Research Resource Spotlights: An Application to Increase Resource Visibility in a Minority Translational Research Institution. Jessica R. Escobedo, PhD, SukritĀ ...
Research Resource Spotlights: An Application to Increase Resource Visibility in a Minority Translational Research Institution Jessica R. Escobedo, PhD, Sukrit Mukherjee, MS, Romulo de Castro Jr., PhD; Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU). Los Angeles, CA. Abstract To facilitate research at CDU, we have created a Research Resource Spotlight application which highlights groups that support researchers. Each Research Resource Spotlight features a set of 5 interview questions, personalized photography and a graphic layout to attract readers. Using these base interviews, we developed an application that allows users to search content on the research resources within the university. Researchers can also use the application to electronically submit questions to staff and provide feedback. Problem addressed Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU) is a uniquely small research institution with a sizeable research impact. With its small size can come the perception of limited research resources, even from our own research faculty. In fact, CDU has the full complement of research support services found at any institution that conducts basic biological, clinical and translational research. This project was designed to provide exposure to the research resources available to our researchers with a particular focus on infrastructure that already exists for research support. It also paves the way to accommodate other infrastructures currently being developed through our translational research program AXIS (Accelerating Excellence in Translational Science) ( Specific purpose of the project This project has highlighted 7 departments and organizations on campus that support researchers: Office of Sponsored Programs, Institutional Review Board & Office of the Protection of Human Subjects, Health Sciences Library, Research Operations, Information Services (IS), Human Resources and Finance. More spotlights are planned for the future when additional research infrastructures have been developed by the university including a technology management office. We evaluated the impact of the greater exposure of research resources in the university via the original publication of the department spotlights as compared to the launch of the application on the activities of the various highlighted departments and the efficiency of the conduct of research within the university. AXIS is funded by NCRR Grant # U54 RR026138.
Figure 1: Sample Research Resource Spotlight Publication