station via telemetry. Each team must present a preliminary design to a NASA. engineer for review before constructing th
Jessica Grazziotin Contact Information Phone: 808-‐469-‐6100 Email:
[email protected] Reference Contacts Available on Request Media Mentions:,,, Education: Major: Electrical Engineering Current Status: 3.71 GPA School: Kapiolani Community College (Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.) Dates: January 2014 – Present (a transfer program with the Univ. of Hawaii, Manoa class of 2018) Work Experience Company: HICapacity (Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S., June 2015-‐ September 2015) Position: Intern Immediate Supervisors/Mentors: Ed Kim, Dr. Noah Hafner, and Aisis Chen Research: • Adding profiles to a membership portal using Ruby on Rails • Static website updates using Ruby with Jekyll • Wearable electronic device o Goal: Design a wearable electronic device in three weeks to present at The Amazing ComicCon o Outcome: LED light up glasses controlled by a microcontroller encased in a 3D printed necklace housing o Components: Arduino pro mini, 2 buttons, 4 light strips, 3.7V lipo battery, battery converter/charger Events: Host for Women’s Tech Night at HICapacity to build a community base for current and incoming women in the tech field here in Hawaii. Projects and Club Affiliations: NASA CanSat Competition: An engineering design and production experience. All teams compete to design a Mars payload delivery simulation in a glider aircraft. The payload must take atmospheric measurements and submit the data to a ground station via telemetry. Each team must present a preliminary design to a NASA engineer for review before constructing their designed payload for a launch in Houston, TX. (Reference: Dr. Herve Collin, KCC) Linear Algebra: applications of linear algebra in engineering with moments of Inertia and eigenvectors (Reference: Dr. Austin Anderson, KCC) Engineers for a Sustainable World: (Reference: Dr. Aaron Hanai, KCC) • Planning stages of a remotely controlled greenhouse system with soil and humidity sensor components • Host for Haunted Hack Night-‐ a hacker/maker event for students that showcased electronic projects from students and tech professionals in the community. (drones, apps, electric skateboards, robots, 3D printing)