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Research Progress of Photosynthetic Bacteria in Wastewater Treatment Article · July 2011 DOI: 10.4028/





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Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 71-78 (2011) pp 2831-2835 Online available since 2011/Jul/27 at © (2011) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/

Research Progress of Photosynthetic Bacteria in Wastewater Treatment Lixin Li1,a,Xiumin Yang1,b , Ang Li2,c,Tuan Zhang1,d and Yan Liu3,a 1

College of Resource and Environment Engineering, Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology, Harbin, 150027, China 2 State Key Lab of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150090, China 3 College of Life Science and technology, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, 150025, China a b c d [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Keywords: Research Progress ;Photosynthetic bacteria; wastewater treatment

Abstract. The characters of photosynthetic bacteria and its action mechanism were simply described, And the research of using photosynthetic bacteria to treat eleven kinds of wastewater such as monosodium glutamate wastewater, citric acid wastewater, distillery wastewater, starch wastewater, bean products wastewater, Chinese traditional medicine wastewater, dye wastewater etc were discussed in detail in this paper. It was also pointed out that the photosynthetic bacteria will have a promising prospect in water pollution prevention. Introduction Photosynthetic bacteria ( PSB) is a class of bacterium making photosynthesisis except producing oxygen under anaerobic conditions in general. It widely distributed in paddy fields, ponds and rivers, lakes, sea, especially in the organic pollution of the water (such as manure, activated sludge, etc.). Currently, the known strains of photosynthetic bacteria can be divided into Chromatiaceae, Ectothiorhodospiraceae, Rhodospirillaceae, Chlorobiaceae, Heliobacteriaceae and so on [1]. The photosynthetic bacteria use light as its energy, and also use natural organic matter, sulfide, ammonia, etc., as the hydrogen donor and carbon source for photosynthesis. They have many physiological and biochemical functions, for example nitrogen fixation, carbon sequestration, nitrite degradation, dehydrogenation, sulfide oxidation, therefore they played a important role in carbon, nitrogen, sulfur cycle in nature[2]. The PSB have the advantage over other microorganisms in purifying auacultur water, treating the high concentration organic wastewater, biological hydrogen production. Especially 70 years of the twentieth century, After Japanese researchers found that PSB play a major role in the self-purification process of high concentrations organic wastewater, it was quickly applied to the high concentration organic wastewater treatment. Compared with conventional wastewater treatment methods,the method of using PSB to treat high concentration organic wastewater have many advantages, such as high organic loading, small occupying area , low investment costs, low power consumption. After PSB treating organic wastewater, as the by-products, cells of PSB are comprehensively utilized as feed etc. [3]. When China has entered "twelfth Five-Year " period, people have increasingly high demand on the water quality function, so the method of using PSB to treat high concentration organic wastewater is paid more and more attention.This article on the present and future prospects of the use of photosynthetic bacteria treating organic wastewater were discussed. I. The present of application of photosynthetic bacteria treating organic wastewater 1.PSB treating Monosodium Glutamate( (MSG) ) Wastewater. MSG industry is one of the major sectors of the fermentation industry. high concentrations of monosodium glutamate wastewater is from the fermentation liquid of MSG production process, which is discharging Solution Composite of distilling glutamic acid. So the MSG Wastewater is difficult to treat, because of its characteristics, such as large water volume, high concentration organic pollutant, high concentrations of ammonia, amino acids, and organic acids[4]. Wang Feifeng et al’s [5] studies showed that PSB best treatment for monosodium glutamate wastewater concentration was COD10000mg• L-1, the removal rate of COD is up to 70% within 48h or more and can also obtain better nitrogen removal and phosphorus removal. Meng Chun et al [6] used anaerobic - micro oxygen biological treatment process for All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of TTP, (ID:,17:48:02)


