Research Methodologies, Innovations and Philosophies in Software Systems Engineering and Information Systems Manuel Mora Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico Ovsei Gelman Center of Applied Sciences and Technology Development of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico Annette Steenkamp Lawrence Technological University, USA Mahesh S. Raisinghani Texas Woman’s University, USA
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Chapter 8
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms: A Systemic Landscape Review Manuel Mora Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico Annette L. Steenkamp Lawrence Technological University, USA Ovsei Gelman CCADET-UNAM, Mexico Mahesh S. Raisinghani TWU School of Management, USA
ABSTRACT In this chapter, the authors review the landscape of research methodologies and paradigms available for Information Technology (IT) and Software Engineering (SwE). The aims of the chapter are two-fold: (i) create awareness in current research communities in IT and SwE on the variety of research paradigms and methodologies, and (ii) provide an useful map for guiding new researchers on the selection of an IT or SwE research paradigm and methodology. To achieve this, the chapter reviews the core IT and SwE research methodological literature, and based on the findings, the authors illustrate an updated IT and SwE research framework that comprehensively integrates findings and best practices and provides a coherent systemic (holistic) view of this research landscape.
1. INTRODUCTION In the context of Information Technology (IT) and Software Engineering (SwE) research a research methodology may be defined as the application DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0179-6.ch008
of the modern scientific method (which can or not including empirical experimentation). In turn, the modern scientific method (Ackoff, Gupta & Minas, 1962; Popper, 2002; Checkland, 2000), is a systematic, rational, verifiable/falsifiable process for: (i) answering questions on a natural, artificial or social situation, (ii)a) solving the problem (an
Copyright © 2012, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
optimized solution) or (ii) b) resolving a problematic well-structured natural, artificial or social situation (a satisfactory solution), or (ii)) c) gaining a better understanding of a complex natural, artificial or social situation; and (iii) developing better methods and physical or conceptual instruments for doing (i) and (ii). Research methods are key conceptual knowledge devices for gaining and applying scientific knowledge. Thus, the final quality of the gained and applied knowledge on a natural, artificial or social situation relies strongly on the adequacy of the research method/s used. Given that the landscape of available IT and SwE research methodologies has been expanded in the last decade, we believe a holistic summary and synthesis is required. The basic set of 5 to 7 main research methods (Straub, Ang & Evaristo, 1994), including survey, case study, laboratory experiment, conceptual, classic simulation, and engineering methods (Alavi & Carlson, 1992) has been increased by research methods, adopted from other disciplines, such as action research, grounded data theory, historical, ethnography, hybrid simulation, robust design, and mathematical proofs, among others. Furthermore, new research paradigms, defined as a set of philosophical assumptions about the objects of study and their related meta-methods, have emerged from classic positivism, classic interpretative, and classic systemic to modernism, transcendental realism (also known as critical realism), and modern systems approach. Consequently, the expansion of research paradigms and methodologies available for IT and SwE research is providing new opportunities for gaining and applying scientific knowledge. However, as with any set of techniques and tools, the method/s that is/are selected should be used correctly and for the appropriate situations. In this chapter we review the landscape of research paradigms and methodologies available for IT and SwE from a systemic view. Our aims are two-fold: (i) create awareness in IT and SwE current research communities on the variety of
research paradigms and methodologies, and (ii) provide an useful map for guiding new researchers on the selection of an IT or SwE research paradigm and methodology. To attain these aims, we firstly review the core IT and SwE research methodological literature. Secondly, we report the main findings of the literature review. Thirdly, we illustrate an updated IT and SwE research framework based on the findings. Finally, we report the implications, recommendations and limitations of our study.
