Retap - Style Guide 2015.pdf - Google Drive

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'Retap' is spelled with a non-capital r in the logo, but always with a capital 'R' in text. Do not write: 'ReTap',. 'Re-
The Retap Style Guide Compact version 2015

Logo Standard version: Negative version:

The logo appears preferably in the right top corner of a document. Exceptions are only allowed when another place is conventionally or esthetically more correct (e.g.: in the middle on the business card). Never change the colours of the logo. Use the negative version only when necessary. Download our logo (and our award logo’s) here: Keep in mind that the box around the logo specifies the distance the logo needs to have from the side of the page and any other items on the page (like text or pictures). ‘Retap’ is spelled with a non-capital r in the logo, but always with a capital ‘R’ in text. Do not write: ‘ReTap’, ‘Re-tap’ or anything else different from our official name ‘Retap’.

Font Standard font for official materials: Myriad Pro Standard fonts for regular use: Calibri (commonly available fonts) or Asap (Google fonts) . Use bold to highlight text. Use bold and PMS 7704 C for headlines. Use Italic only for stand-alone quotes. Text columns should as often as possible be left aligned.

Colours Primary:


Pantone 7704 C CMYK 96-34-21-0 RGB 0-132-173

5% Black CMYK 0-0-0-5

95% Black CMYK 0-0-0-5

Pantone 653 C

Pantone 313 C

Pantone 291 C

Pantone 485 C

Pantone 144 C

Pantone 211 C

Pantone 376 C

Pantone 355 C

Pantone Yellow C

Pantone Process Black C

Pantone 432 C

Pantone 200 C