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Sciences at Vytautas Magnus University. 12.00–13.00 val. Lunch. 13.00–15.00 val.* Invertebrates in streams. Work in
Qualification improvement workshop ‘RESEARCH ON RIVERS AND STREAMS AT SCHOOL’ Nature School of Dzūkija National Park (Miškininkų g. 62, Marcinkonių k., Varėnos r.) 21-22 September 2017

AGENDA 21st September 2017 (Thursday)

10.00–11.00 val. Registration. Accommodation. Coffee/tea 11.00–11.10 val. Welcome speech Eimutis Gudelevičius, Director of the Dzūkija National Park and Čepkeliai State Nature Reserve, 11.00–11.30 val. Workshop information. Information about the research on streams at school, presentation of the literature to teachers and students Jūratė Morkvėnaitė-Paulauskienė, Project Coordinator at Ecological Club Žvejonė; Almantas Kulbis, Head of the Department of Natural and Ecological Education at Lithuanian Centre of Non-Formal Youth Education 11.30–12.30 val. Dzūkija National Park – park of rivers and streams. Presentation of the park, viewing of a Visitor Centre, presentation of the activities of the Nature School Gintautas Kibirkštis, Geographer at Dzūkija National Park and Čepkeliai State Nature Reserve; Lina Černiauskienė, Public Information Specialist at the Administration of Dzūkija National Park and Čepkeliai State Nature Reserve; 12.30–13.30 val. Lunch 13.30–15.30 val. Workshop ‘Rivers and springs’. Geographic and hydrological analysis of streams Gintautas Kibirkštis, Geographer at Dzūkija National Park and Čepkeliai State Nature Reserve; 15.30–16.30 val. Workshop ‘Wetland plants’

Almantas Kulbis, Head of the Department of Natural and Ecological Education at Lithuanian Centre of Non-Formal Youth Education 16.30–17.00 val. Discussion 17.00 val.

Dinner 22nd September 2017 (Friday)

8.00–9.00 val.

Breakfast. Coffee/tea

9.00–11.00 val.

Bird watching near the water. Morning hike in nature Gediminas Petkus, Ornithologist at the Lithuanian Ornithological Society

11.00–12.00 val. Invertebrates in the river. Collection and recording of the test substance Doc. Ingrida Šatkauskienė, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Vytautas Magnus University 12.00–13.00 val. Lunch 13.00–15.00 val.* Invertebrates in streams. Work in the laboratory Doc. Ingrida Šatkauskienė, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Vytautas Magnus University 15.00–16.00 val. Presentation of the research competition on water conservation for 5-8 grade students. Summary of the workshop Jūratė Morkvėnaitė-Paulauskienė, Project Coordinator at Ecological Club Žvejonė; Almantas Kulbis, Head of the Department of Natural and Ecological Education at Lithuanian Centre of Non-Formal Youth Education

*Scheduled coffee / tea brake