Frontiers of Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering

monosodium glutamate wastewater. Wastewater through pretreatment went into the UASB (upflow anaerobic sludge bed) and CSTR (completely mixed reactor heating) photosynthetic reactor in-series treatment process, COD removal rate reached 97%. 2. PSB treating Citric acid wastewater.Citric acid as an important chemical raw materials and food additives are widely used. The waste water that contain mainly starch, protein, various organic acids, glucose, ammonia nitrogen and fat organic matter is mainly from fermentation and extraction processes including neutralization wastewater, washing sugar wastewater, wash tank wastewater and so on.Its COD concentration is up to 20000 ~ 30000 mg• L-1, so it belongs to a kind of high concentration of organic wastewater. According to statistics, every 1t citric acid production generates about 7.5m3 wastewater, even up to 10 ~ 15m3 [2]. Liu Junyi [7] used the integrated treatment of photosynthetic bacteria and yeast acid for waste water.First citric acid wastewater by yeasts treatment was 13.6% COD removal rate, and then citric acid wastewater further processed by the PSB, COD final removal rate was 58 %. 3. PSB treating Alcoholic fermentation wastewater. Zeng Yu et al [8] used the self-isolation and culture of photosynthetic bacteria mixture to Treatment of Alcohol fermentation wastewater. It was found by static natural culture that photosynthetic bacteria can only use simple sugars, amino acids, volatile fatty acids and other small molecular compounds, but didn’t decompose some macromolecular compounds or refractory organics, so settings pre-melting process was necessary, and photosynthetic bacteria treatment could get high COD removal rate of Alcohol wastewater. Wang Weijia’s [9] studies showed that PSB-C and PSB-D isolated from molasses alcohol wastewater oxidation pond in Guangxi Mitsui ethanol plants were both identified as Rhodopseudomonas. They were Used to treat the molasses alcohol wastewater, two strains treatment removal rates of molasses alcohol wastewater were separately 55%, 54% under the conditions of COD concentration of 20 800 mg • L-1, pH value 7.0, temperature is 30 ℃, the processing time is 3 d. Zheng Airong [10] used photosynthetic bacteria and Spirulina purifying and making use of beer waste water. The experiment results showed that this method not only can efficiently purify wastewater, and recycle a lot of and high nutritional value of spirulina. Dai Xiao et al’s [11] used a strains of photosynthetic bacteria (Z08) to treat brewery wastewater and recycle cells of PSB.Under light and anaerobic conditions,PSB method showed 88% COD removal, 38% biomass growth rate , and two indicators have reached the optimum level. 4. PSB treating Starch wastewater.Wang Yu-xin et al [12] using self-separation with high processing power conducted to a pilot experiment for Wendeng starch factory wastewater,and they obtain the best conditions of the PSB method: light micro-oxygen, wastewater remaining time 36 ~ 42h, temperature 30 ℃, pH7. 0. By PSB treating starch waste water the COD removal rate was 95.7%, and COD reduced to 1000mg• L-1 or so, bacterial sludge can be used as feed additives, and has good economic efficiency. Zheng Weihua [13] made some experimengts of treating the high concentration of starch wastewater,the study showed photosynthetic bacteria bio-reactor with cylindrical brush as biofilm carrier of photosynthetic bacteria, 48h for a cycle, was added 10% concentrationg of fresh culturing liquid of PSB each cycle.When effluent water of PSB treating wastewater was mixed water treatment flocculant PFS, COD 8940g• L-1 reduced to 165mg• L-1, COD removal efficiency of the entire process got 98.15%. 5. PSB treating Soybean waste. Soybean food is one of the important protein foods of the urban and rural people,but value of BOD5 and COD of soybean food wastewater is higher, so is total nitrogen and ammonia. Li Jing sheng [14] used technology of carbon residue fixing PSB treating dairy wastewater.The result showed that though PSB treatment COD, BOD5, SS, S2- of wastewater respectively from 580mg• L-1, 314mg• L-1, 220mg• L-1, 7.45mg• L-1 decreased to 36.31mg• L-1, 9.38mg• L-1, 95.71mg• L-1, 1.29mg • L-1, removal rates were respectively 93.74%, 97.01%, 56.50% , 82.68%. Zheng Yao Tong et al [15] made the experimeng of of PSB treating the high concentration yellow hogwash,meanwhile environmental conditions were was found that whenphotosynthetic bacteria was with the condition after 24 h of pre-aeration, removal rate of COD concentration 25820mg • L-1 of yellow hogwash was 98.7% by processing 96 h.This result provide a theoretical basis for large-scale applications and process parameters.

Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 71-78


6. PSB theating Pharmaceutical wastewater.Medical waste was a high concentration organic wastewater. Photosynthetic bacteria could treat this kind wastewater and COD and BOD5 removal was higher. In the semi-darkness and micro-aerobic conditions, COD removal efficiency was higher than in anaerobic light and aerobic dark conditions.By hydrolytic acidification pretreatment processing system in photosynthetic bacteria, COD removal rate of Pharmaceutical wastewater reached 90.7% , BOD5 removal rate reached 93.9%. The result provided a basis of using PSB treating high concentration wastewater for traditional Chinese [16]. Liu Mingxing’s [17] studies showed that using PSB + coagulation method treating pharmaceutical wastewater was feasible.When BOD5 of wastewater was 400 mg • L-1 or so, eventually removal rate of BOD5 was more than 90% ,even up to 96%. 7. PSB treatingLivestock Wastewater. With the development of animal husbandry, the large-scale development of animal husbandry become a tendency at the present stage the overall trend. At the same time, large-scale breeding also resulted in an excessive concentration of livestock waste to strongly influence the ecological environment.according to statistics the livestock and poultry waste takes up over 80% of the total rural waste. Now livestock wastewater, industrial waste water and sewage are the major three sources of water pollution[18]. Tao Siyuan et al.[18] used two-stage fluidized bed reactor with photosynthetic bacteria to degrade waste of chicken manure. The results showed that: after 60 day operation, the reactor went into a stable state.when the influent pH was 6.0, COD was less than 10000mg• L-1 range, HRT was 48h, removal rate of COD of wastewater was 88.10%, removal rate of TN was 68.29%, removal rate of NH3-N was 94.42%, removal rate of NO3-N was 65.43%. Chen Fanzhong [19] used biological contact oxidation method with cinder as a filler, PSB as biofilm bacteria to treat pig-breeding waste. The results showed that the waste average removal rates of COD, NH3-N, NO2-N, S2- reached 89.3%, 80.1%, 90.6%, 82.4%,the number of photosynthetic bacteria in water from 580 • mL-1 increased to 4. 8 × 104 • mL-1.the treated wastewater directly discharged into the aquarium, then became a good available resource.of aquaculture 8.PSB treating benzoic acid wastewater. Xie Bing et al [20] used compound PSB wastewater treatment method to treat benzoic acid.When wastewater COD was 35000mg • L-1, its removal rate reached 92.3 percent by 14h, was 39.3% higher than the conventional activated sludge. COD stabilized at 200 ~ 250mg • L-1 with compound PSB method by 24h degradation, while COD was 1200 ~ 1300mg• L-1 or so with the conventional activated sludge method. Kamal and Wyndham ‘s[21] studies showed that in the light ,the presence of benzoic acid and anaerobic conditions, palustris WS17 strain could completely degrade 3 - chloro benzoic acid into CO2, which degrade the ability of halogenated benzene compounds are common phenomenon. The literature [22] reported R. palustris DCP3, use 3-chloro benzoic acid as sole carbon source to grow in anaerobic light conditions, and didn’t need the other substrate. 9. PSB treating Sewage.Huang Baoxing et al [23]used immobilized marine photosynthetic bacteria isolated from the ocean to treat the domestic sewage.The Study showed that immobilized marine photosynthetic bacteria with sodium alginate as the substrate and montmorillonite as nano-materials the additives treated the domestic sewage including nitrogen and phosphorus with a certain efficiency. He Jiandan[24] reported the optimum conditions of photosynthetic bacteria dealing with the sewage are temperature 25 ℃, HRT 48h, pH 7.5 and dark micro-aerobic conditions, and COD and BOD5 removal efficiency was 70.88% and 75.10%. 10. PSB treating diosgenin wastewater. Diosgenin industry in recent years developed as a new industry on the basis of the Dioscorea Zingiberensis successfully cultivated, diosgenin could be used for the brain hormone drugs, such as progesterone, the synthesis of oral contraceptives, could also be used for Preparation of antineoplastic drugs. the wastewater treatment of production process was extremely difficult, so diosgenin wastewater could induced serious pollution of the environment and drinking water. diosgenin wastewater treatment has become a research hotspot and difficulty [25]. Li Li et al‘s[26] studies showed that using tamed PSB+activated sludge to deal with diosgenin wastewater achieved good results, When COD of diosgenin wastewater was 25 000 ~ 30 000 mg• L-1, pH was in a range of 6.5 ~ 7.5, temperature was 20 ~ 30 ℃, inoculum size was 5%, adding an appropriate amount of N, P, COD removal rate of diosgenin wastewater was 97.5%.


