Research Methods, Statistics, & Evaluation 2011 - Sage Publications

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Research Methods, Statistics, & Evaluation


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Table of Contents textbooks General Research Methods / Research Design Introduction to Statistics / Quantitative Methods Intermediate / Advanced Statistics and Quantitative Methods Introduction to Qualitative Methods Intermediate / Advanced Qualitative Methods Action Research Case Study & Narrative Analysis Ethnography Focus Groups Interviewing Survey Research Methods Mixed Methods Research Evaluation Research Methods in Business and Marketing Research Methods in Communication Research Methods in Counseling Research Methods in Criminology / Criminal Justice Research Methods in Education Research Methods in Health Research Methods in Politics—Offerings from CQ Press Research Methods in Psychology Research Methods in Social Work Social Research Methods

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General Research Methods / Research Design


Pages 2-74

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➊ ONLINE: For FASTEST delivery, go to: ➋ CALL: (800) 818-7243 or (805) 499-9774 Monday-Friday: 6 am-5 pm PT General Research Methods / Research Design

Research Methods in Practice Strategies for Description and Causation Dahlia K. Remler, Baruch College, CUNY Gregg G. Van Ryzin, Rutgers University, Newark With their deep commitment to making methods accessible and meaningful, authors Dahlia K. Remler and Gregg G. Van Ryzin compel students to truly grasp the logic—and limits—of the latest research appearing in academic journals, government reports, and the media. The authors make the coverage spark, emphasizing the critical interpretation and practical application of research findings throughout the text by focusing on causation and real-life data.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6467-8 ©2011, 616 pages Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,

Key Features • Reflects current methodological techniques used in interdisciplinary research, as illustrated with many policy-relevant research examples • The realistic trade-offs, uncertainties, habits, and excitement of the research experience come through on every page • Covers strategies for both description and causal estimation—and emphasizes the distinction

CONTENTS PART I. FOUNDATIONS 1. Research in the Real World 2. Theory and Models 3. Qualitative Research PART II. STRATEGIES FOR DESCRIPTION 4. Measurement 5. Sampling 6. Secondary Data 7. Collecting Primary Data: Surveys and Observation 8. Making Sense of the Numbers 9. Making Sense of Multivariate Statistics PART III. STRATEGIES FOR CAUSATION 10. Causation 11. Observational Studies With Control Variables 12. Randomized Field Experiments 13. Natural and Quasi Experiments PART IV. APPLICATIONS 14. The Politics, Production, and Ethics of Research 15. How to Find, Focus, and Present Research

A password-protected Instructor Teaching Site and open-access Student Study Site at www.sagepub. com/remler includes chapter outlines, chapter summaries, PowerPoint slides for each chapter, classroom assignments/exercises, sample syllabi, links to relevant SAGE journal articles, testbank, flashcards, data sets, and online quizzes.

About the Authors Dahlia K. Remler is an Associate Professor at the School of Public Affairs, Baruch College and the Department of Economics, Graduate Center, both of the City University of New York. She is also a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. She has published widely in a variety of areas in health care policy, including health care cost containment, information technology in health care, cigarette tax regressivity, simulation methods for health insurance take-up, health care cost growth and health insurance and health care markets.

Gregg G. Van Ryzin, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. Dr. Van Ryzin’s research focuses on the use of surveys and other social science methods to measure the performance of government and nonprofit organizations and to evaluate program outcomes. He also conducts research on citizen satisfaction with public services and other public attitudes toward government.

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

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General Research Methods / Research Design

Evaluating Research

Research Design

Methodology for People Who Need to Read Research

Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches Third Edition

Designed for anyone who needs to learn to read and understand empirical reports in the social and behavioral sciences, this multidisciplinary book provides individuals with the knowledge necessary to understand research without overwhelming them with information about how to conduct research. His enthusiasm for methods present on every page, author Francis C. Dane wants readers to have the necessary skills to evaluate research and critically use empirical results. Key Features • Every facet of evaluating research is covered—from key terms and concepts to communicating the final results • The author pairs statistical concepts and procedures with appropriate research methods • Strong pedagogy such as chapter overviews, summaries, key terms, and application exercises allows readers to check their understanding of the material CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. The Scientific Approach 3. Reading a Research Report 4. Conceptual Overview of Statistical Analyses 5. Sampling 6. Measurement

7. Experimental Research 8. Quasi-Experimental Research 9. Survey Research 10. Field Research 11. Archival Research 12. Evaluation Research

John W. Creswell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln This is the ONLY book across the social and behavioral sciences that enables readers to compare three approaches to research— qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods—in a single research methods text. Written in a user-friendly manner, Creswell’s text cuts to the core of what a reader needs to know to read and design research by showcasing ideas in a scaffold approach to allow readers to approach ideas from the simple to the complex. CONTENTS PART I. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 1. Selection of Research Design 2. Review of the Literature 3. The Use of Theory 4. Writing Strategies and Ethical Considerations PART II. DESIGNING RESEARCH 5. The Introduction 6. The Purpose Statement 7. Research Questions and Hypotheses 8. Quantitative Methods 9. Qualitative Procedures 10. Mixed Methods Procedures Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6557-6 ©2009, 296 pages Instructor Teaching Site, Student Study Site,

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7853-8 ©2010, 392 pages

New Edition!

Evaluating Research Articles From Start to Finish Third Edition

Ellen R. Girden, Nova University, Miami Robert Kabacoff Although research design courses emphasize designs and appropriate statistical analyses, the stress is on conducting good designs. As a result, students may be able to apply their knowledge of originating research. But most consumers of research read articles based on original research and may be unable to apply that same knowledge to evaluating the article in terms of soundness of the design and appropriateness of the statistical analyses. This book fills the void. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Case Studies 3. Narrative Analysis 4. Surveys 5. Correlation Studies 6. Regression Analysis Studies 7. Factor-Analytic Studies

8. Discriminant Analysis Studies 9. Two-Condition Experimental Studies 10. Single Classification Studies 11. Factorial Studies 12. Quasi-Experimental Studies 13. Longitudinal Studies

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7446-2 ©2011, 416 pages

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Also from John W. Creswell... • Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research (p. 38) • The Mixed Methods Reader (p. 38)


Francis C. Dane



General Research Methods / Research Design




Case Studies in Interdisciplinary Research

Visualizing Social Science Research Maps, Methods & Meaning Johannes Wheeldon and Mauri K. Ahlberg

Allen F. Repko, The University of Texas at Arlington William H. Newell, Miami University of Ohio Rick Szostak, University of Alberta - Edmonton, Canada This text is intended as a “stand alone” volume that demonstrates the need for using an explicitly interdisciplinary approach to problems that span multiple disciplines, applies interdisciplinary theory and best practices to a particular set of problems, shows the importance of first creating common ground among conflicting expert views before performing integration, and produces new understandings of these problems that are practical, purposeful, and deeply informed by disciplinary expertise. CONTENTS 1. The Interdisciplinary Research Process 2. Jewish Marriage as an Expression of Israel’s Conflicted Identity 3. The Metropolitan Problem in Interdisciplinary Perspective 4. Mektoub: When Art Meets History, Philosophy, and Linguistics 5. Integrating Theory-based Insights on the Causes of Suicide Terrorism 6. An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Causes of Economic Growth 7. Why We Talk: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Evolutionary Origins of Language. 8. Understanding Human Action: Integrating Meanings, Mechanisms, Causes, and Contexts 9. Integrative Theory in Criminology Applied to the Complex Social Problem of School Violence 10. Research Integration: A Comparative Knowledge Base

This introductory text presents basic principles of social science research through maps, graphs, and diagrams. The authors show how concept maps and mind maps can be used in quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research, using student-focused examples and classroom based activities. Chapters explore how these tools can be used to plan research projects, “see” analysis strategies, and assist in the compilation and development of written research papers. The book integrates theory and practice of concept mapping in a concise and readable format, with easy to follow examples and activities. CONTENTS 1. Visualizing Social Science Research 2. Concept Maps and Mind Maps: Theory, Definitions and Utility 3. Using Concept Maps in Quantitative Social Science Research 4. Using Mind Maps in Qualitative Research 5. Using Maps in Mixed Methods Research 6. Putting It All Together: Using Maps and Diagrams to Write Up and Reflect Upon Your Project 7. Limitations, Considerations and New Directions in Social Science Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9104-9 August 2011, 192 pages


Glossary of 1001 Commonly Used Research Terms

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8248-1 February 2011, 368 pages

A Pocket Guide for Social and Behavioral Sciences

Interdisciplinary Research

Michael J. Holosko, University of Georgia College of Social Work Bruce A. Thyer, Florida State University College of Social Work

Process and Theory Allen F. Repko, The University of Texas at Arlington Interdisciplinary Research: Process and Theory is the first book that systematically guides students in how to approach and follow through on research projects that straddle disciplines. Featuring an easy-to-follow approach that is grounded in theory, it is packed with examples of interdisciplinary research from the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities.

The text contains over 1000 research and statistical terms, written in jargonfree, easy-to-understand terminology. It will be a quick guide for students who are taking research methods courses as well as those who are working on their research projects. This pocket guide is in an ideal supplement to the many discipline-specific texts on research methods and statistics. The authors are prominent researchers and have years of writing and research experience. The book also contains a fully searchable CD. Paperback with CD ISBN: 978-1-4129-9513-9 June 2011, 200 pages

CONTENTS 1. Defining Interdisciplinary Studies 2. Tracing the Origins of Interdisciplinary Studies 3. Operationalizing Disciplinary Perspective 4. Defining the Elements of Disciplines 5. Explaining the Importance of Integration 6. Beginning the Research Process 7. Identifying Relevant Disciplines 8. Developing Adequacy in Relevant Disciplines 9. Analyzing the Problem and Evaluating Each Insight Into It 10. Identifying Conflicts in Insights 11. Creating Common Ground 12. Integrating Insights and Producing an Interdisciplinary Understanding Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5915-5 ©2008, 416 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

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General Research Methods / Research Design

Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis Harris Cooper, Duke University

Robert F. Belli, University of Nebraska

Offering practical advice on how to conduct a synthesis of research in the social, behavioral, and medical sciences, this text is invaluable to both first-time literature reviewers and experts looking for lucid discussions of complex issues. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Step 1: Formulating the Problem 3. Step 2: Searching the Literature 4. Step 3: Gathering Information from Studies 5. Step 4: Evaluating the Quality of Studies 6. Step 5: Analyzing and Integrating the Outcomes of Studies 7. Step 6: Interpreting the Evidence 8. Step 7: Presenting the Results 9. Conclusion: Threats to the Validity of Research Synthesis Conclusions Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-3705-4

Frank P. Stafford, University of Michigan Duane F. Alwin, Pennsylvania State University The first book to provide a road map to using both calendar and diary methods in research. An ideal tool for examining issues related to these up-and-coming approaches to data collection, the book is also a helpful resource for readers who interpret literature based on calendar and diary research. CONTENTS PART I. FOUNDATIONS PART II. VARIATIONS IN THE COLLECTION AND APPLICATION OF CALENDAR, DIARY, AND TIME-USE DATA PART III. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENTS OF CALENDAR AND DIARY INSTRUMENTS PART IV. METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN THE RELIABILITY, VALIDITY, AND COLLECTION OF TIME-BASED DATA PART V. LOOKING AHEAD Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4063-4

©2010, 280 pages

©2009, 360 pages

The Tao of Research

Understanding the Research Process

A Path to Validity Dana K. Keller and Mary Lou Casadevall-Keller, Halcyon Research, Inc.

Paul Oliver, University of Huddersfield, U.K.

Dana K. Keller and Mary Lou Casadevall-Keller provide readers with a highly accessible introduction to the fundamental concepts of research methods in this text. They approach the topic of research through an exploration of the issues that threaten validity in the process of knowledge generation. CONTENTS 1. The Proposition’s Restrictions 2. Ethical Restrictions 3. Structural (Methodological) Restrictions 4. Functional Restrictions 5. Technical Restrictions 6. Epilogue Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6468-5 ©2010, 160 pages

This text fills the gap in most research books, helping students understand the use of specialist vocabulary and terminology of educational and social science research. 

CONTENTS 1. The Idea of Research 2. The Conceptual Range of a Research Study 3. Introducing Research Questions and Aims 4. Analysing Previous Research 5. The Scientific Method 6. The Research Design 7. Data Collection Methods 8. Questions of Ethics 9. Presenting a Conclusion and Disseminating Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0112-4 ©2010, 160 pages

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A Step-by-Step Approach Fourth Edition

Calendar and Time Diary Methods in Life Course Research



General Research Methods / Research Design

Doing Work Based Research


Research Methodology A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners Third Edition


Approaches to Enquiry for Insider-Researchers Carol Costley, University of Middlesex, U.K.

Ranjit Kumar, University of Western Australia, Australia

Geoffrey C. Elliott, University of Worcester, U.K. Paul Gibbs, University of Middlesex, U.K. With the growth of practitioner research, this book leads the way by addressing key issues faced by “insider-researchers”—those doing research projects in the organizations and communities in which they themselves work, or where they are already familiar with the setting. CONTENTS 1. Key Concepts for the Insider-Researcher 2. Search and Review of Relevant Knowledge and Information 3. Research Ethics and Insider-Researchers 4. Privilege, Power, and Politics in Work Based Research 5. Gaining Access for the Insider-Researcher: Issues, Practices, Audiences, Ethics and Gratitude 6. Learning Contracts/Agreements and Intellectual Capital 7. Developing a Methodology 8. Collaborative Research 9. A Reflection on Professional Practice 10. Work Based Research in Action 11. The Development of A Research Proposal 12. Preparing and Evaluating Project Outcomes and then Assessing the Learning Achieved 13. Recommendations and Presentations Arising from the Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0678-4

Written specifically for students with no previous experience of research and research methodology, this Third Edition integrates various quantitative and qualitative methodologies into eight practice-based-steps, providing lots of examples throughout to link theory with practice. The book has been revised and updated to include extended coverage of qualitative research methods in addition to existing comprehensive coverage of quantitative methods. CONTENTS PART I. STEP ONE: FORMULATING A RESEARCH PROBLEM PART II. STEP TWO: CONCEPTUALISING A RESEARCH DESIGN PART III. STEP THREE: CONSTRUCTING AN INSTRUMENT FOR DATA COLLECTION PART IV. STEP FOUR: SELECTING A SAMPLE PART V. STEP FIVE: WRITING A RESEARCH PROPOSAL PART VI. STEP SIX: COLLECTING DATA PART VII. STEP SEVEN: PROCESSING DATA PART VIII. STEP EIGHT: WRITING A RESEARCH REPORT Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0301-2 ©2011, 448 pages

©2010, 224 pages

Introducing Research Methodology A Beginner’s Guide to Doing a Research Project Uwe Flick, Alice-Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin In this new book, specifically written for first time researchers, Uwe Flick focuses on the process of producing an undergraduate research project. He gives readers the fundamental data collection and analysis skills that they need for their first project, as well as a good understanding of the research process as a whole. The book covers both quantitative and qualitative methods, and contains real life examples from the author’s own research. CONTENTS PART I. ORIENTATION PART II. PLANNING AND DESIGN PART III. WORKING WITH DATA PART IV. REFLECTION AND WRITING Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0781-2 April 2011, 288 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Introduction to Statistics / Quantitative Methods


Introduction to Statistics / Quantitative Methods

Integrative Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences Renee Ha and James Ha, University of Washington Designed to engage students and lower their “fear factor”, this concise, user-friendly text prepares students for the real-world applications of statistics. Students will learn the full range of statistical tests available to them, the skills to choose the appropriate statistical analysis when faced with a dataset, and the skills to interpret the output from the wide variety of statistical software packages available (including Excel and SPSS).

Key Features • This text has been class-tested with thousands of students and the results are clear: the use of examples of statistics and statistical analysis from everyday life and an easy-to-read narrative style engage students. • Broader coverage is provided than in most concise statistics texts. Basic descriptive statistics, t-tests, Anova, regression and correlation are covered, along with non-parametric tests, general linear modeling, and non-traditional options such as re-sampling statistics. This breadth and depth of coverage gives students the preparation they need to be able to use statistics in the real world. • The General Linear Model is explained early in Chapter 7’s discussion of inferential statistics and then explained more fully in Chapter 13 (General Linear Model) allowing students to analyze data that contain multiple variables collected in different ways. • Choosing the appropriate statistical test is emphasized, including conceptual material, assumptions of tests, homework exercises, and a decision flowchart. A “Choose-the-appropriate-test” Flowchart builds from simple (Chapter 8) to complex (Chapter 15) improving conceptual understanding. • Greater focus on the interpretation of results from both Excel and SPSS and less on hand calculations helps students better learn to interpret and analyze statistics.

CONTENTS PART I. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS 1. Introduction to Statistics 2. Definitions 3. Frequency Distributions and Graphing 4. Central Tendency and Variability 5. The Normal Distribution, Standardized Scores and Probability Part II. INTRODUCTION TO HYPOTHESIS TESTING 6. Sampling Distribution of the Mean and the Single Sample Z-Statistic 7. Introduction to Inferential Statistics 8. Single Sample Tests 9. Two Sample Tests PART III. Additional Hypothesis Tests 10. ANOVA 11. Complex ANOVA Designs 12. Correlation and Regression 13. General Linear Model 14. Nonparametric Tests 15. Review Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8744-8 May 2011, 312 pages Instructor Teaching Site,

• End-of-chapter Homework Exercises provide students with 15-30 problems for both Excel and SPSS. • Author-created ancillary materials, including an Instructor Resource Guide, PowerPoint, Test Bank, and a Student Study Guide, provide a seamless connection between text and supplements.

About the Authors Renee Ha received her Ph.D. in Psychology with a specialization in animal behavior from the University of Washington in 1999. She is currently on the faculty of the U.W. Department of Psychology. She has taught courses on statistics, introductory psychology, human development, and various animal behavior courses. She received a Distinguished Teaching Award from the Psychology Department in 1999. Her research interests primarily involve wild birds, including social behavior, foraging, and conservation.

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James Ha has a 1989 Ph.D. in Zoology/Animal Behavior from Colorado State University and has been on the faculty of the University of Washington since 1992, where he is a Research Associate Professor in the Psychology Department (Animal Behavior Area). He consults extensively in statistics at U.W. and around the world, while his own research examines the social behavior of Old World monkeys and their management in captivity, Pacific Northwest killer whales, local and Pacific island crows, and domestic dogs.




Introduction to Statistics / Quantitative Methods



Statistics Alive!

Sampling Essentials


Second Edition

Practical Guidelines for Making Sampling Choices

Wendy J. Steinberg, University at Albany, SUNY Based on years of first-hand teaching experience, Wendy J. Steinberg has created Statistics Alive!, the most user-friendly statistics text for students in the social and behavioral sciences, now in its Second Edition. She believes that this audience can master basic statistics—especially the mechanics and the underlying logic of hypothesis testing—by employing a conceptual, modular approach without dumbing down the presentation. While this textbook includes must-have topics such as frequency distributions, hypothesis formation, and inferential statistics and bivariate regression, it also includes concepts of sampling error, significant differences, and Type 1 and Type 2 errors throughout. CONTENTS PART I. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION: “FIRST THINGS FIRST” PART II. TABLES AND GRAPHS: “ON DISPLAY” PART III. CENTRAL TENDENCY: “BULL’S-EYE” PART IV. DISPERSION: “FROM HERE TO ETERNITY” PART V. THE NORMAL CURVE AND STANDARD SCORES: “WHAT’S THE SCORE?” PART VI. PROBABILITY: “ODDS ARE” PART VII. INFERENTIAL THEORY: “OF TRUTH AND RELATIVITY” PART VIII. THE ONE-SAMPLE TEST: “ARE THEY FROM OUR PART OF TOWN?” PART IX. THE TWO-SAMPLE TEST: “OURS IS BETTER THAN YOURS” PART X. THE MULTISAMPLE TEST: “OURS IS BETTER THAN YOURS OR THEIRS” PART XI. POST HOC TESTS: “SO WHO’S RESPONSIBLE?” PART XII. MORE THAN ONE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: “DOUBLE DUTCH JUMP ROPE” PART XIII. NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS: “WITHOUT FORM OR VOID” PART XIV. EFFECT SIZE AND POWER: “HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH?” PART XV. CORRELATION: “WHITHER THOU GOEST, I WILL GO” PART XVI. LINEAR PREDICTION: “YOU’RE SO PREDICTABLE” PART XVII. REVIEW: “SAY IT AGAIN, SAM”

Johnnie Daniel, Howard University Designed for the nontechnical researcher or generalist, this text provides the reader with a good understanding of sampling principles. The author gives a detailed, nontechnical description and guidelines with limited presentation of formulas to help reach basic research decisions, such as when to choose a sample vs. census and nonprobability vs. probability sampling as well as how to select sample size and sample type. Intended for the social and behavioral sciences, Sampling Essentials is appropriate for undergraduate students, graduate students, and research practitioners. CONTENTS 1. Preparing to Make Sampling Choices 2. Choosing Between Taking a Census and Sampling 3. Choosing Between Nonprobability Sampling and Probability Sampling 4. Choosing the Type of Nonprobability Sampling 5. Choosing the Type of Probability Sampling 6. Sampling Based on the Nature of the Sampling Unit and Mixed-Methods Sample Designs 7. Choosing the Size of the Sample Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5221-7 May 2011, 264 pages

Statistical Persuasion How to Collect, Analyze, and Present Data... Accurately, Honestly, and Persuasively Robert W. Pearson, University of Pennsylvania This textbook focuses attention on the conceptual understanding of statistics, the signposts of (in)appropriate research design and quality measurement, the selection of the right statistical tools under different conditions, and the presentation of substantive and technical results.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7950-4 Paperback w/ CD ISBN: 978-1-4129-7951-1 ©2011, 656 pages


Student Study Guide ISBN: 978-1-4129-9428-6, 424 pages

1. Introduction 2. Research Design and Data Collection 3. Measurement 4. Data Editing, Transformation, Index Construction, and Weights 5. Statistics as Description 6. Charts and Graphs 7. Percentages and Contingency Tables 8. Samples and Statistical Inference 9. Statistics as Group Differences 10. Statistics as Relationships 11. Regression Analysis 12. Detecting and Correcting Violations of Regression Assumptions 13. Time Series Analysis, Program Assessment, and Forecasting 14. Presenting Persuasive Statistical Analyses

Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,



Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7496-7 ©2010, 424 pages Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,


Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Introduction to Statistics / Quantitative Methods New Edition!


Also by this author…

Fourth Edition

Neil J. Salkind, University of Kansas Utilizing the personable and clear approach that made Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics a bestseller, Salkind walks readers through various statistical procedures, beginning with correlations and graphical representation of data and ending with inferential techniques and analysis of variance.

Excel Statistics A Quick Guide Neil J. Salkind, University of Kansas Designed for users already familiar with basic computer operations, this book shows readers how to utilize the features of Microsoft® Excel to answer both simple and complex questions about data analysis. Part I explores thirty Excel functions, each one of which is detailed on a twopage spread. Part II of the text contains fifteen Analysis Toolpak tools, each explained using the same two-page spread designed used for functions.




PART I. EXCEL FUNCTIONS PART II. USING THE ANALYSIS TOOLPAK Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7963-4 ©2011, 128 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7959-7 ©2011, 416 pages

Tests & Measurement for People Who (Think They) Hate Tests & Measurement

Student Study Guide ISBN: 978-1-4129-0476-6, 128 pages Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,

| Also available in an edition featuring Excel 2007 Bestseller!

Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics Excel 2007 Edition Second Edition Neil J. Salkind, University of Kansas

Second Edition

Neil J. Salkind, University of Kansas This book provides an overview of the many different facets of testing including the design of tests, the use of tests, and some of the basic social, political, and legal issues that the process of testing involves. This engaging text introduces students to advanced issues and explains why those topics are important. CONTENTS PART I. IN THE BEGINNING . . . PART II. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PSYCHOMETRICS PART III. THE TAO AND HOW OF TESTING PART IV. WHAT TO TEST AND HOW TO TEST IT PART V. IT’S NOT ALWAYS AS YOU THINK: ISSUES IN TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7102-7

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-1364-5

Instructor Resources on CD, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7403-5

©2006, 432 pages

©2010, 424 pages Student Study Site, Instructor Teaching Site,

About the Author Neil J. Salkind has been teaching at the University of Kansas for 30 years in the Department of Psychology and Research in Education. He has taught courses in developmental theories, life-span development, statistics, and research methods and received his PhD in human development from the University of Maryland. Salkind has published more than 80 professional papers and is the author of several collegelevel textbooks, including Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics (now in its Fourth Edition), Excel Statistics, Child Development, Exploring Research, and Introduction to Theories of Human Development (SAGE 2004). He was editor of Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography from 1989 through 2002 and is active in the Society for Research in Child Development.

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Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics

10 Introduction to Statistics / Quantitative Methods


A Conceptual Guide to Statistics Using SPSS

Making Sense of Statistical Methods in Social Research

Elliot T. Berkman Steven P. Reise, University of California, Los Angeles

Keming Yang, Reading University, U.K.

This book helps students develop a conceptual understanding of a variety of statistical tests by linking the statistics with the computational steps and output from SPSS. Learning how statistical ideas map onto computation in SPSS will help students build a better understanding of both. For example, seeing exactly how the concept of variance is used in SPSS-how it is converted into a number based on real data, which other concepts it is associated with, and where it appears in various statistical tests-will not only help students understand how to use statistical tests in SPSS and how to interpret their output, but will also teach them about the concept of variance itself.

This book aims to improve students’ statistical literacy, with the ultimate goal of turning them into competent researchers.

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Descriptive Statistics 3. Chi-Squared Test 4. Linear Correlation 5. One- and Two Sample T-Tests 6. One-way ANOVA 7. Two- and Higher-way ANOVA 8. Within-subject ANOVA 9. Mixed-model ANOVA 10. MANOVA 11. Regression 12. ANCOVA 13. Factor and Components Analysis 14. Psychometrics 15. Non-parametric Tests 16. Matrix Algebra 17. Appendix on the General Formulation of Custom Contrasts using Syntax

CONTENTS 1. The Position of Statistical Methods in Social Research 2. Introduction 3. The Use of Statistical Methods in Social Research 4. Cases and Variables 5. The Logic of Sampling 6. Estimating and Measuring One Important Thing 7. Studying the Relationship Between Two Variables 8. Linear Regression Models and Their Generalizations 9. Time Matters 10. Statistical Case-Oriented Methods 11. Methods for Analyzing Latent Variables 12. Causal Analysis Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7287-6 ©2010, 216 pages

Starting Statistics A Short, Clear Guide Neil Burdess, Deakin University, Australia

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7406-6

This text aims to help students make sense of the logic of statistics and to decide how best to use statistics to analyze their own data.

April 2011, 288 pages

New edition!

Statistics for Research With a Guide to SPSS Third Edition


George Argyrous This fully updated edition of Statistics for Research explains statistical concepts in a straight-forward and accessible way using practical examples from a variety of disciplines. If you’re looking for an easy-to-read, comprehensive introduction to statistics with a guide to SPSS, this is the book for you! CONTENTS PART I. AN INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PART II. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: GRAPHS AND TABLES PART III. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: NUMERICAL MEASURES PART IV. INFERENTIAL STATISTICS: TESTS FOR A MEAN PART V. INFERENTIAL STATISTICS: TESTS FOR FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS PART VI. INFERENTIAL STATISTICS: OTHER TESTS OF SIGNIFICANCE PART VII. ADVANCED TOPICS

  1. Welcome to Starting Statistics PART I. MEASUREMENT   2. Introducing Measurement   3. Measuring Numbers   4. Measuring Categories PART II. STANDARDISATION 5. Introducing Standardisation 6. Standardising Categories 7. Standardising Numbers PART III. CORRELATIONS 8. Introducing Correlations 9. Correlations Between Categories

10. Correlations Between Numbers PART IV. SAMPLING AND ESTIMATION 11. Introducing Sampling 12. Estimating Numbers 13. Estimating Categories PART V. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 14. Introducing Hypothesis Testing 15. Hypotheses About Categories 16. Hypotheses About Numbers 17. Hypotheses About Categories and Numbers

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0098-1 ©2010, 200 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0595-5 January 2011, 608 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Intermediate / Advanced Statistics and Quantitative Methods 11

First (and Second) Steps in Statistics

Intermediate / Advanced Statistics and Quantitative Methods

Second Edition

Kamala London, University of Toledo

New edition!

Dictionary of Statistics & Methodology

This text provides a clear and concise introduction to the main statistical procedures used in the social and behavioral sciences. The authors present the rationale and methods for analyzing data using engaging examples with an emphasis on understanding rather than computation. CONTENTS 1. Univariate Statistics 1: Histograms and Boxplots 2. Univariate Statistics 2: The Mean and Standard Deviation 3. Univariate Statistics 3: Proportions and Bar Charts 4. Sampling and Allocation 5. Inference and Confidence Intervals 6. Hypothesis Testing: t tests and Alternatives 7. Comparing More than Two Groups or More than Two Variables 8. Regression and Correlation 9. Factorial ANOVAs and Multiple Regression 10. Categorical Data Analysis Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-1142-9 ©2010, 248 pages

A Nontechnical Guide for the Social Sciences Fourth Edition W. Paul Vogt Burke Johnson, University of South Alabama Written in a clear, readable style with a wide range of explanations and examples, the Fourth Edition of this must-have reference guide for every social scientist’s bookshelf has been updated throughout to reflect recent changes in the fields of statistics and methodology. Packed with new terms, new synonyms, and new graphics, this best-selling dictionary provides readers with everything they need to read and understand a research report, including elementary terms and concepts, methodology and design terms relating to statistical analysis and measurement, as well as concepts from qualitative research methods and the more qualitative traditions in research, plus terms from theory and philosophy, and much more. Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7109-6 March 2011, 408 pages

Using IBM® SPSS® Statistics for Social Statistics and Research Methods

Models for Social Networks With Statistical Applications

Third Edition

William E. Wagner III, California State University, Channel Islands Ideal as a companion to a statistics or research methods text or as a stand-alone guide, this text uses images and directions drawn directly from SPSS/PASW Version 18.0 (for both PC and Mac computers) to teach undergraduate students how to use the software to manage data or to conduct statistical data analysis. This fully updated pocket-size guide addresses a wide variety of data analysis topics, making it useful for the classroom or for independent study, and offers a number of useful insider tips and hints for students. CONTENTS 1. Overview 2. Transforming Variables 3. Selecting and Sampling Cases 4. Organization and Presentation of Information 5. Charts and Graphs 6. Cross-Tabulations and Measures of Association for Nominal and Ordinal Variables 7. Correlations and Regression Analysis 8. Logistic Regression Analysis 9. Testing Hypothesis using Means and Crosstabulation 10. Analysis of Variance 11. Editing Output 12. Advanced Applications Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7333-5 ©2010, 128 pages

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Suraj Bandyopadhyay, A. R. Rao, and Bikas K. Sinha, Indian Statistical Institute, India Written by a sociologist, a graph theorist, and a statistician, this title provides social network analysts and students with a solid statistical foundation from which to analyze network data. The authors use real life village-level social networks to illustrate the practicalities, potentials, and constraints of social network analysis (“SNA”). They also offer relevant sampling and inferential aspects of the techniques while dealing with potentially large networks. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Social Network Analysis 2. Introduction to Digraphs 3. Graph-theoretic and Statistical Models 4. Validation of Statistical Models 5. Graph-theoretic and Statistical Measures and Methods 6. Graph-theoretic Case Studies 7. Sampling and Inference in a Social Network Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-4168-6 ©2010, 256 pages


Daniel B. Wright, Florida International University

12 Intermediate / Advanced Statistics and Quantitative Methods

Bare-Bones R

An R Companion to Applied Regression

A Brief Introductory Guide


Thomas P. Hogan, University of Scranton

Second Edition

John Fox, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

This text provides a practical, hands-on introduction to the elements of R and R Commander. Assuming no background in computer programming, author Thomas P. Hogan guides the novice in using these valuable tools for statistical analysis. The book walks the reader through steps for downloading and then works through examples of basic statistical processing. CONTENTS

Sanford Weisberg Intended as a companion to a text or course on modern applied regression analysis, this completely rewritten Second Edition provides an extensive introduction to the R statistical environment in the context of applied regression. CONTENTS


1. Getting Started With R 2. Reading and Manipulating Data 3. Exploring and Transforming Data 4. Fitting Linear Models 5. Fitting Generalized Linear Models 6. Diagnosing Problems in Linear and Generalized Linear Models 7. Drawing Graphs 8. Writing Programs

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8041-8 ©2010, 96 pages Student Study Site,

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7514-8

Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear Models

©2011, 472 pages

Practical Statistics A Quick and Easy Guide to IBM® SPSS® Statistics, STATA, and Other Statistical Software

Second Edition

John Fox, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Combining a modern, data-analytic perspective with a focus on applications in the social sciences, this text provides in-depth coverage of regression analysis, generalized linear models, and closely related methods. CONTENTS PART I. DATA CRAFT PART II. LINEAR MODELS AND LEAST SQUARES PART III. LINEAR-MODEL DIAGNOSTICS PART IV. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS PART V. EXTENDING LINEAR AND GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS

David Kremelberg, University of Connecticut, Storrs This book provides readers with step-by-step guidance on running a wide variety of statistical analyses in IBM® SPSS® Statistics, Stata, and other programs. Author David Kremelberg begins his user-friendly text by covering charts and graphs through regression, time-series analysis, and factor analysis. He provides a background of the method, then explains how to run these tests in IBM SPSS and Stata. He then progresses to more advanced kinds of statistics such as HLM and SEM, where he describes the tests and explains how to run these tests in their appropriate software including HLM and AMOS.

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-7619-3042-6


©2008, 688 pages

1. An Introduction to Statistics & Quantitative Methods 2. An Introduction to IBM® SPSS® Statistics and Stata 3. Descriptive Statistics 4. Pearson’s r, Chi-square, t-Test, and ANOVA 5. Linear Regression 6. Logistic, Ordered, Multinomial, Negative Binomial, and Poisson Regression 7. Factor Analysis 8. Time-Series Analysis 9. Hierarchical Linear Modeling 10. Structural Equation Modeling


Introducing Survival and Event History Analysis Melinda Mills, University of Groningen, The Netherlands Written for accessibility, this book will appeal to students and researchers who want to understand the basics of survival and event history analysis and apply these methods without getting entangled in mathematical and theoretical technicalities. Inside, readers are offered a blueprint for their entire research project from data preparation to model selection and diagnostics.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7494-3 ©2011, 528 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0102-4 January 2011, 288 pages pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Intermediate / Advanced Statistics and Quantitative Methods 13

Propensity Score Analysis

Applied Statistics From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques Rebecca M. Warner, University of New Hampshire

Shenyang Guo and Mark W. Fraser, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

This text provides a clear introduction to widely used topics in bivariate and multivariate statistics, including multiple regression, discriminant analysis, MANOVA, factor analysis, and binary logistic regression. The approach is applied and does not require formal mathematics as equations are accompanied by verbal explanations.

This text provides readers with a systematic review of the origins, history, and statistical foundations of PSA and illustrates how it can be used for solving evaluation problems. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Counterfactual Framework and Assumptions 3. Conventional Methods for Data Balancing 4. Sample Selection and Related Methods 5. Propensity Score Matching and Related Methods 6. Matching Estimators 7. Propensity Score Analysis with Nonparametric Regression 8. Selection Bias and Sensitivity Analysis 9. Concluding Remarks

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-5356-6 ©2010, 392 pages

Applied Multivariate Research

CONTENTS 1. Review of Basic Concepts 2. Introduction to SPSS: Basic Statistics, Sampling Error, and Confidence Intervals 3. Statistical Significance Testing 4. Preliminary Data Screening 5. Comparing Group Means Using the Independent Samples t Test 6. One-Way Between-Subjects Analysis of Variance 7. Bivariate Pearson Correlation 8. Alternative Correlation Coefficients 9. Bivariate Regression 10. Adding a Third Variable: Preliminary Exploratory Analyses 11. Multiple Regression With Two Predictor Variables 12. Dummy Predictor Variables and Interaction Terms in Multiple Regression 13. Factorial Analysis of Variance 14. Multiple Regression With More Than Two Predictors 15. Analysis of Covariance 16. Discriminant Analysis 17. Multivariate Analysis of Variance 18. Principal Components and Factor Analysis 19. Reliability, Validity, and Multiple-Item Scales 20. Analysis of Repeated Measures 21. Binary Logistic Regression

Design and Interpretation

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-7619-2772-3

Lawrence S. Meyers, Sacramento State University

©2007, 1128 pages

Glenn Gamst, University of La Verne

Instructor Resource Site, 

A. J. Guarino, Auburn University This book provides full coverage of the wide range of multivariate topics in a conceptual rather than mathematical approach. The authors gear the text toward the needs, level of sophistication, and interest in multivariate methodology of students in these applied programs who need to focus on design and interpretation rather than the intricacies of specific computations. CONTENTS PART I. FOUNDATIONS PART II. THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE VARIATE PART III. THE DEPENDENT VARIABLE VARIATE PART IV. THE EMERGENT VARIATE PART V. MODEL FITTING

Multiple Regression A Primer Paul D. Allison, University of Pennsylvania Presenting topics in the form of questions and answers, this popular supplemental text offers a brief introduction on multiple regression on a conceptual level. The author answers the most essential questions (such as how to read and interpret multiple regression tables and how to critique multiple regression results) in the early chapters, and then tackles the less important question (for instance, those arising from multicollinearity) in the later chapters.

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-0412-4


©2006, 760 pages

1. What Is Multiple Regression? 2. How Do I Interpret Multiple Regression Results? 3. What Can Go Wrong with Multiple Regression? 4. How Do I Run a Multiple Regression? 5. How Does Bivariate Regression Work? 6. What Are the Assumptions of Multiple Regression? 7. What Can Be Done about Multicollinearity? 8. How Can Multiple Regression Handle Nonlinear Relationships? 9. How Is Multiple Regression Related to Other Statistical Techniques?

Student Study Site,

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-8533-4 ©1998, 224 pages

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Statistical Methods and Applications

14 Intermediate / Advanced Statistics and Quantitative Methods


About the Author Andy Field is Professor of Child Psychopathology at the University of Sussex, U.K.. His ability to make statistics accessible and fun has been recognized with teaching awards from the University of Sussex (2001), the British Psychological Society (2007) and in 2010 he was awarded a prestigious National Teaching Fellowship.

Discovering Statistics Using SPSS

Also available in an edition featuring SAS…

Discovering Statistics Using SAS

Third Edition

Professor Andy Field, University of Sussex, U.K. Written in his vivid and entertaining style, Andy Field provides students with everything they need to understand, use and report statistics—at every level—in the Third Edition of Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. Retaining the strong pedagogy from previous editions, he makes statistics meaningful by including playful examples from everyday student life (among other places), creating a gateway into the often intimidating world of statistics. In the process, he presents an opportunity for students to ground their knowledge of statistics through the use of SPSS. Ancillaries • A password-protected Instructor Teaching Site at offers a test bank with over 300 multiple choice questions ready to upload to WebCT, Blackboard or other virtual learning environments, electronic charts and diagrams for classroom use, and PowerPoint slides written by the author. • A Student Study Site at includes animated “SPSS walk-through” videos clearly demonstrating how to use the latest SPSS modules, self-checking multiple choice questions, datasets for Psychology, Business & Management and Health Sciences, a flash-card glossary for testing knowledge of key concepts, and access to support material from SAGE study skills books. • In addition, students can purchase the text as a bundle that includes a copy of SPSS Student Version 17.0 (ISBN: 978-1-4129-7752-4).

Andy Field, University of Sussex, U.K. Jeremy Miles, RAND Corporation Hot on the heels of Andy Field’s best-selling Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Third Edition (2009), the author has teamed up with a coauthor, Jeremy Miles, to adapt this textbook for SAS® using the most up-to-date commands and programming language available in latest release 9.2. As with its sister textbook, this book takes the entry level student from first principles right through to advanced level statistical concepts all the while grounding knowledge through the use of SAS®. Key Features • Starts with introductory statistical theory and methods and finishes with advanced level methods – the book for any research problem, and any level of course use • Provides features and characters that support the learning process throughout the book, from providing tips on how to enter data in SAS® properly to testing knowledge covered in chapters interactively • Employs a combination of invented and real published research datasets for students. Found on the Companion Website, along with a host of other materials for lecturers and students ( CONTENTS



Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7907-3

©2010, 752 pages

©2009, 856 pages

| Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Intermediate / Advanced Statistics and Quantitative Methods 15

Using SPSS Syntax

Modern Regression Techniques Using R

A Beginner’s Guide Jacqueline Collier, University of Nottingham, U.K.

