NCDPI Reference Tables for Physics (2012) Version 2. Page 1. Physics
Reference Tables. Physical Constant. Symbol. Value. Acceleration due to gravity
The Index of Refraction for Common Substances. Air. 1.00. Alcohol. 1.36. Corn Oil. 1.47. Diamond. 2.42. Glass, Crown. 1.
TYPE. Reference. Tables. N.I.S.T.. Monograph 175. Revised to. ITS-90. Revised
Thermocouple. Reference Tables. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE RANGE.
Henry Shenker, John I. Lauritzen, Jr., Robert J. Corruccini and S. T. ... and
issuance of up-to-date temperature-electromotive-force tables for thermo-
couples used in science and industry to convert the measured electromotive ....
Degrees Fahrenh
realization and use of a Dynamic Hydrogen Electrode (DHE) device as a .... that the reference electrode potential may differ slightly from that of SHE (Standard.
International Thermocouple Color Codes - Thermocouple and Extension Grade
Wires. + ... Wire). (Compensated Cable). (Compensated Cable). No Standard.
A thermocouple produces an EMF based on the composition of the two dissimilar
metals only, .... Note: To determine the limits of error in degrees C, multiply the
limits of error in degrees F x 5/9. ... er temperatures than shown on the chart, they
Debt standstills and orderly debt workout procedures . ..... countries (HIPC) or a bolder debt relief initiative, which we discuss below. All these issues have.
an iron-constantan (Type J) thermocouple instead of the ... extended so the
copper-to-iron junctions are made on .... This procedure works with voltmeters.
These standards were established by SAE (Society of Automotive. Engineers)
specification SAE AMS 2750 Rev. C in 1990. This specification has been
Special: 1.1°C or 0.4%. COMMENTS, BARE ... K. -260 -6.458 -6.457 -6.456 -6.455 -6.453 -6.452 -6.450 -6.448 -6.446 -6.444 -6.441 -260. -250 -6.441 -6.438 ...
Nickel-Chromium vs. Nickel-Aluminum + – Extension Grade
Revised Thermocouple Reference Tables
Thermoelectric Voltage in Millivolts
ANSI color code
IEC color code
MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE RANGE Thermocouple Grade – 328 to 2282°F – 200 to 1250°C Extension Grade 32 to 392°F 0 to 200°C LIMITS OF ERROR (whichever is greater) Standard: 2.2°C or 0.75% Above 0°C 2.2°C or 2.0% Below 0°C Special: 1.1°C or 0.4% COMMENTS, BARE WIRE ENVIRONMENT: Clean Oxidizing and Inert; Limited Use in Vacuum or Reducing; Wide Temperature Range; Most Popular Calibration TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES °C REFERENCE JUNCTION AT 0°C
Reference Tables N.I.S.T. Monograph 175 Revised to ITS‑90
°C -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 °C °C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 °C
°C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 °C °C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 °C
Reference Tables N.I.S.T. Monograph 175 Revised to ITS‑90
IEC color code
ANSI color code
Revised Thermocouple Reference Tables
Nickel-Chromium vs. Nickel-Aluminum + – Extension Grade
MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE RANGE Thermocouple Grade – 328 to 2282°F – 200 to 1250°C Extension Grade 32 to 392°F 0 to 200°C LIMITS OF ERROR (whichever is greater) Standard: 2.2°C or 0.75% Above 0°C 2.2°C or 2.0% Below 0°C Special: 1.1°C or 0.4% COMMENTS, BARE WIRE ENVIRONMENT: Clean Oxidizing and Inert; Limited Use in Vacuum or Reducing; Wide Temperature Range; Most Popular Calibration TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES °C REFERENCE JUNCTION AT 0°C
Thermoelectric Voltage in Millivolts
°C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 °C °C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 °C