2. BACKGROUND ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES AND PARADIGMS IN IT AND SWE We can define a systemic research approach (extended from Ackoff et al., 1962; Checkland, 2000; and Jackson, 1990) as an answering and problem-solving system comprised of the following components: (i) research paradigms (P’s: a set of philosophical ontological, epistemological and axiological assumptions on the world); (ii) research purposes (S’s: observe a situation (explore, describe or measure, predict, explain), or modify a situation of study (control, intervene or evaluate)); (iii) theoretical frameworks (F’s: ideas-constructs, theories, and models); and (iv) research methodologies (M’s: methods, techniques, and instruments), used for gaining or applying scientific knowledge; (v) the situational areas (A’s: natural, artificial, social or hybrid objects of study) on which the M’s are applied. The first component of a research approach (P’s: the research paradigms) accounts for the essential underlying assumptions on the constitution of the domain under study (i.e. ontology), the available modes of access to knowledge based on the set of previous knowledge, valid methods used, and interactions of the researchers with such elements (i.e. epistemology), and the human values pursued or affected by a research process (i.e., axiology) (Mingers, 2003). The second
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
component (S’s: research purposes) accounts for the feasible aims pursued by a researcher in a situation of study. Such aims may be classified as non-modifying (observation without intervention) and modifying (with intervention) aims. For the non-modifying case the purposes are: explore (gather initial insights useful for recognizing a complex or new situation under study); describe (establish a profile of quantitative or qualitative attributes of a situation under study), measure (develop a new instrument or apply one already existent for measuring a particular construct under study); predict (to establish a quantitative or qualitative relationships between at least two constructs (predictor and prediction), or explain (to formulate a set of causal-effect quantitative or qualitative relationships between several constructs). For the modifying case the purposes are: control (to identify the set of constructs and their degree of influence that permit assertion of control (an expected range of values) to one or several constructs of interest, or intervene (to identify a part of a social situation which may be modified for achieving final changes to such social situation), or evaluate (to identify the impacts of the application of social actions to a social situation). The third component (F’s: theoretical frameworks) accounts for the set of known ideas-constructs, theories, and models. Constructs are conceptual denominations for entities of study that can be considered units. Theories reflect quantitative or qualitative functional relationships between constructs. Models are particular sub-sets of one or several theories, for generating or testing a new theory. The fourth component (M’s: research methodologies) includes methods, techniques, and instruments. A method is one of a set of procedures used in research methodologies for generating a particular deliverable (for example a method for gathering and reporting demographic data). Techniques are particular statistical, mathematical, simulation or conceptual formulations to collect and analyze data. Instruments (physical or con-
ceptual) are tool used for measuring attributes of a construct of interest under study. Such components of a systemic research approach facilitates that a researcher gain or apply scientific knowledge on situational areas, the fifth component (A’s: natural, artificial, social or hybrid objects of study). We define natural situations as those where the main units of study are living entities (but not human beings) as a system. Artificial situations are defined as those where the main units of study are man-made physical or conceptual artifacts that are part of a system. Social situations are defined as those where the main units of study are individual or sets of human beings as systems. There is also the possibility of a hybrid situation that occurs when at least two of the previous ones are considered. Several taxonomies of IT and SwE research methodologies have been previously developed. Table 1 presents the main Information Systems (IS) research methodological taxonomies found in the literature, and Table 2 reports, the five main research methodologies used by researchers based on such taxonomies, (from Mora, Gelman, Paradice & Cervantes, 2008). In Table 2, each number represents the percentage identified of utilization in such a particular study. For instance, in Orlikowski and Baroudi’s study (1991), the main research methodology was a survey methodology with a 49% usage, and the less used case study methodology with a 13.5% usage, of the total of research articles consulted Taxonomies for IT and SwE research methodologies have been developed either directly, i.e., the focus was a classificatory scheme (Galliers & Land, 1987; March & Smith, 1995; Järvinen, 2000; Hevner, March, Park & Ram, 2004; Gonzalez & Dahanayake, 2007), or indirectly, i.e., the taxonomy was developed for reviewing IS research that was conducted during a period, introducing a new research method or explaining the discipline of study (Denning et al., 1989; Nunamaker, Chen & Purdin, 1991; Orlikowski & Baroudi, 1991; Lending & Wheterbe,
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
Table 1. Classification criteria for main IS research methodological taxonomies Taxonomy
Real vs. conceptual unit of study
Level of unit of analysis
Type of research outcome
Underlying philosophy
Galliers & Land (1987)
not considered
implicit use
Denning et al. (1989)
not considered
not considered
implicit use
Nunamaker at al. (1991)
implicit use
not considered