A Practical Guide Kamala London, University of Toledo In an engaging and readable format, the authors describe the most useful statistical techniques and provide step-by-step instructions, using the freeware R, to analyze datasets that can be located on the books’ webpage via the SAGE homepage.

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Syntax for Data Entry 3. Increasing the Usability of the Datafile 4. Amending the Datafile 5. Syntax Involving String Variables 6. Syntax Involving Date and Time Variables 7. Syntax for Manipulating Numeric Variables 8. Syntax for Data Exploration 9. Syntax to Enable the Use of Only Sub-Sections of the Data 10. Syntax for Graphs 11. Syntax for Univariate Analysis 12. Syntax for Linear and Logistic Regression Analysis 13. Understanding Error Messages and Warnings Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-2218-0 ©2010, 216 pages

CONTENTS 1. Very Brief Introduction to R 2. Very Brief Introduction to R 3. The Basic Regression 4. ANOVA as Regression 5. ANCOVA: Lord’s Paradox and Mediation Analysis 6. Model Selection and Shrinkage 7. Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) 8. Regression Splines and Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) 9. Multilevel Models 10. Robust Regression 11. Conclusion - Make Your Data Cool Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7903-5 ©2010, 216 pages


Handbook of Data Analysis

An Introduction R. Michael Furr, Wake Forest University

Paperback Edition

Melissa A. Hardy, The Pennsylvania State University Alan Bryman, University of Leicester, U.K. No other book provides a better one-stop survey of the field of data analysis. In 30 specially commissioned chapters the editors aim to encourage readers to develop an appreciation of the range of analytic options available, so they can choose a research problem and then develop a suitable approach to data analysis. CONTENTS PART I. FOUNDATIONS PART II. THE GENERAL LINEAR MODEL AND EXTENSIONS PART III. LONGITUDINAL MODELS PART IV. NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN MODELING PART V. ANALYZING QUALITATIVE DATA

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0116-1 ©2010, 728 pages

Verne R. Bacharach, Appalachian State University Focusing on a conceptual understanding of psychometric issues such as validity and reliability and on purpose rather than procedure, this book explores the “why” rather than the “how to.” By emphasizing practical significance and concepts rather than mathematical proofs, the book helps students appreciate how to address measurement problems and why it is important to address them. CONTENTS 1. Psychometrics and the Importance of Psychological Measurement 2. Scaling 3. Individual Differences and Correlations 4. Test Dimensionality and Factor Analysis 5. Reliability: Conceptual Basis 6. Empirical Estimates of Reliability 7. Importance of Reliability 8. Validity: The Conceptual Basis 9. Validity: Estimating and Evaluating Convergent and Discriminant Validity 10. Response Biases 11. Test Bias 12. Generalizability Theory 13. Item Response Theory and Rasch Models Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-2760-4 ©2008, 368 pages

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Daniel B. Wright, Florida International University

The book is written in such a way as to enable you to pick and choose how much you rely on one method over the other, encouraging you to use them side-by-side, with a gradual increase in use of syntax as the knowledge, skills and confidence develop.

16 Introduction to Qualitative Methods Bestseller!

Introduction to Qualitative Methods


Hierarchical Linear Models

Designing Qualitative Research

Applications and Data Analysis Methods Second Edition Stephen W. Raudenbush, University of Michigan, Emeritus

Fifth Edition

Anthony S. Bryk, University of Chicago “This is a first-class book dealing with one of the most important areas of current research in applied statistics…the methods described are widely applicable,…the standard of exposition is extremely high.”  — International Statistical Institute Popular in the First Edition for its rich, illustrative examples and lucid explanations of the theory and use of hierarchical linear models (HLM), the book has been reorganized into four parts with four completely new chapters. The first two parts, Part I on “The Logic of Hierarchical Linear Modeling” and Part II on “Basic Applications” closely parallel the first nine chapters of the previous edition with significant expansions and technical clarifications. CONTENTS PART I. THE LOGIC OF HIERARCHICAL LINEAR MODELING PART II. BASIC APPLICATIONS PART III. ADVANCED APPLICATIONS PART IV. ESTIMATION THEORY AND COMPUTATIONS Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-7619-1904-9 ©2002, 512 pages

Catherine Marshall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gretchen B. Rossman, University of Massachusetts, Amherst This popular text provides useful and pragmatic guidance for developing and successfully defending proposals for qualitative inquiry. The Fifth Edition addresses the advances and challenges presented by developments and new applications while providing clear and direct guidance. Key Features • This version of the book addresses recent thinking on “the researcher in the research setting” • This edition includes updated references and Further Reading sections • The end of each chapter features a post script that consists of a dialogue between a student and an advisor and which illustrates design dilemmas in real time • The text walks readers through the crafting of a research project from start to finish in a step-by-step fashion CONTENTS

Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables J. Scott Long, Indiana University, Bloomington

1. Introduction 2. Qualitative Research Genres 3. Trustworthiness and Ethics 4. The What of the Study: Building the Conceptual Framework 5. The How of the Study: Building the Research Design 6. Primary Data Collection Methods 7. Secondary and Specialized Methods 8. Managing, Analyzing, and Interpreting Data 9. Planning Time and Resources 10. Revisiting Proposal as Argument and Forecasting Final Representations Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7044-0

Class-tested at two major universities and written by an award-winning teacher, this text gives readers unified treatment of the most useful models for categorical and limited dependent variables (CLDVs). Throughout the book, the links among models are made explicit, and common methods of derivation, interpretation, and testing are applied.

©2010, 344 pages

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Continuous Outcomes 3. Binary Outcomes 4. Testing and Fit 5. Ordinal Outcomes 6. Nominal Outcomes 7. Limited Outcomes 8. Count Outcomes 9. Conclusions

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-8039-7374-9 ©1997, 328 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Introduction to Qualitative Methods 17

The Practice of Qualitative Research Second Edition

Patricia Leavy, Stonehill College This engaging student-centered text presents invaluable insights into the practice of qualitative and mixed methods research. In this thoroughly updated edition, authors Sharlene Nagy HesseBiber and Patricia Leavy offer a mix of theoretical approaches for qualitative methods practice that ranges from the interpretive tradition to critical perspectives. Key Features • NEW! Chapters on the case study approach and how to write up qualitative research • NEW! Enhanced coverage of ethics woven throughout each chapter • NEW! Exemplary research studies designed to engage students in hands-on research practice • In-depth example, carried throughout the chapter, so that students have a clear understanding of how each concept explained can be used during actual qualitative practice. • Two types of exercise sets: to give students the opportunity to review the chapter’s concepts and out-of-class exercises that can provide opportunities for students to do actual research

Learning in the Field An Introduction to Qualitative Research Third Edition Gretchen B. Rossman and Sharon F. Rallis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst The popular text that helped readers better understand and practice qualitative research has been completely updated and revised. To help readers better visualize and grasp the concepts, issues, and complexities of qualitative inquiry, the authors introduce each chapter with discussions among three “characters”—students whose research projects demonstrate the challenges and excitement of qualitative research. CONTENTS 1. Qualitative Research as Learning 2. The Researcher as Learner 3. The Researcher as Competent and Ethical 4. Major Qualitative Research Genres 5. Planning the Research 6. Entering the Field 7. Gathering Data in the Field 8. Our Characters’ Data 9. Issues That Arise in the Field 10. Analyzing and Interpreting Data 11. Our Characters’ Analyses 12. Presenting the Learnings Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8048-7 July 2011, 420 pages

CONTENTS PART I. QUALITATIVE PRACTICE 1. An Invitation to Qualitative Research 2. Approaches to Qualitative Research 3. Designing Qualitative Approaches to Research 4. Ethics of Social Research PART II. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION 5. In-Depth Interview 6. Oral History 7. Focus Group Interviews 8. Ethnography 9. Content Analysis and Unobtrusive Methods 10. Case Study 11. Mixed Methods PART III. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 12. Analysis and Interpretation 13. The Writing and Representation of Qualitative Research 14. The Research Nexus

Qualitative Research Third Edition

David Silverman, Goldsmiths College, University of London, U.K. This book assembles a team of internationallyrenowned researchers who share a commitment to rigorous qualitative research concerned with how social worlds are constructed. The contributors reflect on the analysis of various types of qualtiative data – observations, interviews, focus groups, documents, talk, visual data and the internet – using helpful case-studies.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7457-8


©2010, 424 pages


Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0417-0 ©2011, 464 pages

To review our complete catalog, please visit


Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Boston College


18 Introduction to Qualitative Methods

A Practical Guide

Engaging Crystallization in Qualitative Research

Melanie Birks, Monash University, Australia

An Introduction

Jane Mills, Deputy Head of School Cairns Campus, James Cook University, Australia

Laura L. Ellingson, Santa Clara University



Grounded Theory

Unlike most existing books in this area, which are written from a particular philosophical standpoint, this text provides a comprehensive description of the strategies and techniques employed in this methodology. Birks and Mills accessible and highly-readable text is driven by practical case examples throughout to help the reader get to grips with the process of doing grounded theory analysis for themselves. The book deploys a variety of educational resources to guide readers through both the principles and the application of grounded theory, making this an ideal starter text for those new to the approach.

The first how-to book to both explain and demonstrate crystallization methodology, this text provides a framework for blending grounded theory and other social scientific analyses with creative representations of data, such as narratives, poetry, and film. Author Laura L. Ellingson explores relevant epistemological questions that arise when crossing methodological boundaries, provides detailed steps for design and planning, offers guidelines for improving both social scientific and creative/artistic writing, and suggests strategies for targeting publication outlets for multigenre representations. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Crystallization 2. Ethics and Epistemology: Assumptions Underlying Crystallization 3. Illuminating Options for Analysis and Representation Across the Continuum 4. Strategies for Design: Putting Crystallization Into Practice 5. Bringing It All Together: Integrated Crystallization 6. All Apart: Dendritic Crystallization 7. Writing Across the Continuum 8. Publishing and Promoting Crystallization

CONTENTS 1. Essentials of Grounded Theory 2. Planning a Grounded Theory Study 3. Quality Processes in Grounded Theory Research 4. Positioning the Researcher in a Grounded Theory Study 5. Data Generation and Collection 6. Data Analysis in Grounded Theory 7. Theoretical Integration 8. Presenting a Grounded Theory 9. Evaluation and Application of Grounded Theory 10. Situating Grounded Theory in the Context of Current Debate

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5907-0 ©2009, 240 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0993-8 January 2011, 224 pages


A Realist Approach to Qualitative Research

Recording Culture Audio Documentary and the Ethnographic Experience

Joseph Maxwell, George Mason University

Daniel Makagon, DePaul University

Gretchen B. Rossman and Sharon F. Rallis, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Mark Neumann, Northern Arizona University This volume not only explores the methodological issues related to audio documentary, it also provides readers with practical guidance on how to produce their own audio projects. CONTENTS 1. Writing Culture and Recording Culture 2. Sonic Compositions 3. The Citizen Storyteller Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5493-8

Are cultural and material phenomena equally real? How can one study the relationships between cultural constructions, social behavior and material conditions and draw a valid conclusion from the data? In contrast to interpretive or constructivist positions, realism supports the insights of critical theory in social and educational research regarding the relationships between actors’ perspectives and their actual situations, while avoiding the epistemological objectivism associated with positivism and some forms of post-positivist empiricism. This book will explain how readers can use realism to conceptualize and conduct their qualitative study to get results with greater validity. Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-2923-9 July 2011, 240 pages

©2009, 104 pages Companion Web Site,

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Introduction to Qualitative Methods 19

Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials

The Landscape of Qualitative Research Third Edition

Norman K. Denzin, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign Yvonna S. Lincoln, Texas A&M University In its Third Edition, this edited text introduces the researcher to basic methods of gathering, analyzing and interpreting qualitative empirical materials. CONTENTS PART I. METHODS OF COLLECTING AND ANALYZING EMPIRICAL MATERIALS PART II. THE ART AND PRACTICES OF INTERPRETATION, EVALUATION, AND REPRESENTATION Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5757-1 ©2008, 712 pages

Yvonna S. Lincoln, Texas A&M University This edited book puts the field of qualitative research in context. Part I provides background on the field, Part II isolates the major historical and contemporary paradigms now structuring and influencing qualitative research (chapters move from competing paradigms such as positivist, post positivist, constructivist, and critical theory) to specific interpretive perspectives, and finally Part III considers the future of qualitative research. CONTENTS PART I. LOCATING THE FIELD PART II. PARADIGMS AND PERSPECTIVES IN CONTENTION PART III. THE FUTURE OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5758-8

Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry Third Edition

Norman K. Denzin, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign

©2008, 632 pages

Also from Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln... • The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (p. 75) • Read about Denzin and Lincoln on p. 75.

Yvonna S. Lincoln, Texas A&M University In this edited text, readers are presented with the major tactics—historically, the research methods—that researchers can utilize in conducting concrete qualitative studies. The chapter topics range from performance ethnography to case studies, issues of ethnographic representation, grounded theory strategies, testimonies, participatory action research, and clinical research.

Writing Up Qualitative Research Third Edition

Harry F. Wolcott, University of Oregon

CONTENTS 1. Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research 2. The Practice and Politics of Funded Qualitative Research 3. Performance Ethnography: The Reenacting and Inciting of Culture 4. Qualitative Case Studies 5. The Observation of Participation and the Emergence of Public Ethnography 6. Interpretive Practice and Social Action 7. Grounded Theory in the 21st Century: Applications for Advancing Social Justice Studies 8. Critical Ethnography as Street Performance: Reflections of Home, Race, Murder, and Justice 9. Testimonio, Subalternity, and Narrative Authority 10. Participatory Action Research: Communicative Action and the Public Sphere 11. Clinical Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5756-4 ©2008, 440 pages

In this new edition, author Harry Wolcott continues to offer time-tested suggestions on every aspect of the process, while incorporating new features such as guidelines on how and where to use theory. CONTENTS 1. On Your Mark . . . 2. Get Going 3. Keep Going 4. Linking Up 5. Tightening Up 6. Finishing Up 7. Getting Published Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7011-2 ©2009, 208 pages

To review our complete catalog, please visit


Norman K. Denzin, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign

Third Edition


20 Introduction to Qualitative Methods

Basics of Qualitative Research

Foundations of Qualitative Research

Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory Third Edition

Interpretive and Critical Approaches Jerry W. Willis

Juliet Corbin, International Institute for Qualitative Methodology Anselm Strauss The Third Edition of the best-seller continues to offer immensely practical advice and technical expertise to aid researchers in making sense of their collected data. Full of definitions and illustrative examples, this book concludes with chapters that present criteria for evaluating a study, as well as responses to common questions posed by students of qualitative research. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Practical Considerations 3. Prelude to Analysis 4. Strategies for Qualitative Data Analysis 5. Introduction to Context, Process and Theoretical Integration 6. Memos and Diagrams 7. Theoretical Sampling 8. Analyzing Data for Concepts 9. Elaborating the Analysis 10. Analyzing Data for Context 11. Bringing Process into the Analysis 12. Integrating Around a Concept 13. Writing Theses, Monographs, and Giving Talks 14. Criterion for Evaluation 15. Student Questions and Answers

This book introduces key theoretical and epistemological concepts replete with historical and current real-world examples. Author Jerry W. Willis provides an invaluable resource to guide the critical and qualitative inquiry process written in an accessible and non-intimidating style that brings these otherwise difficult concepts to life. CONTENTS 1. World Views, Paradigms, and the Practice of Social Science Research 2. History and Context of Paradigm Development 3. Foundational Issues: Postpositivist and Critical Perspectives 4. History and Foundations of Interpretivist Research 5. Frameworks for Qualitative Research 6. General Guidelines for Qualitative Research 7. Methods of Qualitative Research 8. Approaches to Data Analysis and Interpretation 9. 21st Century Social Science: Peering into the Future Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-2741-3 ©2007, 392 pages


Arts Based Research

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-0644-9

Tom Barone, Arizona State University

©2008, 400 pages

Elliot W. Eisner, Stanford University

The SAGE Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry Third Edition

Thomas A. Schwandt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Intended as a guide to the terms and phrases that partially shape the origins, purpose, logic, meaning, and methods of the practices known as qualitative inquiry, students and teachers will find this Third Edition a very useful resource for navigating various perspectives on qualitative inquiry and as a starting point for launching their own investigations into the issues covered in this guide.

Designed to be used as both a class text and a resource for researchers and practitioners, Arts Based Research provides a framework for those who seek to broaden the domain of qualitative inquiry in the social sciences by incorporating the arts as forms that represent human knowing. CONTENTS 1. What is and What is Not Arts Based Research? 2. Why Do Arts-Based Research? 3. Yes, But is it Research? 4. Who Can Do Arts Based Research? 5. Who Can Be the Audience for Arts-Based Research? 6. Can Arts Based Research Be Fictive? 7. How Might Arts Based Research Be Both Political and Ethical? 8. What are Some Criteria for Assessing Arts Based Research? 9. Is there a Place for Theory in Arts Based Research? 10. What Are Some Fundamental Ideas from Arts-Based Research? Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8247-4 March 2011, 232 pages

CONTENTS 1. Conventions 2. Readers’ Guide 3. Preface 4. About the Author 5. List of Terms

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-0927-3 ©2007, 376 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Introduction to Qualitative Methods 21

Handling Qualitative Data

Choosing Among Five Approaches Second Edition

A Practical Guide Second Edition

John W. Creswell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Lyn Richards, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia

Like the best-selling First Edition, this new version explores the philosophical underpinnings, history, and key elements of each of five qualitative inquiry approaches: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. Using an accessible and engaging writing style, Creswell compares theoretical frameworks, ways to employ standards of quality, and strategies for writing introductions to studies, collecting data, analyzing data, writing a narrative, and verifying results. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Philosophical, Paradigmatic, and Interpretive Frameworks 3. Designing a Qualitative Study 4. Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry 5. Five Different Qualitative Studies 7. Data Collection 8. Data Analysis and Representation 9. Writing a Qualitative Study 10. Standards of Validation and Evaluation 11. “Turning the Story” and Conclusions Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-1607-3 ©2007, 416 pages

This new edition of Lyn Richards’ popular book provides an accessible introduction to qualitative research for students and practitioners. The book helps novice researchers to acquire the skills and understanding of methodological issues that they need as they work through their research project. CONTENTS PART I. SETTING UP 1. Setting Up Your Project 2. Making Qualitative Data 3. Data Records PART II. WORKING WITH THE DATA 4. Up From The Data 5. Coding 6. Handling Ideas PART III. MAKING SENSE OF YOUR DATA 7. What Are You Aiming For? 8. Searching The Data 9. Seeing A Whole 10. Telling It Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0218-2 ©2010, 232 pages


Qualitative Research Methods Monique Hennink, Emory University

Working with Qualitative Data

Inge Hutter and Ajay Bailey, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

William Gibson and Andrew Brown, University of London, U.K.

This comprehensive text takes a practical approach that mirrors the path that students follow in conducting a research project. The book is based on the authors’ highly successful multidisciplinary qualitative methods workshops, which have been conducted for over a decade. They introduce a “qualitative research cycle” that leads students through the selection of appropriate methods, the collection of data, and the transformation of findings into a finished project. The book provides a clear explanation of the nature of qualitative research and its key concepts. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to the Book 2. The Nature of Qualitative Research PART I. THE DESIGN CYCLE 3. The Design Cycle 4. Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research PART II. THE ETHNOGRAPHIC CYCLE 5. Participant Recruitment 6. In-Depth Interviews 7. Focus Group Discussions 8. Observation PART III. THE ANALYTIC CYCLE 9. Data Preparation and Developing Codes 10. Textual Data Analysis 11. Writing Qualitative Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-2226-5 ©2011, 300 pages

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In this highly accessible text, Gibson and Brown offer practical advice on introducing an analytical component to every stage of doing research, from designing a project through the write-up.

CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Qualitative Data Analysis in Context 2. Theory, Grounded Theory and Analysis 3. Engaging with Literature 4. Research Design 5. Using Documents in Research 6. Generating Data through Questions and Observation 7. Transcribing and Representing Data 8. Identifying Themes, Codes and Hypotheses 9. Images and Texts 10. Video and Audio Data 11. Using Technology 12. Writing and Presenting Analysis 13. Concluding Remarks Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4572-1 ©2010, 232 pages


Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design

22 Introduction to Qualitative Methods | Intermediate / Advanced Qualitative Methods


The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers Johnny Saldana, Arizona State University This text provides, in one volume, an in-depth guide to each of the multiple approaches to coding qualitative researching—ranging in complexity from beginner to advanced level and covering everything from interview transcripts to field notes. CONTENTS PART I. AN INTRODUCTION TO CODES AND CODING PART II. WRITING ANALYTIC MEMOS PART III. FIRST CYCLE CODING METHODS PART IV. SECOND CYCLE CODING METHODS PART V. POST-CODING AND PRE-WRITING


Indigenous Research Methodologies Bagele Chilisa, University of Botswana Following the increasing emphasis in the classroom and in the field to sensitize researchers and students to diverse epistemologies, methods, and methodologies especially those of women, minority groups, former colonized societies, indigenous people, historically oppressed communities, and people with disabilities, author Bagele Chilisa has written the first research methods textbook that situates research in a larger, historical, cultural, and global context with case studies from around the globe to make very visible the specific methodologies that are commensurate with the transformative paradigm of research and the historical and cultural traditions of indigenous peoples. CONTENTS 1. Situating Knowledge Systems 2. Discovery and Recovery: Reading and Conducting Research Responsibly 3. Whose Reality Counts? Research Methods in Question 4. Postcolonial Indigenous Paradigms 5. Community Centred Methods 6. culturally Responsive Indigenous Research Methodologies 7. Indigenous Interview Strategies 8. Participatory-Transformative Indigenous Research Methods 9. Postcolonial Indigenous Feminist Research Methodologies 10. Building Partnerships to Promote a Mosaic of Research Knowledge

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7549-5 ©2010, 240 pages

An Introduction to Qualitative Research

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5882-0 May 2011, 288 pages

Fourth Edition

Uwe Flick, Alice-Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany Guiding students step-by-step through the qualitative research process, this classic text provides unmatched coverage of the full range of qualitative methods and approaches available, including a new chapter on Grounded Theory.

Intermediate / Advanced Qualitative Methods New!

Doing Visual Research


Claudia Mitchell, McGill University Visual methods are becoming more popular across many subject areas in the social sciences, since the technology necessary is now so accessible. Mitchell is a known name in visual methods, and this book is a good introduction for anyone new to using visual methods.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7324-8 ©2010, 528 pages

CONTENTS PART I. GETTING STARTED 1. Introduction: Why Visual Studies for Social Change? 2. Ethical Issues in Visual Research PART II. VISUAL METHODS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE: TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES 3. Photographs and Memory Work Studies 4. Seeing for Ourselves through Photo-Voice 5. Participatory Video 6. Drawing as a Participatory Visual Methodology 7. Objects-in-Inquiry: Things, Artifacts, Objects, Documents and Texts PART III. ON INTERPRETING AND USING IMAGES 8. Working with Images/Writing about Images 9. The Politics of Display: Aesthetics and Technicalities 10. Can Visual Methods Make a Difference? From Practice to Policy Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4583-7 May 2011, 256 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Intermediate / Advanced Qualitative Methods 23

Qualitative Research Design


Applied Thematic Analysis This book provides step-by-step instructions on how to analyze text generated from in-depth interviews and focus groups. The book is primarily designed for research studies with an applied focus, but is also useful for theoretically oriented qualitative research. The book covers all aspects of the qualitative data analysis process including planning, data preparation, identification of themes, codebook development and code application, reliability and inter-coder agreement, data reduction techniques, comparative techniques, integration with quantitative data, and software considerations. Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-7167-6

Joseph A. Maxwell, George Mason University This invaluable book presents an innovative approach to the components of design and how they interact with each other. Author Joseph Maxwell presents a clear strategy for creating coherent and workable relationships among these design components and highlights key design issues. CONTENTS

Reflexive Methodology

1. A Model for Qualitative Research Design 2. Goals: Why Are You Doing This Study? 3. Conceptual Framework: What Do You Think Is Going On? 4. Research Questions: What Do You Want to Understand? 5. Methods: What Will You Actually Do? 6. Validity: How Might You Be Wrong? 7. Research Proposals: Presenting and Justifying a Qualitative Study

New Vistas for Qualitative Research Second Edition

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-2608-5

March 2011, 416 pages

Mats Alvesson, University of Lund, Sweden

©2005, 420 pages

Kaj Sköldberg, Stockholm School of Business, Sweden In this book, the authors clarify the links between techniques used in empirical research and different research traditions, giving a theoretically informed approach to qualitative research. This updated Second Edition includes a new chapter on positivism, social constructionism, and critical realism, and offers new conclusions on the applications of methodology. CONTENTS 1. Introduction: The Intellectualization of Method 2. (Post-)Positivism, Social Constructionism, Critical Realism: Three Reference Points in the Philosophy of Science 3. Data-Oriented Methods: Empiricist Techniques and Procedures 4. Hermeneutics: Interpretation and Insight 5. Critical Theory: The Political and Ideological Dimension 6. Poststructuralism and Postmodernism: Destabilizing Subject and Text 7. Language/Gender/Power: Discourse Analysis, Feminism and Genealogy 8. On Reflexive Interpretation: The Play of Interpretive Levels 9. Applications of Reflexive Methodology: Strategies, Criteria, Varieties Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0112-3 ©2010, 360 pages

New edition!

“Stretching” Exercises for Qualitative Researchers Third Edition

Valerie J. Janesick, University of South Florida In this updated version of her innovative and distinctive book, “Stretching” Exercises for Qualitative Researchers, author Valerie J. Janesick extends her dance and yoga metaphors to strengthen her argument that tapping into one’s artistic side—the side that is more creative and less inhibited—is fundamental to realizing one’s potential as a qualitative researcher. With a focus on developing habits of mind through intuition and creativity, this Third Edition provides a series of exercises that are both imaginative and immensely practical in helping students to see the artistic side of research and reflection. Thoroughly classroom-tested, these exercises demystify the research process and help researchers become more active observers, interviewers, and learners as they develop and critique their habits of observation, questioning, creativity, writing, and analysis. CONTENTS 1. Qualitative Research and Habits of Mind 2. The Observation and Writing Habit 3. Advancing the Observation and Reflection Habit 4. The Interviewing and writing habit 5. The Creative Habit 6. The Analysis and Writing Habit Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8045-6 ©2011, 280 pages

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An Interactive Approach Second Edition

Greg Guest and Katherine MacQueen

24 Intermediate / Advanced Qualitative Methods

Wordcraft: Applied Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA)



Cartographies of Knowledge

Tools for Public and Voluntary Social Services

Exploring Qualitative Epistemologies

Vincent E. Faherty, University of Southern Maine

Celine-Marie Pascale, American University Using clear language and concrete examples, this text examines theoretical and historical foundations that shape the premise and logic of qualitative social research. It analyzes qualitative methodology and methods in relationship to issues of agency, subjectivity, and experience. CONTENTS

This text helps students and social service personnel better evaluate agency programs using the various qualitative documents (such as case intake forms and case progress notes) already at their disposal. Author Vincent E. Faherty shows readers not just what to do with qualitative data, but also how they should interpret the meanings. CONTENTS

1. Introduction 2. Philosophical Roots of Research Methodologies 3. Analytic Induction 4. Symbolic Interaction 5. Ethnomethodology 6. Social Research: Drawing New Maps

PART I. THEORY AND PRACTICE 1. Welcome to the “Terminological Jungle” With Figures 2. Subjectivity, Objectivity, and Ethics in Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) With Figures 3. Qualitative Data Analysis: By Computer or by Hand? With Figures 4. A Written Model of QDA, With Figures 5. Applying the QDA Model: Coding, Memoing, Concept Mapping, and Theme Development, With Figures 6. Case Illustrations: Intensive Interviewing 7. Case Illustrations: Participant Observation 8. Case Illustrations: Focus Groups 9. Case Illustrations: Mixed Strategies of Data Collection

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5496-9 ©2011, 192 pages

Qualitative GIS

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6763-1 ©2010, 232 pages

A Mixed Methods Approach Meghan Cope, University of Vermont Sarah Elwood, University of Washington

Analyzing Qualitative Data

This text is one of the few, if any, books that takes a mixed methods approach of qualitative methods and GIS – a growing approach within geography. The authors offer a comprehensive rather than a ‘how-to’ account of specific techniques of this emerging approach.

Systematic Approaches H. Russell Bernard, University of Florida Gery W. Ryan, RAND Corporation Utilizing real-life social science examples, this book walks upper-division undergraduate to graduate students through the steps of collecting and analyzing qualitative data.

CONTENTS PART I. REPRESENTATIONS 1. Metadata as a Site for Imbuing GIS with Qualitative Information 2. Multiple Representations, Significations, and Epistemologies in Community-Based GIS 3. Geographic Information Technologies, Local Knowledge, and Change PART II. ANALYTICAL INTERVENTIONS AND INNOVATIONS 4. Grounded Visualization and Scale: A Recursive Analysis of Community Spaces 5. Computer-Aided Qualitative GIS: A Software-Level Integration of Qualitative Research and GIS PART III. CONCEPTUAL ENGAGEMENTS 6. Affective Visual Geographies and GIScience 7. Towards a Genealogy of Qualitative GIS 8. Conclusion: For Qualitative GIS Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4566-0 ©2010, 192 pages

CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Text: Qualitative Data Analysis 2. Collecting Data 3. Finding Themes 4. Codebooks and Coding 5. Introduction to Data Analysis 6. Conceptual Models 7. First Steps in Analysis: Comparing Attributes of Variables 8. Cultural Domain Analysis: Free Lists, Judged Similarities, and Taxonomies 9. KWIC Analysis, Word Counts, and Semantic Network Analysis 10. Discourse Analysis: Conversation and Performance 11. Narrative Analysis 12. Grounded Theory 13. Content Analysis 14. Schema Analysis 15. Analytic Induction and Qualitative Comparative Analysis 16. Ethnographic Decision Models 17. Sampling Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-2490-6 ©2010, 480 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Intermediate / Advanced Qualitative Methods 25

Qualitative Data Analysis An Expanded Sourcebook Second Edition

Second Edition

Lyn Richards, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia Janice M. Morse, University of Utah, Salt Lake City Using a clear, conversational, and friendly approach, the Second Edition of this text offers novice researchers a readable, practical “readme” guide to get them started in qualitative inquiry.

Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman In this bestselling text, the authors describe each method of data display and analysis in detail, with practical suggestions for adaptation and use. Using examples from a host of social science and professional disciplines and stressing a hands-on, practical approach, this book remains a seminal treatment of this topic. CONTENTS

CONTENTS 1. Why Readme First? 2. Thinking Research 3. The Integrity of Qualitative Research 4. Selecting a Method 5. Grounded Theory 6. Qualitative Research Design 7. Inside Analysis 8. Making Data 9. Coding 10. Abstracting 11. Getting It Right 12. On Getting It Right and Knowing If It’s Wrong 13. Writing It Up 14. Beginning Your Project 15. Groundwork for Beginning Your Project 16. Getting Started

1. Focusing and Bounding the Collection of Data 2. Early Steps in Analysis 3. Within-Case Displays 4. Within-Case Displays 5. Cross-Case Displays 6. Cross-Case Displays 7. Matrix Displays 8. Making Good Sense 9. Ethical Issues in Analysis 10. Producing Reports 11. Concluding Remarks Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8039-5540-0 ©1994, 352 pages

Doing Qualitative Research

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-2743-7 ©2007, 304 pages

A Comprehensive Guide David Silverman, Goldsmiths College, University of London, U.K.

Qualitative Research and Theory Development

Amir Marvasti, Penn State Altoona Chock-full of useful pedagogy, Doing Qualitative Research contains interdisciplinary and realworld examples and student diaries that speak to those readers undertaking new research projects

Mystery as Method Mats Alvesson, University of Lund, Sweden Dan Karreman, Lund University, Sweden Empirical data is one of the cornerstones of knowledge in the social sciences. And yet, the researcher often takes it for granted, reserving his or her imaginative faculties for finding a theory that fits the data. This revealing account of the theory-data relationship calls this faith in data into question and establishes a reflexive framework and vocabulary to explore the creative, political and philosophical elements of data production. CONTENTS 1. The Use of Empirical Material for Theory Development 2. The Role of Constructions and Language in Empirical Research 3. Key Methodological Principles for Detecting Mysteries 4. A Methodology of Sorts for Theorizing from Empirical Material 5. Illustrating the Development and Resolution of Mysteries 6. Research Guided or Assisted by Mystery? Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8570-2324-7 June 2011, 144 pages

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README FIRST for a User’s Guide to Qualitative Methods


26 Intermediate / Advanced Qualitative Methods

Video in Qualitative Research

Analysis in Qualitative Research

Christian Heath, Jon Hindmarsh, and Paul Luff, King’s College London, U.K.

Hennie R. Boeije, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

This is the first book to provide practical guidance for students and academics on how to use video in qualitative research, how to address the problems and issues that arise in undertaking video-based field studies, and how to subject video recordings to detailed scrutiny and analysis. The authors consider the ethical and practical issues that arise in recording and gathering data as well as how video enables new and distinctive ways of presenting insights, observations, and findings to both academic and practitioner audiences.

This book helps readers prepare and successfully finish qualitative data analysis. It sets out an easy to grasp model—the spiral of analysis—that shows how to break up the data with coding and how to subsequently integrate the data to yield a meaningful picture of the phenomenon under study. It offers useful devices to guide the reader through the last difficult integrating phase of qualitative analysis including diagramming, memoing, thinking aloud, and using one’s feelings.



1. Video, Analysis and the Social Sciences 2. Access, Ethics and Project Planning 3. Collecting Audio-Visual Data 4. Analysing Video: Developing Preliminary Observations 5. Matters Of Context: Objects, Participation and Institutional Practice 6. Preparing Presentations and Publications 7. Implications, Applications and New Developments Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-2943-1 ©2010, 184 pages


Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7007-0 ©2010, 240 pages

Qualitative Inquiry Thematic, Narrative and Arts-Informed Perspectives

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Lynn Butler-Kisber, McGill University, Canada This book examines theory, method and interpretation in a way that is meaningful to students and new researchers, as well as discussing newer, more avant-garde, developments in qualitative research in artsinformed inquiry.

Theory, Method and Research Jonathan A. Smith, University of London, Birkbeck College, U.K. Paul Flowers, Glasgow Caledonian University, U.K. Michael Larkin, University of Birmingham, U.K.

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Issues in Qualitative Inquiry 3. Constant Comparison Inquiry 4. Phenomenological Inquiry 5. Narrative Inquiry 6. Poetic Inquiry 7. Collage Inquiry 8. Photographic Inquiry 9. Performative Inquiry 10. Future Directions Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4820-3 ©2010, 168 pages

This book presents a comprehensive guide to interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) which is an increasingly popular approach to qualitative inquiry taught to undergraduate and postgraduate students today. CONTENTS PART I. DOING IPA: THEORY AND METHOD 1. The Theoretical Foundations of IPA 2. Planning an IPA Research Study 3. Collecting Data 4. Analysis 5. Writing up PART II. IPA RESEARCH 6. Health and Illness 7. Sex and Sexuality 8. Psychological Distress 9. Life Transitions and Identity PART III. CURRENT ISSUES FOR IPA 10. Assessing Validity 11. The Relationship Between IPA and Other Approaches 12. Conclusion and Reflections on Future Developments Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-0834-4 ©2010, 232 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Intermediate / Advanced Qualitative Methods 27

Methods for Critical Discourse Analysis

Qualitative Data Analysis

Second Edition

An Introduction

Michael Meyer, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Germany This text provides a concise and comprehensive introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis, appropriate for both novice and experienced researchers. This new edition has been updated throughout, with a new introduction contextualizing the development of the CDA approach, and two entirely new chapters on the “social actor approach” to CDA. CONTENTS 1. Critical Discourse Analysis: History, Agenda, Theory and Methodology 2. Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Foucauldian Critical Discourse Analysis and Dispositive Analysis 3. Critical Discourse Studies: A Sociocognitive Approach 4. The Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) 5. Checks and Balances: How Corpus Linguistics Can Contribute to CDA 6. Discourse as the Recontextualization of Social Practice: A Guide 7. A Dialectical-relational Approach to Critical Discourse Analysis in Social Research

Carol Grbich, The Flinders University of South Australia This book provides a thorough yet accessible reference guide to epistemological changes and their impact on the field of qualitative research, together with a practical guide to the wide range of approaches social science researchers and postgraduate students are currently using to design and analyze this form of data. CONTENTS PART I. THE STATE OF THE ART PART II. SPECIFIC ANALYTICAL APPROACHES PART III. ANALYSIS OF DOCUMENTATION PART IV. WRITING UP DATA PART V. QUALITATIVE COMPUTING PROGRAMS Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-2143-5 ©2007, 264 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7455-9

Constructing Grounded Theory

©2009, 216 pages

Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo Patricia Bazeley, Research Support Pty Limited, Australia Through this very practical book, readers are guided on how to make best use of the powerful and flexible tools offered by the latest version of NVivo as they work through each stage of their research projects. Explanations draw on examples from her own and others’ projects, and are supported by the methodological literature. CONTENTS 1. Perspectives 2. Starting a Project 3. Making Data Records 4. Working with Data 5. Connecting Ideas 6. Managing Data 7. The ‘Pit Stop’ 8. Going Further Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-2141-1 ©2007, 232 pages

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A Practical Guide through Qualitative Analysis Kathy Charmaz, Sonoma State University Kathy Charmaz, one of the world’s leading theorists and exponents of grounded theory, introduces readers to the craft of using grounded theory in social research and provides a clear, step-by-step guide for those new to the field. Using examples throughout, the book also maps out an alternative vision of grounded theory put forward by its founding thinkers, Glaser and Strauss. Essential reading for students, new researchers, and seasoned social scientists alike, this book is one of those rare things, a textbook that is both accessible to those new to the field but also one that has important things to say about the nature of social enquiry itself. CONTENTS 1. An Invitation to Grounded Theory 2. Gathering Rich Data 3. Coding in Grounded Theory Practice 4. Memo-Writing 5. Theoretical Sampling, Saturation and Sorting 6. Reconstructing Theory in Grounded Theory Studies 7. Writing the Draft 8. Reflecting on the Research Process Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-7353-9 ©2006, 224 pages


Ruth Wodak, University of Lancaster, U.K.

28 Action Research

The Action Research Dissertation


Action Research

A Guide for Students and Faculty

New edition!

Kathryn Herr, Montclair State University

Action Research Improving Schools and Empowering Educators Third Edition Craig A. Mertler, University of West Georgia Written for pre- and in-service educators, this Third Edition of Craig A. Mertler’s Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators introduces the process of conducting one’s own classroom- or school-based action research in conjunction with everyday instructional practices and activities. The text provides educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to design research studies, conduct research, and communicate findings to relevant stakeholders and interested parties. CONTENTS PART I. “WHAT IS ACTION RESEARCH?” 1. Introduction to Action Research 2. Overview of the Action Research Process PART II. “HOW DO I BEGIN MY ACTION RESEARCH STUDY?” 3. Planning for Action Research 4. Developing a Research Plan PART III. “WHAT DO I DO WITH ALL THESE DATA?” 5. Collecting Data 6. Analyzing Data PART IV. “I’VE GOT RESULTS!...NOW WHAT?” 7. Developing an Action Plan 8. Sharing and Reflecting 9. Writing Up Action Research

Gary L. Anderson, New York University This must-have resource provides an accessible road map that honors the complexity of action research. This book helps students understand the ways action research dissertations are different from more traditional dissertations and prepares students and their committees for the unique dilemmas they may face, such as validity, positionality, design, write-up, ethics, and defense of the dissertation. CONTENTS 1. Introduction: What is an Action Research Dissertation? 2. Action Research Traditions and Knowledge Interests 3. The Continuum of Positionality in Action Research 4. Quality Criteria for Action Research: An Ongoing Conversation 5. Designing the Plane While Flying it: Proposing and Doing the Dissertation 6. What does a Participatory Action Research Dissertation Look Like? 7. Action Research, Ethics, and the Institutional Review Board 8. Final Thoughts Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-2991-8 ©2005, 176 pages

New Edition!

