Page 3 of 52. Table of Contents. *Please call business or agency for specific hours and program. details.*. Page. Emerge
Spring 2015
This Resource Guide is funded by
494 Pacific Avenue Crescent City, CA 95531 707-464-0955 In 1998, voters passed Proposition 10, adding a 50 cent tax on all tobacco products sold. The funds are deposited into the California Children and Families Trust and are distributed by First 5 California to 58 local County Commissions. First 5 Commissions are dedicated to improving the lives of California’s young children and their families through a comprehensive system of education, health services, childcare, and other crucial programs.
Children and their families are at the center of our programs. Our policies, programs and services will:
Help children thrive, be ready, and eager to learn Be innovative Be family-centered Involve the whole community Be culturally appropriate Connect people to a seamless and well integrated system of services for 0-5 year old children and their families Balance between prevention and intervention Show tangible results
Resource Guide Designed and Researched by Sarah Demuth, FIRST 5 Service Corps VISTA; Updated April 2015 by Melissa Lockwood, FIRST 5 Service Corps VISTA with the First 5 Family Resource Center
Table of Contents
*Please call business or agency for specific hours and program details.* Page
Emergency Numbers……………………………………………………………… 3 Education………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Hotlines………………………………………………………………………………. 4,5 Child Abuse & Family Violence ……………..………………………….. 8-10 Child & Youth Information & Referral …..…..…………………… 12-15 Counseling & Mental Health………………………..……………………….. 16 Dental Care ………………………...……………………………………………….. 18 Child Care and Preschools………………………………………………. 20-24 Employment …………………………………………………………...…………… 25 Family Planning …….……………………………………...…...….………….… 25 Food Security…………………………………………………………… 25-29, 31 Health Care & Medical Services …………………………….……….. 29-30 Health & Human Services…………………………………………………….. 32 Home Visiting Services …………………………………….……...………….. 33 Housing ………………………………………...…………………………………….. 35 Insurance …………………………………...………………………………….. 36-37 Lending Libraries & Parent Resources …………………………… 37,38 Legal Services ……………………………………….…………………………….. 40 Prenatal & Perinatal Care ……………………..……………………….. 42-45 Senior Information & Referral………………………………….………….. 46 Service Organizations………………………………………………………….. 47 Transportation Services………………………………………………………. 48 Tribal Government Services/Information & Referral ..…… 49,50
Emergency Numbers For All FIRE/POLICE/MEDICAL EMERGINCIES CALL 9-1-1 American Red Cross Del Norte/Humboldt County Chapter… 464-2277 Call if a national disaster hits or you have a home fire or flood and need help. California Highway Patrol…………………….…………………….…... If you are having problems on the highway
Cal-Ore Life Flight…………………………………………………………... Air Ambulance services
Child Help USA Child Abuse Hotline………………....….………. 1-800-422-4453 Child abuse prevention and reporting. Call for crisis intervention, more information, literature, and referrals County of Del Norte Child Welfare Services.…………………….……
Harrington House Shelter……………………..…………………………........
Mental Health Crisis Line………..………………………………………..…..... Part of the Del Norte Health Clinic
North Coast Rape Crisis 24 Hour Hotline……..………….…………….. 465-2851 Business Number...……………………………………………….……….…............ 465-6961 Services are free and confidential. There is help and information for anyone who calls. Immediate supportive services to child and adult survivors. Poison Control…………………………………………….………............ 1-800-222-1222 Pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and poison information providers answer the phones. Calling can prevent a trip to the emergency room. Rural Human Services……………………………………………………........... Domestic violence help for mothers and children
Sutter Coast Emergency Room…………………………………..….……..... Taking care of trauma victims and after-hour emergencies.
464-8888 3
All phone numbers are in the (707) area code unless otherwise noted
ADA Helpline......................................................................................... TTY Line...................................................................................................
1-800-514-0301 1-800-514-0383
Alcoholics Anonymous Hotline…………………………………........……..
American Cancer Society.……………………………………….......
California AIDS/HIV Services……………………………………...
California Smokers’ Hotline………………………….……………
Child Abuse Hotline…………………………………………………….
County of Del Norte Child Welfare Services (24 hr)……………...
Drug Abuse and Addiction Helpline…………………….…….
Gambler’s Anonymous……………………………………………......
HIV Nightline………………………………………...............…........……
Missing Children Hotline…………………………………………….
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)…………..………..
1-877-623-3435 4
All phone numbers are in the (707) area code unless otherwise noted
Hotlines Narcotics Anonymous-Humboldt…………………………………
National Domestic Violence Hotline…………………….…... Online chat resources available
North Coast Rape Crisis Team 24 Hour Hotline.…………….......... Poison Control Center......................................................................
Suicide Hotlines Hopeline .............................………………………….........…………...…..
National Line of Hope (Spanish)………………………….…..… Spanish speaking suicide hotline
PPD Moms………..........................................................................…….. Post partum depression hotline
Vet2Vet…………………………………………………................................ Veterans peer support
Youthline………………………………………......................…………….. Teen to teen peer talk
Del Norte County Unified School District Information Del Norte County Unified School District Office of Education Administrative Offices For all schools and departments……………………………………………..... 464-6141 Special Education……………………………………………………………............ 464-0725 Transportation………………………………………………………………............... 464-0250 Two Trees Student Support Services.………………………………………... 464-0721 Child Development Programs Local Planning Council for Child Care and Development……………. State Preschools……………………………………………………………............... Sunset Infant/Toddler Center…………………………………………………...
464-0709 464-0720 464-0380
Elementary Schools and Middle School Bess Maxwell………………………………………………………...…….................. Crescent Elk Middle...…………………………………………………....…............ Joe Hamilton……………………………………………………………...................... Margaret Keating (Klamath)………………………………………………......... Mary Peacock……………………………………………………………..................... Mountain School (Gasquet)...………………………………………………........ Pine Grove…………………………………………………………………................... Redwood (Fort Dick)………………………………………………………............. Smith River………………………………………………………………….................
