation concerning research and deferral of spending (Keeler and Cretin 1983), individual or social rates of time preference, and so forth. Those arguments cannot be reviewed here, but whether to discount health benefits is squarely an ethical question about the valuing of health benefits over time and should be explicitly addressed as such in allocating resources.

Issues in the Use of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Resource Allocation It is now widely recognized that CEA alone is not a satisfactory guide to resource allocation in all cases. CEA, as customarily formulated, measures the sum of costs and benefits and largely ignores the pattern of their distribution across the affected population. In some cases, the resulting allocation will strike most observers as unfair. Health resource allocators need to take distributional issues into account along with costeffectiveness. Priority to the Worst Off. Justice requires a special concern for the worst off, as is reflected in aphorisms such as “you can tell the justice of a society by how it treats its least well-off members,” in the well-known Difference Principle in John Rawls’s theory of justice, and by the special concern for the poor within many religious traditions (Brock 2002; Rawls 1971). This concern is often understood to reflect a concern for equality— in particular, equality in outcomes or welfare between people. In the health context, it takes the form of a concern for reducing inequalities in health between persons or groups. A variety of ethical bases underpin a concern for equality in general and for equality in health in particular, and they cannot be explored

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here. It is important, however, to understand that concern for the worst off is different from a concern for equality, because the two can be and often are confused. Raising the position of the worst off will typically reduce inequality, but it need not always do so. Sometimes improving the position of the worst off may unavoidably improve the position of those who are better off even more and thereby increase inequality. Moreover, the concern for equality in outcomes is subject to the “leveling down” objection, in which equality is achieved by making the better-off members worse off, even when doing so in no way benefits those who are worst off. In the face of that objection, many have rejected equality in outcomes in favor of a prioritarian view, according to which benefiting people has greater moral value the worse off those people are (Parfit 1991). A number of possible lines of reasoning support prioritarianism. For example, the worse off that people are, the greater is the relative improvement that a given size of benefit will provide them, so the more the benefit may matter to them. Alternatively, the greater the undeserved health deprivation or need that an individual suffers, the greater is the moral claim to have it alleviated or met. However priority to the worst off is justified, an important issue is who the worst off are. In the context of resource allocation in health care, the worst off might be those who are globally worst off, those with the worst overall well-being (such as the poor), or those with the worst health (that is, the sickest). General theories of justice usually focus on people’s overall well-being, often allowing a lower level in one domain of wellbeing to be compensated for by a higher level in another domain. However, there are both moral and pragmatic reasons for what has been called a separate spheres view, according to which the worst off for the purpose of health resource allocation should be considered to be those with worse health. Morally, for example, Scanlon has argued that “for differences in level to affect the relative strength of people’s claims to help, these differences have to be in an aspect of welfare that the help in question will contribute to” (Scanlon 1997, 227). Pragmatically, it may generally be too difficult, costly, intrusive, and controversial, as well as too subject to mistake and abuse, to have to inquire into all aspects of people’s overall levels of well-being. Even if health allocation to the worst off should be based on levels of health, other issues remain. For example, are those with worse health those who are sickest now, at the time a health intervention would be provided for them, or those with worse health over time, taking into account past and perhaps expected future health? The latter would give special weight to meeting the health needs of those with long-term chronic diseases and disabilities. Separate spheres would still include past and future health. Should special priority also be given to those whose health is not worse now but is especially vulnerable to becoming worse?

Finally, how much priority should the worst off receive? Giving absolute priority to the worst off is implausible because it faces the bottomless pit problem—using very great amounts of resources to produce very limited or marginal gains in the health-related quality of life of the severely ill or disabled. However, there is no apparent principled basis for determining how much priority the worst off should receive. Aggregation and Cost Differences. The aggregation problem occurs when determining at what point small benefits to a large number of persons should take priority over very large benefits to a few, because the former result in greater aggregate or total benefits (Daniels 1993; Kamm 1993). The issue can be illustrated by the initial effort to prioritize different treatmentcondition pairs in the Medicaid program in the U.S. state of Oregon by what was essentially a cost-effectiveness standard. As was widely reported, capping teeth for exposed pulp was ranked just above performing appendectomies for acute appendicitis, even though appendicitis is a life-threatening condition. A variety of methodological problems affected Oregon’s analysis, but this kind of result is to be expected from CEA. The Oregon Health Services Commission estimated that it was possible to provide a tooth capping for more than 100 patients for the cost of one appendectomy, so the aggregate benefits of the many tooth cappings were estimated to exceed the benefit of one appendectomy. As a consequence of results of this sort, the commission fundamentally changed its prioritization methodology to largely ignore cost differences, except in the case of roughly equally beneficial interventions. The commission essentially adopted what might be called a relative effectiveness or benefit standard (Hadorn 1991). What Oregon’s experience shows is that most people’s sense of priorities is determined by a one-to-one comparison of the benefits of different interventions, in which case appendectomies are clearly a higher priority than tooth capping. That ignores the great differences in costs between different health interventions that a CEA will reflect. Is it then simply a mistake to ignore those cost differences in allocating health resources? At least two moral considerations suggest not. First, empirical studies have shown that many people ignore the cost differences because they believe that patients should not be at a disadvantage in priority for treatment simply because their condition happens to be more expensive to treat than are other patients’ conditions (Nord and others 1995). Second, according to many moral theories, individuals should confront other competitors for scarce resources as individuals, and their priority for treatment should be determined by the urgency of their individual claims to treatment (Scanlon 1997). Then again, most people and most moral theories do not reject all aggregation of different sizes and costs of health benefits in setting priorities and allocation, although there is no consensus either on when aggregation should be permitted or Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation, Research, and New Product Development | 263

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for what reasons. However, at a minimum, we suggest that individuals should not be denied very great health benefits—in the extreme case, life-saving interventions—merely to provide small health benefits to a large number of other persons. Fair Chances and Best Outcomes. The thesis that resources should be targeted to interventions in which they will do the most good ascribes a higher priority to those who can be helped more easily or cheaply. This thinking, in turn, implies that some patients will lose out simply because their needs are more difficult or expensive to meet. Consider, for example, a ward with 100 patients,50 of whom require one pill and 50 of whom require two pills to recover. The patients are otherwise similar. The clinic has 50 pills and must decide how to distribute them. To achieve the best outcome, all 50 pills should be given to the patients who need only one to recover. However, to give each patient an equal chance to recover, entitlement to treatment should be awarded randomly. Seventeen fewer cures would result. Limited surveys indicate a sharp difference between health professionals and the general public in their responses to this conflict. Most health professionals favor distribution to onepill patients only, and most members of the general public insist that people should not be penalized for needing two pills (Nord 1999). This division of opinion goes to the heart of CEA, which is precisely a guide to identifying the route to the best outcomes that can be hoped for with existing resources. It also creates a dilemma for those health professionals who maintain that health policy should be based on values most frequently endorsed by the population affected. The conflict between fair chances and best outcomes arises not only from differences in the costs of treating otherwise similar groups of patients, but also when one group of patients will receive somewhat greater benefits than another at the same cost. The appeal of a fair-chances solution is greater when the difference in cost-effectiveness between the two programs is relatively small compared with the potential gain or loss to individual patients. Suppose that health program A will produce 5,000 QALYs while program B will produce 4,500 QALYs and that the effect on the health or life of each patient served is large—in the extreme, life saving. Patients who would be served by program B could complain that it is not fair that all the resources go to program A and none to B when they have nearly as pressing health needs and would be benefited by treatment nearly as much as the patients served by program A. If all cannot be treated, they might go on to argue, they deserve a fair chance to have their needs met rather than having no chance for treatment only because treating them would produce slightly less benefit than treating the patients served by program A. The small difference in benefits produced for the two groups—for example, a slightly greater life expectancy or more serious disability averted in program A—they argue, is too small to justify the tremendous difference in how the two

groups are treated. In the extreme case, some live and others die. The better outcome is produced by funding program A rather than program B, but that additional good is insufficient to justify morally the huge difference in the way the two groups of patients are treated. The conflict between fair chances and best outcomes can arise in a variety of contexts (Kamm 1993). Preferring the most cost-effective program can also seem unfair because it compounds existing unfair inequalities. For example, screening slum-dwelling black men for hypertension targets the group with the highest incidence and greatest risk of premature death. However, it is more cost-effective to target well-to-do suburban white men, because they have more ordered lives, comply better, have personal doctors and the means to obtain medical services, are more educated, and are more likely to modify their lifestyles wisely. However, if the poor black men are not screened for this reason, it only compounds their existing unjust deprivation and, of course, is also in conflict with giving priority to the worst off. If those who need a less cost-effective program deserve a fair chance to have their needs met, what would be a fair chance? Some argue that a fair chance is an equal chance, so some random method of selecting which program to fund should be used (Broome 1991). Others suggest proportional chances or a weighted lottery, in which the chance of each program being selected is proportional to the amount of health benefit each would produce, as a way of balancing fair chances against best outcomes (Brock 1988). Alternatively, some resources might go to each program (which is usually possible at the macro level), thereby benefiting some patients in each group—at least if their relative benefits are not strikingly dissimilar—instead of all going to the most cost-effective programs. Another consideration supports spreading some resources to less cost-effective programs instead of devoting them all to the most cost-effective: to give all—or at least more—patients a reason to hope that their health needs will be met. This consideration may be especially important in developing countries where resource scarcity is more severe and adhering strictly to cost-effectiveness criteria could result in large numbers of patients with serious—or even life-threatening—health needs having no hope that their needs will be met. Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities. The use of CEA in resource allocation to maximize the QALYs produced by available resources will often discriminate against persons with disabilities. Many persons with disabilities such as cystic fibrosis, HIV/AIDS, and chronic pulmonary or heart disease have reduced life expectancies or health-related quality of life as a result of their disabilities. Life-extending health care for those people will produce fewer QALYs than for people without them, all else being equal. When health interventions are aimed at improving quality of life rather than extending life, similar discrimination can

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arise. The presence of disabilities can act as comorbidities, making treatment less effective or more expensive (or both) than it would otherwise be, thereby worsening its costeffectiveness ratio relative to comparable treatment for persons without disabilities. These effects of treatment can result from a disability that exists before treatment and is unrelated to the treatment provided. So it seems that a cost-effectiveness standard for resource allocation discriminates against such persons specifically because of their disabilities. Moreover, this effect will arise not only in the case of preexisting disabilities, but also in the case of patients who become disabled as a result of treatment that is only partially effective. Several strategies to avoid this discrimination in resource allocation have been suggested. Perhaps the most plausible, at least for the case of life-sustaining treatment, is to ignore differences in patients’ posttreatment quality of life as long as each patient accepts and values that quality of life and to ignore differences in life expectancy after treatment as long as each will receive a significant gain in life extension; obviously, what counts as significant is vague and needs finer definition. Ignoring differences in life expectancy posttreatment fits with empirical evidence that individuals give little weight to duration of benefits in prioritizing between health interventions that serve different individuals. Cutoffs for Cost per Quality-Adjusted Life Year. It is not uncommon in health care allocation to suggest the use of cutoffs tied to cost per QALY, although the cutoffs suggested vary substantially depending on the overall wealth of the country and on the amount that it spends on health care. The cutoffs can be of some value in identifying health interventions that are either good or poor buys, given the society’s overall wealth and overall level of health spending. However, it is important to be clear that such cutoffs should never function as anything more than a rough initial guide in health resource allocation. The various equity considerations discussed briefly above can serve as justification for departing from or violating any cutoffs related to cost per QALY. Responsibility for Health Needs. Some have suggested that health needs for which individuals are morally responsible should have lower priority than health needs for which individuals are not responsible (Moss and Siegler 1991). If individuals are responsible for their health needs and could have taken steps to avoid them, they have weaker claims on social resources to meet those needs than do individuals whose health needs are no fault of their own and could not have been prevented. Smoking and substance abuse are two of the most prominent examples of behaviors often cited. However, differentiating patients by whether they deserve care on the basis of whether they are responsible for their health needs does not fit

the practice or norms of medicine, which have the goal of meeting patients’ medical needs. There are strong moral reasons for considerable caution in letting health resource allocation depend on individuals’ responsibility for their health needs (Wikler 2002). For that practice to be fair to those whose needs receive lower priority because of behavior, (a) the needs must have been caused by the behavior, (b) the behavior must have been voluntary, and (c) the persons must have known that the behavior would cause the health needs and that if they engaged in it their health needs resulting from it would receive lower priority. Smoking shows that these conditions are not easily satisfied. Smoking is one causal factor in much cancer and heart disease, but many smokers do not get those diseases, indicating that other factors, no doubt in part genetic differences for which individuals are not responsible, also play an important causal role. Smoking is typically begun when individuals are young adolescents, and as discussed in chapter 46, it is highly addictive, which undermines the voluntariness of continuing to smoke. Individuals in industrial countries are now generally familiar with the health risks of smoking, but this is less true among less educated populations in developing countries, where smoking is an increasing problem. No one anywhere has been informed before they smoke that, if they do, their health needs from smoking will receive lower priority for treatment than will other health needs. Thus, it would generally be unfair to give smokers lower priority for treatment of smoking-related diseases on the grounds that they were morally responsible for those health needs, although there may be other behaviors for which individuals could more justifiably be held responsible. Moreover, attempting to make those judgments in individual cases would be extremely difficult and controversial. Given the difficulty of instituting a fair practice that allocates health resources according to people’s moral responsibility for their health needs, we generally have good moral reason to preserve the egalitarian feature of the practice of medicine that looks to patients’ needs for care rather than to whether they deserve care.

ETHICS IN RESEARCH AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT All new drugs and other medical products must be tested on human subjects before they are sold. Although participation in health research is often a valuable opportunity for participants, what happens to them is determined not only by their clinicians’ therapeutic intent (if any) but also by the need to ensure that the research yields useful information. Managing the potential conflict between those motivations is often an ethically challenging task, and the issues become particularly contentious when research is conducted in developing countries. Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation, Research, and New Product Development | 265

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Developing Consensus on Ethics and Human Subjects Research The central ethical question in health research that involves human subjects is what may be asked of some individuals so that others may benefit. The question arises in any research in which human subjects are asked to participate, but is most pressing if the care that is offered to subjects provides no therapeutic benefit or if that care is compromised by the requirements of the study design. Informed consent, while in most cases a requirement for ethical justification of research involving risk, does not relieve the scientist of responsibility. The ethical question is what potential subjects may be recruited for, even if they do consent. A rough consensus exists worldwide on the elements of research ethics and, increasingly, on the central role of the ethical review committee, or institutional review board (IRB). This consensus can be traced back to the post–World War II international determination to ensure that the kind of barbaric research practiced by Nazi scientists would not again stain the good name of medical science.1 Three advisory documents have been particularly influential. The Nuremberg Tribunal that conducted the postwar Doctors’ Trial promulgated a code of conduct for medical research that stressed the requirement of informed consent. The World Medical Association issued the first version of its Declaration of Helsinki in 1964 and has revised it several times. A further set of guidelines, issued in 1993 and revised a decade later, was published by the Genevabased Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences. Although they lack the force of law, these documents are widely acknowledged as international standards. Indeed, the World Medical Association’s periodic revisions of the Declaration of Helsinki have become focal points for international debates over outstanding issues in research ethics. The most elaborate codification of research ethics is the socalled Common Rule of Conduct of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (title 45, section 46), which derived from the work of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavior Research of the mid 1970s. In addition to proposing rules governing many aspects of research with human subjects, the commission proposed that the IRB be given the central role in research ethics and be responsible for prior review of research proposals.2 The IRB was a compromise, granting a measure of self-regulation to scientists and an assurance of ethical conduct to the government and the public for publicly funded investigations. The basic elements of research ethics engender little disagreement. The research must never be brutal or inhumane, and all unnecessary risks should be eliminated. Any net risks to subjects must be justified by the prospect of potential benefits to others. Prospective participants must be told that they are in a study and must be informed of its nature and its risks and benefits. In the case of research that offers therapeutic benefit,

scientists must explore the range of reasonable therapeutic alternatives with the patient. Potential subjects must understand that their participation is completely voluntary and that they may withdraw at any time and for any reason. Because they cannot voluntarily shoulder risks, further protection must be provided to those who cannot give consent. Such people include, among others, mentally incompetent or immature participants and those involved in research (chiefly in social psychology) that requires initial deception. Consent, however, is not sufficient to ensure fairness; there should be additional safeguards against unfair distribution of the burdens and benefits of research. Finally, all research that involves potential risks should be reviewed by an IRB acting on the basis of internationally recognized ethical principles. The global acceptance of these principles and the rapid development of capacity for ethical review attest to the perceived validity of this system of rules and procedures of ethical review. However, there has been relatively little research on how IRBs actually perform. Many IRBs in smaller institutions lack the necessary expertise to review novel or complex proposals, and their institutional setting creates a potential conflict of interest. Government investigations of the adequacy of IRBs for the tasks that are now assigned to them have often been critical (for example, Office of the Inspector General 1998, 2000). IRBs are often overworked and understaffed, resulting in ever-lengthening delays between initial submission of protocols and final approval. Regardless of the value of IRBs, predicting what will pass through them and what might provoke delay or rejection has become a significant concern for medical researchers. The system thus has costs as well as benefits, a fact that lends additional gravity to the controversies that it must resolve.

Goals of Ethical Review of Research Although the overall purpose of ethical review is to ensure that research with human subjects is ethically defensible, the international consensus specifies several distinct goals that are sometimes in tension with each other: • Protection. Ethical review committees can protect subjects by alerting investigators to unforeseen hazards and by suggesting research designs that can avoid unnecessary risk or reduce the number of subjects exposed to risk. By insisting that a clear explanation of risks and benefits be provided to potential participants, ethical review committees also help potential participants to protect themselves. Ethical review committees often take the name “Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects,” reflecting a central preoccupation of research ethics today. • Assurance that participation is voluntary. Some research cannot be conducted without asking some participants to

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endure discomfort or pain, to delay relief from symptoms of their disease, or to risk other harm so that future patients may benefit. Permitting investigators to approach potential subjects in these cases requires an ethical judgment. In approving such a proposal, the function of the ethical review committee is not, strictly speaking, only to protect the subjects (the goal of protection would often be served more effectively by declining to do the research), but also to permit them to be enlisted in the effort to improve health care for others. Thus, a second function of ethical review is to ensure that those who agree to participate do so voluntarily and freely and that they understand what is being asked of them. • Equality and fairness. Although research ethics committees have little authority to address persistent social injustices, a third concern of research ethics is that the benefits and burdens of health research be distributed fairly. This function receives relatively little attention in the literature of research ethics, despite its prominence in such well-known documents as the Belmont Report of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects (1979). Many of the most notorious abuses of research subjects, including the Nazi investigations in the concentration camps, the Japanese biowarfare experiments on Chinese and other civilians, and the Tuskegee research on African Americans suffering from syphilis, were committed on subjects chosen exclusively from disadvantaged groups. Those three goals of ethical review—protecting subjects; ensuring voluntary, informed participation; and reviewing the fairness of recruitment—are promulgated in the international guidelines and in the Common Rule (and in the regulations of other countries), but they do not always point in the same direction. For example, a research project that asks participants to endure a burden or risk—thus failing to offer full protection—can still meet the requirement of equality if the burden is equally shared. Ethical review, thus, is not a matter of applying a checklist, but it imposes an obligation of substantial ethical judgment. A key challenge for IRBs is to earn and retain the trust of participants and of the public, a task made more difficult by the unavoidable absence of explicit criteria for approval. This problem is exacerbated by the institutional conflict of interest inherent in the placement of the IRB within the research institution, which prompts concern that the committees will downplay risks to subjects for projects that profit or benefit the institution or its influential staff members. Conversely, IRBs that are fearful of institutional embarrassment or legal sanction in the event of any harm befalling research participants might lean too far in the direction of overprotection of subjects, at the expense of important scientific research initiatives. Both concerns have been raised about the IRB system.

Current Controversies in Research Ethics Some of the most sharply disputed issues have arisen in international collaborative research involving scientists and sponsors from wealthy countries conducting experiments in developing countries. Some of the problems are procedural. For example, U.S. agencies have insisted on the same kind of recordkeeping for IRBs in developing countries that is required of IRBs in U.S. research institutions. IRBs in developing countries may accept the same principles of accountability, but they do not have the elaborate staffs and budgets that leading IRBs rely on. The most difficult disputes involving the ethics of research in developing countries are, however, substantive rather than procedural. Standard of Care. The international guidelines used in navigating the ethical dilemmas of research in developing countries were created for the very different purpose of ensuring that what happened at Dachau and Auschwitz would not recur. It is not clear whether those rules usefully resolve the kinds of dilemmas that arise in, say, Uganda or Peru. The Declaration of Helsinki, following the Nuremberg Tribunal, requires informed consent of all competent research subjects, and in section 29 states that “the benefits, risks, burdens, and effectiveness of a new method should be tested against those of the best current prophylactic, diagnostic, and therapeutic methods.” To its supporters, any departure from the letter of the Declaration of Helsinki that would permit an experiment in a poor country that would be forbidden in a rich one would constitute a double ethical standard. In their view, this clause of the Declaration of Helsinki affirms the equal importance of human lives, regardless of wealth or nationality, and stands as a safeguard against exploitation of those made vulnerable by poverty, sickness, and absence of governmental protection. Opponents, however, argue that this position seems to rule out the possibility of testing cheap new products that may be effective, although perhaps not as effective as other products that the population could not afford. If so, it would be difficult to understand whom the single-standard-of-care position would be protecting, for surely it is better for a seriously ill person to receive a good drug, even if it is not the best, than to receive no drug at all.3 Both points of view deserve respect. The single-standard approach is consistent with the postwar consensus on principles of research ethics, and it offers a bright line between research that amply respects human subjects and that which might result if sponsors and scientists were tempted to roam the globe in search of human subjects who could be used as experimental material with a minimum of expense or trouble. Opponents of the universal-standard view, however, challenge its premise. It made sense to insist on a single, universal Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation, Research, and New Product Development | 267

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standard when the problem was Nazi barbarity, because the prevailing standard was high and the medical criminals in the death camps denied it to the imprisoned minority—people unjustly stripped of their entitlements. In Uganda or Nepal, however, care at the highest world standard is available, if at all, to only a small elite. A full reconciliation of those points of view may not be possible. The authors suggest that a relativized standard should be considered only when the beneficiaries will include the impoverished, sick population. Even in those cases, however, the local standard of care could be adopted in the experiment only if it met or exceeded the standard provided by other countries at similar levels of development. Placebo Controls and Other Issues Involving Research Design. For certain purposes, scientists use a placebo control even though a proven treatment exists. Patients in these control groups thus receive care that is inferior to what they would experience in good clinical care. Until very recently, the Declaration of Helsinki flatly condemned this practice (its current language is somewhat less restrictive), but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accepted results of these trials in applications for approval of new drugs. The FDA’s justification for this acceptance rests on two claims, one scientific and one ethical. The first is that in certain contexts (for example, for conditions such as depression, in which eligibility criteria and outcomes are subjective, to an appreciable extent, and in which symptoms fluctuate in both treated and untreated patients), active controls may produce misleading indications of equivalency, yielding seemingly positive results that may be spurious. The second is that when only placebo controls can be informative, it is sometimes justifiable to ask participants to be randomized with placebo and thereby to risk discomfort and distress (but not any appreciable risk of death or long-term impairment). Debates over placebo controls are often joined in the context of disputes over the appropriate standard of care that arise in the case of research in developing countries, but placebo controls are controversial in trials in high-income countries, too. Placebo controls are one instance of a large category of ethical issues in research that require weighing the importance of a scientifically ideal research design against the well-being of participants. For example, a study of long-term chemotherapy to prevent the recurrence of breast cancer was halted before the designated endpoints had been reached after the study’s Data Safety and Monitoring Board decided that continuing the study after a strong trend had been established favoring the chemotherapy would be unfair to the control group. It is notable that in this instance severe criticism of this decision was voiced by an organization representing women at risk for breast cancer, as well as by the editorial board of the New York Times. Critics of the early termination of the trial were, in effect, aligning themselves with the interests of future

beneficiaries of the research and possibly against the immediate interests of the women in the control group. Rights of Host Communities. Ideally, research involving human subjects would be a cooperative endeavor for mutual advantage among free citizens who understand and endorse the need for research and who expect to share both in the burden of serving as research subjects and in the eventual benefit of improved health care. Societies that recruit subjects primarily from lower socioeconomic strata fall short of this ideal; those that do not offer new advances in care to all of their citizens fall even further short, raising serious questions about fairness. Furthest of all from this ideal are some instances of the increasingly common practice of recruiting research subjects among the poorest people in the poorest countries. The means for protecting human subjects in these countries are often nonexistent. Most of their citizens will be unable to afford new drugs developed by firms in industrial countries. It is not clear that these subjects participate voluntarily. Their lack of scientific education or even literacy limits their ability to understand the terms of the proposed agreement with the scientists and sponsors (particularly when consent forms, on legal advice, run to 20 dense pages), and poverty often deprives them of any alternative means of recovering their health. Despite these potential ethical shortcomings, international collaborative research is assured of continued growth. Some of this research targets diseases affecting mainly poor people, who as a group suffer more from too little research on their populations than from too much. Even research intended to develop therapies that will be affordable only to much wealthier patients can be defended. Individual participants may receive better care than they would otherwise, and visiting scientists offer employment and technical training. To right the perceived imbalance in what is asked of research subjects in poor countries and the value that is obtained by scientists who experiment on them, some have proposed that sponsors of research in the poorest countries compensate their hosts by offering a supplementary benefit (Glantz and others 1998). One much discussed option is access following the end of the study to any drugs or other therapies whose effectiveness is confirmed in the research. The most limited proposals would restrict this entitlement to individuals who were enrolled in the study (those who received placebo as members of a control group, for instance), and time limits (such as three years) have been proposed in the case of chronic diseases such as HIV/AIDS. More expansive community benefit proposals have called for lifetime access to the treatments by all participants, their families, other members of the local community, or even all citizens of the country. Other proposed benefits include a specified amount of technology transfer, including scientific training and the construction of clinics and laboratories, and cash payments earmarked for health care. A moderate proposal