The Action Research Guidebook

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8889-6

A Four-Step Process for Educators, Leaders, and School Leadership Teams Second Edition

January 2011, 328 pages Student Study Site,

Richard Sagor, Washington State University

Action Research Third Edition

Ernest T. Stringer, Curtin University of Technology The Third Edition of this popular text provides a simple but highly effective model for approaching action research, and the tools necessary to assist the researcher in working through the research process.

Teachers know their particular students, classroom, and schools intimately–therefore, they are best equipped to pick a particular problem (or research question) and then use qualitative or quantitative techniques for further study. The book is organized around Sagor’s four stage process developed from his many years of experience training hundreds of educators: clarifying visions/targets, articulating theory, implementing action and collecting data, and reflecting on data and planning informed action. CONTENTS


1. Introduction to Action Research 2. Finding a Focus 3. Refining the Focus 4. Articulating a Theory in Action 5. Drawing a Theory in Action 6. Determining the Research Questions 7. Building a Data-Collection Plan 8. Analyzing the Data 9. Turning Findings Into Action Plans 10. Reporting and Sharing Action Research 11. Conclusion: The School as a Learning Organization Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8128-6 ©2011, 248 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5223-1 ©2007, 304 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Action Research | Case Study & Narrative Analysis 29

Case Study & Narrative Analysis

David Coghlan, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences

Teresa Brannick, University College Dublin, Ireland

Catherine Kohler Riessman, Boston College

Third Edition

Providing a lively overview of research based on constructing and interpreting narrative, this text helps to improve research practice by giving a detailed discussion of four analytic methods that students can adapt.

This book is the essential resource for any researcher embarking on an action research project in their own organization, and all students of organization studies, education, health studies, and community studies. This new edition of the popular work, provides an easy-to-follow, hands-on guide to every aspect of conducting an action research project in your own organization. CONTENTS PART I. FOUNDATIONS 1. Introducing Action Research 2. Learning In Action 3. Understanding Action Research PART II. IMPLEMENTATION 4. Framing And Selecting Your Insider Project 5. Designing And Implementing Your Action Research Project 6. Interlevel Dynamics In Insider Action Research 7. Using Frameworks To Study Organizations In Action PART III. ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN RESEARCHING YOUR OWN ORGANIZATION 8. Researching Your Own Organization 9. Preunderstanding, Role Duality And Access 10. Managing Organizational Politics And Ethics 11. Writing Your Insider Action Research Dissertation 12. In Conclusion

CONTENTS 1. Looking Back, Looking Forward 2. Constructing Narratives for Research 3. Thematic Analysis 4. Structural Analysis 5. Dialogic Performance Analysis 6. Visual Analysis 7. Truths and Cautions Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-2998-7 ©2008, 264 pages

The Art of Case Study Research

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0216-8

Robert E. Stake, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign

©2010, 184 pages

All You Need to Know About Action Research Second Edition

Jean McNiff, York St. John University, U.K. Jack Whitehead, University of Bath, U.K. In the second edition of All You Need to Know about Action Research, expert practitioners Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead guide you through everything you need to know to plan and carry out a successful action research project. The Second Edition has been thoroughly updated throughout, and now includes new real-life case studies from Education, Health and Business. A new chapter on reviewing the literature has been added and the sections on data gathering and analysis have been updated to take into account the latest technological advances. CONTENTS PART I. WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW? PART II. WHY DO I NEED TO KNOW? PART III. HOW DO I FIND OUT? PART IV. HOW DO I GENERATE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT MY CLAIM TO KNOWLEDGE? PART V. HOW DO I TEST AND CRITIQUE MY KNOWLEDGE? PART VI. HOW DO I REPRESENT AND DISSEMINATE MY KNOWLEDGE? PART VII. HOW DO I SHOW THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MY KNOWLEDGE? Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8570-2583-8 April 2011, 304 pages

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Unique in his approach and style, author Robert E. Stake draws from naturalistic, holistic, ethnographic, phenomenological, and biographic methods to present a disciplined, qualitative exploration of case study methods. Written with the inspired and thought-provoking style of a master storyteller, this engaging text helps readers chart their way through the labyrinth of case study research. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. The Unique Case 3. Research Questions 4. The Nature of Qualitative Research 5. Data Gathering 6. Analysis and Interpretation 7. Case Researcher Roles 8. Triangulation 9. Writing the Report 10. Reflections 11. Harper School

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8039-5767-1 ©1995, 192 pages


Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization

30 Case Study & Narrative Analysis


About the Author Robert K. Yin, PhD, serves as Chairman of the Board and CEO of COSMOS Corporation, an applied research and social science firm that has been in operation since 1980. Over the years, COSMOS has successfully completed hundreds of projects for government agencies, private foundations, and other entrepreneurial and non-profit organizations. At COSMOS, Dr. Yin actively leads various research projects, including those in which the case study method is used. He has authored numerous books and peer-reviewed articles, including Case Study Research and Applications of Case Study Research. In 1998 he founded the “Robert K. Yin Fund” at M.I.T., which supports seminars on brain sciences, as well as other activities related to the advancement of predoctoral students in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.



Applications of Case Study Research

Case Study Research

Robert K. Yin, COSMOS Corporation

Design and Methods Fourth Edition

Third Edition

This text discusses numerous completed case studies on a variety of topics and includes examples using specific case study techniques and principles. The topics emphasize institutional and organizational phenomena, such as education, law enforcement, public health, economic development, and job training. From design to reporting, the applications identify and suggest solutions to problems commonly encountered when doing case studies. CONTENTS PART I. STARTING POINTS 1. A (Very) Brief Refresher on the Case Study Method 2. Field Notes 3. The Role of Theory in Doing Case Studies PART II. DESCRIPTIVE CASE STUDIES 4. Start-up for a Newly-Appointed Education Leader 5. Citizens on Patrol 6. A Case Study of a Neighborhood Organization PART III. EXPLANATORY CASE STUDIES 7. A Nutshell Example 8. Essential Ingredients of Explanatory Case Studies 9. Transforming a Business Firm through Strategic Planning 10. Rival Explanations PART IV. CROSS-CASE SYNTHESES 11. Proposal Processing by Public and Private Universities 12. Case Studies of Transformed Firms PART V. CASE STUDY EVALUATIONS 13: Evaluation of a Community Coalition 14. Sheriff’s Combined Auto Theft Task Force 15. Technical Assistance for HIV/AIDS Community Planning Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8916-9 July 2011, 240 pages

Robert K. Yin, COSMOS Corporation Providing a complete portal to the world of case study research, the Fourth Edition of Robert K. Yin’s bestselling text offers comprehensive coverage of the design and use of the case study method as a valid research tool. This edition covers more than 50 case studies (approximately 25% new), gives fresh attention to quantitative analyses, discusses more fully the use of mixed methods research designs, and includes new methodological insights. Key Features • Highlights each specific research feature through 44 boxed vignettes that feature previously published case studies • Provides methodological insights to show the similarities between case studies and other social science methods • Suggests a three-stage approach to help readers define the initial questions they will consider in their own case study research CONTENTS 1. Introduction: How to Know Whether and When to Use Case Studies as a Research Method 2. Designing Case Studies: Identifying Your Case(s) and Establishing the Logic of Your Case Study 3. Preparing to Collect Case Study Evidence: What You Need to Do Before Starting to Collect Case Study Data 4. Collecting Case Study Evidence: The Principles You Should Follow in Working With Six Sources of Evidence 5. Analyzing Case Study Evidence: How to Start Your Analysis, Your Analytic Choices, and How They Work 6. Reporting Case Studies: How and What to Compose Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6099-1 ©2009, 240 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

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Case Study & Narrative Analysis 31

FROM the Authors

Jaber F. Gubrium was appointed Chair of the Sociology Department at the University of Missouri in 2002. He previously taught at Marquette University and the University of Florida, was a Fulbright scholar at Tampere University, Finland, in 1996, and has been a visiting professor at Tampere, at Lund University in Sweden, and at the Universities of Copenhagen and Odense in Denmark.

Analyzing Narrative Reality


Varieties of Narrative Analysis

Jaber F. Gubrium, University of Missouri

James A. Holstein, Marquette University

James A. Holstein, Marquette University

Jaber F. Gubrium, University of Missouri This edited volume provides a more comprehensive view of Narrative Analysis to include personal documents, interactive dimensions of storytelling and how circumstances shape narrative production. Written by well known contributors who are recognized in this field of specialization, this book bridges the divide between analytic approaches. CONTENTS 1. The Relationship of Big and Small Stories 2. Agential Realism Analysis of Storytelling 3. The Ethnography of Storytelling: A Folklorist’s Perspective on Text, Context, and Interaction 4. Narrative Analysis: Using the Logic of Rhetoric and the Logic of Action as Analytical Tools 5. Practicing Dialogical Narrative Analysis 6. Quantitative Narrative Analysis 7. The Public Life of Personal Stories: Solidarity, Dissent and the Negotiation of Social Meanings 8. Speaker Role Analysis of Personal Narrative: Strategies for Analyzing Interaction, Culture, and Identities in Stories 9. Psychological Themes in Life-Narrative Accounts 10. Analyzing the Norms of Stories’ Use 11. Small World Stories and Other Examples of Conversational Narrative 12. Narrative Analysis as a Relational Engagement with Lives in the Making 13. [Analyzing the Interplay of Public and Personal Narratives] Provisional Title Assigned by Editors Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-8755-4 July 2011, 412 pages

Providing a new analytic framework for conducting narrative research in the social and behavioral sciences, this book links the meaning and integrity of narratives to the myriad social practices through which they are accomplished. The authors focus on the interplay of narrative work and narrative environments and cover interviewing, ethnographic fieldwork, and conversational and textual analysis. CONTENTS PART I. NARRATIVE REALITY 1. Stories in Society 2. Forms of Analysis 3. Into the Field PART II. NARRATIVE WORK 4. Activation 5. Linkage 6. Composition 7. Performance 8. Collaboration 9. Control PART III. NARRATIVE ENVIRONMENTS 10. Close Relationships 11. Local Culture 12. Status 13. Jobs 14. Organizations 15. Intertextuality PART IV. NARRATIVE ADEQUACY 16. What Is a Good Story? 17. Who Is a Good Storyteller? Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5219-4 ©2009, 272 pages

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James A. Holstein is Department Chair of Social and Cultural Sciences at Marquette University. Dr. Holstein’s teaching interests include deviance and social control, research methods, and statistics. He has published over three dozen books on topics including mental health and illness, family, the life course, social problems, the self, and qualitative research methods.

32 Case Study & Narrative Analysis | Ethnography New!



Case Study Research What, Why and How?


Peter Swanborn

Critical Ethnography

This is an authoritative and nuanced exploration of the many faces of case-based research methods. In bringing diverse notions of case study research together in one volume and sensitizing the reader to the many varying definitions and perceptions of ‘case study’, this book equips researchers at all levels with the knowledge to make an informed choice of research strategy.

Method, Ethics, and Performance Second Edition

CONTENTS 1. What Is a Case Study? 2. When to Conduct a Case Study? 3. How to Select Cases? 4. What Data to Collect? 5. How to Enrich Your Case Study Data? 6. How to Analyse? 7. Assets and Opportunities

D. Soyini Madison, Northwestern University This text presents a fresh new look at critical ethnography by emphasizing the significance of ethics and performance in the art and politics of fieldwork. The productive links between theory and method are celebrated in this text. Theoretical concepts range from queer theory, feminist theory, and critical race theory to Marxism and phenomenology. The methodological techniques range from designing and asking in-depth interview questions and developing rapport to coding and interpreting data. The various theories and methods culminate in three fictional ethnographic case studies that “enact” the interdependence between theory and method and the significance of social theory, ethics, and performance. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Critical Ethnography: Theory and Method 2. Methods: “Do I Really Need a Method?” A Method ... or Deep Hanging-Out 3. Three Stories: Case Studies in Critical Ethnography 4. Ethics 5. Methods and Ethics 6. Methods and Application: Three Case Studies in Ethical Dilemmas 7. Performance Ethnography 8. It’s Time to Write: Writing as Performance 9. The Case Studies

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0612-9 ©2011, 192 pages

Case Study Research in Practice

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8024-1 May 2011, 296 pages

Helen Simons, University of Southampton, U.K. This text explores the author’s practical and personal approach to the theory and practice of case study research. Author Helen Simons draws on her extensive experience to tackle common misconceptions and addresses the questions often raised by students.

Ethnography Step-by-Step Third Edition David M. Fetterman, Fetterman & Associates and Stanford University

CONTENTS PART I. GETTING STARTED 1. Evolution and Concept of Case Study Research 2. Planning, Designing, Gaining Access 3. Listen, Look, Document: Methods in Case Study Research PART II. IN THE FIELD 4. Who Are They? Studying Others 5. Who Are We? Studying Our ‘Self’ 6. Whose Data Are They? Ethics in Case Study Research 7. Mid-term Letter PART III. MAKING SENSE 8. Begin at the Beginning: Analysis and Interpretation 9. From Data to Story: Examples in Practice PART IV. TELLING THE STORY 10. Start at Any Point: Reporting and Writing 11. Dispelling Myths in Case Study Research Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-6424-7 ©2010, 200 pages

The Third Edition of this best-selling text guides readers in managing mountains of ethnographic data and making meaningful statements based on that data. This edition builds on the coverage of the Second Edition and offers an up-to-date discussion of technology in ethnography, covering a range of topics from technological tools to research with virtual communities. CONTENTS 1. The First Step: An Overview 2. Walking in Rhythm: Anthropological Concepts 3. A Wilderness Guide: Methods and Techniques 4. Gearing Up: Ethnographic Equipment 5. Finding Your Way Through the Forest: Analysis 6. Recording the Miracle: Writing 7. Walking Softly Through the Wilderness: Ethics Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5045-9 ©2010, 200 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Ethnography 33

Being Ethnographic


A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography

Doing Ethnographic Research Online Robert V. Kozinets, York University, Toronto, Canada

Clear, engaging and original this book provides invaluable advice as well as practical tools and study aids for those engaged in ethnographic research.

CONTENTS PART I. KEY CONCEPTS AND THEORETICAL FRAMES 1. ‘Definitions’, Methods and Applications 2. Ethnographic Fields: Home and Away PART II. DOING ETHNOGRAPHY 3. Talking to People: Negotiations, Conversations and Interviews 4. Being with People: Participation 5. Looking at People: Observations and Images PART III. INSCRIPTION 6. Description: Writing ‘Down’ Fieldnotes 7. Analysis to Interpretation: Writing ‘Out’ Data 8. Interpretation to Story: Writing ‘Up’ Ethnography PART IV. EXPANDING ETHNOGRAPHY 9. Conclusion: Ethnographic Horizons Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4697-1 ©2010, 216 pages

This exciting new text is the first to explore the discipline of ‘Netnography’ – the conduct of ethnography over the internet – a method specifically designed to study cultures and communities online. For the first time, full procedural guidelines for the accurate and ethical conduct of ethnographic research online are set out, with detailed, step-by-step guidance to thoroughly introduce, explain, and illustrate the method to students and researchers. CONTENTS 1. Cultures and Communities Online 2. Understanding Culture Online 3. Researching Online: Methods 4. The Method of Netnography 5. Planning and Entrée 6. Data Collection 7. Data Analysis 8. Conducting Ethical Netnography 9. Representation and Evaluation 10. Advancing Netnography: the Changing Landscape Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0645-6 ©2010, 232 pages

Organizational Ethnography

Creating Autoethnographies

Studying the Complexity of Everyday Life

Tessa Muncey, University of Leeds, U.K. The first ever practical text on this increasingly popular research method, it provides a background and considers some of the criticisms of the approach. The book is structured to mirror the process of writing about experience, from establishing an idea through to the process of writing and the development of creative writing skills, and provides detailed worked examples of the whole process. CONTENTS 1. Why Do Autoethnography: Discovering the Individual in Research 2. Personal Worlds: Discovering the Constituent Parts of the Individual 3. What Is Autoethnography: Making Sense of Individual Experience 4. Planning an Autoethnographic Account 5. Making Sense of Autoethnographic Texts: Legitimacy, Truth and Memory 6. A Complete Autoethnographic Account 7. The Autoethnographic Process: Starting a New Story Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7473-3 ©2010, 168 pages

Sierk Ybema, Dvora Yanow, Harry Wels, and Frans H. Kamsteeg, VU University, Amsterdam This resource brings contributions from leading scholars in organizational studies that help to develop an ethnographic perspective on organizations and organizational research. The authors explore the special problems faced by organizational ethnographers, from questions of gaining access to research sites to various styles of writing ethnography, the role of friendship relations in the field, ethical issues, and standards for evaluating ethnographic work. CONTENTS PART I. ETHNOGRAPHIC DOING AND WRITING 1. Getting Going: Organizing Ethnographic Fieldwork 2. Ethnographic Practices: From ‘Writing-up Ethnographic Research’ to ‘Writing Ethnography’ 3. Reading and Writing as Method: In Search of Trustworthy Texts 4. When the ‘Subject’ and the ‘Researcher’ Speak Together: Co-producing Organizational Ethnography PART II. FAMILIARITY AND ‘STRANGER-NESS’ 5. Making the Familiar Strange: A Case for Disengaged Organizational Ethnography 6. Zooming In & Zooming Out: A Package of Method and Theory to Study Work Practices 7. From Participant Observation to Observant Participation 8. At-home Ethnography: Struggling with Closeness and Closure PART III. RESEARCHER-RESEARCHED RELATIONSHIPS 9. Lies from the Field: Ethical Issues in Organizational Ethnography 10. ‘But I Thought We Were Friends?’ Life Cycles and Research Relationships 11. Critical Action Research and Organizational Ethnography 12. Beyond Complicity: A Plea for Engaged Ethnography

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7046-9 ©2010, 304 pages

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Raymond Madden, La Trobe University

34 Ethnography | Focus Groups


Doing Sensory Ethnography


Focus Group Methodology

Sarah Pink, University of Loughborough, U.K.

Principle and Practice

This important and groundbreaking book provides an accessible analysis of the theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of doing sensory ethnography, drawing on examples and case studies from the growing literature on sensory ethnographic studies and from the author’s own work. It is the first book to concentrate on outlining a sensory ethnographic methodology. CONTENTS

Pranee Liamputtong, La Trobe University, Australia Focus Group Methodology is an introductory text which leads readers through the entire process of designing a focus group study, from conducting interviews to analysing data and presenting the findings. It also includes discussions on cross-cultural and virtual focus group. Liamputtong presents clear, practical advice in simple terms which will be appropriate for undergraduate and postgraduate students who are undertaking research, making this an ideal starter text for anyone new to focus group research. CONTENTS

1. Introducing Sensory Ethnography 2. Understanding Sensory Cultures 3. Preparing for Sensory Research 4. Participant Observation: Sensory Embodied Learning 5. Interviewing 6. (Audio)Visual Methods 7. Combining Methods 8. Analysing Sensory Materials 9. Representing and Communicating about Sensory Ethnography

1. Focus Group Methodology: An Introduction 2. Theories and Ethics 3. Focus Group Methodology and Principles 4. Focus Group Methodology and Practical Issues 5. Conducting Focus Groups: Practicalities 6. The Use of Focus Group Methodology in the Health and Social Sciences 7. Focus Group Methodology and Sensitive Topics and Vulnerable People 8. Focus Group Methodology in Cross-Cultural Research 9. Virtual Focus Groups 10. Managing and Making Sense of Focus Group Data

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4803-6 ©2010, 184 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7909-7 March 2011, 224 pages

Focus Groups

Focus Groups as Qualitative Research

Focus Groups

David L. Morgan, Portland State University

A Practical Guide for Applied Research Fourth Edition

This best-selling text continues to provide an excellent guide for researchers across the disciplines.

Richard A. Krueger, University of Minnesota, Professor Emeritus and Senior Fellow Mary Anne Casey, Consultant This book provides an easy-to-read overview of sound focus group practices, from recruiting participants, to developing questions, capturing and analyzing data, and reporting results. CONTENTS 1. Overview of Focus Groups 2. Planning the Focus Group Study 3. Developing a Questioning Route 4. Participants in a Focus Group 5. Moderating Skills 6. Analyzing Focus Group Results 7. Reporting 8. Styles of Focus Group Research 9. Focus Group Interviews With Young People 10. International and Cross-Cultural Focus Groups Interviewing 11. Telephone and Internet Focus Group Interviewing 12. Focus Group Interviews Within the Organization 13. Modifications of Focus Groups 14. Answering Questions About the Quality of Focus Group Research

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Focus Groups as Qualitative Method 3. The Uses of Focus Groups 4. Planning and Research Design for Focus Groups 5. Conducting and Analyzing Focus Groups 6. Additional Possibilities 7. Conclusions Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-0343-7 ©1996, 88 pages

Spiral ISBN: 978-1-4129-6947-5 ©2009, 240 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Interviewing 35

Interpreting Interviews


Mats Alvesson, University of Lund, Sweden

Cases in Online Interview Research Janet Salmons, Vision2Lead, Inc and Capella University School of Business and Technology This casebook on online interview research contains multidisciplinary cases from researchers who have done structured or unstructured online interviews using a variety of qualitative methods and mixed methods approaches in data collection. Each case is followed by a critique analysis and overall summary. Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9180-3 August 2011, 400 pages

Online Interviews in Real Time Janet Salmons, Vision2Lead, Inc and Capella University School of Business and Technology

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Views on Interviews: A Skeptical Review 3. Practical Aspects on Interview Studies 4. A Metaphor Approach 5. Rethinking Interviews: New Metaphors for Interviews 6. Reflexivity: A Framework 7. Implications for Research Practice 8. Conclusion Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8570-2258-5 ©2011, 176 pages

This book provides emerging and experienced scholars the theoretical background and practical tips they need to design and conduct credible online interview research. Author Janet Salmons bridges the theoretical and the practical, with guidance for designing and conducting credible online interview research.

InterViews Learning the Craft of Qualitative Research Interviewing Second Edition Steinar Kvale, University of Aarhus, Denmark Svend Brinkmann, Aalborg University, Denmark

CONTENTS 1. Real Interviews in an Online World 2. Online Research with Technology Tools 3. Interviews for Scholarly Research 4. Design for Credible and Ethical Online Research 5. Sampling - Selecting Participants for Online Interviews 6. Preparing for a Live Online Interview 7. Conducting the Interview 8. Visual Research and the Synchronous Online Interview 9. Online Communications and Online Interviews - Trends and Influences Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6895-9 ©2010, 256 pages Student Study Site,

This thoroughly revised Second Edition focuses on the practical, epistemological, and ethical issues involved with interviewing while also covering newer developments in qualitative interviewing. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Interview Research 2. Research Interviews, Philosophical Dialogues, and Therapeutic Interviews 3. Epistemological Issues of Interviewing 4. Ethical Issues of Interviewing 5. Learning the Craft of Qualitative Research Interviewing 6. Thematizing and Designing an Interview Study 7. Conducting an Interview 8. Interview Variations 9. Interview Quality 10. Transcribing Interviews 11. Preparing for Interview Analysis 12. Interview Analyses Focusing on Meaning 13. Interview Analyses Focusing on Language 14. Eclectic and Theoretical Analyses of Interviews 15. The Social Construction of Validity 16. Reporting Interview Knowledge 17. Conversations About Interviews Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-2542-2 ©2009, 376 pages

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Researchers conducting interviews in the social sciences quickly find that there is no single best way to approach their task. This text offers a critique of traditional interviewing practices and provides a framework for thinking about issues such as trustworthiness, identity and language in a conceptual rather than technical context, allowing you to develop your own reflexive practice.


36 Interviewing

Reflective Interviewing

UpDATED Edition Coming Soon!


Qualitative Interviewing

A Guide to Theory and Practice Kathryn Roulston, University of Georgia Offering a theoretically-informed guide for researchers learning how to interview in the social sciences, this book provides a practical approach to interviewing, helping researchers to learn about themselves as interviewers in ways that will inform the design, conduct, analysis, and representation of interview data.

The Art of Hearing Data Second Edition Herbert J. Rubin and Irene S. Rubin, Northern Illinois University In this practical, user-friendly text, the authors take the novice researcher through all of the steps of an interviewing project, beginning with picking a viable and absorbing topic, gaining the confidence of interviewees, preparing questions, and the final analysis and write-up. CONTENTS 1. Listening, Hearing, and Sharing Social Experiences 2. Why We Do What We Do: Philosophy of Qualitative Interviewing 3. Design: Choosing Topics and Anticipating Data Analysis 4. Continuing the Design: Making the Research Credible 5. Conversational Partnerships 6. The Responsive Interview as an Extended Conversation 7. Structuring the Interview 8. Designing Main Questions and Probes 9. Preparing Follow-Up Questions 10. The First Phase of Analysis: Preparing Transcripts and Coding Data 11. Analyzing Coded Data 12. Presenting the Results

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Asking Questions and Individual Interviews 3. Interviews with Groups 4. Theorizing the Qualitative Interview 5. Designing Studies That Use Interviews 6. Doing Interview Research 7. Theorizing the Researcher: The Reflective Interviewer 8. Examining Interview Talk 9. Analyzing and Representing Interview Data 10. Final Thoughts: Learning How to Interview Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4857-9 ©2010, 216 pages

Online Interviewing

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-2075-5

Nalita James and Hugh Busher, University of Leicester, U.K.

©2005, 304 pages

This is a short, accessible and practical introduction to designing and conducting online interviews in qualitative research. The authors help students understand the methodological and epistemological challenges of carrying out interviews in the virtual environment.

Interviews in Qualitative Research Nigel King, University of Huddersfield, U.K. Christine Horrocks, University of Bradford, U.K. The authors present a clear and thorough guide to the use of interviews in contemporary qualitative research. Writing in an accessible style, with many practical examples, the authors explore key debates in the philosophy and theory underlying interview methods. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Philosophical Assumptions 3. Designing an Interview Study 4. Carrying out Qualitative Interviews 5. Group Interviews 6. Remote Interviewing 7. Ethics in Qualitative Interviewing 8. Reflexivity and Qualitative Interviewing 9. An Introduction to Interview Data Analysis 10. Interviews in Phenomenological Research 11. Interviews and Narrative

CONTENTS 1. Online Qualitative Research: Epistemological Dimensions 2. Engaging with Research Participants Online: Interview or Conversation? 3. Developing Online Qualitative Interviews: A Methodological Discussion 4. The Displacement of Time and Space: Engagement in Online Qualitative Interviewing 5. Ethical Issues in Online Qualitative Research 6. Constructing Credibility and Authenticity in Online Interviews 7. The Nature of Inequalities and Power in Online Interviewing 8. Analysing Online Discourse and Dialogues 9. The Presentation, Curation and Dissemination of Online Qualitative Data 10. Conclusion: Online Qualitative Research: Challenges and Possibilities Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4532-5 ©2010, 176 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-1257-0 ©2010, 256 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Survey Research Methods 37

Survey Research Methods

Survey Research Methods

Fourth Edition

A Step-by-Step Guide Fourth Edition Arlene Fink, University of California at Los Angeles, The Langley Research Institute Completely revised, and with a greater emphasis on online surveys, this practical text guides readers in developing their own rigorous surveys and evaluating the credibility of others. CONTENTS 1. Conducting Surveys: Everyone Is Doing It 2. The Survey Form: Questions, Scales, and Appearance 3. Getting It Together: Some Practical Concerns 4. Sampling 5. Survey Design: Environmental Control 6. Analyzing & Organizing Data From Surveys 7. Presenting the Survey Results Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6668-9 ©2009, 136 pages

Floyd J. Fowler, Jr., University of Massachusetts Boston, Center for Survey Research In the Fourth Edition of the bestselling Survey Research Methods, author Floyd J. Fowler, Jr. provides students and researchers who want to collect, analyze, or read about survey data with a sound basis for evaluating how each aspect of a survey can affect its precision, accuracy, and credibility. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Types of Error in Surveys 3. Sampling 4. Nonresponse: Implementing a Sample Design 5. Methods of Data Collection 6. Designing Questions to be Good Measures 7. Evaluating Survey Questions and Instruments 8. Survey Interviewing 9. Preparing Survey Data for Analysis 10. Analyzing Survey Data 11. Ethical Issues in Survey Research 12. Providing Information About Survey Methods 13. Survey Error in Perspective Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5841-7

Conducting Online Surveys

©2009, 216 pages

Improving Survey Questions

Valerie M. Sue and Lois A. Ritter, California State University, East Bay

Design and Evaluation

T his text is a comprehensive guide to the creation, implementation, and analysis of e-mail and Web-based surveys. Authors Valerie M. Sue and Lois A. Ritter specifically address issues unique to online survey research such as selecting software, designing Web-based questionnaires, and sampling from online populations.

Floyd J. Fowler, Jr., University of Massachusetts Boston, Center for Survey Research Clearly written, this book enables researchers and practitioners to write better survey questions and helps users of survey data to evaluate their data more critically.

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Planning the Online Survey 3. Sampling 4. Writing Survey Questions 5. Designing and Developing the Survey Instrument 6. Conducting the Survey 7. Processing and Analyzing the Survey Data 8. Reporting the Survey Results 9. Concluding Comments

CONTENTS 1. Questions as Measures 2. Designing Questions to Gather Factual Data 3. Questions to Measure Subjective States 4. Some General Rules for Designing Good Survey Instruments 5. Presurvey Evaluation of Questions 6. Assessing the Validity of Survey Questions 7. Question Design and Evaluation Issues in Perspective

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8039-4583-8 Paperback ISBN:978-1-4129-3754-2 ©2007, 208 pages

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©1995, 200 pages


How to Conduct Surveys

38 Mixed Methods Research

The Mixed Methods Reader

Mixed Methods Research Textbooks

Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research

Vicki L. Plano Clark and John W. Creswell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln This Reader organizes a collection of key methodological mixed methods discussions and exemplar mixed methods research studies in one easy-to-access location. It draws from the international literature appearing across diverse research disciplines over the past thirty years.

Second Edition

John W. Creswell and Vicki L. Plano Clark, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Combining the latest thinking about mixed methods research designs with practical, stepby-step guidance, the Second Edition of this text now covers six major mixed methods designs. Authors John W. Creswell and Vicki L. Plano Clark walk readers through the entire research process, from formulating questions to designing, collecting data, and interpreting results and include updated examples from published mixed methods studies drawn from the social, behavioral, health, and education disciplines. Key Features • Two new mixed methods designs—transformative and multiphase—are now covered. • New flowcharts detail the steps involved in conducting each of the six major mixed methods designs. • More detailed coverage of data collection decisions for each of the six major designs. CONTENTS 1. The Nature of Mixed Methods Research 2. The Foundations of Mixed Methods Research 3. Choosing a Mixed Methods Research Design 4. Examples of Mixed Methods Designs 5. Introducing a Mixed Methods Study 6. Collecting Data in Mixed Methods Research 7. Analyzing and Interpreting Data in Mixed Methods Research 8. Writing and Evaluating Mixed Methods Research 9. Summary and Recommendations

CONTENTS PART I. METHODOLOGICAL SELECTIONS 1. The Evolution of Mixed Methods Research 2. Pragmatism as a Philosophical Foundation for Mixed Methods Research 3. The Transformative-Emancipatory Perspective as a Philosophical Foundation for Mixed Methods Research 4. Triangulation as the First Mixed Methods Design 5. Identifying the Purposes for Mixed Methods Designs 6. A Notation System for Mixed Methods Designs 7. An Expanded Typology for Classifying Mixed Methods Research Into Designs 8. Different Sampling Techniques for Mixed Methods Studies 9. Data Analysis Strategies in Mixed Methods Research 10. Expanding the Reasons for Conducting Mixed Methods Research 11. Types of Legitimation (Validity) in Mixed Methods Research 12. Powerful Rhetorical Devices Used in Writing Mixed Methods Research 13. An Improved Role for Qualitative Research in Mixed Methods 14. An Alternative to Reconciling the Different Realities of Qualitative and Quantitative Research PART II. EXEMPLAR RESEARCH STUDIES 15. A Concurrent/Triangulation Mixed Methods Design With Merged Results 16. A Concurrent/Triangulation Mixed Methods Design With Data Transformation 17. An Embedded Experimental Before-Intervention Mixed Methods Design 18. An Embedded Experimental During-Intervention Mixed Methods Design 19. An Embedded Experimental After-Intervention Mixed Methods Design 20. A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Design to Explain Findings 21. A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Design With Participant Selection 22. A Sequential Exploratory Mixed Methods Design With Instrument Development 23. A Sequential Exploratory Mixed Methods Design to Generate and Test a Model Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5145-6 ©2008, 640 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7517-9 ©2010, 504 pages

About the Authors John W. Creswell is a Professor of Educational Psychology at Teachers College, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is affiliated with a graduate program in educational psychology that specializes in quantitative and qualitative methods in education. In this program, he specializes in qualitative and quantitative research designs and methods, multimethod research, and faculty and academic leadership issues in colleges and universities.

 icki L. Plano Clark, PhD, is a Research V Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, Co-Director of the Office of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research, and Managing Editor of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research. Her specialization includes mixed methods research designs and qualitative research. She is interested in the procedural issues that arise when implementing different designs and how mixed methods research is applied in different disciplines.

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fax: 805.375.5291

Mixed Methods Research 39

Advances in Mixed Methods Research


Using Mixed Methods

Theories and Applications

David Plowright, University of Hull, U.K. This text will take the novice researcher through the process of undertaking a research project using mixed methods. It has a particular focus on ethics, a key concern for researchers in education and the social sciences.

This book illuminates new ways of conceptualizing and conducting empirical research in the social sciences and humanities. Covering both practical and methodological issues, the authors explore different visions of what mixed methods research is and where it is going. CONTENTS PART I. THE THEORY OF MIXED METHODS DESIGN 1. The Straw Men of the Qualitative-Quantitative Divide and their Influence on Mixed Methods Research 2. Troubles with Triangulation 3. Analytic Density, Postmodernism and Applied Multiple Method Research 4. The Practice of a Mixed Methods Research Strategy 5. Methodological Issues in Conducting Mixed Methods Research Designs PART II. APPLICATIONS IN MIXED METHODS DESIGN 6. Why Do Researchers Integrate/Combine/Mesh/Blend/Mix/Merge/Fuse Quantitative and Qualitative Research? 7. Quality of Inferences in Mixed Methods Research 8. Method Mix, Technical Hex, Theory Fix 9. Mixing Data Collection Methods 10. Analysis with APES, the Actor Process Event Scheme 11. Multi-perspective Exploration as a Tool for Mixed Methods Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4809-8

CONTENTS 1. From Mixed Methods to an Integrated Methodology 2. The FraIM: Frameworks for an Integrated Methodology 3. Case Selection: Data Source Management 4. Case Selection: Integrated Sampling 5. Data Collection: An Overview 6. Observing 7. Asking Questions 8. Analyzing Artefacts I 9. Analyzing Artefacts II 10. Data Integration 11. Warrantable Research: Using the FraIM as a Guide 12. Ethical Issues in Participant-Centred Research 13. Wider Ethical Issues and the FraIM 14. Holistic Integrationism: Philosophizing Research 15. Writing a Research Proposal Based on the FraIM 16. A Few Final Words Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0108-6

©2009, 200 pages

January 2011, 224 pages

Foundations of Mixed Methods Research Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Charles Teddlie, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge Abbas Tashakkori, University of North Texas The first textbook on using mixed methods in the social sciences, written by two leading names in the field, this text provides an overview of the development of mixed methodology. The authors take students through all aspects of working with mixed methods from research design and data collection through to analysis and conclusions. CONTENTS 1. Mixed Methods: The Third Methodological Movement 2. Mixed Methods as the Third Research Community 3. The Fundamentals of Mixed Methods Research 4. Methodological Thought Before the 20th Century 5. Paradigm Issues in Mixed Methods Research 6. Methods and Strategies of Mixed Methods Research 7. Generating Questions in Mixed Methods Research 8. Mixed Methods Research Designs 9. Sampling Strategies for Mixed Methods Research 10. Considerations Before Collecting Your Data 11. Data Collection Strategies for Mixed Methods Research 12. The Analysis of Mixed Methods Data 13. The Inference Process in Mixed Methods Research Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-3012-9 ©2009, 400 pages

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Frameworks for an Integrated Methodology

Manfred Max Bergman, University of Basel, Switzerland

40 Evaluation

RealWorld Evaluation



Working Under Budget, Time, Data, and Political Constraints


Michael Bamberger, Independent Consultant, Former World Bank Senior Sociologist

The Program Evaluation Standards

Jim Rugh, CARE International Linda Mabry, Washington State University, Vancouver

A Guide for Evaluators and Evaluation Users Third Edition

This is the only textbook that provides specific guidance on how to conduct evaluations when working under resource and/or data constraints. The authors illustrate options for addressing each constraint through practical examples from both developed and developing countries to show how adapting to different types of exigencies can lead to successful evaluations.

Donald B. Yarbrough, University of Iowa Lyn M. Shulha, Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada Rodney K. Hopson, Duquesne University Flora A. Caruthers, Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability, Florida Legislature The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation ( is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited standards developer, sponsored by 17 North American professional organizations. With oversight from the JCSEE, Yarbrough, Schula, Hopson, and Caruthers have revised and illustrated this new edition of the Program Evaluation Standards. These thirty standards support the core attributes of evaluation quality: utility, feasibility, propriety, accuracy, and accountability, and provide guidance to anyone interested in planning, implementing, or using program evaluations. Key Features • Provides extensive attention to cultures and contexts in evaluations • Encourages reflective practice based on in-depth understanding of standards and their applications • Suggests flexible approaches for learning how to use the standards • Includes a new section, Evaluation Accountability, emphasizing metaevaluation for improvement and accountability guided by three new metaevaluation standards • Includes case scenarios and applications across multiple standards to help users apply the standards individually and in concert • Offers updated documentation reference lists CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Applying the Standards 3. The Functional Table of Standards 4. THE STANDARDS Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8908-4 ©2011, 312 pages

Key Features • Provides practical guidance: Specific and well documented case studies are provided for addressing budget, time, and data constraints, and for dealing with political pressures. Guidelines are offered for protecting the validity of conclusions when measures must be taken to save costs and time. • Uses a mixed-methods approach: Adapting a range of methods to real-world situations, this text draws on quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches. Design, methods, cultural sensitivity, validity, credibility, and reporting are among the many topics addressed. In addition, triangulation is encouraged for increasing the validity of findings. • Incorporates a unique seven-step model: A systematic step-by-step approach that is logical and easy to follow is presented. Frameworks and checklists are provided for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of an evaluation and providing strategies to overcome the weaknesses and improve the design and validity. CONTENTS PART I. OVERVIEW: REALWORLD EVALUATION 1. RealWorld Evaluation and the Contexts in Which It Is Used PART II. THE SEVEN STEPS OF THE REALWORLD EVALUATION APPROACH 2. First Clarify the Purpose: Scoping the Evaluation 3. Not Enough Money: Addressing Budget Constraints 4. Not Enough Time: Addressing Scheduling and Other Time Constraints 5. Critical Information Is Missing or Difficult to Collect: Addressing Data Constraints 6. Reconciling Different Priorities and Perspectives: Addressing Political Influences 7. Strengthening the Evaluation Design and the Validity of the Conclusions 8. Making It Useful: Helping Clients and Other Stakeholders Utilize The Evaluation PART III. A REVIEW OF EVALUATION METHODS AND APPROACHES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN REALWORLD EVALUATION 9. Applications of Program Theory in RealWorld Evaluation 10. The Most Widely-Used RealWorld Quantitative Evaluation Designs 11. Quantitative Evaluation Methods 12. Qualitative Evaluation Methods 13. Mixed-Method Evaluation 14. Sampling for RealWorld Evaluation PART IV. PULLING IT ALL TOGETHER 15. Learning Together: Building Capacity for RealWorld Evaluation 16. Bringing It All Together: Applying RealWorld Evaluation Approaches to Each Stage of the Evaluation Process Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-0946-4 ©2006, 504 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Evaluation 41

Practical Research and Evaluation A Start-to-Finish Guide for Practitioners

Colin McCaig, Centre for Education and Inclusion Research (CEIR), Sheffield Hallam University, U.K. Practical Research and Evaluation is a practical, user-friendly guide to social science research methods for professionals who are looking to conduct evaluation studies and research as part of their own professional practice. CONTENTS 1. Practitioner Research and the Research Process 2. Introduction to Research and Evaluation Basics 3. Research and Evaluation Design 4. Ethics and Research Governance 5. Writing a Research Proposal or Brief 6. Literature Reviews 7. Action Research 8. Different Kinds of Qualitative Data Collection Methods 9. Preparation and Process of Qualitative Interviews and Focus Groups 10. Qualitative Data Analysis 11. Different Kinds of Quantitative Data Collection Methods 12. Quantitative Data Collection 13. Quantitative Data Processing and Analysis 14. Dissemination Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7004-9 ©2010, 272 pages

Conducting Needs Assessments A Multidisciplinary Approach Second Edition Fernando Soriano, Cal State University, San Marcos T his book demystifies the process of planning a community intervention. This book takes needs assessment down to a very basic level and speaks in very basic terminology that students understand. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Planning a Needs Assessment 3. Assessment Methods 4. Survey Methods and Sample Size Requirements 5. Instrument Development 6. Collecting Data from Participants 7. Data Preparation and Statistical Analyses 8. Reporting the Findings 9. Social and Cultural Considerations 10. Conclusion

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6574-3 July 2011, 160 pages


Program Development in the 21st Century

Designing and Managing Programs

An Evidence-Based Approach to Design, Implementation, and Evaluation Nancy G. Calley, University of Detroit - Mercy

An Effectiveness-Based Approach Third Edition

T his text provides an in-depth examination of all that is involved in comprehensive program development in the human services and mental health professions today. Designed for both graduate students and practitioners, the book provides rich knowledge of practices, conditions, and legislative issues that currently impact program development.

