Response of Growth and Yield of Cucumber Plants - International

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wide scientific area. Nanofertilizer can be encapsulated inside nanomaterials, coated with a thin protective polymer film and delivered as particles (DeRosa et al.
International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences © 2015 Available online at ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 9 (9): 1477-1478 Science Explorer Publications

Response of Growth and Yield of Cucumber Plants (Cucumis sativus L.) to Different Foliar Applications of Nano- Iron and Zinc Alireza Javadimoghadam, Alireza Ladan Moghadam, Elham Danaee Department of Gardening, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran ABSTRACT: In order to investigate effect of different concentrations of Iron and zinc chelate nano fertilizer on growth and performance of Cucumis sativus L., an experiment was performed as a design of completely randomized blocks. Nano-Iron and zinc fertilizers (1.5, 2 and 2.5 per 1000) were applied as foliar sprays. In general, results indicated that Iron and zinc chelate nano at 2 (per 1000) concentration significantly influenced on number fruit, chlorophyll content, super oxide dismutase and micro-element. The highest number fruit and flower, chlorophyll and SOD content were obtained at 2 (per 1000) Iron and 2.5 (per 1000) Zn concentration. As a result, this study suggested that the foliar applications of liquid fertilizer could improve the plant growth and yield of cucumbers. Key words: Yield, Nano fertilizer, Fruit quality, Cucumis sativus INTRODUCTION Fruits and vegetables doubtlessly have a great and essential contribution in supplying required mineral elements for body especially iron, zinc, calcium and ect,. whose shortage are prevalent. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is a major vegetable crop worldwide. Cucumber is the fourth most important vegetable crop after tomato, cabbage, and onion (Tatlioglu 1993). Nanotechnology can be used as an alternative technology in a wide scientific area. Nanofertilizer can be encapsulated inside nanomaterials, coated with a thin protective polymer film and delivered as particles (DeRosa et al. 2010). A balanced fertilization program with macro and micronutrients in plant nutrition is very important in the production of high yield with high quality products (Talaei 1998). Iron and zinc are of fundamental constitutions of plants oxidizing and reducing systems and due to its capability to change its valance, as a basic element in oxidizing and reducing systems it facilitates electron transfer (Sawan et al. 2001). If adequate and absorbable amounts of Fe are not available for the plant chlorophyll production in leaf decreases and the leaves become pale. Base of iron and zinc nano fertilizer are natural quality and its made of organic and mineral material. This fertilizer are fully compatible with the environment and agricultural farms and organic materials with added to the soil to make its more organic material is to be (Anonymous 2010).The use of nano fertilizer leads to an increased efficiency of the elements, reduce the toxicity of the soil, to at least reach the negative effects caused by the consumption of excessive consumption of fertilizers and reduce the frequency of application of fertilizers (Naderi and DaneshShahraki 2011). The aim of this study was to determine that the effects of nanotechnology liquid fertilizers on the plant growth and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was performed in a greenhouse at the Research Farm, Garmsar, Iran, in 2013-2014. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seeds was used as plant material. Nano-Iron and zinc fertilizers (1.5, 2 and 2.5 per 1000) were applied as foliar spray. Nano-Iron and zinc foliar spraying was carried out in the 3 spage. Some traits including; number fruit, chlorophyll content, super oxide dismutase and micro-element (Iron, Zn and Mn) content were recorded. The experimental design was a completely randomized blocks with five replications for each treatment. Data were analyzed by SPSS software and and comparing averages was done by Duncan’s test and a probability value of %5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Our results showed that application of nano-Iron and zinc significantly influenced number fruits and flowers (Table 1). The highest rates of these variables were found at 2 (per 1000) Iron and 2 and 2.5 (per 1000)

Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (9), 1477-1478, 2015

Zn. It is evident that increase in Iron concentration (from 2 to 2.5) increased flowers number. Nano-Iron and zinc foliar spraying significantly affected chlorophyll content (Table 1). The highest chlorophyll content was obtained at 2 (per 1000) Iron and 2.5 (per 1000) Zn concentration. Results indicated a rise in SOD content as Iron and Zn concentration increased. Foliar application of 2.5 (per 1000) Iron resulted in the maximum SOD content. Our results showed that application of nano-Iron and zinc significantly influenced fruits and leaf Iron and Zn concentration (Table 1). It is evident that increase in Iron and Zn concentration (from 2 to 2.5) significantly increased fruits and leaf Iron and Zn concentration. We observed the highest average leaf and fruit Mn were recorded at 2 (per 1000) Iron and 2 (per 1000) Zn concentration. The lowest values of all these parameters were recorded in the control. Iron play many essential roles in plant growth and development, including chlorophyll synthesis, thylakoid synthesis, chloroplast development, contributes in RNA synthesis and improves the performance of photosystems (Miller et al. 1995; Sheykhbaglou et al. 2010). Regarding leaf Fe concentration, it was seen that the effect of foliar FeSo4 on leaf Fe concentrations was higher than of Fe-EDTA in strawberry cultivars (Harsini et al. 2014). Peyvandi et al. (2011) reported the highest mean dry and fresh weight of stems, roots, leaves at the lowest concentration of nano-iron chelated. Mohamadipoor et al., (2013) reported the highest amounts of fresh weight root with 27.78 g was recorded from control treatment. Ma and Hong (1998) reported that application of iron to the soil or the foliage as chelate or sulphates improved the vegetative growth, gross yield and fruit quality of balady lime. Application of chelate iron Fe-EDDHA to the soil gave the highest response. Prasad et al. (2012) reported that nano-scale zinc oxide particles increased stem and root growth and pod yield of peanut as compared with ZnSO4 application. Burger et al. (2007) studied effect of iron chelate nano fertilizer on qualitative and quantitative properties of various cut flowers and found that treatments by 1 and 1.5 gr/L iron chelate Nano fertilizer with possibility of 95% have a positive and significant effect on increasing this index (Bugr Rahimian et al. 2011). In conclusion, The nanomaterial is one of the new technologies that into almost all areas of our lives and being to be used in agriculture production. The researchers indicate many of the potential benefits of nanotechnology. This study has identified that fertilizers can have important effective on the plant growth and yield of cucumber. Table 1. Analysis of variances (ANOVA) of measured parameters in Cucumis sativus L. under different treatments of nano-Iron and zinc fertilizers.

Source of Variation (S.O.V)


Fe (Fruit)

T Error CV

2 0 %

0.069 0.02 8.18


Fe (leaf) 5660.67 18.7 7.51


Zn (Fruit) **

617.60 12.3 7.87

Zn (leaf) **

18.19 0.001 19.96

Mn (Fruit) *

0.11 0.02 19.96

Mn (leaf) **

0.1 0.001 8.10

Chlorophyll (Total)

SOD **

126850.15 496.22 7.92

Flower NO.

0.06** 1.9 10.07

62.04** 7.47 7.75

** and * are significant statistically at 1 and 5 %, respectivly.

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