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is to encourage these benefits but to require only that they be discussed and agreed on before investigations are initiated (National Bioethics Advisory Commission 2001). These proposals are intended to restore fairness to the relationship between participants and those who benefit from research, including scientists and their sponsors and also future beneficiaries of advances in medical science. Among the potential drawbacks are the inability to specify, even roughly, how much is owed to host communities; the inability to determine whether community benefit should be required even of research funded by governments or philanthropists for the benefit of people living in the host communities; and the risk that placing these demands on proposed research projects will drive them away from these very needy sites. Some of these uncertainties may be resolved over time as a variety of approaches are attempted, particularly if they are studied and reported to officials in potential research sites. These international collaborations would draw less scrutiny if it were clear that all subjects knew what they were getting into and participated of their own free will. Although evidence on this point is mixed, special circumstances in some countries introduce problems that will have to be addressed over the long run. Cultural differences between host populations and scientists may lead to conflicts over who has the authority to speak for the individuals invited to participate in a given study. Regulatory authorities in high-income countries have been reluctant to accept permission by a woman’s husband or by a village chief on behalf of his people in lieu of individual consent. It is often unclear—particularly from the vantage point of an IRB in Europe or the United States—whether the cultural norms of the host population designate the husband or village chief as decision makers in these transactions and whether insistence on concurrent individual consent would be viewed as intrusive or insulting. Another recurring issue is whether people enrolled in a trial of a promising therapy who are ill and very poor can rightly be viewed as volunteers. The prospect of a cure for a person who would otherwise die would seem to be irresistible, even if the treatment is not up to the standards that even less well-to-do citizens of richer countries would expect. Financial incentives, too, would predictably have a powerful effect on an individual who may always be looking for a day’s wage to feed hungry children. Some IRBs limit payments to compensation for lost wages and travel expenses, but even at this level researchers are asked to change the amounts offered to avoid forcing a choice on the potential participant. As with alleged cultural differences regarding individual informed consent, IRBs operate with scant evidence on this point. It is difficult from a long distance to decide what amount of compensation undermines freedom of choice. It is also unclear whether the moral categories used in these disputes have been adequately thought through. The fact that a poor person finds an attractive offer irresistible will

be viewed as evidence of coercion by some observers but nothing more than common sense by others. Most of these controversies can be traced back to underdevelopment and the inequalities of wealth and education that prevail among and within nations today, but progress in resolving the ethical controversies that have become obstacles to badly needed health research must be made even as these disparities persist. Viewing health research in the context of development and emphasizing research that is targeted to the needs of the poor majorities in poor countries can provide a context in which trust rather than fear or suspicion is the default response in host countries. Efforts to build capacity for ethical review within the host countries, such as financial support for ethical review committees, can place the locus of decision making closer to the people who serve as subjects. Research on the effectiveness of current ethical and regulatory requirements and mechanisms might enhance the process of ethical review while reducing its bureaucratic burden. Meanwhile, the quality and appropriateness of ethical review of this research that takes place in the sponsors’ countries would be enhanced by eliciting the views of officials in developing countries, clinicians, scientists, and community leaders.

NOTES 1. Because our current system of ethical review and regulation of research with human subjects derives from our resolve to prevent the recurrence of earlier abuses, it deserves mention that the standard historical account of research ethics has been seriously incomplete. While the Allies sat in judgment of the Nazi scientists at Nuremberg, abuses of similar scope and savagery practiced by Japanese biowarfare researchers on Chinese and other civilians and prisoners of war were kept secret (and their perpetrators were unpunished) following a pact with the criminal scientists to exchange data for war crimes immunity. Moreover, the Allied governments did not always honor the Nuremberg principles. In the Soviet Union, scientists attempting to develop for clandestine operations poisons that would not be identified on autopsy practiced their craft, with predictably lethal results, on hapless prisoners (Birstein 2001). Abuses in the United States, such as the Tuskegee syphilis study (Brandt 2000), have been more widely publicized, but ethical lapses in large-scale Cold War–related studies, ranging from radiation studies on urban populations (Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments 1995) to surreptitious administration of mind-altering drugs such as LSD (Rockefeller Commission 1975), were state secrets. 2. In the United States, the Office of Human Research Protections, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services, has overall responsibility for oversight of IRBs administering research using U.S. government funds. Its Web site is 3. Supporters of the single-standard view might point out that, in its current version, the Declaration of Helsinki does not require that everyone in an experiment receive the best available care, but rather that new treatments be tested against the best available care. But this defense faces further objections. In some cases, testing against the best available care (rather than against the care currently provided to the population or against placebo) will fail to provide the evidence needed to convince the ministry of health or potential donors that funds should be provided. There is a potential contradiction in any view that claims both that all patients in experiments deserve the best care and that it is ethically acceptable to test a new treatment that is not expected to be quite as good as the best currently available. Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation, Research, and New Product Development | 269

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Part Three

Strengthening Health Systems • Strengthening Public Health Services • Strengthening Personal Health Services • Capacity Strengthening and Management Reform

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Chapter 53

Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Interventions Peter Nsubuga, Mark E. White, Stephen B. Thacker, Mark A. Anderson, Stephen B. Blount, Claire V. Broome, Tom M. Chiller, Victoria Espitia, Rubina Imtiaz, Dan Sosin, Donna F. Stroup, Robert V. Tauxe, Maya Vijayaraghavan, and Murray Trostle What gets measured gets done. —Anonymous

Public health surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, closely integrated with the timely dissemination of these data to those responsible for preventing and controlling disease and injury (Thacker and Berkelman 1988). Public health surveillance is a tool to estimate the health status and behavior of the populations served by ministries of health, ministries of finance, and donors. Because surveillance can directly measure what is going on in the population, it is useful both for measuring the need for interventions and for directly measuring the effects of interventions. The purpose of surveillance is to empower decision makers to lead and manage more effectively by providing timely, useful evidence. Increasingly, top managers in ministries of health and finance in developing countries and donor agencies are recognizing that data from effective surveillance systems are useful for targeting resources and evaluating programs. The HIV and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemics underscored the critical role of surveillance in protecting individual nations and the global community. For example, in 2005, China rapidly began to expand its surveillance and response capacity through its Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP); Brazil and Argentina chose to use World Bank loans to develop surveillance capacity; and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) redesigned its surveillance strategy to

focus on the use of data to improve public health interventions (USAID 2005). Additionally, the guidelines for implementing the 2004 draft revised International Health Regulations require World Health Organization (WHO) member states to have key persons and core capacities in surveillance (http:// Just as decision makers require competent, motivated economists to provide quality technical analyses, they also need competent staff members to provide scientifically valid surveillance information and communicate the results as information for action. Competent epidemiologists and surveillance staff members are not a luxury in developing countries; they are a necessity for rational planning, implementation, and intervention (Narasimhan and others 2004).

DEFINITIONS AND BASIC CONCEPTS In this chapter, we use the following definitions: • Indicator: a measurable factor that allows decision makers to estimate objectively the size of a health problem and monitor the processes, the products, or the effects of an intervention on the population (for example, the number of new cases of diarrhea, the proportion of children fully 997

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immunized in a district, or the percentage of high school students who report that they smoke at least one cigarette a day). Active surveillance: a system employing staff members to regularly contact heath care providers or the population to seek information about health conditions. Active surveillance provides the most accurate and timely information, but it is also expensive. Passive surveillance: a system by which a health jurisdiction receives reports submitted from hospitals, clinics, public health units, or other sources. Passive surveillance is a relatively inexpensive strategy to cover large areas, and it provides critical information for monitoring a community’s health. However, because passive surveillance depends on people in different institutions to provide data, data quality and timeliness are difficult to control. Routine health information system: a passive system in which regular reports about diseases and programs are completed by public health staff members, hospitals, and clinics. Health information and management system: a passive system by which routine reports about financial, logistic, and other processes involved in the administration of the public health and clinical systems can be used for surveillance. Categorical surveillance: an active or passive system that focuses on one or more diseases or behaviors of interest to an intervention program. These systems are useful for program managers. However, they may be inefficient at the district or local level, at which staff may need to fill out multiple forms on the same patient (that is, the HIV program, the tuberculosis program, the sexually transmitted infections program, and the Routine Health Information System). At higher levels, allocating the few competent surveillance experts to one program may leave other programs underserved, and reconciling the results of different systems to establish the nation’s official estimates may be difficult. Integrated surveillance: a combination of active and passive systems using a single infrastructure that gathers information about multiple diseases or behaviors of interest to several intervention programs (for example, a health facility–based system may gather information on multiple infectious diseases and injuries). Managers of diseasespecific programs may be evaluated on the results of the integrated system and should be stakeholders. Even when an integrated system is functioning well, program managers may continue to maintain categorical systems to collect additional disease-specific data and control the quality of the information on which they are evaluated. This practice may lead to duplication and inefficiency. Syndromic surveillance: an active or passive system that uses case definitions that are based entirely on clinical features without any clinical or laboratory diagnosis (for example, collecting the number of cases of diarrhea rather than cases

of cholera, or “rash illness” rather than measles). Because syndromic surveillance is inexpensive and is faster than systems that require laboratory confirmation, it is often the first kind of surveillance begun in a developing country. However, because of the lack of specificity (for example, a “rash illness” could be anything from the relatively minor rubella to devastating hemorrhagic fevers), reports require more investigation from higher levels. Also an increase in one disease causing a syndrome may mask an epidemic of another (for example, rotavirus diarrhea decreases at the same time cholera increases). In the specialized area of surveillance for biologic terrorism, syndromic surveillance refers to active surveillance of syndromes that may be caused by potential agents used by biologic terrorists and sometimes refers to alternative measures such as increases in the use of over-the-counter drugs or increases in calls to emergency departments. • Behavioral risk factor surveillance system (BRFSS): an active system of repeated surveys that measure behaviors that are known to cause disease or injury (for example, tobacco or alcohol use, unprotected sex, or lack of physical exercise). Because the aim of many intervention program strategies is to prevent disease by preventing unhealthy behavior, these surveys provide a direct measure of their effect in the population, often long before the anticipated health effects are expected. These surveys are useful for providing timely measures of program effectiveness for both communicable and noncommunicable disease interventions.

OBJECTIVES OF SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS Public health surveillance provides the scientific and factual database essential to informed decision making and appropriate public health action. The key objective of surveillance is to provide information to guide interventions. The public health objectives and actions needed to make successful interventions determine the design and implementation of surveillance systems. For example, if the objective is to prevent the spread of epidemics of acute infectious diseases, such as SARS, managers need to intervene quickly to stop the spread of disease. Therefore, they need a surveillance system that provides rapid early warning information from clinics and laboratories. In contrast, chronic diseases and health-related behaviors change slowly. Managers typically monitor the effect of programs to change risky behaviors such as tobacco smoking or chronic diseases once a year or even less often. A surveillance system to measure the population effects of a tuberculosis control program might provide information only every one to five years— for example, through a series of demographic and health surveys. The principle is that different public health objectives and the actions required to reach them require different information

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Box 53.1

Different Objectives, Different Data, Different Systems Objective




Detect epidemics Monitor intervention programs Monitor impact of policy change Monitor health system

Epidemic response Program monitoring Health policy Resource allocation

Early warning information Program indicators Health indicators Administrative data

Active surveillance Health information Health information Health information and management

Source: Nsubuga, Eseko, and others 2002.

systems. The type of action that can be taken, when or how often that action needs to be taken, what information is needed to take or monitor the action, and when or how frequently the information is needed should determine the type of surveillance or health information system (box 53.1).

Table 53.1 Utility of Surveillance Data Immediate detection of

Epidemics Newly emerging health problems Changes in health practices Changes in antibiotic resistance Changes in distribution of population at risk for disease

PRINCIPLES AND USES OF SURVEILLANCE Foege, Hogan, and Newton (1976) state that “the reason for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information on a disease is to control that disease. Collection and analysis should not be allowed to consume resources if action does not follow.” The fundamental principle of public health surveillance is that the surveillance should be designed and implemented to provide valid (true) information to decision makers in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost. Because managers are unlikely to need to make interventions to address small differences between areas, sacrificing precision makes sense to improve timeliness and save resources that can be used for public health interventions. The utility of surveillance data can be viewed as immediate, annual, and archival, on the basis of the public health actions that can be taken (table 53.1; Thacker and Stroup 1998b).

Periodic dissemination for

Estimating magnitude of a health problem, including cost Assessing control activities Setting research priorities Determining risk factors for disease Facilitating planning Monitoring risk factors Monitoring changes in health practices Documenting distribution and spread of disease and injury

Stored information for

Describing natural history of diseases Facilitating epidemiologic and laboratory research Validating use of preliminary data Setting research priorities Documenting distribution and spread of disease and injury

ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING A SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM What is worth doing is worth doing right. Managers who decide to use public health surveillance as a management tool must recognize that they will need to commit political support and human and financial resources. As with every health system, competent, motivated health workers need to be found or trained and provided with career paths and supervision. After a manager decides to create a surveillance system, there are six steps to establishing the system. Because the system must adapt constantly to changes in the population and the physical

Source: Adapted from Thacker and Stroup 1998b, 65.

and social environment, these steps are linked continuously (figure 53.1; Thacker and Stroup 1998a).

ANALYSIS AND DISSEMINATION OF SURVEILLANCE DATA Surveillance information is analyzed by time, place, and person. Knowledgeable technical personnel should review data regularly to ensure their validity and to identify information Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Interventions | 999

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Establish goals

Develop case definitions

Select appropriate personnel

Acquire tools and clearances for collection, analysis, and dissemination

Implement surveillance system

Evaluate surveillance activities

Source: Adapted from Thacker and Stroup 1998a, 119.

Figure 53.1 Elements in Establishing and Maintaining a Surveillance System

of use to top managers. Simple tables and graphs are most useful for summarizing and presenting data. Timely dissemination of data to those who make policy and implement intervention programs is critical to the usefulness of surveillance data. The rapidly evolving field of public health informatics, which deals with collection, classification, storage, retrieval, analysis, and presentation of large amounts of health data, offers the potential for truly integrated public health surveillance based on data standardization, a communications infrastructure, and policies on data access and sharing. Surveillance will benefit by incorporating a systematic approach to standards for data content. For example, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has used standardsbased systems to support automatic electronic reporting of diagnostic laboratory results of notifiable diseases, thereby both increasing the number of cases reported and receiving results more rapidly (Effler and others 1999). Use of data standards facilitates comparability of surveillance information over time (for example, measurement of effect of program interventions), across different surveillance approaches (for example, facility-based reporting compared with sample surveys), and across countries and regions. To be credible, a standard should be developed through an open, participatory process, by an internationally recognized accredited standardsdevelopment organization that is also capable of long-term

maintenance and evolution of the standard. Public health data needs extend into multiple areas beyond clinical medicine (for example, environmental toxins, unintentional injury, and food safety). One international standard computer program used in many countries’ information systems is Epi Info, an epidemiology surveillance and biostatistics program widely used around the world for the analysis of surveillance data (http://www.cdc. gov/epiinfo). CDC created, maintains, and distributes Epi Info at no cost to users.

SURVEILLANCE AS A COMPONENT OF NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEMS WHO and the World Bank cite public health surveillance as an essential function of a public health system (World Bank 2001). When linked to policy and program units, surveillance information improves the efficiency and effectiveness of health services by targeting interventions and documenting their effect on the population. A critical challenge in the health sector in developing countries is to ensure quality and effectiveness of surveillance and public health response in an environment of decentralization. National-level program and surveillance system managers may lose control of the quality and timeliness of locally collected data. This situation can be avoided by training local decision makers in how to use information to meet their needs and negotiating with them over the core information collected by each district local unit. National-level managers or donors can also improve information quality by sponsoring national surveillance scientific and quality assurance networks, linking funding to provision of adequate data, and performing periodic surveys to confirm the results of local reporting. If the responsibility for implementing programs is devolved to local managers, then national-level managers need only a few summary indicators, rather than the detailed information they may be used to. District or local managers tend to prefer integrated systems to minimize filling out redundant forms. Donors need surveillance data to target and evaluate their investments. If they perceive weakness in the national system, they may create parallel nongovernmental surveillance systems to gather data directly to meet their needs. These systems invariably pay workers more than government jobs do, so the most competent people in the government system may leave to work for the parallel system. Although this system meets donors’ short-term needs, it invariably weakens government systems. Parallel systems may weaken the very ministries that they are meant to help and may not be sustainable after external funding ends. Therefore, parallel systems are inherently inequitable and should be used only as a last resort.

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Public health


Data collection Data generation hemisphere

Data use hemisphere



Source: Authors.

Figure 53.2 Surveillance and Response Conceptual Framework

SURVEILLANCE AS A TOOL TO IMPROVE PUBLIC HEALTH Managers need focused, timely, scientifically sound information that provides evidence to make decisions on interventions for improving the health of the population in their jurisdiction. Simply collecting data and presenting them are not enough. Using Surveillance Information for Evidence-Based Decisions A major gap in promoting effective surveillance lies between the production of data and the ability to convert those data into usable information and then initiate the appropriate public health action. Surveillance and response can be described in terms of a data generation hemisphere and a data use hemisphere (USAID 2005). The data generation hemisphere is the traditional view of surveillance, whereas the data use hemisphere is the public health response that begins with interpretation of the data from the surveillance system (figure 53.2). Substantial attention and the accompanying resources in surveillance have been devoted to the prompt and complete production of surveillance data. Although developing countries experience weaknesses in both hemispheres, more attention is needed to creating and strengthening the local capacity within developing countries to identify and manage effective responses to disease outbreaks and public health conditions of national and international concern. In some disease-specific programs, this capacity has to be imported through short-term expatriate assistance. Even when local capacity is developed, it is often specific to the disease program, making transfer of skills to other areas problematic. The failure to develop this indigenous

capacity has limited the ability of developing countries to build national surveillance systems that respond to both international public health threats and local health concerns. This capability is essential to the sustained development of countries. Role of Field Epidemiologists in Providing Evidence Developed countries have constructed their public health and disease control strategies by using the principles of field epidemiology. Developing countries need to build and sustain human capacity in field epidemiology. Strengthened field epidemiologic capacity can serve a country in the following specific areas: • providing a response to acute problems • providing the scientific basis for program and policy decisions • implementing disease surveillance systems • supporting national health planning • making resource allocation decisions • allocating the human capacity base for national health priorities. Specific competencies that should be developed include, but are not limited to, the ability to accomplish the following: • design, implement, and evaluate surveillance for a health event • identify and assess an actual public health problem • design and conduct a scientific investigation • analyze and interpret data from an investigation • recommend logical and practical public health actions after the analysis and interpretation of data Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Interventions | 1001

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• be proficient in all aspects of diseases of public health importance (for example, HIV and AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, tuberculosis, and zoonoses). These competencies need to be tailored to the various levels of the health care system. Since 1975, CDC and WHO have collaborated with more than 30 countries to strengthen health systems and address training needs for disease detection and response in a countryspecific, flexible, and sustainable manner. More than half of the world’s population now lives in a country where surveillance, investigation, and response are carried out by staff members and trainees of FETPs and allied programs, which include the Epidemic Intelligence Service in the United States, the European Program for Intervention Epidemiology Training, and Public Health Schools without Walls (PHSWOWs). These programs generally function within central ministries of health and may not be visible outside the public health system. It can be argued that these programs provide most of the surveillance of and response to emerging infections in the world, in addition to training most of the public health workers who manage surveillance systems at the top level. FETPs are two-year courses designed to provide a ministry with a motivated, professional group of field epidemiologists with the expertise to respond to managers’ needs for evidence, perform surveillance, respond to outbreaks, and train and supervise technical personnel at other levels (White and others 2001). Other models have evolved. Guatemala’s marriage of its FETP (part of a larger, Central American FETP) with the Data for Decision Making program (Pappaioanou and others 2003) exemplifies this successful local adaptation. Data for Decision Making recruits health workers from the community and subdistrict levels to receive training in surveillance and outbreak investigation in the context of their daily work. This training is delivered as a series of linked workshops with practical fieldbased projects, providing short-term service at the local levels. The most promising graduates of the course are selected for further training in an FETP. India, with its decentralized system, complex cultural and population dynamics, and wide variance in the sophistication of public health institutions, provides another model for strengthening national surveillance. The World Bank initiated the Integrated Disease Surveillance Project, which develops the capacity of local and midlevel surveillance workers in India. Additionally, FETP graduates are recruited as the project’s surveillance officers at the state level to coordinate the surveillance activities of the hundreds of local health workers throughout the states.

SELECTED SURVEILLANCE STRATEGIES Surveillance systems need to be designed and implemented to meet top management’s needs for focused, reliable, timely

evidence gathered efficiently and presented effectively. Because these needs differ, depending on management’s needs, a number of different strategies have been developed. Here are some of the most useful. Sentinel Surveillance In a sentinel surveillance system,a prearranged sample of reporting sources agrees to report all cases of defined conditions, which might indicate trends in the entire target population (Birkhead and Maylahn 2000).When properly implemented, these systems offer an effective method of using limited resources and enable prompt and flexible monitoring and investigation of suspected public health problems. Examples of sentinel surveillance are networks of private practitioners reporting cases of influenza or a laboratory-based sentinel system reporting cases of certain bacterial infections among children. Sentinel surveillance is excellent for detecting large public health problems,but it may be insensitive to rare events, such as the early emergence of a new disease, because these infections may emerge anywhere in the population. Periodic Population-Based Surveys Population-based surveys can be used for surveillance if they are repeated on a regular basis (Thacker and Berkelman 1988). Examples of population-based surveys in surveillance include the BRFSS in the United States, HIV-prevalence surveys, household surveys, and the demographic and health surveys that many developing countries conduct every five years ( Population-based surveys require careful attention to the methodology, particularly the use of standard protocols, supervision of interviewers, comparable sampling strategy, and standard questionnaires. These surveys require a clear definition of the target population to which the results can be generalized, and they need careful attention to the sample size, based on efficiency and the epidemiologic characteristics of the health condition under surveillance (for example, rare conditions require substantial samples). Supervising interviewers and maintaining high response rates are critical to avoid bias. Because the surveys are repetitive, population changes (caused, for example, by mortality or mobility) might bias results. Laboratory-Based Surveillance The methods used for infectious disease surveillance form a spectrum that evolves with the economic development of a country. Foodborne disease (FBD) surveillance, for example, is divided into four distinct levels of surveillance. Each level is more complex and has greater capacity for controlling and detecting disease, but it also depends on more resources and infrastructure (figure 53.3).