Peter M. Kettner, Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University Robert M. Moroney, Arizona State University Lawrence L. Martin, University of Central Florida This new edition is written in a deliberate manner that has students following the program planning process in a logical manner. The book’s format guides students from problem analysis through evaluation, enabling students to apply these concepts to their own program plans. CONTENTS 1. Contemporary Issues in Social Service Program Planning and Administration 2. The Contribution of Theory to Program Planning 3. Understanding Social Problems 4. Needs Assessment: Theoretical Considerations 5. Needs Assessment: Approaches to Measurement 6. Selecting the Appropriate Intervention Strategy 7. Setting Goals and Objectives 8. Designing Effective Programs 9. Using Management Information 10. Budgeting for Control, Management, and Planning 11. Line-Item, Functional, and Program Budgeting Systems 12. Performance Measurement, Monitoring, and Program Evaluation: Data Requirements 13. Program Impact Evaluation and Hypothesis Testing Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5195-1 ©2008, 320 pages Instructor Resources on CD, ISBN: 978-1-4129-6406-7

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CONTENTS 1. Overview: Comprehensive Program Development in the Mental Health Professions 2. Establish the Need for Programming: Developing the Rationale 3. Establishing a Research-Basis in Program Design 4. Addressing Cultural Identity Issues in Program Design 5. Design the Clinical Program 6. Develop the Organizational Staffing Structure 7. Community Resource Development: Identify and Engage Community Resources 8. Identify & Evaluate Potential Funding Sources 9. Develop the Financial Management Plan 10. Proposal Development 11. Implement the Program 12. Evaluate the Program 13. Community Resource Preservation: Build & Preserve Relationships 14. Develop an Advocacy Plan 15. Develop a Data Reporting Plan 16. Attain Program and Organizational Accreditation 17. Putting it all Together: Comprehensive Program Development in the 21st Century Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7449-3 ©2011, 504 pages


Lena Dahlberg, Dalarna University and Dalarna Research Institute


42 Evaluation

Utilization-Focused Evaluation

Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods

Michael Quinn Patton, Utilization-Focused Evaluation, Saint Paul, MN

Michael Quinn Patton, Utilization-Focused Evaluation, Saint Paul, MN


Fourth Edition

Third Edition

The Fourth Edition of the bestselling UtilizationFocused Evaluation provides expert, detailed advice on conducting program evaluations from one of the leading experts. Chock full of useful pedagogy—including a unique utilization-focused evaluation checklist—this book presents Michael Quinn Patton’s distinctive opinions based on more than thirty years of experience.

The book that has been a resource and training tool for countless applied researchers, evaluators, and graduate students has been completely revised with hundreds of new examples and stories illuminating all aspects of qualitative inquiry. This revision will help readers integrate and make sense of the great volume of qualitative works published in the past decade.



PART I. TOWARD MORE USEFUL EVALUATIONS 1. Evaluation Use: Both Challenge and Mandate 2. What Is Utilization-Focused Evaluation? How Do You Get Started? 3. Fostering Intended Use by Intended Users: The Personal Factor 4. Intended Uses of Findings 5. Intended Process Uses: Impacts of Evaluative Thinking and Experiences PART II. FOCUSING EVALUATIONS: CHOICES, OPTIONS, AND DECISIONS 6. Situational Evaluation: Being Active-Reactive-Interactive-Adaptive 7. Focusing on Outcomes: Beyond the Goals Clarification Game 8. Evaluation Focus Options: Developmental Evaluation and Other Alternatives 9. Implementation Evaluation: What Happened in the Program? 10. Conceptualizing the Intervention: Alternatives for Evaluating Theories of Change PART III. APPROPRIATE METHODS 11. Evaluations Worth Using: Utilization-Focused Methods Decisions 12. The Paradigms Debate and a Utilization-Focused Synthesis 13. The Meanings and Reporting of Evaluation Findings: Analysis, Interpretation, Judgment, and Recommendations PART IV. REALITIES AND PRACTICALITIES OF UTILIZATION-FOCUSED EVALUATION 14. Power, Politics, and Ethics 15. Utilization-Focused Evaluation: Processes and Premises

PART I. CONCEPTUAL ISSUES IN QUALITATIVE INQUIRY 1. The Nature of Qualitative Inquiry 2. Strategic Themes in Qualitative Inquiry 3. Variety in Qualitative Inquiry: Theoretical Orientations 4. Particularly Appropriate Qualitative Applications PART II. QUALITATIVE DESIGNS AND DATA COLLECTION 5. Designing Qualitative Studies 6. Fieldwork Strategies and Observation Methods 7. Qualitative Interviewing PART III. ANALYSIS, INTERPRETATION AND REPORTING 8. Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation 9. Enhancing the Quality and Credibility of Qualitative Analysis Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-7619-1971-1 ©2001, 788 pages

A Practical Guide to Program Evaluation Planning

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5861-5 ©2008, 688 pages

Theory and Case Examples

The Logic Model Guidebook Better Strategies for Great Results Lisa Wyatt Knowlton and Cynthia C. Phillips, Phillips Wyatt Knowlton, Inc. This unique primer on logic models is a recipe for program and strategy improvement. A field-leader, it emphasizes quality processes, distinguishes model types, and provides case studies as well as archetypes. CONTENTS PART I. CONSTRUCTION 1. Introducing Logic Models 2. Building & Improving Theory of Change Models 3. Creating Program Logic Models 4. Modeling: Improving Program Logic Models PART II. APPLICATIONS 5. Logic Models for Evaluation Literacy 6. Display and Meaning 7. Exploring Archetypes

Debra J. Holden, RTI International Marc A. Zimmerman, University of Michigan This practical book provides a step-by-step process to guide evaluators in planning a comprehensive, yet feasible, program evaluation—from start to design—within any context. No book on the market delineates the required steps for preparing to conduct an evaluation. CONTENTS 1. Introductions 2. Evaluation Planning Here and Now 3. Planning for an Education Evaluation 4. Planning for a Service Program Evaluation 5. Planning for a Community-Based Program Evaluation 6. Planning for a Media Evaluation 7. Program Evaluation Planning: Overview and Analysis Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6775-4 ©2009, 184 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5864-6 ©2009, 168 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Evaluation 43

Evaluation in Action Jody Fitzpatrick, University of Colorado Denver Christina Christie, Claremont Graduate University Melvin M. Mark, The Pennsylvania State University Drawing from the popular “Exemplars” section in the American Journal of Evaluation (AJE), the book’s twelve interviews with evaluators illustrate a variety of evaluation practices in different settings and include commentary and analysis on what the interviews teach about evaluation practice. CONTENTS 1. Evaluation and Its Practice: Some Key Considerations and Choices PART I. TRADITIONAL EVALUATIONS WITH A PRIMARY PURPOSE OF JUDGING MERIT AND WORTH 2. The Evaluation of GAIN: A Welfare-to-Work Program in California, An Interview with James A. Riccio 3. Evaluation of the Natural Resources Leadership Program, 1995 through 1998, An Interview with Jennifer C. Greene 4. The Evaluation of the Ft. Bragg and Stark County Systems of Care for Children and Adolescents, An Interview with Len Bickman PART II. EVALUATIONS WITH A FOCUS ON DESCRIPTION 5. The Evaluation of the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP), An Interview with David Fetterman 6. The Evaluation of the Homeless Families Program, An Interview with Debra J. Rog 7. The Council for School Performance: Performance Reports for Georgia Schools, An Interview with Gary T. Henry PART III. EVALUATIONS WITH AN EMPHASIS ON PROGRAM PLANNING AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 8. Evaluation of the Special Education Program at the Anoka-Hennepin School District, An Interview with Jean A. King 9. Evaluation of the Work and Health Initiative with a Focus on Winning New Jobs, An Interview with Stewart I. Donaldson 10. Developing an Evaluation System for the Corporate Education Development and Training (CEDT) Department at Sandia National Laboratories, An Interview with Hallie Preskill 11. Evaluation of the Colorado Healthy Communities Initiative, An Interview with Ross Conner PART IV. EVALUATIONS CONCERNING CULTURAL COMPETENCE 12. Evaluation of the Fun with Books Program, An Interview with Katrina Bledsoe 13. Evaluation of Godfrey’s Children Center in Tanzania, An Interview with Allan Wallis and Victor Dukay PART V. ANALYSIS, INTERPRETATIONS, AND CONCLUSIONS 14. Exemplars? Choices: What Do These Cases Tell Us About Practice? 15. Analyzing the Practice of Evaluation: What Do these Cases Tell Us About Theory?

Stewart I. Donaldson and Christina A. Christie, Claremont Graduate University Melvin M. Mark, The Pennsylvania State University Placing into perspective the meaning of evidence for evaluation professionals and applied researchers, this text provides observations about the diversity and changing nature of credible evidence, Editors Stewart I. Donaldson, Christina A. Christie, and Melvin M. Mark include lessons from their own applied research and evaluation practice, and suggest ways in which practitioners might address the key issues and challenges of collecting credible evidence. CONTENTS PART I. INTRODUCTION 1. In Search of the Blueprint for an Evidence-Based Global Society 2. Social Inquiry Paradigms as a Frame for the Debate on Credible Evidence PART II. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHES AS THE ROUTE TO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE 3. When Getting It Right Matters: The Case for High-Quality Policy and Program Impact Evaluations 4. Randomized Control Trials: A Gold Standard With Feet of Clay? 5. What Is Credible Evidence in Education? The Role of the What Works Clearinghouse in Informing the Process 6. Evaluation Methods for Producing Actionable Evidence: Contextual Influences on Adequacy and Appropriateness of Method Choice PART III. NONEXPERIMENTAL APPROACHES FOR BUILDING CREDIBLE EVIDENCE 7. Demythologizing Causation and Evidence 8. Evidence as “Proof” and Evidence as “Inkling” 9. Reasoning With Rigor and Probity: Ethical Premises for Credible Evidence 10. Seeing Is Believing: The Credibility of Image-Based Research and Evaluation 11. Toward a Practical Theory of Evidence for Evaluation PART IV. CONCLUSIONS 12. Credible Evidence: Changing the Terms of the Debate Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5707-6 ©2009, 288 pages

Reframing Evaluation Through Appreciative Inquiry

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4974-3 ©2009, 472 pages

Hallie Preskill, University of New Mexico Tessie Tzavaras Catsambas, En Compass LLC This insightful work is the first book to introduce the application of Appreciative Inquiry (AI), an approach for organizational development and change, to the practice of evaluation. Authors Hallie Preskill and Tessie Tzavaras Catsambas lay out the theoretical foundation of AI and build a bridge between the theory and practice of applying AI to evaluation. CONTENTS 1. Introducing Appreciative Inquiry 2. Using Appreciative Inquiry in Evaluation Practice 3. Focusing the Evaluation Using Appreciative Inquiry 4. Designing and Conducting Interviews and Surveys Using Appreciative Inquiry 5. Using Appreciative Inquiry to Develop Evaluation Systems 6. Building Evaluation Capacity Through Appreciative Inquiry Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-0951-8 ©2006, 192 pages

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What Counts as Credible Evidence in Applied Research and Evaluation Practice?

Interviews With Expert Evaluators


44 Evaluation

Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement

Evaluation Roots Tracing Theorists’ Views and Influences Marvin C. Alkin, University of California, Los Angeles

An Introduction to Practice

The book examines current evaluation theories and traces their evolution within the framework of theories building upon theories and how evaluation theories are related to each other. Author Marvin C. Alkin posits that evaluation theories can be classified by the extent to which they focus on methods, uses, or valuing.

James C. McDavid, University of Victoria, Canada Laura R. L. Hawthorn This text offers a conceptual, as well as practical, introduction to program evaluation and performance measurement for public and nonprofit organizations. The authors guide readers through conducting quantitative and qualitative program evaluations and needs assessments, as well as constructing and implementing performance measurement systems. CONTENTS 1. Key Concepts and Issues in Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement 2. Understanding and Applying Program Logic Models 3. Research Designs for Program Evaluations 4. Measurement in Program Evaluation 5. Applying Qualitative Evaluation Methods 6. Assessing the Need for Programs 7. Concepts and Issues in Economic Evaluation 8. Performance Measurement as an Approach to Evaluation 9. Design and Implementation of Performance Measurement Systems 10. Using and Sustaining Performance Measurement Systems 11. Program Evaluation and Program Management: Joining Theory and Practice 12. The Nature and Practice of Professional Judgment in Program Evaluation


Evaluation A Systematic Approach Seventh Edition

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-0668-5

Peter H. Rossi, University of Massachusetts

©2006, 496 pages

Mark W. Lipsey, Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies Howard E. Freeman, University of California, Los Angeles

Evaluation Methodology Basics The Nuts and Bolts of Sound Evaluation E. Jane Davidson, Davidson Consulting Limited This valuable text provides a step-by-step guide for doing a real evaluation by focusing on the main kinds of “big picture” questions that evaluators usually need to answer, and how the nature of such questions is linked to evaluation methodology choices. CONTENTS 1. What is Evaluation? 2. Defining the Purpose of the Evaluation 3. Identifying Evaluative Criteria 4. Organizing the Criteria & Identifying Potential Sources of Evidence 5. Dealing With the Causation Issue 6. “Values” in Evaluation 7. Determining Importance 8. The Merit Determination Step 9. Synthesis Methodology 10. Putting it All Together 11. Meta-Evaluation

In this completely revised Seventh Edition, the authors include the latest techniques and approaches to evaluation as well as guidelines to tailor evaluations to fit programs and social contexts. Additionally, scores of new examples help students understand how evaluators deal with various critical issues. CONTENTS 1. An Overview of Program Evaluation 2. Tailoring Evaluations 3. Identifying Issues and Formulating Questions 4. Assessing the Need for a Program 5. Expressing and Assessing Program Theory 6. Assessing and Monitoring Program Process 7. Measuring and Monitoring Program Outcomes 8. Assessing Program Impact: Randomized Field Experiments 9. Assessing Program Impact: Alternative Designs 10. Detecting, Interpreting, and Analyzing Program Effects 11. Measuring Efficiency 12. The Social Context of Evaluation Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-7619-0894-4 ©2003, 480 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-2930-7 ©2005, 280 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Research Methods in Business and Marketing 45

Essentials of Business Research

Research Methods in Business and Marketing

A Guide to Doing Your Research Project

Designing and Managing a Research Project

This concise, student-friendly text cuts through the jargon of research terminology to present a clear guide to the basics of business research. It takes the student through the entire research process, uses actual student case examples, and explains the role of the supervisor and how to meet their expectations. 

A Business Student’s Guide Second Edition Michael Jay Polonsky


David S. Waller, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

1. An Introduction to Business Research 2. Developing a Research Topic 3. Conducting a Literature Review 4. Addressing Ethical Issues 5. Establishing a Research Design 6. Primary Data Collection 7. Using Secondary Data 8. Sampling 9. Analyzing Quantitative Data 10. Analyzing Qualitative Data 11. Writing Up and Presenting Your Research

This practical, step-by-step guide shows business students how to successfully conduct a research project, from choosing the topic through to presenting the results. The book is divided into sections on preparing and planning the project, undertaking the research, and finally communicating the results. CONTENTS PART I. THE FOUNDATIONS 1. Introduction 2. Choosing a Topic 3. The Role of the Supervisor 4. Group Dynamics and the Role of Conflict 5. Ethical Considerations PART II. UNDERTAKING THE RESEARCH 6. Planning the Research Project 7. Literature Review 8. Data Gathering 9. Qualitative Data Analysis 10. Quantitative Data Analysis 11. Establishing Recommendations PART III. COMMUNICATING THE RESULTS 12. Presenting the Results 13. Writing the Report 14. Oral Presentations 15. Concluding Remarks

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0133-8 ©2010, 336 pages

Making the Most of Your Placement John Neugebauer, Independent Consultant Jane Evans-Brain, Independent Consultant This study guide is an invaluable resource for any student doing a work placement as part of their degree. The text provides practical and thorough advice to help students select, prepare, and navigate through their first experience of organizational life.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7775-3 ©2011, 296 pages

CONTENTS PART I. GETTING A PLACEMENT 1. Finding a Placement 2. Applying for Roles 3. Interviews and Assessment Centres 4. The Important Not-So-Small Print PART II. WORKING ON YOUR PLACEMENT 5. Settling into Your Placement 6. Key Skills 7. Writing Reports 8. Learning from Your Placement PART III. UNIVERSITY AND PLACEMENT 9. University Research Principles PART IV. PLACEMENTS IN PERSPECTIVE 10. Back at University

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7568-6 ©2010, 184 pages

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Jonathan Wilson, Anglia Ruskin University, U.K.

New edition!


46 Research Methods in Business and Marketing

Data Analysis in Business Research

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

A Step-By-Step Nonparametric Approach

Methods and Applications Second Edition

D. Israel, XLRI, Jamshedpur This book discusses tools pertaining to sample tests, providing a compendium of major nonparametric tests all in one text. It is a friendly guide for anyone doing a dissertation data analysis. CONTENTS 1. One-Sample Tests 2. Two Independent Samples Tests 3. Two Related Samples Tests 4. K Related Samples Tests 5. K Independent Samples Tests 6. Measures of Correlation and Association 7. Tests of Interaction and Multiple Comparison 8. Multivariate Nonparametric Test for Interdependence

Henry M. Levin, Teachers College Columbia University Patrick J. McEwan, Wellesley College Designed so that an individual can utilize this book as part of an informal course of self-study or in a formal course on the subject, the authors of this text provide readers with the step-by-step methods to plan and implement a cost-analysis study. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Cost-Analysis 2. Establishing an Analytic Framework 3. The Concept and Measurement of Costs 4. Placing Values on Ingredients 5. Analyzing Costs 6. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis 7. Cost-Benefit Analysis 8. Cost-Utility Analysis 9. The Use of Cost Evaluations

Paperback ISBN: 978-8-1782-9875-7 ©2009, 320 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-1934-6

Diagnosing Organizations

©2001, 328 pages

Methods, Models, and Processes Third Edition Michael I. Harrison, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality The Third Edition of this best-seller shows how consultants and applied researchers can help decision makers quickly and flexibly diagnose problems and challenges and decide how to deal with them. CONTENTS 1. Diagnosis: Approaches and Methods 2. Open Systems Models 3. Assessing Individual and Group Behavior 4. System Fits and Organizational Politics 5. Environmental Relations 6. Challenges and Dilemmas of Diagnosis Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-2572-9 ©2005, 192 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Research Methods in Communication 47

Research Methods in Communication


Introducing Communication Research

An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches Second Edition Arthur Asa Berger, San Francisco State University

Paths of Inquiry Donald Treadwell, Westfield State College Focusing on the types of communication research students will actually utilize in their careers, this introductory text makes continuous connections between research and its real world application. In an engaging and conversational style, Donald Treadwell introduces the conceptual foundations of communication research, provides practical guidance on the most commonly used methods, and concludes with a chapter on writing up and presenting one’s findings. CONTENTS Prologue: Welcome to Communication Research: Finding your Path 1. Getting Started: Possibilities and Decisions 2. First Decisions: What, Why, How? 3. Ethics: Your Responsibilities as a Researcher 4. Reading Research: To Boldly Go Where Others Have Gone Before 5. Measurement: Research Using Numbers 6. Statistics: Analyzing Your Numbers 7. Sampling: Who, What and How Many? 8. Surveys: Putting Numbers on Opinions 9. Experiments: Researching Cause and Effect 10. Observation: Watching and Listening for In-Depth Understanding 11. Content Analysis: Understanding Text and Image 12. Writing Research: Sharing Your Results

Combining both qualitative and quantitative research methods, this Second Edition of bestselling introductory text covers the topics thoroughly and is clearly written and fun-to-read. This book is ideal for beginning research students both at the graduate and undergraduate level because it is clear, concise, and accompanied by many detailed examples. CONTENTS 1. What Is Research? 2. Library Searches 3. Semiotic Analysis 4. Rhetorical Analysis 5. Ideological Criticism 6. Psychoanalytic Criticism 7. Interviews 8. Historical Analysis 9. Ethnomethodological Research

10. Participant Observation 11. Content Analysis 12. Surveys 13. Experiments 14. A Primer on Descriptive Statistics 15. Nineteen Common Thinking Errors to Avoid 16. Writing Research Reports

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8777-6 ©2011, 360 pages

Doing Media Research

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4457-1

An Introduction Second Edition

©2010, 248 pages Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,

Susanna Hornig Priest, University of Nevada - Las Vegas

IBM SPSS DVD, Bound with this Book

Emphasizing conceptual understanding rather than algebra, this revised edition provides comprehensive coverage of both quantitative and qualitative social science methods used in research about the media and its role in society. CONTENTS PART I. ROOTS: SOCIAL SCIENCE FOUNDATIONS 1. A Philosophy of Social “Science” 2. Foundational Disciplines 3. Mass Communication as a Research Field PART II. ASKING QUESTIONS AND COLLECTING DATA: CREATING A RESEARCH PLAN 4. Developing a Research Question, Reviewing the Literature, Exploring Data Sources, and Defining Variables 5. Designing Quantitative Research: Surveys, Experiments, and Quantitative Content Analysis 6. Designing Qualitative Studies: Participant Observation, Interviews, Focus Groups, and Qualitative Content Analysis PART III. APPROACHES TO DATA ANALYSIS: BASIC TOOLS 7. Describing a Numerical Data Set and Making Inferences 8. Testing Hypotheses and Exploring Other Relationships 9. Qualitative Analysis: Identifying Themes and Writing Meaningful Summaries PART IV. RESEARCH IN BROADER CONTEXT: CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN THE DISSEMINATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS 10. Research Horizons: Opportunities and Challenges 11. Writing and Presenting the Research Report Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6097-7 ©2009, 272 pages

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Media and Communication Research

48 Research Methods in Communication UpDATED Edition Coming Soon!


Content Analysis

Qualitative Communication Research Methods


An Introduction to Its Methodology Klaus Krippendorff, The Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania The Second Edition is a definitive sourcebook of the history and core principles of content analysis as well as an essential resource for present and future studies. The book introduces readers to ways of analyzing meaningful data whose physical manifestations are secondary to the meanings that a particular population of people brings to them. CONTENTS PART I. Conceptualizing CONTENT ANALYSIS 1. History 2. Conceptual Foundation 3. Uses and Inferences PART II. COMPONENTS OF CONTENT ANALYSES 4. The Logic of Content Analysis Designs 5. Unitizing 6. Sampling 7. Recording/Coding 8. Data Languages 9. Analytical Constructs PART III. ANALYTICAL PATHS AND EVALUATIVE TECHNIQUES 10. Analytical/Representational Techniques 11. Reliability 12. Computer Aids 13. Validity 14. A Practical Guide

Third Edition

Thomas R. Lindlof, University of Kentucky Bryan C. Taylor, University of Colorado-Boulder This book is the only guide dedicated to qualitative research methods in communication. It introduces readers to every step of the qualitative research process, from developing research topics and questions, through writing a final report. In addition to covering the theories and methods currently used in qualitative communication research, the authors also discuss important trends influencing the future of that research. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Qualitative Communication Research 2. Theoretical Traditions and Qualitative Communication Research 3. Design I: Planning Research Projects 4. Design II: Implementing Research Projects 5. Producing Data I: Participating, Observing, and Recording Social Action 6. Producing Data II: Qualitative Interviewing 7. Producing Data III: Analyzing Material Culture and Documents 8. Sensemaking: Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation 9. Writing, Authoring, and Publishing Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7473-8 ©2011, 400 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-1545-4

Techniques of Close Reading

©2004, 440 pages

Barry Brummett, The University of Texas at Austin

UpDATED Edition Coming Soon!

The Content Analysis Guidebook Kimberly A. Neuendorf, Cleveland State University In this text, author Kimberly Neuendorf provides an accessible core text for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students across the social sciences. Comprising step-by-step instructions and practical advice, this text unravels the complicated aspects of content analysis. CONTENTS 1. Defining Content Analysis 2. Milestones in the History of Content Analysis 3. Beyond Description: An Integrative Model of Content Analysis 4. Message Units and Sampling 5. Variables and Predictions 6. Measurement Techniques 7. Reliability 8. Results and Reporting 9. Contexts

In a world in which messages increasingly ask us to believe, accept, buy, and follow, the ability to read texts closely in order to gain a deeper understanding of their meanings is an indispensable survival skill. This brief book provides students with this skill. Renowned scholar and professor Barry Brummett explains and explores the various ways to “read” messages (such as speeches or magazine ads), teaching students how to see deeper levels of meaning and to share those insights with others. CONTENTS 1. On Noticing What You See and Hear 2. Theories, Methods, Techniques 3. Using Form for Close Reading 4. Transformations in Texts: Seeing Beneath the Surface 5. Ideology and Argument 6. Conclusion: A Close Reading Using Multiple Techniques Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7265-9 ©2010, 152 pages Student Study Site,

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-1978-0 ©2002, 308 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Research Methods in Counseling | Research Methods in Criminology / Criminal Justice 49

Research Methods in Counseling


Doing Criminological Research

Evaluation and Application Second Edition Rick Houser, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Pamela Davies, Peter Francis, and Victor Jupp, Northumbria University, U.K.

Written for research methods courses in counseling and education, this Second Edition emphasizes the importance of being a good consumer of research and shows practitioners how to conduct research in practice. The new edition includes new chapters on evidence-based practice statistics, mixed methods, and online literature searches, new articles from the literature, and more.

The new edition of this bestselling textbook brings criminological research alive for students. It introduces the processes and practicalities of preparing, doing, experiencing and reflecting upon criminological research.



PART I. INTRODUCTION TO THE RESEARCH PROCESS 1. Science and the Research Process 2. Searching Articles in Professional Journals and Online Databases 3. Basics of Statistical Methods 4. Quantitative Research and Research Designs 5. Qualitative Research Methods 6. Mixed Methods Research 7. Evidence-Based Research Methods 8. Ethics and Research PART II. EVALUATING ARTICLES IN THE PROFESSIONAL LITERATURE 9. Evaluating the Literature Review 10. Evaluating the Purpose Statement and Hypotheses 11. Evaluating the Methods Section—Sampling Methods 12. Evaluating the Methods Section—Procedures 13. Evaluating the Methods Section—Instruments 14. Evaluating the Results Section 15. Evaluating the Discussion Section PART III. APPLICATION OF RESEARCH AND EVALUATION 16. Developing a Research Proposal and Conducting Research in Practice 17. Development and Application of Program Evaluation Research 18. Current and Future Issues in Counseling and Educational Research

PART I. PREPARING CRIMINOLOGICAL RESEARCH 1. Planning Criminological Research 2. Formulating Criminological Research Questions 3. Methodological Approaches to Criminological Research 4. The Politics of Criminological Research PART II. DOING CRIMINOLOGICAL RESEARCH 5. Undertaking a Criminological Literature Review 6. Mapping and Using Crime Data in Criminological Research 7. Doing Interviews in Prison 8. Using Survey Research to Measure Crime, Fear and Victimization 9. Carrying out Appreciative Ethnography in the Context of Policing 10. Using Images to Understand Crime and Justice 11. Doing Comparative Criminological Research 12. Using the Internet to Research Crime and Justice PART III. REFLECTING ON CRIMINOLOGICAL RESEARCH 13. Ethics and Criminological Research 14. Researching Crime, Criminal Justice and Social Divisions 15. The Media and Criminological Research 16. Criminological Research and Critical Inquiry Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0653-1 January 2011, 392 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5661-1 ©2009, 296 pages


Snapshots of Research Readings in Criminology and Criminal Justice Richard D. Hartley, University of Texas-San Antonio This supplemental textbook comprised of scholarly articles exemplifying research methods in criminology and criminal justice. The variety of readings will provide the student with a grasp of the fundamentals of research, as well as a more in depth understanding of each of the specific methods used in everyday life. CONTENTS 1. The Scientific Method and the Research Process in Criminology and Criminal Justice 2. Criminological Theory and the Scientific Method 3. Ethics in the Research Process 4. Conceptualization and Measurement 5. Sampling 6. Experimental and Quasi Experimental Research Designs Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8919-0 ©2011, 464 pages

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7. Survey Research and Interviews 8. Qualitative Research – Participant Observation, Focus Groups and Case Studies 9. Unobtrusive Methods – Secondary Analysis, Content Analysis, Crime Mapping, and Meta-Analysis 10. Mixed Methods Research 11. Evaluation Research and Policy Analysis


Counseling and Educational Research

Research Methods in Criminology / Criminal Justice

50 Research Methods in Criminology / Criminal Justice

The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice



Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Fourth Edition

Second Edition

Ronet Bachman, University of Delaware

Ronet Bachman, University of Delaware

Russell K. Schutt, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Russell K. Schutt, University of Massachusetts, Boston This text is a concise resource for understanding the multifaceted subject of research methods in the field of criminology and criminal justice. This book uniquely helps to teach research design and techniques within the context of substantive criminology and criminal justice issues of interest to students and the field. This is an excellent introductory methods text for undergraduate research courses in the fields of Criminal Justice and Criminology. CONTENTS 1. Science, Society, and Criminological Research 2. The Process and Problems of Criminological Research 3. Research Ethics and Philosophies 4. Conceptualization and Measurement 5. Sampling 6. Causation and Research Design 7. Survey Research 8. Qualitative Methods and Data Analysis 9. Analyzing Content: Crime Mapping and Historical, Secondary, and Content Analysis 10. Evaluation and Policy Analysis 11. Describing Quantitative Data 12. Reporting Research Results

Like its predecessors, the Fourth Edition provides complete coverage of the use and results of the contemporary methods employed in criminology and criminal justice research today. This text teaches research design and techniques within the context of substantive criminology and criminal justice issues of interest to students who will become professionals in the field. CONTENTS 1. Science, Society, and Criminological Research 2. The Process and Problems of Criminological Research 3. Research Ethics and Philosophies 4. Conceptualization and Measurement 5. Sampling 6. Causation and Research Design 7. Experimental Designs 8. Survey Research 9. Qualitative Methods and Analysis: Observing, Participating and Listening 10. Analyzing Content: Historical, Secondary, and Content Analysis and Crime Mapping 11. Evaluation and Policy Analysis 12. Quantitative Data Analysis 13. Reporting Research Results Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7875-0

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-9176-6

©2011, 560 pages

February 2011, 400 pages

Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,


Student Study Site,

Other titles from Russell K. Schutt... • Fundamentals of Social Work Research (p. 63) • Investigating the Social World (Read about Schutt, p. 65) • Making Sense of the Social World (p. 66) • The Practice of Social Work Research (p. 63) • Research Methods in Psychology (p. 58)

About THE AUTHORS Ronet Bachman, PhD, is Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice at the University of Delaware. She is coauthor of Statistical Methods for Crime and Criminal Justice and coeditor of Explaining Crime and Criminology: Essays in Contemporary Criminal Theory. In addition, she is author of Death and Violence on the Reservation and coauthor of Stress, Culture, and Aggression in the United States as well as numerous articles and papers. For Russell K. Schutt’s bio, please see page 65.

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Research Methods in Education 51

Research Methods in Education

Educational Research Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches Fourth Edition

Burke Johnson and Larry Christensen, University of South Alabama Educational Research is a comprehensive introductory research methods textbook for upper level undergraduate and graduate students. Readers will develop an understanding of the multiple research methods and strategies used in education and related fields, the ability to read and critically evaluate published research, and the ability to write a proposal, construct a questionnaire, and conduct an empirical research study on their own. Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-7828-6 ©2011, 520 pages


Key Features • Definitions of key terms are provided in margins of text for easy reference • Includes separate chapters on “How to Construct a Questionnaire” and “How to Write a Research Proposal” • Provides balanced coverage of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research • Has the most comprehensive companion website on the market

PART I. INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction to Educational Research 2. Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research PART II. PLANNING THE RESEARCH STUDY 3. How to Review the Literature and Develop Research Questions 4. How to Write a Research Proposal 5. Research Ethics PART III. FOUNDATIONS OF RESEARCH 6. Standardized Measurement and Assessment 7. How to Construct a Questionnaire 8. Methods of Data Collection 9. Sampling in Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research 10. Validity of Research Results in Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research PART IV. SELECTING A RESEARCH METHOD 11. Experimental Research 12. Quasi-Experimental and Single-Case Research 13. Nonexperimental Quantitative Research 14. Qualitative Research 15. Historical Research 16. Mixed Research

About the Authors Burke Johnson is a Professor in the Professional Studies Department at the University of South Alabama. His PhD is from the REMS (research, evaluation, measurement, and statistics) program in the College of Education at the University of Georgia. He also has graduate degrees in psychology, sociology, and public administration, which have provided him with a multidisciplinary perspective on research methodology. He has published in such journals as the Educational Researcher, Evaluation and Program Planning, Evaluation Review, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Journal of Educational Psychology, and Quantity and Quality.

PART V. ANALYZING THE DATA 17. Descriptive Statistics 18. Inferential Statistics 19. Data Analysis in Qualitative and Mixed Research PART VI. WRITING THE RESEARCH REPORT 20. How to Prepare a Research Report and Use APA Style Guidelines

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Larry Christensen received his PhD degree from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1967. After completing his doctoral studies he accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Texas A&M University. He remained at Texas A&M University for the next 25 years and was promoted to Professor of Psychology in 1982. In 1994 he accepted the position of chairperson of the Psychology Department at the University of South Alabama, a position he currently holds. He is the author or coauthor of three textbooks focusing on research methods and statistics, one of which is currently in its 11th edition.


New Edition!

52 Research Methods in Education


Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology

Self-Study Teacher Research Improving Your Practice Through Collaborative Inquiry Anastasia P. Samaras, George Mason University

Integrating Diversity With Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods Third Edition

Designed to help teachers plan, implement, and assess a manageable self-study research project, this unique textbook covers the foundation and methods of self-study research.

Donna M. Mertens, Gallaudet University Covering all methodological paradigms, this text combines theory with practical advice on how to do research and evaluation while integrating issues of social justice and cultural diversity into the full spectrum of research methods.


1. An Introduction to Research 2. Evaluation 3. Literature Review and Focusing the Research 4. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research 5. Causal Comparative and Correlational Research 6. Survey Methods 7. Single-Case Research 8. Qualitative Methods 9. History and Narrative Study of Lives 10. Mixed Methods Research 11. Sampling 12. Data Collection 13. Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Use

PART I. THE 6Ws OF SELF-STUDY RESEARCH 1. Understanding Self-Study: What and Why 2. Overview of the Self-Study Process: What and How 3. The Self-Study Community: When and Where and Who 4. The Self-Study Research Methodology: Why and How 5. Self-Study Methods: How PART II. YOUR SELF-STUDY PROJECT 6. Design 7. Protect 8. Organize Data 9. Collect Data 10. Analyze Data 11. Assess Research Quality 12. Write 13. Present and Publish

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7190-4

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7207-9

©2010, 552 pages

©2011, 344 pages

Student Study Site,

Student Study Site, www/


Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS


Conducting Educational Research

Second Edition

Daniel Muijs, University of Southampton, U.K.

Guide to Completing a Major Project Daniel J. Boudah, East Carolina University This book walks readers through each step of a research project or thesis, including developing a research question, performing a literature search, developing a research plan, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and sharing the conclusions with others. Throughout the book, Daniel J. Boudah covers all types of research (including experimental, descriptive, qualitative, group designs, and single subject designs) and helps readers link research questions to designs, designs to data sources, and data sources to appropriate analyses. CONTENTS

1. Research in Education 2. Identifying a Research Problem, Question, and Searching Relevant Literature 3. Understanding Relevant Literature and Writing a Literature Review 4. Issues in Validity and Trustworthiness 5. Designing and Conducting Experimental Research 6. Designing and Conducting Qualitative Research 7. Designing and Conducting Descriptive Research 8. Creating a Research Proposal 10. Analyzing and Interpreting Qualitative Research 11. Analyzing and Interpreting Descriptive Research 12. Writing Research Reports Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7902-3 ©2011, 336 pages

This accessible and authoritative introduction is essential for education students and researchers needing to use quantitative methods for the first time. Using datasets from real-life educational research and avoiding the use of mathematical formulae, the author guides students through the essential techniques that they will need to know, explaining each procedure using the latest version of SPSS. The datasets can also be downloaded from the book’s website, enabling students to practice the techniques for themselves. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Quantitative Research 2. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research 3. Designing Non-Experimental Studies 4. Validity, Reliability and Generalizability 5. Introduction to PASW Statistics (IBM SPSS) and the Data Set 6. Univariate Statistics 7. Bivariate Analysis: Comparing Two Groups 8. Bivariate Analysis: Looking at the Relationship between Two Variables 9. Multivariate Analysis: Using Regression Models to Look at the Relationship between Several Predictors and One Dependent Variable 10. Using Analysis of Variance to Compare More than Two Groups 11. Developing Scales and Measures: Item and Factor Analysis 12. One Step Beyond: Introduction to Multilevel Modeling and Structural Equation Modeling Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0324-1 ©2011, 264 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Research Methods in Education 53

Art Practice as Research

Marilyn Lichtman, Virginia Tech

Graeme Sullivan, Columbia University, Teachers College

This text uses published research articles to teach students how to understand and evaluate qualitative research in education. It gives students a well-rounded and practical look at what qualitative research is, along with guidance on how to read, analyze, and design studies themselves. CONTENTS PART I. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH APPROACHES 1. Reading Ethnography 2. Reading Grounded Theory 3. Reading Phenomenology 4. Reading Case Studies 5. Reading Action Research 6. Reading Narrative 7. Reading Mixed Methods PART II. ISSUES AT THE FOREFRONT OF THE QUALITATIVE RESEARCH FIELD 8. Clarifying Research Approaches 9. Qualitative Research in the New Millennium 10. Standards of Evidence 11. Review Boards, Research Ethics, and Academic Freedom 12. Writing Up Results 13. Reflexivity 14. Negotiating Through Graduate School Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7526-1 ©2011, 328 pages Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,

Inquiry in Visual Arts Second Edition

Substantially updated and revised, Art Practice as Research, Second Edition presents a compelling theory that the creative and cultural inquiry undertaken by artists is a form of research. Sullivan argues that legitimate research goals can be achieved by choosing different methods than those offered by the social sciences. Artists emphasize the role of the imaginative intellect in creating, criticizing, and constructing knowledge that is not only new but also has the capacity to transform human understanding. CONTENTS Introduction: Re-Viewing Visual Arts Research PART I. CONTEXTS FOR ART PRACTICE AS RESEARCH 1. Pigment to Pixel 2. Paradigms Lost 3. Practice and Beyond PART II. THEORIZING ART PRACTICE AS RESEARCH 4. Art Practice as Research 5. Visual Knowing 6. Artist as Theorist PART III. VISUAL ARTS RESEARCH PRACTICES 7. Visualizing Practices 8. Visual Arts Projects Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7451-6 ©2010, 312 pages

Qualitative Research in Education

Quantitative Research in Education

A User’s Guide Second Edition

A Primer

Marilyn Lichtman, Virginia Tech Designed to help education students become qualitative researchers, this updated edition brings together the essential elements of qualitative research, including traditions and influences in the field, with practical, step-by-step coverage of each stage of the research process. CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Overview of the Field 2. Insights From the Past 3. Learning How to Be a Qualitative Researcher 4. Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research 5. Designing Your Research: Choosing From a Variety of Approaches 6. Embarking on Qualitative Research 7. Self-Reflexivity and Subjectivity 8. The Role and Function of a Literature Review 9. Learning About Others Through Interviewing 10. Learning About Others Through Observations and Other Techniques 11. Making Meaning From Your Data 12. Communicating Your Ideas 13. Judging and Evaluating 14. Thinking About the Future Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7052-5 ©2010, 288 pages Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,

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Wayne K. Hoy, The Ohio State University Designed to allay anxiety about quantitative research, this practical text introduces readers to the nature of research, and then presents the meaning of concepts, variables, and research problems in the field of education. Rich with concrete examples and illustrations, the Primer emphasizes a conceptual understanding of quantitative methods and statistics while teaching strategies and techniques for developing an original research hypothesis. CONTENTS 1. The Nature of Research and Science 2. Concepts, Variables, and Research Problems 3. Conceptual Foundations of Statistics 4. Analyzing the Structure and Substance of Hypotheses 5. Generating Hypotheses Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7326-7 ©2010, 160 pages


Understanding and Evaluating Qualitative Educational Research


54 Research Methods in Education

The Ethics of Research with Children and Young People

Key Issues for Education Researchers Diana Burton, Professor of Education and Pro Vice Chancellor at Liverpool John Moores University

A Practical Handbook

Steve Bartlett, Professor of Education Studies at the University of Wolverhampton

Priscilla Alderson, Institute of Education, U.K. Virginia Morrow, University of Oxford, U.K. Alderson & Morrow cover ethics at every stage of research, and with all kinds of research participants, particularly focusing on those who are vulnerable or neglected. They break down the process of researching with children and young people into ten stages, each with its own set of related questions and problems, to help the reader understand the ethical issues which they need to address at each stage of their research.

