Retrieval effectiveness of cross lingual information retrieval search engines Foo, S. (2011) Proc. International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL2011), Beijing, China, October 24-27., Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 7008, 297-307.
Retrieval Effectiveness of Cross Language Information Retrieval Search Engines Schubert Foo Division of Information Studies, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637718
[email protected],sg Abstract. This study evaluates the retrieval effectiveness of English-Chinese (EC) cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) on four common search engines along the dimensions of recall and precision. We formulated a set of simple and complex queries on different topics including queries with translation ambiguity. Three independent bilingual proficient evaluators reviewed a total of 960 returned web pages each to assess document relevance. Findings showed that CLIR effectiveness is poor with average recall and precision values of 0.165 and 0.539 for monolingual EE/CC searches, and 0.078 and 0.282 for cross lingual CE/EC searches. Google outperformed Yahoo! in the experiments, and EC and EE searches returned better results than CE and CC results respectively. As this is the first set CLIR retrieval effectiveness measurements reported in literature, these findings can serve as a benchmark and provide a better understanding of the current CLIR capabilities of Web search engines.
Keywords: cross language information retrieval, search engines, Google, Yahoo!, English-Chinese translation, Chinese-English translation, evaluation studies, recall, precision
1 Introduction The ability to search and retrieve information in multiple languages is becoming increasingly important and challenging in today’s environment. Consequently, multilingual and cross-lingual (language) information retrieval (MLIR and CLIR) search engines have received more research attention and are increasingly being used to retrieve information on the Internet. CLIR refers to searching, translating and retrieving information in different languages, but mainly between a source language and a target language [1]. Few studies and methodologies have been developed to study the retrieval effectiveness (recall and precision) of Internet search engines, but particularly more so for cross-lingual or multi-lingual search engines due to the added barrier of language among different groups of language users and the problem of estimating data recall on documents
retrieved from the Web [2]. As such, we are interested to assess both aspects of monolingual and cross-lingual retrieval to yield a more comprehensive evaluation and assessment of the effectiveness of such search engines which is basically lacking in information retrieval (IR) research literature. As part of the study, we propose a simplified methodology to estimate and compute the measures of recall and precision based on the original work of Clarke and Willet [3].
2 Related Work Evaluation studies on search engines to date are largely focused on reporting features, search capability, collection crawled, indexing policies, user interface, usability, and so on. They have largely omitted quantitative evaluation of the retrieval effectiveness of the system. This is even more so for cross lingual search engines [4]. Studies that attempted to do so deal mainly with monolingual search engines, for example, Kumar and Prakash [5] on Google and Yahoo!. While there is a rich body or work done on evaluating retrieval effectiveness, these mainly used a laboratory-based test collection approach through initiatives such as TREC, NTCIR and CLEF. These tests rely on a test collection, a set of queries and relevancy judgment between the retrieved documents and queries to support research, benchmarking and reporting of results. The collection size was generally manageable so that relevance judgement information to compute data precision and recall was possible. But when we move away from a fixed document collection to the Internet where search engines prevail, we run into the challenge of computing data recall since neither exhaustive relevant documents nor absolute relevancy judgments exists. Some form of estimation is therefore required to determine the relevant documents for specific queries. One way is assigned scores to documents retrieved and to pool together results of different search engines to estimate the pool of relevant documents [3,5]. While there are numerous search engines that are currently in existence, few support truly cross-language retrieval. Many search engines are monolingual but have the added functionality to carry out translation of the retrieved pages from one language to another, for example, Google, EZ2Find and AltaVista [6]. The development of web-based CLIR systems have been reported by Ogen et al. [7], Ogden and Davis [8], Capstick et al. [9] and Penas et al.[10]. These focus mainly on operation and interaction of the systems with little or no users tests on performance. Work on query translation for different language pairs for CLIR found that the coverage and quality of the translation dictionaries used played an important role in the quality of answers retrieved [11]. CLIR researchers posits that current approaches are deficient due to the fact that monolingual retrieval has become language dependent, relying on specialized stemmers and stopwords, which means that retrieval is conducted independently to each language without consideration of the other languages the search engine has being requested to search [12]. Additionally, after documents from different languages are retrieved independently, and merged without information from the translation and retrieval giving rise to a lack of collection cohesion in delivering the search results. While CLIR research and developments continues to advance, CLIR search engines continue to be used by users to seek multi lingual information from their queries. With almost no literature being reported on a systematic evaluation of commercial CLIR search engines, this study aims to fill the gap to evaluate two major search engines that is used widely in Asia to search for English and Chinese documents. In our study, we chose the
popular Google and Yahoo! in Taiwan and Hong Kong (,, and that indexes a good mix of English and Chinese documents. Monolingual dominant search engines like Baidu in China and Google in Singapore were omitted since they fall out of scope for evaluation. We originally included Google China for the study but had to abandon it due to its cessation of operation. We aim to study the retrieval effectiveness of EE, EC, CC and CE pairs using a set of queries on these four search engines.