464-0310 464-0320 464-0330 464-0340 464-0301 457-3211 464-0350 464-0360 464-0370
High Schools Del Norte High School………………………………………………………........... Sunset High School………………………………………………………….............
464-0260 464-0380
County Schools Bar-O Ranch…………………………………………………………………............... Del Norte Community School………………………………………………….... Elk Creek…………………………………………………………………….................
954-5601 464-0750 464-7243
Charter Schools Castle Rock Charter School………………………………………………............ Tah-Ah-Dun Magnet……………………………………………….………............. Uncharted Shores Academy………………………………………………….......
464-0390 464-0390 464-9828
Alternative and Higher Education College of the Redwoods Crescent City Campus………………………... Crescent City Foursquare School……………………………………………… Seventh Day Adventist School…………...………………………………….....
465-2300 464-9501 464-2738 6
Smoking affects me too! Smoking can cause premature birth and increase the risk of infant respiratory diseases. Nicotine decreases the amount of oxygen an unborn baby receives. Second hand smoke has terrible effects on a new born baby. Smoking by mothers can cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). If a nursing mother smokes, her breast milk may contain nicotine, which is harmful to a baby.
Not just during pregnancy, but once I am born! 7
CHILD ABUSE & FAMILY VIOLENCE Alternatives to Violence (HASP) 464-7849 Out-patient treatment for alcohol and other drug problems. No eligibility requirements. 1231 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City California Consortium to Prevent Child Abuse 1-800-244-5373 Prevent Child Abuse America message phone. Leave name and address to be mailed information about preventing child abuse and neglect. Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) 464-0955 CAPC Vision: “CAPC wants all children in Del Norte County to grow up and flourish in strong, healthy families, in a community where they are valued, respected, and safe from abuse and neglect.” A collaborative council that organizes and supports local programs and events designed to strengthen the community by encouraging family activities. Look for events in the First 5 Family Resource Center monthly calendar. 494 Pacific Avenue, Crescent City Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) 464-3320 Provide children who are referred by the court with an advocate. The advocates visit children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse/neglect. 579 HWY 101 South, Crescent City DA Victim/Witness Office 464-7273 Provides supportive services to victims and witnesses of crime. Staff works to provide victims with timely, accurate case progress information. Victims and witnesses are eligible to receive services including: court escorts when testifying and during sentencing, referral to other social service agencies, victim statement assistance, post-sentence and prison release information, help determining eligibility for filing claims for payment of medical bills, counseling costs, lost wages, and funeral/burial expenses. 450 H Street Room 182, Crescent City Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services 464-3191 Social Services Branch Child welfare reports response to child abuse. Mandated reporter trainings, family maintenance programs, pregnant parenting teens program, and referral to agencies for families in our community. 880 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City Domestic Violence 707-441-8630 Treatment and counseling for anger management and battery. This is Eureka based and is in Crescent City on varying days. For more information, please call. 8
For more information please call 707-464-0955 9
Harrington House Shelter and 24 Hour Crisis Hotline 465-3013 Provides free emergency shelter, food, and clothing; individual and group counseling; trained advocates to help domestic violence victims through the legal, medical, and social services systems; counseling and advocacy for children; legal and life skills advocacy, domestic violence education. Languages: Dutch, German, Portuguese, and Spanish Handicap Services: Wheel chair accessible. Physical Address: 535 West Harding, Crescent City Mailing Address: 286 M Street, Suite B, Crescent City Indian Child Welfare Legal Advocacy Must have Native American identification for programs that involve advocates, Tribes, and the State. Elk Valley Rancheria 464-4680 Smith River Rancheria 487-9255 Yurok Tribe 482-1350 North Coast Rape Crisis Team 465-6961 24 Hour Hotline 465-2851 24 hour crisis line, help and information for anyone who calls; immediate supportive services to child/adult survivors of sexual assault, as well as their families and friends. Information on medical and legal procedures survivors can expect to encounter. Accompaniment and advocacy to medical exams, with law enforcement agencies, and at any court proceedings. Ongoing support groups for adult survivors of sexual assault. P.O. Box 1082, Crescent City
Physical, Verbal, and Emotional Abuse Violence and abuse are serious problems. Abuse can be physical, when someone hurts your body. It can be verbal or emotional, like cruel words or threats. No one—not even a family member—has the right to be violent or abusive. The law protects the rights of anyone who is being abused. Do not be afraid to get help.
579 US Highway 101 South Crescent City, CA 95531 (707) 464-3320
Our mission is to speak for the best interests of abused and neglected children involved in the juvenile courts. To give a child a CASA Volunteer is to give them a voice.
A powerful voice in a child’s life. 11
4-H Boy Scouts, Del Norte District 1st-5th Grade: Cub Scouts 5th -Age 18: Boy Scouts
464-4711 Age 14 -20: Venturing Age 14 -21: Exploring
California Highway Patrol 464-3117 Offers car seat safety checks and installation help. Call for appointment. 1444 Parkway Drive, Crescent City Coastal Connections Youth and young adult resource center for ages 16-25.
