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Oct 2, 2017 - Abstract: In this study, the effect of using biodiesel – derived from waste cooking oil – and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on.

October, 2017

AgricEngInt: CIGR Journal Open access at

Vol. 19, No. 3

Evaluation of the performance and emissions of a single cylinder diesel engine fueled by biodiesel and using exhaust gas recirculation Farzad Jaliliantabar1, Barat Ghobadian1*, Gholamhassan Najafi1, Rizalman Mamat2 (1. Department of Mechanics of Biosystem Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran; 2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering/Automotive Engineering Centre, University Malaysia Pahang, Pekan Pahang, Malaysia) Abstract: In this study, the effect of using biodiesel – derived from waste cooking oil – and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on engine performance and emissions of a single cylinder 4-stroke engine has been investigated.

Three engine speeds (1800,

2100 and 2400 rpm), three engine loads (25%, 50% and 75%), four biodiesel/diesel blend (B0, B5, B10 and B15) and four EGR rates (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%) have been applied to the engine.

The considered emissions of the engine, measured at exhaust,

were NOx, CO, CO2, HC and smoke.

The considered performance parameters were engine power, exhaust gas temperature

and brake specific fuel consumption.

The results of the study show that the addition of the biodiesel to the diesel fuel

increases NOx emission of the engine.

The highest decrease in NOX emissions while using the biodiesel and EGR was 63.76%

with B10 fuel blend and 30% EGR rate. engine due to biodiesel can be reduced.

Therefore, it can be stated that, using EGR, the increase of NOx emissions in the The simultaneous usage of EGR and biodiesel reduced CO emission of the engine of

4.04%, 12% and 1.73% for low, medium and high engine speed. so it compensated the increase of HC due to EGR. and biodiesel simultaneously.

The biodiesel decreased the HC emission of the engine and

The highest reduction in HC emission levels was 54.05% while using EGR

It is noticeable that the total amount of the smoke emission levels while using EGR and

biodiesel did not change considerably. Keywords: EGR, biodiesel, emission, ci engine Citation: Jaliliantabar, F., B. Ghobadian, G. Najafi, and R. Mamat. 2017. Evaluation of the performance and emissions of a single cylinder diesel engine fueled by biodiesel and using EGR. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 19(3): 80–91.



source of energy and, in addition, in most cases it comes 

from waste material; therefore, it represents a good way

One of the most interesting research area currently

to reuse waste materials (Ghobadian, 2012; Safieddin et

investigated in the field of internal combustion engines is

al., 2011). Biodiesel contains about 10% to 12% oxygen

to define and test new sources of primary energy. This is

content and therefore it can be also used as an oxygenate

due to exhaustion of fossil fuels reserves, associated to


health and environmental problems determined by them

The researches on using of biodiesel in internal

(Suh and Lee, 2016). Biodiesel is an alternative fuel

combustion engine have revealed that CO, CO2, smoke

widely accepted as a substitution for diesel fuel. The most

and HC raw emissions are generally decreased using the

significant aspect of the biodiesel is its similarity to diesel

biodiesel. On the other hand, NOx emissions levels

fuel. Biodiesel has characteristics so close to diesel fuels

usually increase, mainly due to the oxygen content of the

so that can be used in compression ignition engine

biodiesel (Suh and Lee, 2016; Ghazali et al., 2015).

without any engine modification. Biodiesel is a renewable Received date: 2016-09-06

Accepted date: 2017-02-07

In compression ignition engines, NOx emission levels are significant, due to sufficient availability of oxygen

 Corresponding author: Barat Ghobadian, full professor,

and high temperature. On the other hand, compression

Department of Mechanics of Biosystem Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. Email: [email protected].

ignition engines offer several advantages, most of all a significant fuel saving. Therefore, the research on

October, 2017

Evaluation of a diesel engine fueled by biodiesel and using exhaust gas recirculation

reduction of NOx using biodiesels has become one of the

Vol. 19, No. 3


trade-off will be found.

most popular researches in the engine field.

The factors varied during experimental campaign

Different technologies and methods have been

were engine load (25%, 50% and 75% full load), engine

introduced and tested to decrease the additional NOx

speed (1800, 2100 and 2400 rpm), percent of biodiesel in

deriving from biodiesel utilization. The principles of

biodiesel/diesel blend (B0, B5, B10 and B15) and EGR


rate (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%).







temperature or remove some of the oxygen from the


Materials and methods

cylinder. Water addition for cooling the cylinder content during combustion has been applied either adding water


Specifications of the produced fuel

to the fuel as an emulsion or injecting water into the

Biodiesel is a methyl or ethyl ester made from

cylinder (Ithnin et al., 2015). Another widely used

vegetable oils or animal fats. It can be used as fuel in

method is to recirculate a portion of the exhaust gases

diesel engines or other thermal systems with no system

along the intake duct. This method, known as EGR, is

modifications because it presents characteristics similar to

effective in reducing the average temperature in the

fossil fuels. Biodiesel is typically produced through the

cylinder (Pedrozo et al., 2016).

