Review Of Biological Activities Of " Tinospora Cordifolia "

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3 Oct 2010 ... Subject Categories:PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES. Keywords:Tinospora Cordifolia. How to cite the article:Singla A . Review Of BiologicalĀ ...
Article ID: WMC00606

ISSN 2046-1690

Review Of Biological Activities Of " Tinospora Cordifolia " Corresponding Author: Mr. Akant Singla, Executive, D. College of Pharmacy, Barnala, Punjab, 148 101 - India Submitting Author: Mr. Akant Priya P Singla, Executive, D. College of Pharmacy, Barnala, Punjab, 148 101 - India

Article ID: WMC00606 Article Type: Review articles Submitted on:03-Oct-2010, 05:16:46 AM GMT

Published on: 12-Sep-2010, 07:16:12 PM GMT

Article URL: Subject Categories:PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Keywords:Tinospora Cordifolia How to cite the article:Singla A. Review Of Biological Activities Of " Tinospora Cordifolia ". WebmedCentral PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 2010;1(9):WMC00606 WebmedCentral Peer Reviewed: Yes

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Review Of Biological Activities Of " Tinospora Cordifolia " Author(s): Singla A



Tinospora cordifolia is one of the constituents of several ayurvedic preparations used in general debility, dyspepsia, fever and urinary diseases. The stem is bitter, stomachic, diuretic, stimulates bile secretion, causes constipation, allays thirst, burning sensation, vomiting, enriches the blood and cures jaundice. The extract of its stem is useful in skin diseases. The root and stem of T. cordifolia are prescribed in combination with other drugs as an anti-dote to snake bite and scorpion sting Dry barks of T. cordifolia has anti-spasmodic, anti- pyretic, anti-allergic , anti-inflammatory and anti-leprotic properties.

Various pharmacological actions and medicinal uses of the different parts of plant are well reported in the ancient literature. Biological activities of the crude extracts as well as its different fractions from leaf, root, stem bark and fruit have been reported. The biological activities of crude extract(s) of various part(s) of guduchi on different animal models as well as on human beings have been discussed in the following below

Introduction Tinospora cordifolia (TC) is a large extensively spreading glabrous, perennial deciduous twiner with succulent stems and papery bark; leaves simple, alternate, cordate, entire, 7-9 nerved; flowers in clusters, female flowers usually solitary; fruits drupes, red when ripe. The surface of the stems appears to be closely studded with warty tubercles and the surface skin is longitudinally fissured. On removal of the surface skin the dark greenish mucilaginous stem is seen. The plant is sometimes cultivated for ornamental value and is propagated by cuttings. The leaves afford a good fodder for cattle. Ayurvedic literature quotes guduchi as a constituent of several compound preparations, used in general debility, dyspepsia, fever and urinary diseases. It has multiple actions like; stem is a bitter stomachic; stimulates bile secretion; causes constipation; tonic; allays thirst, fever, burning sensation, prevents vomiting; diuretic; enriches the blood; cures jaundice; useful in skin diseases; the juice is useful in diabetes, vaginal and urethral discharges, low fevers, and enlarged spleen (Ayurveda). The root and stem are prescribed in combination with other drugs as an antidote to snake bite and scorpion sting. An infusion of the powdered stem is used as an alternative and tonic and has enjoyed the reputation among ancient Hindu writers of being an aphrodisiac.

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Abbreviation(s) EtOH







Petroleum ether

References 1. Dhuley JN. Effect of some Indian herbs on macrophage functions in ochratoxin A treated mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 1997; 58: 15-20. 2. Thatte UM , Dahanukar SA. Comaparative study of immunomodulating activity of Indian Medicinal Plants, Lithium carbonate and glucan. Methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacology, 1988; 10(10): 639-644. 3. Thatte UM, Dahanukar SA. Immunotherapeutic modifications of experimental infection by Indian Medicinal Plants. Phytotherapy Research. 1989; 3: 43-49. 4. Mathew S, kuttan G. Antioxidant activity of Tinospora Cordifolia and its usefulness in the amelioration of cyclophosphamide induced toxicity. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research. (1997); 16(4): 407-411. 5. Grover JK , Vats V. Amelioration of experimental diabetic neuropathy and gastropathy in rats following oral administration of plants (Eugenia jambolana, Mucurna Pruriens and Tinospora cardifolia) extracts. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2002; 40: 273-276.

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6. Wadood N et al., Effetc of Tinospora cordifolia on blood glucose and totallipid levels of normal and alloxan-diabetic rabbits. Planta Med. 1992; 58: 131-136. 7. Prince PSM, Menon VP. Short communications : Hypogycaemic and Hypolipidaemic action of alcohol extract of Tinospora cordifolia roots in chemical induced diabetes in rats. Phytotherapy Research. 2003; 17: 410-413. 8. Dhar ML, Dhar MM, Dhawan BN, Mehrotra BN, Ray C. Screeing of Indian Plants For Biological Activity : Part I*. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1968; 6: 232-245. 9. Raghunathan K, Sharma PV. Effect of Tinospora cordifolia Miers (guduchi) on adrenaline induced hyperglycaemia. Jour. Res. Ind. Med. 1969 ; 4(1): 59-62. 10. Bishayi B, Roychowdhury S, Ghosh S, Sengupta M. Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory properties of Tinospora cordifolia in CCL4 intoxicated mature albino rats. The journal of Toxicological Sciences. 2002; 27(3): 139-146. 11. Nagarkatti DS etal., Modulation of Kupffer cell activity by Tinospora cordifolia in liver damage. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 1994; 40(2): 65-67. 12. Jeyachandran R etal., Antibacterial activity of stem extracts of Tinospora cordifolia (Wild.) Hook.f & Thomson. Ancient sciences of life. 2003; XXIII (1) july, August, September: 40-43. 13. Gupta KC , Viswanathan R. Antituberculous substances from plants. Antibiotics and Chemotherapy. 1956; 6: 194-195. 14. Dahanukar SA etal., Immunotherapeutic modification by Tinospora cordifolia of abdominal sepsis induced by caecal ligation in rats. Indian Jornal of Gastroenterology. 1988; 7(1): 21-23. 15. Ikram M etal., Antipyretic studies on some indigenous Pakistani medicinal Plants : II. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 1987; 19: 185-192. 16. Vedavathy S, Rao KN. Short communications : Antipyretic activity of six indigenous medicinal plants of Trimula Hills, Andhra Pardesh, India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 1991; 33: 193-196. 17. Sarma DNK etal., Effetc of Tinospora cordifolia on brain neurotransmitters in stressed rats. Fitoterapia. 1995a; LXVI(5): 421-422. 18. Sarma DNK etal., Short communication: Antiulcer activity of Tinospora cordifolia Miers and Centella asiatica Linn extracts. Phytotherapy Research. 1995b; 9: 589-590. 19. Patil M etal., Antistress activity of Tinospora cordifolia (wild) Miers. Indian Drugs. 1997; 34(4): 211-215. 20. Pendse VK etal., Anti-inflammatory,

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immunosuppressive and some related pharmacologicalactions of the water extract of Tinospora cordifolia: A preliminary report. Ind. J. Pharmac. 1977; 9(3): 221-224. 21. Gulati OD, Pandey DC. Anti-inflammatory activity of Tinospora cordifolia. Rheumatism. 1982; 17(2): 76-83. 22. Sherlekar RR etal., XXXIII Annual Conference of the Indian Pharmacological Society, Gandhinagar, December 28-30, 2000 Abstracts Part- II, no. 95. In-vitro effect of Tinospora cordifolia on leukemic cell proliferation. Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 2001; 33: 130. 23. Mathew S, Kuttan G. Immunomodulatory and antitumour activities of Tinospora cordifolia. Fitoterapia. 1997; 70: 35-43. 24. Prince PSM, Menon VP. Short communications, Antioxidant action of Tinospora cordifolia roots in experimental diabetes. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 1999; 65: 277-281. 25. Prince PSM, Menon VP. Antioxidant action of Tinospora cordifolia root extract in alloxan diabetic rats. Phytotherapy Research. 2001; 15: 213-218. 26. Maryamma KI etal., Ameliorating effect of Amrutha (Tinospora cordifolia) in aflatoxicosis of ducks. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 1990; 21(2): 93-96. 27. Goel HC etal., Radioprotective potential of an herbal extract of Tinospora cordifolia. Journal of Radiation Research. 2004; 45: 61-68. 28. Pahadiya S, Sharma J. Short communication: Alteration of lethal effects of gamma rays in Swiss albino mice by Tinospora cordifolia. Phytotherapy Research. 2003; 17: 552-554.

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Illustrations Illustration 1 View of " Tinospora cordifolia "

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Illustration 2 Biological activities of T. cordifolia




Immuno-mo Ochratoxin A induced Ethanolic immune suppression (Whole Plant) dulatory 1 Action

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Animal Model


Dose (mg/kg)




Peptide ImmunoIL-1 and stimulatio TNF normalise n d

Cyclophosphamide Aquous (Stem) 100 induced myelosuppression in mice 2, 3

Increased Protective levels of against WBC myelo-sup ression (neutrophi ls)

Cyclophosphamide induced myelosuppression in mice 4

Reduced free radical formation and enhanced bone marrow cell differentia tion


Protective against cyclophos phamide induced toxic effects Page 5 of 15


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Alloxan diabetic rats 7


Hypolipidemic Effect

Alcoholic (Root)


Reduce blood glucose levels

Fasted albino rats 8 Ethanolic (Stem)


30% Hypo-glyc reduction aemic in blood action sugar

Adrenaline induced Aqueous hyperglycaemia in (Stem) rabbits 9


Inhibited Anti-hyper adrenaline glycemic induced effect hyper-glyc aemia

Alloxan diabetic rats 7


Decreased Hypo-lipid levels of emic both Effect serum and tissue cholesterol , phospholi pids, free fatty acid

Alcoholic (Root)

Hypoglyca emic action

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Alloxan diabetic rabbits 6

Aqueous, Alcohlic,

50,100,1 No 50,200 significant



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CCl4 intoxicated rats 10

Aqueous (Stem)


Horse serum injection induced chronic liver damage in rats 11

Aqueous decoction (Stem)


Reduced elevated serum liver enzyme level to near control levels


Improved Hepatokupffer Protective cell function

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Anti-infective Effects

Invitro using Aqueous, 12 Ethanolic diffusion assay and CHCl3 (Strains of E.choli, Proteus vulgaris, (Stem) Enterobacter faecalis , Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, Serratia marcescens)

100 mg/ml incubati on 24 h/ 37o C

Ethanolic Antibacter ial activity : All organisms CHCl3: 4 organisms excluding Staphycoc cus aureus and Serratia marcescen s Aqueous: E.choli

Ranikhet disease virus (In vitro) 8

Starins of Mycobactreium Tuberculosis 13

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Ethanolic (Stem)

50Āµg/ml Reduction Antiviral Incubati in viral activity` on 48-72 progeny h/ 37o C

Ether (Aerial Parts)

Inhibition Anti of invitro tuberculos growth of is activity Mycobactr eium Tuberculo sis

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Yeast induced Hexane, pyrexia (Himalayan CHCl3/ Rabbits) 15 Water Soluble Fraction (Ethanolic; Stem)


0.38-0.60o Antipyreti c activity C Temperatu re decrease

yeast induced pyrexia (Albino rats) 16

Ethanolic (Whole Plant)


0.3-2 0C Antipyreti Temperatu c activity re reduction

8h resistant stress Alcoholic induced changes in (Root) brain(Charles foaster male rats) 17


Normalize CNS d Brain dependent NA, activity Dopamine, 5-HT and 5-HIAA

stress induced Ethanolic ulcerization (Male (Root) rats) 18


Protective Ulcer-prot effect ective against activity stress induced ulcerizatio n

Extract 100 suspensions (Pet ether., Acetone, Ethanol

Antistress Antistress action in activity mouse swimming endurance

swimming endurance test (Mouse) 19

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ANTI-INFLAMM a.Carrageen induced Aqueous AT0RY EFFECTS inflammation in Rat (Stem)

b.croton oil induced inflammation in Rat




a.Cotton pellet-induced granuloma

Aqueous (Stem)

a. Anti-infla Inhibition mmatory of acute activity inflammati on

b. Inhibition of chronic inflammati on

a.1250 Reduced and 500 inflammat ory response

Antiinflammat ory activity

b.1 b.Formalin induced arthritis (Rat Models) 21 Human leukemic cell lines (HL-60,U-937) Webmedcentral > Review articles

(in vitro) 22

Not specified 100mg/ Reduce Antineopl ml proliferati astic on index activity of human leukemic cell lines

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Sarcoma 180,heptoma ANTI-OXIDANT 129(Mouse) 8 EFFECTS

Ethanolic (Stem)

Not Anti specified tumourige nic activity


RADIO-PROTEC- Alloxan diabetic TIVE EFFECTS rats 24, 25

Aqueous (Root)


Antitumourige nic activity

Reduced Antioxida TBARS, nt activity Ceruloplas min and Tocophero l

Increased plasma Glutathion e, Vit C, Catalase, SOD

Aflatoxicosis of Aqueous White pekin ducks (Stem) 26

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100g(in a) No An 1L of toxicity ameliorati drinking ng effect water for b) 1 month) Increased body weight c) Improved haematolo gical parameters

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Mice exposure to Ethanolic gamma radiation 27 (Stem)


Increased Radio-prot survival ective activity Prevented body loss Increased CFU counts in spleen, Restored total lymphocyt es counts

Mice exposure to Aqueous gamma radiation 28 extract

5,10 or Increased Radio-prot 20 survival ective time activity

Improvem ent of clinical signs.

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Reviews Review 1 Review Title: Review

Of Biological Activities Of

Posted by Dr. Rao SK on 11 Feb 2011 01:13:55 PM GMT 1

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Rating: 5 Comment: Reviews on Tinospora cordifolia has been extensively carried out Thatte and Dahanukar. So, its not a new contribution. Recent references of biological properties should be used. The authors have not included any recent references. Competing interests: no Invited by the author to make a review on this article? : No Have you previously published on this or a similar topic?: Yes References: G. C. Jagetia, Shaival K. Rao. Evaluation of the antineoplastic activity of Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) in Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma bearing mice. Biol Pharm Bull. 2006, 29(3):460-6. G. C. Jagetia, Shaival K. Rao. Evaluation of cytotoxic effects of dichloromethane extract of guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia Miers Ex Hook F & Thoms) in cultured HeLa cells. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2006, 3(2):267-72. Shaival K. Rao, Priya S. Rao and B. Nageshwara Rao. Preliminary investigation of the radiosensitizing activity of guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma bearing mice. Phytotherapy Research, 2008, 22 (11), 1482 1489. Shaival K. Rao, Priya S. Rao, Alteration on the radiosensitivity of HeLa cells by dichloromethane extract of guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). Integrative Cancer Therapies, 2010, 9 (4): 378 ? 374. Experience and credentials in the specific area of science: 10 years How to cite: SK R.Review Of Biological Activities Of [Review of the article 'Review Of Biological Activities Of " Tinospora Cordifolia " ' by ].WebmedCentral 1970;2(2):WMCRW00458

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Review 2 Review Title: Review

Of Biological Activities Of " Tinospora Cordifolia "

Posted by Mr. Sandeep K Goyal on 13 Oct 2010 01:24:18 AM GMT Rating: 0 Comment: No comments Invited by the author to make a review on this article? : No Have you previously published on this or a similar topic?: No Experience and credentials in the specific area of science: 5 years How to cite: Goyal S.Review Of Biological Activities Of " Tinospora Cordifolia "[Review of the article 'Review Of Biological Activities Of " Tinospora Cordifolia " ' by ].WebmedCentral 1970;1(10):WMCRW0065

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