Knox Youth Services. Resource List for Parents of Teenagers. BOOKS. Steve
Biddulph. The Secret of Happy Children. Michael Carr Greg & Erin Shale.
Knox Youth Services Resource List for Parents of Teenagers BOOKS Steve Biddulph Michael Carr Greg & Erin Shale *Lynn Huggins-Cooper *Leanne Rowe & David Bennett *Gill Hines & Alison Baverstock Andrew Fuller Andrew Fuller E. Weinhaus, K Friedman & B Stagull *Neil I. Bernstein *John Townsend Dr John Court Suzette Haden Warwick Pudney &Elaine Whitehorse Martin Herbert Evelyn M. Field *Rosalind Wiseman *Kaz Cooke *Gisela Preuschoft *Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer Wayne Martino & Maria Pallotta–Chiarolli *Steve Biddulph Michael Thompson Maria Pallotta – Chiarolli Eric Marcus Eric Marcus
The Secret of Happy Children Adolescence: A guide for Parents Raising teenagers: 52 brilliant ideas for highperformance parenting You can't make me: seven simple rules for parenting Teenagers Whatever! A down-to-earth guide to parenting Teenagers Tricky Kids Raising Real People Stop Struggling with Your Teenager How to keep your teenager out of trouble and what to do if you can't Boundaries with teens : when to say yes, how to say no You and Your Teenager More on The Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defence Adolescent Volcanoes Discipline Bully Busting Queen bees and wannabes : helping your daughter survive cliques, gossip, boyfriends and other realities of adolescence Girl stuff : your full on guide to the teen years Raising girls : why girls are different - and how to help them grow up happy and strong Raising and praising girls Boys Stuff Raising boys : why boys are different - and how to help them become happy and well-balanced men Speaking of boys : answers to the most-asked questions about raising sons When Our Children Come Out Is it a choice? What if Someone I Know is Gay?
*Please note these can be sourced at your local eastern regional library -
School Guides Victorian Government Secondary Schools Guide *The Good Schools Guide – brought out each year *Please note these can be sourced at your local eastern regional library -
DVDs Girl stuff/boy stuff – episodes Contents; • Games peeps play & Tents situation – Season 1, episode1 • Face powder blues– Season 1, episode2 • Tickets please– Season 1, episode3
Services Available Each of the following services can provide Family, Teenager and Parenting advice and support. Family Relationship Centre Ringwood Office
Tel: 9871 6300
Anglicare (Parentzone)
Tel: 9721 3646
Knox Youth Services (Youth Information Centre)
Tel: 9298 8469
PFLAG (Parents, Family & Friends of Lesbians & Gays)
Tel: 9827 8408
For other local services, resources, support and referral, contact the Knox Youth Resource Worker, Knox Youth Information centre; open Monday – Thursday (1-5pm)