Evaluation Methodology
Query Selection
As all four search engines being investigated are general search engines without specific subject emphasis, we developed a set of characteristics to aid query formulation and selection, and to ensure a good coverage of the query topics being evaluated. These include: people, event, places, simple to complex queries/general to specific queries, queries with potential language ambiguity, official government documents (possibly translated in more than one language), domain specific (Hong Kong and Taiwan) topics, time-based and/or recent topics, controversial and/or special topics. An original set of 18 queries were developed but were subsequently reduced to 6 queries for the evaluation (Table 1) to make the experiment feasible in terms of the time required to carry out the work.
兄弟尖锐 (Google translation) 犀利哥
Translation ambiguity
Official documents
Domain specific
汉堡的历史 教育改革大纲
Q1 Amazon in America Q2 Education reform highlights Q3 Brother Sharp Q4 Sharp Brother (Google translation) Q5 Disneyland 2000-2010 Q6 New projects of Disneyland after 2000
Chinese Query
English Query
Table 1. Queries for Experiments
迪士尼乐园2000到2010 X X X 2000年以后迪士尼乐园的新项目 X X X
Each query has to be tested four times (EE, EC, CC, CE) on four search engines resulting in 16 sets of results per query. In the retrieval process, both simple and advanced search mode were used. For EE and CE, the option “Results in English” is selected. For EC and CC, the option “Results in both simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese” is selected. If an option to choose the target language is unavailable, then “Web page all over the world” is selected. Subsequently, the top 10 valid results for each query (i.e. 160 documents) were identified to allow relevance judgements to be carried out by a panel of evaluators. 3.2
Web Page Result Selection, Relevance Criteria and Evaluation Panel
We chose the established method to select the top 10 results in the target language retrieved by each search engine for the evaluation [3]. The searches were carried out on all four search engines on the same day to avoid any influence of indexing latency. In addition: Only web pages written in Chinese and English languages were considered. All pages in other languages were ignored. The web page content was used to determine the language of the web page. For instance, if the webpage came from an English domain website or only the heading was in English, but the major content was written in Chinese, then the page was regarded as a Chinese web page. If the content was in both languages in almost the same proportion, then the category of web page will be determined as the language that appeared first. Web pages containing mainly pictures or videos were ignored. Duplicate web pages retrieved by the same search engines were discarded and replaced by the next valid web page sequentially. If the result pointed to a dead link, “the file is not found” or “the server is not responding” message was encountered, a re-attempt was made subsequently to access the page later on the same day, failing which, the web page was discarded and replaced by the next valid web page sequentially down the list of results. We used Clarke and Willett’s [3] approach using a 3-scale score to determine the relevance of the results. Scores of 1, 0.5 and 0 were given to relevant web pages, partially relevant web pages and irrelevant web pages respectively. The following specific criteria were used for the assessment:
A relevant web page was given a score of 1, and an irrelevant web page a score of 0. Partially relevant web pages, for example, a forum with certain content related to the query topic, was given a score of 0.5. If the result web page contain a series of links rather than the web page with required information, and one or some of these links were expected to be relevant to the query, then a score of 0.5 is given. If one web page was retrieved more than once by different search engines, the same score is applied to all occurrences. Duplicate web pages were judged based on content of the web page rather than the URL, headings or other criteria (as the same content may be hosted by different web servers and assigned different URLs). Web pages on sales advertisement (which occurred frequently on Yahoo!) was assigned a score based on the relevance of its content. If it was relevant to the query topic, it was given a score of 0.5, otherwise 0 was given.