Crescent City Swimming Pool 464-9503 Call for current open swim and lap hours, lessons, trainings, and more. Del Norte Child Care Council (DNCCC) 464-8311 Offers a toy lending library, car seat loan program, free or reduced childcare, reference library, childcare provider list, and art supplies at cost. DNCCC has training workshops for people interested in starting their own childcare business, support services to childcare professionals, parenting skills classes. 212 K Street, Crescent City Early Start Connections - Family Resource Library 464-0955 Empowering families to advocate for their children ages 0-3 with special needs, by providing family-focused support and information, including a lending library with books, videos, and current publications. Welcome binders are free to eligible families. 494 Pacific Avenue, Crescent City First 5 Del Norte 464-0955 Offers School Readiness programs for children ages 0-5 including: Music and Movement, Play and Learn, Totally Toddler Time, and the Wonder Bus. Programs offered at the First 5 Family Resource Center in Crescent City and throughout the rural areas of the county. Call for more information. 494 Pacific Avenue, Crescent City First 5 Family Resource Center 464-0955 Resource information and referrals, public computers, parent resource lending library. A wide variety of child development and parent activities. Please call for more information. 494 Pacific Avenue, Crescent City 12
Gateway Education of the Wild River Coast 954-7666 Runs summer camps, disc golf, and art programs with focus on self exploration and relationship building. Summer camps run July and August as a mobile camp visiting many of the local rivers and creeks. Summer Camp In-Schools program is fee based and by appointment in the fall and spring. Disc golf is year around, free lessons by appointment at Joe Hamilton and Beachfront Park Courses. Call for more information. 100 Cannon Drive, Crescent City Girl Scouts
Recreational Center, County of Del Norte Ask for John Horner
Redwood Coast Regional Center 464-7488 Provides services to prevent or lessen the effects of developmental disabilities. Supportive services to those with developmental disabilities, individuals at risk ,and their families, include: direct services, services from providers, resource development, service evaluation, and administration. 1301-A Northcrest Drive, Crescent City
Talk a walk along Del Norte’s scenic, windswept and beautiful beaches Beachfront Park-Howe Drive
South Beach-Highway 101 S
Clifford Kamph Memorial Park-Highway 101 S by Oregon Border
Pebble Beach-Pebble Beach Dr
Coastal Trail-Hidden BeachHighway 101 S, W on Requa Rd Crescent Beach and Enderts Beach-Enderts Beach Rd High Bluff Beach-Highway 1. W on Alder Camp Rd
Pelican State Beach-Highway 101 by Oregon Border Point St. George- W on Washington Blvd Tolowa Dunes State ParkNorthcrest Dr Wilson Creek Beach-Highway 101 S, W on Wilson Creek Rd
Kellogg Beach-Highway 101 N, W on King Valley Rd 13
Coastal Connections Youth and Young Adult Resource Center 475 K Street Crescent City, CA 95531 If you are 16-25 and need assistance with the following services, please drop in at the resource center. Assistance With:
Academic Planning Vocational Career Planning Peer Mentors Life Skills Job Searching Interviewing Skills Hygiene Products Tutoring
Art Classes Employment Services Youth Council Independent Living
Health Education Housing Employment Computer Access
Resource Groups:
Mental Health Substance Abuse Pregnant and Parenting Teens Cooking Computer Access
Free Wi-Fi and Healthy Snacks Open 8:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday Contact us: 707-464-3060 The Coastal Connections Youth Council is committed to respectfully empowering youth and young adults to establish their voice and choice in the resources and services provided in this community, through building positive relationships, collaboration, and innovation.
First 5 Family Resource Center It’s ALL About The Kids!
494 Pacific Ave. Crescent City, CA 95531 464-0955
Child Development Playroom Community Outreach Education KEET Fun Time Parent and Family Library Resources and Referrals Meeting and Conference Rooms
Adult & Family Counseling Center 464-5033 Providing general psychological counseling services including: conflict resolution, anger management, self esteem issues, marriage, individual and family counseling, single parent challenges. By appointment only. Weekend counseling hours can be arranged. Fees are on a sliding scale based on gross income to the household. 875 5th Street, Suite 6, Crescent City Mental Health Branch 464-7224 or 888-446-4408 Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services Walk-in clinic, intake appointments, psychiatric/therapist on call for emergencies, adult referral, and children’s psychiatrics. If there is an emergency, call the sheriff or the emergency room for a psychiatrist on call. 455 K Street, Crescent City Northern California Indian Development Council (NCDIC) 464-3512 Works to foster culturally appropriate communication and services needed by American Indian people to achieve self-determination in the economic, social service, cultural, educational, employment and related fields. 888 4th Street, Crescent City Remi Vista Inc. 464-4349 Assists developmentally disabled adults to live independently in the community. Also provides infant and child mental health counseling. 370 9th Street, Crescent City United Indian Health Services Elk Valley 464-2919 or 800-293-2919 Mental health counseling by appointment only. Medi-Cal is accepted. 2298 Norris Avenue, Crescent City
Emotional Well-Being We all feel stressed or upset sometimes. Problems like fighting in the family, divorce, or moving to a new home can cause these feelings. If you are worried about your child, talk to him/her about his/her feelings.
Things You Can Do
Reassure your child and hug them often. Keep to regular routines, kids feel more secure when they know what to expect. Let children ask questions and talk about their feelings, tell them it is OK to feel sad, scared, angry, or worried Keep young children away from TV programs/news that shows violence If your child continues to be upset, talk to his/her doctor or teacher 16
Drink water for thirst, And you should know, Water is healthy, It helps you grow! Did you know?
What about juice?
For children ages 0-5, water and milk are the best choices for healthy growth. Water is the best choice once a baby is weaned from milk.
Even 100% fruit juice contains a kind of sugar called “fructose.” Doctors recommend young children drink no more than ½ cup of juice per day and no fruit juice for infants under 6 months old.