not considered
implicit use
Orlikowski & Baroudi (1991)
not considered
Lending & Wheterbe (1992)
not considered
not considered
not considered
Alavi & Carlson (1992)
not considered
not considered
March & Smith (1995)
implicit use
not considered
not considered
not considered
not considered
Hevner et al. (2004)
implicit use
implicit use
Glass et al. (2004)
implicit use
implicit use
not considered
not considered
not considered
Jarvinen (2000)
Gonzalez & Dahanayake (2007)
1992 ; Alavi & Carlson, 1992; Glass, Ramesh & Vessey, 2004). The taxonomies on research methodologies represented in Table 1 have used the following main classification criteria: (i) the real or conceptual existence of the unit of study (e.g. empirical method vs non-empirical methods), (ii) the hierarchical analysis level of the object of study (society, organization, group/project, individual, system, or component), (iii) the type of research outcome (construct, model, method/ process or instantiation) and/or (iv) the underly-
ing philosophy of the research method (positivist, interpretative, or critical). We can infer from Table 1 that a comprehensive and updated taxonomy of research methodologies is missing when a systemic framework is considered, i.e., one where the five components ((i) research paradigms, (ii) research purposes, (iii) theoretical frameworks, (iv) research methodologies and (v) the situational areas) are reported. From Table 2, we also can infer that there has been a preferential bias toward one or two research methodologies in a particular period. Given that
Table 2.Utilization percentages or acknowledgments of IS and SwE research methods Study
Conceptual Studies
Case study
Engineering (proof of concept)
Mathematical methods
Studies in IS Orlikowski & Baroudi (1991)
Lending & Wheterbe (1992)
Alavi & Carlson (1992)
Vessey et al. (2002)
Glass et al. (2004)
Studies in SwE Glass et al. (2002) Shaw (2003)
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
these studies were published in top journals, the preferential bias may be due to this fact (e.g. researchers try to use the research methodologies more used and this process is reinforced). Hence, we postulate that a systemic research approach proposed in this section (and extended from Ackoff et al., 1962; Checkland, 2000; and Jackson, 1990) represents a more comprehensive set of components that may be used for developing a comparative review of IT and SwE research methodologies and paradigms, and advance the insights of previous studies. We develop it in more detail in the next section.
3. A LANDSCAPE OF RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES AND PARADIGMS USING THE SYSTEMIC RESEARCH APPROACH 3.1 Inventory of Research Methodologies Table 3 summarizes an updated inventory of research methodologies from the main IT and SwE studies that we have reviewed. These research methodologies are classified as Empirical and Conceptual ones. Empirical studies are conducted directly on real objects/settings. Conceptual studies, in contrast, addresses research abstract objects that may or may not be associated with real objects. The symbols (●, X) are used respectively for reported and omitted research methodology by particular study. The list of research methodologies is ordered from most cited to less cited methodologies in the reviewed IT and SwE studies. From Table 3, it can be seen that IT and SwE researchers have available a powerful repository of research methodologies at present. Furthermore, for complex research problems, such methodologies can be combined (e.g. through a multi-methodology approach, Mingers, 2001) from the available repository.
The Laboratory and Field Experiment categories correspond to the empirically controlled study of subjects in a laboratory or the field setting. The Case Study category corresponds to the qualitative empirical examination of organizations. The Survey category corresponds to the quantitative empirical studies of a population sample (examination) - analysis? - by using statistical techniques. The Conceptual Study and Conceptual Design categories correspond to the non-empirical study of ideas related to real objects, including scholastic studies (reviews, tutorials and normative writing (Gonzalez & Dahanayake, 2007) as well as original conceptual studies (designing a new conceptual artifact: a construct, a framework/ model, a method/process, or a system/component). Mathematical Analysis and Proofs are nonempirical studies on mathematical structures using formal mathematical procedures (e.g., theorem proving, mathematical analysis).Simulation accounts for studying real or potentially real situations through virtual computer-based models where analytic models are usually not yet available. Field Studies correspond typically to data collection on a real (non-controlled) setting and their respective qualitative analysis. In the case of quantitative analysis such studies are classified as Survey. The Engineering Design category corresponds to the study of purposeful design of physical artifacts (including its proof of concept). Action Research seeks to modify part of a real social situation through a theory, data collection, using an iterative action cycle. It differs from Experimental studies because in Action Research changes are pursued by social acceptance rather by invariable physical or social laws. Analysis of Texts (including Analysis of Protocols) is a research methodology which studies data embedded in textual documents (historical or presently recorded). Meta Analysis studies previously reported quantitative findings through statistical techniques for data evidence consolidations. Bibliographic methods range from simple to advanced quantitative techniques of accounting for occurrences
154 ●
Field Study
Action Research
Empirical Description/Evaluation
Grounded Theory
Historical - Legacy
Conceptual Study
Conceptual Design
Mat. Analysis
Mat. Proofs
Analysis of Text
Meta Analysis
Bibliographic Met.