Frontiers of Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering

11. PSB treating dye wastewater.Zhao Liang ‘s studies[27] suggested that in the case of adding glucose as carbon source the PSB could efficiently decolorize five kinds of dyes,and the different structure of the dye affected decolorization. Zhang Bo and Zhang Surong researched the PSB’s decolorization effect of reactive red X-3B under different conditions [28], the result showed that when PH was 7-9, the temperature was 15-40 ℃, was under anaerobic conditions, decolorization effect was optimal, the decolorization rate exceed 75%. II. Prospects of Photosynthetic bacteria At present, domestic and foreign scholars’ the main research directions and contents: 1) improved the structure of processing equipment ,studied some photosynthetic bacteria using a continuous column biofilm wastewater treatment processes, and immobilized cell technology to improved equipment utilization and process efficiency; 2) used ultraviolet radiation or chemical mutagenesis methods to screen high-yielding, high-living, resistant strains. Used protoplast fusion technology, enlarged a single species of photosynthetic bacteria in the metabolic functions and improved the PSB activity in order to provide more efficient for practical applications of high-quality strain; 3) For a single PSB strain degradation characteristics of broad-spectrum are not strong enough, mixed inoculant strains PSB making use of symbiosis and partial symbiotic relationship were researched to increase the entire bacterial flora vitality, to be better purification effect; 4) comprehensively developed by-product of PSB bacterial proteins and deep-processing products such as the production of food coloring additives, biologically active substances to enhance its economic value[29]. With the rapid development of microbial technology and scale cultivation technology, photosynthetic bacteria as the new microorganism resources will realize industrialization in the near future, PSB from research product will become a commodity, which widely used in wastewater treatment to improve water utilization. Studies of photosynthetic bacteria and photosynthetic bacteria cultivation are increasingly paid attention to by the domestic and foreign scholars and It is one of the most promising areas of great impact on the human survival environment in the 21st century. Acknowledgement It is a project supported by the 46th Postdoctoral Funds of China (20090460901) References [1] Dong xiuzhu, Cai miaoying et al, Manual of systematic and determinative bacteriology . BeiJing:Science Press,2001, pp.9 . [2] Han Lei, Huang Chengbin, Wang Chungang, Application of Photosynthetic Bacteria to The Wastewater Treatment. Wei fang Higher Vocational Education. Vol.4 (2008) , p. 45-48 [3] Ren Xiaoyu, Yang Xuechun, The Development of Organic Wastewater Treatment by Photosynthetic Bacteria.Ecology of Domestic Animal. Vol.25 (2004) , p.55-58. [4] Xie Juan,Ai Cuiling, The Effect of Photosynthetic Bacteria on the Treatment Efficiency of Monosodium Glutamate Wastewater. Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection. Vol. 32 (2006) , p.16-18. [5] Wang Feifeng, Liu Wenwei, Application of Photosynthetic Microbe to the Treatment of Aginomo-to Sewage. Fujian Environment. Vol.16 (1999) , p.17-20. [6] Meng Chun, Qiu Li; Shi Xianai et al, The Research of Biodegradation of Monosodium Glutamate Wastewaterby Anaerobie-Microaerobic Series Process.Journal of Fuzhou University(Natural Science) . Vol.28 (2000), p.106-109. [7] Liu Junyi, Li Lihua et al, A Preliminary Study on Citric Acid Wasterwater Treatment by Photosynthetic Bacteria(PSB) and Candida Tropicalis. Journal of Microbiology. Vol.8 (1998) , p.30-33 . [8] Zeng Yu,Cheng Hua.Treatment of Distiller’s Grains Wastewater Using Photosynthetic Bacteria. Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition). Vol.39 (2002 ), p.382-384. [9] Wang Weijia, Tao Min, Cai Jun Study on Isolation and Application of High Efficiency Degrading Photosynthetic Bacteria for Molasses Alcohol Wastewater Treatment. Chemistry & Bioengineering. Vol.27(2010) , p.76-70.

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Frontiers of Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering doi:10.4028/ Research Progress of Photosynthetic Bacteria in Wastewater Treatment doi:10.4028/

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