1-800-DENTIST 1-800-336-8478 Provides comprehensive and valuable background information on local dentists and their practices. California Dental Association 1-800-232-7645 Provides information on dental insurance benefits, special health insurance programs, patient’s rights, and information on various dental treatments and procedures. Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) 464-3191 x2825 Provides for early detection and prevention of disease in children, including dental and nutrition evaluation, physical exam, hearing and vision screening, and more. Del Norte Community Health Center, Dental Department 465-4636 Del Norte Community Health Center Dental Van Root canals, fillings, cleaning, some extractions, and referral for major extractions for all ages. Most all insurance is accepted, sliding scale fees based on income. Emergency care available. 550 East Washington Street, Crescent City United Indian Health Clinic Crescent City Dental 464-2583 Potawot Health Village (Arcata) 825-5000 Modern facilities and up-to-date procedures . These services include procedures necessary to restore and maintain optimal dental health such as fillings, extractions, dentures, crowns, bridges, root canals. 785 East Washington Boulevard, Suite 8, Crescent City 1600 Weeot Way, Arcata
Healthy teeth are important. Even though baby teeth fall out, they help your child eat, talk and smile. Good dental habits last a lifetime!
Prevent “Baby-Bottle Tooth Decay”
Have Good Oral Health During Pregnancy Gum disease can cause your baby to be born early Help your children learn good dental habits!
Do not let your child carry around a bottle or sippy cup between meals
Children Need Dental Check-ups Take your child to get a dental check-up at least once a year
Del Norte Child Care Council 464-8311 Referrals to Licensed Family Child Care and Center Based programs. Applications available for subsidized care for income eligible families. 212 K Street, Crescent City
Mary Peacock Latchkey After School Program Arlington Drive #33, Crescent City
North Coast Children’s Services 465-4807 Infant/Toddler Center State Subsidized/Early Head Start Infant/Toddler Center: 5 days a week full time childcare for children ages 12 months to 3 years old. Must meet income eligibility. 860 Small Avenue, Crescent City Sunset Infant/Toddler Center 464-0380 A California School Age Family Education (CAL-SAFE) program for expectant and parenting students and their children at no fee. Child care and developmental services are also available for private pay. 2500 Elk Valley Crossroad, Crescent City Yurok Tribe Early Childhood Education Center 482-2811 Full day/full year Early Head Start and childcare programs serving children 0-5 years of age. 3000 Minot Road, Klamath
Does each child get the attention he needs? Do the teachers respond to the children’s interests and needs? Do they talk with the children and encourage language skills? Do they give kind, clear, and consistent messages about behavior? Is there a large play space where children can build and move things, run and jump? Are there toys, play things, and art supplies? Is there a quiet place to rest and read? Is the food healthy and prepared safely? Do teachers and children wash their hands? FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Local Planning Council 301 Washington Blvd 464-0709
Del Norte Child Care Council 212 K St. 464-8311
Please contact Preschools for specific hours and program details. Public Head Start Preschool and Early Head Start 464-6936 Northcoast Children’s Services Comprehensive child development program: provides education, health, nutrition, and social services to pregnant women and families with children ages 0-5. Focus on social emotional growth, literacy, and math skills with ongoing assessments to track developmental progress. We honor and recognize cultural diversity. Must meet income-eligibility requirements. Center Based Head Start (Crescent City) Children attend a preschool session 4 days per week. Center Based Head Start & Preschool Option (Smith River) Children attend part time 4 days per week. Contact for more specific details Home Based Head Start Home visits help families to work together on developmental goals for the child. Schools located throughout Crescent City and Smith River Elk Valley Rancheria Head Start 464-4499 Promotes Kindergarten Readiness, supports the health, nutrition, and mental well being of all students and families. Provides cultural learning opportunities in both Yurok and Tolowa. Breakfast and lunch served daily. Transportation may be provided to families. Must meet incomeeligibility requirements. 2298 Norris Avenue Suite C, Crescent City Howonquet Early Learning Center 487-1113 Creative curriculum, performance standards, kindergarten readiness, collaboration with DNACA (Del Norte Association of Culture Awareness), and the Native American Cultures. Child Care Food Program for breakfast and lunch on site. Must meet income-eligibility requirements. 12840 Mouth of the Smith River Road, Smith River Yurok Tribe Early Childhood Education Center 482-2811 Full day/full year program available serving children 0-5 years of age committed to providing early childhood opportunities that will prepare children for success in school. We support families and promote cultural awareness and Yurok language immersion. Transportation provided for families. Must meet income-eligibility requirements. Center Based Head Start and Early Head Start Home Based Experience for Early Head Start and Prenatal mothers Child Care Center: Parent fees may apply. 3000 Minot Road, Klamath 22
Local Planning Council (LPC) for Child Care and Development LPC holds regular public meetings to discuss childcare for children ages 0-12. Who we are: Early care providers, community representatives, parents, public agencies, and people concerned about meeting the needs of children in Del Norte County What we do:
LPC is working together to promote accessible, quality early care throughout Del Norte County
Children are our future. Quality is our goal. LPC for Child Care & Dev. 301 W. Washington Blvd. Crescent City, CA 707-464-0709
Collect community input and assess the early care needs in Del Norte County
Develop a local countywide early care and education plan and recommend priorities for child care funding
A resource for parents concerning quality early care and preschool options
Educate local businesses about quality early care and education and its relationship to a stable workforce
Advice local legislative bodies of the political and economic impact of the early care industry
Support our local early care and education providers and preschool teachers with information and professional development opportunities
Funded by the California Department of Education, Early Education and Support Division 23
PRIVATE PAY PRESCHOOLS 464-0720 No income-eligibility requirements and some may accept child care subsidy, please call for more information. Four Square 144 Butte Street, Crescent City
Little School of the Redwoods 860 Small Avenue, Crescent City
PUBLIC STATE PRESCHOOLS Part day public preschool program funded by the California Department of Education. Must meet income eligibility guidelines. Del Norte County Unified School District 464-6141 State Preschool Programs Provides developmentally appropriate, high quality early care and education services to children and families in safe, nurturing environments; seeks to prepare each child for kindergarten through a balanced curriculum and structured child selected activities. No income-eligibility required. Joe Hamilton 1050 E Street, Crescent City