Conceptual Research Methods
Case Study
Field Experiment
Galliers & Land (1987)
Lab. Experiment
Empirical Research Methods
Research Method
Nunamaker at al. (1991)
Hevner et al. (2004)
Vessey at al. (2002)
Denning et al. (1989)
Pfleeger (1994, 1995)
SwE Research
Morrison & George (1995)
Zelkowitz & Wallace (1998)
Comprehensive Studies on IT and SwE Research Methods Alavi & Carlson (1992)
IT Research Orlikowski & Baroudi (1991)
Table 3. Updated inventory of research methodologies
Glass et al. (2002)
Shaw 1 (2003)
Glass at al. (2004)
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
Post-Modernism 5
Transcendental Realism 4
⦿ X X X X X ⦿ X X ● X Critical 3
⦿ ⦿
⦿ ⦿
⦿ ⦿
⦿ ⦿
⦿ X
⦿ ⦿
⦿ ●
● ⦿
⦿ ●
● ⦿
⦿ ● Interpretivism 2
● Positivism 1
Zelkowitz & Wallace (1998) Morrison & George (1995) Alavi & Carlson (1992) Orlikowski & Baroudi (1991) Galliers & Land (1987)
Research Paradigm #ID
Table 4. Updated inventory of research paradigms
Nunamaker at al. (1991)
IT Research
Hevner et al. (2004)
Vessey at al. (2002)
Denning et al. (1989)
Comprehensive Studies on Research Methodologies
3.2 Inventory of Research Paradigms In Table 4 we provide an updated inventory of research paradigms. The symbols (●, ⦿, X) are used respectively for reported, implicitly reported, and omitted research paradigm. The positivist research paradigm assumes an ontology of empirical-researchable objects that may be equally sensed by observers or instruments; an epistemology of quantitative-based or logicalmathematical modes of discovering or generating knowledge; and an axiology of gaining knowledge for a better prediction, or a better control of the situation of study (Habermas, 1972; Orlikowski & Baroudi, 1991). The interpretative research paradigm assumes an ontology of empiricallyresearchable living and non-living objects differently sensed by observers and instruments; an epistemology of qualitative-based or logic-argumentation modes of formulating plausible and shared knowledge; and an axiology of gaining knowledge for a better understanding of the human-being interrelationships of interest in the situation of study (Habermas, 1972; Orlikowski & Baroudi, 1991).
Pfleeger (1994, 1995)
SwE Research
Glass et al. (2002)
Glass at al (2004)
of data and their quantitative interrelationships of interest. Empirical Descriptive or Evaluative research methods study implemented systems in real settings for description or evaluation purposes. Ethnography accounts for the qualitative investigation in a real social setting and the main stakeholders (benefiters and victims) who create such social settings. Grounded Theory pursues theory-building goals through an iterative datacollection, data-analysis, and theorization cycle. Historical research methods study the empirical objects and their related settings in their particular temporal context. Phenomenology (including Hermeneutics) accounts for research methods focusing on the plausible and diverse interpretations of meanings in a social setting of physical or conceptual objects.
