spectral lines are narrower, and thus better separated. It is demonstrated that this enhancement can be done in a stable way using numerical differentiation. A.
high-resolution image processing applications such as digital HDTV, aerial photo, ..... A. K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice- Hall, 1989.
FORAY Technologies. By far, the most ... we're not talking new math here!) Taking a closer look at these .... printer, e
techniques to improve CBERS-2B image quality ... CBERS 2B CCD 3R4G2B (
Level 2) ... Thematic Maps: a) image QB and (b) hybrid CBERS-2B image.
Apr 9, 2004 - digital images because the image format used at the point of capture creates artifacts within the final im
human 'survival instinct', characterized by lack of trust and the quest for domination. The need ... This is in fact part of the human survival instinct, which tends to.
resolution enhancement, super-resolution, video coding. I. INTRODUCTION. IMPROVING the resolution of an image impacts a wide va- riety of applications.
from monochrome HP LaserJet printers to include ... 4. Adaptive Half-toning is an. HP-patented image enhancement feature that increases edge smoothness of ...
RESOLUTION ENHANCEMENT TECHNOLOGIES: W HAT IS 6 0 0 x 6 0 0 d p i O PTIC AL an d W HAT is 3 6 00 or EVEN 4 8 0 0 d p i APPARENT PRINT R ESO LUTIO N? - Part 2 Continued from the May issue of RechargEast Magazine: 3 . S u p e rio r im a g e e n h a n c e m e n ts Benefit: Excellent tone scale, text sharpness, and line clarity out-of-the-box Technologies: Image Mode; and edge control, including adaptive half-toning; accurate half-toning, automatic in-RIP trapping; in-RIP halo reduction; Color REt; and neutral gray treatment E x c e lle n t e d g e c o n tro l
Edge control is comprised of three components: adaptive half-toning, trapping, and Color REt. These components affect edges and near edges and are designed into the printer through HP proprietary technologies; they occur automatically and do not affect printing performance or speed. They are described below: Color REt is a proprietary HP technology that has been adapted from monochrome HP LaserJet v, printers to include color. Color O REt is a new feature that smoothes O edges by intelligently changing O the size and position of the dots that make up the edge of a solid object. It is optimized to work on solid color
edges: red, blue, green, black, and other solid colors. This ability to grow and move dots increases the apparent resolution well above the engine's native addressability.
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Automatic In-RIP Trapping is an HP-patented image enhancement feature that involves deliberately overlapping one color onto another to guarantee high-quality edges between adjacent colors. HP trapping is unique compared with traditional press implementation because it includes halo reduction. While it used to take graphic designers or commercial press operators many hours to do this manually, the HP-enhanced version is offered as standard, performed automatically, and with no performance penalty.
4 2 I RechargEast Magazine • June’l 1 • www.rechargeast.com