Mary Peacock 1720 Arlington Drive, Crescent City
Pine Grove 900 Pine Grove Road, Crescent City
Bess Maxwell 1124 El Dorado Street, Crescent City
Preschool helps prepare your child for school. Children who go to preschool do better in their school careers. 90% of brain growth occurs before the age of 5. 24
Rural Human Services-Del Norte Work Force Center 464-8347 Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services Employment Training Branch Improve your job applications, learn more about interviews, resumes, and cover letters. Job board listing of over 100 available jobs, computer resource lab, online job search and applications, job finders workshops. 286 M Street, Crescent City FAMILY PLANNING
Del Norte Community Health Center 550 East Washington Boulevard, Crescent City
Pregnancy Care Center Family planning and prenatal care 110 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City
Six Rivers Planned Parenthood 707- 442-5709 Offers counseling, pregnancy testing, information about birth control, etc. Thursdays: Teens only Drop-In Appointments, call for hours 3225 Timber Fall Court, Eureka
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) 464-7441 Provides monthly food boxes for pregnant and nursing women and seniors. 286 M Street #A, Crescent City Community Assistance Network (CAN) 464-9190 Provides assistance with the basic necessities of life to residents, such as emergency food, clothing, and hygiene products, when available. Call for food, clothing, and housing assistance availability One box of food, one visit to clothing bank per individual or per family, per month. Tuesday and Friday sign-up 9am-noon, pick-up at 12:30pm To receive services, bring picture ID 355 Standard Veneer Road, Crescent City 25
Community Gardens are a source of sustainable and local food. If you are interested in obtaining a plot at one of their local gardens please call the Organizations below or Rural Human Services at (707) 464-7441 1
Seventh Day Adventist Garden 1770 Northcrest Drive (707) 464-2738
3 First 5 Children’s Garden 494 Pacific Avenue (707) 464-0955
Wellness Center Garden 550 E. Washington Boulevard (707) 269-7073 x3179
4 Peterson Park Garden 6th and D Street (707) 464-9190
Gasquet Mountain School (707) 464-1852
Klamath Tribal Commodity Program (707) 464-1852 26
Del Norte County Health and Human Services 464-3191 Public Assistance/Training Branch Food stamps and passport for food banks. Ask about match to double SNAP benefits at the Farmer’s Market. 880 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City Farmer’s Markets Availability dependent on season. Check local calendars for start/end dates. Crescent City Farmer’s Market Del Norte County Fairgrounds, Crescent City Saturdays 9am-1pm Downtown Crescent City Farmer’s and Artisan’s Market Corner of Front and K Street, Crescent City Wednesdays 10am-2pm Klamath Pel’son Farmer’s Market Riverside RV Park, Klamath Sundays 11am-2pm Rural Human Services Food Bank 464-7441 Bring ID, proof of address, and proof of income for eligibility. Distribution is every 2nd full week of the month, 8am-12pm at the following locations: Community Center in Klamath (Tue), Crescent City Vet. Hall (Wed), Methodist Church in Smith River (Wed) Rural Human Service (Thu). EMERGENCY FOOD AVAILABLE– CALL FOR AVAILABILITY 286 M Street, Crescent City Smith River Howonquet Senior Nutrition Site 487-4463 Native American Identification required. Meals-on Wheels for seniors 55 or older. United Indian Health Services Klamath Native American Identification required. 241 Salmon Avenue, Klamath
United Indian Health Services Elk Valley (WIC) Native American Identification required. 2998 Norris Avenue, Crescent City
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program is a federal program providing food boxes for pregnant women and senior citizens. Rural Human Services is the local distributor for Del Norte County.
CSFP is very similar to Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), another food supplement program designed for pregnant and nursing women and young children. The key difference is that WIC provides food coupons that are used at stores, while CSFP provides boxes of food directly to clients Participants can only enroll in one of these services at a time. You cannot qualify for both WIC and CSFP.
Rural Human Services 286 M Street #A Crescent City, CA 95531 (707) 464-7441 28
Women Infants & Children (WIC) 464-7293 Women who need better nutrition and who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or just had a baby. Children under five years old (including foster children) may qualify for vouchers if families have a low to medium income. Working families may qualify. Once you qualify you will receive: Healthy foods such as milk, juice, eggs, cheese, cereal, dry beans, peas, and peanut butter. Information about nutrition and health to help you and your family eat healthy. 286 M Street, Suite C, Crescent City Yurok Food Distribution Program 464-1852 This food program provides distribution of USDA Commodities for tribal members residing within non-metropolitan areas of Humboldt and Del Norte counties and to other low income individuals residing on the Yurok reservation. Food Distribution: Please call for more information In-take process: Walk-in or phone 190 Nelson Lane, Crescent City
Cal-Ore Life Flight Ambulance, flight training, and fueling 202 Dale Rupert Road, Crescent City
Del Norte Ambulance/ Custom Air Service 487-1116 Provides emergency ambulance transportation to all of Del Norte County. 2600 Morehead Road, Fort Dick Del Norte Community Health Center 465-6925 Provider of primary medical services for residents of Del Norte County. Staff includes: physicians, pediatricians, and midlevel practitioners. Special programs include diabetic education, specialist consultation in internal medicine and infectious disease, and a teen health clinic. 550 East Washington Blvd, Crescent City
Del Norte County Health and Human Services 464-3191 Public Health Branch Preventative care provided to all Del Norte residents; Child Health and Development Program (CHDP), medical appointments, transportation, TB tests, flu shots, immunizations, HIV/AIDS testing, pregnancy tests. Call to schedule Immunizations, TB Testing, and Pregnancy Testing 880 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City Sutter Coast Community Clinic 464-6715 Family Practice providing Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Pediatric care. The clinic is located in the medical office building directly behind Sutter Coast Hospital. Patients are seen by appointment only. 780 East Washington Boulevard Suite 202, Crescent City Sutter Coast Health Center-Urgent Care Clinic 464-8818 The Health Center treats those with urgent, but less serious, conditions. 785 East Washington Boulevard, Crescent City Sutter Coast Hospital Open 24 hours a day seven days a week. 800 East Washington Boulevard, Crescent City
Two Trees Healthy Start 544 West Harding Avenue, Crescent City
United Indian Health Clinic Crescent City 464-2750 Klamath 482-2181 Modern facilities and up-to-date procedures. These services include procedures necessary to restore and maintain optimal general and dental health. 1675 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City 241 Salmon Avenue, Klamath
286 M Street, Suite C Crescent City, CA Phone: 464-7293