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Improving capacity and infrastructure No formal surveillancea

Syndromic surveillanceb

Lab-based surveillancec

Integrated food-chain surveillanced

Outbreak detection can occur at all levels, but ability increases along the spectrum

Source: Authors. a. Without a formal surveillance, only large or unusual outbreaks can be detected. b. Syndromic surveillance is based on groups of signs or symptoms indicative of a common diagnosis, such as acute gastroenteritis. c. Laboratory-based surveillance relies on laboratory-confirmed pathogens, such as Salmonella or Shigella. d. Integrated food-chain surveillance uses data from across the food chain.

Figure 53.3 Spectrum of Case-Based Foodborne Disease Surveillance

For FBD, surveillance for clinical syndromes is the most common method of surveillance in the developing world. Surveillance of FBD outbreaks that are investigated by public health authorities is often a useful means of monitoring both the safety of the food supply and the activities of the public health system. Although both surveillance for clinical syndromes and outbreak surveillance will remain important, the future in FBD is in laboratory-based surveillance. If microbiologic diagnosis is sought routinely for a sample of patients with acute gastroenteritis, then surveillance based on those diagnoses is possible. For enteric bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella or Shigella, determining the serotype of the strains in central reference laboratories allows more rapid and complete identification of epidemics, which may otherwise lead to preventable death and disability. Laboratory-based surveillance systems require resources, facilities, and training. A central public health reference laboratory is essential for quality assurance and quality control and support. Such a laboratory-based system might begin with systematic referral of a sample of strains isolated at a sample of sentinel clinics, plus those strains that are part of outbreaks. A systematic sampling scheme provides better data than a more haphazard attempt at universal reporting. Regular sharing of information between the public health microbiology laboratory and epidemiologists is critical for the information to be used successfully. The utility of serotyping as an international language for Salmonella subtypes has led to its widespread adoption. In a recent survey, 61 countries reported that they used Salmonella serotyping for public health surveillance (Herikstad, Motarjemi,

and Tauxe 2002). A collaborative WHO program called Global Salm-Surv promotes the use of Salmonella serotyping internationally among countries that wish to upgrade their national capacity for FBD surveillance ( salmsurv/en). Molecular subtyping is now expanding the power of laboratory-based surveillance to detect outbreaks in the background of sporadic cases by distinguishing the molecular “fingerprint” of an outbreak strain. CDC maintains PulseNet, an Internet-based network of all U.S. public health laboratories that uses a standardized genotyping method called pulsedfield-gel-electrophoresis (PFGE) as the basis for a national database of PFGE subtypes (Swaminathan and others 2001). Standardized subtyping protocols have now been developed for seven pathogens, and next-generation, gene-based technologies are under development for the future. Similar networks are developing around the world, with PulseNet Europe and PulseNet Canada already active and discussions rapidly advancing for PulseNet Asia Pacific and PulseNet Latin America. As with Salmonella serotyping itself, the global use of standard genotyping will facilitate the detection of multicontinent clusters.

Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response The Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) strategy, first developed in Africa, links epidemiologic and laboratory data in communicable disease surveillance systems at all levels of the health system, with emphasis on integrating surveillance with response (WHO 1993, 1998). Districts were identified as a focus for strengthening efforts in collecting timely data, analyzing the collected data, and using the generated information for public health responses. The IDSR strategy is based on core activities, including case-patient detection, registration, and confirmation; reporting, analysis, use, and feedback of data; and epidemic preparedness and response (for example, outbreak investigations, contact tracing, and public health interventions). Support functions include coordination, supervision or performance evaluation, training, and resource provision for infrastructure, including communication (Nsubuga, Eseko, and others 2002). Key steps in implementing the IDSR strategy include sensitizing key health authorities and stakeholders; conducting situational analysis; preparing a strategic IDSR plan; identifying and training a motivated, competent workforce; developing national IDSR technical guidelines; implementing the plan; and monitoring and evaluating implementation to improve performance (WHO 2000b). Assessment of the existing national surveillance and response activities provides baseline data to measure progress; to identify and build consensus on the national priority communicable diseases; to identify surveillance gaps of the selected priority diseases; to document Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Interventions | 1003

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Table 53.2 Steps in the Development of the Philippine National Epidemic Sentinel Surveillance System Steps

Data side

Human capacity side


Identify the health problems thought to cause burden disease.

Consult top managers, donors, international agencies, and experts.


Determine who will make interventions.

Involve users in design.


Determine information users’ need to make interventions.

Involve users in design.


Decide how often decision makers need reports.

Involve users in design.


Identify who collects, tabulates, and analyzes reports and who disseminates information.

Identify manager and staff to analyze, report, and enter data.


Design report.

Involve users and staff in design.


Make table shells.

Involve staff in design.


Design questionnaire.

Involve staff in design.


Pilot questionnaire.

Involve staff in implementation and evaluation.


Pilot data flow and analysis.

Involve staff in implementation and evaluation.


Pilot system.

Train staff in system and involve them in evaluation.


Run system.

Involve staff in ongoing training and quality assurance monitoring.


Evaluate system: Was information used? Are data and analysis of good quality?

Involve staff and users in design of external evaluation and in review of evaluator’s report.

Source: Adapted from White and McDonnell 2000, 311.

the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of the existing systems; and to make appropriate recommendations. The WHO Regional Office for Africa, collaborating with its partners, has prepared tools and guidelines for implementation of IDSR at the country level. Indicators to monitor the performance of the surveillance and response systems have been prepared and field tested and are now in use in Africa.

Example: The Philippine National Epidemic Surveillance System In the late 1980s, the Philippine Department of Health (PDOH), relying on its integrated management information system, detected less than one outbreak per year in a population of more than 60 million people. In 1989, the PDOH designed the National Epidemic Sentinel Surveillance System, a hospitalbased sentinel surveillance system that encompasses both the flow of data and the personnel requirements needed to make the surveillance system work effectively (table 53.2). After the pilot study demonstrated promising results, the PDOH created personnel positions and a supervisory structure for sentinel physicians, nurses, and clerks in regional epidemiology and surveillance units (RESUs) integrated into the public health system. In 1995 alone, the system detected and formally investigated about 80 outbreaks, including 25 bacteriologically confirmed outbreaks of typhoid and 5 of cholera. As the Philippines developed HIV serological and behavioral risk surveillance, the RESU staff conducted surveys in their communities. By integrating surveillance functions that were based

on the skills of the workforce, PDOH was able to avoid the duplications, inefficiencies, and sustainability problems of multiple vertical systems (White and McDonnell 2000).

Informal Networks as Critical Elements of Surveillance Systems WHO and other agencies frequently receive telephone calls or informal reports about urgent health events. WHO publishes an informal list of these“rumors,”which allows public health workers to respond to health risks promptly rather than waiting for formal reports ( The graduates of FETPs, PHSWOWs, and similar programs that provide competency-based on-the-job training in ministries of health make up one of the most important informal networks. FETPs and allied programs both train epidemiologists and provide service to their ministries of health. For example, a student in the Brazilian FETP was assigned to review routine data on patients with leishmaniasis. She noted that some patients had symptoms of heavy metal poisoning, and further study indicated that a drug being used to treat leishmaniasis was contaminated with heavy metals. The drug was reformulated, and the problem was resolved. When this study was presented at a regional meeting of the Training Programs in Public Health Interventions Network (a network of FETPs and allied training programs), other countries banned the drug until it was reformulated (CDC 2004a). Large categorical surveillance systems are expensive, and staff members might become complacent, especially if the

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disease under surveillance is rare. For example, the polio surveillance system for acute flaccid paralysis in the Western Hemisphere detected no cases in July 2000. A trainee from the FETP of the Dominican Republic, while investigating a case of suspected poisoning in a child, documented the first outbreak of circulating vaccine-type poliovirus in the Western Hemisphere since 1991. There were 13 confirmed cases in the Dominican Republic and 8 cases in Haiti. Her investigation led to national immunization days in both countries, which raised immunization levels and stopped the outbreak (Kew and others 2002).

THE ROLE OF SURVEILLANCE IN MAJOR OUTBREAKS It seems incredible that a disease as devastating as AIDS could have spread silently to many countries over many years before it was detected and before effective control measures were implemented in the 1980s. In recent years, surveillance and response systems at all levels have been more effective at identifying and preventing spread of infectious diseases.

Example: Surveillance and Global Response to SARS An epidemic of severe pneumonia of unknown etiology was detected in Guangdong province, China, in November 2002, and control measures were instituted on the basis of the way the disease spread from person to person. In February and March 2003, the disease spread to Hong Kong (China) and then to Vietnam, Singapore, Canada, and elsewhere (WHO 2003b). This new disease was named severe acute respiratory syndrome, and a preliminary case definition was established on the basis of initial epidemiologic investigations. A novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was identified as the causative agent in March, and mapping of the full genome was completed in April. This global pandemic ended in July 2003, as transmission was interrupted in Taiwan (China), after more than 8,000 patients in 26 countries and five continents were affected and 774 deaths were confirmed (Peiris and others 2003). WHO spearheaded the global effort to control this pandemic, working with national and subnational health workers. In China, the FETP, which was initiated in October 2001 in the China Center for Disease Control, mobilized all 20 of its trainees, and they contributed substantially to the surveillance, investigation, and control of the SARS outbreak, working with local health officials (CDC 2003a). In Canada, which had the most cases of SARS outside Asia, 8 of the 10 FETP residents were involved in the SARS outbreak. They instituted surveillance, conducted epidemiologic investigations, designed prevention and control guidelines, responded to inquiries from the media and the public, and planned and implemented

epidemiologic studies ( outbreaks_e.html). The success of this global effort to control the first new epidemic disease of the 21st century depended on a combination of open collaboration among scientists and politicians of many countries and the rapid and accurate communication of surveillance data within and among countries. Rapid global spread was recognized, and a global surveillance network was established on the basis of an agreed-upon case definition that was sufficiently specific to ensure effective reporting. Public health surveillance is critical to recognizing new cases of SARS and differentiating this disease from other causes of severe respiratory illness, especially influenza (Heymann and Rodier 2004). Ongoing research into sources in the environment as well as clinical, laboratory, and epidemiologic concerns will improve surveillance for this critical public health problem. Notably, this highly contagious disease—for which there is neither a vaccine nor a cure—was controlled by competent, dedicated health workers with access to excellent communications. SARS presented a greater challenge than smallpox, for which long incubation periods and vaccine facilitate control (Mack 2005). Although it is reassuring that national, regional, and global systems were effective in controlling SARS, there is no reason to rest on our laurels. The only certainty is that there will be more new challenges, very possibly including further outbreaks of SARS.

Example: Avian Influenza in Thailand The disastrous pandemic (worldwide epidemic) of influenza in 1918 is thought to have originated from epidemics in birds, as were the influenza pandemics of 1957 and 1968 (Ungchusak and others 2005). In early 2004, large epidemics of avian influenza were recognized in birds in eight Asian countries; by November, the disease had spread from birds to 44 humans, 73 percent of whom died (Ungchusak and others 2005). This contagion sparked fears that the highly lethal avian virus might be adapting to spread from person to person, which could cause extensive health and economic damage around the world. In Thailand, avian influenza was investigated by FETP graduates and others in the Thai Ministry of Health in partnership with CDC. By applying field epidemiologic techniques supported by laboratory studies, they detected that the virus was being spread from human to human in a family. It is likely that person-to-person transmission may have occurred in other countries, where field epidemiology was not used. The Thai example is important for achieving the following: (a) raising global awareness of the potential of a global catastrophe early enough that plans can be made to avert or decrease harm and (b) demonstrating that, as with SARS, the disease could be controlled with proven field epidemiologic methods supplemented by good communications, without vaccines, Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Interventions | 1005

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drugs, or a high-technology laboratory or surveillance system (Mack 2005). Example: Ebola in Uganda, the Role of the PHSWOW On October 8, 2000, a second-year student in the Ugandan PHSWOW returned to Gulu district in northern Uganda for his field project. He found a hospital jammed with patients with high fevers, diarrhea, and bleeding. He diagnosed viral hemorrhagic fever. He called the Ministry of Health in Kampala, where that weekend a graduate of the PHSWOW was in charge of taking calls about epidemics. She agreed with his diagnosis and arranged for samples to be rushed to the National Institute for Virology in South Africa, the nearest WHO reference center for viral hemorrhagic fevers. When the minister of health arrived at his office the next day, the graduate briefed him. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the minister sent the graduate to head the public health team surveillance and control team in Gulu, and the student headed the clinical team that established infection control in hospitals and treated patients. Laboratory tests quickly confirmed that the illness was Ebola hemorrhagic fever, which usually kills more than 50 percent of those infected (Heymann 2004). Public health surveillance was difficult for several reasons. Because the disease was severe and rapidly fatal, rural villagers feared that they might be stigmatized if the government knew about cases in their area. Some sought out traditional healers; others fled as soon as they realized they had been exposed, which prompted outbreaks in two other districts. Gulu was a politically unstable area, and some villages were difficult to reach because of rebel or bandit activity. The Ugandan government mobilized its military to help with case finding and invited WHO, CDC, and other international teams to assist. Patients with Ebola infection require intense nursing and medical attention to control bleeding, diarrhea, and fevers. Some patients bleed easily, and all their secretions can be highly infectious. Hospitals in Gulu were desperately short of supplies to control the spread of infection from so many patients simultaneously. In spite of this situation, Ugandan health workers selflessly cared for the sick. By January 23, 2001, a total of 425 cases had occurred, the largest Ebola outbreak recorded. Only 53 percent of the patients had died, a proportion far less than the 88 percent reported in the 1976 Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) and other previous epidemics (WHO Report of an International Commission 1978). Sadly, 22 health care workers were infected. Because the team from the Ugandan Ministry of Health set up active surveillance nationwide, the other two outbreaks, started when infected Gulu residents fled to distant villages, were quickly detected and controlled. International observers commented, “National notification and surveillance efforts led to the rapid identification of these foci and to effective containment” (CDC 2001).

The Ugandan Ministry of Health invested in developing competent, motivated health workers through the PHSWOW, an active partnership with Makerere University, the Rockefeller Foundation, CDC, and WHO. Both students and graduates contributed to the ministry’s ability to rapidly identify and control this dangerous epidemic. Because the minister had timely evidence, he was able to notify other countries quickly and to bring in international teams before the disease spread further. Partially because of the lessons learned from this epidemic, Uganda has become one of the leading countries in implementing the IDSR program.

SURVEILLANCE FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS Surveillance systems are important tools for targeting, monitoring, and evaluating many health risks and interventions. Because managers need a wide variety of information for specific interventions, systems have been developed and tested to meet those needs.

Environmental Public Health Surveillance Surveillance for environmental public health practice requires the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data on hazards, exposures, and health outcomes (figure 53.4; Thacker and others 1996). Health outcomes of relevance include death, disease, injury, and disability. However, relating those outcomes to specific environmental hazards and exposures is critical to

Agent is a hazard

Agent is present in environment Hazard surveillance Route of exposure exists

Host is exposed to agent

Agent reaches target tissue

Exposure surveillance

Agent produces adverse effect

Adverse effect becomes clinically apparent

Outcome surveillance

Source: Thacker and others 1996.

Figure 53.4 The Process of Adverse Effects and the Corresponding Surveillance

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environmental public health surveillance. Hazards include toxic chemical agents, physical agents, biomechanical stressors, and biologic agents that are located in air, water, soil, food, and other environmental media. Exposure surveillance is the monitoring of members of the population for the presence of an environmental agent, its metabolites, or its clinically inapparent (for example, subclinical or preclinical) effects. Four challenges complicate environmental public health surveillance. First, the ability to link specific environmental causes to adverse outcomes is limited by our poor understanding of disease processes, long lead times, inadequate measures of exposure, and multiple potential causes of disease. Second, data collected for other purposes rarely include sufficient information to meet a case definition for a condition caused by an environmental agent. Third, public alarm is often out of proportion to the hazard of concern, and sentiment will often influence public policy disproportionately to scientific information. Fourth, biologic markers will become increasingly critical elements of environmental exposure surveillance. Obtaining data on exposure, which can include estimates derived from hazard data through sophisticated modeling or direct measurements of individual exposure obtained from use of personal monitors (for example, passive air samplers), is generally impractical in developing countries. Childhood blood lead levels are the only biomonitoring data that are collected routinely in several countries, either in national surveys or from screening programs for children at high risk. Health outcome surveillance as applied to environmental public health is similar to traditional surveillance efforts. In the United States, the focus is on surveillance for birth defects; developmental disabilities (for example, cerebral palsy, autism, and mental retardation); asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases (for example, bronchitis and emphysema); cancer; and neurological diseases (for example, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease) (McGeehin, Qualters, and Niskar 2004). Other nations have different sets of priority conditions for surveillance. Disease registries, vital statistics data, annual health surveys, and administrative data systems (for example, hospital discharge data) are sources that have been used for monitoring health conditions. The challenges mentioned previously have constrained our ability in all nations, regardless of level of development, to establish and maintain effective and comprehensive environmental public health surveillance systems. As we invest in understanding the enlarging threats in the global environment, we must overcome these challenges and establish improved surveillance systems. The health of the global community depends on this investment.

Injury Surveillance Injuries are a major public health problem and are among the 10 leading causes of death worldwide, killing an estimated

5 million persons each year and causing high rates of disability. People from all economic groups are at risk for injuries, but death rates caused by injury tend to be higher in developing countries (Peden, McGee, and Sharma 2002). Injury surveillance includes monitoring the incidence, causes, and circumstances of fatal and nonfatal injuries. Injuries are classified by the intention of the act into two groups: unintentional injuries and violence-related injuries. WHO (Holder, Peden, and Krug 2001) and the Pan American Health Organization (Concha-Eastman and Villveces 2001) have developed guidelines for establishing injury surveillance systems in developing countries. If the range of fatal and nonfatal injuries, as well as the risk factors that can lead to injury, are to be fully captured, surveillance systems need to be established in multiple settings. Fatal injuries can be captured by using forensic or death certificate data. A far greater number of injuries are nonfatal and can be tracked through hospital- or primary care–based systems. Systematic information on nonfatal injuries, including prevalence, incidence, and related risk behaviors can also be obtained through ongoing population-based surveys. Critical points should be addressed when planning an injury surveillance system in a developing country. First, data sources need to be clarified. In some developing countries, routine data on injuries are not always captured in health information systems. It is therefore necessary to consider other sources of data—for example, law enforcement agencies, coroners, or medical examiners. Next, the events and variables in an injury surveillance system should be defined according to the objectives of the system. Criteria such as the intentionality (violencerelated injuries versus unintentional injuries); the outcome (fatal injuries versus nonfatal injuries); and the nature of violence-related injuries (physical, sexual, psychological, deprivation, or neglect) should be considered when establishing the system. Finally, case definitions and coding procedures should be defined before implementing the system. For example, the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health, in collaboration with CDC and the Pan American Health Organization, began developing and implementing an injury surveillance system in 2001 (Clavel-Arcas, Chacon, and Concha-Eastman 2004). The system, based on the medical facility emergency department (ED), collects data on injuries in keeping with the Injury Surveillance Guidelines established by WHO (Holder, Peden, and Krug 2001). Under the system, a reportable case is defined as a patient who died from or was treated for an injury in the ED. Cases include patients with unintentional and violence-related injuries. ED staff members identify cases and collect data in five hospitals in Nicaragua. Information used to complete the instrument is collected directly from the patients or their representatives. An ED admission clerk collects basic demographic data on the patient’s arrival. ED medical staff members (physicians and nurses) collect the remaining information Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Interventions | 1007

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(for example, location, mechanism of injury, nature, severity, and circumstances surrounding the injury) during triage and assessment. The hospital epidemiologist collects data collection forms daily from the ED, reviews the quality of data, and requests data from the ED staff if the forms are incomplete. The statistician reviews data daily. The country project coordinator also monitors the quality of the data periodically. Using Epi Info 2002 programs developed specifically for this project, the project coordinators analyze trends and identify potential risk factors (Noe and others 2004). The information is used to produce monthly reports for dissemination. Information is reported at both the regional and the country levels. Injury prevention programs in Nicaragua use surveillance data to assess the need for new policies or programs and to evaluate the effectiveness of existing policies and programs. For example, the municipality of León is using the information from the hospital to monitor the increase in suicide attempts among youths abusing pesticides and to evaluate an intersectoral campaign to promote life that includes primary through tertiary prevention strategies.

Surveillance for Biologic Terrorism Surveillance for biologic terrorism is conducted primarily for outbreak detection and management. Surveillance must support early detection of an incident of biologic terrorism and its characterization in the same manner as for the detection and control of naturally occurring outbreaks of infectious diseases. Early detection of outbreaks can be achieved by the following (Buehler and others 2004): • timely and complete receipt, review, and investigation of disease case reports, including the prompt recognition and reporting to or consultation with health departments by physicians, health care facilities, and laboratories • improvement of the ability to recognize patterns indicative of a possible outbreak early in its course (for example, by using analytic tools that improve the predictive value of data at an early stage of an outbreak or by lowering the threshold for investigating possible outbreaks) • receipt of new types of data (such as purchases of health care products, absences from work or school, symptoms presented to a health care provider, or orders for laboratory tests) that can signify an outbreak earlier in its course. Environmental detection systems for microbial pathogens and toxins of concern for biologic terrorism might also be categorized as new types of data early in the course of an outbreak, before infection (Meehan and others 2004). The primary surveillance tools for event detection and management are the traditional disease-reporting systems for notifiable diseases

discussed elsewhere in this chapter. These core surveillance tools should be robust before new data types can be considered for supplementing public health surveillance. Syndromic surveillance is an investigational approach by which health department staff members, assisted by automated data acquisition and generation of statistical signals (computerized algorithms), monitor disease indicators continually to detect outbreaks of disease earlier and more completely than might otherwise be possible with traditional reportable disease methods (Buehler and others 2004). CDC’s list of biologic terrorism agents and diseases can be found at and an updated list of references dealing with syndromic surveillance is at http://www.cdc. gov/epo/dphsi/syndromic/.

Complex Emergency Surveillance The key elements in planning a disaster surveillance system are establishing objectives, developing case definitions, determining data sources, developing simple data collection instruments, field testing the methods, developing and testing the analysis strategy, developing a dissemination plan for the report or results, and assessing the usefulness of the system. The surveillance needs are different in the preimpact, impact, and postimpact phases (Binder and Sanderson 1987). The role of surveillance in disaster situations has included the following broad framework of activities: • predisaster activities (for example, hazard mapping, provision of guidelines, and training for medical and rescue teams) • continuous monitoring and surveillance for priority health problems in affected populations (for example, in the posttsunami surveillance in Tamil Nadu, India, a one-page instrument was used for 10 priority health conditions for daily active surveillance in displaced populations at camps) • prospective surveillance of affected populations focusing on the natural history of exposure and health effects and longterm effects of stress disorders among survivors.

Surveillance in Refugee Populations Support of relief efforts following national and global disasters has been a relatively new application of epidemiologic practice for the public health professionals. Nevertheless, since the initial CDC involvement with the United Nations in a large-scale relief effort concerning approximately 20 million displaced people affected by the 1967–70 civil war in Nigeria, CDC staff members have participated in several assessments of the health needs, damage, and nutrition in refugee populations resulting from man-made and natural disasters. The more notable and extended actions were conducted in the 1979–82 Khmer

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Thailand-Cambodia refugee-relief action, followed by longterm public health surveillance of Somalian refugees (1980–83), periodic but comprehensive health and nutritional assessments of Afghan refugees in Pakistan (1980–2002), and growth and nutritional assessments of internally displaced populations—especially children—in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (1990s) and southern Sudan. Although these relief efforts occurred many years and many thousands of miles apart, they shared several important characteristics: • Large numbers of people were in fixed camps or on the move searching for food and shelter. These needs were usually addressed by external aid agencies and many times caused local environmental degradation (fuel, temporary housing, water pollution, and so on). • Refugees, after the initial phase, competed with indigenous populations for scarce jobs, leading to social strife and stress. Refugees were also exploited and suffered violence— additional factors leading to stress and social maladjustment. • No administrative structure to provide and coordinate assistance of the necessary magnitude existed before the crisis, and thus, it had to be created after the fact. • Assistance was complicated by the uncertainty associated with military activity, crime, and hostile governments. • Data that were relatively simple to gather and analyze provided health workers and administrators information needed to plan and monitor assistance and its impact. • Close collaboration with other local and international relief organizations (such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Red Cross, the United Nations Children’s Fund, WHO, and USAID) was essential to instituting and sustaining a meaningful surveillance system for refugees that led to interventions. The major goal of these activities is to identify and eliminate preventable causes of morbidity and mortality. Planning requires effective use of existing knowledge about characteristic or predictable demographic patterns, easily applied health indicators, and avoidable errors of omission or commission. As in disasters, the principles of surveillance (data collection, data analysis, response to data, and assessment of response) and other public health techniques should be an integral part of relief efforts. Retrospective evaluation of these efforts has also proved useful (CDC 1983).

Chronic Disease Surveillance Systems Development and evaluation of policies for health improvement require a reliable assessment of the burden of disease and injury, an inventory of the disposition of resources for health, assessment of the policy environment, and information on the

cost effectiveness of interventions and strategies. In all these areas, consideration of noncommunicable (mostly chronic) conditions becomes critical. In 1999, noncommunicable diseases were estimated to cause approximately 60 percent of the deaths in the world and 43 percent of the global burden of disease (WHO 2000a). WHO forecasts that by 2020 the burden of disease from noncommunicable diseases for developing and newly industrialized countries will have increased more than 60 percent (Murray and Lopez 1996). Some developing countries have found it difficult to acquire and analyze accurate mortality statistics regularly, let alone morbidity and quality-of-life information. Ensuring development, implementation, and widespread use of noncommunicable disease data for better decisions on resource allocation is critical to improving the quality of lives and promoting a more equitable future for health within and between countries. Hypertension, elevated blood cholesterol, tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, and the multiple diseases linked to these risk factors are a global public health problem. In one study, smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol alone explained approximately two-thirds to threefourths of heart attacks and strokes (Vartiainen and others 1995). Until recently, surveillance for risk factors was an activity commonly associated with developed countries (Holtzman 2003). However, recently WHO has increased attention to noncommunicable disease surveillance by developing tools and working to achieve data comparability between countries (WHO 2003c). Data on key health behaviors, obesity, hypertension, lipids, and diabetes are collected inconsistently in developing countries, especially in Africa. Data on tobacco use are available through the Global Youth Tobacco Survey ( Incidence data (the number and proportion of new cases in a population) are limited in developing countries. However, India’s National Cancer Registry program may serve as a notable exception ( In 1981, the Indian Council of Medical Research, recognizing that there was a lack of information on follow-up of cancer patients to assess quality of care, instituted a cancer registry network. The network provides data on the magnitude and patterns of cancer in eight areas of India to enable studies of the histologic features correlating with prognosis and association studies (for example, whether a history of vasectomy is associated with cancer of the prostate). Another important example relates to the widespread use of folic acid in China and the resultant reduction in incidence of birth defects (Kelly and others 1996; Wald 2004). Surveillance data have been critical in establishing the importance of obesity as a public health priority in the United States. Data for individual states provided by CDC’s BRFSS have enabled individual health departments to document their obesity epidemic (Sturm 2003). These data provide a measure Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Interventions | 1009

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of the effectiveness of interventions to meet the control objectives. The BRFSS is a practical tool for developing and middle-income countries, as Jordan demonstrated when it implemented a BRFSS in 2002; the first survey documented substantial levels of obesity, especially among women, combined with low levels of physical activity (CDC 2003b).

Table 53.3 Health Expenditures by National Income Level of Countries, 2001

Income groupa

Government expenditures on health as a percentage of gross domestic product

Total expenditures on health as a percentage of gross domestic product



High income

ECONOMICS OF PUBLIC HEALTH SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS The outbreak of SARS in 2003 demonstrates the far-reaching economic impact of not having an effective global public health surveillance system in place, with an estimated reduction in real gross domestic product of more than US$1.0 billion in Canada (Darby 2003) and estimated income losses in the range of US$12.3 billion to US$28.4 billion for East and Southeast Asia as a whole (Fan 2003). Public health surveillance is considered a global public good (Zacher 1999), particularly when it is used for eradication of such diseases as poliomyelitis. As eradication campaigns decrease the number of cases, maintaining systems to find the last few cases becomes more expensive. Often, the majority of the costs for these systems fall on hard-pressed developing countries. This factor raises questions of fairness and equity. For example, as poliomyelitis becomes rare, it ceases to be a significant risk to national populations, whereas other diseases, such as malaria and diarrhea, typically are major causes of morbidity and mortality. In such countries, it seems most fair and efficient for the global community to finance eradication campaigns, leaving national systems free to address the diseases that most affect their populations. The negative impact of globally mandated eradication surveillance systems can be mediated or reversed by leveraging on the eradication program’s infrastructure to gather surveillance data for diseases of concern to local governments (Nsubuga, McDonnell, and others 2002). A similar case can be made for influenza early warning systems in countries that gather information that will be used to create vaccines that will benefit other populations but not their own. Equity demands that the countries that benefit from such systems finance them. Public health surveillance systems serve an essential function in preventing and controlling disease spread within and across national borders. Although the private sector benefits, it lacks the incentive to invest in public health surveillance systems, and sovereign states depend on the contribution of others (WHO 2002); this situation has important implications for the financing of public health surveillance systems. Even within national borders, the difficulty of quantifying the benefits of surveillance systems for individual communities leads to neglect by local authorities, providing the economic rationale for funding by the national government. Developing countries

Upper-middle income



Lower-middle income



Low income



Source: World Bank 2004. a. All World Bank member economies with populations of more than 30,000 are classified into income groups, divided according to 2003 gross national income per capita, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method. The groups are low income, US$765 or less; lower-middle income, US$766 to US$3,035; upper-middle income, US$3,036 to US$9,385; and high income, US$9,386 or more.

are reportedly the weak link in the global surveillance framework, although they bear the greatest burden of disease, emerging and reemerging old pathogens, and drug-resistant pathogens (U.S. GAO 2001). The greatest need for surveillance systems is in these countries, but most lack both the resources and the political will to build human capacity and finance the systems (table 53.3). Resource constraints and intense pressure to provide care and treatment services lead public health authorities in the poorest countries to spend resources on surveillance (U.S. GAO 2001). Because the costs and benefits derive from surveillance systems spilling across national borders, donors should assist with capacity building in countries that have been unable to invest the human and material resources required. An interesting and unresolved feature of these global public goods—the solution to their adequate provision and supply rests at local, national, and sometimes regional levels—has prompted the international health community to advocate for capacity building in developing countries rather than for consolidation of the fragmented systems at the global level (WHO 2002). Standard tools of economic evaluation (Meltzer 2001) have been used to compare the benefits and costs of several public health interventions. The public good characteristics of surveillance systems, with benefits that are not easy to quantify, make the use of such tools difficult to implement in practice. However, economic evaluation of laboratory surveillance systems to detect specific disease-causing organisms have been undertaken in the developed world by comparing benefits and costs now and in the future (Elbasha, Fitzsimmons, and Meltzer 2000). These evaluations have not been done in developing countries and are needed. At best, an analysis of the benefits and costs of existing or proposed surveillance systems is feasible. This analysis requires an estimate of the cost of illness and answers the

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question of how many cases of a particular disease need to be prevented by the surveillance system to be exactly equal to the expenditure on the system. Given expenditures on specific health interventions or programs, one can, by using traditional econometric tools, apply the data on health outcomes from the surveillance systems as inputs to economic analysis. Surveillance also clearly leads to a cost saving if it prevents the need for expenditure on treating patients.

FUTURE OF SURVEILLANCE Public health agencies, ministries of finance, and international donors and organizations need to transform surveillance from dusty archives of laboriously collected after-the-fact statistics to meaningful measures that provide accountability for local health status or that deliver real-time early warnings for devastating outbreaks. This future depends in part on developing consensus on critical surveillance content and developing commitment on the part of countries, funding partners, and multilateral organizations to invest in surveillance system infrastructure and to use surveillance data as the basis for decision making. This vision of the future assumes a coherent, integrated approach to surveillance systems that is based on matching the surveillance objective with the right data source and modality and on paying attention to country-specific circumstances while maintaining global attention to data content needs. Information technology and informatics can help in attaining this vision. Specifically, technology can facilitate the collection, analysis, and use of surveillance data, if data standards are developed and compatible systems are established. Data collection for surveillance would be an automatic by-product of any electronic systems used to support clinical care. Under this scenario, an automatic electronic message would be sent to the responsible public health jurisdiction with information about a health event (for example, death, disease, or injury), including all relevant information from the electronic health record about the patient, provider’s name, patient’s home address, risk factors, previous immunizations, and treatments. Even before this ideal capacity becomes widespread, technology such as cell phone–based systems could accelerate collection of key data (for example, occurrence of a viral hemorrhagic fever outbreak). The rapid penetration of cell phones in developing countries might obviate the need for prohibitively expensive landline-based systems. An accelerated system of wireless Internet access might also transform the capacities to which a local health post or a district health official might have access. These systems should also be considered as means for collecting information beyond traditional data. For example, telemedicine access can permit views of a rash illness to be shared with national or international medical specialists.

Analysis of surveillance data can also be transformed by using available technology. Software that is Web-enabled, together with the advances in geographic information system software and global positioning devices, means that anyone with Internet access can potentially apply the latest version of software running on a distant server in the national capital to local data to generate up-to-date maps and graphs describing health status in that jurisdiction. Use of surveillance data can also be transformed. Sophisticated algorithms can be applied to data as it is collected to determine when (and how) an alert should be sent to local, national, or even international health officials to indicate a need for immediate investigation. Increasingly sophisticated visual display techniques and creation of custom channels with data of particular relevance to groups of data users are just some of the tools already being used to put public health content on the desktop of anyone with broadband, secure Internet access. Realization of this future vision does not require technology beyond what is already feasible, but the following factors are needed: • the organizational and political will to develop and coordinate the needed systems and standards that will enable those systems • appropriate attention to individual privacy and system security • removal of the financial and logistical barriers to broadband Internet access • a strategic multisectoral approach to accelerating national infrastructure among the poorest developing nations.

GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE NETWORKS Globally, infectious disease surveillance is implemented through a loose network that links parts of national health care systems with the media, health organizations, laboratories, and institutions focusing on particular disease conditions. WHO has described a “network of networks” (U.S. GAO 2001) that links existing regional, national, and international networks of laboratories and medical centers into a surveillance network (figure 53.5). Government centers of excellence (for example, CDC, the French Pasteur Institutes, and FETPs) along with WHO country and regional offices also contribute to disease and health condition reporting. Military networks, such as the U.S. Department of Defense’s Global Emerging Infectious Disease System, and Internet discussion sites, such as ProMed ( and Epi-X ( epix), also supplement the reporting networks. In 1997, WHO started the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, and Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Interventions | 1011

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UNHCR and UNICEF country offices

WHO collaborating centers and laboratories

Epidemiology training networks

National public health authorities

Military laboratory networks

WHO regional and country offices

Global Public Health Intelligence Network

Internet discussion sites

Nongovernmental organizations Media press Formal


Source: U.S. GAO 2001. a. UNHCR represents the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. b. UNICEF represents the United Nations Children’s Fund.

Figure 53.5 Global Infectious Disease Surveillance Frameworks

it was formally adopted by WHO member states in 2000. The network has more than 120 partners around the world and identifies and responds to more than 50 outbreaks in developing countries each year (Heymann and Rodier 2004). The International Health Regulations are the only binding international agreements on disease control. The regulations provide a framework for preventing the international spread of disease through effective national surveillance coupled with the international coordination of response to public health emergencies of global concern by using the guiding principle of maximum protection, minimum restriction (WHO 2003a). The current regulations apply only to cholera, plague, and yellow fever; they require WHO member states to notify WHO of any cases of these diseases that occur in humans within their territories and then give further notification when the territory is free of infection. The regulations are being revised to include the development of national core capacities and national focal persons who have the competencies of graduates of FETPs and allied training programs. Programs established to improve the

capacity of both epidemiologists and laboratorians to collect, use, and interpret surveillance and outbreak data (for example, the collaborative WHO program in foodborne diseases called the WHO Global Salm-Surv) are also important components in developing global surveillance networks.

RESEARCH AGENDA IN PUBLIC HEALTH SURVEILLANCE Developing nations share surveillance needs with the rest of the world, yet they are challenged by economic limitations, weak public health infrastructure, and the overwhelming challenges of poverty and disease. As a result, countries in the developing world often depend on the research efforts of others, or they collaborate with others to conduct the research necessary for their surveillance needs. Within individual countries, surveillance systems are essential in measuring disease and injury burden as a first step in establishing public health priorities that lead to policies and programs.

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The major research question for surveillance is how to develop and maintain a cadre of competent, motivated surveillance and response workers in developing countries. Other questions include how to design and maintain surveillance systems for these problems, especially morbidity systems for chronic diseases. Standard methods can be used to evaluate existing surveillance systems, which, in turn, will help define surveillance needs (Romaguera, German, and Klaucke 2000). Developing countries have used the IDSR strategy, which provides an efficient approach to data collection and analysis. Unfortunately, the majority of developing countries have limited surveillance systems for noninfectious diseases; instead, existing data systems (for example, vital records, motor vehicle crash records, or insurance claims data) are potential sources of surveillance data. In other settings, even these data sources are scarce, and approaches such as verbal autopsies and recurrent surveys might be alternatives (White and McDonnell 2000). Surveillance for risk factors is another challenge, and BRFSSs need to be validated and applied more widely in developing countries. Surveillance for injuries, environmental hazards (such as traffic intersections that are associated with high rates of injuries), and exposures to chemical or biological agents is a key public health concern with few examples of effective application anywhere in the developed or less developed parts of the world. Rigorous research is required in this field (Thacker and others 1996). The burgeoning use of electronic data systems and the almost universal availability of the Internet provide a tremendous opportunity for more timely and comprehensive surveillance in all parts of the world. Yet in this rapidly emerging field, critical needs exist, including the following: • • • • •

competent, motivated health workers data standards (Lober, Trigg, and Karras 2004) global policies and practices for international surveillance useful software (Dean 2000) evaluation of the effectiveness of all these applications.

New approaches that must be evaluated by using standard methods (Romaguera, German, and Klaucke 2000) include the following: • IDSR for infectious diseases • syndromic surveillance (CDC 2004b) for terrorism and emergency response • laboratory-based surveillance methods to enhance diagnostic accuracy and increase timeliness of recognition of outbreaks and interventions (Swaminathan and others 2001).

• conduct surveillance for multiple competing risk factors that lead to a single condition (for example, smoking, cholesterol, hypertension, and overweight for heart disease) • conduct surveillance for the adverse effects of drugs • interpret ecologic data relative to data collected on individuals (Greenland 2004) • measure cost-effectiveness of alternative approaches to surveillance (for example, integrated compared with categorical approaches) • link data sources effectively (for example, hazard, exposure, and outcome data for environmental diseases) • build and sustain human infrastructure in developing countries • strengthen evidence-based decision-making cultures in ministries of health and finance.

CONCLUSION Public health surveillance is an essential tool for ministries of finance, ministries of health, and donors to effectively and efficiently allocate resources and manage public health interventions. To be useful, public health surveillance must be approached as a scientific enterprise, applying rigorous methods to address critical concerns in this public health practice (Thacker, Berkelman, and Stroup 1989). Although the surveillance needs in the developing world appear to differ from those in the developed world, the basic problems are similar. In a time when we are confronted with SARS and avian influenza, the need to integrate global networks is undeniable, and research in how these concerns are addressed is essential. Collaboration among practitioners, researchers, nations, and international organizations is necessary to address the global needs of public health surveillance.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge ORISE Fellow Danielle Backes of the Division of International Health, Coordinating Office for Global Health, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for her invaluable help in preparing this chapter.

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Chapter 54

Information to Improve Decision Making for Health Sally K. Stansfield, Julia Walsh, Ndola Prata, and Timothy Evans The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information in the hands of many. —John Naisbitt and Patricia Aburdene, Megatrends 2000

This chapter focuses on the collection and management of public health information, in contrast to clinical information, which concerns individual patient care encounters. Even when aggregated, clinical data are necessary, but not sufficient, to inform efforts to improve the health of populations. While substantial attention has been focused on these facility-based clinical consultations and the health management information system (HMIS) used to track the relevant data, we focus here on the broader health information system (HIS) needed to inform decisions at individual, facility, district, and national levels. Considered here are the routine data collection systems upon which program management, planning, monitoring, and evaluation depend. Information needs for specific tasks, such as for research or for program evaluation, are discussed in the chapters on research (chapters 4 and 7). Other chapters in this volume refer to information needs to enable disease control or to evaluate programs and improve the delivery of interventions. Those interested in these issues should also pay special attention to chapter 53 and chapters 70–73. This chapter bridges the global and the local issues; it makes the case for strengthening the evidence base for action through comprehensive health information systems that include census, vital events, monitoring, public health surveillance, resource tracking, facility-based service statistics, and household surveys.

INTRODUCTION From infancy on, we receive information that gives form to our thinking and problem solving. The method by which a phenomenon is measured shapes societal perceptions of it and the collective efforts to affect it. Likewise, the choices we make in the collection and use of information for health will determine our effectiveness in detecting problems, defining priorities, identifying innovative solutions, and allocating resources for improved health outcomes. Despite those fundamental realities, there has been little awareness to date of the ramifications that greater information use can have for advancing health, and even less attention has been given to systems needed to provide timely, accurate, and relevant information. An example of the formative power of information for policy change lies in the history of the United Nations’ Standard System of National Accounts, created by Richard Stone more than 50 years ago. The annual reporting of these accounts by most countries shapes our impressions of the relative position of nations, defines our views of the differential opportunities offered to their citizens, and drives the content of national and global political discourse (Jolly 2002). Another example is the measurement of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), which has shaped priorities for investment in global health over the past decade.


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However, data or information alone will not transform outcomes. Data, which are simple measures of characteristics of people and things, have little inherent meaning or value. Analysis of the data enables the identification of patterns, thereby creating information. Finally, the use of information to generate recommendations, rules for action, and behavior change signifies the creation of knowledge that is used to make decisions and change human behavior. Good decisions on effective policies, services, and behaviors require timely, accurate, and relevant information. Health information is required for strategic planning and the setting of priorities; clinical diagnosis and management of illness or injury; quality assurance and quality improvement for health services; detection and control of emerging and endemic disease; human resource management; procurement and management of health commodities (including drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics); regulation of toxic exposures; program evaluation; research; and other types of policies and programs (Walsh and Simonet 1995). Citizens require such information to choose healthy behaviors, to demand effective policies and services, and to hold their governments accountable for the allocation and use of resources for health. Internationally, information is required to meet transnational needs, such as for the detection and control of consequences of epidemics and infectious diseases, results-based management of development assistance programs, and advocacy for increased financing for health. Several recent trends further enhance the pressures to deliver better health information. Global epidemics, such as of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and “bird flu,” have amply demonstrated the need and potential benefits of sensitive and transparent systems for tracking health events. Donors, including the Global Fund and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), increasingly demand performance measures and detailed evidence to justify new requests for support. “Basket” funding and sectorwide approaches place further responsibilities on countries to define their own priorities. Decentralization and devolution of budgetary controls have shifted much of this growing burden to the periphery, requiring districts to provide local evidence as a basis for decisions. Tracking progress toward the Millennium Development Goals for health requires empowering countries to measure key indicators and produce evidence-based strategic plans to achieve and document that progress. Furthermore, nearly every chapter in this volume cites the need for better information, including through research dependent on a health information system, to accelerate improvements in health.1 Yet there is a striking disconnect between the need for information and the ability to respond to that need. To collect, collate, analyze, and communicate the necessary information in a timely and understandable fashion requires organized processes and procedures and a comprehensive HIS. However,

donor-driven and disease-specific initiatives have actually undermined efforts to develop a comprehensive HIS by creating separate, parallel, and often duplicative systems to meet the need for each funding source. Health information and the systems for its supply are a public good, meeting the defining criteria of being nonexcludable (in that, once the information is in the public domain, it is difficult to withhold from users) and nonrival (in that consumption of the information does not lessen its availability for use by others). As a public good, the supply of health information is the primary responsibility of governments: national governments for information within these jurisdictions, and international agencies and national governments together for international comparative information and global summary data. Harmonizing the data collection, standards, best practices, and other elements of a national and global HIS has several advantages. Standardization enables economies of scale for training, hardware and software, and processes. Routine health information is a summative good in that the collation of each contribution produces a cumulative increase in the value of the public good, strengthening the credibility and importance of that information. Furthermore, standardization of systems improves the reliability and comparability of information, both within nations and across national and regional boundaries (Cibulskis and Hiawalyer 2002).

SYSTEMS AND SUPPLY OF HEALTH INFORMATION To create an effective HIS, governments must finance the system, create the necessary policy environment (for example, through legislation and regulation), and develop systems and services for the collection, collation, dissemination, and use of health information. A substantial portion of the national health information is fully within the control of government health officials. However, information from the private health sector and other parts of the government is also required. Table 54.1 lists some of the data required and their sources. A principal challenge is the integration of these intra- and extrasectoral functions into a single, comprehensive HIS. Direct Expenditures for Health Information As for most public goods, the production of health information is mostly financed by government appropriation. Budget support for the HIS comes through both the ministry of health and a national statistics office (NSO) in most countries. The NSO is usually responsible for collecting information through the national census and most household surveys. For the least developed countries especially, bilateral and multilateral donors are essential sources of finance, particularly for HIS planning, infrastructure development, and training. In Africa, it has been estimated that grants or loans from donors account for between 20 and 70 percent of the financing for statistical

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Table 54.1 Health Information from Sources Outside the Health Sector Health information

Responsible agency

Census and national surveys: Income and poverty distribution Household expenditure for health Coverage with health interventions

National statistical office

National expenditures for health, economic development indicators, and industrial production and distribution data

Ministry of finance

Employment data: Human resources for health Occupational health information

Ministry of labor

Import data: Pharmaceuticals and vaccines Capital equipment and health commodities

Ministry of trade

Food production and security information and nutritional status data

Ministry of agriculture

Military health service statistics

Ministry of defense

Patterns of transportation injury (including motor vehicle accidents)

Ministry of transportation

Literacy rates and school health program information

Ministry of education

in the management of health information. There should be protection from political interference and full empowerment of the health statistics office to make public statements in response to criticisms of reports and the underlying methods. Ethical practices for protecting privacy and confidentiality must be well understood, and procedures should be in place to deal with breaches in these standards. Accuracy and reliability should be stated as expectations and ensured through periodic review of data collection methods and through benchmarking with internationally credible definitions of indicators. A client orientation should be instilled and users of data regularly consulted in defining outputs and formats for the presentation of data. Systems for Collection, Management, and Analysis

Source: Authors.

systems overall. Revenue generated by selling statistical products and services accounts for 10 to 20 percent of the financing for national statistical systems (Economic Commission for Africa 2003). User fees or taxes for use of information products and services can partially offset the costs of developing and maintaining the information system. In many countries, taxes and tariffs on computer equipment and government regulation of communications and Internet use remain barriers to public access to health information. Cost must not be a barrier to use of health information for the public good. Information Policy Sound information systems require a legislative and regulatory environment that encourages and supports effective HIS development. At the global level, many efforts have been made to establish international standards and policy frameworks for statistical data (United Nations Statistical Commission 1994). These policy frameworks are used to establish mandates for collection of basic health data (such as a decennial census or surveillance for reportable infectious diseases), to ensure the independence of official statistical agencies, to reinforce professional ethics, and to create norms for data quality and dissemination. Another key policy intervention, less tangible though equally critical, is the creation of a culture of quality and transparency

Most developing countries have no comprehensive strategy for information management, reflecting the fractal nature of donor and national investments in these systems. Interventions to improve the HIS in the least developed countries, often donor driven, have often focused only on a specific subsystem, primarily for health service statistics, and have neglected other components of the HIS. An effective HIS requires an overarching architecture that defines the data elements, processes, and procedures for collection, collation, presentation, and use of information for decision making throughout the health sector (see box 54.1). This information architecture promotes comparison and integration of data elements from a variety of subsystems. As O’Carroll (2003) points out, such a comprehensive design enables phased system development, reduces redundancy, increases efficiency, and improves interoperability. Interoperability is critical to ensuring, for example, that census data, vital statistics, and health facility data can be integrated to generate rates, ratios, cost-effectiveness estimates, and other information required to compare options for health investment. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has led the Regional Core Health Data Initiative “to facilitate speedy access to basic information on the health situation in the countries of the Region.” This initiative has involved an international consultation and agreement on the priority data, collection methods, and indicators. The initiative has shown that it is possible to create a regional database of essential, consistent, valid, standardized, timely, and regular information. PAHO has used the information to set its priorities, whereas countries have applied the results to design health programs and to allocate resources to upgrade their information systems. In the future, the plan is to expand the systems to subnational districts (PAHO 2004). Other WHO regions, including the Asia Pacific, are instituting similar initiatives with Web-based publication of core health indicators. Data Collection. No single mechanism for data collection is adequate to meet the needs for public health decision making. Information to Improve Decision Making for Health | 1019

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Box 54.1

The Health Metrics Network: Harmonizing Investment in HIS Development Developing countries, multilateral agencies, bilateral donors, and technical resource agencies have recently come together to form a global Health Metrics Network (HMN) that is designed to provide guidance for the development of the HIS, both in meeting national information needs and in producing the required indicators for tracking progress toward global goals. The HMN will provide the first consensus technical framework for HIS

architecture and a plan for development of national health information systems. This HMN Framework includes a blueprint for iterative improvements in the HIS; descriptions of core data collection subsystems (census, surveys, vital events monitoring, service statistics, and resource tracking); and procedures for management and dissemination of information.

Source: Authors.

These needs can be met using a combination of the six key health information subsystems: census, household surveys, public health surveillance, vital events monitoring, health service statistics, and resource tracking. Surveys are conducted on a sample in order to limit costs, whereas the other subsystems are more often designed to cover the entire population. In most developing countries, public health surveillance—except for certain disease-specific efforts—is conducted through passive reporting from health facilities. Especially where utilization rates are low, this facility-based surveillance may be considered a sample or “sentinel”surveillance strategy.Vital events monitoring is, ideally, universal; however, many countries use a phased introduction of vital events monitoring that makes it functionally a sentinel or sample-based data collection effort during the transition to universal coverage. A national census every 10 years is an irreplaceable component of a national information system because it provides denominator data for so many indicators and sampling frames for subsequent sample surveys. The major costs of a census come from activities to establish the census maps, enumerate populations, enter data, and analyze the results. The cartographic costs can often be shared with other government departments, because the resulting updated maps can be instrumental in carrying out other critical public functions. Sample surveys of households are a mainstay of health information collection in the developing world. They provide data on service utilization; coverage of health interventions (for example, immunization); morbidity (self-reported illness or disability); pregnancy outcomes; mortality levels, differentials, and trends; and causes of death (through associated verbal autopsy; that is, expanded interviews in the case of death to determine cause on the basis of signs and symptoms before death). Surveys are, almost without exception, funded externally in the least developed countries and are not seen within the country as being part of a health information “system.” They are, in

fact, generally undertaken to compensate for the lack of information available through routine systems (AbonZahr and Boerma 2005). The investment in surveys has thereby enabled donors and developing countries to sustain their neglect of the development of comprehensive and sustainable national health information systems. The United Nations Population and Statistics Divisions and the European Statistical Office (EUROSTAT) also support household survey work. Differences in methodologies among these surveys are currently a barrier to the comparison of results. The World Bank’s Managing for Development Results Roundtable, held in Marrakech, Morocco, in 2004, recommended harmonization of these surveys to eliminate duplication. Nonetheless, surveys offer an important source of information that transcends most of the selection bias that is inherent in service statistics. Especially in the least developed countries, where vital events registration systems and census taking are embryonic or nonexistent, surveys represent the only source of unbiased information about demography, socioeconomic status, coverage, morbidity, mortality, health expenditures, and other characteristics of the population. Where substantial proportions of the population use private health services, household surveys are particularly important. Even industrial countries rely on periodic community-based sample surveys for immunization coverage, for health service utilization rates, and for information on household health expenditures (Perrin, Kalsbeek, and Scanlan 2004). The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends using periodic surveys to monitor coverage, such as for immunization programs, especially in view of the shortcomings of service statistics for obtaining these measures (Murray and others 2003). Some household surveys collect biological and clinical specimens, such as blood, saliva, urine, and self-collected vaginal swabs, or they check swabs for anemia, HIV, disease antibodies, vitamin A, and other conditions. However, the performance characteristics of most diagnostic technologies (for example,

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cost, ease of field use, sensitivity, and specificity) are designed for clinical use and do not lend themselves readily to use in population surveys, especially in remote areas of developing countries. Moreover, the collection of diagnostic information along with individual identifiers introduces complex ethical issues in the notification of people with treatable conditions, the financing of any required treatments, and the use of the specimens for other studies (Ties Boerma, Holt, and Black 2001). Public health surveillance has been defined as the “ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data on specific health events affecting a population, closely integrated with the timely dissemination of these data to those responsible for prevention and control” (Thacker and others 1996). In developing countries, surveillance usually focuses primarily on a set of notifiable diseases, mainly infectious, which health care providers and laboratories are often required by law to report. Some nations also track risk factors for important diseases, injury events, adverse drug reactions, cancers, and pregnancy outcomes. Surveillance may be intensified over a period of years to enable targeting of special interventions for the control or elimination of diseases such as polio, tetanus, or measles. Active surveillance or screening of populations for target diseases may also be used in specific circumstances, such as during peak seasons for the disease or during natural disasters, when the potential for epidemics may be high. Most passive surveillance data, however, are incomplete. Reliance on surveillance for reportable diseases diagnosed in health facilities omits diseases diagnosed among those who go to private providers or who are too poor to go to any health facilities. Even in health facilities, reportable diseases are often underrecognized or cannot be confirmed in laboratories that have inadequate resources. Sentinel surveillance methods and registries maintained in a few selected sites may be more representative of the entire population and more cost-effective in identifying and reporting the target diseases or health conditions; however, an outbreak may go undetected in a geographic area without a sentinel site. Special regional surveillance may also be used where populations are vulnerable to special health risks. The Vigisus project in Brazil, for example, has developed a system of epidemiologic and environmental surveillance for the prevention and control of disease among indigenous populations in the Amazon region ( propoor/BRA97028a.htm). Despite the methodological hazards, public health surveillance is essential for both national and global planning and preparedness, especially in view of the risks of regional expansion (for example, of meningitis and polio) or global spread of recent epidemics (for example, of SARS and bird flu). Vital events monitoring is the continuous, compulsory, and (in most cases) universal civil registration of key vital events, such as births, deaths (sometimes including fetal deaths), marriages, divorces, and migrations. In many countries, vital events

monitoring systems function poorly and may be found only as remnants of past colonial administrations. In 2003, 115 of 192 WHO member states reported mortality data with causes of death, capturing about one-third of global deaths, or 18.6 million deaths per year. In South Asia, only 60 percent of births are registered (22.5 million), and in Africa, only 30 percent (17 million). Alternatives to universal registration include the sample registration systems used in China and India and the demographic surveillance sites in Tanzania. The International Network of Field Sites with Continuous Demographic Evaluation of Populations and Their Health in Developing Countries (INDEPTH), an association of longitudinal vital and health statistics surveillance sites in 17 countries, can provide technical support and training for development and management of these demographic surveillance sites (http://www. The UN Statistics Division has developed principles and recommendations for vital statistics systems to guide countries in their development (http:// methods.htm.) Vital events monitoring systems may also be enhanced to determine causes of death, whether those deaths occur within health facilities or in the community. When deaths occur outside the health care system, a verbal autopsy, or structured interview of the relatives of the deceased, can assist in determining the cause of death. Verbal autopsies can, however, be used reliably to diagnose only those few conditions that have characteristic clinical signs or patterns of signs that can be recognized by family members or by the health workers who review the interview data. WHO is now developing standardized tools for verbal autopsy that will enhance the sensitivity and specificity of these instruments and permit comparisons over time and across geographics. Health service statistics are critical management tools for both preventive and curative services. The statistics are collected at each level: community outreach service points, primary care facilities, and district and regional referral hospitals. Information from clients and providers documents the quantity and quality of services and enables managers to detect and solve problems in order to improve health outcomes and efficiencies. This health information subsystem must be “flexible and capable of adapting to local needs, while at the same time allowing for standardization of health care quality assurance indicators, and subsequent ability to measure and compare the quality performance of health facilities nationwide” (DuranArenas and others 1998). A principal barrier to improving service quality in many health care facilities is the lack of reliable systems for managing and retrieving individual patient records. Service statistics are especially powerful when they can be compared with population-based measures from censuses and surveys to estimate rates and ratios, such as disease incidence or Information to Improve Decision Making for Health | 1021

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service coverage rates. Most service statistics subsystems track data only from public sector providers and facilities. Future improvements must implement systems and incentives to ensure reporting of service data from the private sector. The resource-tracking subsystem must enable measurement and management of human resources; facilities; commodities (pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and other consumables); and finances. Human resource tracking provides a mechanism for licensing health service providers and accrediting health facilities. Licensure and accreditation can be paired with incentives to ensure service quality and private sector contributions to achieving public health goals. The national health account (NHA) framework provides methods for measuring total national expenditures for health from household, public, private, and donor sources. NHA data document the sources of health financing, the amount spent for services, the distribution of funds across services and interventions, and the distribution of health benefits from those services and interventions. An NHA framework tracks the flow of funds, for example, from the ministry of health to health providers and government service programs or from households to pharmacies and private providers. These internationally comparable data enable benchmarking of performance among countries (Peters and others 2000). Of the 68 countries that have implemented NHAs, only one-third have used the framework more than once. However, 19 of 21 countries studied can report at least one instance in which the NHA system has informed and shaped policies (De and others 2003). For example, South Africa’s NHA analysis documented a higher per capita health expenditure in the richest districts, leading to intensified efforts to mitigate these inequities (Abt Associates 2003). Information and Communications Technologies. The rapid evolution of information and communications technologies (ICT) over the past 30 years has immense implications for the potential speed, cost, and effectiveness of an HIS. But a “digital divide” persists, with poor countries failing to benefit fully from these ICT advances. Lack of access to reliable power sources, absence of Internet connectivity, inability to procure computer equipment and appropriate software, and inadequate technical support are some of the barriers. African users account for only 1 percent of the world’s Internet traffic, 80 percent of which is in South Africa ( Although less than 0.001 percent of the Internet use in Africa is among health professionals, this usage is growing rapidly. Internet access in health facilities can make the HIS more effective and efficient by enabling instantaneous transmittal of data to central locations. Internet access in facilities can also speed data transmission and improve clinical outcomes by providing access to evidence-based decision support for clinical care (Godlee and others 2004; McLellan 2001). Even in remote

areas where no telephone or cable access exists, satellite technology can provide access to e-mail. Several countries, such as Bolivia and Peru, have successfully used satellite telephone technologies to enable continuous Web-based updating of health databases. Because the effectiveness of epidemic control often depends on timely detection and reporting of outbreaks, e-mail and telephone technologies have shown particular promise for use in disease surveillance. In Peru, for example, 100 percent reporting was achieved and sustained within six months of rollout of a pilot surveillance system using cellular telephones (Lescano and others 2003). The system is to be expanded to national coverage this year. Although individual citizens will not soon have equal access to ICT, these technologies can immediately be better used to improve public health. Automation of data entry and analysis can ease data capture, validation, analysis, and transmittal of health information. District managers can generate reports with tables and charts and transmit them to central levels, which can then apply this knowledge to improve local management. Special prompts and “exception reports” can alert managers to unexpected findings that require double-checking or immediate interventions (for example, outbreaks of infectious disease, low immunization coverage, or other management problems). Use of free software, such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Epi Info, can lower costs, but often these software packages require substantial adaptation to local needs, along with additional training and technical support. Acquisition of computer equipment should be viewed not as a one-time capital expenditure but as a long-term commitment to buy periodic upgrades, maintenance, and technical support. Experience shows that purchase of inexpensive software and computers, such as in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, may actually increase overall costs when they require early replacement with more adequate alternatives. Geographic information system (GIS) technologies have also been successfully used in districts in several countries to enable mapping and visual representation of the geographic distribution of risk factors, disease, and services. A desktop GIS viewer and mapping software are available in several shareware versions, including the WHO’s “Health Mapper,” so that maps can be produced at little cost. Other potentially promising technologies include electronic scanners and personal digital assistants for data capture ( and global positioning systems to facilitate the mapping process. The principal barriers to improved information systems, however, are human, not technological. Substantial investment in training and technical support must accompany the introduction of any new technology. If the HIS is not functionally solid, introducing ICT will likely only worsen existing problems.

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Dissemination and Use of Health Information Information is a means to the end of improving health, but the availability of reliable information does not guarantee its use or improved decision making. Because decisions are often driven as much by politics as by evidence, it is critical to design information systems to meet the needs of decision makers and to create a culture of evidence that provides incentives and accountability for evidence-based decision making. Extensive dissemination promotes widespread use and accountability. The many users of information include the following: • • • • • • • • • •

health ministries at national, regional, and district levels researchers and evaluators legislative and policy analysts nongovernmental organizations and consumer organizations advocacy groups private sector health providers and insurers communities, including groups of patients journalists donors and international agencies concerned with health individuals and families.

The literature on health information systems is replete with complaints of the neglect of existing information, yet remarkably little is known regarding the effectiveness of interventions to improve the use of information. The NHA experience (De and others 2003) suggests that policy makers are most likely to use information when it contributes to and informs a preferred government direction, especially if that information is not available to stakeholders outside the health ministry. But systems and dissemination patterns for information can be engineered to ensure that clients, providers, and managers will seek and use information to inform decisions. Standard procedures can be developed to ensure analysis and use of data at the level at which it is collected. Training of health workers can be designed to include both basic and refresher training in the analysis and interpretation of data that are relevant to each job. Expectations of information use can be built into routine job requirements, including use of evidence for planning, data requirements for periodic reporting to supervisors, and use of information during performance reviews. Groups of managers can be convened across districts or regions for benchmarking, in which each manager presents and compares performance data and is rewarded for transparency and learning. These practices will result only from intense training in analysis and use. For example, Loevinsohn (1994) demonstrated that fewer than half of midlevel managers were able to use the information system even to identify best- and worst-performing districts. Nonetheless, if managers use the information, and if improved efficiency and coverage with interventions is the result, the HIS becomes exceedingly cost-effective.

Information will “allow the public, their elected representatives, or donors to determine whether they are obtaining value for money” (Cibulskis and Hiawalyer 2002; see also Mackay 1998). Providing full access to the media will help to accelerate expectations of evidence-based decision making and accountability. Civil society, including nongovernmental organizations, should be the principal users of information to create and sustain citizen demand for quality services. The Healthy Communities Foundation’s “dashboard” of lead indicators of health system performance exemplifies one promising example of the visual display of data ( aboutus.htm). Such dissemination and use of health information has enhanced government accountability for improved health in Papua New Guinea, where reports of local government performance in improving health systems transformed election results (G. Hiawalyer, personal communication).

BENEFITS, COSTS, AND COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF IMPROVED INFORMATION There is broad agreement that information—plus the knowledge it enables—creates value. Yet it is challenging, indeed, to quantify the added value of information. Information, after all, is necessary but never sufficient to achieve improved outcomes. Other resources—human, material, and financial—are required for change. Nonetheless, it is possible to define the interventions necessary to improve health information and to draw on a few studies to estimate the cost and cost-effectiveness of these investments. Strengthening of Systems The steps involved in strengthening HIS include securing funding for a review of the current HIS and planning reforms and then using that plan to secure funding for implementing the reforms. The reforms depend on legislation and regulations that delineate the requirements, incentives, and disincentives for collecting the needed information. Finally, the review of the current HIS includes a situational analysis and outline of a plan that involves a comprehensive information architecture that is linked to both national and international needs. The HMN Framework includes assessment and planning tools and HIS standards that will guide strengthening of systems. Full implementation will likely take at least 36 months, and the effects on decision making and health outcomes will be detectable only after approximately five years.

Benefits and Effectiveness of Improved Information The value of health information can be characterized in terms of cost savings; system efficiencies (for example, increased coverage or quality of services); or improved health outcomes Information to Improve Decision Making for Health | 1023

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(for example, DALYs saved or improved health equity). Information can also be used to increase overall resources for health. Publications such as this volume, World Development Report 1993: Investing in Health (World Bank 1993), and the report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (2000), are important examples of evidence that has been used to change health policies and increase resources for health. The industrial world holds examples of the use of information to make service provision more effective and efficient. A quality improvement and evidence-based decision assistance program for diabetes patients in the United States created a net savings of US$510,133,2 primarily by averting hospitalizations (Petrakos 1998). The U.S. Institute of Medicine estimates that a computerized system for managing physician orders for medications costing US$1 million to US$2 million could “pay for itself in three to five years” and prevent injury to hundreds of patients per year (Kohn, Corrigan, and Donaldson 2001). There are also promising examples of the benefits and effectiveness of improved information from developing countries. Quality improvements driven by better information in Bolivia resulted in a 300 percent increase in hospital utilization rates (Pappaioanou and others 2003). In rural Mali, populations enrolled in a community-based information system calculated delivery costs for childhood immunization to be US$1.47 per child, compared with US$2.79 per child among populations not registered (Zayan, Berggren, and Doumbia 1992). Better information can also improve efficiencies in the management of pharmaceutical resources. For example, implementing a subnational information system in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa led to improved access to pharmaceuticals, with a 39 percent reduction in stockouts of essential drugs. Such improvements undoubtedly lead to better health outcomes, which may result in increased productivity and consequently an increase in the growth rate of the gross domestic product (Jamison, Sachs, and Wang 2001; Nordhaus 2002).

Costs of Improved Health Information Few studies have documented the costs of an HIS. Kleinau (2000) estimated the resource requirements for health service statistics, the most expensive of the six subsystems. Using similar assumptions, we have calculated updated costs. This estimate includes only the public sector facilities, not private sector reporting systems. Reporting from private providers would likely include a more limited set of reported data: diseases, vaccinations, possibly staffing, and minimal utilization. Table 54.2 summarizes the total annual costs and per capita costs of the six health information subsystems. The costs of a facility-based services statistics subsystem of the HIS (table 54.3) can be assumed in most developing countries to include routine public health surveillance, because these data are obtained at health facilities when ill patients are

Table 54.2 Cost of Essential HIS Subsystems Total cost (US$ million)

Per capita cost (US$)

Low income

High income

Low income

High income

Health service statistics





Public health surveillance (included with health service statistics)




HIS subsystem







Household surveys





Vital events surveillance





Resource tracking










Source: Authors. Note: Table is based on a population of 30 million. Household survey costs are based on the experience of the demographic and health surveys during 2001–2003 (Macro International, personal communication). Costs vary by sample size and by length of the survey instrument; Macro International estimates, an average cost of US$100 per survey participant. A sample of 6,000 is assumed for the low-income setting, and a sample size of 10,000 is assumed for the high-income setting. Cost estimates for vital events monitoring are based on demographic surveillance sites. In the high-income setting, the annual costs are assumed to quadruple. Resource-tracking costs are based on the experience of national health accounts (Abt Associates, personal communication), and the Egyptian Budget Tracking system. Similar costs are estimated for human resources and commodities.

brought for treatment. The additional costs of program-specific surveillance (for example, in support of polio eradication or tetanus elimination programs) could be assumed with a minor marginal investment in addition to facility-based and community-based information systems, including for vital events surveillance. The calculated range for per capita annual costs of a comprehensive HIS—US$0.53 to US$2.99—compares closely to the estimates from a country setting in which those data have been obtained, including a low-resource country (Tanzania) with a per capita cost of approximately US$0.50 (Rommelmann and others 2004) and a high-resource country (Mexico) with a per capita cost of approximately US$1.00. The Health Metrics Network (HMN) Technical Task Force South Africa has also estimated costs of the HIS at approximately US$26 million (165 million rand) for a population of 43 million, yielding a per capita cost of US$0.60. The highest range of the estimate would apply in countries with higher salaries and a more comprehensive HIS.

Estimations of the Cost-Effectiveness of Interventions to Improve Health Information The Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Program (TEHIP) is perhaps the best source of evidence for the cost-effectiveness of improved health information. The project was designed to

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Table 54.3 Annual Costs of the Facility-Based Services Statistics Subsystem of an HIS HIS cost

Low-resource setting

High-resource setting

Primary care facility

One person (salary US$4,514/year) spends 10 percent of time at each of 6,000 facilities (US$2,708,400)

Two people (salary US$10,351/year each) spend 20 percent of time at each of 6,000 facilities (US$24,842,400)

First referral level

One person (salary US$4,514/year) spends 25 percent of time at each of 1,000 facilities (US$1,128,500)

Two people (salary US$10,351/year each) spend 75 percent of time at each of 1,000 facilities (US$15,526,500)

District hospital

Two people (salary US$4,514/year each) spend 20 percent of time at each of 300 facilities (US$541,680)

Two people (salary US$10,351/year each) spend 100 percent of time at each of 300 facilities (US$6,210,600)

Regional level

Three people (salary US$10,962/year each) spend 50 percent of time at each of 15 facilities (US$246,645)

Three people (salary US$25,134/year each) spend 100 percent of time at each of 15 facilities (US$1,131,030)

National level

Six people (salary US$10,962/year each) spend 50 percent of time (US$32,886)

Ten people (salary US$25,134/year each) spend 100 percent of time (US$251,340)

Subtotal (personnel)



Primary care facility



First referral level



District hospital









Subtotal (supplies)




Data collection instruments and supplies

Information technology: computers and software Primary care facility 0


First referral level



District hospital


20 percent use of each of two computers with software at US$1,100 at each of 300 facilities (US$132,000)

Regional level


Two dedicated computers with software at US$1,100 at each of 15 facilities (US$33,000)

National level

50 percent use of each of four computers with software at US$1,100 (US$2,200)

10 dedicated computers with software at US$1,100 (US$11,100)

Subtotal (information technology)



Training cost



Total cost



Per capita cost



Source: Authors. Note: Based on a model country with a total population of 30 million.

test how evidence can be used to decentralize health sector planning at the district level and to what extent evidence-based priority setting would result in improved health outcomes. The project budgeted for a marginal investment of US$2.00 per capita for the information and for health interventions, although only US$0.80 per capita was actually spent. The slightly increased investment covered training in the use of the information to set priorities and to better manage the most

cost-effective interventions. The information systems included a district burden-of-disease intervention priority profile, district health accounts, a district cost information system, and district health service mapping. Management and technical support strengthened the district and regional health sector use of the information for management and administration. Communities participated in the ownership and management of health facilities. The cost-effectiveness estimates in this Information to Improve Decision Making for Health | 1025

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Box 54.2

The Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Program TEHIP is a partnership between Tanzania’s Ministry of Health and the International Development Research Centre. The project was established to determine the feasibility of an evidence-based approach to health planning at the district level. Testing the premise of the World Bank’s (1993) World Development Report 1993: Investing in Health, TEHIP enabled district health planners in two of Tanzania’s 117 districts to collect and use burden-ofdisease and cost-effectiveness data to get the best value for

money from national investments in health. Interventions included door-to-door collection of data and training or technical support for managers in the analysis and use of the data for decision making. TEHIP districts allocated services to high-burden diseases, resulting in a tripling of clinic utilization rates and increased treatment effectiveness. With a per capita increase in spending of only US$0.80, district health managers achieved a 47 percent reduction in child mortality rates.

