If this is the will of Allah then Allah is very different from my God. My God says, “
Love!” Love your brother; love your neighbour, and love your enemies. True.
Respect your enemy RESPECT who? - My enemy!? An enemy can be defined as someone who is out to get you and wishes you harm! Are you concerned about the present state of the world? Do you wonder where all the violence, aggression and fear will end? Are you alarmed by seeing Muslim fanatics waving banners with hate slogans toward the infidel? Bombings and threats of violence can only be motivated by anger and hatred. If this is the will of Allah then Allah is very different from my God. My God says, “Love!” Love your brother; love your neighbour, and love your enemies. True Christianity (as opposed to religious bigotry and hypocrisy) clearly states that God loves the world and gave Jesus to lay down his own life for the sins of the world. Jesus’ love for us motivated him to go to the cross, on our behalf, forgiving those that crucified him. It’s this same sacrificial love that screams out, “Love your enemies!” In these times of war and killing after killing, it’s very easy to retaliate and hit back. Without being full of God’s love, it is hard to show love to anyone, especially your enemies. Retaliation is the likely result. But that makes us no better than the fanatics who are motivated by anger and hatred. If loving is too hard try simply RESPECTing your enemies. Don’t be against all Muslims. They are not all fanatics. Don’t be too quick to judge every darker-skinned person as the enemy. Hatred destroys us. Combat hate with love. Happy Easter!