Three post-graduate students who were enrolled in the Master of Science in Information Studies program at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, acted as evaluators to assess the retrieved document relevance against the query topics. All of them were familiar with using common search engines including Google and Yahoo!. They were all fluent English-Chinese bilingual speakers. Their ages range from 20 to 30. The evaluation was carried out independently by each evaluator without consulting each
other. Each evaluated a total of 960 web pages for this study. 3.3
Data Recall and Precision Computation
Recall is calculated as the sum of the scores of document retrieved by a search engine against the total score of relevant documents in the pool retrieved by all the search engines in the experiment. Precision is calculated as the sum of the scores of documents retrieved by a search engine against the total number of retrieved documents for evaluation. In order to obtain the relevant documents in the pool, any overlapping documents retrieved by the search engines must be discarded. In our case, if 4 search engines A,B,C and D retrieve a,b,c and d relevant documents, and there is an overlap of e documents, then the recall for A is a/(a+b+c+d-e), and so on. This formula is a simplified version of that proposed by Clarke & Willet [3] which included a second round of search to identify further potential documents using samples of text from relevant pages which had not been retrieved by all search engines to obtain a more accurate value for recall. We felt that this was unnecessary for our experiments as we are dealing with more than one language and following the same process could potentially yield language ambiguity problems and add more noise to the results. As such, this extra effort is not justifiable for CLIR evaluations when our main interest is to do a relative comparison among the search engines.. As we are using a group of 3 evaluators with different subjective assessments of relevance, we take the average of the scores for retrieval effectiveness computation. Denoting the individual scores as x1, x2, and x3, we obtain an Average X (=(x1+x2+x3)/3) and with a merged pooled of relevant documents Y (Y=a+b+c+d-e), we compute Recall=Average X/Y and Precision=Average X/10.
Experimental Results
Table 2 shows the results of the recall evaluation. The individual recall of EC and CE for cross lingual search is shown in columns C2 and C3, and EE and CC for monolingual search is shown in columns C5 and C6 for the four search engines (Rows R2 to R5). The table also shows the results for the combined average recall for cross lingual search (C4), monolingual search (C7) and the average recall of all search engines in the last row (R6).
Table 2. Recall for Four Search Engines C1 R1
Search Engine
Search Type
Average Recall
Average Recall
EE&CC 0.199
Search Type
Similarly, Table 3 shows the individual precision of EC and CE for cross lingual search (columns C2 and C3), and EE and CC (columns C5 and C6) for monolingual search for the four search engines is given. The results for the combined average precision for cross lingual search (C4), monolingual search (C7) and the average precision of all search engines in the final row (R6). It should be noted that the average precision is computed as the simple average of the precision values. This is different from the Mean Average Precision in traditional IR literature which takes into account the precision-recall levels at 11 points [13,14]. For ease of comparison, Figure 1 shows the average recall and precision for the cross lingual and monolingual search (C4 and C7) for the evaluated search engines. Table 3. Precision for Four Search Engines C1
Search Engine
Search Type
Average Precision
Average Precision
Search Type
0.80 0.65 0.578
0.492 0.437 0.40
0.332 0.199
0.20 0.092
0.182 0.105
Recall‐EC/CE Recall‐EE/CC Precision‐EC/CE
0.189 0.128
0.235 0.152
Fig. 1. Retrieval Effectiveness of Google and Yahoo Search Engines From Tables 2 and 3, and Figure 1, we draw the following observations: Recall and precision of monolingual (EE and CC)(columns C5-C7) searches are better than cross lingual search for all individual search engines, Google and Yahoo! as a group ( and, and and, and collectively for all 4 search engines as a whole. Thus, we conclude that the effectiveness of cross lingual search is poorer than monolingual search Google outperforms Yahoo! in both recall and precision for both monolingual and cross lingual search in both the sub domains in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and as a combined group (columns R2-R3 vs. R4-R5). The recall performance of EC is higher than CE for all 4 search engines (Table 2, columns C2 and C3). In other words, using an English query to search information in Chinese in these search engines will draw more relevant documents as opposed to using a Chinese query to search information written in