Research on GIS Based Scenario Planning Methods ... - IEEE Xplore

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Qingming Zhan. School of Urban Design, Wuhan University, China. Research Centre for Digital City, Wuhan University,. Wuhan, China [email protected].
Research on GIS based Scenario Planning Methods and Applications Qingming Zhan

Jun Zhou

School of Urban Design, Wuhan University, China

School of Urban Design, Wuhan University, China

Research Centre for Digital City, Wuhan University,

Research Centre for Digital City, Wuhan University,

Wuhan, China

Wuhan, China

[email protected]

[email protected]

Abstract—On the concept of scenario planning, this paper

important accordance for the decision support in urban

focuses on the relationships between scenario planning,

development [1]. This may be the way to fully integrate the

MCE-GIS and planning support systems. We integrate the idea

ideas of government authorities, scientific supporting and

of scenario planning and GIS technology, and use actual case

public participation in urban planning.

study to verify the feasibility of this method, in order to support urban planning and urban development.



Scenario is a description of the future events and a series of Keywords: GIS; scenario planning; planning support system; MCE

facts causing a state of affairs from the initial condition to its future development [2]. The scenario planning or scenario


analysis based on scenario is the analysis and construction of


The development of GIS technology went through from the late 80s, early 90s to nowadays. In the field of urban planning in China, GIS technology has been widely applied in variety of practical work, such as computer-aided planning and design, planning control, supporting decision-making etc. Meanwhile, it has made tremendous progress. However, due to the complexity of urban system itself, the uncertainty of the urban development, the rapid development of urbanization in China, as well as the restriction of the GIS technology itself, clearly we can point out that only the use of GIS technology can not grasp the dynamic properties of urban development fully and accurately. In this case, there is required to make the correct and accurate interpretation of the conditions for urban development in an uncertain environment, in order to achieve the multi-objective optimization of development in a city. At the same time, with the development of the society, the

the possible future development, also known as the illustrative scenarios. The scenario analysis is a forecasting method, which describes the future scenarios of system by writing the script, and analyzes the variety of the future situations [3]. Compared with the traditional forecasting methods, scenario planning emphasis more on the possibility, diversity and systematic approach as well as the intelligent characteristics of the objects’ development. Meanwhile, it recognizes the people’s "active role" in future development [4], and provides scientific support





China", more and more people tend to protect their "ownership" rights in urban planning, and give their own opinions or suggestions. Therefore, in the future of city, there will be a number of different development scenarios, shown in Figure 1.


the entire process of urban planning. Inevitably, there is



necessity for us to exam the potential of the GIS technology, as

of city


the core of the information technologies, also to translate the

Citizens Figure 1

Scenario 1


government and developers will be all-sided participation in

instructional planning-support information, which provides


implementation of the "Town and Country Planning Act of

beneficiary bodies composed of the citizens, planners,

comments and recommendations of each stakeholder into the


Future of city

Scenario 2 Scenario 3 ……

Scenarios of urban development involved multi-agent

978-1-4244-5326-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE


Scenario Planning and Planning Support System


Planning Support System (PSS), first proposed by the American scholar B. Harris, is a system which is composed of various technologies, and provides planning support for the whole process. Not only has it included the


decision-making, but the discovery, analysis, and the evaluation of city issues. However, it does not directly make plans. Rather precisely speaking, the planning support system is a set of collection of technologies, ideas and methods servicing for the whole process of urban planning.

Background This research makes the empirical analysis based on the comprehensive planning of the Houguan Lake Ecological District in Wuhan (hereinafter referred to as eco-district). Ecological district is located in Caidian District, Wuhan City, close to Wuhan Economic and technological Development Zone. It has several advantages for development such as good location, transportation and environment. However, the Eco-district, located in the Houguan Lake green wedge as one

Planning support systems has a close relationship with

of six eco-green wedges in the master plan of Wuhan, has

scenario planning. The combination of ideas from planning

tremendous pressure for environmental protection. In this

support system and scenario planning can truly make the

context, the development of the Eco-district is facing the issue

changes from the "Planning for people" to "Planning with

of how to coordinate the use of space.

people", so that the public, government, planners and developers are able to participate in the process of urban planning, providing strong support for the final decision and implementation of the planning program


. "What-if" is an

example of this kind of planning support system, developed by Professor Klosterman. It makes the integration of scenario planning and GIS technology, providing a good operating environment for decision-making in planning. At present, a number of scholars in China have applied "What-if" in urban comprehensive planning in China [1] [5]. B

Research concepts This research attempts to combine the ideas of scenario planning and GIS technology in order to provide new light on the development of Eco-district. First of all, the factors which affect the development of Eco-district are determined. Secondly, we apply the GIS-MCE method to conduct the suitability evaluation for development. Meanwhile, the evaluation of ecological sensitivity analysis is performed in this area. The development scenarios of this Eco-district are built based on analytic hierarchy process (Figure 2).