Outlining philosophical approaches to research, this book will guide and support students through their research, offering practical advice on designing, planning and completing the research and on writing it up. It talks through techniques in both quantitative and qualitative methods, how to design research instruments, and the collecting and analyzing of data. CONTENTS


1. The Development of Education Research 2. Research Paradigms and Social Perspectives 3. An Ethical Approach to Research 4. Getting Started: Beginning a Research Project 5. Accessing and Using Literature 6. Research Strategies: Case Studies and Experiments 7. Questionnaires 8. Interviews 9. Observation 10. Research Biographies and Logs 11. Use of Existing Documents 12. Writing up and Final Conclusions

1. Introduction 2. Defining Some Terms 3. Research Ethics 4. The Purpose of This Book: Starting from Uncertainty and the Question Format 5. Researchers as Insiders or Outsiders 6. Overview of Contents PART I. THE PLANNING STAGES 7. Planning the Research: Purpose and Methods 8. Assessing Harms and Benefits 9. Respect for Rights: Privacy and Confidentiality 10. Designing Research: Selection and Participation 11. Money Matters: Contracts, Funding Research and Paying Participants 12. Reviewing Aims and Methods: Ethics Guidance and Committees PART II. THE DATA COLLECTING STAGE 13. Information 14. Consent PART III. THE WRITING, REPORTING AND FOLLOW UP STAGES 15. Disseminating and Implementing the Findings 16. The Impact on Children 17. Conclusion 18. References And Resources

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7358-3 ©2010 192 pages

Introduction to Research Methods in Education

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8570-2137-3 March 2011, 176 pages

Keith F. Punch, University of Western Australia This book assumes no previous knowledge of the subject, and focuses on helping the reader develop a clear, logical and conceptual understanding of the nature of empirical research in education, and of how those ideas lead to and underlie the principal research techniques.

Introduction to Educational Research A Critical Thinking Approach W. Newton Suter, University of Arkansas at Little Rock


Engaging, informative, and easy to follow, this text enables students to think clearly and critically about the scientific process of research. The author makes research accessible to teachers and equips them with the skills and understanding that enable the evaluation of published research including quantitative, qualitative, and action research. CONTENTS PART I. FOUNDATIONS PART II. RESEARCH AS PROCESS PART III. DATA COLLECTION PART IV. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS PART V. CONSUMER TO PRODUCER Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-1390-4

1. Introduction 2. Theory and Method in Education Research 3. The Context of Ethics in Education Research 4. Research Questions 5. From Research Questions to Data 6. Literature Searching and Reviewing 7. Qualitative Research Design 8. Collecting Qualitative Data 9. The Analysis of Qualitative Data 10. Quantitative Research Design 11. Collecting Quantitative Data 12. The Analysis of Quantitative Data 13. Mixed Methods Research 14. Evaluation 15. Research Writing Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7018-6 ©2009, 398 pages

©2006, 496 pages Student Study Site,

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Research Methods in Health 55

Research Methods in Health

Award winner!


David Grembowski, University of Washington

Designing and Conducting Gender, Sex, and Health Research

American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year

John L. Oliffe and Lorraine J. Greaves, The University of British Columbia

This valuable text provides readers with the methods to evaluate health programs and the expertise to navigate the political terrain so as to work more effectively with decision makers and other groups.

This is the first resource dedicated to critically examining gender and sex study design, methods, and analysis in health research. The authors draw attention to the methodological complexities, and offer ways to thoughtfully address these by drawing on empirical examples across a range of topics and disciplines. CONTENTS

CONTENTS PART I. CONTEXT & CONCEPTS 1. Why Put Gender and Sex Into Health Research? PART II. DESIGN 2. Sex and Gender: Beyond the Binaries 3. Implications of Sex and Gender for Health Research: From Concepts 4. Approaches to the Measurement of Gender 5. Measuring Biological Sex PART III: THE DOING OF SEX AND GENDER METHODS 6. Fieldwork: Observations and Interviews 7. Visual Methods in Gender and Health Research 8. Secondary Analysis: Gender, Age, Place 9. Content and Discourse Analysis 10. Approaches to Examining Gender Relations in Health Research 11. Developing a Gender Role Socialization Scale PART IV. POLICY, PROCESS AND PRODUCTS 12. Gender, Health, Research and Public Policy 13. Boundary Spanning: Knowledge Translation as Feminist Action Research in Virtual Communities of practice 14. Design, Methods and Knowledge Exchange: Connections and Pathways

1. Introduction 2. Health Program Evaluation 3. The Evaluation Process 4. Act I: Asking the Question 5. Developing Evaluation Questions 6. Act II: Answering the Question 7. Scene I: Designing the Evaluation 8. Evaluation of Program Impacts 9. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis 10. Evaluation of Program Implementation 11. Act II: Answering the Question 12. Scene II: Planning and Conducting the Evaluation

13. Population and Sampling 14. Measurement and Data Collection 15. Data Analysis 16. Act III: Use of the Answers in DecisionMaking 17. Scene I: Translate Answers Back into Policy Language and Developing Recommendations 18. Scene II: Development of Dissemination Plan 19. Scene III: Use of the Answers

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-1847-9 ©2001, 344 pages

Introductory Statistics for Health and Nursing Using SPSS

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8243-6 May 2011, 328 pages

Louise Marston, University College London, U.K.


With the inclusion of real-world data and a host of health-related examples, this is a highly accessible introductory statistics text ideal for all health science and nursing students. This accessible text avoids using long and off-putting statistical formulae in favor of non-daunting practical and SPSS-based examples.

Technology-Based Health Promotion Sheana Bull, University of Colorado, Denver Integrating detailed case studies and interactive skill-building exercises throughout, this is the first textbook of its kind to offer students an introduction to best practices for using technology in health promotion programs.

CONTENTS 1. A Primer on Technology Based Health Promotion 2. Ethical Issues in Technology Based Health Promotion 3. Technology Based Health Program Development 4. Technology Based Program Implementation 5. Program Evaluation for Technology Based Health Promotion 6. Case Studies in Computer-Based Health Promotion 7. Case Studies in Internet-Based Health Promotion 8. Case Studies in Mobile Phone-Based Health Promotion

CONTENTS 1. Getting Started with Data and SPSS 2. Data Management 3. Study Designs 4. Probability 5. Summary Statistics for Continuous Data 6. Summary Statistics for Categorical Data 7. Samples and Populations 8. Comparing Two Categorical Variables 9. Comparing Means 10. Non-Parametric Tests 11. Assessing Associations with a Continuous Outcome 12. Assessing Associations with a Categorical Outcome Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7483-2 ©2010, 264 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7060-0 ©2011, 296 pages

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The Practice of Health Program Evaluation

56 Research Methods in Health | Research Methods in Politics — from cq press


Your Undergraduate Dissertation in Health and Social Care

Qualitative Methods for Health Research Second Edition

Judith Green and Nicki Thorogood, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K.

Nicholas Walliman, Oxford Brookes University, U.K. Jane Appleton This revised edition has been specially tailored to the needs of those studying health, social care and related subjects. CONTENTS 1. What’s It All For? 2. What Types of Dissertations Are There? 3. What Will It Be About? 4. How Do I Get Started? 5. What’s All This About Philosophy? 6. How Do I Write A Proposal? 7. What About Working and Planning My Time? 8. Where and How Do I Get Hold of All the Necessary Background Information? 9. How Can I Manage All the Notes? 10. Arguments - Why Do I Need Them? 11. What Sorts of Data Will I Find? 12. Appraising the Quality of the Evidence 13. What’s All This About Ethics? 14. What’s All This About Research Governance?

15. How Do I Get Hold of Data? 16. What Do I Do with the Information When I’ve Got It? 17. When Do I Need To Combine Data Collection with Analysis? 18. How Can I Create a Mini World To Manipulate? 19. What About Referencing? 20. Writing It Up 21. How on Earth Can I Manage such a Long Piece of Writing? 22. What Can I Do To Make My Work Look Interesting and Easy To Read? 23. Who Else Might Be Interested in My Writing?

This book provides a thorough and practical introduction to designing, conducting, and appraising qualitative research. The authors focus on applied research, but cover the essentials of theory and principles in an accessible way, with easy-to-follow guidance on how to apply core research skills to the particular contexts of health research. CONTENTS PART I. PRINCIPLES AND APPROACHES IN QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH 1. Qualitative Methodology and Health Research 2. Developing Qualitative Research Designs 3. Responsibilities, Ethics and Values PART II. GENERATING AND ANALYSING DATA 4. In-depth Interviews 5. Group Interviews 6. Observational Methods 7. Using Documentary Sources 8. Analysing Qualitative Data PART III. DOING QUALITATIVE WORK FOR HEALTH 9. Qualitative Research in Practice: Settings and Contexts 10. Writing up Qualitative Work 11. Reading and Appraising Qualitative Outputs Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7074-2 ©2009, 320 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7070-4 ©2009, 288 pages

Research Methods for Health Care Practice Frances Griffiths, University of Warwick, U.K.

Research Methods in Politics— Offerings from CQ Press New!

A Stata Companion to Political Analysis

The book provides useful examples from health care research throughout to illustrate the application of the techniques and methods discussed. The book provides discussion of all the key issues and stages of research, including user involvement in research, research ethics, deciding on a research approach, and data collection and analysis methods. 

Second Edition

Philip H. Pollock III, University of Central Florida A step-by-step guide, this Second Edition contains over 50 exercises, customized data sets, annotated screenshots, and boxes that highlight Stata’s special capabilities. Updates include new datasets, coverage of the Stata Graph Editor, enhanced discussion of graph types, and guidance on using Internet-available data.


CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Stata 2. Descriptive Statistics 3. Transforming Variables 4. Making Comparisons 5. Making Controlled Comparisons 6. Making Inferences about Sample Means

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-3577-7

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-6087-1671-5

©2010, 224 pages

©2011, 225 pages

7. Chi-square and Measures of Association 8. Correlation and Linear Regression 9. Dummy Variables and Interaction Effects 10. Logistic Regression 11. Doing Your Own Political Analysis

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Research Methods in Politics—Offerings from CQ Press 57

The Essentials of Political Analysis

Political Science Research Methods

Philip H. Pollock III, University of Central Florida

Janet Buttolph Johnson, H. T. Reynolds, and Jason D. Mycoff, University of Delaware

Third Edition

CONTENTS 1. The Definition and Measurement of Concepts 2. Measuring and Describing Variables 3. Proposing Explanations, Framing Hypotheses, and Making Comparisons 4. The “How Else?” Question: Making Controlled Comparisons 5. Sampling and Inference 6. Foundations of Statistical Inference 7. Tests of Significance and Measures of Association 8. Correlation and Linear Regression 9. Logistic Regression Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8728-9606-2 ©2008, 226 pages

An SPSS Companion to Political Analysis

Don’t let an introduction to research methods be your students’ least favorite (and most intimidating) political science course. Relevant, timely, insightful, comprehensive, and always mindful of their student audience, the authors have revamped their popular text so that the sixth edition is friendlier and more intuitive than ever—the perfect gateway to understanding not just the “how” but also the “why” behind research into politics. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Studying Politics Scientifically 3. The Building Blocks of Social Scientific Research: Hypotheses, Concepts, and Variables 4. The Building Blocks of Social Scientific Research: Measurement   5. Research Design 6. Conducting a Literature Review  Selecting a Research Topic 7. Sampling 8. Making Empirical Observations: Direct and Indirect Observation 9. Document Analysis: Using the Written Record 10. Survey Research and Interviewing 11. Statistics: First Steps 12. Investigating Relationships between Two Variables 13. Multivariate Analysis 14. The Research Report: An Annotated Example Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8728-9442-6 ©2007, 572 pages

Third Edition

Philip H. Pollock III, University of Central Florida

Working with Political Science Research Methods

In his popular workbook, An SPSS Companion to Political Analysis*, Philip H. Pollock III gets students using actual political data and working with a software tool that prepares them for future political science courses.

Problems and Exercises Second Edition

*SPSS was acquired by IBM in October 2009

Janet Buttolph Johnson and H. T. Reynolds, University of Delaware

CONTENTS 1. Introduction to SPSS 2. Descriptive Statistics 3. Transforming Variables 4. Making Comparisons 5. Making Controlled Comparisons 6. Making Inferences about Sample Means 7. Chi-square and Measures of Association 8. Correlation and Linear Regression 9. Dummy Variables and Interaction Effects 10. Logistic Regression 11. Doing Your Own Political Analysis

This companion workbook gives students the perfect opportunity to practice each of the methods presented in the text. To maximize their ability to master each technique, the workbook is organized to parallel the text chapter for chapter, breaking out each aspect of the research process into manageable parts, and comes with updated data sets and primary documents. Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8728-9494-5 ©2007, 168 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8728-9607-9 ©2008, 237 pages

Visit to request your exam copies.

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Student anxiety runs high given the seemingly intimidating nature of the methods course. Brief and accessible, his text walks students through the basics—measuring concepts, formulating and testing hypotheses, describing variables—and uses key terms, chapter-opening objectives, more than eighty tables and figures, and class-tested chapter exercises to promote skill application and aid student review.

Sixth Edition

58 Research Methods in Psychology

Research Methods in Psychology Textbooks


Research Methods in Psychology Investigating Human Behavior Paul Nestor and Russell K. Schutt, University of Massachusetts, Boston Using substantive research stories to illustrate the presentation of research methods in each chapter, this textbook presents systematically the entire research process and its major variants within a unifying conceptual framework.

Key Features Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6049-6 February 2011, 528 pages


• Research Methods in Psychology uses substantive research stories to illustrate the presentation of research methods in each chapter. • A full chapter on ethics is complemented in the chapters that follow by end-of-chapter exercises applying ethics to the topic at hand. • Each chapter will have an interesting overarching thematic issue or topic, illustrated by real data, that will teach students the concepts and methods in an applied fashion.


• More illustrations than comparable texts visually reinforce key concepts and techniques.

1. Uncommon Sense: Scientific Method and Human Reasoning 2. The Foundations of Psychological Research 3. Ethics 4. Theory and Measurement 5. Sampling and Surveys 6. Simple Experimental Designs 7. Complex Experimental Designs 8. Quasi-Experimental Designs 9. Small N Designs 10. Statistical Analysis 11. Qualitative Methods 12. Essentials of APA Report Writing

• Unique end-of-chapter exercises will help give students in-depth experience in learning the chapter content. • Extensive, unique ancillary package with Interactive Exercises tied to journal research articles that are included on the companion study site.

Other titles from Russell K. Schutt... • Fundamentals of Social Work Research (p. 63) • Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (p. 50) • Investigating the Social World (Read about Schutt, p. 65) • Making Sense of the Social World (p. 66) • The Practice of Social Work Research (p. 63) • The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (p. 50)

About the authors Paul G. Nestor, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston, and Assistant Professor in Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School. He received his BA from Boston University, and his MA and PhD from Catholic University of America, and was a post-doctoral fellow in the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Clinical Research Training Program at Harvard Medical School. His research has been federally support by competitive grants from both the NIMH and the Department of Veterans Affairs. His teaching has been recognized by the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Achievement Award, University of Massachusetts-Boston (1999). For Russell K. Schutt’s bio, please see page 65.

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

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Research Methods in Psychology 59 New EDITION!


Methods in Psychological Research

A Practical Approach Third Edition

Second Edition

Leslie A. Miller, LanneM TM, LLC

Annabel Ness Evans and Bryan J. Rooney, Concordia University College of Alberta, Canada

Sandra A. McIntire, Rollins College Robert L. Lovler, Wilson Learning Corporation The Third Edition of this text offers a straight forward and clear introduction to the basics of psychological testing as well as to psychometrics and statistics for students new to the field. The authors focus on relating core ideas to practical situations that students will recognize and relate to. They provide a variety of pedagogical tools that promote student understanding of the underlying concepts required to interpret and to use test scores. Primarily concerned with preparing students to become informed consumers and users of tests, the text also features a final section focusing on how tests are utilized in three important settings: education, clinical and counseling practice, and organizations. Key Features • NEW! Testing concepts are more directly linked with examples from published tests to demonstrate how the concepts are actually used. • NEW! A more intuitive and student-friendly approach to the discussion of True Scores and Error Scores in classical test theory — concepts that students typically struggle with. • Section previews and concept maps provide students with written and graphic overviews of the contents of each section of the text and help instructors set the context of the proceeding chapters. • “For Your Information” boxes throughout each chapter supplement the material with relevant and interesting information about a particular topic. CONTENTS PART I. OVERVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING 1. What Are Psychological Tests? 2. Why Is Psychological Testing Important? 3. Is There a Right or Wrong Way to Use Psychological Tests? 4. How Does Computerized Testing Work? PART II. PSYCHOMETRIC PRINCIPLES 5. How Do Test Users Interpret Test Scores? 6. What Is Test Reliability? 7. How Do We Gather Evidence of Validity Based the Content of a Test? 8. How Do We Gather Evidence of Validity Based a Test’s Relationships with External Criteria? 9. How Do We Gather Evidence of Validity Based on a Test’s Relationship with Constructs? PART III. DEVELOPING AND PILOTING SURVEYS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS 10. How Do We Construct, Administer, and Use Survey Data? 11. How Do You Develop a Test? 12. How Do We Assess the Psychometric Quality of a Test? PART IV. USING TESTS IN DIFFERENT SETTINGS 13. How Are Tests Used in Educational Settings? 14. How Are Tests Used in Clinical and Counseling Settings? 15. How Do Organizations Use Psychological Tests? Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4129-7639-8 ©2011, 632 pages

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Annabel Ness Evans and Bryan J. Rooney provide an applied approach in this thoroughly updated Second Edition of Methods of Psychological Research. The authors continue to rely on student feedback from their extensive classroom experience to insure both accessibility and relevance. End-of-chapter FAQs and projects complement the in-text exercises and art to develop a refreshingly realistic methodology. Key Features • Updated material and research examples incorporate reviewer suggestions and conform to the revised second printing of the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). • New illustrative artwork emphasizes pertinent concepts while providing a visual foundation for today’s students. • Conceptual mini-exercises throughout the text encourage students to stop and think critically about the material they have just read. • End-of-chapter material includes suggested answers to the conceptual exercises, a collection of chapter exercises and projects voted by students to be the most useful, and a popular FAQ section comprised of the questions asked most often by the authors’ students. • Chapter 13 is written specifically for students who are required to conduct or propose a research project, and is complete with detailed examples and basic statistical procedures. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Research in Psychology 2. Understanding the Research Literature 3. Research in Psychology: An Ethical Enterprise 4. Hypothesis Testing, Power, and Control: A Review of the Basics 5. Measuring Variables 6. Selecting Research Participants 7. Experimental Design: Independent Groups Designs 8. Experimental Design: Dependent Groups and Mixed Groups Designs 9. Experimental Design: Single-Participant Designs/The Operant Approach 10. Finding Relationships Among Variables: Nonexperimental Research 11. Data Collection Methods 12. Program Evaluation, Archival Research, and Meta-Analytic Designs 13. Your Research Project: Analyzing, Interpreting, and Presenting Your Research 14. Communicating in Psychology Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7788-3 ©2011, 408 pages Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,


Foundations of Psychological Testing

60 Research Methods in Psychology

The Process of Research in Psychology



An EasyGuide to APA Style

Dawn M. McBride, Illinois State University

Beth M. Schwartz, Randolph College R. Eric Landrum, Boise State University Regan Gurung, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay  emystifying the process of writing in APA style D and format, this handy guide presents precise examples (both writing examples and Microsoft Word screenshots) and points out common APA style and formatting mistakes and how to avoid them. CONTENTS PART I. OVERVIEW 1. Style v. Format: Why It Matters to Your Audience and Why It Should Matter to You 2. Your Visual Guide to APA Style: QuickFinder Using a Sample Paper PART II. WRITING WITH (APA) STYLE: BIG PICTURE ITEMS 3. General Writing Tips Specific to APA Style 4. A Quick Grammar Summary for APA Style Writing 5. Thou Shalt Not Steal (Nor be Lazy): Plagiarism and How to Avoid It 6. Avoiding Biased Language (He Said, She Said) PART III. WRITING WITH (APA) STYLE: GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS 7. Whodunnit (Or Said It)? Citing References in Text 8. The Buck Starts Here: Method PART Update or What Exactly Did They Do? 9. And the Winner Is? Writing Your Results and Associated Fun 10. References: Everybody Needs References PART IV. PRESENTING YOUR WORK IN APA FORMAT 11. The Numbers Game: How to Write Numbers (and When the Rules Change) 12. Formatting: Organizing, Headings, and Making Your Work Look Good to Print 13. Table that Motion: Special Challenges of Tables and Figures 14. Make Microsoft Word 2007 Work For You: APA Formatting PART V. SOME NITTY-GRITTY DETAILS 15. Making a List, Checking it Twice: Enumeration and Seriation 16. The Devil is in the Details: Abbreviations, Signs, Symbols, Quotations, and Punctuation PART VI. IN CLOSING: IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS 17. Using Rubrics: Knowing What it Means to Write a Good Paper 18. Get It Right! Proofreading the Entire Paper 19. Complete Sample of Experimental (Research) Paper — Samples, Anyone? 20. All Together Now: The Most Common Mistakes to Avoid

Employing numerous examples and the pedagogical approach of spaced repetition, this introductory text provides a step-by-step explanation of how to design, conduct, and present a research study in psychology. Chronologically organized and chock-full of pedagogy, this book creates logical scaffolding upon which students can build their knowledge. CONTENTS 1. Psychological Research: The Whys and Hows of the Scientific Method 2. Hypothesis Development: Where Research Questions Come From 3. How Psychologists Use the Scientific Method: Observation Techniques and Research Designs 4. Types of Variables 5. Ethical Guidelines for Psychological Research 6. Sampling 7. Summarizing and Interpreting Data: Using Statistics 8. Reporting Research 9. The Nuts and Bolts of Survey Research 10. The Nuts and Bolts of Correlational Studies 11. The Nuts and Bolts of Experiments 12. The Nuts and Bolts of Quasi-Experiments 13. The Nuts and Bolts of Other Specialized Designs 14. The Nuts and Bolts of Using Statistics Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6078-6 ©2010, 352 pages IBM® SPSS® Statistics Student Version 18.0 Instructor Teaching Site,

| Lab Manual for Psychological Research

Sprial ISBN: 978-1-4129-9124-7 February 2011, 232 pages

Second Edition

Dawn M. McBride and J. Cooper Cutting, Illinois State University Packed full of useful exercises, checklists, and howto sections, this robust lab manual gives students hands-on guidance and practice conducting their own psychological research projects. CONTENTS PART I. RESEARCH METHODS EXERCISES PART II. RESEARCH PROJECT EXERCISES PART III. APA STYLE EXERCISES PART IV. AVOIDING PLAGIARISM EXERCISES Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7976-4 ©2010, 136 pages Better Together! The Process of Research in Psychology and the Second Edition of the Lab Manual for Psychological Research, ISBN: 978-1-4129-8086-9

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Research Methods in Psychology 61

Developmental Research Methods Third Edition

Scott A. Miller, University of Florida This classic standard, now in its Third Edition, successfully provides an overview of methods to prepare students to carry out, report on, and evaluate research on human development, with a focus on the whole lifespan. Author Scott A. Miller explores every step in the research process, from the initial concept to the final written result, covering conceptual issues of experimental design as well as the procedural skills necessary to translate design into research.

Jon S. Bailey, Florida State University School of Social Work Mary R. Burch, Behavior Management Consultants, Inc. This practical, how-to text provides the beginning researcher with the basics of applied behavior analysis research methods. The text covers all of the elements of single-subject research design in 10 logical steps and includes practical information for designing, implementing, and evaluating studies. CONTENTS

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. General Principles 3. Design 4. Measurement 5. Procedure 6. Contexts for Research 7. Qualitative and Applied Research 8. Statistics 9. Ethics 10. Writing 11. Infancy 12. Cognitive Development 13. Social Development 14. Aging


Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5029-9

Doing Qualitative Research in Psychology

©2007, 416 pages

A Practical Guide Michael A. Forrester, University of Kent, U.K.

The Psychology Research Handbook A Guide for Graduate Students and Research Assistants Frederick T. Leong, Michigan State University James T. Austin, The Ohio State University This Handbook offers a comprehensive guide for understanding and conquering the entire research process. The editors have assembled a distinguished group of expert researchers who share skill sets accumulated as a result of years of practical exposure to the design, development, implementation, and documentation of research in psychology. CONTENTS PART I. RESEARCH PLANNING PART II. DESIGN, INSTRUMENT SELECTION AND SAMPLING PART III. DATA COLLECTION PART IV. DATA ANALYSES PART V. RESEARCH WRITING PART VI. SPECIAL TOPICS Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-3022-8 ©2006, 408 pages

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This unique text provides a complete introduction to qualitative methods in psychology and will be ideal reading for anyone doing a course in qualitative psychology or planning a practical project using qualitative approaches. Forrester’s book has been developed in tandem with its own dataset, collected specifically for the book which will be a unique resource for any students using the text. CONTENTS PART I. FORMULATING RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. Theory and Method In Qualitative Research 2. Conducting Literature Reviews PART II. CONDUCTING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 3. Approaches to Data Collection in Qualitative Research 4. The Interview In Qualitative Research 5. Research Ethics in Qualitative Research PART III. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS: PRACTICAL EXAMPLES 6. Introducing the Data Set 7. QM1: Discourse Analysis 8. QM2: Grounded Theory 9. QM3: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis 10. QM4: Conversation Analysis PART IV. WRITING UP 11. Writing Up the Qualitative Methods Research Report Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7911-0 ©2010, 280 pages


Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis


Measuring the Performance of Human Service Programs


Agency-Based Program Evaluation

Second Edition

Lawrence L. Martin, University of Central Florida

Lessons From Practice

Peter M. Kettner, Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University

Stephen A. Kapp, University of Kansas Gary R. Anderson, Michigan State University This text aids both students and practitioners in articulating the elements of program evaluation, deepening their understanding of the contextual issues that surround and shape an evaluation. Authors Stephen A. Kapp and Gary R. Anderson offer readers details on the application of useful and accepted evaluation methods.

The Second Edition of this classic text examines the reasons why performance measurement has become the major method of performance accountability today. Employing the systems model as a conceptual framework, it explains how to develop and utilize output, quality, and outcome performance measures in human service programs. CONTENTS 1. Performance Accountability and Performance Measurement 2. Putting Performance Accountability and Performance Measurement in Perspective 3. Logic Models, Human Service Programs, and Performance Measurement 4. Output Performance Measures 5. Quality Performance Measures 6. Outcome Performance Measures 7. Introduction 8. Standardized Measures 9. Level of Functioning (LOF) Scales 10. Client Satisfaction 11. Using Performance Measurement Information

CONTENTS 1. Making the Case for Program Evaluation 2. Steps in Program Evaluation 3. Ethics and Program Evaluation: Applying a Code of Ethics to Field-Based Research 4. Ethical Challenges for Evaluators in an Agency Setting: Making Good Choices 5. Agencies and Academics: The Social and Political Context of Program Evaluation 6. Cultural Competency and Program Evaluation 7. Program Definition: Using Program Logic Models to Develop a Common Vision 8. Program Description: Evaluation Designs Using Available Information 9. Evaluation Design: Options for Supporting the Use of Information 10. Evaluation Design: Group Designs and Methods 11. Evaluation Design: Qualitative Designs and Applications 12. Consumer Satisfaction 13. Dissemination: Spreading the News

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-7061-7 ©2010, 160 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-3984-3 ©2010, 384 pages

Developing a Learning Culture in Nonprofit Organizations

Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,

The Handbook of Social Work Research Methods

Stephen J. Gill, Independent Consultant Filled with practical tips and tools, this text shows students and managers of human services, arts, education, civic, and environmental agencies how to implement a learning culture with individuals, teams, the organization as a whole, and the larger community.

Second Edition

Bruce Thyer, Florida State University College of Social Work This updated Handbook addresses the changes in the field of social work, as qualitative research gains more prominence as well as mixed methods and various issues regarding race, ethnicity and gender. Edited by a leading scholar in the field, this text covers meta analysis, designs to evaluate treatment, and key Internet resources. CONTENTS


CONTENTS 1. Need for a Learning Culture 2. Barriers to a Learning Culture 3. Creating a Learning Culture 4. Individual Learning 5. Team Learning 6. Whole Organization Learning 7. Community Learning 8. Learning From Evaluation 9. Using Models to Facilitate Learning 10. Summary Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6767-9 ©2010, 232 pages Student Study Site,

©2010, 672 pages Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

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About the authors

For Russell K. Schutt’s bio, please see page 65.

Fundamentals of Social Work Research

The Practice of Research in Social Work

Rafael J. Engel, University of Pittsburgh

Second Edition

Russell K. Schutt, University of Massachusetts, Boston This text introduces research methods as an integrated set of techniques to investigate social work practice methods and problems. Integrating substantive practice-related examples with research techniques, the authors present ethical decision making as a part of every aspect of the research design process and infuse content on diversity and populations at risk throughout the text. Key Features • Engaging writing style coupled with real, applied examples that show students why a study of research methods is relevant and interesting to future social workers • Research with diverse populations infused into every chapter • Evidence-Based Practice integrated throughout the text • Ethical concerns highlighted in each chapter and ethics exercises included after each chapter • An expansive Student Study Site with a variety of contemporary research examples and more CONTENTS 1. Science, Society, and Social Work Research 2. The Process and Problems of Social Work Research 3. Conceptualization and Measurement 4. Sampling 5. Group Experimental Designs 6. Single-Subject Design 7. Survey Research 8. Qualitative Methods: Observing, Participating, Listening 9. Qualitative Data Analysis 10. Evaluation Research 11. Quantitative Data Analysis 12. Reporting Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5416-7 ©2010, 416 pages Instructor Teaching Site and Student Study Site,

| Other titles from Russell K. Schutt... • Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (p. 50) • Fundamentals of Social Work Research (p. 63) • Investigating the Social World (Read about Schutt, p. 65) • Making Sense of the Social World (p. 66) • The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (p.63) • Research Methods in Psychology

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Rafael J. Engel, University of Pittsburgh Russell K. Schutt, University of Massachusetts, Boston Designed to help students develop skills in evaluating research and conducting studies, this popular text makes principles of evidence-based practice come alive through illustrations of actual social work practice research. Key Features • Updated coverage of diverse populations. Coverage of diverse populations is shown as an integral part of the research design process, rather than as a disconnected step. • An increased focus on ethics, including new ethics exercises. Ethical decisionmaking is presented as an integral part of the research design process, rather than as a disconnected step. • New examples of research in social work practice settings. New social work practice examples now illustrate the latest research on such topics as homelessness, domestic violence, substance abuse, gender, aging, child welfare, and welfare reform, including the methods used and the challenges researchers confronted. • New and revised pedagogy. This edition includes more review exercises in a variety of formats than any other text of its kind, including exercises on developing a proposal, discussion questions, practice exercises, web exercises, new ethics exercises, and new SPSS exercises on the student website. CONTENTS 1. Science, Society, and Social Work Research 2. The Process and Problems of Social Work Research 3. Conceptualization and Measurement 4. Sampling 5. Causation and Research Design 6. Group Experimental Designs 7. Single-Subject Design 8. Survey Research 9. Qualitative Methods: Observing, Participating, Listening 10. Qualitative Data Analysis 11. Evaluation Research 12. Quantitative Data Analysis 13. Reporting Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6891-1 ©2009, 608 pages Student Study Site,


Rafael J. Engel, PhD, is Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh. He has authored journal articles on such topics as poverty in later life, welfare benefits, and depressive symptomatology and he has written a variety of monographs reporting agency-based evaluations. His research experience includes funded research studies on faith-based organizations and employment in late life as well as funded evaluation research studies on welfare to work programs and drug and alcohol prevention programs.

64 Research Methods in Social Work | Social Research Methods

Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research

Social Research Methods


Second Edition

Adventures in Social Research

Deborah K. Padgett, New York University, New York This essential text promotes new ways of thinking by offering fresh perspectives and collecting the most up-to-date information on qualitative research methods. With this Second Edition, noted author and researcher, Deborah K. Padgett continues to deliver a highly readable, tightly woven book that helps humanize data in a meaningful way.

Data Analysis using IBM® SPSS® Statistics Seventh Edition Earl Babbie, Chapman University, Orange, California Fred S. Halley, State University of New York, Brockport William E. Wagner, III, California State University, Channel Islands

CONTENTS 1. The Qualitative Methods Family 2. Choosing the Right Approach(es) 3. Getting Started: Study Design and Sampling 4. Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research 5. Entering the Field and Conducting Observation 6. Interviewing and Use of Documents 7. Data Analysis and Interpretation 8. Strategies for Rigor 9. Telling the Story: Writing Up the Qualitative Study 10. Mixed Methods Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-5193-7 ©2008, 304 pages

Jeanne Zaino, Iona College, New Rochelle This book guides students step-by-step through the process of data analysis using SPSS® /PASW Statistics and 2008 General Social Survey (GSS) data. Written by esteemed social science research authors, this workbook encourages students to practice SPSS as they read about it and provides a practical, hands-on introduction to conceptualization, measurement, and association through active learning. Arranged to parallel most introductory research methods texts, this text starts with an introduction to computerized data analysis and the social research process, then walks readers step-by-step through univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis using SPSS Statistics. CONTENTS PART I. PREPARING FOR DATA ANALYSIS 1. Introduction: The Theory and Practice of Social Research 2. The Logic of Measurement 3. Description of Data Sets; The General Social Survey (GSS) PART II. UNIVARIATE ANALYSIS 4. Using SPSS Statistics: Some Basics 5. Describing Your Data Religiosity 6. Presenting Your Data in Graphic Form: Political Orientations 7. Recoding Your Data: Religiosity and Political Orientations 8. Creating Composite Measures: Exploring Attitudes Toward Abortion in More Depth 9. Suggestions for Further Analysis PART III. BIVARIATE ANALYSIS 10. Examining the Sources of Religiosity 11. Political Orientations as Cause and Effect 12. What Causes Different Attitudes Towards Abortion? 13. Measures of Association 14. Tests of Significance 15. Suggestions for Further Bivariate Analyses PART IV. MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 16. Multiple Causation: Examining Religiosity in Greater Depth 17. Dissecting the Political Factor 18. A Powerful Prediction of Attitudes Towards Abortion 19. Suggestions for Further Multivariate Analyses PART V. THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES 20. Designing and Executing Your Own Survey 21. Further Opportunities for Social Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8244-3 ©2011, 456 pages Student Study Site,

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Social Research Methods 65 Bestseller!

Investigating the Social World Russell K. Schutt, University of Massachusetts, Boston In this updated Sixth Edition of the most successful social research text published in a generation, Russell K. Schutt, an award-winning researcher and educator at the forefront of cutting-edge research, makes research come alive through up-to-date real-world examples that illustrate each chapter’s methods and hands-on exercises that help students learn by doing.

Key Features • A new chapter on research ethics (Chapter 3) with up-to-date information on Institutional Review Boards and HIPAA (health information) rules Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6940-6

• New-to-this-edition ethics questions at the end of each chapter

©2009, 728 pages

• Updated studies of social ties, domestic violence, crime, and other social issues throughout

Student Study Site,

• New examples from research on disasters, gender roles, and social interaction

Instructor Teaching Site,

• Expanded coverage of survey research methods, including the effect of cell phones and use of the Internet

| CONTENTS 1. Science, Society, and Social Research 2. The Process and Problems of Social Research 3. Research Ethics and Philosophies 4. Conceptualization and Measurement 5. Sampling 6. Research Design and Causation 7. Experiments 8. Survey Research 9. Qualitative Methods: Observing, Participating, Listening 10. Qualitative Data Analysis 11. Evaluation And Policy Research 12. Historical And Comparative Research 13. Secondary Data Analysis and Content Analysis 14. Quantitative Data Analysis 15. Summarizing and Reporting Research

• Increased qualitative research methods such as the growing popularity of narrative analysis, conversation analysis, and visual methods • New sections focus on: the conceptualization of race (Chapter 4), the importance of translation (Chapter 8), improving our understanding of prejudice (Chapters 9 and 10), the challenges of cross-cultural research (Chapter 9), the significance of gender (Chapter 13), and the dynamics of voting (Chapter 14) • New discussion questions focus on issues that can be debated in class, and exercises using SPSS® (version 16.0) are revised for use with the new 2006 General Social Survey (GSS) dataset

Other titles from Russell K. Schutt... • Fundamentals of Social Work Research (p. 63) • Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (p. 50) • Making Sense of the Social World (p. 66) • The Practice of Social Work Research (p. 63) • The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (p.50) • Research Methods in Psychology (p.58)

About the Author Russell K. Schutt, PhD, is Professor of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston and Lecturer on Sociology in the Department of Psychiatry (Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center) at the Harvard Medical School. He completed his BA, MA, and PhD degrees at the University of Illinois at Chicago and was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Sociology of Social Control Training Program at Yale University. He has authored and coauthored numerous texts, journal articles, book chapters, and research reports on homelessness, service preferences and satisfaction, mental health, organizations, law, and teaching research methods.

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The Process and Practice of Research Sixth Edition

66 Social Research Methods

Configurational Comparative Methods



Making Sense of the Social World

Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques

Methods of Investigation Third Edition

Benoît Rihoux, Université catholique de Louvain, France

Daniel F. Chambliss, Hamilton College

Charles C. Ragin, University of Arizona

Russell K. Schutt, University of Massachusetts, Boston This brief, accessible, and sometimes humorous text is ideal for students who need to understand research methods, but who may never conduct vaccurate, and comprehensive coverage, with a balanced treatment of qualitative and quantitative methods, illustrated by vivid examples from research studies and from everyday life, and a new full chapter on ethics. Students become informed consumers of research through unusually clear explanations of challenging topics such as units of analysis and conceptualization, easily applied “how to” instruction on a variety of important methods, and extensive chapter-ending exercises. CONTENTS 1. Science, Society, and Social Research 2. The Process and Problems of Social Research 3. Ethics in Research 4. Conceptualization and Measurement 5. Sampling 6. Causation and Experimental Design 7. Survey Research 8. Elementary Quantitative Data Analysis 9. Qualitative Methods: Observing, Participating, Listening 10. Qualitative Data Analysis 11. Evaluation Research 12. Reviewing, Proposing, and Reporting Research

Integrating strengths of both qualitative (caseoriented) and quantitative (variable-oriented) approaches, this first-of-its-kind text is ideally suited for “small-N” or “intermediate-N” research situations. Authors Rihoux and Ragin, along with contributing authors, offer both a basic, comparative research design overview and a technical, hands-on review of Crisp-Set QCA (csQCA), MultiValue QCA (mvQCA), and Fuzzy-Set QCA (fsQCA). CONTENTS 1. Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) as an Approach 2. Comparative Research Design: Case and Variable Selection 3. Crisp-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (CSQCA) 4. Multi-Value QCA (MVQCA) 5. Qualitative Comparative Analysis Using Fuzzy Sets (FSQCA) 6. A Commented Review of Applications 7. Addressing the Critiques of QCA 8. Conclusions - The Way(s) Ahead Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-4235-5 ©2009, 240 pages

Perspectives in Social Research Methods and Analysis

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6939-0 ©2010, 416 pages Instructor Resources on CD, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7409-7

A Reader for Sociology

Student Study Site,

Howard Lune, Hunter College Enrique S. Pumar, The Catholic University of America Ross Koppel, University of Pennsylvania

Other titles from Russell K. Schutt... • Fundamentals of Social Work Research (p. 63) • Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (p. 50) • Investigating the Social World (Read about Schutt, p. 65) • The Practice of Social Work Research (p. 63) • The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (p. 58) • Research Methods in Psycholog (p. 58)

This book shows students the steps involved in the research process, the various strategies for conducting a valid social inquiry, and most importantly, the persuasiveness and elegance of reliable social research. It highlights the link between academic research and the real world. CONTENTS PART I. WHERE TO BEGIN PART II. RESEARCH DESIGN PART III. ETHICS IN SOCIAL RESEARCH PART IV. QUANTITATIVE DATA COLLECTION PART V. QUALITATIVE DATA COLLECTION PART VI. QUANTITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS PART VII. QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS PART VIII. MIXED METHODS PART IX. LAST WORD Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6739-6 ©2010, 456 pages Student Study Site,

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Social Research Methods 67

Feminist Research Practice A Primer Patricia Lina Leavy, Stonehill College This text provides a “hands-on” approach to research by providing exercises and “behind the scenes” glimpses of feminist researchers at work. CONTENTS 1. An Invitation to Feminist Research PART I. FEMINIST APPROACHES TO EPISTEMOLOGY AND THEORY 2. Feminist Empiricism: Challenging Gender Bias and “Setting the Record Straight” 3. Feminist Standpoint Epistemology: Building Knowledge and Empowerment Through Women’s Lived Experience 4. Feminist Postmodernism and Poststructuralism PART II. FEMINIST APPROACHES TO RESEARCH METHODS AND METHODOLOGY 5. The Practice of Feminist In-Depth Interviewing 6. The Practice of Feminist Oral History and Focus Group Interviews 7. The Feminist Practice of Ethnography 8. The Feminist Practice of Content Analysis 9. Feminist Approaches to Mixed-Methods Research 10. Feminist Survey Research PART III. FEMINIST PRAXIS 11. Putting It Together: Feminist Research Praxis

Scale Development Theory and Applications Third Edition Robert F. DeVellis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill A best-seller in its previous editions, Scale Development: Theory and Applications, Third Edition has been extensively updated and revised to address changes in the field and topics that have grown in importance. Widely adopted for graduate courses in departments such as Psychology, Public Health, Marketing, Nursing, and Education, this book will prove beneficial to applied researchers across the social sciences. CONTENTS 1. Overview 2. Understanding the “Latent Variable” 3. Reliability 4. Validity 5. Guidelines in Scale Development 6. Factor Analysis 7. An Overview of Item Response Theory 8. Measurement in the Broader Research Context

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-8044-9 May 2011, 232 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-2892-8

Theory and Methods in Social Research

©2007, 392 pages

Second Edition

Designing Social Research A Guide for the Bewildered Ian Greener, Durham University  sing everyday jargon-free language, Designing U Social Research guides you through the jungle of setting up a research study. Ian Greener provides guidance on how to practically plan your research and helps you to understand the underpinning methodological principles that should inform your decisions about the methods you plan to use. CONTENTS 1. Introduction: The Vocabulary of Social Research, or What Are You Talking about? 2. Reviewing What Other People Have Said, or How Can I Tell if Others’ Research Is Any Good? 3. Causality in Your Research, or How Deep Should Ontology Go? 4. Dealing with Time and Control, or Should Immersion and Objectivity Be Research Goals? 5. Questionnaires, or How Can I Conduct Research with People at a Distance? 6. Elements Of Quantitative Design: Sampling, Statistics and Regression, or What Can I Do with Numbers? 7. Ethnography as a Research Approach, or What Do I Gain from Watching People and Talking to Them? 8. Dealing With Qualitative Data, or What Should I Do with All These Words? 9. Ethics, or What Practices Are Appropriate in My Research? 10. Writing up Your Research, or What Can I Say I’ve Found? 11. Writing up Reviews and Putting Together Proposals, or Can You Provide Some Examples of All of This? 12. Conclusion, or Getting on with Social Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0190-2 May 2011, 200 pages

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Bridget Somekh, Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K. Cathy Lewin This new edition provides a scholarly and readable introduction to all the key qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and methods, enabling postgraduate and masterslevel students and new researchers to reflect on which ones suit their needs and to receive guidance on how to find out more. CONTENTS PART I. READING, REVIEWING AND REFLECTING PART II. LISTENING, EXPLORING THE CASE AND THEORIZING PART III. ADDRESSING ISSUES OF POWER AND RESEARCHING FOR IMPACT PART IV. OBSERVING, QUERYING, INTERPRETING PART V. IDENTITY, COMMUNITY AND REPRESENTATION PART VI. QUANTITATIVE METHODS: THEORIES AND PERSPECTIVES PART VII. QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN ACTION PART VIII. RESEARCHING IN POSTMODERN CONTEXTS Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0015-8 March 2011, 368 pages


Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Boston College


68 Social Research Methods

Exploring Social Issues



Constructing Social Research

Using SPSS for Windows Third Edition

The Unity and Diversity of Method Second Edition

Joseph F. Healey, Christopher Newport University

Charles C. Ragin, University of Arizona

John Boli, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

Lisa Amoroso, Dominican University

Earl R. Babbie, Chapman University, Orange

Constructing Social Research, Second Edition is a concise, innovative text designed for undergraduate Research Methods courses in the Social Sciences. This Sociology for a New Century Series text effectively highlights the unity and diversity of methods across disciplines and cultures using comparative and historical examples. Ragin and Amoroso clearly demonstrate the similarities among three major traditions: qualitative research on commonalities, comparative research on diversity, and quantitative research on relationships among variables. Together, these three compelling research strategies provide a solid foundation for studying all social phenomena, from examining the complexities of everyday life to investigating the power of transnational processes.  CONTENTS PART I. ELEMENTS OF SOCIAL RESEARCH 1. What is Social Research? 2. The Goals of Social Research 3. The Process of Social Research: Ideas and Evidence 4. The Ethics of Social Research PART II. STRATEGIES OF SOCIAL RESEARCH 5. Using Qualitative Methods to Study Commonalities 6. Using Comparative Methods to Study Diversity 7. Using Quantitative Methods to Study Covariation

Fred Halley, State University of New York, Brockport This hands-on text to social research for Introductory Sociology courses, shows students how analyzing data can help them better understand compelling social issues. This Third Edition uses updated General Social Survey data sets and offers a robust SPSS primer in an appendix. CONTENTS 1. Getting Started: Social Research, Data Sets, and Frequency Distributions 2. Theory and Research: The Scientific Method 3. Describing the Sample, Types of Variables, and Data Sets 4. Culture: What Do Americans Value? 5. A Controversy in Values: Attitudes About Abortion 6. Socialization: What Kinds of Children Do Americans Want? 7. Crime: Fear, Law Enforcement, and Punishment 8. Inequality and Social Class in the United States 9. Inequality and Gender 10. Inequality and Race 11. The Family Institution: Forms and Functions 12. The Political Institution in the United States: Support for Civil Liberties, Presidential Choice, and the Gender Gap Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6421-0 ©2010, 376 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-6018-2 ©2011, 248 pages


Social Research and Reflexivity


Social Research

Tim May, Centre for Sustainable Urban & Regional Futures, University of Salford, U.K.

An Introduction Second Edition

Beth Perry, University of Salford, U.K.

Matthew David, Brunel University

This is an agenda setting book from the leading expert in the field book that not only provides a history of reflexive thought, but its consequences for the practice of social research and an understanding of the contexts in which it is produced.

Carole D. Sutton, University of Plymouth This new edition provides those new to social research with a comprehensive introduction to the theory, logic and practical methods of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research. Covering all aspects of research design, data collection, data analysis and writing up, Social Research: An Introduction is the essential companion for all undergraduate and postgraduate students embarking on a methods course or social research project.



Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-6284-7



©2011, 248 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7013-1 January 2011, 680 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Social Research Methods 69

Social Research Methods



Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches H. Russell Bernard, University of Florida

Martyn Hammersley, The Open University Since many social scientists are ambivalent about methodology, in this book, author Martyn Hammersley spells out the demands it places upon social scientists, and examining such issues as the proper role of methodology, the nature of objectivity, the false idea that social scientists should be intellectuals or social critics, the dialectic of academic discussion, the ethics of belief, and the limits of academic freedom. CONTENTS PART I. THE ROLE OF THE RESEARCHER: LIMITS, OBLIGATIONS, AND VIRTUES 1. Methodology, Who Needs It? 2. On the Social Scientist as Intellectual 3. Should Social Science Be Critical? 4. Objectivity as an Intellectual Virtue 5. Too Good to Be False? The Ethics of Belief PART II. THE DIALECTIC OF KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION 6. Models of Research: Discovery, Construction and Understanding 7. Merely Academic? A Dialectic for Research Communities 8. Academic License and Its Limits: The Case of Holocaust Denial 9. Epilogue

At last, a social research methods text for students and future researchers who need to use both words and numbers in their research. The purpose of this book is to explain and demonstrate to students when to use and how to apply the quantitative and qualitative techniques that they’ll need to do their own social research. Using actual examples from psychology, sociology, anthropology and education, this book provides readers with a conceptual understanding of each technique and shows them how to use it. Social Research Methods shows that a book on research methods can incorporate comprehensiveness, sophistication, and clear writing. It conveniently packages nearly everything one needs to know or think about before or while carrying out social and behavioral research. CONTENTS PART I. BACKGROUND TO RESEARCH PART II. RESEARCH DESIGN PART III. DATA COLLECTION PART IV. DATA ANALYSIS Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-7619-1403-7 ©2000, 768 pages

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8492-0205-3 January 2011, 224 pages

Using Biographical Methods in Social Research

A Critical Introduction to Social Research Second Edition

Barbara Merrill, University of Warwick, U.K.

Matt Henn, Mark Weinstein, and Nick Foard, Nottingham Trent University, U.K.

Linden West, Canterbury Christ Church University, U.K.

This book provides a clear and easy-tounderstand route-map to help the reader plan their research project from beginning to end. It is perfect for use on introductory methods courses and is also an invaluable guide for the first time researcher embarking on their own small-scale research project. The new Second Edition now features updated chapters which reflect recent debates and developments in the field.

Barbara Merrill and Linden West consider important questions about what research is for, what makes it valid, to the practical business of interviewing, analyzing and writing up of biographical data. The authors draw on their sociological and psychological orientations to provide a truly interdisciplinary approach to the subject, and provide numerous examples of biographical research across the social sciences.


1. Introduction: Setting the Scene 2. Biographical Methods: An Introductory History 3. Mapping the Contemporary Uses of Biographical Research 4. Identifying Some Theoretical Issues 5. Illustrating Good Practice: Case Studies 6. Getting Started in Research 7. Interviewing and Recording Experience 8. Making Sense of Biography: Analysis 9. Representing the Stories: Writing Up 10. Is Biographical Research Valid and Ethical? 11. On Being a Biographical Researcher

1. Introduction 2. What is Social Research? 3. Critical Social Research 4. Getting Started in Research: The Research Process 5. Ethics in Social Research 6. Documentary Sources, Official Statistics and Secondary Data 7. Quantitative Approaches in Social Science Research 8. Qualitative Approaches in Social Research 9. The Analysis of Data 10. Writing Up and Presenting Research Results 11. Designing a Research Proposal Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0179-6 ©2010, 368 pages

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Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-2958-5 ©2010, 224 pages


Who Needs It?

70 Social Research Methods


Researching Social Change

Doing Research in the Real World

Qualitative Approaches

Second Edition

Julie McLeod, University of Melbourne, Australia

David E. Gray, University of Surrey, U.K.

Rachel Thomson, The Open University, U.K. This book provides a timely guide to qualitative methodologies that investigate processes of personal, generational, and historical change. The authors showcase a range of methods that explore temporality and the dynamic relations between past, present, and future. Through case studies, they review six methodological traditions: memory work, oral/life history, qualitative longitudinal research, ethnography, inter-generational and follow-up studies. CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Researching Change and Continuity PART I. REMEMBERING 2. Memory-Work 3. Oral and Life History PART II. BEING WITH 4. Qualitative Longitudinal Research 5. Ethnography PART III. INHERITING 6. Generation 7. Revisiting 8. Time, Emotions and Research Practice 9. Conclusion Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-2887-8 ©2009, 200 pages

Researching Young People’s Lives

This clear and accessible text introduces readers to the essential aspects of the research process, including the best approaches to the design of appropriate research tools, data collection, analysis and writing up. CONTENTS PART I. PRINCIPLES AND PLANNING FOR RESEARCH 1. Theoretical Perspectives and Research Methodologies 2. Selecting and Planning Research Proposals and Projects 3. Research Ethics 4. Searching, Reviewing and Using the Literature PART II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 5. Research Design: Quantitative Methods 6. Research Design: Qualitative Methods 7. Research Design: Mixed Methods 8. Designing Descriptive and Analytical Surveys 9. Designing Case Studies 10. Designing Evaluations 11. Action Research and Change PART III. DATA COLLECTION METHODS 12. Collecting Primary Data: Questionnaires 13. Collecting Primary Data: Interviewing 14. Collecting Primary Data: Observation 15. Collecting Primary Data: Unobtrusive Measures PART IV. ANALYSIS AND REPORT WRITING 16. Analysing and Presenting Quantitative Data 17. Analysing and Presenting Qualitative Data 18. Writing up the Research 19. Preparing for Presentations and Vivas Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8478-7337-8 ©2009, 624 pages

Sue Heath, University of Southampton Rachel Brooks, Surrey University, U.K.

Social Network Analysis

Elizabeth Cleaver, University of Birmingham, U.K. Eleanor Ireland, National Centre for Social Research, U.K. This book provides an overview of some of the key methodological challenges facing youth researchers and an introduction to the broad repertoire of methods used in youth-orientated research. Throughout the book, the emphasis is on research in practice, and examples are drawn from recent youth research projects from a wide range of disciplines and substantive areas, and from a range of both U.K. and non-U.K. contexts. CONTENTS 1. Researching Young People’s Lives: An Introduction PART I. THE CONTEXT OF YOUTH RESEARCH 2. Ethical Practice in Youth Research 3. Researching Across Difference 4. Involving Young People in Research PART II. METHODS FOR YOUTH RESEARCH 5. Qualitative Interviewing 6. Ethnographic Approaches 7. Visual Methods 8. Surveys 9. Using Secondary Data 10. Using the Internet for Youth Research Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4129-1056-9

A Handbook Second Edition John Scott, University of Essex, U.K. The Second Edition provides an accessible introduction to the theory and practice of network analysis in the social sciences. The text gives a clear and authoritative guide to the general framework of network analysis, explaining the basic concepts, technical measures and reviewing the available computer programs. CONTENTS 1. Networks and Relations 2. The Development of Social Network Analysis 3. Handling Relational Data 4. Points, Lines and Density 5. Centrality and Centralization 6. Components, Cores, and Cliques 7. Positions, Roles, and Clusters 8. Dimensions and Displays Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-6339-4 ©2000, 224 pages

©2009, 224 pages

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Social Research Methods 71

The Foundations of Social Research Michael Crotty This book links methodology and theory with great clarity and precision, showing students and researchers how to navigate the maze of conflicting terminology. CONTENTS 1. Positivism 2. Constructionism 3. Interpretivism 4. Interpretivism 5. Critical Inquiry 6. Critical Inquiry 7. Feminism 8. Postmodernism 9. Conclusion

SAGE Journals Online This award-winning and powerful platform is home to more than 20 journals in research methods, evaluation, and related disciplines, including those published on behalf of the following prestigious societies:

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-7619-6106-2 ©1998, 256 pages

American Educational Research Association

Understanding Social Research Thinking Creatively about Method Jennifer Mason and Angela Dale, University of Manchester, U.K. This text brings together leading researchers in the social sciences – including sociology, health, geography, psychology and social statistics – to elaborate their approach to research design and practice, based on their own research experience, and to consider what kinds of knowledge their methods can produce. Each of the contributing authors reflects on their own methods and identifies what is distinctive about them. The book contains fascinating insights into how the knowledge we produce is shaped by the methods we choose and use. CONTENTS 1. Creative Tensions in Social Research: Questions of Method PART I. RESEARCHING RELATIONSHIPS AND PERSONAL LIFE 2. Experimenting with Qualitative Methods: Researching Family Resemblance 3. Using Psychoanalytic Methodology in Psychosocial Research: Researching Brothers 4. Using Biographical and Longitudinal Methods: Researching Mothering 5. Using Social Network Analysis: Researching Relational Structure 6. Using Survey Data: Researching Families and Households PART II. RESEARCHING PLACE 7. Section Introduction 8. Ethnographies of Place: Researching the Road 9. Using Sociotechnical Methods: Researching Human-Technological Dynamics in the City 10. Using Participatory, Observational and ‘Rapid Appraisal’ Methods: Researching Health And Illness 11. Innovative Ways of Mapping Data about Places PART III. RESEARCHING CHANGE 12. Using Archived Qualitative Data: Researching Socio-cultural Change 13. What’s History Got to Do with It? Researching Sexual Histories 14. Using Qualitative Methods to Complement Randomized Controlled Trials: Researching Mental Health Interventions 15. Exploring the Narrative Potential of Cohort Data and Event History Analysis 16. Using Longitudinal Survey Data: Researching Changing Health in Later Life Paperback ISBN: 978-1-8486-0145-1 ©2011, 264 pages

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American Evaluation Association

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Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process



Multivariate General Linear Models Richard Haase This new addition to the QASS series deals with the application of multivariate multiple regression (MMR) analysis in the behavioral sciences. The authors present regression analysis in the context of multiple dependent or response variables modeled as a function of one or more independent or predictor variables.

VOLUME 170 Paperback: $17.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7249-9 ©2011, 130 pages

Ordinal Item Response Theory Mokken Scale Analysis Wijbrandt H. Van Schuur Filling a gap between the more classical topics of undimensional scaling, test theory, principal component and factor analysis, this volume discusses parametric item response theory and latent class analysis. Less technical than other books in the market, this text is best suited for an introductory course in social science measurement.

VOLUME 169 Paperback: $17.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-8804-9 ©2011, 176 pages

The Association Graph and the Multigraph for Loglinear Models Harry J. Khamis, Statistical Consulting Center, Wright State University This supplemental reviews loglinear models, explains the association graph, and introduces the multigraph to readers who may have little prior experience of graphical techniques, but have some familiarity with categorical variable modeling. The author presents logical step-bystep techniques from the point of view of the practitioner, focusing on how the technique is applied to contingency table data and how the results are interpreted.

VOLUME 167 Paperback: $17.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7238-3 ©2011, 136 pages

Assessing Inequality Lingxin Hao and Daniel Q. Naiman, The Johns Hopkins University Establishing a natural link between quantile regression and inequality studies in the social sciences, this book contains clearly defined terms, simplified empirical equations, illustrative graphs, empirical tables, and computational codes using statistical software popular among social scientists oriented to empirical research.

Volume 166

Nonrecursive Models Endogeneity, Reciprocal Relationships, and Feedback Loops Pamela M. Paxton, The University of Texas at Austin John R. Hipp, University of California, Irvine Sandra Marquart-Pyatt, Utah State University The only monograph that provides explicit guidance to researchers on the estimation and assessment of nonrecursive simultaneous equation models in a clear, condensed and precise form, this title provides the applied researcher a reference. The text guides them through the specification and identification of simultaneous equation models, how to assess the quality of the estimates, and how to correctly interpret results.

Paperback: $17.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-2629-4 ©2010, 160 pages

Fractal Analysis Clifford Brown and Larry Liebovitch, Florida Atlantic University This primer uses straightforward language to give the reader step-by-step instructions for identifying and analyzing fractal patterns and the social process that create them. By making fractals accessible to the social science students, this book has a significant impact on the understanding of human behavior.

Volume 165 Paperback: $17.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7165-2

VOLUME 168 Paperback: $17.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7444-8

©2010, 112 pages

©2011, 152 pages

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Quantitative Narrative Analysis

Raymond Sin-Kwok Wong, University of California, Santa Barbara, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Roberto Franzosi, Emory University

Broadening the scope of association models beyond the typical sociological and psychological fields, author Raymond S. Wong shows readers how to analyze and comprehend any social science data presented in cross-classified formats. Through a careful exposition of various association models, the text examines the underlying structure of odds-ratios, offering a unified framework for students and researchers in the process.

Volume 164

Covering a number of disciplines, including linguistics, literary criticism, computer science, and statistics, this book illustrates author Roberto Franzosi’s distinctive approach to the quantitative analysis of large volumes of narrative texts. The author bases his approach on a rigorous linguistic theory of narrative, rather than the ad-hoc approach typical of content analysis. Focusing on statistical techniques that mirror key narrative features, the book also shows how quantitative narrative analysis (QNA) goes hand-in-hand with another technique of qualitative data analysis: QCA (qualitative comparative analysis).

Paperback: $17.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-6887-4

Volume 162

©2010, 176 pages

Paperback: $17.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-2525-9 ©2010, 200 pages

Multiple Correspondence Analysis Brigitte Le Roux and Henry Rouanet, Université Paris Descartes, France Requiring no prior knowledge of correspondence analysis, this text provides a nontechnical introduction to Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) as a method in its own right. The authors, Brigitte LeRoux and Henry Rouanet, present the material in a practical manner, keeping the needs of researchers foremost in mind.

Volume 163 Paperback: $17.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-6897-3 ©2010, 128 pages

Differential Item Functioning Steven J. Osterlind, University of Missouri - Columbia Howard T. Everson, The Center for Advanced Study in Education, City University of New York This new edition presents an up-to-date description of differential item functioning. It describes varying procedures for addressing differential item functioning (DIF) in practical testing contexts. The authors present useful examples and studies of DIF that readers may employ as a guide in their own work. They also cover major statistical packages that can be employed in DIF analysis (e.g., SPSS, SAS, M+, Minitab, and Systat).

Volume 161 Paperback: $17.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-5494-5 ©2010, 104 pages

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Association Models



Order Your Needs Assessment Resources Today! This set of five interrelated and sequenced books, spearheaded by series editor James William Altschuld, take the reader through the needs assessment (NA) process. These volumes explain how to implement an assessment and how to identify and prioritize needs.

Needs Assessment: Phase I: Getting the Process Started

Needs Assessment: An Overview James William Altschuld, Ohio State University David Devraj Kumar

James William Altschuld, Ohio State University J. N. Eastmond, Jr.

This book serves as the guiding framework for the other four books in the kit.

This book focuses on numerous approaches for starting a meaningful needs assessment.

Paperback: $41.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7584-1

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©2010, 192 pages

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Needs Assessment: Phase II: Collecting Data

Needs Assessment: Phase III: Taking Action for Change

James William Altschuld, Ohio State University This book describes in depth the five most common instruments and strategies of needs assessment.

Laurie Stevahn, Seattle University Jean A. King, University of Minnesota

Paperback: $41.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7513-1

This book takes the reader through a journey of getting results utilized and then evaluating the needs assessment itself.

©2010, 152 pages

Needs Assessment: Analysis and Prioritization

Paperback: $41.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7583-4 ©2010, 184 pages

James William Altschuld, Ohio State University Jeffry L. White This book explores how to analyze and combine qualitative and quantitative data and how to put results together. Paperback: $41.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7557-5 ©2010, 136 pages

Each of the above titles are available on a complimentary review basis to qualified professors. All five titles are available together at a 20% discount! ISBN: 978-0-7619-2595-8 • $156.00 • ©2010

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fOR yOUR bookshelf New EDITION!

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Fourth Edition Norman K. Denzin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

New Edition Coming Soon!

Hardcover: $135.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7417-2 June 2011, 1208 pages


Yvonna S. Lincoln, Texas A&M University Representing the best thinking from top scholars from around the world, the Fourth Edition of this landmark Handbook continues to define the present and shape the future of qualitative research. Contributors are concerned with social justice and how people’s struggles can inform social policy; they write from a critical framework and address issues of racism, poverty, and sexism; and they demonstrate how qualitative research can bring about positive change. As with previous editions, the Fourth Edition is virtually an entirely new volume: 26 chapters are new, with 16 chapters from the previous edition included but substantially revised. Contributors Include: David L. Altheide, Michael Angrosino, Mary Brydon-Miller, Gaile Cannella, Kathy Charmaz, Susan E. Chase, Julianne Cheek, Clifford Christians, John W. Creswell, Judith Davidson, Norman K. Denzin, Silvana diGregorio, Cynthia B. Dillard, Greg Dimitriadis, Laura L. Ellingson, Frederick Erickson, Susan Finley, Bent Flyvbjerg, Sarah Gaston, Michael D. Giardina, Davydd Greenwood, Egon G. Guba, Jaber F. Gubrium, Judith Hamera, James A. Holstein, John M. Johnson, George Kamberelis, Joe L. Kincheloe, Michael Kral, Antjie Krog, Morten Levin, Yvonna S. Lincoln, James Liu, Susan A. Lynham, Patricia Maguire, Peter McLaren, Donna Mertens, Janice M. Morse, Josh L. Newman, Susan Noffke, Chinwe Okpalaoka, Virgina Olesen, Ronald J. Pelias, Anssi Peräkylä, Elisabeth Adams St. Pierre, Ken Plummer, Jon D. Prosser, Judith Rosenberg, Johanna Ruusuvuori, Anu Sabhlok, Linda Shopes, Tami Spry, Hilary Stacei, Shirley Steinberg, Martin Sullivan, Abbas Tashakkori, Charles Teddlie, Barbara Tedlock, and Harry Torrance


Norman K. Denzin is Professor of Communications, Sociology and Humanities at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Editor of Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies, Qualitative Inquiry, and Studies in Symbolic Interaction: A Research Journal, Dr. Denzin is the author of numerous books. He is the recipient of two awards from the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction: The Cooley Award in 1988, and the George Herbert Mead Award for lifetime contribution to the study of human behavior in 1997.

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Yvonna S. Lincoln is Professor of Higher Education and Educational Administration at Texas A & M University. Along with this text, she is author, coauthor, or editor of such books as Naturalistic Inquiry and Fourth Generation Evaluation (both with Egon G. Guba), and Organizational Theory and Inquiry. Vice President of Division J (Postsecondary Education) of the American Educational Research Association, Dr. Lincoln formerly served as president of the American Evaluation Association and is the recipient of many prestigious awards.

Titles for Purchase

Also from Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln... • Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials (p. 19) • The Landscape of Qualitative Research (p. 19) • Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry (p. 19)

About the Authors

76 fOR yOUR bookshelf

The SAGE Handbook of Measurement


Handbook of Multicultural Measures

Geoffrey Walford, University of Oxford, U.K. Eric Tucker, N.A.U.D.L.

Glenn C. Gamst, Christopher Liang, and Aghop Der-Karabetian, University of La Verne This Handbook is the first and most comprehensive collection of multicultural measurement instruments. The authors have identified approximately 90 instruments used to assess and evaluate multicultural populations, and they brought them all together into one volume. The volume will begin with a chapter that outlines the framework for the book followed by a chapter that describes the fundamentals of psychometric properties. The next part will contain the actual instruments.

Madhu Viswanathan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign The SAGE Handbook of Measurement is a unique methodological resource that draws together contributions from the authors of the classic works in Measurement studies of the past twenty five years. The Handbook covers the full range of disciplines where Measurement studies are common; policy studies, education studies, health studies, business studies, and more. CONTENTS PART I. METHODS FOR DATA COLLECTION PART II. THE CONTEXT OF MEASUREMENT PART III. FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN MEASUREMENT PART IV. THE REAL WORLD PRACTICE OF MEASUREMENT

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Testing, Measurement, and Culture 3. The Utility of Measurement: Application of the Multicultural Assessment-Intervention Process (MAIP) 4. Multicultural Competence Measures 5. Racial Identity and Ethnic Identity Measures 6. Acculturation Measures 7. Racism- and Prejudice- Related Measures 8. Gender-Related Measures 9. Sexual Orientation-Related Measures 10. Disability Attitude Measures 11. Appendices

Hardcover: $157.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-4814-2 ©2010, 648 pages


The SAGE Handbook of GIS and Society

Hardcover: $130.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7883-5 ©2011, 688 pages

Timothy Nyerges, University of Washington Helen Couclelis, University of California, Santa Barbara


Robert McMaster, University of Minnesota

The SAGE Handbook of Innovation in Social Research Methods Malcolm Williams, Cardiff University, U.K. W. Paul Vogt, Illinois State University This Handbook, edited by internationally recognized scholars in the field, provides a comprehensive, pitch-perfect critical assessment of the field. It brings together a glittering assembly of the key figures working in the field of Methods today and demonstrates the continuities and productive tensions between classical traditions and real world research today.

CONTENTS 1. Foundations of Geographic Information and Society


2. Geographic Information and Modern Life 3. Alternative Representations of Geographic Information and Society 4. Organizations and Institutions 5. Participation and Community Issues 6. Value, Fairness, and Privacy

Hardcover: $157.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-4648-3

Hardcover: $140.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-4645-2

January 2011, 592 pages

May 2011, 480 pages


Titles for Purchase

The SAGE Handbook of GIS and Society emphasizes the theoretical, methodological, and substantive diversity within GIS and society research. It examines the integrity and intellectual coherence of GIS and society as a field of study, while also looking at resonances with/between key components and other disciplines such as geography, computer science, sociology, cognitive science, criminology, anthropology, health sciences and much more.

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fOR yOUR bookshelf 77

Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies

Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research

Norman K. Denzin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

J. Gary Knowles and Ardra L. Cole, Ontario Institute of Education Studies, University of Toronto, Canada

Perspectives, Methodologies, Examples, and Issues

Yvonna S. Lincoln, Texas A&M University Linda Tuhiwai Smith, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand The Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies is the only handbook to make connections regarding many of the perspectives of the “new” critical theorists and emerging indigenous methodologies. Built on the foundation of the landmark SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, the Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies extends beyond the investigation of qualitative inquiry itself to explore the indigenous and nonindigenous voices that inform research, policy, politics, and social justice. CONTENTS


Hardcover: $146.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-0531-2 ©2008, 720 pages

Teaching Quantitative Methods Getting the Basics Right Geoff Payne, University of Newcastle, U.K. Malcolm Williams, Cardiff University, U.K. This exciting collection is both useful and timely. It clearly lays out the problems, strategies and resources associated with the teaching of quantitative methods in modern universities. Addressing the perceived ‘crisis of number’ in a practical and fresh way the book sets out dynamic new approaches to teaching quantitative methods. It offers historical, comparative, analytical reflection and empirical evidence concerning the crisis in contemporary social sciences. CONTENTS 1. Preface 2. Introduction: The ‘Crisis of Number’ 3. Mapping the Academic Landscape of Quantitative Methods 4. The International Benchmarking Review of Best Practice in the Provision of Undergraduate Teaching in Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 5. The Place of Quantification in the Professional Training of Sociologists: Some Career Reflections 6. Challenges and Potential Opportunities for Developing Teaching in Quantitative Methods 7. The Development of Undergraduate Curricula in Quantitative Methods 8. Integrating Quantitative Methods in the Undergraduate Social Sciences Curricula and Dissertations 9. Increasing the Use of Large Scale Surveys in Undergraduate Dissertations in the Social Sciences 10. Statistics for Social Sciences: Enhancing Teaching and Learning 11. Sharing Teaching and Learning Resource 12. The Problem, Strategies and Resources in Teaching Quantitative Methods: The Way Forward

Paperback: $43.95, ISBN: 978-1-8486-0001-0 Hardcover: $146.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-1803-9 ©2008, 624 pages

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March 2011, 208 pages

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Introduction: Critical Methodologies and Indigenous Inquiry PART I. LOCATING THE FIELD: PERFORMING THEORIES OF DECOLONIZING INQUIRY 1. Decolonizing Performances: Deconstructing the Global Postcolonial 2. Feminisms From Unthought Locations: Indigenous Worldviews, Marginalized Feminisms and Revisioning an Anticolonial Social Science 3. Waiting for the Call: The Moral Activist Role of Critical Race Theory Scholarship 4. Critical Race Theory and Indigenous Methodologies 5. Queer(y)ing the Postcolonial Through the West(ern) 6. Indigenous Knowledges in Education: Complexities, Dangers, and Profound Benefits 7. Do You Believe in Geneva?: Methods and Ethics at the Global Local Nexus 8. Challenging Neoliberalism’s New World Order: The Promise of Critical Pedagogy 9. Rethinking Critical Pedagogy: Socialismo Nepantla and the Specter of Che PART II. CRITICAL AND INDIGENOUS PEDAGOGIES 10. Indigenous and Authentic: Hawaiian Epistemology and the Triangulation of Meaning 11. Red Pedagogy: The Un-Methodology 12. Borderland-Mestizaje Feminism: The New Tribalism 13. When the Ground Is Black, the Ground Is Fertile: Exploring Endarkened Feminist Epistemology and Healing Methodologies of the Spirit 14. An Islamic Perspective on Knowledge, Knowing, and Methodology PART III. CRITICAL INTERPRETIVE INDIGENOUS INQUIRY 15. History, Myth, and Identity in the New Indian Story 16. “Self” and “Other”: Auto-Reflexive and Indigenous Ethnography 17. Autoethnography Is Queer 18. Narrative Poetics and Performative Interventions 19. Reading the Visual, Tracking the Global: Postcolonial Feminist Methodology and the Chameleon Codes of Resistance PART IV. POWER, TRUTH, ETHICS, AND SOCIAL JUSTICE 20. Te Kotahitanga: Kaupapa Maori in Mainstream Classrooms 21. Modern Democracy: The Complexities Behind Appropriating Indigenous Models of Governance and Implementation 22. Rethinking Collaboration: Working the Indigene-Coloniser Hyphen s 23. Seven Orientations for the Development of Indigenous Science Education 24. Research Ethics for Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage: Institutional and Researcher Responsibilities 25. Justice as Healing: Going Outside the Colonizer’s Cage 26. The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC): Ways of Knowing Mrs Konile 27. Transnational, National, and Indigenous Racial Subjects: Moving From Critical Discourse to Praxis 28. Epilogue 29. Feminisms From Unthought Locations: Indigenous Worldviews, Marginalized Feminisms and Revisioning an Anticolonial Social Science 30. When the Ground Is Black, the Ground Is Fertile: Exploring Endarkened Feminist Epistemology and Healing Methodologies of the Spirit 31. Modern Democracy: The Complexities Behind Appropriating Indigenous Models of Governance and Implementation

This Handbook represents an unfolding and expanding orientation to qualitative social science research that draws inspiration, concepts, processes, and representational forms from the arts. In this defining work, the book’s editors bring together the top scholars in qualitative methods to provide a comprehensive overview of the past, present, and future of arts-based research.

78 fOR yOUR bookshelf

The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory

The SAGE Handbook of Educational Action Research

Paperback Edition Antony Bryant, Leeds Metropolitan University, U.K.

Susan E. Noffke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Kathy Charmaz, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park Antony Bryant & Kathy Charmaz bring together leading researchers and practitioners of the method from the US, the UK, Australia and Europe to represent all the major standpoints within Grounded Theory, demonstrating the richness of the approach. The contributions cover a wide range of perspectives on the method, covering its features and ramifications, its intricacies in use, its demands on the skills and capabilities of the researcher and its position in the domain of research methods. CONTENTS PART I. ORIGINS AND HISTORY 1. GT in Historical Perspective by Antony Bryant & Kathy Charmaz 2. An Epistemological Account 3. Discovery of GT in Practice by Eleanor Krassner Covan 4. Legacy of Multiple Mentors 5. Living GT by Susan Leigh Star 6. Cognitive & Emotional Forms of Pragmatism PART II. GTM AND FORMAL GT 7. Doing Formal Theory by Barney Glaser 8. Essential Properties for Growing GT by Phyllis Stern 9. Evolution of Formal GT by Margaret Kearney 10. Orthodoxy versus Power by Jane Hood 11. Grounding Categories by Ian Dey PART III. GT IN PRACTICE 12. Development of Categories by Udo Kelle 13. Abduction by Jo Reichertz 14. Sampling in GT by Janice Morse 15. Memo-writing in GT by Lora Lempert 16. Coding by Judith Holton PART IV. PRACTICALITIES 17. Making Teams work in Conducting GT by Carolyn Wiener 18. Teaching GT by Sharlene Hesse-Biber 19. GT as a Tool for IS Research by Cathy Urquhart PART V. GT IN THE RESEARCH METHODS CONTEXT 20. GT and Situational Analysis by Adele Clarke & Carrie Friese 21. GT and Action Research by Bob Dick 22. Integrating GT and Feminist Methods by Virginia Olesen 23. Accommodating Critical Theory by Barry Gibson 24. GT and the Politics of Interpretation by Norman Denzin 25. GT & Diversity by Denise O’Neil Green, John W. Creswell, Ronald J. Shope, & Vicki L. Plano Clark 26. Ethnography by Stefan Timmermans & Iddo Tavory PART VI. GT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES 27. GT and Reflexivity by Katja Mruck & Guenter Mey 28. Mediating Structure and Interaction by Bruno Hildenbrand 29. Tensions in Using GT by Karen Locke 30. GT & Pragmatism by Joerg Struebing

Paperback: $55.95, ISBN: 978-1-8492-0478-1

Titles for Purchase

©2010, 656 pages

Bridget Somekh, Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K. Presenting and critiquing predominant and emergent traditions of Educational Action Research internationally, this major work includes theoretical and practical chapters by highly respected scholars whose work has been seminal in building knowledge and expertise in the field. It also contains chapters exemplifying the work of prominent practitioner and community groups working outside universities. The editors provide an introduction and conclusion, as well as an opening chapter which charts the historical development of action research and provides an analysis of its underlying theories. CONTENTS Introduction by Susan E. Noffke and Bridget Somekh 1. Revisiting the Professional, Personal and Political Dimensions of Action Research by Susan E. Noffke PART I. ACTION RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: DIVERSITY OF RATIONALES AND PRACTICES PART II. PROFESSIONAL: KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION, STAFF DEVELOPMENT, AND THE STATUS OF EDUCATORS PART III. PERSONAL: SELF-AWARENESS, DEVELOPMENT AND IDENTITY PART IV. POLITICAL: POPULAR KNOWLEDGE, DIFFERENCE, AND FRAMEWORKS FOR CHANGE

Hardcover: $150.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-4708-4 ©2009, 568 pages

Handbook of Narrative Inquiry Mapping a Methodology D. Jean Clandinin, University of Alberta, Canada Composed by international researchers, this Handbook is the first comprehensive and interdisciplinary overview of the developing methodology of narrative inquiry. The one-of-akind volume outlines the historical development and philosophical underpinnings of narrative inquiry as well as describes different forms of narrative inquiry. CONTENTS PART I. SITUATING NARRATIVE INQUIRY PART II. STARTING WITH TELLING STORIES PART III. STARTING WITH LIVING STORIES PART IV. NARRATIVE INQUIRY IN THE PROFESSIONS PART V. COMPLEXITIES IN NARRATIVE INQUIRY PART VI. NARRATING PERSISTING ISSUES IN NARRATIVE INQUIRY PART VII. FUTURE POSSIBILITIES

Hardcover: $146.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-1562-5 ©2007, 720 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

fOR yOUR bookshelf 79

The SAGE Handbook of Case-Based Methods

The Survey Kit Second Edition

Arlene Fink, University of California at Los Angeles, The Langley Research Institute

David Byrne, University of Durham, U.K. Charles C. Ragin, University of Arizona

This easy-to-understand, easy-to-follow, comprehensive guide for the novice survey researcher provides useful information about some qualitative research techniques such as interviews, focus groups, observational analysis, and content analysis.

