The rock properties and characteristics analyzed will help to better define the potential reservoir in the exploration model and to delineate drilling targets.
Reservoir Characteristics, Depositional Environments and Potential Oil/Gas Rates of Devonian and Silurian Drilling Targets in the Gaspé Basin, Quebec.
Jean-Sébastien Marcil JUNEX inc. – Quebec City, Quebec Martin Trobec Burlington Resources Canada Ltd. – Calgary, Alberta and Roberto Aguilera Servipetrol Ltd., Calgary, Alberta
The Eastern Canadian Gaspesie Palaeozoic basin is a 20,000 km2 peninsula located in the south-eastern part of Province of Quebec (Fig. 1). Reservoir determination has always been an important issue for exploration in the area. In order to improve the success probability of the exploration effort, a regional petrophysical evaluation of the potential reservoir rock was completed in 2004 by Quebec-based Junex Inc., Trobec Geology and Servipetrol Ltd. of Calgary. The result of this study suggests good potential in the Silurian and Devonian reservoir rocks.
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Surface core sampling (Fig. 2) and outcrop studies reveal a good reservoir potential for Silurian and Devonian reefs, hydrothermal breccias in Devonian Limestones and Silurian and Devonian clastics. Evaluation of clastic-type potential reservoir yields intergranular porosity up to 15% with a permeability around 35 mD. Carbonate reef complexes have intercrystalline open porosity of 4%. The evaluation of the hydrothermal-type reservoir revealed porosities ranging between 2 and 12%, and permeabilities between