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
A critical research paradigm assumes an ontology of empirical-researchable living and nonliving objects differently sensed by observers and instruments according to their social status-quo; an epistemology of qualitative-based or logicargumentation modes of formulating a plausible and shared knowledge; and an axiology of gaining knowledge for fair (without social alienation relationships) and truth-based human-being interrelationships of interest on the situation of study (Habermas, 1972; Orlikowski & Baroudi, 1991; Flood, R., & Room, 1996). Additionally, for complementing the Table 4, we consider the emergent paradigms reported in IT literature on Realism Transcendental (Mingers, 2000; Bhaskar, 2008) and Post-Modernism (Dobson & Love, 2004;. Feyeraben, 2000). The transcendental realism research paradigm assumes an ontology of empirically-observable real living and non-living objects generated by real underlying structures and mechanisms organized in layers; an epistemology of both quantitative-based or logical-mathematical, and qualitative-based or logic-argumentation modes of formulating plausible and shared knowledge; and an axiology of gaining knowledge for any of the three previous valued purposes of controlling, mutual understanding and freedom of aliened human relationships (Habermas, 1972: Mingers, 2000; Mora et al. 2008). The post-modern research paradigm assumes an ontology of complex object-subjects but feasible of be studied; an epistemology of multiple modes of inquiry based on the researcher’s style; and an axiology of gaining knowledge of the singular, non-usual and the original (Dobson & Love, 2004) situations. The post-modern research paradigm challenges the single-mode and wellstructured utilization of a research paradigm and claims that the scientific progress can only be generated by advancing the current status quo or dominant research paradigm from a anarchical process (but founded in the variety of methodological foundations) (Feyeraben, 2000).
Findings in the Table 4 suggest that Positivism and Interpretative modes are the main dominant research paradigms. The Critical paradigm is only reported by one study and implicitly by two from the 12 studies that were consulted. The last two research paradigms are not reported in previous studies, but we consider them relevant for this comprehensive study.
3.3 Taxonomy of Research Methodologies and Paradigms Using a Systems Approach According to these systems pioneers (Bertalanffy, 1950, 1968; Boulding, 1956), and modern systems thinkers (Ackoff, 1960; 1971; Forrester, 1991; Checkland, 2000), the systems approach complements the reductionism, analytic, and mechanic worldview with an expansionist, synthetic, and teleological view. While the reductionism view in research implies that the phenomenon is isolated from wider systems and investigated as a closedsystem, the expansionist view demands for a dual view: investigate the phenomenon taking account with their sub and macro systems, as well as considerate it as a closed (lab view) and open system (real view). Thus, in this section we propose an updated systemic (not reductionist) taxonomy of research methodologies based on Transcendental Realism (Bhaskar, 1975, 2008; Mingers, 2000). Transcendental Realism Philosophy is a postmodernist philosophical stance developed by Roy Bhaskar (1975; 2008) as an alternative, and update, to Hume’s Empiricism and Kant’s Idealism. Bhaskar (1975, p. 24) establishes the philosophical differences between Transcendental Realism and the others as follows: “ [transcendental realism] regards the objects of knowledge as the structures and mechanisms that generate phenomena; and the knowledge as produced in the social activity of science. These objects are neither phenomena (empiricism) nor human constructs imposed upon the phenomena (idealism), but real structures which endure and operate independently of our
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
knowledge, our experience and the conditions which allow us access to them”. Using these key main premises, Bhaskar’s philosophical thesis can be summarized as follows: a) Reality exists and is structured, i.e., lawgoverned and stratified, independent of the existence of human beings (Bhaskar 1975, p. 26). b) Knowledge of reality has an intransitive and other transitive dimensions. The former accounts for the invariant and enduring objects of knowledge (real things, structures, mechanisms, process and events), and the latter accounts for the dynamic social and historically dependent facts, theories, models, paradigms, methods and techniques for registering and generating knowledge. (Bhaskar 1975, p. 1). c) Reality can be stratified in three layers: (a) real domain; (b) actual domain and (c) empirical domain. The real domain, which can be stratified in an infinite number of stratums, (Bhaskar 1975, 46; Mingers 2000, 1266;
Dickens, 2003, 99), includes the intransitive real things, structures and generative mechanisms (and the other two domains in a an extended interpretation). The actual domain accounts for the total flux of events generated by the acting of the intransitive objects, irrespective of humans’ perceptions. The empirical dimension includes uniquely the observed or experienced events. d) The stratification of the natural reality, which is done by nature and the social reality, is constructed by human beings. The real domain differs from the others in two key ways: (i) the existence and shape of natural or physical structures is independent of, and cannot be modified by, humans beings and (ii) social structures occur and can be can be created, transformed or destroyed in a space-time context (Mingers 2000, p. 1266) Figure 1 illustrates these concepts graphically. Arrows in both directions from events to structures mean that for social reality, the structures and mechanisms can be altered.