This book provides a comprehensive, critical examination of case-oriented research. It offers concrete proposals about the best research methods and provides an unparalleled guide to the emergence and complexity of the field. CONTENTS


Introduction: Case-Based Methods: Why We Need Them; What They Are; How to Do Them by David Byrne PART I. THE METHODOLOGICAL CONTEXT OF CASE-BASED METHODS 1. Complexity and Case by David L. Harvey 2. The Contextualist Approach to Social Science Methodology by Lars Mjøset 3. Reflexivity, Realism and the Process of Casing by Bob Carter and Alison Sealey 4. Single-Case Probabilities by Malcolm Williams and Wendy Dyer 5. Complex Realist and Configurational Approaches to Cases: A Radical Synthesis by David Byrne PART II. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF CASE-BASED RESEARCH 6. Explanatory Typologies in Qualitative Analysis by Colin Elman 7. Introducing Cluster Analysis: What can it teach us about the Case? by Emma Uprichard 8. Visualising Types: The Potential of Correspondence Analysis by Dianne Phillips and John Phillips 9. How Classification Works, Or Doesn’t: The Case of Chronic Pain by Emma Whelan 10. Quantitative Approaches to Case Based Methods 11. Case-Centred Methods and Quantitative Analysis by Ray Kent 12. The Logic and Assumptions of MDSO - MSDO Designs by Gisèle De Meur and Alain Gottcheiner 13. The Case for Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): Adding Leverage for Thick CrossCase Comparison by Benoît Rihoux and Bojana Lobe 14. On the Duality of Cases and Variables: Correspondence Analysis (CA) and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) by Ronald L. Breiger 15. Using Cluster Analysis, Qualitative Comparative Analysis and NVivo in Relation to the Establishment of Causal Configurations with Pre-existing Large N Datasets: Machining Hermeneutics by David Byrne 16. Qualitative Approaches to Case-Based Research 17. Computer-Based Qualitative Methods in Case-Study Research by Nigel Fielding and Richard Warnes 18. Extending the Ethnographic Case Study by Seán Ó Riain 19. Scope in Case-Study Research by Gary Goertz and James Mahoney 20. Small-N Access Cases to Refine Theories of Social Exclusion and Access to Socially Excluded Individuals and Groups by Nick Emmel and Kahryn Hughes 21. Using Comparative Data: A Systems Approach to a Multiple Case Study by Fred Carden PART III. CASE-BASED METHODS IN DISCIPLINES AND FIELDS 22. Making the Most of an Historical Case Study: Configuration, Sequence, Casing, and the US Old-Age Pension Movement by Edwin Amenta 23. Poetry and History: The Case for Literary Evidence by John Walton 24. Social Interactions and the Demand for Sport: Cluster Analysis in Economics by Paul Downward and Joseph Riordan 25. The Proper Relationship of Comparative-historical Analysis to Statistical Analysis: Subordination, Integration or Separation? by James Mahoney and P. Larkin Terrie 26. Case Studies and the Configurational Analysis of Organizational Phenomena by Peer C. Fiss 27. The Case in Medicine by Frances Griffiths 28. Team-based Aggregation of Qualitative Case Study Data in Health Care Contexts: Challenges and Learning by Sue Dopson, Ewan Ferlie, Louise Fitzgerald and Louise Locock 29. Working with Cases in Development Contexts: Some Insights from an Outlier by Pip Bevan 30. Non-Nested and Nested Cases in a Socioeconomic Village Study by Wendy Olsen 31. Causality and Interpretation in Qualitative Policy-Related Research by David Byrne, Wendy Olsen and Sandra Duggan 32. Reflections on Casing and Case-oriented Research by Charles C. Ragin


Kit Print: $175.00, ISBN: 978-0-7619-2510-1 ©2002, 1434 pages

The SAGE International Handbook of Educational Evaluation Katherine Ryan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign J. Bradley Cousins, University of Ottawa, Canada Bringing together the expertise of top evaluation leaders from around the world, this volume addresses methods and applications in the field, particularly as they relate to policy- and decision-making in an era of globalization. The comprehensive collection of articles in this Handbook compels readers to consider globalization influences on educational evaluation within distinct genres or families of evaluation approaches. CONTENTS PART I. THE EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION CONTEXT PART II. THE ROLE OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION PART III. EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION, CAPACITY BUILDING, AND MONITORING PART IV. EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION AS LEARNING AND DISCOVERY PART V. EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION IN A POLITICAL WORLD PART VI. EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION: OPPORTUNITIES AND NEW DILEMMAS

©2009, 608 pages Hardcover: $150.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-3051-2 ©2010, 560 pages

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Titles for Purchase

Hardcover: $130.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-4068-9

80 fOR yOUR bookshelf

SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Geography

Second Edition

Stuart Aitken, San Diego State University

Abbas Tashakkori, University of North Texas

Mike Crang, University of Durham, U.K.

Charles Teddlie, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

Linda McDowell, University of Oxford, U.K.

Dydia DeLyser, Louisiana State University Steve Herbert, University of Washington

Surveying the differing viewpoints and disciplinary approaches to using mixed methods, this volume helps readers explore the answers to a wide range of key questions in the field, including “Can using mixed methods offset the disadvantages that certain of the methods have by themselves?” “What criteria can a researcher use to select the best mixed methods design for his or her project?” and “What are the points of agreement and controversy regarding design issues in mixed methods research?” This breakthrough Second Edition, containing all new chapters, examines mixed methods research from the research enterprise to paradigmatic issues through to application of mixed methods research in the major disciplinary fields.

Titles for Purchase

CONTENTS 1. Overview of Contemporary Issues in Mixed Methods Research PART I. CONCEPTUAL ISSUES: PHILOSOPHICAL, THEORETICAL, SOCIOPOLITICAL 2. Mapping the Developing Landscape of Mixed Methods Research 3. A History of Philosophical and Theoretical Issues for Mixed Methods Research 4. Pragmatism and the Philosophical Foundations of Mixed Methods Research 5. Dialectics and Pragmatism: Being of Consequence 6. Realism as a Stance for Mixed Method Research 7. Feminist Approaches to Mixed Methods Research: Linking Theory and Praxis 8. Utilization of Mixed Methods for Transformative Purposes 9. The Multidimensional Model of Research Methodology: An Integrated Set of Continua 10. Research Design, As Independent of Methods 11. Interviews with the Early Developers of Mixed Methods Research PART II. ISSUES REGARDING METHODS AND METHODOLOGY 12. Research Questions in Mixed Methods Research 13. An Inclusive Framework for Conceptualizing Mixed Methods Design Typologies: Moving Toward Fully Integrated Synergistic Research Models 14. Procedures and Practice of Mixed Method Design: Maintaining Control, Rigor, and Complexity 15. Advanced Sampling Designs in Mixed Research: Current Practices and Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences 16. Hermeneutic Content Analysis: Textual and Audiovisual Analyses within a Mixed Methods Framework 17. Emergent Data Analysis Techniques in Mixed Methods Research: A Synthesis 18. Computer Assisted Integration of Mixed Methods Data Sources and Analysis 19. Visual Displays for Mixed Methods Findings 20. Using Q Methodology and Q Factor Analysis in Mixed Methods Research 21. Assessing the Quality of Mixed Methods Research: Towards a Comprehensive Framework PART III. CONTEMPORARY APPLICATIONS OF MIXED METHODS RESEARCH 22. Meeting the Practical Challenges of Mixed Methods Research 23. Emerging Trends in the Utilization of Integrated Designs in the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences 24. Using Mixed Methods in Monitoring and Evaluation: Experiences from International Development Evaluation 25. Teaching Mixed Methods and Action Research: Pedagogical, Practical, and Evaluative Considerations 26. The Use of Mixed Methods in Biographical Research 27. The Contribution of Mixed Methods to Recent Research on Educational Effectiveness 28. Current Practices and Emerging Trends in Conducting Mixed Methods Intervention Studies in the Health Sciences 29. Mixed Methods and Systematic Reviews: Examples and Emerging Issues 30. Funding and Publishing Integrated Studies: Writing Effective Mixed Methods Manuscripts and Grant Proposals 31. Current Developments and Emerging Trends in Integrated Research Methodology

The process of learning qualitative research has altered dramatically and this Handbook explores the growth, change, and complexity within the topic and looks back over its history to assess the current state of the art, and indicate possible future directions. Moving beyond textbook rehearsals of standard issues, the book examines key methodological debates and conflicts, approaching them in a critical, discursive manner. CONTENTS Introduction: Engaging Qualitative Geography by Dydia DeLyser, Stuart C. Aitken, Steve Herbert, Mike Crang and Linda McDowell PART I. OPENINGS PART II. ENCOUNTERS AND COLLABORATIONS PART III. MAKING SENSE

Hardcover: $150.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-1991-3 ©2010, 448 pages

The SAGE Handbook of Remote Sensing Timothy A. Warner, West Virginia University M. Duane Nellis, Kansas State University Giles M. Foody, University of Nottingham, U.K. “A magnificent achievement. A who’s who of contemporary remote sensing have produced an engaging, wide-ranging and scholarly review of the field in just one volume.” —Professor Paul Curran Vice-Chancellor, Bournemouth University Using a wide range of spatial, spectral, temporal, and radiometric scales, remote sensing is a large and diverse field for which this Handbook will be the key research reference. Illustrated throughout, The SAGE Handbook of Remote Sensing provides researchers with a definitive statement of the core concepts and methodologies in the discipline. CONTENTS PART I. INTRODUCTION PART II. ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION & THE TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENT PART III. DIGITAL SENSORS AND IMAGE CHARACTERISTICS PART IV. REMOTE SENSING ANALYSIS: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION PART V. REMOTE SENSING ANALYSIS: APPLICATIONS PART VI. CONCLUSIONS

Hardcover: $150.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-3616-3 Hardcover: $135.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7266-6

©2010, 568 pages

©2010, 912 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

fOR yOUR bookshelf 81

The SAGE Handbook of Spatial Analysis

Handbook of Probability

A. Stewart Fotheringham, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland

Theory and Applications Tamás Rudas, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest

Peter A. Rogerson, University of Buffalo The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) has increased the demand for knowledge about spatial analytical techniques across a range of disciplines. Responding to this demand, this handbook offers a comprehensive and authoritative discussion of issues and techniques in the field of spatial data analysis. CONTENTS 1. Introduction by Stewart Fotheringham and Peter A. Rogerson 2. The Special Nature of Spatial Data by Robert Haining 3. The Role of GIS by David Martin 4. Geovisualisation and Geovisual Analytics by Urška Demšar 5. Availability of Spatial Data Mining Techniques by Shashi Shekhar et al 6. Spatial Autocorrelation by Marie-José Fortin and Mark R. T. Dale 7. The Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) by David Wong 8. Spatial Weights by Robin Dubin 9. Geostatistics and Spatial Interpolation by Peter M. Atkinson and Christopher D. Lloyd 10. Spatial Sampling by Eric Delmelle 11. Statistical Inference for Geographical Processes by Chris Brunsdon 12. Fuzzy Sets in Spatial Analysis by Vincent B. Robinson 13. Geographically Weighted Regression by Stewart Fotheringham 14. Spatial Regression by Luc Anselin 15. Spatial Microsimulation by D. Ballas and G. P. Clarke 16. Detection of Clustering in Spatial Data by Lance Waller 17. Bayesian Spatial Analysis by Andrew B. Lawson and Sudipto Banerjee 18. Monitoring Changes in Spatial Patterns by Peter A. Rogerson 19. Case-Control Clustering for Mobile Populations by Geoffrey M. Jacquez and Jaymie R. Meliker 20. Neural Networks for Spatial Data Analysis by Manfred M. Fischer 21. Geocomputation by Harvey J. Miller 22. Applied Retail Location Models Using Spatial Interaction Tools by Morton E. O’Kelly 23. Spatial Analysis on a Network by Atsuyuki Okabe and Toshiaki Satoh 24. Challenges in Spatial Analysis by Michael F. Goodchild 25. The Future for Spatial Analysis by Reginald G. Golledge

“This is a valuable reference guide for readers interested in gaining a basic understanding of probability theory or its applications in problem solving in the other disciplines.” —CHOICE Providing cutting-edge perspectives and real-world insights into the greater utility of probability and its applications, this handbook offers an equal balance of theory and direct applications in a non-technical, yet comprehensive, format. CONTENTS PART I. BACKGROUND AND THEORY OF PROBABILITY PART II. PROBABILITY THEORY IN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PART III. APPLICATIONS

Hardcover: $146.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-2714-7 ©2008, 488 pages


The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Health Research Ivy Bourgeault, University of Ottawa, Canada Robert Dingwall, University of Nottingham, U.K. Ray de Vries, University of Michigan

Hardcover: $150.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-1082-8 ©2010, 528 pages

A comprehensive and authoritative source, this Handbook compiles accessible yet vigorous academic contributions by respected academics from the fast-growing field of qualitative methods in health research. CONTENTS PART I. INTRODUCTION PART II. CONTRIBUTIONS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH PART III. THEORY PART IV. COLLECTING & ANALYSING DATA PART V. ISSUES IN QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH PART VI. APPLYING QUALITATIVE METHODS

©2011, 786 pages

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Hardcover: $140.00, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7292-0

82 fOR yOUR bookshelf

The SAGE Handbook of Quantitative Methods in Psychology

The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods

Roger E. Millsap, Arizona State University

Second Edition

Alberto Maydeu-Olivares, University of Barcelona, Spain

Leonard Bickman, Vanderbilt University Debra J. Rog, Westat

Authoritative and forward thinking, this Handbook presents an overview of the field and outlines the directions for future developments and the challenges facing methodologists. CONTENTS PART I. DESIGN AND INFERENCE PART II. MEASUREMENT THEORY PART III. SCALING PART IV. DATA ANALYSIS PART V. STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELS PART VI. LONGITUDINAL MODELS PART VII. SPECIALIZED METHODS

The Second Edition of The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods provides students and researchers with the most comprehensive resource covering core methods, research designs, and data collection, management, and analysis issues. This thoroughly revised edition continues to place critical emphasis on finding the tools that best fit the research question given the constraints of deadlines, budget, and available staff. Each chapter offers guidance on how to make intelligent and conscious tradeoffs so that one can refine and hone the research question as new knowledge is gained, unanticipated obstacles are encountered, or contextual shifts take place. CONTENTS WHY A HANDBOOK OF APPLIED SOCIAL RESEARCH? by Leonard Bickman & Debra J. Rog PART I. APPROACHES TO APPLIED RESEARCH PART II. APPLIED RESEARCH DESIGNS PART III. PRACTICAL DATA COLLECTION

Hardcover: $150.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-3091-8 ©2010, 800 pages

Hardcover: $146.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-5031-2

The Handbook of Social Research Ethics

©2009, 680 pages

Donna M. Mertens, Gallaudet University

The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis

Pauline E. Ginsberg, Utica College The Handbook of Social Research Ethics is the first comprehensive volume of its kind to offer a deeper understanding of the history, theory, philosophy, and implementation of applied social research ethics. Editors Donna M. Mertens and Pauline Ginsberg bring together eminent, international scholars across the social and behavioral sciences and education to address the ethical issues that arise in the theory and practice of research within the technologically advancing and culturally complex world in which we live. In addition, this volume examines the ethical dilemmas that arise in the relationship between research practice and social justice issues. CONTENTS

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John Scott, University of Essex Peter Carrington, University of Waterloo, Canada Social network analysis has been one of the fastest growing and most influential areas of recent times. Why has this happened? What are the key features of social network analysis? This sparkling Handbook offers an unrivalled resource. Systematically, it introduces readers to the key concepts, substantive topics, central methods and prime debates. Among the specific areas covered are network theory, interdisciplinary applications, online networks, corporate networks, lobbying networks, deviant networks, measuring devices, key methodologies, and software applications. CONTENTS PART I. GENERAL ISSUES PART II. SUBSTANTIVE TOPICS PART III. CONCEPTS AND METHODS

Hardcover: $140.00, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7395-8 May 2011, 712 pages Hardcover: $146.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-4918-7 ©2009, 688 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

fOR yOUR bookshelf 83

The SAGE Handbook of the Philosophy of Social Sciences

The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods

Ian C. Jarvie, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Eric Margolis, Arizona State University

Jesus Zamora-Bonilla, UNED, Madrid, Spain

Luc Pauwels, University of Antwerp, Belgium

In this exciting handbook, Ian Jarvie and Jesús Zamora-Bonilla have put together a wide-ranging and authoritative overview of the main philosophical currents and traditions at work in the social sciences today. Starting with the history of social scientific thought, this handbook sets out to explore that core fundamentals of social science practice, from issues of ontology and epistemology to issues of practical method. Along the way it investigates such notions as paradigm, empiricism, postmodernism, naturalism, language, agency, power, culture, and causality.

This 42-chapter volume represents the state of the art in visual research. It provides an introduction to the field for a variety of visual researchers: scholars and graduate students in art, sociology, anthropology, communication, education, cultural studies, women’s studies, ethnic studies, global studies and related social science and humanities disciplines. The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods encompasses the breadth and depth of the field, and points the way to future research possibilities. It illustrates “cutting edge” as well as long-standing and recognized practices. This text is not only “about” research, it is also an example of the way that the visual can be incorporated in data collection and the presentation of research findings. Contributors to the book are from diverse backgrounds and include both established names in the field and rising stars. Chapters describe a methodology or analytical framework, its strengths and limitations, possible fields of application and practical guidelines on how to apply the method or technique.


CONTENTS Hardcover: $140.00, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7400-9 February 2011, 760 pages

The SAGE Handbook of Social Research Methods Pertti Alasuutari, University of Tampere, Finland


Hardcover: $140.00, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7556-3 June 2011, 680 pages

Leonard Bickman, Vanderbilt University Julia Brannen, Institute of Education, University of London, U.K. The SAGE Handbook for Social Research Methods is a must for every social-science researcher. It charts the new and evolving terrain of social research methodology, covering qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods in one volume. CONTENTS


Paperback: $53.95, ISBN: 978-1-8486-0730-9 ©2008, 648 pages

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84 Titles to Recommend to Your Students

The Adjunct Faculty Handbook

Titles to Recommend to Your Students

Second Edition

Lorri E. Cooper, Marymount University

The Art of Funding and Implementing Ideas A Guide to Proposal Development and Project Management Arnold R. Shore, Boston College John M. Carfora, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles This resource provides a step-by-step approach to turning a research idea into a proposal worthy of funding, demystifying the process as a result. The authors present a proven approach to the development of research ideas alongside a systematic treatment of proposals section-by-section and project management function-by-function. Highly accessible, this book gives examples for each aspect of the proposal development and works through sketches of ideas to fully developed CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Idea Development 3. Funding 4. Proposals 5. Managing a Funded Project 6. Looking Backward and Forward

Bryan A. Booth, University of Maryland University College Since the First Edition of The Adjunct Faculty Handbook was published in 1996, the number of adjunct faculty members in colleges and universities has increased to the point that most of those institutions could not function efficiently without them. This Second Edition addresses changes in today’s higher education environment and their impact on the role of adjunct instructors. At a time when many adjuncts may be given little more than a start date, room number, and brief course description to prepare them for teaching a course, the Handbook provides administrators as well as part- and full-time faculty members with the resources they need to empower adjunct staff. CONTENTS 1. Preparing to Teach: Considerations of Administration, Students, Technology, and Educational Results 2. Technology in Education 3. Environment of Learning: Connecting with Students 4. Teaching Methods: Preparation and Application 5. Professional Development of the Adjunct Faulty 6. Evaluation of Student Performance 7. Future Trends: Network Technologies and Adjunct Faculty Paperback: $24.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7519-3

Paperback: $39.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-8042-5

©2010, 160 pages

©2010, 112 pages

Introduction to Online Learning


Writing the NIH Grant Proposal

A Guide for Students Julie L. Globokar, Kaplan University

A Step-by-Step Guide Second Edition William Gerin, Columbia University Medical Center Written by an author with proven success in obtaining NIH grants and in developing grant application workshops for university and convention settings, this book features actual forms from NIH grant applications - including the brand new SF 424 forms - which have been annotated so as to guide readers step-by-step, highlighting unexpected nuances that can make all the difference between winning and losing a grant.

Titles for Purchase

CONTENTS 1. The National Institutes of Heath and Biomedical Funding 2. Mentoring and Collaborative Relationships 3. Types of Award Mechanisms 4. Preparation and Preliminary Steps 5. Writing The Application, Part I 6. Writing The Application, Part II 7. Writing The Application, Part III 8. Submitting the Application 9. The Grant Review and Award Process 10. Be Careful What You Wish For...

This text introduces first-time distance learners to the realities of Web-based education and serves as the most comprehensive, practical guide to achieving success when facing online-specific barriers as well as common academic hurdles. Students learn to take advantage of the unique resources available for those enrolled in internet-based programs and to make the most of their Web-based educational experience by tailoring it to their personal strengths, needs, and learning styles. CONTENTS 1. Debunking the Myths of Online Education 2. Where Do I Start? 3. Getting Organized 4. “Where Do I Turn for Help?” Knowing Your Resources Paperback: $24.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7822-4 ©2010, 136 pages Student Study Site,

Paperback: $49.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7516-2 ©2011, 304 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Titles to Recommend to Your Students 85

Reading and Understanding Research Third Edition

Lawrence F. Locke, University of Massachusetts at Amherst Stephen J. Silverman, Teachers College, Columbia University Waneen Wyrick Spirduso, University of Texas at Austin Ideal for students, novice researchers, or professionals, this indispensable resource serves as a road map for readers who need to analyze and apply research findings. It helps them think critically about the credibility of what they are reading by showing them how to identify problems and develop constructive questions. CONTENTS 1. The Research Report 2. When to Believe What You Read: The Sources of Credibility 3. How to Select and Read Research Reports 4. The Use, Misuse, and Misunderstanding of Research 5. Types of Research: An Overview of Variety 6. Quantitative Research Designs 7. Staying Organized When Reading a Quantitative Report 8. Explaining as a Tool for Learning to Read Reports 9. Reading Reports of Quantitative Research-Critically: Things to Notice and Questions to Ask 10. The Paradigms for Qualitative Research 11. Staying Organized When Reading a Qualitative Report 12. Reading Reports of Qualitative Research-Critically: Things the Reader Should Expect 13. Staying Organized When Reading Research Reviews

The Essential Guide to Using the Web for Research Nigel Ford, Sheffield University In recent years, the internet has provided students and researchers with fantastic opportunities and a distinct set of challenges. In his new book, Nigel Ford shows how these opportunities and challenges impact on student research projects and explains the skills needed to navigate the web and use it effectively, emphasizing independent learning and the ability to critically assess information and transform it into effective evidence. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Learning and Critical Thinking - The Essentials 3. Information, Evidence, Claims and Argument 4. Types of Information Source and Search Tool 5. Mapping Search Approaches and Techniques to Information Needs 6. Search Tools in Detail 7. Other Search Tools 8. Information Intelligence 9. Organizing, Storing, Retrieving and Sharing Your Information 10. Transforming Information into Quality Evidence 11. From Quality Evidence to Convincing Arguments 12. Expressing and Presenting Your Arguments 13. Where Do I Go from Here? 14. Future Developments in Web Search, Teaching and Research Paperback: $37.95, ISBN: 978-0-8570-2365-0 June 2011, 376 pages

How to Write a Master’s Thesis

Paperback: $57.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7574-2 ©2010, 312 pages

Yvonne N. Bui, University of San Francisco

Proposals That Work A Guide for Planning Dissertations and Grant Proposals Fifth Edition Lawrence F. Locke, University of Massachusetts at Amherst Waneen Wyrick Spirduso, University of Texas at Austin Stephen J. Silverman, Teachers College, Columbia University Covering all aspects of the proposal process, from the most basic questions about form and style to the task of seeking funding, this Fifth Edition has been completely updated and revised to offer clear advice backed up with excellent examples.

CONTENTS 1. Overview of the Master’s Degree and Thesis 2. Selecting a Research Topic 3. Using the Literature to Research Your Problem 4. Conducting Ethical Research 5. How to Write Chapter One, Introduction 6. How to Write Chapter Two, Review of the Literature 7. How to Write Chapter Three, Methods 8. How to Write Chapter Four, Results 9. How to Write Chapter Five, Discussion 10. Final Formatting, APA Style

Paperback: $30.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-5710-6 ©2009, 320 pages

Paperback: $61.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-2423-8 ©2007, 376 pages

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This step-by-step guidebook demystifies a process that can often prove to be overwhelming and confusing to graduate students. The tone and format of the book is reader-friendly and includes practical suggestions that go beyond informing what “should” be done. It is chock full of detailed explanations, examples, and supplemental materials that have been used successfully in advising students in completing their master’s theses.

86 Titles to Recommend to Your Students

Conducting Research Literature Reviews

Completing Your Qualitative Dissertation

From the Internet to Paper Third Edition

A Roadmap From Beginning to End

Arlene Fink, University of California at Los Angeles, The Langley Research Institute Providing readers with an accessible but in-depth look at how to synthesize research literature, bestselling author Arlene Fink shows researchers how to justify the need for and significance of research, and explain a study’s findings. CONTENTS 1. Reviewing the Literature: Why? For Whom? How? 2. Searching and Screening: The Practical Screen and Methodological Quality (Part 1: Research Design and Sampling) 3. Searching and Screening: Methodological Quality (Part 2: Collection, Interventions, Analysis, Results, and Conclusions) 4. Doing the Review—A Reader’s Guide Chapter 5. What Did You Find? Synthesizing Results

Linda Dale Bloomberg and Marie Volpe, Teachers College, Columbia University Distilling decades of experience into a first-of-itskind, highly practical reference for any student contemplating a dissertation, this accessible guide explains how to deal with the obstacles and pitfalls that confront researchers as they struggle with writing a qualitative dissertation. CONTENTS PART I. TAKING CHARGE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR WORK PART II. CONTENT AND PROCESS: A CHAPTER-BY-CHAPTER ROADMAP PART III. NEARING COMPLETION: SOME FINAL CONSIDERATIONS

Paperback: $53.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7189-8

Paperback: $38.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-5651-2

©2010, 272 pages

©2008, 264 pages

Instructor Teaching Site,

Surviving Your Dissertation

Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks

A Comprehensive Guide to Content and Process Third Edition

A Guide to Academic Publishing Success Wendy Laura Belcher, Princeton University

Kjell Erik Rudestam, Fielding Graduate University

The only book on publishing journal articles in the humanities and social sciences, this text, based on a legendary writing course, is field-tested, research-based, pragmatic, and written by a true insider. This book provides the instruction, exercises, deadlines, and structure needed to revise a classroom or conference paper into a journal article.

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CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Using This Workbook 2. Week 1: Designing Your Plan for Writing 3. Week 2: Starting Your Article 4. Week 3: Advancing Your Argument 5. Week 4: Selecting a Journal 6. Week 5: Reviewing the Related Literature 7. Week 6: Strengthening Your Structure 8. Week 7: Presenting Your Evidence 9. Week 8: Opening and Concluding Your Article 10. Week 9: Giving, Getting, and Using Others’ Feedback 11. Week 10: Editing Your Sentences 12. Week 11: Wrapping Up Your Article 13. Week 12: Sending Your Article! 14. Week X: Responding to Journal Decisions

Rae R. Newton, California State University, Fullerton Like previous editions of this best-selling text, the Third Edition offers readers guidance that other dissertation guides often miss, from ways to improve one’s writing, to identifying one’s learning preferences, to dealing with emotional blocks. Updated with fresh examples from a wide range of disciplines, the authors give readers expert advice on the entire dissertation process. CONTENTS 1. The Research Process 2. Selecting a Suitable Topic 3. Methods of Inquiry: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches 4. Review of the Literature and Statement of the Problem 5. The Method Chapter: Describing Your Research Plan 6. Presenting the Results of Quantitative Studies 7. Presenting the Results of Qualitative Studies 8. Discussion 9. Overcoming Barriers: Becoming an Expert While Controlling Your Own Destiny 10. Writing 11. How to Complete Your Dissertation Using Online Data Access and Collection 12. Guidelines for the Presentation of Numbers in the Dissertation 13. Informed Consent and Other Ethical Concerns

Paperback: $49.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-5701-4 ©2009, 376 pages

Paperback: $48.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-1679-0 ©2007, 328 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Titles to Recommend to Your Students 87

How To Do Your Case Study

Doing Your Literature Review

A Guide for Students and Researchers

Traditional and Systematic Techniques

Nigel Ford, Sheffield University, U.K.

Jill Jesson and Lydia Matheson, Aston University

In this lucid, accessible and often witty new text, Gary Thomas introduces students and researchers to the basics of case study research. Using a wide range of real-life examples, this book sets how best to design and carry out case studies in the social sciences and humanities for those new to the method. How To Do Your Case Study deals with the core issues and methods that anyone new to case study will need to understand. CONTENTS PART I. GETTING YOUR BEARINGS 1. What Is a Case Study? 2. Case Study and Research Design 3. Models of the Whole 4. Ensuring Quality in Your Case Study: What’s Important? PART II. GETTING DOWN TO DOING IT 5. Kinds of Case Studies: Finding Your Case 6. Your Purpose 7. Your Approach 8. Your Process PART III. GETTING ON WITH IT AND FINISHING 9. Out in the Field: Some Ways to Collect Data and Evidence 10. A Toolkit for Analyzing and Thinking 11. Writing Your Study 12. The Fancy Stuff: Generalization, Induction, Abduction, Phronesis and Theory Paperback: $42.95, ISBN: 978-0-8570-2563-0

Many of the standard social science methodology texts do not cover the literature review as a method in itself, yet it is a compulsory part of doing research. Although it is fairly straightforward to teach social science research methodology, the process of research and techniques for quantitative and qualitative design, the part of research most students find difficult is writing a critical review of existing knowledge - the literature review. This is an accessible and practical introduction for students on how to conduct both ‘traditional’ and systematic literature reviews and incorporate them into their research. This book is ideal for any health, business or social science student looking to embark upon their own project. CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Overview, What This Text Adds to Existing Sources 2. Searching: The Library as Resource 3. Reading Different Types of Literature 4. Being Critical and Evaluating the Literature 5. The Traditional Review 6. Writing up Your Review 7. Systematic Review 8. Undertaking Meta-Analysis 9. Referencing Styles Paperback: $38.95, ISBN: 978-1-8486-0154-3 March 2011, 184 pages

January 2011, 248 pages

The Dissertation Journey

The Qualitative Dissertation

A Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Writing, and Defending Your Dissertation Second Edition

A Guide for Students and Faculty Second Edition Maria Piantanida and Noreen B. Garman, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine This book guides students through the issues and questions that may arise as they conduct qualitative research, taking a reflective, experiential approach to turn studentresearchers into instruments of inquiry. The authors show readers how to integrate themselves into the research and writing process by using their own beliefs, experiences, interests, and strengths. Updated with new examples and cases, this comprehensive resource guides readers through the process of preparing for the dissertation journey; rethinking the concepts of method and data; working through the proposal process; defending the dissertation; and living life after the dissertation.

Paperback: $38.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-5108-1 ©2009, 328 pages

This comprehensive, user-friendly guide to planning, writing, and defending, a dissertation, thesis, or other research project. It contains clear directions, practical examples, checklists, and up-to-date resources for every phase of the dissertation process such as selecting the committee, choosing a topic, support groups, academic writing, the oral defense, and publishing the research. Additionally, the book addresses the psychological and emotional hurdles involved in dissertating. The style is personal, informal, and conversational like a coach talking one-on-one with a student. The major revisions of this new edition include the addition of clear, detailed directions for conducting and writing a literature review, how to develop a theoretical or conceptual framework, insights into the ethical issues of conducting research, and a revised and updated chapter entitled “Using the Internet and Technology to Conduct Research. CONTENTS PART I. QUESTS AND QUESTIONS PART II. PREPARING FOR THE CLIMB PART III. BEGINNING THE CLIMB PART IV. CLIMBING TO BASE CAMP PART V. FINAL PREPARATIONS FOR THE PEAK PART VI: FINAL ASCENT AND VIEW FROM THE TOP & BEYOND Paperback: $33.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-7798-2 ©2010, 248 pages

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Carol M. Roberts, University of La Verne

88 Titles to Recommend to Your Students

Doing Essays and Assignments

New Edition!

This Book Is Not Required

Essential Tips for Students Pete Greasley, University of Bradford This book gives students an insider’s view of what lecturers and professors are looking for when they set essays and assignments. Both lively and authoritative in equal measure, Doing Essays and Assignments leads its readers through all of the skills which are required for the process of essay and assignment writing at a number of levels.

A Success Manual for First-Year Students Fourth Edition Inge Bell Bernard McGrane and John Gunderson, Chapman University


Terri L. Anderson

1. Introduction: Why You Should Read This Book (and Keep It to Yourself…) 2. An Insight into the Marking Process 3. How to Impress and Distress Markers 4. Before You Start: Some Rules of the Game 5. One Thing Leads to Another: Reading and Researching the Literature 6. Getting Started…and Getting Finished 7. Introductions, Conclusions and Structure 8. What Was the Question Again? 9. Critical Analysis, Perspective and Argument 10. The Greatest Source of ‘Marker Distress’: Language, Grammar and Expression 11. Referencing - An Academic Fetish…? 12. Plagiarism: ‘How Many Words and When Do You Need It by?’ 13. How Not to Present Graphs and Charts 14. Presenting Your Assignment: First Impressions Count 15. When the Cook Tastes the Soup: ‘Formative Feedback’ and ‘Feed-Forward’

The Fourth Edition marks out new territory in participatory university education, offering insight and inspiration to help new undergraduates make the most of their college years. This edition continues to teach about the university experience as a whole—looking at the personal, social, intellectual, and spiritual demands and opportunities—while incorporating new material highly relevant to today’s students. CONTENTS

Paperback: $19.95, ISBN: 978-1-8492-0203-9 February 2011, 150 pages

Your Research Project Designing and Planning Your Work Third Edition Nicholas Walliman, Oxford Brookes University In the third edition of this bestselling book, you’ll find everything you need to embark upon your research project with confidence. Written with the needs of students at undergraduate, Masters and postgraduate level in mind, this text will guide you through the process of formulating a research question, choosing your research methods, planning your research, and getting started.

1. Welcome to College 2. Grades 3. Technology 4. Everybody Hates to Write 5. Support Your Local Prof 6. An Academic Question 7. Questions of Academic Integrity 8. Wisdom and Knowledge 9. Pursuing Wisdom in the Academy 10. Adventures in Desocialization 11. Media Me 12. Survival Skills 13. Love 14. Trouble with Parents 15. The Painful Avenues of Upward Mobility 16. Graduation: What They Forgot to Tell You 17. The Career: Friend or Foe? 18. Directing Your Own Development Paperback: $49.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-8038-8 ©2011, 320 pages

CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Who Is This Book For, Aims of the Book, How It Should Be Used 2. Research and the Research Problem 3. Research Theory and the Nature of Knowledge 4. Information and How to Deal with It 5. Overview of Research Methods 6. Honesty and Research Ethics 7. Preparing the Research Proposal Paperback: $39.95, ISBN: 978-1-8492-0462-0

Titles for Purchase

May 2011, 360 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Titles to Recommend to Your Students 89

Making Supervision Work for You

Essay Writing A Student’s Guide MunLing Shields, University of Central Lancashire, U.K.

A Student’s Guide Jerry J. Wellington, University of Sheffield, U.K.

This text offers both staff and students a solid reference for one of the main methods used for assessing knowledge and understanding – the written essay.

The book brings a wide range of themes under one cover, offering up-to-date information regarding codes of conduct, supervisory practice and student needs.

CONTENTS 1. Opening Up the Supervision Process 2. The Changing Context for Postgraduates … and Why it Matters 3. Getting Started and Setting the Ground Rules 4. Dealing with the Complexity of the Supervision Process: Striking the Right Balance 5. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 6. The Ultimate Goal: Achieving A Doctorate 7. Getting the Thesis Written 8. Choosing Your Examiners 9. Submitting Your Dissertation and Preparing for Assessment 10. Preparing for the Live Event - the Viva Voce 11. After the Viva: Recovering, Publishing, and Disseminating

CONTENTS 1. Introduction: How to Use this Book 2. Learning and Writing at University 3. Answering the Essay Question 4. Planning Different Types of Essay 5. Acquiring Information 6. Assessing Information Critically 7. Managing Information 8. Citing Information 9. Paragraphing: the Introduction and Conclusion 10. Paragraphing: the Body of the Essay 11. Making it Flow 12. The Finishing Touches 13. Writing Exam Essays

Paperback: $38.95, ISBN: 978-1-8486-0618-0 ©2010, 176 pages

Paperback: $23.95, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7090-2 ©2010, 240 pages

Study Skills for Health and Social Care Students

The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project

Claire Craig This text will not only equip readers with the skills to study and to practice effectively, but will also form a tool for personal development.

Zina O’Leary, University of Western Sydney, Australia This highly readable text guides the reader through each stage of their research project, from getting started to writing up, with each chapter clearly explaining a step along the way.


Paperback: $43.95, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7389-7 ©2010, 328 pages


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1. Introduction 2. Envisioning the Journey 3. Organising Your Learning 4. Managing Anxiety 5. Accessing Support 6. Learning about Learning 7. Thinking and Reflecting In the Classroom and the Workplace 8. Setting and Achieving Goals 9. Researching Ideas and Information 10. Listening For Information 11. Recording Ideas and Information 12. Expressing Ideas Verbally 13. Expressing Ideas in Writing 14. Preparing For and Performing Well in Pressurised Situations 15. Working with Others 16. Entering into a Digital World 17. Bringing it all Together

90 Titles to Recommend to Your Students

How to do Your Research Project

A Guide to Conducting Online Research

A Guide for Students in Education and Applied Social Sciences

Ted J. Gaiser Anthony E. Schreiner, Boston College

Gary Thomas, University of Birmingham, U.K.

This book is designed to support students, academics, and practitioner researchers in using technology as part of their research. The author walks through the process of conducting online research and offers practical advice on common issues and problems.

In this text, the author walks you through each stage of doing a research project in a funny and easy to understand format - perfect for students new to doing research. CONTENTS 1. Your Introduction: Starting with a Question 2. Project Management 3. The Literature Review 4. Decide on Your Question - Again 5. Deciding on an Approach: Methodology and Research Design 6. The Design Frame 7. Practical Matters 8. The Right Tools for the job: Data-Gathering 9. How to Analyse the Information You Gather 10. Concluding

Paperback: $37.95, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7443-6

Paperback: $46.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-2290-6

©2010, 272 pages

©2010, 184 pages

Doing Your Social Science Dissertation

How to Publish Your PhD

Judith Burnett, University of East London, U.K.

Sarah Caro, Oxford University Press, U.K.

This book takes students through the process of doing a dissertation from turning the raw ideas into a research question, designing the research project, choosing appropriate methods, developing a research proposal, planning and executing the project, working with data, writing up, and preparing the work for presentation.

This is the first book to provide students with a comprehensive and authoritative guide to publishing their research. Drawing on nearly twenty years in the book business Sarah Caro explains in a clear and accessible way the key issues facing the would-be author.