English. On average, the recall performance of EC is about 2.5 times better as that of CE (0.111 vs. 0.044). In terms of precision performance, EC is higher than CE for 3 of the 4 search engines (Table 3, columns C2 and C3). On average, the precision performance of EC is about 1.8 times better as that of CE (0.36 vs. 0.203). When we examine the effectiveness of individual search engines for cross lingual search, gives the best recall performance for both EC and CE with values of 0.154 and 0.057 respectively. yielded the poorest recall result for EC search (0.052) while yielded the poorest result for CE search (0.029). A similar observation is made for the precision performance, with providing the best results for both EC and CE cross lingual search with precision values of 0.478 and 0.261 respectively. yielded the poorest precision for CE search (0.131) and yielded the poorest precision for EC search (0.175). When we examine the effectiveness of individual search engines for monolingual search, gives the best recall performance for both EE and CC with values of 0.231 and 0.167 respectively. yielded the poorest recall result for both EE search (0.182) and CC search (0.075). The same observation is made for the precision performance, with providing the best results for both EE and CC with
precision values of 0.761 and 0.539, and yielding the poorest precision for both EE search (0.556) and CC search (0.319). In summary, came out tops in cross lingual search while came out tops in monolingual search. Nonetheless, the retrieval effectiveness of EC and CE searches is far from satisfactory. Even the best search engine,, bears a low average recall of 0.105 and a low average precision of 0.370.
The findings show that the retrieval effectiveness of EC and CE cross lingual search is much lower than that of EE and CC monolingual search. For EC and CE search, an average recall of 0.078 and an average precision of 0.282 are obtained, while those of EE and CC search are 0.165 and 0.539, respectively. Such differences may be attributed to various reasons. First, the majority of documents indexed by the search engines are written in English than in Chinese. As a result, more English documents are expected to be retrieved for random queries. English words have clear delimiters (space and punctuations) between words while Chinese words do not. The additional process of segmenting Chinese words into distinct word entities to support search and retrieval can increase the chance of errors in matching query terms to retrieved documents, thereby affecting both recall and precision [15]. The process of cross lingual retrieval is more complex, requiring an additional step of translation which again adds potential inaccuracies and noise in the retrieval process. In our experiment, we also included two queries with translation ambiguity. Query 3, “Brother Sharp” is automatically but incorrectly translated into “匸憀廱锐” by the Google Translator as its equivalent Chinese query. The correct translation should be “瘓吪坻” (Query 4) which is in turn translated to ‘Sharp Brother” for CE by the same Google Translator. When “匸憀廱锐” is used for CE search, no English documents were found. On the other hand, using the correct translation of “瘓吪坻” yielded relevant documents, with recall values of 0.110 for, 0.152 for, 0.124 for, and 0.058 for From this pair of corresponding queries, it is evident that query translation quality plays a critical role in cross lingual search. When we attempted to compare out results with previous works, we were unable to find any similar literature for cross lingual evaluation. Nonetheless, we found a related piece of work by Shafi and Rather [16] for monolingual retrieval that showed that Google with a recall of 0.20 and precision of 0.29 in their experiments. Our monolingual experiments (EE and CC) yielded an average recall of 0.19 and precision of 0.61 for Google (hk and tw). This appears to support Google’s improvement in retrieval effectiveness over this period from 2004 to 2010. With the exponential rise of web documents, these two experiments suggest that recall was maintained (0.20 to 0.19) and precision improved (from 0.29 to 0.61). While this experiment is small and cannot lead to any firm conclusion, the result is nevertheless interesting to demonstrate the improvement in retrieval effectiveness of commercial search engines. With the rising importance of Chinese language, we can expect more Chinese documents to be increasingly authored and indexed and more effective and accurate translation methods be further developed to support improved cross lingual searching. In our experiment, we also found that a large portion of Chinese documents were indexed both in English and Chinese. While the contents of Chinese documents were not fully translated or authored in English, many Chinese documents had accompanying