WIC is a federally-funded health and nutrition program for women, infants, and children. WIC helps families by providing checks to buy healthy supplemental foods from WIC-authorized vendors, nutrition education, and help finding healthcare and other community services. Participants must meet income guidelines and be pregnant women, new mothers, infants or children under age five. Other Services Include Breastfeeding support and education: Electric breast pumps available for loan Manual breast pumps available Certified Lactation Consultant on staff and accessible to all postpartum women and infants. Referrals: Substance abuse counseling and treatment Support services for food, income, and housing Domestic violence services Dental health services Child support services 31
California Department of Social Services Adoptions Branch Information for Families 749 F Street, Arcata
Del Norte Association for Developmental Services 464-8338 or (DNADS) 465-3611 Dialysis transport, respite, and mobility training for Redwood Coast Regional Center clients. 950 Front Street, Crescent City
Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services 880 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City 464-3191 unless otherwise noted Alcohol and Other Drug Programs 464-4813 Assessments, treatment, and referrals. “First Steps” Prenatal Program, Drug Court Program, Prop 36 Program, Dual Diagnosis Program, Cal Works Program, County Jail Substance Abuse Support Group, Aftercare Program, Drug and Alcohol Prevention Services. Public Health Branch—Prevention Programs, Friday Night Live School based club programs at Crescent Elk and Smith River Schools for 7th-8th grades and high school students at Del Norte and Sunset High. Friday Night Live Mentoring program, involving high school students in 10th-12th grade working with 6th-8th graders at Crescent Elk and Smith River. Youth Council for high school age youth interested in alcohol, tobacco, and drug use prevention work in the community. Call for more information. Public Health Branch—Tobacco Use Prevention Program Health education, youth access information, and cessation classes related to tobacco use. Social Services Branch Assists in obtaining foster family licenses.
CAL-SAFE (School District) 464-0380 Teen parent program which provides education and support services so that pregnant or parenting students can continue their education at an alternative high school. The program provides childcare and related services to assist the student in meeting their educational goals. 2500 Elk Valley Cross Roads, Crescent City Del Norte County Health and Human Services 464-3191 Public Health Branch—Public Health Nurses Follow up with mom and baby to answer any questions the family might have. Early health and development screening for children, referral services, assessments for 0-3 year old children experiencing delays, in home support for life skills, and parental mentorship. Leave a message for call back. 880 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City Northcoast Children’s Services 464-6936 Home-Based Head Start home visitors visit the family to work on the social, emotional, and educational goals for the child. Four times a month parents, children, and their home visitors meet as a group with other families for a socialization/play group or a field trip. 475 7th Street, Crescent City United Indian Health—Elk Valley United Indian Health—Klamath
464-2919 482-2181
Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Why Choose to Immunize?
Immunizations Protect Children
Vaccines are Safe
Vaccines save lives and protect against the spread of disease.
Protect their friends, schoolmates, and others from those same diseases.
All vaccines must be tested by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Getting vaccinated is much better than getting the disease.
Protect your grandchildren, and future generations from diseases.
The FDA will not let a vaccine be given unless it has been proven to be safe and to work well.
Crescent City Housing Authority 464-9216 Provides rental assistance to low income families through federally funded housing programs. Section 8 Rental Assistance Program is the only program administered by the Authority. 235 H Street, Crescent City Habitat for Humanity 1-886-800-3127 954-5119 Working with people from all walks of life to build safe, decent, affordable housing for those in need. For more information, call or email
[email protected] Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) 1-866-675-6623 Eligible households may receive assistance with payments or purchases of electricity, propane, natural gas, heating oil, or firewood. Rural Human Services 464-7441 Funds may be available for eviction and first month’s rent. For more information please call or stop by. 286 M Street, Crescent City State Department of Fair Employment & Housing 1-800-884-1684 Accepts, investigates, and resolves complaints and allegations of unlawful discrimination based on race/color, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, religion, physical and mental disability, medical condition, and marital status in employment, housing, and public accommodations. North Coast Veterans Resource Center 707-442-4322 Transitional housing program offers a safe place for Veterans who are homeless and unemployed. Veterans receive case management and career development services, and the opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to become self–sufficient. 109 4th Street, Eureka
Healthy Families Insurance 465-1984 or 1-888-747-1222 Low-cost insurance that provides complete health, dental, and vision coverage to low and middle income children in California. 550 East Washington Boulevard, Crescent City Medi-Cal 1-888-747-1222 or 464-3191 Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services No cost or low cost insurance for families of all ages. 880 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City LENDING LIBRARIES & PARENT RESOURCES
Del Norte Child Care Council 464-8311 Offers a toy lending library, car seat loan program, free/reduced child care, reference library, child care provider list, licensing classes, and art supplies at cost. 212 K Street, Crescent City Del Norte County Public Library Books, videos, and public computers. Free library cards. 190 Price Mall, Crescent City
Del Norte County Unified School District 464-0704 Instructional Media Center (IMC) State-of-the-art technology and resources for use by the school community ONLY. Safe learning environment. Books, laminator, computers, die cuts, and much more. 400 West Harding, Crescent City Del Norte Reads 464-7072 One-on-one tutoring for adults wanting to improve reading and writing skills 1080 Mason Mall Suite 9, Crescent City Del Norte Reads-Families For Literacy Assists with Pre-GED preparation. 190 Price Mall, Crescent City
Elk Valley Rancheria Lending library is open to the public. 2332 Howland Hill Road, Crescent City
Early Start Connections 464-0955 Resource library for parents with children 0-3 and for children with special needs. 494 Pacific Avenue, Crescent City First 5 Family Resource Center 464-0955 Parent and Families resource library offers a variety of books and tapes, family games and toys, and children’s books available for checkout. 494 Pacific Avenue, Crescent City Smith River Branch Library 241 1st Street, Smith River
Sunset High School 464-0380 Parenting program for teen mothers, classes for high school diploma, adult education. 2500 Elk Valley Cross Road, Crescent City Wonder Bus 464-8311 A mobile library for children and families frequently found at community events, Early Learning Centers, and the First 5 Family Resource Center. Children’s books and parent resources are available for checkout.