Source: Authors.

Table 54.4 The Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Resource Allocation in Improving Health


Number of children  5 years

Probability of dying (birth to 5 years)

Mortality rate ( 5 years)

Total deaths















Deaths averted

DALYs gained/ death





















Total DALYs gained

Total DALYs

DALYs discounted at 3 percent

Source: Authors. Note: 1999 is baseline year; therefore, no deaths were averted.

section are based solely on the declines in mortality of children under five years of age, even though adult mortality also decreased. To ensure a conservative estimate of the costs of the HIS, we used a per capita cost of US$2.00—higher than the actual investment for TEHIP and at the high end of the range of costs for a comprehensive HIS estimated in table 54.2— US$0.53 to US$2.99. All costs were ascribed to the information system, because there were no improvements in the interventions themselves. Expenditures and deaths before 2002 were discounted by 3 percent annually (see box 54.2). The demographic and epidemiologic data were taken from the Rufiji district, where the most complete data were available. The estimate of the number of children under age five (32,661) is based on the 2002 census results. The Ministry of Health, census, and Rufiji Demographic Surveillance System estimates range from 31,000 to 36,000 children for 2003. Because of this discrepancy, the decline in the total fertility rate, from 5 to 4.7 (5 percent), is taken into account in estimating the number of children less than five years of age for 1999 to 2001. The probability of dying before five years of age declined by 15.6 percent, and because of declining fertility, each year has 1.5 percent

Table 54.5 Costs of Evidence-Based Resource Allocation for Improving Health Total cost at US$2 per capita (US$)

Discounted cost (US$)





















Total costs





Source: Authors.

fewer children than the preceding year. DALYs saved from each child death averted is estimated at 41.2. The resulting calculations of effectiveness are summarized in table 54.4. The estimates of cost are based on population size projected back from the 2002 census results, assuming an average annual growth rate of 2.8 percent. Costs incurred in 1998 are included because we assume that it takes at least two years (1998 to 2000) of improving the HIS before health benefits accrue.

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Cost per DALY saved (US$) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 5

10 20 30 Percentage increase in hepatitis B immunization coverage attributable to investment in HIS


High-cost setting (US$2.00 per capita) Low-cost setting (US$0.80 per capita)

capita less than US$997; World Bank 2002). Figure 54.1 shows that, for the high-prevalence countries (Miller and McCann 2000), the investment in a comprehensive HIS is highly costeffective (US$159 to US$126 per DALY saved for low-cost settings and US$757 to US$597 per DALY saved for high-cost settings), even if the investment results in only minor increases in immunization coverage. A similar analysis for countries with a lower prevalence rate of hepatitis B demonstrates that the cost per DALY saved is higher, but the investment in an HIS still yields a savings of DALYs at a cost that is well below the GNP per capita for the majority of the low-income countries. These calculations of the cost-effectiveness of investments in an HIS are highly conservative, because they consider health benefits within a single population group (children, in the case of TEHIP) or a single disease problem (hepatitis B). They therefore underestimate the true cost-effectiveness of investment in an HIS, which can drive improvements in program efficiency and effectiveness across a broader range of health interventions.

Source: Authors.

Figure 54.1 Cost-Effectiveness of Health Information Systems: Cost per DALY Saved Because of Increases in Coverage Attributable to HIS


Using these figures for effectiveness (table 54.4) and cost (table 54.5), we find that the cost-effectiveness of the HIS that results in improved evidence-based resource allocation and child health may be conservatively estimated at US$68.50 per DALY gained (US$2,087,406 to gain 30,457 DALYs). Even in the poorest countries, this is well below the gross national product (GNP) per capita benchmark for what is considered worthwhile for government investment in health. This analysis for the TEHIP project is based solely on child deaths averted. But the improvement in health information would also yield substantial benefits for adult populations. For example, HIS-driven increases in coverage with hepatitis B vaccine have varied between 5 and 33 percent (Miller and McCann 2000). These increases in coverage with hepatitis B immunization will result in incremental reductions in death and disability among adults attributable to hepatitis B–induced cirrhosis and liver cancer, thereby averting the loss of substantial numbers of DALYs in low-income countries (World Bank 2002). Hepatitis B vaccine is a cost-effective addition to an existing immunization program, with a cost per death averted of US$11 to US$15 (US$193 to US$262 per DALY saved). But efficiency and coverage can be substantially improved with an additional investment in the HIS. The cost per DALY saved by incremental investment in the HIS can be calculated using estimates of costs of the HIS from table 54.2, plus the estimates of cost and deaths averted because of immunization from Miller and McCann (2000) for populations in all low-income countries (GNP per

The annual per capita cost, estimated earlier, of US$0.53 to US$2.99 for a comprehensive HIS, represents a substantial portion of the current per capita health expenditure for many developing countries. These figures include capital and recurrent costs, although they do not include the costs of any external technical assistance. Because most countries have already made a substantial investment in a HIS, the actual incremental costs to improve the existing HIS likely are much less. Salaries, which account for more than 90 percent of HIS costs, are expenditures that are already being made in most settings, so the marginal cost of HIS improvements would be primarily the initial development costs of planning, training, technical assistance, and information technology upgrades. Furthermore, the costs of HIS improvements may be fully offset or even exceeded by the savings from the resulting improvements in efficiencies in the health care system. Existing funding is adequate to strengthen systems substantially in all low-income and lower-middle-income countries primarily through the major international initiatives (Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief; and Multi-country AIDS Program of the World Bank). All these funders recommend that 3 to 7 percent of grants and loans be allocated to monitoring and evaluation. Several bilateral development agencies and the multilateral development banks will provide financing for HIS reform, including the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through the MEASURE (Monitoring and Evaluation to Assess and Use Results) Project, which is Information to Improve Decision Making for Health | 1027

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designed to improve and institutionalize the collection and use of data for health policy development and program monitoring. The HMN offers some financial assistance to countries that are preparing for and planning HIS reform and will assist countries in negotiating financing packages that blend loan funding with grants from bilateral donors to implement those reforms. Several international agencies support strengthening systems for national statistics that extend beyond the health sector. STATCAP (Statistical Capacity Building), which is a new lending program offered by the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) through the World Bank, supports the development of national statistical systems. The separate Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building offers smaller amounts of grant funding to prepare the statistical master plan that is required for obtaining a STATCAP loan. Although short-term project funding can often be secured for system development, the resulting system and its recurrent costs must be within the country’s capacity to sustain it, both technically and financially.

opment of the district-level HIS. The HMN will create an alliance of countries committed to a parsimonious consensus technical framework and encourage donors to cooperate with and strengthen the HMN-sanctioned HIS architecture in participating countries. The predictors of success in developing and maintaining an HIS are as follows: • high-level commitment to HIS development and the linked changes in management • a champion of HIS reform who engages the stakeholders and can work across sectors • an information architecture that is simple, is structured to drive decision making at the level that data are collected, provides incentives and accountability for performance, and links health information subsystems • investment in training and increased status for the people who manage the HIS.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF CHANGE: LESSONS OF EXPERIENCE Underinvestment is the root cause of the nearly universal weaknesses in the HIS in developing countries. This failure is reflected in the poorly paid and undervalued HIS staff; in the irregular and unreliable transmittal of data from the periphery; in the underreporting of events, including births, deaths, and morbidity; and in the failures to base planning and decision making—at both the district and the central levels—on credible evidence (Azubuike and Ehiri 1999). When the need for HIS improvement is identified, ministries of health should explicitly state the characteristics they need in a reformed system and quantify the expected benefits. A common mistake made in implementing HIS change is failing to recognize the associated need for change in management processes and organizational culture. In contrast, recent HIS reforms in Niger (Mock and others 1993) and Uganda (Gladwin, Dixon, and Wilson 2003) have had unprecedented success because they have been aligned with broader management reforms and changes in organizational culture. Failure to adjust management roles with HIS changes can constrain effectiveness, such as when HIS managers are not given the necessary increased status and authority to demand reports and trigger corrective actions (Gladwin, Dixon, and Wilson 2003). Failure to invest adequately in training, especially in skills for presentation and communication of results, may also inhibit the use of health information. The demand from international organizations and global programs, such as the Expanded Program on Immunization and Stop TB, for reports on vast numbers of indicators has retarded the smooth devel-

An effective HIS delivers routine information that enables informed policy making and management but also promotes health research. Routine information systems may serve as a research platform, but the HIS itself should also be a subject of research. Research should drive the continual refinement of HIS methods and tools, thereby ensuring expanding and welldocumented returns on our investments in health. The instruments and methods of the HIS must be continually refined to improve its effectiveness and reduce its costs. For the phased introduction of vital events monitoring, for example, there is a pressing need for the development and validation of methods for projecting subnational results to national rates of birth and death. More research is needed to develop and test new methods for rapid assessment in order to obtain timely and affordable information to solve management problems. As field-appropriate and cost-effective diagnostic technologies are developed, research should be performed to document the utility of obtaining biomarkers in household surveys. Documenting improved outcomes and lower costs will provide evidence for policy makers on the effectiveness of HIS investments. To better decide how to improve the HIS, decision makers will need documentation of the costs and effects of introducing ICT in support of the HIS. Existing and emerging technologies should be tested for their cost and effectiveness in assisting field-based data capture, instantaneous data transmission, GIS-based mapping of indicators, and compelling presentation for decision making by policy makers, managers, and other stakeholders. Research and development efforts are needed to devise software—or preferably shareware—that is specifically tailored to support the consensus technical framework developed by the HMN.

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Bailey and Pang (2004) point out the need for more research in the developing world to better understand users’ information needs. In fact, research is needed to better document the entire information value chain, with special attention to improving the identification of information needs, to overcoming the natural disincentives to information sharing, and to enabling better use of information for constructive change. At present, there is still a need to improve the access to information and knowledge in the developing world. However, the future will bring the larger challenge of improving the management and use of information and the knowledge such information can bring. Research in the HIS will be instrumental in both accelerating equitable access to information and improving the management and use of knowledge for improved health.

CONCLUSIONS More than ever before, it is in the mutual interest of the developing and industrial worlds to invest in strengthening systems for collection and management of health information (Stansfield 2005). The trend toward “basket” funding for health and sectorwide approaches makes the need for priority setting all the more acute. Priority setting depends on accurate information. The success of efforts to reduce poverty and health inequity will depend on the existence of information systems to detect those problems, facilitate the design of solutions, and track progress toward eliminating the problems. Countries and donors must, therefore, accelerate and harmonize their investments in information systems. Within countries, the trend toward decentralization of authority for management of health resources has led to further challenges for the HIS, as well as to greater reliance on the information it provides to inform decision making. It is clear from the instructive failures of underresourced systems that the accuracy and value of information reported to the national level will depend on that information’s perceived value in the periphery. Information is relevant only if it is used to solve a local problem or if it helps to generate innovation that solves a local problem (Bailey and Pang 2004). Therefore, the decentralization of authority will be successful only with better information systems to support decisions at the periphery, and evidence-based decision making will be possible only if authority can be devolved to the periphery. This decentralization, along with increasing cooperation and collaboration across sectors to improve health outcomes, makes it all the more critical to present data in simpler ways that are understandable and compelling to a broader and nontechnical audience. Although historically neglected, investments in comprehensive development of the HIS will clearly deliver good value for money. Improvements in the HIS can accelerate broad

improvements in health if they are engineered to reflect, reinforce, and even drive health sector reforms. Even more compellingly, investments in the HIS can make health the “thin edge of the wedge,” giving governments and politicians a positive experience with information sharing and overcoming the natural disincentives to transparency and accountability. HIS investments hold the promise, therefore, not only of transforming public health, but also of accelerating progress toward good governance in every sector.

NOTES 1. Sauerborn and Lippeveld (2000) have defined a health information system as the “set of components and procedures organized with the objective of generating information that will improve health management decisions at all levels of the health system.” 2. The dollar amounts given are quoted from the references and are not adjusted for current dollar value.

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Chapter 55

Drug Resistance Ramanan Laxminarayan, Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Adriano Duse, Philip Jenkins, Thomas O’Brien, Iruka N. Okeke, Ariel Pablo-Mendez, and Keith P. Klugman

The control of infectious diseases is seriously threatened by the steady increase in the number of micro-organisms that are resistant to antimicrobial agents—often to a wide range of these agents. Resistant infections lead to increased morbidity and prolonged hospital stays, as well as to prolonged periods during which individuals are infectious and can spread their infections to other individuals (Holmberg, Solomon, and Blake 1987; Rubin and others 1999). The problem is particularly severe in developing countries, where the burden of infectious diseases is relatively greater and where patients with a resistant infection are less likely to have access to or be able to afford expensive secondline treatments, which typically have more complex regimens than first-line drugs. Furthermore, the presence of exacerbating factors, such as poor hygiene, unreliable water supplies, civil conflicts, and increased numbers of immunocompromised patients attributable to the ongoing HIV epidemic, can further increase the burden of antimicrobial resistance by facilitating the spread of resistant pathogens. In this chapter, we discuss the causes and burden of drug resistance and evaluate interventions that address the resistance problem in developing countries.Although a number of the interventions we discuss are relevant to drug resistance in HIV/AIDS and other forms of antiviral resistance, chapter 18 includes a more in-depth discussion of this subject.

RISK FACTORS Drug Use in Humans The evolution of drug resistance is facilitated by a number of factors, including increasing use of antibiotics and antimalarials;

insufficient controls on drug prescribing; inadequate compliance with treatment regimens; poor dosing; lack of infection control; increasing frequency and speed of travel, which lead to the rapid spread of resistant organisms; and insufficient incentives for patients, physicians, or even governments to care about increasing resistance. It is important to distinguish between risk factors for the emergence of resistance (de novo resistance) and those for the spread of resistance (primary resistance). The molecular basis of resistance may give a clue to the likelihood of resistance emerging. If a single DNA base pair mutation leads to the development of resistance, then its selection is likely to be widespread, especially if the biological fitness cost of the mutation is low. De novo or acquired resistance results in the appearance of a resistant strain in a single patient. Subsequent transmission of such resistant strains from an infectious case to other persons leads to disease that is drug resistant from the outset, a phenomenon known as primary resistance (IUATLD 1998). Independent, cumulative events result in multidrug-resistant bacteria or tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Both the creation and the transmission of drug resistance contribute to its prevalence in a given population. This mechanism also holds true in the case of antimalarials; that is, resistance develops when malaria parasites encounter drug concentrations that are strong enough to eradicate the susceptible parasite population, but they fail to inhibit the multiplication of naturally occurring resistant strains. Commonly used antimalarial drugs are not mutagenic. In the case of tuberculosis, spontaneous mutations leading to drug resistance occur rarely in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 1031

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and multidrug regimens can prevent the emergence of clinical drug resistance (Cohn, Middlebrook, and Russell 1959). Resistance is thus an avertable phenomenon resulting from inadequate treatment, which, in turn, is often the result of an irregular drug supply, prescription of inappropriate regimens, or poor adherence resulting from a lack of supervision. In the case of malaria, the widespread misuse of chloroquine as prophylaxis is believed to be an important factor in the emergence and spread of resistance to this drug. Despite conventional wisdom, the highest rates of antibiotic resistance in the pneumococcus bacterium globally are not for penicillins or macrolides, which usually require multiple DNA mutations or the import of foreign genes, respectively, but for sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, which can be selected from among a population of susceptible pneumococci by a single base change in the dihydrofolate reductase gene (Adrian and Klugman 1997). The direct selection of resistance following exposure of children carrying pneumococci has been shown in a prospective study in Malawi to occur in 42 percent of children exposed to sulfadoxine-pyremethamine for a week and in 38 percent of children a month after exposure to drug treatment for malaria (Feikin and others 2000). Evolutionary biology suggests that drug selection pressure is an important factor in the emergence and spread of drug resistance. Although the relationship between antimicrobial use and drug resistance (in the pneumococcus, for example) is well established in developed countries (Bronzwaer and others 2002), direct evidence to support this hypothesis is less forthcoming in developing countries because of a lack of data on antibiotic use. Resistance to antimicrobials is less likely to arise in the poorest developing countries simply because of the lower levels of antibiotic use associated with poorer socioeconomic status. For instance, India—a large country with scant control over antibiotic prescribing—has very low rates of resistance among systemic isolates of pneumococci, at least in rural areas (INCLEN 1999). These low rates exist despite wide antibiotic availability, probably because extreme poverty limits the duration of antibiotic exposure for the treatment of acute pneumococcal infections. Rising incomes and increased affordability of antibiotics will likely change this low incidence of resistance; the same may be true of quinolones, which are widely available at relatively affordable prices, even in semirural and rural populations. This trend may be responsible for the emergence of nalidixic acid resistance to Shigella in Bangladesh and fluoroquinolone resistance to Salmonella typhi in India. Recent evidence suggests that shorter courses of antibiotics may select for less resistance in the pneumococcus compared with longer courses (when patients comply with those courses) (Schrag and others 2001). Very low levels of resistance have also been found in isolated rural African communities (Mthwalo and others 1998). This observation, however, should not lead to complacency. Increased access to antibiotics in developing

countries, without controls on over-the-counter use, has led to some of the highest rates of resistance in the world, as was seen with penicillin resistance in Vietnam. Relatively wealthy countries such as the Republic of Korea and Japan also have lax control and even greater access to funds to purchase antibiotics (Song and others 1999). Patterns of resistance differ by antimicrobial class, and resistance to several classes has been linked to particular patterns of use in developing countries. Macrolide use in children in China may be preferred to the use of betalactams, which are known to be associated in rare instances with serious anaphylactic reactions, and in Beijing and Shanghai, the highest global rates of macrolide resistance are encountered in nasopharyngeal isolates from children (Wang and others 1998; Yang, Zhang, and McGee 2001). Tetracycline use remains widespread in developing countries, and poor African countries, such as the Central African Republic, may have higher rates of resistance to tetracycline than to betalactams or macrolides (Rowe and others 2000). The relationship between compliance and resistance emergence in the treatment of acute and largely self-limiting infections is less robust than in the case of chronic infections such as tuberculosis (TB). It is likely that resistance selection occurs more readily in the commensal flora (for example, the pneumococcal flora of the nasopharynx) than among the organisms causing the acute infection. Thus, shorter courses (and reduced compliance) may reduce the selection of resistance in commensal flora. In contrast, in TB, selection takes place in the infecting pathogen, and poor compliance is associated with the selection of resistant strains.

Antibiotic Use in Animals Many developed countries use antibiotics for veterinary uses, both for improving feed efficiency and rate of weight gain (subtherapeutic use) and for disease prevention and treatment (therapeutic use) (Levy 1992). Although the extent of antibiotic use in animals in developing countries is unknown, one study from Kenya reported that tetracyclines, sulfonamides, and aminoglycosides were the most commonly used antimicrobials for veterinary purposes (Mitema and others 2001). Over 90 percent of the antibiotics used were for therapeutic purposes, and there was no evidence of use for growth promotion. There is strong evidence that the use of antibiotics in farm animals promotes the development of drug-resistant bacteria in animals (Aarestrup and others 2001). Because routes for the movement of these resistant bacteria to humans are available, there is sufficient circumstantial evidence that drug resistance in bacteria associated with food animals can influence the level of resistance in bacteria that cause human diseases (Wegener and others 1999). Furthermore, mathematical models indicate that the effect of subtherapeutic use on resistance in humans

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is greatest when resistance levels are undetectable (Smith and others 2002). The appearance of drug-resistant strains of Enterococcus faecium in broiler meat products at retail outlets declined after the ban of antimicrobial growth promoters in Denmark (Emborg and others 2003). Salmonella has been recovered from chicken (35 percent), turkey (24 percent), and pork (16 percent) samples obtained from area supermarkets in Washington, D.C. (White and others 2001). There is evidence that dissemination of tetracycline-resistance-encoding plasmids between aquaculture and humans has already occurred in Europe (Rhodes and others 2000). The global nature of this problem became apparent in 2001, when authorities in some European countries found residues of chloramphenicol in tiger shrimp imported from China, Indonesia, and Vietnam (Holmstrom and others 2003).

Transmission of Resistant Pathogens Once resistance has emerged in a population, it can spread both geographically and between age groups. Unsafe drinking water, unsanitary conditions, and poor infection control in hospitals are risk factors for the transmission of all infections, including resistant ones. The transmission of resistant strains from children to adults has been suggested by anecdotal reports as far back as the 1980s (Klugman and others 1986). That association is strongly supported by the role of conjugate pneumococcal vaccine in reducing antimicrobial resistance among adult pneumococcal bacteremic isolates in the United States (Whitney and others 2003). The association of HIV infection with pediatric serotypes and antimicrobial resistance in pneumococci suggests the potential utility of this approach in reducing the burden of antimicrobial resistance in pneumococci in developing countries where the burden of disease is overwhelmingly associated with HIV infection in both children (Madhi and others 2000) and adults (Jones and others 1998).

Disease Burden Although no estimates of disease burden are currently available that are specific to drug resistance, the contribution of drug resistance to the burden of infectious diseases is believed to be large. Resistance has emerged in malaria, HIV, TB, and other bacterial infections that together constitute a significant proportion of the burden of disease in developing countries. An indication of the extent of the problem is provided by the burden of diseases for which drug resistance is a problem (table 55.1), as well as by the levels of drug resistance among these pathogens (table 55.2 and figures 55.1 and 55.2). Pneumococci. Surveillance of drug resistance in pneumococci shows several general trends. The numbers of strains that are fully susceptible to penicillin-G, once nearly universal in most of the world, have declined by 30 to 50 percent in many countries and by 75 percent in some, as resistant clones have spread widely but irregularly throughout the world (Sa-Leao and others 2002). At the same time, percentages resistant to macrolides and to sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim have increased, especially where those drugs have been widely used, and resistance to tetracycline or chloramphenicol has fluctuated widely. Linked resistance to these drugs results in a growing percentage of strains resistant to many or all of them. Resistance to fluoroquinolones is still rare but is beginning to be observed in many places (Ho and others 2001; Quale and others 2002). Certain Streptococcus pneumoniae clones have been widely disseminated. A penicillin-, chloramphenicol-, and tetracycline-resistant clone (and sometimes erythromycin) of Spanish origin (Spain23F-1) has, since its original description, been isolated in other parts of Europe, the United States, South and Central America, South Africa, and East Asia (McGee and others 2001). It is likely that this clone is even more widespread and that the absence of reports from other areas reflects the absence of molecular testing techniques needed to delineate

Table 55.1 Estimated Burden of Disease in Disability-Adjusted Life Years, by Cause and Gender, 2001 Both sexes



DALYs (Thousands)

Percentage of total

DALYs (Thousands)

Percentage of total

DALYs (Thousands)

Percentage of total







Respiratory infections







Diarrheal diseases



























Condition Infectious and parasitic diseases


Source: WHO 2002b, annex table 3, 194.

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Table 55.2 Prevalence of S. pneumoniae Not Susceptible to Three or More Drug Classes, Alexander Project 1998–2000 Percentage multiresistant defined as Region and country


Any three drug classes excluding penicillin

Any three drug classes including penicillin

Any four drug classes

Any five or more drug classes













South Africa











Eastern Europe Czech Rep.












Russian Fed.






Slovak Rep.