Figure 1. A graphic representation of Bhaskar’s transcendental realism structure
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
Table 5. Updated taxonomy of research methodologies Natural and Behavioral oriented Research Methods
Conceptual Transitive Dimension of Changing Interpretations, Models, Schemes
Real Intransitive Dimension of Enduring Underlying Structures and Mechanisms to be Studied
• Conceptual Study • Conceptual Modeling • Mathematical Analysis • Simulation • Analysis Of Text • Meta Analysis • Bibliographic Method
• Conceptual Design • Mathematical Proof • Simulation
• Case Study • Survey • Field Study • Empirical Description/Evaluation • Ethnography • Grounded Theory • Historical - Legacy • Phenomenology
• Laboratory Experiment • Field Experiment • Engineering Study • Action Research
It is not possible for natural or physical structures or mechanisms, i.e., natural laws, to be altered. From previous arguments and Figure 1, our proposal adapts Mingers’ (2000, p. 17) and Bhaskar’s concepts to elaborate an updated framework on research methodologies. Is also extended from Mora et al. (2008) (see Table 5), and the findings of our literature review, which we organized as shown in the Table 3 and Table 4. Four core dimensions are used to elaborate this taxonomy: (i) the Conceptual Transitive dimension versus the Real Intransitive dimension, and (ii) the Natural/Behavioral dimension versus the Purposeful Artificial/Social Design dimension. In the first column the Conceptual Transitive dimension accounts for the subsystem of organized, verifiable/falsifiable and changing knowledge on the real (observed in the empirical layer) or hypothetical entities (assumed in the actual and real layers) as conceptual elements. The Real Intransitive dimension (Bhaskar, 1975, 2008; Mingers, 2000) accounts for the domain of the observable events (the empirical layer), the domain of non-observable events (the actual layer) and the stratified domain of the deep physical and social product-producer generative structures and mechanisms (real layer). According to Bhaskar
Purposeful Artificial and Social Design oriented Research Methods
(1975, 2008), such real, actual and empirical layers exist independent of the human beings. However, the scientific knowledge –e.g. in the Conceptual Transitive domain- are socially generated or co-generated by human beings in concordance with the reality (i.e., the truth criteria) and are space-temporally related. The second column based on work by Hevner et al. (2004)- contrasts the study of events and things generated by nature and social structures and mechanisms, without an intervening/modifying purpose (e.g. to explore, describe, predict or explain), from those with the intervening/modifying and creating purposes (e.g. to design, build and test/evaluate new artifacts or policies). This 4-dimensional classification divides the types of IT and SwE research into the following four quadrants: (i) the Conceptual-Natural/Behavioral research, (ii) the Conceptual- Artificial/Social Design research, (iii) the Empirical-Natural/Behavioral research and (iv) the Empirical-Artificial/ Social Design research. In the first quadrant we classify the following research methodologies: Conceptual Studies, Conceptual Modeling, Mathematical Analysis, Simulation (when used for theory testing rather than theory building), Analysis of Texts, and
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
Meta-analysis (while it uses empirical data they come from other studies, so the researcher does not interact with the real entities as sources of data). In the second quadrant to the right, we classify the following research methodologies: Conceptual Design, Mathematical Proofs (as new conceptual artifacts), and Simulation (when it is used for theory building). In the third quadrant bottom left, we classify the following research methodologies: Case Studies, Surveys, Field Studies, Empirical Descriptions-Evaluations, Ethnography, Grounded Theory, Historical, and Phenomenology. In the fourth quadrant bottom right, we classify the following research methodologies: Laboratory Experiments, Field Experiments, Engineering Studies, and Action Research methodologies. Hence, we consider that Table 5 and previous ones are useful to develop an integrated and more comprehensive scheme of research paradigms and methodologies. It is presented in the Table 6. This scheme summarizes and integrates the vast literature on IT and SwE research methodologies and paradigms, and can be useful to: (i) identify the available philosophical paradigms with their main assumptions; (ii) associate such philosophical paradigms with adopted research methodologies; and (iii) investigate advanced knowledge about conducting research (the axiological axis).
4. DISCUSSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS Why research methodologies and paradigms are needed? According to Locke et al., 2004), the key issues with performing a high quality research arise from the following six perceptions: complexity of results, conflicting results, trivial topics, impractical studies, absence of commitment and caring, and conflict with other sources of truth. Thus, a cumulative tradition in the literature that is guided by typologies about multi-methodological approaches to research design is pertinent. As
Trauth (2001) and Mingers (2001, 2003) suggest, the dimensions that must be considered to enhance rigor and relevance in research are: •
Philosophical Dimension: identifying the assumed ontology, epistemology and axiological (i.e. philosophical underpinnings) for research methodologies. Social and Critical Dimension: including social and critical social theories; exploring the relationships among social and critical theories, research questions and empirical methods; embracing a socio-technical perspective when required; and acknowledging the social and critical construction of research and knowledge. Methodological Dimension: embracing multi-methodological approaches, being engaged in the research setting when possible; working with the data by using different data analysis techniques; and maintaining an adaptive and critical stance (e.g. Is there sufficient free collected evidence for reporting such results?). Political Dimension: developing an emerging and accurate understanding of the achievement and failures of the research community (as recommended identified by Kuhn’s paradigms (1974)); coping with risks involved; and surviving academic politics and dominant or imperative methodological issues; and challenging status quo positions in research for the sake of the free knowledge and society progress rather for serving to particular research interests.
We consider also relevant to advance on the classic debate between Positivist vs Interpretative paradigms and their main associated research methodologies. According to our findings, in contrast, the debate on the need of utilization of multiple methodologies and selecting a research paradigm which can accommodate disparate assumptions is needed for advancing research in
160 Real entities with measurable attributes
Social entities with nonunique qualitative attributes
Social entities with aliened qualitative attributes
Real and social entities with measurable and interpretable attributes Complex entities with complex attributes
Realism Transcendental
Research Paradigm
Hybrid Methods on demand
Quantitative and Qualitative methods
Qualitative methods (but can include quantitative data)
Qualitative methods (but can include quantitative data)
Quantitative and Mathematical methods
Philosophical Assumptions
Table 6. Research paradigms and research methodologies framework
Increase human-being freedom
Improving real and social reality
Emancipation of conflictive and aliened social relationships
Shared social understanding
Prediction or control
• All Methods
• All Methods
• Action Research • Ethnography • Historical - Legacy • Phenomenology • Analysis Of Text
• Case Study • Field Study • Ethnography • Grounded Theory • Historical - Legacy • Phenomenology • Analysis Of Text
• Laboratory Experiment • Field Experiment • Survey • Field Study • Engineering Study • Empirical Description/Evaluation • Mathematical Analysis • Mathematical Proof • Meta Analysis • Bibliographic Methods
Preferred Research Methodologies
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
complex IT and SwE topics (e.g. hybrid artificial and social systems, and now involved with natural systems by the Green IT movement as example). Whether a holistic paradigm is not totally accepted by IT and SwE research community, however, we claim that a multiple research methodological view must be pursued at least (as classic triangulation approach). Hence, under such general research methodological recommendations, we consider that our updated research framework based on the systemic research approach of five components (paradigm, purpose, methodology, theoretical basis, and situation) is congruent with such aforementioned core recommendations.
