Sep 25, 2013 ... PSC-R/04/2012. ARUNACHAL PRADESH. PUBLIC ... found to qualified for
admission to the APPSCC(Main) Examination, 2013-2014. Further, as per the
direction of the Hon'ble High Court the result of rejected candidates.
Dated Itanagar, the 25th September,2013.
No. PSC-R/04/2012
On the basis of performance
of the candidates
Pradesh Public Service Combined Competitive nd
held on 22
in the Arunachal
Examination, 2013-14
the candidates with forlowing
roll numbers are
found to qualified for admission to the APPSCC (Main) Examination, 2013-2014. Further, as per the rejected candidates
direction of the Hon'ble High Court the result of
(108 petitioners)
of whom
97 appeared in the examination
are kept in sealed cover. The list is NOT in order of merit.
In accordance with Combined Competitive Examination Rules, the qualified
have to submit application
in prescribed
format with all supporting
and preference of service etc. In case of non fulfillment of
any criteria their application forms will be summarily rejected. Application forms for admission to the Mains Examination can be obtained from the office of the Commission from 01.10.2013 to 31.10.2013 during working hours. The last date for submission of duly filled up application form is fixed on 31.10.2013.
( N. Tondrang ) Joint Secretary
Memo No. PSC-R/04/2012
Dated Itanagar, the 25th September,2013.
Copy to :1.
The SID, NIC, Itanagar with a request to upload the result notification in the official website of APPSC.