resignation and appointment of senior management officers

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non-executive Directors: Mr. Zhang Chengong, Mr. Xie Jun and Mr. Tang Liwei; and four independent non-executive Director
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RESIGNATION AND APPOINTMENT OF SENIOR MANAGEMENT OFFICERS RESIGNATION OF DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER The board of directors (the “Board”) of Luoyang Glass Company Limited* (洛陽玻 璃股份有限公司) (the “Company”) announces that due to job reallocation, Ms. Sun Lei (孫蕾女士) has tendered her resignation as the deputy general manager and chief financial officer of the Company, with effect from 6 May 2016. Ms. Sun has confirmed that she has no disagreement with the Board and there are no matters relating to her resignation that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The Board would like to take this opportunity to express its sincere gratitude to Ms. Sun for her valuable contributions to the Company during her tenure of service as the deputy general manager and the chief financial officer.


APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER The Board further announces that Mr. Ma Yan (馬炎) has been appointed as the deputy general manager and the chief financial officer of the Company with effect from 6 May 2016 in place of Ms. Sun. Mr. Ma, aged 45, is an accountant with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. Mr. Ma had served as the manager of finance department of Anhui Fengyuan Biochemical Company Limited* (安徽豐原生物化學股份有限公司), the chief financial officer of Bengbu Chemical Machinery Company Limited* (蚌埠化工機械有限公司), the assistant to head of finance department of Bengbu Glass Industry Design Institute* (蚌埠玻璃工業設計研究院), the chief financial officer of Chengdu Zhongguangdian Technology Company Limited* (成都中光電科技有限公司) and the chief financial officer of Anhui Fangxing Science & Technology Company Limited* (安徽方興 科技股份有限公司), etc. Mr. Ma has extensive experience in the areas of financial management and internal control management, etc. The Board would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mr. Ma to his new appointment. By order of the Board LUOYANG GLASS COMPANY LIMITED* Zhang Chong Chairman Luoyang, the PRC 6 May 2016 As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises four executive Directors: Mr. Zhang Chong, Mr. Ni Zhisen, Mr. Wang Guoqiang and Mr. Ma Yan; three non-executive Directors: Mr. Zhang Chengong, Mr. Xie Jun and Mr. Tang Liwei; and four independent non-executive Directors: Mr. Jin Zhanping, Mr. Liu Tianni, Mr. Ye Shuhua and Mr. He Baofeng. *  For identification purpose only