CONCLUSION We have also reported the findings of a comprehensive literature review on IT and SwE research methodologies and paradigms. We have identified that while there a rich variety of research methodologies and paradigms at present, still there are a set of preferred research methodologies (and paradigms) in IT and SwE research. By reported findings reported it can inferred a strong influence of top journals, on the reduced subset of them. However, it is ethic to report that emergent and few used research methodologies and paradigms have been also reported (with few instances) in top journals. In this updated taxonomy –Table 5- we distinguish the four main domains for research methodologies. These dimensions are Conceptual Transitive, Real Intransitive, Natural/ Behavioral, and Purposeful Artificial/Social Design. In each dimension, we have identified also the main research methodologies (despite some of them could be combined for addressing multiple domains). In Table 6, we report a summary of the main research paradigms which identified of this intensive review. For each paradigm, the main philosophical assumptions are described, and their main associated research methods are
listed (despite some of them can be performed from different philosophical paradigms). These findings have informed the revision of the Research Paradigms and Research Methodologies Framework of Mora et al. (2008), as shown in the Table 6. Hence, we can conclude that: (i) there is a diverse number of research paradigms and methodologies used in research published in the literature; (ii) some of them have dominant utilization; (iii) some of them are used rarely despite their inherent usefulness in particular research studies; (iv) there is a greater variety of research methodologies and paradigms more used in the IT domain than in the SwE domain; (v) the positivist and interpretative paradigms are still the dominant philosophical paradigms in the IT and SwE domains at present; and (vi) this framework is helpful to IT and SwE researchers to determine an appropriate research design that is based on sound philosophical assumptions for a selected research paradigm. This study is limited in its scope since the detailed research process models for each research methodology are not reported. However, we encourage for future research studies that show how the methodologies of the framework can be used specifically (e.g. phases, activities, and deliverables). Of particular interest are the activities for supporting the validation of research studies. Researchers can consider conceptual or empirical activities from the available methodologies to validate their hypotheses or propositions and to provide answers to the research questions that prompted the research during the initiation phase. Finally like any scientific knowledge –e.g. in the transitive domain of science-, this framework must be considered provisional, testable, and improvable knowledge. We encourage to IT and SwE researchers and Faculty teaching research methodologies to review it and consider its potential utilization. Such application will improve the body of knowledge of IT and SwE paradigms and research methodologies.
On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors express their appreciation to our many MSc and PhD students who have conducted research thesis under our supervision, for the refinement of our insight in research paradigms methodologies, and for making our scholarship so meaningful, as well as to our Institutions (Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Lawrence Technological University, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, and Texas Woman University) for all support provided for doing international research.
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On IT and SwE Research Methodologies and Paradigms
KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Conceptual Transitve Dimension: Dimension which accounts for the subsystem of organized, verifiable/falsifiable and changing knowledge on the real (observed in the empirical layer) or hypothetical entities (assumed in the actual and real layers) as conceptual elements. Natural/Behavioral Dimension: Dimension which contains concrete and abstract artifacts which are created or intervened/modified (e.g. designing, building and testing/evaluating purposes). Purposeful Artificial/Social Design Dimension: Dimension which contains conceptual and empirical events and things generated by nature and social structures and mechanisms, without an intervening/modifying purpose (e.g. exploring, describing, predicting, or explaining). Real Intransitive Dimension: Dimension which accounts for the domain of observable events (the empirical layer), the domain of non-observable events (the actual layer) and the stratified domain of the deep physical and social product-producer generative structures and mechanisms (real layer). Research Methodology: A systematic, rational, verifiable/falsifiable process for: (i) answering questions on a natural, artificial or social situation, (ii)a) solving the problem (an optimized solution) or (ii) b) resolving a problematic well-structured
natural, artificial or social situation (a satisfactory solution), or (ii)) c) gaining a better understanding of a complex natural, artificial or social situation; and (iii) developing better methods and physical or conceptual instruments for doing (i) and (ii). Research Paradigm: A set of philosophical ontological, epistemological and axiological assumptions on the world. Systemic Research Approach: An answering and problem-solving system comprised of the following components: (i) research paradigms (P’s: a set of philosophical ontological, epistemological and axiological assumptions on the world); (ii) research purposes (S’s: observe a situation (explore, describe or measure, predict, explain), or modify a situation of study (control, intervene or evaluate)); (iii) theoretical frameworks (F’s: ideas-constructs, theories, and models); and (iv) research methodologies (M’s: methods, techniques, and instruments), used for gaining or applying scientific knowledge; (v) the situational areas (A’s: natural, artificial, social or hybrid objects of study) on which the M’s are applied.
Types of research methods were interpreted from Shaw (2003) based on the reported evaluation methods.