physiological in learning. Engage social interactions. Engage their innate search for meaning. Engage their capacity to
Resource A The Brain/Mind Capacities Wheel Brain/Mind Learning Capacities Creating an Enriched Environment for Learning According to Brain/Mind Learning Principles, all learning engages the following. Our job is to orchestrate learning so that as many aspects of learning are engaged as possible.
Reduce threat and enhance self-efficacy Acknowledge and engage developmental steps and shifts Engage their capacity to learn from memorizing isolated facts and biographical events Engage both conscious and unconscious processing
Engage their individual style and uniqueness
Engage the physiological in learning
If we want to create enriched environments that help students learn then we need to include all of the following: Engage their ability to both focus attention and learn from the peripheral context
Engage their ability to perceive both parts and wholes
Engage social interactions
Engage their innate search for meaning Engage their capacity to recognize and master essential patterns Engage emotional connections
Color Key (Emotional Climate) Principles largely focusing on Relaxed Alertness
(Instruction) Principles largely focusing on Orchestrated Immersion in Complex Experience
(Consolidation) Principles largely focusing on Active Processing
Copyright 2015 by Corwin. All rights reserved. Reprinted from 12 Brain/Mind Learning Principles in Action: Teach for the Development of Higher-Order Thinking and Executive Function, Third Edition, by Renate Nummela Caine, Geoffrey Caine, Carol McClintic, and Karl J. Klimek. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin,