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1973; Randall et al., 1980; see also the review by Clark,. 1984). Chemical ..... Coulson, J. C., Potts, G. R., Deans, I. R. & Fraser, S. M.. (1968). Exceptional ...
Environmental Pollution 86 (1994) 207-215 © 1994 Elsevier Science Limited Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0269- 7491/94/$07.00 ELSEVIER

REVIEW ARTICLE: EFFECTS OF OIL POLLUTION, CHEMICALLY TREATED OIL, A N D CLEANING ON THE THERMAL BALANCE OF BIRDS Bjarn Munro Jenssen Department of Zoology, University of Trondheim, N-7055 Dragvoll, Norway* (Received 2 August 1993; accepted 21 September 1993)

birds were found dead (Piatt et al., 1990). Experiments on the recovery of dead seabirds suggests that very few oiled bird corpses drift ashore and are found; recovery rates have been reported to vary between 0-3 and 58% (Coulson et al., 1968; Hope Jones et al., 1970; Bibby & Lloyd, 1977; Bibby, 1981). Based on the number of recovered oiled birds after the 'Exxon Valdez' accident, it is therefore assumed that of the estimated total population of 283 000-370 000 seabirds present in April 1989, 100 000-300 000 birds were probably killed in the first few months after the accident. Using the midpoints, these represent 61% of the birds present. It has been claimed that the oil pollution from the 'Exxon Valdez' is responsible for more than a 50% reduction in the common guillemot (Uria aalge) population in the contaminated parts of Prince William Sound (Heinemann, 1993; Nysewander et aL, 1993). Declines in the population of Long-tailed ducks (Clangula hyemalis) and Scoters (Melanitta sp.) in the Baltic (Lemmetyinen, 1966) have also been blamed on oil pollution. To be able to combat the impact of oil pollution on avian populations, it is essential to have knowledge about its effects on birds. Oil pollution affects birds in several ways either indirectly by killing or contaminating their nutritional sources, such as plankton, invertebrates and fish, or directly via plumage oiling. Numerous experiments have been carried out to study the effects of oil on birds; most of these studies have been concerned with the toxic effects of ingested oil on the physiology of birds, and these have been reviewed in detail by several authors (see for instance Holmes, 1984; Leighton et al., 1985). In contrast, no review articles have focused on the effects that plumage oiling may have on the thermal balance of birds. The present paper therefore reviews the effects that external oiling has been reported to have on aquatic birds. Efforts have been made to reduce the effects of plumage oiling in birds. It is possible to remove the oil from the plumage of oiled birds using detergents and to restore the water-repellent properties of the oiled plumage (Clark & Gregory, 1971; Naviaux & Pittman, 1973; Randall et al., 1980; see also the review by Clark, 1984). Chemical treatment of oil slicks has been intro-


The acute effect of oil pollution on birds is on their thermal balance. Oil adheres to the plumage and causes a reduction in the water repellent properties of the plumage, causing water to penetrate into the plumage to displace the insulating layer of air. The effect of oil on the plumage insulation is dose-dependent. The effect of oiling is greatly enhanced when the oil is spread in the plumage due to preening. In water, plumage oiling may cause the heat loss to exceed the bird's heat production capacity, resulting in hypothermia. I f the oiled bird is ashore, with a dry plumage, it may have a normal thermal insulation. Bird species dependent upon feeding in water (such as diving birds) are therefore much more susceptible to the harmful effects of oil pollution than are semi-aquatic species that can feed ashore. It is possible to restore the water-repelling and insulative properties of the plumage by the process of cleaning if all the oil and soap is removed, and if the plumage is completely dry. Chemical treatment of oil has been suggested as a way to reduce the impact of oil spills on avian life. However, very few reports seem to have addressed the effects of chemically treated oil on the thermal balance of birds, and the results from one study actually indicate that oil treated with dispersants may be more harmful to birds than oil. The urgent need for more information about the effects of chemically treated oil on aquatic birds is therefore stressed. INTRODUCTION Marine oil pollution affects most marine life, from planktonic organisms and invertebrates (reviewed by Wells & Percy, 1985), and fish (reviewed by Rice, 1985), to higher vertebrates such as marine mammals (see Geraci & St. Aubin, 1990) and seabirds (reviewed by Clark, 1984; Holmes, 1984; Leighton et al., 1985; Hooper et al., 1987). Mainly because of the visual impact, seabirds are probably the most conspicuous casualties of oil pollution at sea. Following the 'Exxon Valdez' accident, where 260 000 barrels (30 000 metric tons) of crude oil leaked into the Prince William Sound in Alaska in March 1989, 32 345 * Address for correspondence. 207


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duced as a way of reducing the external oiling of birds. Application of chemical dispersants onto a slick reduces the surface tension of the oil-water interface and distributes the oil into a larger volume of the water column (Canevari, 1984). Birds at sea will thereby encounter smaller amounts of petroleum hydrocarbons and the effects are thought to be reduced, ultimately causing a reduction in seabird mortality (Peakall et al., 1987). This paper also discusses the effects of these efforts. Since, under natural conditions, oil pollution directly affects birds through a combination of toxic effects due to ingestion of oil, and thermoregulatory effects caused by plumage oiling, the major findings from the numerous studies on the effects of ingestion of petroleum oil by birds will shortly be reviewed. For the readers not acquainted with the field of thermoregulation, a short general introduction to this field will be given before elucidating the effects that external oiling may have on the thermal balance of aquatic birds. EFFECTS OF INGESTED OIL It has been demonstrated that the ingestion of oil affects reproductive ability (Hartung, 1965; Grau et al., 1977; Holmes et al., 1978a; Wotton et al., 1979; Vandergilder & Peterle, 1980; Ainley et al.. 1981; Harvey et al., 1981, 1982; Cavanaugh & Holmes, 1982; Gorsline & Holmes, 1982a) and may reduce eggshell thickness (Holmes et al., 1978a; Vangilder & Peterle, 1980; Harvey et al., 1982). External oiling of eggs may reduce gas conductance through the eggshell (Jenssen & Staurnes, 1989), slow embryonic growth, induce teratogenic malformations and decrease hatchability (Albers, 1977; Szaro & Albers, 1977; Albers, 1978; Hoffman, 1978; Albers, 1979; Coon et al., 1979; Hoffman, 1979a, b,c; King & Lefever, 1979; McGill & Richmond, 1979; White et al., 1979; Macko & King, 1980; Szaro et aL, 1980; Hoffman & Gay, 1981; Ellenton, 1982; Lewis & Malecki, 1984). In young birds, ingestion of oil has caused a reduction in growth rate in a variety of species (Miller et al., 1978; Szaro et al., 1978; Butler & Lukasiewicz, 1979; Peakall e t a / . , 1980, 1982), impaired osmoregulation (Miller et al., 1978; Peakall et al., 1980, 1983) and changes in intestinal absorption (Crocker et a/., 1974, 1975; Eastin & Murray, 1981). In adult birds, ingestion of oil has been shown to cause changes in hepatic enzyme function (Gorsline et a/., 1981; Gorsline & Holmes, 1981, 1982b; Jenssen et al., 1990), osmoregulatory abilities (Miller et al., 1976; Holmes et al., 1978b), and adrenocortical function and corticosterone levels (Peakall et al., 1981, Rattner & Eastin, 1981; Gorsline & Holmes, 1981, 1982b, c; Gorsline, 1982), and the physiological effects of ingested oil have been reported to increase in birds stressed simultaneously by other means (Holmes et al., 1978b, 1979). Ingestion of oil has also been reported to cause anemia in birds (Hartung & Hunt, 1966; Szaro et a/., 1978; Fry & Lowenstein, 1982; Pattee & Franson, 1982; Leighton et al., 1983). Crude oils from different

sources differ in their toxicity to birds (Crocker et al., 1975; Gorman & Simms, 1978; Peakall et aL, 1981), and the toxic effects of petroleum hydrocarbons have been attributed to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Hoffman, 1979a, b,c; Patton & Dieter, 1980; Peakall et aL, 1981, 1982). A general conclusion from toxicity studies seems to be that, in chicks and sub-adult birds, ingestion of relatively small amounts of oil may cause adverse effects on their physiology or even cause death. In contrast, adults are more resistant to the toxic effects of oil, and even though ingestion of oil generally evokes sublethal physiological effects, large amounts of oil seem to be required to cause direct mortality among adult birds. PRINCIPLES OF THERMOREGULATION During their adult life, birds maintain a relatively constant body temperature of about 40-5 + 0.5°C (Calder & King, 1974), independent of variations in the environmental temperature. The relative constancy of their body temperature is indicated by the term 'homeothermic' (Homoio-, similar), and since their high body temperature is achieved through production of heat by means of their own oxidative metabolism, these animals are called 'endothermic' (endon, within) (Richards, 1973). The heat balance of any animal is described by the net rate at which a subject generates and exchanges heat with its environment (First Law of Thermodynamics): S=M-

( W ) - ( E ) - ( C ) - ( K ) - (R)

where S is the storage of heat in the body, M is the metabolic energy transformation, W is work, E is evaporative heat transfer, C is convective heat transfer, K is conductive heat transfer, and R is radiant heat exchange. For an animal to keep its body temperature stable, at a given set-point (the value at which the body temperature is stabilized by the process of thermoregulation), there is no storage of heat in the body. The metabolic energy transformation, also termed 'metabolic rate' (MR), is the rate of transformation of chemical energy into heat (metabolic heat production, H) and mechanical work by aerobic and anaerobic metabolic activities within the organism. If the animal is at rest, no energy is used for mechanical work, and since the energy is released by oxidative reactions, MR equals H, and the heat production of the organism can be computed from the measured oxygen consumption. The terms [(E) - (C) - (K) - (R)] represent the external components, or the 'avenues' by which heat is exchanged between the animal and its external environment. In an animal at rest, the avenues of heat exchange are via evaporation (E), convection (C), conduction (K), and radiation (R). In practice, it is difficult both to measure and to distinguish between the avenues of heat transfer within the body or between the body and its external environment. As a simplification, the term

Effects of oil pollution and cleaning on the thermal balance of birds 'thermal conductance' (CT) has been introduced (this term is also known as 'total thermal conductance'). CT is a combined heat transfer coefficient for the entire body, and is thus a measure of the ease with which heat flows from the body core to the surrounding environment. Thermal conductance may be derived from the following equation: CT = H / ( T B - TA) in which H is heat production, Ta is body temperature and TA is the temperature of the surroundings (air and/or water). If the evaporative heat loss is included, the thermal conductance is often referred to as the 'wet' conductance (Aschoff, 1981), whereas if the evaporative heat loss is excluded [CT = ( n - E)/(T~ - TA)], it is often referred to as 'dry' conductance (Whittow, 1986). The reciprocal of the conductance (1/CT) is the total thermal insulation (/) of the animal. EFFECTS OF EXTERNAL OILING ON THERMOREGULATION The effect of oil pollution on the thermoregulation of seabirds was first noted by Portier and Raffy (1934). They experimentally oiled (with olive oil, vaseline or petroleum oil) the plumages of three pigeons and a duck (canard), and found that during exposure to low air temperatures, or immersion in water, their body temperature decreased. They concluded that fat or petroleum oil reduces the insulatory properties of the plumage of seabirds, and that oiled seabirds suffer death due to hypothermia. They also concluded that seabirds are particularly susceptible because, when in contact with water, the rate of heat loss rapidly exceeds the heat production capacity. Later studies have, in addition to examining the effect of external oiling on body temperature, also included other thermoregulatory variables, such as heat production, heat loss and thermal insulation. Several studies have also addressed the dose-response issue. Whereas Portier and Raffy (1934) examined only the effect of external oiling on body temperature, Hartung (1967) and McEwan and Koelink (1973) in their studies on externally oiled ducks also included measurements of metabolic heat production. They noted that the mechanism responsible for the reduction of the water repellency of the plumage is that the oil adheres to the feathers, so that they become clogged together and matted. Thus, water can penetrate into the plumage and displaces the insulating layer of air, leading to increased heat loss, and a consequent rise in metabolic rate. The effect of external oiling on the thermoregulation (i.e. on the thermal insulation of the plumage) of ducks has been shown to be dependent upon the amount of water that is absorbed into the plumage (Jenssen & Ekker, 1991a). This is governed by the amount of oil to which the birds are exposed (Hartung, 1967; McEwan & Koelink, 1973; Jenssen & Ekker, 1989, 1991a), and the extent to which they have spread the oil into their plumage by preening (Jenssen & Ekker, 1991b).


Effects in air and water

The effect of plumage-oiling on thermal insulation is also dependent upon whether the oiled birds are in water or on land. The heat loss of oiled eiders (Somateria mollissima) in water was 360% higher than normal, and exceeded the peak metabolic rate of the birds. Thus, these oiled birds became hypothermic (Jenssen & Ekker, 1990). Hypothermia (1.5-4°C) has also been reported in oiled jackass penguins (Spheniscus demersus) and Cape gannets (Sula capensis) swimming in water (Erasmus et aL, 1981; Kerley & Erasmus, 1986; Kerley et aL, 1987). When oiled and water-soaked eiders were placed, on land (i.e. in air, rather than water) their heat loss (thermal conductance) and MR were only 57% and 72% respectively, higher than normal (Jenssen & Ekker, 1990). After their plumage had dried, their CT and MR did not differ significantly from that of normal eiders, and the oiled eiders had no problems in regulating their body temperature at a normal level. However, when the birds were returned to water, their CT and M R increased, and the birds became hypothermic. The need for the plumage to be dry in order to protect against heat loss has also been demonstrated in another study, where the MR of four water-soaked, cleaned eiders decreased towards a normal level as their plumage dried (Jenssen & Ekker, 1989). Therefore, unless the plumage is so contaminated by a thick oil that it collapses the plumage, even though it contains no water, the thermal insulation capacity of a dry plumage does not seem to be much affected in oiled birds. In a real-life situation it is, however, possible that precipitation and convection due to wind may cause a higher than normal heat loss in oiled birds, even though their plumage is initially dry. Hartung (1967), McEwan & Koelink (1973) and Lambert et aL (1982) have demonstrated increases in the metabolic rate in plumage-oiled mallards (Anas playvrhynchos), black ducks (Anas rupribes) and scaups (Aythya spp.) ranging from 7 to 100% in air, while Jenssen et aL (1985) reported that no metabolic response was found in a naturally oiled common murre (Uria aalge). These figures are all within the range of the metabolic response presently reported for oiled eiders in air (Jenssen & Ekker, 1990). Furthermore, Culik et al. (1991) reports that in air, Ad61ie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) contaminated by vegetable oil had reduced heart rates (90 versus 98 bpm), and energy expenditure (4-7 versus 5.2 W kg 1) compared to controls. In water, their swimming speed was lower than that of controls (1.6 versus 1.8 m s ~), their heart rate was higher (321 versus 252 bpm), and their M R while swimming was 50% higher than in controls (18.8 versus 12.7 W kgl). Also, their cost of transport in water was 73% higher than that of controls (12.1 versus 7.0 J kg ~ m t). It is reasonable to believe that the vegetable oil that these penguins were contaminated with, excellently mimicked the effects of petroleum oil. Thus, experiments carried out only in air underestimate the effect that oiling may have on the


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thermoregulation and energetics of aquatic birds that normally reside both in air and water. Birds compared to marine mammals In aquatic mammals that depend upon a water-repellent fur to remain normothermic in water, such as the sea otter (Costa Kooyman, 1982; Siniff et al., 1982; Davis et al. 1988), the muskrat (McEwan et al., 1974) and the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) (Hurst & Oritsland, 1982; Hurst et al., 1982; Hurst et al., 1991), external oiling reduces the thermal insulation of the fur, and evokes the same physiological responses as described in plumage-contaminated birds. By contrast, external oiling has little or no effect on the heat balance of aquatic mammals that depend upon a sub-dermal layer of blubber for insulation against heat loss. Pelts from harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus), bearded (Erignathus barbatus), and Weddel (Leptonychotes weddelli) seals and California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) show little or no change in heat conductance after oiling (Oritsland & Smith, 1975; Kooyman et al., 1977). Effects on behavioral thermoregulation Costa and Kooyman (1982) and Davis et al. (1988) showed that oiling caused sea otters to increase their activities, such as grooming and swimming, that are energetically demanding. Taking into account that activity of an oiled individual in water could lead to increased heat loss compared to activity on land, this seems to be an inefficient way of thermoregulation, unless the activity is directed towards feeding. In a behavioral study conducted in a large outdoor seawater pool, it was demonstrated that exposure of two common eiders to 2.5 ml of a Statt]ord A crude oil--Finasol OSR-5 mixture, caused the birds to increase their preening activity, and to reduce the time spent in water (Ekker et al., 1989). Since the heat loss of oiled birds is less in air than in water (Jenssen & Ekker, 1990), the behavior of spending less time in water can be considered as a thermoregulatory behavior. However, some aquatic birds, e.g. auks, cormorants, and seaducks, have no possibilities of feeding ashore, and they are therefore faced with a choice between starving ashore or entering the sea, where they are forced to increase their energetic expenditure to remain normothermic. If the heat loss exceeds the peak metabolic rate (PMR), they will suffer death from hypothermia. Effects in different species Results from the studies of plumage oiling on birds suggest that different species of aquatic birds may respond differently to plumage contamination (Hartung, 1967; McEwan & Koelink, 1973; Jenssen & Ekker, 1991b). Although in some of these studies the different magnitude of effects may be a result of different experimental protocols, in Jenssen and Ekker (1991b), the species (common eider and mallard) were treated identically, and the results therefore probably reveal a true difference in susceptibility. It was suggested that the difference in susceptibility between mallards and eiders

may be due to differences in their plumage structure. The soft and air-filled plumage of the eider probably collapses more readily than the more compact, but less insulating, plumage of mallards. If this suggestion is true, aquatic birds with low minimal values of thermal conductance (CTmin) are most susceptible to plumage oiling. In discussing the impact of oil on birds, it is convenient to group aquatic birds into four broad categories based on how they utilize the aquatic environment. These categories may also be functional when discussing comparative aspects of thermoregulation in aquatic birds. Similar categories have recently been presented by MacArthur (1989) for discussing thermophysiological relationships in aquatic mammals. The first category consists of semi-aquatic species, such as swans (Cygnus), geese (Anserinae), dabbling ducks (Anatini) and gulls (Larinae), which readily move between water and land, and seek food in both of these environments. The second category consists of semimarine birds that feed at sea, often inshore. These may be plunge divers or surface feeders, but generally they spend a great part of their time ashore or flying. This category is represented by species such as gannets (Sulidae), terns (Sterninae) and some gulls. The third category, pelagic seabirds, include pelagic species that either are surface feeders, plunge divers, or pluck food from the ocean surface while flying. This group is represented by species such as albatrosses (Diomedeidae), fulmars, shearwaters, petrels and storm-petrels (Procellariformes), and skuas (Stercorariidae). The fourth group, diving birds, includes penguins (Sphenisciformes), loons (Gaviiformes), grebes (Podicpiediformes), cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae), diving ducks (Aythvinae), sawbills (Merginae), and auks (Alcidae), species that spend most of their lives more or less immersed in the aquatic environment. This latter category can be regarded as the most adapted to an aquatic life/ environment. The dependency of different species on the aquatic environment for feeding will be decisive for their chances of surviving plumage oiling. Oiled diving birds may have a normal thermoregulation when they are ashore, but they will be subjected to a large heat loss as they enter the sea for feeding. In contrast, oiled pelagic, semi-aquatic and semi-marine birds may avoid the great heat loss by feeding ashore or reducing their stay in water. According to Piatt et al. (1990) more diving species than pelagic species were killed following the 'Exxon Valdez' spill in March 1989. Additionally, the heat loss from a small oiled, watersoaked, bird would be greater than that from a large bird due to the surface--volume ratio. Thus, from a thermal point of view, small diving birds with low values of CTmin are most vulnerable to plumage oiling, whilst large semi-aquatic birds are least vulnerable to oiling. This is in accord with the general view of susceptibility of different bird species, based on reports of mortality following oil spills (Leighton et al., 1985; Hunt, 1987).

Effects of oil pollution and cleaning on the thermal balance o f birds It is also worthwhile mentioning that the risk of coming into contact with an oil spill at sea is naturally highest for the more aquatic species. EFFECTS OF INGESTED OIL ON THERMOREGULATION

Oil can be ingested when animals groom or preen their contaminated fur or plumage (Hartung & Hunt, 1966; Hurst et al., 1982), or while feeding on contaminated prey (Clark & Goumey, 1987). Studies on polar bears, rats (Rattus norwegicus), common eiders and domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) indicate that ingestion of oil may cause hyperthermia or fever (Hurst et al., 1982; Haim et al., 1984; Jenssen & Ekker, 1988, 1990; Jenssen, 1989). Haim et al. (1984) suggested that, since no effect of ingested oil was found on the rats' MR, the hyperthermia was caused by increased peripheral vasoconstriction and thus decreased heat loss. This suggestion is supported by the lack of effect on MR in domestic ducks that had developed hyperthermia following oral dosing of Statfjord A crude oil (Jenssen, 1989). In contrast to the above-cited reports of hypothermia in oil-exposed homeotherms, are the reports of hypothermia in glaucous-winged gulls (Larus glaucescence) that had been covered by 150 ml of Marine Bunker fuel for 4-5 days (Hughes et al., 1990), and in Ad61ie penguins externally contaminated with vegetable oil (Culik et al., 1991). Hughes et al. (1990) indicate that a low salt intake observed in the oiled birds could be associated with their low body temperature (TB), because such a relationship has previously been reported in chicks (Arad & Skaghauge, 1986). Culik et al. (1991) also found that the MR of oiled penguins was reduced, and propose that within the thermoneutral zone in air, the MR and thereby Ta may be reduced in oiled penguins in order to limit heat loss. Butler et al. (1986) showed that when measuring MR with doubly labeled water, experimental oil ingestion by Leach's storm petrel (Oceanodroma leucora) led to a 25% increase in the metabolic rate. However, when using respiriometry to measure MR, no such increase in MR was detected in birds that had ingested oil. The increased MR found in the doubly labeled experiment may reflect an effect on behavior of the oil-exposed birds. EFFECTS OF CLEANING OILED BIRDS

It has been shown that the water-repellent and insulative function of oiled birds' plumages can be regained only when all the oil and detergent are removed, and the plumage has dried completely (Clark & Gregory, 1971; Kerley et al., 1987; Jenssen & Ekker, 1988, 1989; see also review by Clark, 1984). Thus, it is possible that the high MR after cleaning of oiled mallards reported by McEwan & Koelink (1973) was caused by oil or detergent residues left in the plumage, or that their plumage was not completely dry. In contrast to the rapid return of the MR to pre-


oiling levels, and restoration of the plumage insulation, in cleaned birds (Jenssen & Ekker, 1988, 1989), Costa & Kooyman 0982) and Davis et al. (1988) demonstrated that the MR of oiled sea otters that had been cleaned needed 3-8 days to return to pre-oiling levels. Williams et al. (1988) and Davis et al. 0988) also demonstrated that cleaned sea otters needed at least 5 days to re-impregnate the unoiled parts of their pelt with hydrophobic waxes, and more than 7 days to reimpregnate the oiled parts. It therefore seems as though hydrophobic waxes are more important for the waterrepellent and insulative properties of the fur of aquatic mammals, than is the case for the water-repellency of the plumages of aquatic birds. The effect of dispersant mixtures on heat production, following contamination with 2.5 ml, was approximately twice that found for eiders not previously contaminated (Jenssen & Ekker, 1991b). This could indicate that rehabilitated birds are more sensitive to subsequent plumage contamination than are normal birds. It is possible that this greater susceptibility of the plumage of cleaned birds is the result of preen-gland waxes being removed during the cleaning process. This effect may have contributed to the high mortality rates reported for rehabilitated birds. Frost et al. (1976) reported a 1.8% recovery of ringed rehabilitated jackass penguins, compared to less than 1% of normal birds, indicative of an increased mortality in cleaned birds. In laboratory investigations, Swennen (1977) found an annual mortality of 36% in cleaned birds, as compared to 7% in normal birds. When oiled birds are brought into rehabilitation, their general condition may be poor, and this may affect their chances of surviving the rehabilitation process. Frink (1982) reported that at Tri-State Bird Rescue, Delaware, USA, there was a strong correlation between body weight and mortality, as well as between body temperature and mortality. In groups of diving ducks with a body weight or body temperature at or above the average for their species a 100% release rate was achieved. Females that did not meet this standard showed an 80% mortality, and males a 56% mortality, during the rehabilitation process. It has been shown that it is possible to reduce the cleaning time by using more efficient cleaning agents, and that different cleaning agents restore the insulative value of the plumage to different degrees (Jenssen & Ekker, 1989). Differences in the efficiency of different detergents to remove oil and to restore the insulatory function of fur was also demonstrated by Williams et al. (1988), who cleaned samples of adult sea-otter pelts using different cleaning agents. Thus, by applying more efficient detergents it is possible to reduce the time needed for cleaning oiled animals, but cleaning and rehabilitation of oiled birds are still time and energy consuming, and to be successful, the process requires considerable skill. Furthermore, as demonstrated by Khan and Ryan (1991), toxic effects of oil that birds have ingested while preening their oiled plumage, may permanently disable birds or protract their recovery.


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EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TO OIL-DISPERSANT MIXTURES Only two experiments (i.e. Lambert et al., 1982; Jenssen & Ekker, 1991b) seem to have been performed to study the effects of chemically treated oil on the thermoregulation of birds. The lack of experimental data concerning the effects of chemically treated oil on birds has led to a divergence of opinion as to whether an oil slick at sea should be dispersed, or not, in order to minimize its impact on seabirds (Clark, 1984; Lindstedt-Siva et al., 1984; Peakall et al., 1987). The effects of contamination by oil-dispersant mixtures have been reported to be qualitatively identical to that of the oil alone; the mixture reduced the water repellency of the plumage, resulting in absorption of water, increased heat loss and metabolic rate (Lambert et al., 1982; Jenssen Ekker, 1991b). It has, however, been reported that, as compared to crude oil (Statfjord A), a much smaller volume (1/100) of chemically treated crude oil (Statfjord A/Finasol OSR-5) was required to cause significant effects on plumage insulation and thermoregulation in eiders (Jenssen & Ekker, 1991b). Although the experiments were conducted on a limited number of birds, one may speculate that the reason for the extremely low tolerance for chemically treated oil is that the surfactants in the dispersants more easily adhere to the feather structure, possibly by binding to the hydrophobic waxes in the plumage. This would reduce the surface tension at the feather-water interface and enhance the effects of contamination on the insulative properties of the plumage. Lambert et al. (1982) demonstrated that exposure to 13.2 ml of a mixture of Prudhoe Bay crude oil and the chemical dispersant Corexit 9527, led to a 23% increase in the metabolic rate of mallards. Thus, exposure to other oil-dispersant mixtures also seems to cause a reduction in the plumage insulation. The greater increase in the MR (30-130%) in mallards contaminated by 10 ml of a mixture of Statfjord A crude oil and Finasol OSR-5 (Jenssen & Ekker, 1991b), is most likely due to these ducks being in water, whereas the ducks in Lambert et al.'s (1982) study were in air, and thus exposed to an environment with a lower thermal strain. Since chemically treated oil may form a thin film on the sea surface (where birds swim), in a 'worst case' scenario, chemical treatment of an oil slick may expose aquatic birds to less, but more harmful, chemically treated oil. However, this is based on a limited amount o f available data, and so is merely speculative. Until more information about the effects of chemically treated oil on aquatic birds is available, any decision on whether to disperse or not, to reduce the impact on birds, will be based on speculation. The urgent need for more information about the effects of chemically treated oil on aquatic birds is therefore stressed.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr D. B. Peakall, Prof. N. A. Oritsland, Prof. C. Bech and Prof. K. E. Zachariassen for critical comments on the contents of this paper.

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