reaction of a vegetable oil or animal fat with methanol in

Although EGR is a useful method to reduce NOx

the presence of a catalyst to yield glycerin and methyl

engine-out emissions, smoke emissions are increased

esters (Testing and Materials, 2009). The biodiesel fuel

(Rajesh and Saravanan, 2015). Combining EGR and

used in the current research was produced from waste

biodiesel utilization, it is commonly recognized that an

cooking oil in Renewable Energy Laboratory of Tarbiat

increase in CO, HC and smoke emissions due to EGR

Modares University, Tehran, Iran. The standard diesel

(Nabi et al., 2006) and in NOx due to biodiesel is obtained

fuel was the common fuel used for diesel engines in Iran.

(Sanjid et al., 2016). On the other hand, it is stated that

Some important characteristics of the produced biodiesel

the increase of NOx emission levels coming from

fuel along with the related standards, together with the

biodiesel utilization can be compensated using EGR (Pradeep and Sharma, 2007). Research activity is therefore addressed on the determination of the optimal

characteristics of traditional diesel fuel, are reported in Table 1. Table 1

Some important characteristics of the produced biodiesel fuel along with the related standards

EGR rate allowing a good trade-off between NOx and

Standard test Allowable Biodiesel method range

smoke emissions. It is commonly believed that 15%-20%


of EGR rate is a suitable range (Agarwal et al., 2011;

Kinematic viscosity

EN 14214


Maiboom et al., 2009; Mani et al., 2010; Pradeep and


EN 14214


Sharma, 2007). However, the application of the EGR










Specifications of tested engine and dynamometer

system on a small CI engine is not widely discussed in

Table 2 reports the main specifications of the engine

literature and there is not a comprehensive research on

tested during experimental campaign. In order to measure

the performance parameters and emissions of a CI

the engine torque, speed and output power, an

cylinder engine while using biodiesel.

eddy-current dynamometer (Schenk, Germany) was used.

Therefore, aim of this study is to discuss the

The dynamometer is able to measure power, rotational

utilization of an EGR system to decrease NOx emission

speed and torque up to 21 hp, 10000 rpm, and 80 Nm,

levels emitted by a single cylinder CI engine while using

respectively. The accuracy of the dynamometer was in

biodiesel in blend with traditional diesel fuel. In

the range of 0.5%-1%. An overall view of the engine test

particular: 1) the performance parameters and exhaust

setup is shown in Figure 1.

emission levels of a single cylinder engine while using


EGR system

EGR system and biodiesel fuel will be investigated; 2)

The EGR system used in this study was a cooled EGR

the appropriate EGR rate leading to best NOx-smoke

system. The EGR cooler and other parts of the system can


October, 2017

AgricEngInt: CIGR Journal Open access at

be seen in Figure 1. The EGR cooler was a tube-pipe


Vol. 19, No. 3

Fuel consumption measurement system

cooler (Figure 2). To measure the EGR rate of the engine,

The system consisted of a fuel tank, conjunctions, and

the following Equation (1) has been used (Lattimore et al.,

pipes for fuel transporting, sensor to measure the volume


of fuel, thermal transducers of the returned fuel, fuel EGR ratio 

CO2(int )  CO2( amb )

 100

CO2( exh )  CO2( amb )


pressure transducers, fuel pressure gauge and fuel temperature sensor. The measuring accuracy of the

where, CO2(exh), CO2(int) and CO2(amb) are the% CO2

system was ±1 cm3 h-1. The system had two digital

measured respectively at then engine exhaust, intake port

monitors for displaying fuel temperature in terms of °C

and in the ambient. The EGR rate has been regulated by a

and fuel consumption in terms of L h-1. The system is


equipped with fuel tank pressure controller to increase the Table 2

Specifications of the evaluated engine

accuracy of fuel consumption measurement. 2.5

Specifications of exhaust emissions analyzer

3LD 510


Lombardini, Italy



Number of cylinders

DITEST GAS 1000 exhaust emission analyzer was used.

90 mm


This device measures CO and CO2% vol. as well as HC

85 mm


510 cm3


12.2 hp (9 kW)

Rated output power (@3000 rpm)

determine O2% vol. and NOx ppm using chemical

33 Nm

Rated output torque (@1800 rpm)

sensors. Interfacing the device with AVL DISmoke 480

In order to measure the engine-out emissions, an AVL

ppm using infrared technology. The device could also

BT smoke opacimeter, it was also possible to characterize the smoke emission. The measurement accuracy and other characteristics of the analyzer are reported in the Table 3. Table 3

The accuracies of the measurements and the uncertainties in the measured results

Figure 1





0.01% vol.