Talk, Read, Sing! Language is central to all learning. Talk to your baby in full sentences and sing her special songs from the moment she is born. You will stimulate her mind and help her develop verbal skills. Introduce Your Baby to Books! Babies love the sound of words and your voice. As they get older, they’ll love to turn the pages, point to pictures, and help tell the story! Studies show that a child who is rarely spoken or read to in the early years often has difficulty mastering language skills later in life.
Early Start Connections Information & Support for Families of children 0-3 years with Special Needs Early Start Connections is: A partnership of agencies coordinating services for infants and toddlers with special needs and their families. A resource and support service planned for families of infants and young children with special needs. Our Mission: To provide families of children with special needs family-focused support, information, knowledge, acceptance, and hope to strengthen and empower the family.
For more information about our programs please contact us at 464-0955 A program of:
California Indian Legal Services 707-443-8397 Provides legal services specializing in Indian Law for low-income. Will not handle conflicts between Native Americans and Criminal Law issues. Eligibility guidelines must be met. 324 F Street, Eureka Del Norte County Child Support 866-901-3212 Establishing paternity, locating parents, requesting child support or medical support orders from the court, enforcing child and spousal support orders, collecting and distributing child support. 983 3rd Street, Crescent City Del Norte Superior Court Family Court Services 464-8115 x131 Mediation Formulate a court-ordered "parenting plan" that describes how parents will share and divide decision-making and care-taking responsibilities to protect the health, safety, welfare, and best interests of their children. If there are restraining orders in place the mediator will, at the request of the filing party, meet separately. Wraparound A unique way for families that have a difficult time reaching agreements in mediation and getting along. In Wraparounds, staff and families create a family plan to help them meet their goals and solve problems. Legal Services of Northern California 1-800-972-0002 or Free Legal Services 707-445-0866 Attorneys from the Humboldt County Bar Association donate time to provide free initial consultations. P.O. Box 1017, Eureka North Coast Veterans Resources 707-445-0866 or 1-877-547-2066 Legal Services Dedicated to helping Veterans in need. Programs are part of a long-term effort to achieve lasting improvements in the lives of Veterans, their families, and our communities. Services include behavioral health, transitional housing, legal services, supportive services for veterans and families, and housing help.
Access for Infants & Mothers (AIM) 1-800-433-2611 The AIM program is low-cost health coverage for pregnant women and their newborns. Designed for middle-income families who don’t have health insurance and income too high to qualify for MediCal. Program also designed for women with other health insurance that does not cover maternity services. Birth and Beyond—Awaiting Arrival 464-6715 Course designed to help new parents learn more about child birth, breast feeding , newborn care, bringing baby home, and personal care. 494 Pacific Avenue, Crescent City Department of Health And Human Services Public Health Branch
Maternal Child & Adolescent Health (MCAH) 464-3139 The MCAH program serves women, children, and their families by assuring access to a comprehensive, quality health care system focusing on prevention and early intervention strategies. California Children’s Services Program (CCS) 464-3191 x2828 The California Children’s Services Program coordinates and authorizes specialized medical care and provides rehabilitation for children with special health care needs, from birth to 21 years of age, who have a CCS eligible medical condition, that are physically disabling, or that need to be treated with medicines, surgery, or rehabilitation. Alcohol and Other Drug Programs-Perinatal Program 464-4813 A ninety day intensive outpatient treatment program for pregnant or parenting women with substance abuse issues. Nurse-Family Partnership 464-3191 x2821 A home visit program providing low income, first time mothers support and advice from before birth until the baby is 24 months. Sutter Coast Community Clinic 464-6715 Provides pregnancy and postpartum care, confidential birth control methods, counseling, HIV and STD testing for teens and women of childbearing years. 780 East Washington Boulevard, Crescent City Women Infant & Children (WIC) 464-7293 Supporting income eligible mothers and children from pregnancy through age five. Call for an appointment 286 M Street, Crescent City 43
This Kit includes: baby’s first book, local resources, monthly journal, and what to do if your child is sick To get yours, stop by the First 5 Family Center
494 Pacific Avenue, Crescent City or call us at 464-0955
Area 1 Agency on Aging 464-7876 Plans, coordinates, and advocates to meet the needs of older persons in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. Administers Volunteer Center of the Redwoods, Retired & Senior Volunteer Program, Senior Information and Assistance, Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (see below), Eldercare, and Caregiver Registry. 1765 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City Coastline Enterprises 464-8338 Provides transportation for seniors to the lunch program at the Senior Center. Adult Services, Social Services Senior apartments-Redwood Cove Senior Apartments. Del Norte Senior Center 464-3069 The Senior Center has programs and activities, home delivered meals, daily lunch at the Center, health screenings, blood bank, low vision support, energy programs, exercise classes, cards (including pinochle and bridge), ballet, tap dancing, computer lab, knitting, and crochet. 1765 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City Foster Grandparent Program Seniors help students with classes and class work by working as volunteer aides in the schools. Call the Senior Center (464-3069) for more information Meets at Senior Center , 3rd Thursday of every Month at 11:30am 1765 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program 464-7876 (HICAP) Information on Medicare benefits and limitations, evaluating supplemental insurance and long term care policies. Advocacy and assistance with billing problems. Medication assistance program. Legal referrals when needed. 1765 Northcrest Drive, Crescent City Housing Authority-City of Crescent City 464-9216 Subsidized housing program for low income families/seniors/disabled. Public housing units available. 235 H Street, Crescent City Smith River Howonquet Senior Nutrition Site 487-4463 Need to show proof of Native American Identification. Meals-on-Wheels for seniors 55 or older. 46
Crescent City Jaycees PO Box 521, Crescent City
Crescent City Lions Club Can also contact Jim Coop at 951-5395 1301-B Northcrest Drive, Crescent City
Crescent City Rotary Club PO Box 573, Crescent City
Crescent City Women's Club PO Box 616, Crescent City
Del Norte Sunrise Rotary Can also contact Dorothy Fay at 464-9019 PO Box 423, Crescent City
Soroptimist International of Crescent City To join, or for more information, email
[email protected] PO Box 991, Crescent City
Building Healthy Communities is a 10 year initiative where Del Norte and Adjacent Tribal Land Residents are taking action to make where they live healthier. They are doing this by improving employment opportunities, education, housing, neighborhood safety, unhealthy environmental conditions, access to healthy foods, and more.