English titles and headers. Hence, when we carry out EC searches using English queries, these corresponding Chinese documents were retrieved. However, the reverse is not true for English documents. This relatively smaller number of English documents that is indexed in both languages will therefore result in less chance for them to be retrieved when we use a Chinese query to search for English information (CE search). This difference of indexing exhaustivity is probably the main cause of difference in retrieval effectiveness for EC and CE searches using the same search engine, with EC producing better results than CE for all four search engines (R6, Tables 1 and 2). This observation seems to suggest that if we can provide basic metadata (such as document title, keywords, headings) in multiple languages, this would help enhance the quality of cross lingual searches if such metadata is indexed by the search engines. Finally, when we probed deeper into and relatively poorer performance, we found that Yahoo! results contain significant amounts of commercial advertisements. For example, in the “Brother Sharp’ query, the first 6 out of 10 results were advertisements for Brother printers and photocopiers, printing paper, Panasonic and other companies. As another example, the EE search of “Amazon in America” yielded all 10 ten results about the Amazon online shop, including six pure advertisements recommending books and other products. In contrast, the same query on retrieved 2 results on the Amazon online shop advertisements, but included other relevant results about the Amazon rainforest, Amazon Basin and Amazon River. This should somewhat not be surprising since the business model of commercial search engines dictates and impacts on the retrieval characteristics of the search engine.
Limitations of Study
Due to the limited number of queries, we acknowledge that the findings are at best indicative and therefore provide a preliminary understanding of the effectiveness of the search engines being evaluated. Average values for recall and precision were selected and presented in preference over individual results for each query to cater to the requirement of manuscript length, although the latter form of presentation could give a better indication of reliability of the findings. Other forms of measures for retrieval effectiveness for ranked search engine evaluations such as the Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) [14,17] or error measures such as the MUC ERR measure [18], or Slot Error rate (SER) [19] based on work done on speech recognition research, Rprecision[13.14] or marginal relevance [14] were not considered in this study.
The Internet has paved opportunities for increasing multi-lingual information exchange and retrieval in future. While this future will be mitigated by the quality of cross lingual search engines to create the connectivity among multi-lingual documents, our study suggest that the current quality of CLIR search engines are poor with scope for much improvement. Our experiment on four search types (EC, CE, EE and CC) on four commonly used search engines (,, and demonstrated the overall higher retrieval effectiveness of monolingual searches (EE and CC) over multilingual searches (EC and CE). EC searches returned superior results than CE as a result of a
larger pool of English-enabled documents for indexing. More complex queries yielded lower recall and precision in comparison to simple queries. Clear expression of the information needs using simple and unambiguous queries are possible ways to improve the retrieval effectiveness. Due to the poor recall of cross lingual searches, searching across multiple CLIR search engines or utilizing meta-CLIR search engines becomes even more essential to support comprehensive searches for multi lingual documents. Creating accurate metadata in different languages in documents or good translation of key information in documents can help improve the quality of the index and retrieval. Searching in context which is affected by language and translation ambiguity remains a challenge that can benefit from methods such as domain specific corpus, dictionary or ontology-based, or other approaches. This study highlights the need for further research efforts for CLIR search engines to seek improvements in translation methods, index quality, multilingual retrieval techniques, and user interface for results presentation in order for a new generation of CLIR search engines to emerge and be widely and successfully used as their monolingual counterparts. Other evaluation techniques mentioned in the previous section are logical extensions of this work to provide additional evidence to assess these CLIR engine retrieval effectiveness.
Acknowledgement The author gratefully acknowledges the contributions of Gao Xiuqing, Katherine Chia and Tang Jiao who carried out this study as part of their Critical Inquiry Project in their M.Sc. (Information Studies) program.
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