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CONTENTS 1. Designing an Online Study 2. Research Standards and Ethical Considerations 3. Using Email for Data Collection 4. Researching Using Instant Messaging and Chat 5. Survey Research on the Internet 6. The World of Web 2.0: Blogs, Wikis and Websites 7. Accessing and Using Web-based Data 8. Analyzing the Data 9. Emerging Research Opportunities 10. Presenting Your Results 11. Some Additional Challenges for Online Researchers

1. Ready to Research? 2. What is Expected in Your Dissertation? 3. How do I Define a Research Question? 4. What Kind of Researcher am I? 5. How do I Write the Research Proposal? 6. Finding Sources and Doing the Literature Review 7. What are the Problems of Real World Research? 8. The Research Design 9. Carrying out the Research 10. What do I do With all of This Data? 11. Drawing Conclusions and Coming Up With Theories 12. Writing Up 13. Troubleshooting: What to do if it all Goes Wrong

CONTENTS 1. The Ever-Changing World of Academic Publishing 2. Books or Articles? 3. Revising Your PhD 4. Choosing a Publisher 5. Preparing and Presenting a Proposal 6. Surviving the Reviews 7. Negotiating a Contract 8. Marketing Yourself and Your Book

Paperback: $37.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-0791-0 ©2009, 144 pages

Paperback: $37.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-3113-7 ©2010, 280 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Titles to Recommend to Your Students | Recommend to your Library 91

Read, Research and Write

Good Essay Writing A Social Sciences Guide Fourth Edition

Academic Skills for ESL Students in Higher Education

Peter Redman and Wendy Maples, The Open University

Caroline Brandt This book is for students who have learned English as a second (or third, or fourth) language and are studying at an institution where English is the medium of instruction. Each of the book’s 10 chapters focus on a reproduced academic article in which students can learn about language skills, as well as develop those skills in associated activities and tasks.

This book sets out proven approaches and techniques which can help everyone write good essays. Encapsulated in easy-to-digest summaries, this new edition shows you how to approach different types of essay questions, addresses common worries, and provides extensive use of worked examples including complete essays which are fully analyzed and discussed. Each chapter also includes suggested further reading and an extensive glossary. CONTENTS

CONTENTS 1. Introducing Read, Research, Write 2. Understanding EAP 3. Entering Higher Education 4. Reading in Higher Education 5. Writing in Higher Education 6. Documenting Skills 7. Researching Skills 8. Making Reasonable Claims 9. Thinking Critically 10. Finding Your Voice

1. Introduction 2. What Is a Social Science Essay? 3. Stages of Writing, from Preparation to Final Version 4. Matching the Answer to the Question 5. Reading, Note-Taking and Literature Searches 6. Thinking Critically and Formulating an Argument 7. Writing Introductions 8. Writing the Main Section 9. Writing Conclusions 10. Referencing 11. Some Common Worries 12. What Tutors Look for When Marking Essays 13. Examples of Student Essays

Paperback: $46.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-4737-4 ©2009, 248 pages

Paperback: $19.95, ISBN: 978-0-8570-2371-1 May 2011, 160 pages

The Literature Review A Step-by-Step Guide for Students Diana Ridley, Sheffield University This book is a concise step-by-step guide to conducting a literature search and writing up the literature review chapter in graduate dissertations and in professional doctorate theses. The author describes how to carry out a literature review in a systematic way, providing useful strategies for efficient reading, conducting searches, organizing information, and writing the review itself. CONTENTS 1. The Multiple Purposes of a Literature Review 2. Sources of Information and Conducting Searches 3. Reading and Note Taking Strategies 4. Reference Management 5. Structuring the literature Review 6. In-text Citations 7. Being Critical 8. Foregrounding Writer Voice 9. The Continuing Process

©2009, 184 pages

Encyclopedia of Research Design Three-Volume Set

Neil J. Salkind, University of Kansas Comprising more than 500 entries, the Encyclopedia of Research Design elucidates how to make decisions about research design, undertake research projects in an ethical manner, interpret and draw valid inferences from data, and evaluate experiment design strategies and results. Two additional features carry this encyclopedia far above other works in the field: bibliographic entries devoted to significant articles in the history of research design and reviews of contemporary tools, such as software and statistical procedures, used to analyze results. Key Features • Covers the spectrum of research design strategies, from material presented in introductory classes to topics necessary in graduate research • Addresses cross- and multidisciplinary research needs, with many examples drawn from the social and behavioral sciences, neurosciences, and biomedical and life sciences • Provides summaries of advantages and disadvantages of often-used strategies

Hardcover: $425.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-6127-1 ©2010, 1776 pages

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Paperback: $36.95, ISBN: 978-1-4129-3426-8

Recommend to your Library

92 Recommend to your Library

Life Story Research

Selecting Research Methods

Four-Volume Set

Barbara Harrison, University of East London, U.K. This book gathers together articles on a number of methodological approaches within the social sciences that focus on research where the individual and his or her life, experiences, and thinking is the core focus of study. This four volume set covers an extensive time period, with classic pieces providing an important context for much of the later work. CONTENTS VOLUME 1 PART I. HISTORICAL ORIGINS AND TRAJECTORIES PART II. THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL ISSUES IN LIFE STORY RESEARCH VOLUME 2 PART II. THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL ISSUES IN LIFE STRORY RESEARCH (CONTINUED) PART III. TYPES OF LIFE STORY RESEARCH - TRADITIONAL AND NEW SOURCES OF LIFE STORY DATA VOLUME 3 PART III. TYPES OF LIFE STORY RESEARCH - TRADITIONAL AND NEW SOURCES OF LIFE STORY DATA (CONTINUED) PART IV. DOING LIFE STORY RESEARCH VOLUME 4 PART IV. DOING LIFE STORY RESEARCH (CONTINUED) PART V. RESEARCH CONTEXTS AND LIFE STORIES

Four-Volume Set

W. Paul Vogt, Illinois State University Selecting Research Methods provides advice from prominent social scientists concerning the most crucial steps for planning and undertaking meaningful research: selecting the methods to be used. Contributors to the collection address methodological choices in four stages: design, sampling, coding and measurement, and analysis. The four volumes provide an integrated approach to methodological choice in two ways. CONTENTS VOLUME 1. SELECTING DESIGNS FOR GATHERING EVIDENCE VOLUME 2. METHODS TO SAMPLE, RECRUIT, AND ASSIGN CASES VOLUME 3. METHODS FOR CODING & MEASURING DATA VOLUME 4. METHODS FOR ANALYSING AND REPORTING RESULTS

Hardcover: $1050.00, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7180-0 ©2008, 1640 pages


Computational Social Science

Hardcover: $1050.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-3588-3 ©2009, 1712 pages

Four-Volume Set

Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey, U.K.

Realist Methodology Four-Volume Set

Wendy Olsen, University of Manchester, U.K. Addressing four key elements of Realist Methodology, this set widens the access to the ideas of realism which make the philosophy and its applications more accessible to lay readers. 

Computational Social Science, a four-volume set, republishes the key articles in the emerging field of computational social science. Because of the widespread use of computational approaches throughout the social sciences, the literature is very widely dispersed. Many papers are of interest far outside their original disciplines, because of the methods they use and the theories they develop have broad-ranging application. CONTENTS


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VOLUME 1. 1. Introduction 2. Precursors and Early Work 3. Agent-Based Computational Economics VOLUME 2. 1. Modelling Sociality 2. Groups 3. Organisations 4. Societies 5. Networks

VOLUME 3. 1. Social Dilemmas 2. Cognition and Norms 3. Methodology VOLUME 4. 1. Emergence 2. Tools and Techniques 3. Validation

Hardcover: $1050.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-4863-0 ©2010, 1544 pages Hardcover: $1664.00, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7171-8 ©2010, 1880 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

Recommend to your Library 93

Social Statistics

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods

Four-Volume Set

Roger Penn and Damon Berridge, University of Lancsaster This major reference collection brings together the classic pieces that have framed the often controversial debates of using statistics as a social research method.


Hardcover: $1050.00, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7356-9 ©2010, 1642 pages

Causality Four-Volume Set

Stephen Turner, University of South Florida This four-volume major reference work covers the main issues, methods of analysis, and alternatives, of causality, including the classic texts applying these alternative concepts and methods to empirical cases. As a whole, the volumes represent a complete guide to the literature on social science causality from the beginning to the present. Volume 1 explores the history and meaning of key terms: secular, secularism, secularity, secularization and laicity. It is primarily concerned with the philosophy and theology of the secular and examines the evolution of the debate from St Augustine’s two cities to contemporary writings and is not confined to Christian debate. Volume 2 deals with the sociology of secularization and contains the classic statements by sociologists such as Max Weber, Georg Simmel, Bryan Wilson, David Martin, and Thomas Luckmann. Volume 3 considers American exceptionalism. Much the debate in sociology has centered on the question of America’s differences from secular Europe. Religion and politics have been significantly interconnected in American history; America is a very special but influential case of secularization.

Hardcover: $1050.00, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7933-2 ©2010, 1704 pages

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Lisa M. Given, University of Alberta, Canada The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods presents current and complete information as well as ready-to-use techniques, facts, and examples from the field of qualitative research in a very accessible style. In taking an interdisciplinary approach, these two volumes target a broad audience and fill a gap in the existing reference literature for a general guide to the core concepts that inform qualitative research practices. The entries cover every major facet of qualitative methods, including access to research participants, data coding, research ethics, the role of theory in qualitative research, and much more—all without overwhelming the informed reader. Key Features • Defines and explains core concepts, describes the techniques involved in the implementation of qualitative methods, and presents an overview of qualitative approaches to research • Offers many entries that point to substantive debates among qualitative researchers regarding how concepts are labeled and the implications of such labels for how qualitative research is valued • Guides readers through the complex landscape of the language of qualitative inquiry • Includes contributors from various countries and disciplines that reflect a diverse spectrum of research approaches from more traditional, positivist approaches, through postmodern, constructionist ones • Presents some entries written in first-person voice and others in third-person voice to reflect the diversity of approaches that define qualitative work Key Themes • Approaches and Methodologies • Arts-Based Research, Ties to • Computer Software • Data Analysis • Data Collection • Data Types and Characteristics • Dissemination • History of Qualitative Research • Participants • Quantitative Research, Ties to • Research Ethics • Rigor • Textual Analysis, Ties to • Theoretical and Philosophical Frameworks

Hardcover: $350.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-4163-1 ©2008, 1072 pages

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Volume 4 involves the comparative sociology of modern religious revivalism and the notion that we are in a post-secular society. The manifestations of religious revival in post-secular societies are truly global. This volume looks at the revival of world religions and popular religions such as spirit possession in the postcommunist societies.

Two-Volume Set

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The SAGE Qualitative Research Kit

Encyclopedia of Case Study Research

Uwe Flick, Alice-Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany

Albert J. Mills, St. Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Eight-Volume Set

Two-Volume Set

This kit comprises eight quality volumes that provide practical and accessible advice on how to conduct state-of-the-art qualitative research. It is an ideal toolkit for students and researchers for use in planning and carrying out research in a variety of academic and professional environments. CONTENTS VOLUME 1. DESIGNING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH VOLUME 2. DOING INTERVIEWS VOLUME 3. DOING ETHNOGRAPHIC AND OBSERVATIONAL RESEARCH VOLUME 4. DOING FOCUS GROUPS VOLUME 5. USING VISUAL DATA IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH VOLUME 6. ANALYSING QUALITATIVE DATA VOLUME 7. DOING CONVERSATION, DISCOURSE AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS VOLUME 8. MANAGING QUALITY IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH

Gabrielle Durepos, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada Elden Wiebe, King’s University College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada The Encyclopedia of Case Study Research provides a compendium on the important methodological issues in conducting case study research and explores both the strengths and weaknesses of different paradigmatic approaches. These two volumes focus on the distinctive characteristics of case study research and its place within and alongside other research methodologies. Key Features • Presents a definition of case study research that can be used in different fields of study • Describes case study as a research strategy rather than as a single tool for decision making and inquiry • Guides rather than dictates, readers’ understanding and applications of case study research • Includes a critical summary in each entry, which raises additional matters for reflection • Makes case study relevant to researchers at various stages of their careers, across philosophic divides, and throughout diverse disciplines

Paperback: $224.00, ISBN: 978-0-7619-4974-9 ©2009, 1320 pages

Action Research in Education Three-Volume Set

Anne Campbell, Leeds Metropolitan University, U.K. Susan Groundwater-Smith, University of Sydney, Australia This three-volume set traces the evolution of classroom research as it connects to curriculum, pedagogy, and professional practice in schools. It includes an original introduction by the editors that makes the argument for the selection of each piece and shows where each sits in the field.

Key Themes • Academic Disciplines • Case Study Research Design • Conceptual Issues • Data Analysis • Data Collection • Methodological Approaches • Theoretical Traditions • Theory Development and Contributions

Hardcover: $350.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-5670-3 ©2010, 1152 pages


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Hardcover: $825.00, ISBN: 978-1-8486-0683-8 ©2010, 1240 pages

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Representing Ethnography

Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods

Reading, Writing and Rhetoric in Qualitative Research Four-Volume Set

Two-Volume Set

Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont, Cardiff University, U.K. Qualitative research, especially ethnography, has seen a paradigm shift since 1968. This so-called ‘Third Moment’ was concerned with the critical issue of the textual representation of ethnographic work. There was a call for a turn towards texts that mirrored the messiness of social life, that were faithful to the many voices of social worlds, in which the artfulness of ethnographic writing was manifest and in which the ethnographer was visibly present in the text. CONTENTS VOLUME 1. CONTEXTS AND CONTROVERSIES VOLUME 2. READING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH VOLUME 3. ANALYSIS AND VOICE IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH VOLUME 4. WRITING AND REPRESENTATION

Paul J. Lavrakas, Independent Consultant and Former Chief Research Methodologist for The Nielsen Company In conjunction with top survey researchers around the world and with Nielsen Media Research serving as the corporate sponsor, the Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods presents state-of-the-art information and methodological examples from the field of survey research. Although there are other “how-to” guides and references texts on survey research, none is as comprehensive as this Encyclopedia, and none presents the material in such a focused and approachable manner. With more than 600 entries, this resource uses a Total Survey Error perspective that considers all aspects of possible survey error from a cost-benefit standpoint.

Hardcover: $350.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-1808-4 ©2008, 1072 pages Hardcover: $1050.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-4598-1 ©2009, 1824 pages




Four-Volume Set

The Focus Group Kit

Wes Sharrock, University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K.

Six-Volume Set

David L. Morgan, Portland State University

Michael Lynch, Cornell University

Richard A. Krueger, University of Minnesota, Professor Emeritus and Senior Fellow “Dick Krueger and David L. Morgan have done the research community a great service in their writing of this kit. They have brought together the most recent thinking on focus groups and the best of present practices and applications. They are experienced in this area and know of which they write. From novice to skilled practitioner, everyone will benefit from working through six volumes. They make clear the ‘when, why, and how’ of focus groups.” —Ray C. Rist The World Bank, Washington, DC CONTENTS VOLUME 1. THE FOCUS GROUP GUIDEBOOK by David L. Morgan VOLUME 2. PLANNING FOCUS GROUPS by David L. Morgan VOLUME 3. DEVELOPING QUESTIONS FOR FOCUS GROUPS by Richard A. Krueger VOLUME 4. MODERATING FOCUS GROUPS by Richard A. Krueger VOLUME 5. INVOLVING COMMUNITY MEMBERS IN FOCUS GROUPS by Richard A. Krueger & Jean A. King VOLUME 6. ANALYZING & REPORTING FOCUS GROUP RESULTS by Richard A. Krueger


Hardcover: $251.00, ISBN: 978-0-7619-0760-2 ©1997, 692 pages

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©2011, 1656 pages

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Hardcover: $1050.00, ISBN: 978-1-8486-0441-4

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The Secondary Analysis of Survey Data

Mass Communication Research Methods Four-Volume Set

Four-Volume Set

Anders Hansen, University of Leicester, U.K.

Martin Bulmer, University of Surrey, U.K.

This work combines methods articles or discussions with a range of exemplary applications within particular theoretical frameworks of each method or approach.

Patrick J. Sturgis, University of Southampton Nick Allum, Essex University, U.K. This four-volume collection brings together the key publications on the secondary analysis of data and embraces many aspects of how to analyze quantitative survey data, whether primary or secondary. CONTENTS VOLUME 1. ISSUES IN THE ANALYSIS OF SURVEY DATA VOLUME 2. MEASUREMENT AND INFERENCE VOLUME 3. SUMMARIZING AND MODELLING SURVEY DATA VOLUME 4. SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS, HIERARCHICAL AND LONGITUDINAL MODELS


Hardcover: $1050.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-0384-4 ©2009, 1664 pages

Hardcover: $1050.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-3004-8 ©2009, 1592 pages

Multilevel Modelling Four-Volume Set


Anders Skrondal, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway

Qualitative Research Methods in Education

Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, University of California and the University of London, U.K. Data collected in the social sciences often have a multilevel or clustered structure. The editors of this essential four-volume set are among the leading figures of multilevel modeling, an approach which is at once cutting-edge and well established within research methods and the social sciences. CONTENTS VOLUME 1. LINEAR MULTILEVEL MODELS: MODEL FORMULATION AND INTERPRETATION VOLUME 2. LINEAR MULTILEVEL MODELS: INFERENCE, DIAGNOSTICS AND DESIGN VOLUME 3. MULTILEVEL GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS VOLUME 4. COMPLEX MODELS AND ISSUES

Hardcover: $1050.00, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7273-9

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©2010, 1608 pages

Four-Volume Set

Harry Torrance, Manchester Metropolitan University This four-volume set is part of the Fundamentals of Applied Research series and sits alongside Stephen Gorard’s major reference collection Quantitative Research Methods in Education. It brings together seminal and cutting edge articles on qualitative research internationally, and shows how the field has developed in influence in recent years. The use of qualitative research methods in educational research has a long and distinguished history, both in the UK and internationally. Importantly, this major reference collection reviews the ongoing debates and various issues about qualitative methods and the contribution they make to understanding educational issues. The set also comprises a timely analysis of the contribution which qualitative methods have made and can continue to make to understanding educational issues. CONTENTS VOLUME 1. THEORETICAL ORIGINS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION VOLUME 2. LANGUAGE, PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICS - ADDITIONAL THEORETICAL TRIBUTARIES AND METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION VOLUME 3. KEY SUBSTANTIVE FIELDS AND TOPICS OF INQUIRY IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION VOLUME 4. CONTEMPORARY METHODS, ISSUES AND DEBATES IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION - ETHICS, SCIENCE, POLICY AND POLITICS

Hardcover: $950.00, ISBN: 978-1-8486-0207-6 ©2011, 1680 pages

Sage 800.818.7243 or 805.499.9774 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. pt

fax: 805.375.5291

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Nursing Research Methods

Gender and Research Four-Volume Set

Sara Delamont and Paul Atkinson, Cardiff University, U.K.

Three-Volume Set

Peter Griffiths, King’s College, U.K. Jackie Bridges, City University, U.K. This three-volume set brings together seminal sources that illustrate both the origins and the state of the art of research in nursing. The editors draw on methodological sources from outside the discipline that are influential and have shaped nursing research as well as discussions and debates about the application of particular methods within the field. CONTENTS

For the past thirty years there have been vigorous debates about the roles played by gender, sexuality, and sexual orientation in research. This collection brings together the debates together, set them into their historical and theoretical context, and deal with the major criticisms and refutations. A particular strength of this collection is makes available key sources otherwise scattered and hard to obtain. CONTENTS



Hardcover: $825.00, ISBN: 978-1-8478-7946-2

Hardcover: $1050.00, ISBN: 978-1-4129-4597-4

©2010, 1288 pages

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98 Index Alasuutari The SAGE Handbook of Social Research Methods.................................................................... 83 Alderson/Morrow The Ethics of Research with Children and Young People.............................................. 54 Alkin Evaluation Roots................................................................................................................................ 44 Allison Multiple Regression......................................................................................................................... 13 Altschuld Needs Assessment Phase II........................................................................................................ 74 Altschuld The Needs Assessment Kit......................................................................................................... 74 Altschuld/Eastmond Needs Assessment Phase I...................................................................................... 74 Altschuld/Kumar Needs Assessment: An Overview................................................................................... 74 Altschuld/White Needs Assessment: Analysis and Prioritization................................................................ 74 Alvesson Interpreting Interviews................................................................................................................ 35 Alvesson/Karreman Qualitative Research and Theory Development........................................................ 25 Alvesson/Sköldberg Reflexive Methodology, 2e....................................................................................... 23 Argyrous Statistics for Research, 2e.......................................................................................................... 10 Atkinson/Delamont Representing Ethnography........................................................................................ 95 Babbie/Halley/Wagner/Zaino Adventures in Social Research, 7e............................................................ 64 Bachman/Schutt Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2e............................. 50 Bachman/Schutt The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice, 4e................................ 50 Bailey/Burch Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis.................................................................. 61 Bamberger/Rugh/Mabry RealWorld Evaluation........................................................................................ 40 Bandyopadhyay/Rao/Sinha Models for Social Networks With Statistical Applications............................. 11 Barone/Eisner Arts Based Research.......................................................................................................... 20 Bazeley Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo............................................................................................. 27 Belcher Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks................................................................................. 86 Bell/McGrane/Gunderson/Anderson This Book Is Not Required, 4e....................................................... 88 Belli/Stafford/Alwin Calendar and Time Diary Methods in Life Course Research....................................... 5 Berger Media and Communication Research Methods, 2e......................................................................... 47 Bergman Advances in Mixed Methods Research....................................................................................... 39 Berkman/Reise A Conceptual Guide to Statistics Using SPSS................................................................... 10 Bernard Social Research Methods, 2e........................................................................................................ 69 Bernard/Ryan Analyzing Qualitative Data.................................................................................................. 24 Bickman/Rog The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods, 2e........................................... 82 Birks/Mills Grounded Theory...................................................................................................................... 18 Bloomberg/Volpe Completing Your Qualitative Dissertation...................................................................... 86 Boeije Analysis in Qualitative Research...................................................................................................... 26 Boudah Conducting Educational Research................................................................................................. 52 Bourgeault/Dingwall/de Vries The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Health Research............. 81 Brandt Read, Research and Write............................................................................................................... 91 Brown/Liebovitch Fractal Analysis............................................................................................................. 72 Brummett Techniques of Close Reading.................................................................................................... 48 Bryant/Charmaz The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory...................................................................... 78 Bui How to Write a Master’s Thesis............................................................................................................. 85 Bull Technology-Based Health Promotion................................................................................................... 55 Bulmer/Shurgis/Allum The Secondary Analysis of Survey Data............................................................... 96 Burdess Starting Statistics.......................................................................................................................... 10 Burnett Doing Your Social Science Dissertation.......................................................................................... 90 Burton/Bartlett Key Issues for Education Researchers.............................................................................. 54 Butler-Kisber Qualitative Inquiry................................................................................................................ 26 Buttolph/Reynolds/Mycoff Political Science Research Methods, 6e........................................................ 57 Byrne/Ragin The SAGE Handbook of Case-Based Methods...................................................................... 79 Calley Program Development in the 21st Century...................................................................................... 41 Campbell/Groundwater-Smith Action Research in Education.................................................................. 94 Caro How to Publish Your PhD..................................................................................................................... 90 Chambliss/Schutt Making Sense of the Social World, 3e.......................................................................... 66 Charmaz Constructing Grounded Theory.................................................................................................... 27 Chilisa Indigenous Research Methodologies.............................................................................................. 22 Clandinin Handbook of Narrative Inquiry.................................................................................................... 78 Coghlan/Brannick Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization, 3e.................................................. 29 Collier Using SPSS Syntax.......................................................................................................................... 15 Cooper Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis, 4e...................................................................................... 5 Cooper/Booth The Adjunct Faculty Handbook, 2e...................................................................................... 84 Cope/Elwood Qualitative GIS...................................................................................................................... 24 Corbin/Strauss Basics of Qualitative Research, 3e.................................................................................... 20 Costley/Elliott/Gibbs Doing Work Based Research...................................................................................... 6 Craig Study Skills for Health and Social Care Students............................................................................... 89 Creswell Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, 2e............................................................................... 21 Creswell Research Design, 3e...................................................................................................................... 3 Creswell/Plano Clark Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research, 2e...................................... 38 Crotty The Foundations of Social Research................................................................................................ 71 Dahlberg/McCaig Practical Research and Evaluation................................................................................ 41 Dane Evaluating Research............................................................................................................................ 3 Daniel Sampling Essentials........................................................................................................................... 8 David/Sutton Social Research, 2e.............................................................................................................. 68 Davidson Evaluation Methodology Basics.................................................................................................. 44 Davies/Francis/Jupp Doing Criminological Research, 2e......................................................................... 49 Delamont/Atkinson Gender and Research................................................................................................ 97 DeLyser/Herbert/Aitken/Crang/McDowell The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Geography.................... 80 Denzin/Lincoln Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials, 3e......................................................... 19 Denzin/Lincoln Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, 3e................................................................................... 19 Denzin/Lincoln The Landscape of Qualitative Research, 3e...................................................................... 19 Denzin/Lincoln The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, 4e.............................................................. 75 Denzin/Lincoln/Smith Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies............................................. 77 DeVellis Scale Development, 3e................................................................................................................. 67


Donaldson/Christie/Mark What Counts as Credible Evidence in Applied Research and Evaluation Practice?................................................................................................................................. 43 Ellingson Engaging Crystallization in Qualitative Research........................................................................ 18 Engel/Schutt Fundamentals of Social Work Research............................................................................... 63 Engel/Schutt The Practice of Research in Social Work, 2e........................................................................ 63 Evans/Rooney Methods in Psychological Research, 2e............................................................................. 59 Faherty Wordcraft: Applied Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA):....................................................................... 24 Fetterman Ethnography, 3e........................................................................................................................ 32 Field Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, 3e................................................................................................ 14 Field/Miles Discovering Statistics Using SAS............................................................................................. 14 Fink Conducting Research Literature Reviews, 3e...................................................................................... 86 Fink How to Conduct Surveys, 4e............................................................................................................... 37 Fink The Survey Kit, 2e............................................................................................................................... 79 Fitzpatrick/Christie/Mark Evaluation in Action......................................................................................... 43 Flick An Introduction to Qualitative Research, 4e........................................................................................ 22 Flick Introducing Research Methodology...................................................................................................... 6 Flick The SAGE Qualitative Research Kit..................................................................................................... 94 Ford How to Do Your Case Study................................................................................................................. 87 Ford The Essential Guide to Using the Web for Research............................................................................ 85 Forrester Doing Qualitative Research in Psychology.................................................................................. 61 Fotheringham/Rogerson The SAGE Handbook of Spatial Analysis........................................................... 81 Fowler Improving Survey Questions........................................................................................................... 37 Fowler Survey Research Methods, 4e........................................................................................................ 37 Fox Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear Models, 2e......................................................... 12 Fox/Weisberg An R Companion to Applied Regression, 2e........................................................................ 12 Franzosi Quantitative Narrative Analysis..................................................................................................... 73 Furr/Bacharach Psychometrics................................................................................................................. 15 Gaiser/Schreiner A Guide to Conducting Online Research........................................................................ 90 Gamst/Liang/Der-Karabetian Handbook of Multicultural Measures......................................................... 76 Gerin Writing the NIH Grant Proposal, 2e.................................................................................................... 84 Gibson/Brown Working with Qualitative Data............................................................................................ 21 Gilbert Computational Social Science......................................................................................................... 92 Gill Developing a Learning Culture in Nonprofit Organizations.................................................................... 62 Girden/Kabacoff Evaluating Research Articles From Start to Finish, 3e....................................................... 3 Given The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods................................................................ 93 Globokar Introduction to Online Learning................................................................................................... 84 Gray Doing Research in the Real World, 2e................................................................................................. 70 Grbich Qualitative Data Analysis................................................................................................................. 27 Greasley Doing Essays and Assignments................................................................................................... 88 Green/Thorogood Qualitative Methods for Health Research, 2e................................................................ 56 Greener Designing Social Research............................................................................................................ 67 Grembowski The Practice of Health Program Evaluation........................................................................... 55 Griffiths Research Methods for Health Care Practice................................................................................. 56 Griffiths/Bridges Nursing Research Methods............................................................................................ 97 Gubrium/Holstein Analyzing Narrative Reality........................................................................................... 31 Guest/MacQueen Applied Thematic Analysis............................................................................................. 23 Guo/Fraser Propensity Score Analysis........................................................................................................ 13 Ha/Ha Integrative Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences............................................................. 7 Haase Multivariate General Linear Models.................................................................................................. 72 Hammersley Methodology: Who Needs It?................................................................................................. 69 Hansen Mass Communication Research Methods..................................................................................... 96 Hao/Naiman Assessing Inequality.............................................................................................................. 72 Hardy/Bryman Handbook of Data Analysis................................................................................................ 15 Harrison Diagnosing Organizations, 3e...................................................................................................... 46 Harrison Life Story Research...................................................................................................................... 92 Hartley Snapshots of Research................................................................................................................... 49 Healey/Boli/Babbie/Halley Exploring Social Issues, 3e............................................................................. 68 Heath/Brooks/Cleaver/Ireland Researching Young People’s Lives........................................................... 70 Heath/Hindmarsh/Luff Video in Qualitative Research............................................................................... 26 Henn/Weinstein/Foard A Critical Introduction to Social Research, 2e....................................................... 69 Hennink/Hutter/Bailey Qualitative Research Methods.............................................................................. 21 Herr/Anderson The Action Research Dissertation...................................................................................... 28 Hesse-Biber/Leavy Feminist Research Practice........................................................................................ 67 Hesse-Biber/Leavy The Practice of Qualitative Research, 2e.................................................................... 17 Hogan Bare-Bones R.................................................................................................................................. 12 Holden/Zimmerman A Practical Guide to Program Evaluation Planning.................................................... 42 Holosko/Thyer Glossary of 1,001 Commonly Used Research Terms........................................................... 4 Holstein/Gubruim Varieties of Narrative Analysis....................................................................................... 31 Houser Counseling and Educational Research, 2e...................................................................................... 49 Hoy Quantitative Research in Education...................................................................................................... 53 Israel Data Analysis in Business Research.................................................................................................. 46 James/Busher Online Interviewing............................................................................................................ 36 Janesick “Stretching” Exercises for Qualitative Researchers, 3e............................................................... 23 Jarvie/Zamora-Bonilla The SAGE Handbook of the Philosophy of Social Sciences.................................. 83 Jesson/Matheson Doing Your Literature Review....................................................................................... 87 Johnson/Christensen Educational Research, 4e....................................................................................... 51 Johnson/Reynolds Working with Political Science Research Methods, 2e............................................... 57 Kapp/Anderson Agency-Based Program Evaluation.................................................................................. 62 Keller/Casadevall-Kellar The Tao of Research............................................................................................ 5 Kettner/Moroney/Martin Designing and Managing Programs, 3e............................................................ 41 Khamis The Association Graph and the Multigraph for Loglinear Models.................................................. 72 King/Horrocks Interviews in Qualitative Research..................................................................................... 36 Knowles/Cole Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research..................................................................... 77

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Index 99 Kozinets Netnography................................................................................................................................ 33 Kremelberg Practical Statistics.................................................................................................................. 12 Krippendorff Content Analysis, 2e.............................................................................................................. 48 Krueger/Casey Focus Groups, 4e............................................................................................................... 34 Kumar Research Methodology, 3e................................................................................................................ 6 Kvale InterViews, 2e.................................................................................................................................... 35 Lavrakas Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods................................................................................ 95 Le Roux/Rouanet Multiple Correspondence Analysis................................................................................ 73 Leong/Austin The Psychology Research Handbook................................................................................... 61 Levin/McEwan Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, 2e......................................................................................... 46 Liamputtong Focus Group Methodology.................................................................................................... 34 Lichtman Qualitative Research in Education, 2e........................................................................................ 53 Lichtman Understanding and Evaluating Qualitative Educational Research............................................... 53 Lindlof/Taylor Qualitative Communication Research Methods, 3e............................................................. 48 Locke/Silverman/Spirduso Reading and Understanding Research, 3e.................................................... 85 Locke/Spirduso/Silverman Proposals That Work, 5e................................................................................ 85 Long Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables............................................... 16 Lune/Pumar/Koppel Perspectives in Social Research Methods and Analysis........................................... 66 Madden Being Ethnographic....................................................................................................................... 33 Madison Critical Ethnography, 2e............................................................................................................... 32 Makagon/Neumann Recording Culture..................................................................................................... 18 Margolis/Pauwels The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods....................................................... 83 Mariampolski Qualitative Market Research............................................................................................... 45 Marshall/Rossman Designing Qualitative Research, 5e............................................................................ 16 Marston Introductory Statistics for Health and Nursing Using SPSS.......................................................... 55 Martin/Kettner Measuring the Performance of Human Service Programs, 2e........................................... 62 Mason/Dale Understanding Social Research............................................................................................. 71 Maxwell Qualitative Research Design, 2e................................................................................................... 23 Maxwell/Rossman/Rallis A Realist Approach to Qualitative Research..................................................... 18 May/Perry Social Research and Reflexivity................................................................................................ 68 McBride The Process of Research in Psychology....................................................................................... 60 McBride/Cutting Lab Manual for Psychological Research, 2e................................................................... 60 McDavid/Hawthorn Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement................................................ 44 McLeod/Thomson Researching Social Change......................................................................................... 70 McNiff/Whitehead All You Need To Know About Action Research.............................................................. 29 Merrill/West Using Biographical Methods in Social Research.................................................................... 69 Mertens Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 3e.......................................................... 52 Mertens/Ginsberg The Handbook of Social Research Ethics..................................................................... 82 Mertler Action Research, 3e....................................................................................................................... 28 Meyers/Gamst/Guarino Applied Multivariate Research............................................................................ 13 Miles/Huberman Qualitative Data Analysis, 2e.......................................................................................... 25 Miller Developmental Research Methods, 3e............................................................................................. 61 Miller/McIntire/Lovler Foundations of Psychological Testing, 3e.............................................................. 59 Mills Introducing Survival and Event History Analysis................................................................................. 12 Mills/Durepos/Wiebe Encyclopedia of Case Study Research.................................................................... 94 Millsap/Maydeu-Olivares The SAGE Handbook of Quantitative Methods in Psychology.......................... 82 Mitchell Doing Visual Research.................................................................................................................. 22 Morgan Focus Groups as Qualitative Research.......................................................................................... 34 Morgan/Krueger The Focus Group Kit....................................................................................................... 95 Muijs Doing Quantitative Research in Education........................................................................................ 52 Muncey Creating Autoethnographies.......................................................................................................... 33 Nestor/Schutt Research Methods in Psychology....................................................................................... 58 Neuendorf The Content Analysis Guidebook............................................................................................... 48 Neugebauer/Evans-Brain Making the Most of Your Placement................................................................ 45 Noffke/Somekh The SAGE Handbook of Educational Action Research...................................................... 78 Nyerges/Couclelis/McMasters The SAGE Handbook of GIS and Society................................................. 76 O’Leary The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project..................................................................... 89 Oliffe/Greaves Designing and Conducting Gender, Sex, and Health Research........................................... 55 Oliver Understanding the Research Process................................................................................................. 5 Olsen Realist Methodology.......................................................................................................................... 92 Osterlind/Everson Differential Item Functioning, 2e.................................................................................. 73 Padgett Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research, 2e.......................................................................... 64 Pascale Cartographies of Knowledge......................................................................................................... 24 Patton Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods, 3e.............................................................................. 42 Patton Utilization-Focused Evaluation, 4e................................................................................................... 42 Paxton/Hipp/Marquart-Pyatt Nonrecursive Models................................................................................. 72 Payne/Williams Teaching Quantitative Methods........................................................................................ 77 Pearson Statistical Persuasion...................................................................................................................... 8 Penn/Berridge Social Statistics.................................................................................................................. 93 Piantanida/Garman The Qualitative Dissertation, 2e................................................................................. 87 Pink Doing Sensory Ethnography................................................................................................................ 34 Plano Clark/Creswell The Mixed Methods Reader.................................................................................... 38 Plowright Using Mixed Methods................................................................................................................. 39 Pollock A Stata Companion to Political Analysis, 2e................................................................................... 56 Pollock An SPSS Companion to Political Analysis, 3e................................................................................. 57 Pollock The Essentials of Political Analysis, 3e........................................................................................... 57 Polonsky/Waller Designing and Managing a Research Project, 2e........................................................... 45 Preskill/Catsambas Reframing Evaluation Through Appreciative Inquiry.................................................. 43 Priest Doing Media Research, 2e................................................................................................................ 47 Punch Introduction to Research Methods in Education.............................................................................. 54 Ragin/Amoroso Constructing Social Research, 2e.................................................................................... 68 Raudenbush/Bryk Hierarchical Linear Models, 2e.................................................................................... 16

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Redman/Maples Good Essay Writing, 4e................................................................................................... 91 Remler/Van Ryzin Research Methods in Practice........................................................................................ 2 Repko Interdisciplinary Research.................................................................................................................. 4 Repko/Newell/Szostak Case Studies in Interdisciplinary Research............................................................ 4 Richards Handling Qualitative Data, 2e...................................................................................................... 21 Richards/Morse README FIRST for a User’s Guide to Qualitative Methods, 2e........................................ 25 Ridley The Literature Review...................................................................................................................... 91 Riessman Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences.............................................................................. 29 Rihoux/Ragin Configurational Comparative Methods................................................................................ 66 Roberts The Dissertation Journey, 2e......................................................................................................... 87 Rossi/Lipsey/Freeman Evaluation, 7e....................................................................................................... 44 Rossman/Rallis Learning in the Field, 3e................................................................................................... 17 Roulston Reflective Interviewing................................................................................................................ 36 Rubin/Rubin Qualitative Interviewing, 2e................................................................................................... 36 Rudas Handbook of Probability................................................................................................................... 81 Rudestam/Newton Surviving Your Dissertation, 3e................................................................................... 86 Ryan/Cousins The SAGE International Handbook of Educational Evaluation............................................. 79 Sagor The Action Research Guidebook, 2e................................................................................................. 28 Saldana The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers........................................................................... 22 Salkind Encyclopedia of Research Design.................................................................................................. 91 Salkind Excel Statistics................................................................................................................................. 9 Salkind Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, 2e............................................................... 9 Salkind Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, 4e............................................................... 9 Salkind Tests & Measurement for People Who (Think They) Hate Tests & Measurement, 2e....................... 9 Salmons Cases in Online Interview Research............................................................................................. 35 Salmons Online Interviews in Real Time..................................................................................................... 35 Samaras Self-Study Teacher Research...................................................................................................... 52 Schutt Investigating the Social World, 6e.................................................................................................... 65 Schwandt The SAGE Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry, 3e.......................................................................... 20 Schwartz/Landrum/Gurung An EasyGuide to APA Style........................................................................... 60 Scott Social Network Analysis, 2e............................................................................................................... 70 Scott/Carrington The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis........................................................... 82 Sharrock/Lynch Ethnomethodology........................................................................................................... 95 Shields Essay Writing.................................................................................................................................. 89 Shore/Carfora The Art of Funding and Implementing Ideas....................................................................... 84 Silverman Doing Qualitative Research, 3e.................................................................................................. 25 Silverman Qualitative Research, 3e............................................................................................................ 17 Simons Case Study Research in Practice................................................................................................... 32 Skrondal/Rabe-Hesketh Multilevel Modelling........................................................................................... 96 Smith/Flowers/Larkin Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis............................................................. 26 Somekh/Lewin Theory and Methods in Social Research, 2e..................................................................... 67 Soriano Conducting Needs Assessments, 2e............................................................................................. 41 Stake The Art of Case Study Research....................................................................................................... 29 Steinberg Statistics Alive!, 2e....................................................................................................................... 8 Stevahn/King Needs Assessment Phase III................................................................................................ 74 Stringer Action Research, 3e...................................................................................................................... 28 Sue/Ritter Conducting Online Surveys....................................................................................................... 37 Sullivan Art Practice as Research, 2e......................................................................................................... 53 Suter Introduction to Educational Research................................................................................................ 54 Swanborn Case Study Research................................................................................................................ 32 Tashakkori/Teddlie SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research, 2e.................. 80 Teddlie/Tashakkori Foundations of Mixed Methods Research.................................................................. 39 Thomas How to do Your Research Project.................................................................................................. 90 Thyer The Handbook of Social Work Research Methods, 2e....................................................................... 62 Torrance Qualitative Research Methods in Education................................................................................ 96 Treadwell Introducing Communication Research....................................................................................... 47 Turner 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