The Goal: Create places where children are healthy, safe, and ready to learn. For more information, please contact us at (707) 465-1238 or visit our Facebook page at 47
Coast Line Enterprises 464-8338 Provides transportation for seniors to the lunch program at the Senior Center. Adult Services, Social Services, Senior apartments-Redwood Cove Senior Apartments Del Norte Taxi 464-7961 9am-5pm Monday—Friday. Service provided until midnight on weekends. Redwood Coast Transit 464-9314 or 464-6400 Senior and disability discounts. Monthly bus passes. For prices, bus schedule, and more information please call or stop by. Dial-A-Ride door-to-door services offered. Del Norte County Fairgrounds Highway 101 North, Crescent City Buses run from 6:30a.m. to 7:20p.m. Monday-Saturday
Stay Active!
Children need to be active to grow up and become healthy, active adults.
Give your baby Tummy Time; then put him on his back and put a toy by his feet to kick.
Make a tunnel with some sheets and encourage her to crawl through it. Play “follow the leader” together.
Draw a line on the ground and have him jump over it. Dance together with music.
Choose Healthy Food!
Giving your children healthy foods will help them learn healthy habits that will last a lifetime.
Choosing Healthy Foods: Protein helps makes us strong. Try beans, eggs, and low-fat milk products.
Children Need Calcium: Calcium helps children’s bones and teeth grow. From ages 1-2 give whole milk, after 2 give low-fat or non-fat milk.
Serving Size:
Start with small servings and give them more if they are still hungry. 48
Elk Valley Rancheria 2332 Howland Hill Road, Crescent City
Smith River Rancheria 250 North Indian Road, Smith River
Yurok Tribe Must be able to show Native American Identification. 190 Klamath Boulevard, Klamath
Intertribal Council of California/Family Domestic Violence 464-4680 Aid for all ages and races with educational workshops, advocacy, emergency care, and court. Phone only. Northern California Indian Development Council 464-3512 Employment and training, emergency services, advocacy, job development, and statewide referral network. 888 4th Street, Crescent City Smith River Howonquet Senior Nutrition Site 487-4463 Need to show proof of Native American Identification. Meals-on Wheels for seniors 55 or older.
Family Fun Activities Ocean World, 304 Highway 101 South Aquarium with sea life such as sharks, seals, and rays Battery Point Lighthouse An active lighthouse that is an aid in navigation. Tours available, dependent on tide. Trees of Mystery, 15500 Highway 101 North A groomed trail through awe-inspiring Redwoods Del Norte County Historical Society Museum, 577 H St. Discover the History of Del Norte County49
United Indian Health Services Elk Valley 2298 Norris Avenue, Crescent City
United Indian Health Services Klamath 241 Salmon Avenue, Klamath
United Indian Health Services Potowat Health Village 1600 Weeot Way, Arcata
Redwood National and State Parks Redwood National Park Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park Tolowa Dunes State Park 1111 2nd Street, Crescent City 465-7335 For more information about the above listed areas, call, or stop in at the Crescent City Visitor Center.
Other Local Campground Options Crescent City KOA 4241 HWY 101 North, Crescent City, 464-5744 Kamp Klamath 1661 West Klamath Beach Road, Klamath 482-0227 Florence Keller Campground 3400 Cunningham Lane, Crescent City 464-7230 50
Frequently Used Numbers College of the Redwoods—Crescent City Campus………………….......
Community Assistance Network………………………………………….......
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA).……………………...….......
Del Norte Child Care Council……………………………………………………
Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services……
Del Norte County Unified School District…………………………………...
Del Norte Mental Health Clinic………………………………………………….
Elk Valley Rancheria...…………………………………………………....…..........
First 5 Del Norte……………………………………………………………..............
First 5 Family Resource Center…………………………………………………
Harrington House Shelter……………………………………………….............
Healthy Families Insurance………………………..
464-1984 or 1-888-747-1222
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Plan (HEAP)………...
North Coast Rape Crisis Team Hotline...…………………………………....
Public Library…………………………………………………………………...........
Redwood Coast Regional Center………………………………………………
Redwood Coast Transit………………………………………..
464-9314 or 464-6400
Rural Human Services…………………………………………………………......
Smith River Rancheria……………………………………………………………
Women Infants & Children (WIC)………………………………………….....
Yurok Tribe……………………………………………………………………............