Western Europe Austria


































































United Kingdom






Far East






Hong Kong, China


















Middle East












Saudi Arabia






Latin America











Brazil Mexico






United States






All isolates






Source: Jacobs and others 2003. Note: Drug classes were defined as follows: -lactams (penicillin MIC  0.12 mg/L), macrolides (erythromycin MIC  0.5 mg/L), tetracyclines (doxycycline MIC  0.5 mg/L), phenicols (chloramphenicol MIC  8 mg/L), folate pathway inhibitors (co-trimoxazole MICs  1 mg/L based on trimethoprim component), and quinolones (ofloxacin MIC  8 mg/L).

clones, rather than an absence of the organisms themselves. Other globally disseminated S. pneumoniae include specific clones of serotypes 19F, 14, 19A, 9N, 9V, 3, and 6 (McGee and others 2001). Spread of these pandemic clones has continued, even in areas where successful interventions have reduced selective pressure from antimicrobial use (Arason and others 2002). With increasing international travel, the potential of

these strains to spread to areas where resistance is uncommon can no longer be considered remote. Shigella. In many regions where Shigella, especially Shigella dysenteriae, is prevalent and an important cause of infant mortality, resistance first to sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, then to ampicillin, and commonly to tetracycline and

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Percentage failure 100 80 60 40 20

Et hi op Bu ia ru nd Er i itr Rw ea an d Ke a n T ya M anz oz an am ia bi qu Za e m b Ug ia a Bo nd ts a w Zi an m ba a bw Ga e bo Co n ng o Ch ad Ca CA m R e DR roo Co n ng Gh o an Lib a M er au ia rit an ia Ni ge Gu r in ea Cô Be te ni d‘ n lvo ire Bu rk Tog in o a Fa S e so ne ga l Si er Ma ra Le li o Ga ne m b Ni ia ge ria


Eastern, southern, Great Lakes block

Central block

Western block

Source: WHO Regional Office for Africa, 1997–2002. WHO has established 126 sentinel surveillance sites in 36 African countries that monitor the efficacy of locally used antimalarial drugs by following up patients in clinics. According to standard protocol (13, 14), results are expressed as I) early treatment failure (ETF); II) late clinical failure (LCF): in the future, late parasitological failure (LPF) will be considered as well. Treatment failure for policy change as shown here consists of the sum of ETF + LCF. Note: The box indicates the 25th/75th percentile, the line limits lower/upper values, and where the lines cross, the median.

Figure 55.1 Chloroquine Treatment Failure in Africa

Prevalence  0.9% 1.0%–2.9% 3.0%–6.4%  6.5%

Source: WHO-IUATLD 2004.

Figure 55.2 Prevalence of MDR-TB among New TB Cases, 1994–2002 Drug Resistance | 1035 ©2006 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 115

chloramphenicol has emerged and, over recent decades, spread to half or more of the strains sampled. In the 1990s, resistance has begun to emerge and spread to fluoroquinolones and thirdgeneration cephalosporins, which in many places are the last effective oral drugs available (Ding and others 1999). In the past two decades, emergence and spread of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 resistant to sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, ampicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, and—increasingly—nalidixic acid has reduced the effectiveness of these inexpensive and widely available antimicrobials in the empiric management of epidemic dysentery (Cunin and others 1999; Hoge and others 1995). The alternatives, ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone, are relatively expensive and not always available. As a consequence, high fatality rates have been observed in a number of recent dysentery outbreaks (Legros and others 1998). The emergence of fluoroquinolone-resistant strains has quickly followed. The unchecked spread of these pathogens could pose a major public health challenge (Sarkar and others 1979). Gonorrhea. Newly drug-resistant strains of gonococci tend to spread rapidly because of their peculiar epidemiology and the lack of control programs. Therefore, it is important to detect microepidemics of such strains, but this need is rarely met. The past half-century has witnessed the successive emergence and spread of gonococcal strains resistant to each new drug that becomes widely used to treat gonorrhea, including sulfonamides, penicillin, tetracycline, and sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim (Tapsall 2002). Within less than a decade, such strains have commonly come to account for half or more of the isolates in many regions. The recent emergence of resistance to fluoroquinolones leaves only less available parenteral drugs, such as spectinomycin or ceftriaxone, as the reliable therapy (Ison and others 1998; Palmer, Leeming, and Turner 2001). Tuberculosis. The emergence and spread of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, which is defined as combined resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin, threaten the control of TB globally (Kochi, Vareldzis, and Styblo 1993). Patients infected with strains resistant to multiple drugs are very difficult to cure (Espinal and others 2000; Goble and others 1993), particularly if they are HIV-infected or malnourished (Fischl and others 1992), and alternative treatment is much more toxic and expensive (Drobniewski and Balabanova 2002). A patient with MDR-TB may remain infectious much longer than a patient with drugsusceptible organisms. Among new cases, prevalence of resistance to at least one TB drug ranges from 0 percent in some Western European countries to 57.1 percent in Kazakhstan, with a median of 10.2 percent. Multidrug resistance among untreated patients ranged from 0 percent in eight countries to 10.0 to 14.2 percent in six others. In previously treated cases, resistance to at least one drug ranged in different settings from 0 to 82.1 percent, with a median of 18.4 percent. Prevalence of

MDR-TB in previously treated cases ranged from 0 to 58.3 percent, with a median of 7.0 percent (WHO 2004). An estimated 273,000 (at a 95 percent confidence interval [CI]; 185,000 to 414,000) new cases of MDR-TB occurred worldwide in 2000. By simple extrapolation, 70 million people could be latently infected with MDR-TB, and more than 1 million active MDR-TB cases could remain among previously treated patients. Despite its threatening potential, MDR-TB is—and will probably remain—generally rare. Decades after the introduction of TB drugs, the global prevalence of MDRTB in new patients remains less than 2 percent (Dye and Espinal 2001). Old animal studies (Cohn and others 1954) and recent analyses using molecular epidemiology (Garcia-Garcia and others 2000) suggest that MDR-TB strains might be, on average, less infectious. And unlike most other bacteria, M. tuberculosis replicates rather slowly (low mutation rate) and shares little if any genetic material. Thus, even in the absence of widespread treatment of MDR-TB, its prevalence may not necessarily explode (Kam and Yip 2001). Malaria. Chloroquine-resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum malaria appeared a half-century ago in Southeast Asia and South America and spread across Africa, especially East Africa, in the past quarter-century (Wellems and Plowe 2001). The use of molecular markers testing indicates the wide geographical reach of pfcrt polymorphism for chloroquine resistance, and dhfr and dhps polymorphisms for sulfadoxinepyrimethamine. Current levels of treatment failure of chloroquine are in figure 55.1. There is evidence that malaria mortality, especially in children under the age of five, is rising as a consequence of increasing resistance to chloroquine (Greenberg and others 1989; Trape 2001). In response to increasing treatment failure, many countries, including Malawi, South Africa, and Tanzania, adopted sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine as first-line treatment; however, resistance to this drug too is growing in many parts of Africa. In Southeast Asia, the emergence of multidrug resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and mefloquine over the past decade and a half has prompted the use of combination treatments that include artemisinin (Wongsrichanalai and others 2001).

ECONOMIC BURDEN Although few estimates have been made of the economic impact of drug resistance in developing countries, there is some indication that this burden is substantial. Estimates for costs associated with the loss of antibiotic effectiveness in outpatient prescriptions in the United States range from US$378 million to as high as US$18.6 billion (Elbasha 1999). A report by the Office of Technology Assessment to the U.S. Congress estimated the annual cost associated with antibiotic resistance in

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hospitals (attributable to five classes of hospital-acquired infections from six antibiotic-resistant bacteria) to be at least US$1.3 billion in 1992 dollars (Office of Technology Assessment 1995). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that the cost of all hospitalacquired infections, including both antibiotic-resistant and antibiotic-susceptible strains, was US$4.5 billion. Patients infected with resistant strains are more likely to be sicker, to be hospitalized for longer periods of time, and to die of the infection (Carmeli and others 2002). Both the duration of hospitalization and the attributable cost of treating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus were found to be nearly three time as large as those for a susceptible infection (Abramson and Sexton 1999). One problem with estimating the attributable morbidity and mortality that is caused by resistant pathogens is that patients who are infected with resistant strains are more likely to have been sicker in the first place. Therefore, the ability to appropriately control for the underlying severity of the illness that causes hospitalization is a concern. Another important cost of resistance comes from the need to move to second-line treatments, which are often much more expensive than the first-line treatment that is no longer effective. For instance, treating the roughly 300 million cases of malaria with artemisinin-based combinations would involve an excess burden of roughly US$200 million each year in drug costs. Periodically changing first-line treatment may also involve costs of assessing alternate treatment regimens, retraining health care providers, and restocking health care facilities. Though all these impose a significant economic burden, especially in poorer countries, they may be an inevitable consequence of past drug use. A focus on the cost of resistance alone may be misleading, because it is potentially possible to eliminate drug resistance by not using any drugs. To appropriately assess the net benefits of drug use, one must include the cost of increased resistance and the benefits of antibiotic or antimalarial use in treating infections and preventing their spread to uninfected individuals.

INTERVENTIONS In this section, we discuss interventions to address the challenge of drug resistance (table 55.3). Many interventions to address the problem of resistance are the same as those that reduce the burden of disease (these are discussed in detail in the relevant disease-specific chapters in this volume). Reducing disease diminishes the need for drug treatment and, therefore, lowers the likelihood that resistant strains will emerge. Some interventions, such as the use of drug combinations, reduce the likelihood that resistance will emerge, whereas other interventions, such as improvements in drug prescribing and patient

compliance with dosing, reduce the likelihood that a resistant pathogen will survive and proliferate. Prolonging the effective therapeutic life of existing drugs is not sufficient, however. Increasing incentives for pharmaceutical firms to bring new drugs to markets may also be called for.

Drug Treatment Strategies The appropriate choice of drug treatment is an important step in delaying the evolution of drug resistance. Drug combinations that include drugs with different targets were first used in the treatment of tuberculosis and have now become routine practice in the treatment of cancer and HIV/AIDS. Combinations of artemisinin and its derivatives with other antimalarials, notably mefloquine, have accelerated recoveries, increased cure rates, and reduced transmissibility. In the refugee camps on the western border of Thailand, where most of the recent studies with artemisinin combinations have been conducted, the use of combinations delayed the development of resistance and reduced the incidence of disease (Nosten and others 2000). The rationale behind drug combinations is that, if resistance results from spontaneous genetic mutations, the chance that a parasite will emerge that is simultaneously resistant to two drugs with unrelated modes of action (that is, drug targets) is the mathematical product of the individual parasite mutation frequencies multiplied by the total number of parasites exposed to the drugs (White 1998, 1999). Combinations, therefore, reduce enormously the probability that a resistant mutant will arise. Sequential deployment of the drugs is much less effective, because it does not exploit the multiplicative reduction in selection risk. In the context of antibiotics, combinations have typically been used to broaden the spectrum of antimicrobial coverage rather than to reduce the likelihood of the emergence of resistance. With the development of new penicillins and cephalosporins with broader spectra of activity a decade ago, most serious infections have been treated with monotherapy. The use of combination therapy to preserve new classes of antibiotics from the emergence of resistance at a societal level may be rational, but it has not been implemented because of cost concerns and the potential for enhanced toxicity associated with the use of more agents than necessary to effect a cure in an individual patient. Other strategies include periodic withdrawal of a drug or rotation between different drugs. These strategies depend on the extent of the fitness cost of resistance1 and the extent of multidrug resistance, which may vary with the specific combination of pathogen and drug. Withdrawal or drastic decline in antimicrobial use is occasionally but not always accompanied by the replacement of resistant strains with sensitive ones. The effects of antimicrobial removal have best been assessed for antibacterial drugs in northern Europe, where drug use is Drug Resistance | 1037

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Table 55.3 Potential Nonclinical Interventions: Evidence from Developing Countries Strategy




Study location

Treatment strategies

Combination therapy for malaria

Nosten and others 2000

Use of an artesunate-mefloquine combination was found to reduce incidence of mefloquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum malaria.


Cycling strategy

Kublin and others 2003

Replacement of chloroquine with sulfadoxinepyrimethamine resulted in a decline in chloroquine-resistant strains over an eight-year period to levels that permit reintroduction of the drug.


Drug heterogeneity

Bonhoeffer, Lipsitch, and Levin 1997; Laxminarayan and Weitzman 2002

Modeling studies demonstrated the superiority and cost-effectiveness of policies involving use of different antibiotics on different patients compared with those using the same antibiotics on all patients.


Directly observed therapy short course

Balasubramanian, Oommen, and Samuel 2000

Directly observed therapy reduced the probability of treatment failure.

Kerala, India

Dye and others 2002

Directly observed therapy for TB was 2.8 times cheaper to deliver and between 2.4 and 4.2 times more effective than conventional treatment.

South Africa

Bexell and others 1996

Continuing education seminars for paramedical prescribers resulted in patients being prescribed antibiotics less frequently at intervention centers (34 percent) compared with control centers (42 percent). Drug choice and dosing were also improved.

Lusaka, Zambia

Santoso, Suryawati, and Prawaitasari 1996

One-on-one educational interventions and seminars for medical and paramedical prescribers reduced antimicrobial prescription by 17 and 10 percent, respectively (p  0.001).

Yogyakarta and Central Java provinces, Indonesia

Training drug sellers

Agyepong and others 2002

Training drug dispensers on patient communication resulted in modest improvements in the proportion of patients showing strict, full adherence to antimalarial regimen.

Dangme West District, Ghana

Treatment guidelines with education

Qingjun and others 1998

Blister packages increased compliance with chloroquine therapy to 97 percent, from 83 percent in the control group.

Hunan province, China

Direct education of patients

Helitzer-Allen and others 1993

Introduction of a nonbitter antimalarial tablet and a new educational message were effective in improving antimalarial prophylaxis compliance among pregnant women by 57 to 91 percent.


Paredes and others 1996

Video, radio, and printed bulletins were used to educate women in an intervention community on the management of watery infantile diarrhea. The overuse of nonindicated medicines (antibiotics and antidiarrheals) dropped 11 percent in the intervention group and only 7 percent in the control group.

Lima, Peru

Hand washing

Kurlat and others 1998

Training of nursing staff in hand washing, handling of infants, and care of intravenous lines resulted in 40 percent reduction in bacterimia rates.


Bednets (malaria)

Maxwell and others 2002

Use of netting resulted in a 55 to 75 percent reduction in malaria morbidity and consequent conservation of antimalarial drug use.



Klugman 2001

Pneumococcal vaccines target the serotypes most commonly encountered clinically, which are more likely to be resistant to antimicrobials.

South Africa

Reducing selection pressure

Reducing spread of resistance pathogens

Training providers

Source: Authors.

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tightly regulated and susceptibility patterns are closely monitored (Seppala and others 1997). A recent study demonstrated that after chloroquine was replaced by sulfadoxinepyrimethamine in Malawi because of a loss of effectiveness attributable to resistance, chloroquine-susceptible Plasmodium falciparum strains appear to have returned (Kublin and others 2003). Though the results of this study offer promise for stopping or reversing resistance trends, if antimicrobials are more sparingly and less indiscriminately applied, little is known about the rate at which the resistance to chloroquine may reemerge with widespread use of this drug. Rotating between two or more antibiotics has been proposed to address the problem of nosocomial drug resistance in the United States (Bergstrom, Lipsitch, and McGowan 2000; McGowan 1986), even though there is not much supporting empirical evidence to date. In one hospital-based study, switching from gentamicin to other aminoglycosides reduced resistance to gentamicin. However, when gentamicin was reintroduced, resistance developed rapidly (Gerding 2000). Modeling studies have indicated that a superior strategy may be to increase antimicrobial heterogeneity so that different patients are treated with drugs to which mechanisms of resistance are independent (Bonhoeffer, Lipsitch, and Levin 1997; Laxminarayan and Weitzman 2002). Although this may be difficult to implement in many developing countries, the approach incorporates an evolutionary perspective that may help deal with drug resistance. Reducing Selection Pressure Inappropriate antimicrobial use constitutes selective pressure without a corresponding benefit to individual or public health. (Eliminating all antibiotic use could, of course, eliminate the problem of drug resistance, but this strategy is clearly undesirable.) This multifaceted problem arises from behaviors of prescribers (not always physicians), dispensers (not always pharmacists), and consumers (not always infected). An important factor in overprescription is the issue of externalities; physicians, patients, and pharmacists have few incentives to consider the effects of their prescriptions or drug use on overall levels of resistance and the burden imposed on the rest of society. Physicians, both in private practice and in hospital settings, may also derive income from drugs sold and may, therefore, prescribe antibiotics more frequently than is desirable. In China, for instance, many hospitals rely on selling drugs for the bulk of their revenue (Hu and others 2001). Patient pressure demanding a prescription is known to influence prescribing in developed countries but could be less important in developing countries. Interventions at the Provider Level In this section, we discuss interventions directed at health care providers and local retail pharmacies, such as education and professional accountability.

Prescribing Patterns. Studies in developing countries have shown that as much as a third of drug prescriptions, accounting for 20 to 50 percent of drug costs, are irrational and that antimicrobials are among the most frequently prescribed medications (Bosu and Ofori-Adjei 2000). Although altering prescribing behavior is an important intervention to control drug resistance, the widespread availability of drugs without a prescription limits its effectiveness. The prescribing problem may be worse among private practitioners than among public practitioners (Siddiqi and others 2002). Continuing education for practicing health workers is one type of intervention that has been tested in several countries. In the United States, a decline in antimicrobial prescribing in pediatric ambulatory care has been attributed to educational programs directed at physicians as well as the public (McCaig, Besser, and Hughes 2002). In developing countries, successful educational programs for prescribers have improved diagnostic quality, dispelled perceptions of patient pressure, reduced unjustified antimicrobial prescription (Chuc and others 2002; Hadiyono and others 1996), and reduced polypharmacy (Hadiyono and others 1996) among private as well as public providers, including nonphysicians (Chakraborty, D’Souza, and Northrup 2000; Chuc and others 2002). In general, these measurable outcomes were improved by 5 to 20 percent by a single intervention—a modest but significant change that is best combined with parallel interventions. Although cost-effectiveness was not a focus of the studies, the resultant reduction in drug use would ultimately result in cost savings. Important components of educational interventions are long-term commitment and refresher courses, and complementary interventions are also desirable (le Grand, Hogerzeil, and Haaijer-Ruskamp 1999). Prescription guidelines, essential drug lists, and formularies are essential for defining policy and provide a useful framework on which educational interventions can be based (Laing, Hogerzeil, and Ross-Degnan 2001). The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends standard treatment guidelines as one of several approaches for promoting rational drug use. Also, guidelines proposed by pharmacy and therapeutics committees or external advisers have been applied in developing countries, with mixed results. Although standard treatment guidelines reduced antibiotic use for respiratory infections by 50 percent in Fiji (le Grand, Hogerzeil, and Haaijer-Ruskamp 1999), they did not alter prescription patterns in a Ugandan study and produced a detectable but insignificant effect in Sri Lanka (Angunawela, Diwan, and Tomson 1991). In general, follow-up was essential for success, and the use of standard treatment guidelines was more effective with nonphysician prescribers (le Grand, Hogerzeil, and Haaijer-Ruskamp 1999). Education must form part of any treatment guideline intervention, and evidence suggests that, if anything, educational programs are more effective than simply formulating guidelines (Laing, Hogerzeil, and Ross-Degnan 2001). Rigid guidelines Drug Resistance | 1039

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such as preprinted order forms or prepackaged drug kits for the management of community-acquired infections have been perceived as excessively prescriptive and have not been successful intervention tools (le Grand, Hogerzeil, and Haaijer-Ruskamp 1999). Devising incentives for compliance could potentially lower the higher prescription rates among private providers, where treatment guidelines by themselves are less likely to work. Peer and supervisory monitoring increases professional accountability, thereby promoting the application of knowledge to practice. The requirement that antibiotic prescriptions for inpatients be countersigned by an infectious disease consultant was successful in reducing prescriptions by 50 percent, with a resultant cost savings of about US$350,000 over two years in a Panama hospital (Saez-Llorens and others 2000). Such a program would have limited applicability in other countries and settings where the number of trained medical professionals is small. A supervisory program in Vietnam, with medical equipment incentives, reduced the number of patients for whom antibiotics were prescribed and increased the number who received a correct dose regimen (Chalker 2001).

educational interventions in developing countries vary but can be broadly classified into focus group discussions (Hadiyono and others 1996) and large seminars (Bexell and others 1996). Both models have been found to be of comparable effectiveness; however, applicability and cost are situation-specific (Santoso, Suryawati, and Prawaitasari 1996).

Diagnostic Tests. Bacterial culture and susceptibility testing, a necessary component of rational antimicrobial prescribing, is uncommon in many developing countries (Okeke, Lamikanra, and Edelman 1999). Furthermore, diagnostic tests to confirm or refute infections are also commonly unavailable or unreliable, so diagnoses are made largely on the strength of clinical signs and symptoms (Berkley and others 2001). Laboratory tests are expensive and routinely cost more than an empiric drug that could be effective. In contrast, malaria dipsticks can be an inexpensive tool for case detection and may be cost-effective in low transmission settings (Rimon and others 2003). Clinicians have been known to use chemotherapy as a diagnostic tool: a cure would confirm a diagnosis. Susceptibility testing of at least some specimens will provide much-needed surveillance data to support empiric prescribing, although efforts should be made to take into account spatial heterogeneity in resistance patterns.

Interventions at the Patient Level

Retail Pharmacies and Outlets. Drug distributors, including not only pharmacists but also pharmacy attendants, patent medicine stallkeepers, and itinerant drug sellers, often sell drugs without prescription and are an important source of primary care for people in many developing countries (Igun 1994; Indalo 1997). Patients in search of convenient and accessible health care often seek treatment at drug retail premises. Many drug sellers have not been formally trained in diagnosis and prescription but often have financial incentive to perform those tasks, with varying degrees of competence. Despite the potential loss of business to storekeepers, educational interventions have been successful in increasing prescription requirement demands and promoting referral advice, all steps in the right direction (Chuc and others 2002). Models for delivering

Drug Quality. Ensuring drug quality is important, both to benefit the individual patient and to ensure that a patient is not subjected to suboptimal doses that would promote drug resistance. The few studies that have been conducted indicate that more than half of the antimicrobials marketed in developing countries do not match their labels. Hence, even when prescribers and consumers are using the drugs responsibly, therapeutic failure and subinhibitory levels of antimicrobials may occur. Substandard drugs are those that are degraded as a result of expiration or improper storage or that are counterfeit (Okeke and Lamikanra 2001; Prazuck and others 2002; Taylor and others 2001).

Improving communication between patients and providers could improve adherence to prescribed antimalarial regimens (Agyepong and others 2002). Compliance can also be positively affected by packaging. Blister packages, when combined with proper instruction about drug use, have been shown to produce modest increases in antimalarial compliance, particularly for long-term regimens, such as with primaquine (Qingjun and others 1998). Blister packages are also time-savers for primary health care workers, potentially allowing them more time to advise patients on drug use. However, the introduction of blister packages must be accompanied by clear directions to avoid injury following ingestion of blister packages. Reducing patient self-medication may also desirable, although the effect on drug resistance remains to be precisely quantified. Enforcement of prescription-only regulations for most antimicrobials reduces self-medication in developed countries (Carey and Cryan 2003; Goff, Koff, and Geiling 2002; Pechere 2001) and may be desirable in developing countries as well. However, such a strategy may be difficult to implement in developing countries. There have been only rare reports of reduction in antibiotic use following blanket enforcement of prescription supply legislation in areas where antibiotics are freely available (Bavestrello, Cabello, and Casanova 2002). Opponents to enforcement demand a heavy financial and political investment, implying that a black market for medicines could emerge, particularly if the demand for these drugs is not lowered (Bhutta and Balchin 1996; le Grand, Hogerzeil, and Haaijer-Ruskamp 1999). The sale of antimicrobials is a lucrative business, even when illegal, because of high demand.