Scenario Planning Method and MCE-GIS

MCE, the multi-criteria evaluation, is a widely used method and provides excellent support for multi-objective

Background Analysis Expert Experiences

decision-making. The MCE-GIS solves practical problems

Choose and Analyze Factors

using an evaluation matrix. The construction of the matrix Database

elements requires reflecting the characteristics of the decision-making, which is described by a series of criteria



Suitability Evaluation

Evaluation of Ecological Sensitivity

In the MCE-GIS, firstly, the evaluation factors which influence of urban development have been determined. Then, these

Assign Weight

factors are graded based on different evaluation criterion, and assigned with weights according to the "scene" as required to


achieve in planning. Ultimately, comprehensive evaluation of

and Public

the results can be made by the constitution of evaluation


Build Scenarios

Evaluate Scenario

matrix integrated by evaluation factors in different grades and weight respectively. The establishment of MCE-GIS, is a

Support Planning Decision

practical application of scenario planning ideas based on GIS technology.

Figure 2 Concept of scenario planning based on GIS

Data processing and results

each impact factor in different situations. Finally, by applying

1) Suitability evaluation First, using MCE-GIS methods in the ARCGIS platform,

the MCE-GIS method, we obtain three development scenarios as shown in Figure 3. Particularly, they can also highlight

the Eco-district is subdivided into grids with 10 meter by 10

obviously and

meter evaluation-units, assuming that the internal properties of

developmental scenario. The areas are classified as most









comprehensive analysis and the leading factor, applicable to

display intuitively the



areas in each



inappropriate and inhibited areas for development.

practice, and considering regional differences are the three principles for further study. According to these principles, this research uses natural factor, social factor and constraints as three major categories of factors to conduct the suitability evaluation for development land in Eco-district. Three major categories have been further divided into 5 factors and 12 sub-factors. Each factor has been made arithmetic assignment according to its ranking. Finally, by the implementation of GIS technology, it works out for each single-factor with the evaluation results of the ecological suitability of development land in this Eco-district. 2) Evaluation of ecological sensitivity To apply the MCE-GIS method to do the ecological sensitivity analysis of Eco-district, the main considerations are topography, water environment and biological environment.

Figure 3 Three development scenarios based on MCE-GIS

These three main factors are followed by five sub-factors. By

Through comparative analysis of obtained results, we find

using these factors, the descriptive information are translated

out: (1) Due to transport, economic, and the ecological impact,

into eco-sensitivity index, assigning 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1

the suitable areas for Eco-district’s development are close to

respectively. Then the sensitivity analysis of Eco-district is

the existing built-up areas, which reflects the Eco-district's

made by implementing in GIS.

own inertia for ecological development; (2) Three scenarios of

3) Scenario planning of Eco-district. In this study, because of the favorable conditions of








demonstrate some heterogeneity in some areas affected by

development, such as the geographical location, transport and

dominant factors; (3) On the premise of facing enormous

environment, and considering socio-economic development


policies, land-use policy, ecological environment protection

development should respect the building of the status quo,

and regional sustainable development requirements, we set up

make full use of existing infrastructure, make development

three possibilities with different development trends, that are

both economically and environmentally sustainable; (4) For

eco-living, eco-tourism and green industry. Specifically

the developmental goals, another need is to be strengthened to

speaking, if trend of ecological development of Eco-district is

protect the ecological environment, avoid overdraft capacity of

set as residential, then which factors have a greater impact on

environment, over-exploitation. It should strictly protect the

that? If you choose tourism as the future development

ecological systems in Eco-district, as well as enhance the

scenario, then which factors play leading roles in it? If the

diversity and stability of ecosystem in order to establish

Eco-district's future development is green industry-based and

eco-virtuous circle.

what are its impact factors then? At the same time, we use the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine weights of





On the basis mentioned above, we overlap three kinds of scenarios respectively, and then get a comprehensive scenario

of development of Eco-district as shown in Figure 4. In the

Self-research Program for Doctoral Candidates of Wuhan

comprehensive developmental scenario, there are clear

University in 2008.

regional boundaries for suitability evaluation for development of various types of land. We can clearly see the distribution of the most suitable and the medium suitable land for development, as well as the relationship between them and the built-up areas. This result provides decisive support for the



choice of direction for urban development, as well as


quantitative support in use of space, in order to prepare plan


for the future development. [5]

[6] [7]




Figure 4 The comprehensive developmental scenario

[11] [12]

IV CONCLUSIONS Based on practical case studies, this paper explores the effective methods for planning support, integrated the idea of scenario planning and GIS technologies, in order to provide support for decision-making and planning. As it should be, although the scenario planning approaches based on GIS technology can not only solve development problems with uncertainties, but also capable of consider the development aspirations of different groups. Become it is vulnerable to be impacted by a number of subjective factors, and the restrictions in the method itself. Therefore, we still need to explore the new integrations of approaches, techniques and theories, as well as to apply them to practical cases, thus to make the city's future development more sustainable. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50778137 and 40871211) and the


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