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Educational interventions directed at consumers have been proposed to reduce self-medication and increase compliance, but evidence for the effectiveness of this strategy remains inconclusive, largely because so few studies have been conducted. Gonzalez Ochoa and others (1996) demonstrated that, although refresher training for health personnel managing acute respiratory infections reduced antibiotic prescribing by 9 to 19 percent in two intervention areas in Havana, no benefit was seen from community education programs when used alone or in conjunction with prescriber training. In contrast, Denis (1998) was able to show that a poster had 5 percent effectiveness alone and 20 percent effectiveness when used with a video to promote appropriate use of quinine and tetracycline regimens for malaria among Cambodian villagers. The best method to deliver information about the consequences of antibiotic resistance remains to be identified and will need to be modified to suit different cultures (Marin and others 1995). In the case of tuberculosis, first-line directly observed therapy (DOT) remains one of the most cost-effective of all public health strategies (WHO 1994). The discovery that DOT can be administered successfully as a short course (DOTS) has been pivotal to successful implementation. Relatively simple, the DOTS approach can improve patient compliance, cure the vast majority of new TB patients, and prevent transmission of the disease and the emergence of MDR-TB (Balasubramanian, Oommen, and Samuel 2000; Dye and others 2002). Unfortunately, many countries have been slow to adopt and implement DOTS programs correctly, and only a minority of TB patients worldwide are managed according to this protocol (Dye and others 2002; Pungrassami and others 2002). Because many patients either are treated outside the DOTS regimen or do not adhere to the long-term chemotherapy necessary to eradicate the causative organism, MDR-TB is likely to emerge and treatment costs are likely to escalate to as high as 1,000 times the cost of conventional treatment of drug-sensitive infection. A DOTS program requires good laboratory support for case identification and is highly employee intense, requiring health workers to observe the ingestion of every dose of antimicrobials over several months. However, the potential economic gains are immense because of the high costs of allowing the continued spread of the disease and of managing resistant patients and because of the benefit of reduced hospital admissions (Dye and others 2003). Several studies have investigated means for reducing the cost of conventional DOTS programs without compromising effectiveness. Lwilla and others (2003) demonstrated that both institutional and community-based DOTS programs are effective, permitting cost-effective implementation in remote areas. Furthermore, although DOTS involves supervised drug dosing, highly trained health workers are not essential. Studies in South Africa, Haiti, and Thailand have found that DOTS was effective when drug administration was supervised by appropriately trained volunteers, including

storekeepers and former TB patients (Barker, Millard, and Nthangeni 2002; Pungrassami and Chongsuvivatwong 2002). Although DOTS was not designed to cure patients with MDR-TB, it succeeds in 50 percent of cases (Espinal and others 2000). Controversy has emerged about the best approach to MDR-TB in resource-constrained settings. Although some experts assert that standard TB control prevents the emergence of MDR-TB in a cost-effective way (Chaulet, Raviglione, and Bustreo 1996) and that expensive treatment of MDR-TB would divert scarce resources from struggling DOTS programs, others argue that it is unethical to abandon MDR-TB patients and maintain that, if untreated, MDR-TB strains will become dominant, undermining tuberculosis control in future generations (Farmer, Becerra, and Kim 1999). These arguments are of particular consequence for programs in poor countries. Application of Antibiotics for Nonhumans The use of antimicrobial agents in agriculture and aquaculture can contribute to the spread of antimicrobial resistance in humans, although the extent of this contribution has not been precisely quantified. It is believed that agricultural antibiotic use hastens the emergence of resistant pathogens in humans, and antibiotic use in humans contributes to the spread of resistance once it has emerged (Smith and others 2002). There are no reliable estimates of the extent to which antibiotics are being used for such nonhuman purposes even in developed countries. In developing countries, one would expect use to increase with rising incomes and greater industrialization of agriculture and food production. WHO has recommended that antimicrobials normally prescribed for humans should no longer be used to promote growth in animals (WHO 2000). Some countries in Europe, including Denmark and Sweden, have already phased out such use, and under the current plan, the European Union will ban the use of antibiotics for growth promotion by 2006. Evidence of the effect of a ban on antibiotic use in swine production is available from Denmark. Although the ban significantly lowered the use of antibiotics in growth promotion and raised the cost of swine production by less than 1 percent, the resulting higher incidence of disease among swine increased the use of antibiotics used for veterinary therapeutic purposes (Hayes and Jensen 2003). A similar increase was noted in Sweden, where antibiotic use in animals was banned in 1986; however, this problem was temporary, and in the longer term, livestock producers were able to move to an effective production system with lower antibiotic use (Wierup 2001). Containing the Spread of Resistant Micro-organisms Although selection is a necessary component of the resistance archetype, the dissemination of resistant organisms may have a far greater effect on the current situation (Zaidi and others 2003). Drug Resistance | 1041

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Interventions that block this dissemination have the added benefit of improving health by interrupting disease transmission and reducing the need for antibiotics in the first place. A case in point is the reduction in drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae infections in the United States following the introduction of a multivalent vaccine that protected against the serovars with which resistance is commonly associated (Whitney and others 2003). By contrast, a drop in antibiotic use had no detectable effect on resistance within a short period (Arason and others 2002). Because these types of interventions are easier to evaluate, and in many cases are cheaper to implement (Coast and others 2002), they are likely to be of great value to public health in developing countries. Interventions that interfere with the spread of many infectious diseases will have a parallel effect on the dissemination of resistant micro-organisms. Because the potential health benefits are obvious, these types of interventions are likely to be sustained (Wilson and Chandler 1993). A simple, cost-effective example is hand washing, which could reduce diarrhea by 47 percent while also having beneficial effects on acute respiratory tract and other community-acquired infections (Curtis and Cairncross 2003) (see chapters 19 and 35). Similarly, insecticide-impregnated bednets are another important intervention for the control of malaria (see chapter 21). The emergence, persistence, and intra- and interhospital spread of multidrug-resistant organisms have all been facilitated by inadequate infection control practices. Furthermore, the emergence and spread of drug-resistant nosocomial pathogens from hospitals to the community are also a concern, and a history of hospitalization has been identified as a significant risk factor for the acquisition of a resistant infection in family members (OR 4.5, p  0.007) (Zaidi and others 2003). Unfortunately, we lack good clinical trials that compare the different approaches to infection control programs and their ability to control antimicrobial resistance in hospitals and other health care facilities (Duse and Smego 1999). It seems reasonable to assume, however, that if the overall frequency of nosocomial infections is decreased in a health care facility, then the need for antimicrobial agents may be reduced. Furthermore, well-structured and rational infection control strategies that balance resources with the magnitude of the local problem must surely play an important role in decreasing morbidity, mortality, and costs (direct and indirect) to the patient, his or her family, the hospital, and the health care sector in general. Hospital-acquired infections rank among the most important causes of death, either directly or indirectly, in the developing world (Duse and Smego 1999; Ponce-de-Leon and RangelFrausto 1993). Global Coordination Antimicrobial resistance is a global challenge that requires urgent global action, not just across national boundaries but

also across the whole range of sectors involved. International travel and trade, particularly of food products, have facilitated the rapid globalization of resistance, and actions undertaken by any single nation have consequences for other countries. Drug resistance may threaten health gains made in other spheres of public health. Thus, coinfection with antimicrobial-resistant pathogens and HIV can lead to more rapid disease progression and enhanced dissemination of resistant pathogens. The emergence of antimicrobial resistance is considered a major threat to the future security and political stability of some regions (CIA 1999). Figure 55.3 shows the likely geography of the emergence, spread, and evolution of chloroquine resistance. Concerted international action is needed to contain antimicrobial resistance. Failure of individual countries to act to contain resistance could lead to both national and international consequences. For instance, the use of artemisinin as monotherapy in any single country could potentially lead to the rapid evolution of resistant strains, which could threaten the use of this valuable drug in any other part of the world. There is a considerable need for greater international collaboration on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance, both for routine surveillance and as an early warning system for unusual resistance events. Although existing laws at the international level require reporting of some infectious diseases, they do not include any systematic reporting of antimicrobial resistance. Certain multiresistant pathogens, such as methicillin-resistant S. aureus, are now notifiable at the national level in some countries, but the global nature of the resistance problem means that national legal measures alone are not enough. At the same time, the creation of new international duties would be undermined if they were not incorporated into national law (Fidler 1998). To support such surveillance, the World Health Organization makes software (WHONET) available to enable clinical laboratories to enter their drug susceptibility test results into databases that can be analyzed for local management of resistance. Those results can also be merged, creating, thus far, approximately 80 national surveillance databases. Statutory notification about pathogens with new resistance phenotypes is under active discussion in several countries. Interpretation of existing surveillance data is hampered by the multiplicity of methods used to measure resistance and by the difficulties of assessing the quality of the data. Enhanced laboratory capacity is needed in many countries to provide effective diagnostic services and resistance surveillance. Multicountry external quality assurance schemes already exist but need to be extended to cover more resource-poor nations. WHO has begun establishing international surveillance standards by issuing antimicrobial resistance surveillance standards (WHO 2002a), guidelines for the management of drug-resistant tuberculosis (WHO 1997), and protocols for detection of antimicrobial drug resistance (WHO 1996). Monitoring the use of antimicrobial agents

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1980s 1960s 1970s 1959

1957 1960s

1980s 1978 1960s

1970s 1980s

Source: Cell 1997.

Figure 55.3 Global Spread of Chloroquine-Resistant Strains of P. falciparum

is an important aspect of surveillance and needs to be strengthened internationally. Coordinated surveillance for drug resistance to TB may be a useful prototype to follow. By 2003, a global network of 20 supranational reference laboratories and five regional subnetworks, known as the World Health Organization–International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (WHO– IUATLD) Global Project, was reporting data on representative cases of TB from 62 countries. The network has monitored participants’ laboratory testing methods and developed uniform definitions, such as establishing clinical categories for new cases and previously treated cases. The WHO–IUATLD Global Project, which covers approximately 33 percent of the world’s population and 28 percent of its reported cases of TB, and other surveillance efforts reveal great variations from place to place in the prevalence of resistance to antituberculosis drugs. The WHO Global Strategy for Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance (WHO 2001) recommends more than 60 interventions that can slow the emergence and reduce the spread of resistance in diverse settings, and it provides a blueprint for global coordinated action. A recent report by the Institute of Medicine calls for such coordinated action at a global level to subsidize artemisinin-based combination treatments for malaria for deployment in developing countries to ensure that combination treatments are available at the same or lower price

than monotherapies. The underlying rationale is that this strategy would both save lives in the short term and delay the emergence of resistance in the long term, thereby benefiting all malarious countries (Arrow, Panosian, and Gelband 2004). Encouraging the Development of New Drugs The development of new products has not kept pace with the problem of addressing microbial resistance to drugs that are used to treat infections in human and veterinary medicine. In the context of drug resistance, it is not sufficient to design policies that will encourage only the development of new drugs. It is also important that such policies give pharmaceutical firms (a) an incentive to invest in new classes of drugs, rather than products that belong to existing drug classes and that are, therefore, more likely to be rendered obsolete by resistance, and (b) an incentive to care about drug resistance when making decisions about how to market and sell their product. (See chapter 6 for a discussion of product development not specific to drug resistance.) Current public and private investment in drugs, vaccines, and other products to control major infectious diseases in developing countries has recently been less than 2 percent of total health research expenditures throughout the world. Of the 1,393 new chemical entities registered by Western health authorities between 1975 and 1999, only 13 (less than 1 percent) Drug Resistance | 1043

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were intended for the treatment of tropical diseases, and half of those came from veterinary research. Evidence suggests that in recent years, a steadily decreasing proportion of pharmaceutical company profits has been invested in antimicrobial research and development (R&D). One reason given for this decline is increased development costs, which result from more complex clinical trials, longer development times, and the relative attractiveness of returns from investing in drugs for chronic diseases, which must be taken continuously rather than just for the duration of an infection. Efforts to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use may paradoxically also reduce incentives for pharmaceutical firms to invest in developing new products (Monnet and Sorensen 2001; Philipson and Mechoulan 2003). The related issue, of using shorter treatment courses for many infections, may also affect R&D incentives (Pichichero and Cohen 1997). Encouraging research into antimicrobial agents that will be used primarily in low-resource countries poses particular challenges, given the need for drug companies to make a profit. Various incentives to the industry, including both push and pull mechanisms, have been discussed (Kettler 2000). Push mechanisms consist of incentives to offset R&D costs, such as research grants, tax credits, public investment in applied research, cost-sharing between companies, and establishment of local development facilities. Pull mechanisms are designed to create a market, thereby improving the likelihood of a return on investments. They could include an international purchase fund for a new antimicrobial that meets specific criteria (United Kingdom Government 2001), tax credits on sales, and favorable patent policies, such as extension of patent terms or market exclusivity on new products. Time-limited exclusivities on new, clinically useful formulations might stimulate the additional pharmaceutical and clinical studies that are needed to support licensure. Better patent protection for new antimicrobial agents in areas of the world where patent laws are not enforced today would also help. Patent policies to encourage investment in developing new antibiotics should also take into consideration the effect of those policies on incentives that would encourage pharmaceutical firms to conserve the effectiveness of their products. If effective patent lengths are too short, pharmaceutical companies will be less likely to care about growing drug resistance to their product and will be more interested in maximizing sales of their products during the period of patent production. Extending patent lengths may not solve the problem, however. If different firms make closely related antibiotics that have linked mechanisms of action, no single firm may have an incentive to care about drug resistance (Laxminarayan 2002). Increasing patent breadth, one solution to this problem, would have the added advantage of creating an incentive for firms to invest in developing new classes of drugs rather than introducing drugs that are closely related to existing products in modes of action.

IMPLEMENTATION OF STRATEGIES: TWO LESSONS FROM EXPERIENCE Integrated Management of Childhood Illness The program on the integrated management of infant and childhood illness (IMCI) was initiated by WHO, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and other technical partners. The program, which provides a framework for stepwise assessment and management of sick children, has been successful in averting unnecessary antibiotic and antimalarial use and in reducing the cost of medications (Gove 1997). An underlying objective of IMCI is to detect, where present, conditions other than those responsible for the primary complaint. The result is that rational prescribing may actually increase, but because IMCI guidelines reduce irrational prescribing, the net effect is a reduction in drug use, including antimicrobials (Oluwole, Mason, and Costello 2000). Drug costs associated with treating children in Kenya were found to be reduced from an average of 44 cents per patient (U.S. currency) to between 16 and 39 cents per patient when IMCI guidelines were followed (Boulanger, Lee, and Odhacha 1999). A study that compared prescriptions arising from standard and IMCI-guided consultation with a health worker in Kaduna state, Nigeria, found a reduction in polypharmacy when IMCI guidelines were used, from a median of five drugs down to two drugs, and an 80 percent reduction in the cost of all medicines (Wammanda, Ejembi, and Iorliam 2003). This reduction represented savings of 93.4 and 68.6 percent for antibacterials and antimalarials, respectively, although part of the savings could be attributed to the substitution of tablets for more expensive syrup formulations. The contribution of IMCI to promoting judicious drug use is worth noting. A study that compared four districts of Kenya— two districts that had IMCI programs (Morogoro and Rufiji) and two that did not (Ulanga and Kilombero)—found that in 73 percent (95 percent CI; 65–80) of consultations studied in the IMCI intervention districts, a child needing an oral antibiotic or antimalarial was prescribed correctly, compared with 35 percent (95 percent CI; 25–45) in the control districts (Armstrong Schellenberg and others 2004). Also, in the IMCI districts, 86 percent (95 percent CI; 80–92) of children who did not need antibiotics left the facility without an antibiotic, compared with 57 percent (95 percent CI; 48–66) in the control district. Directly Observed Therapy Strict compliance and cure verification make it possible to conduct directly observed therapy using shorter-term regimens (the DOTS program). Outpatient treatment of a single TB case in Pakistan, with complete compliance, was recently estimated at US$164 and increased to US$310 when an institution-based DOTS program was applied (Khan and others 2002). In Beijing, the cost of saving one disability-adjusted life year

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(DALY) is 10 times higher when a DOTS TB program is not used (Xu, Jin, and Zhang 2000). Recent expansion of DOTS care in India has resulted in savings of about 0.2 million lives and US$400 million in indirect costs (Khatri and Frieden 2002). Progress with DOTS in India was initially slow, but following better implementation, recent findings suggest that huge successes have been made in the past five years. The successes can largely be attributed to improved management of the program, area-specific appraisals, infrastructure, personnel, and technical support as well as continuous supervision (Khatri and Frieden 2002). This model is one that may apply in other developing countries. In New York city, individualized chemotherapy based on drug susceptibility testing was nearly as effective in new patients with MDR-TB as in those with drug-susceptible TB (Telzak and others 1995), and the number of MDR-TB cases decreased by more than 90 percent within the decade (Fujiwara and others 1997). The relatively large number of MDR-TB cases in high-income countries made second-line drugs more available and affordable, and experience in the management of MDR-TB grew considerably over the past decade (Mukherjee and others 2004). Yet questions remained about which interventions had led to the city’s success. In 1999, WHO created a working group on DOTS-plus to assess the feasibility and costeffectiveness of treating MDR-TB in low- and middle-income countries (Espinal and others 1999). DOTS-plus has already negotiated a 90 percent price reduction from the pharmaceutical industry (Gupta and others 2001), and experience from Peru suggests feasibility and a mean cost of US$211 per DALY gained (Suarez and others 2002).

AGENDA FOR ACTION Although the evolution of resistance is a biological phenomenon, it is influenced strongly by the behavior of physicians, patients, and hospital administrators. In the language of economics, drug resistance is an externality associated with the use of antibiotics—a consequence not taken into consideration by those who use antibiotics or antimalarials. From a public policy perspective, there may be an economic case for societal intervention, because patients, physicians, and nations acting on self-interest alone may produce a higher degree of drug resistance than is ideal for society as a whole. From a global perspective, there is a case for international coordination to ensure that the actions of any single country or region do not increase the likelihood of emergence of resistance, which could then spread to other parts of the world. Rising incomes in the developing world are likely to encourage greater use of Western medicine and, consequently, greater use of antibiotics. Moreover, the adoption of governmentsponsored or employer-sponsored insurance plans in many

parts of the developing world could further increase drug use. Because developing countries will be less able to bear the costs of increasing resistance, it is important that the patterns of overuse and misuse observed in high-income countries not be repeated. The right financial incentives must be in place for both patients and physicians to face the full cost of using antibiotics and antimalarials and to ensure that these drugs are not overused.

Recommended Interventions Sets of interventions specific to the diseases discussed in this chapter are described below. Pneumococci. A number of affordable interventions can be considered. Data suggest that hand washing can interrupt not only the spread of pathogens causing diarrhea but also the transmission of nosocomial pathogens, and it can reduce respiratory infection–related mortality and morbidity. The promotion of a culture of hand washing requires access to clean, sufficient water—an urgent goal. Patient education to reduce demand for antibiotics for viral infections, and alteration of perverse incentives for physicians to prescribe antibiotics excessively are recommended. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine has been shown to reduce the burden of antibiotic-resistant invasive disease, reduce transmission of resistant strains, and reduce antibiotic use in vaccine recipients and their siblings. Strategies for introducing this type of vaccine into the high-risk populations of developing countries are urgently needed. Better diagnostics are a key to more appropriate and focused prescribing, but their application is likely to be delayed in poor countries. The long-term effects of blanket recommendations for antimicrobial prophylaxis among HIV-infected populations must be closely monitored. Shigella. Interventions must include improved strategies for case definition, clinical recognition, and appropriate therapy of dysentery. These strategies require a focus on educating physicians and caregivers as well as restrictions on over-the-counter availability of antibiotics in developing countries. Recent strategies for reducing antimicrobial prescribing for diarrhea at the community level also include coadministration of zinc with oral rehydration therapy. This strategy has been shown to lead to significant reduction in antimicrobial prescribing for diarrhea in Bangladesh and may be a useful adjunctive strategy (Baqui and others 2002). Tuberculosis. The top priority must be the expansion of DOTS (Iseman, Cohn, and Sbarbaro 1993), which itself can prevent the emergence of MDR-TB (Dye and others 2002). In individual countries or parts of countries, however, additional strategies may be appropriate. Pablos-Méndez, Gowda, and Frieden Drug Resistance | 1045

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(2002) have grouped countries according to the proportion of TB patients completing treatment successfully and the level of MDR-TB among previously untreated patients. The resulting matrix provides a reasonable framework for deciding whether to use second-line drugs in a national program. Countries with treatment success of less than 70 percent should introduce or improve the DOTS strategy as the top priority. In settings with primary MDR-TB of less than 1.5 percent, treating MDR-TB is not a public health priority, although individual cases could be referred to clinical experts. The hotspots—those areas with primary MDR levels above 5 percent—are international public health emergencies. Infection control practices must be emphasized in such settings. Intermediate situations are ideal for additional research comparing DOTS with various individualized regimens against MDR-TB. Malaria. With declining effectiveness of chloroquine and rapidly emerging resistance to its replacement, sulfadoxinepyrimethamine, it is imperative that significant attention be paid not just to the choice of an appropriate first-line treatment for malaria, but also to strategies to prolong the effective therapeutic life of the new treatment. WHO has recommended that new artemisinin derivatives be used only in combinations with other drugs. There is evidence that artemisinin has already found its way into shops as monotherapy; discouraging the use of this valuable drug in monotherapy through public subsidies for combinations, by mandate, or through a combination of measures is a necessary first step. Discouraging the use of artemisinin as monotherapy is not sufficient, however. It is also important to ensure that the partner drug in the combination used with the artemisinin derivative is effective and, hence, able to protect the artemisinin. Therefore, discouraging the use of the partner drug as monotherapy, except in cases in which no safe alternative exists, such as for sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnant women, is an important step in ensuring the long-term sustainability of malaria treatment. Training shopkeepers and other purveyors of antimalarial treatments to recognize symptoms of malaria and to use diagnostics to detect malaria would help reduce malaria treatment to instances for which it is appropriate and would reduce the likelihood of the emergence of resistance. Finally, steps to reduce the burden of malaria through the use of insecticide-treated bednets and, in some areas, residual household spraying would help reduce the need for antimalarial treatment and thereby reduce treatment selection pressure.

Research Agenda A description of a research agenda to explain the full range of issues related to drug resistance is outside the scope of this

chapter and has been accomplished by other groups. Here, we restrict our focus to the following five priorities: • accounting for attributable morbidity and mortality and the economic burden of drug resistance in the developing world • measuring the cost-effectiveness of interventions to improve prescribing and patient compliance • researching incentives for firms to invest both in developing new drugs and in maintaining the effectiveness of existing drugs • identifying socioeconomic, demographic, and cultural factors that determine antibiotic use and misuse and projecting how antibiotic use will change in future years • designing international coordinating mechanisms for surveillance to report resistance outbreaks and coordinate strategies for appropriate drug use, recognizing the global nature of drug resistance.

CONCLUSION Modern medicine rests on the bedrock of effective antiinfective drugs. Unfortunately, the use of drugs creates selective pressure for resistance to arise, and thus, the growth of resistance may be an unavoidable consequence of our actions in treating disease. It is, however, important for governments to intervene to ensure that the effectiveness of our current arsenal of anti-infectives is not depleted at an excessively rapid rate. Given the potential for international spillovers of resistant pathogens and the ability of actions taken in one region or nation to affect other parts of the world where a disease is prevalent, a strong case can be made for coordinated international action—similar to another urgent global situation, the depletion of the ozone layer and the subsequent Montreal Protocol to phase out the use of chlorofluorocarbons—to manage the evolution of resistance. Some interventions that we recommend, such as more restrictive prescribing policies and the use of combinations, could, in the absence of subsidies from the state, place a burden on the poorest patients. For instance, an overly restrictive policy on drug sales at the retail level could harm those who have less access to formal medical care and prescriptions. There may be similar effects from mandating that antimalarial drugs be sold in combinations that the poor cannot afford. Efforts to manage resistance should not be balanced on the backs of the poor, however, because the rationale for these efforts is that society as a whole gains from them. It is important that state subsidies be used to ensure that interventions to manage for resistance do not reduce patients’ access to effective and affordable drugs. Huge gains in life expectancy have come from the introduction of effective drugs to treat infectious diseases. Our history of treating infections successfully is brief, however, and dates back only 50 or 60 years. Sustaining this ability in the long term

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requires a willingness to invest in interventions both to extend the therapeutic life of existing drugs and to discover and develop new ones. Some of these interventions, such as better infection control, introduction of affordable vaccines, and proper dosing, would benefit patients immediately; others, such as using combination treatments for malaria and investing in new drugs, may not bear fruit in the near term. Without a sustainable, long-term vision of coexistence with harmful microbes and imaginative solutions to the problem of resistance, our ability to control infectious diseases stands in peril.

NOTE 1. The fitness cost of resistance is an evolutionary disadvantage placed on resistant pathogens. However, some argue that although most resistance-determining mutations engender some fitness cost, these costs are likely to be ameliorated by subsequent compensatory mutations.

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