rVegrlrli nLúl
Revisionof the Afrotropical flea beetlegenusCollartaltica Bechyné with description of two new species(Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae,Alticinae) M. BIONDI andP.D'ALESSANDRO
& D'Alessandro,P. Revision of the Afrotropical flea beetle genus Collartaltica Bechynéwith descriptionof two new species(Coleoptera,Chrysomelidae,Alticínae).Insect November2004.ISSN 1399-560X Syst.Evol.35:285-298.Copenhagen
InsectSyst.Evol.Biondi, M.
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The known speciesof the flea beetlegenusCollartalticaBechyné,endemicto theAfrotropical Region, are ievised.A brief diagnosisof the genusis given and two new species,C. meridionalis sp.n. and C. alluaudi sp.n., respectivelyfrom the SouthemAfrica and Kenya, are described.Line drawings of male and female genitalia and scanning electron micrographs of particularmorphologicalaspectsof the speciesconsideredare alsoincluded.Finally, a cladistic analysisof this genususing maximum parsimonyis presented. Biondi, M. & D'Alessandro,P. Dipartirnentodi ScienzeAmbientali, University of L'Aquila, 670I 0 Coppito:L Aquila, Italy, (
[email protected]).
gique, Brussels,Belgium; MCSN: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria". Genova. Collartaltica Bechyné, 1959 is a genus of Italy; MNHN: Muséum National d'Histoire ChrysomelidaeAlticinae endemic to the AfrotroNaturelle,Paris,France;MRAC: MuséeRoyal de pical Region,including the following five species: l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium; MZLU: C. cryptostonxaBechyné,1959, C. tenebrosa(La- Lund University, Sweden;NHMB: Naturhistoriboissière,1942),C. nigrolucens (Bechyné,1960b), schesMuseum, Basel, Switzerland;NMPC: NaC. alluaudi sp.n.and C. meridionalissp.n. tional Museum(NaturalHistory), Prague.Czech This flea beetlegenusis closelyrelatedfo Chae- Republic; SAMC: South African Museum, Cape tocnemaStephens,1831, genuswidespreadwith Town, Republic of South Africa: SANC: South over 300 describedspeciesin all zoogeographical African National Collection, Plant Protection regions, BiodontocnemaBiondi, 2000 and Car- ResearchInstitute,Pretoria,Gauteng,Republic of charodisWeise,1910,both endemicgenerato the South Africa; TMSA: Transvaal Museum, Pre. Afrotropical Region.Anyway, the phylogeneticre- toria, Gauteng,Republicof SouthAfrica. lationshipsof Collartaltica are discussedin Biondí (20O2a). Materials and Methods
Abbreviations used. - LAED: length of median lobe of aedeagus;LAN: length of antennae;LB: total length of body; LE: length of elytra; LP: length of pronotum; LSP: length of spermatheca; WE: width of elytra; WP: width of pronotum. BAQ: Dipartimento di ScienzeAmbientali (Coll. M. Biondi), University of LAquila, Italy; ISNB: Institut Royal des SciencesNaturelles de Bel@ Ireect Systemics
& Evolution (Grorp 4)
Material consistsof preserveddry insectsprovided to us by courtesyof institutions abovelisted. The specimenswere examinedanddissectedusing WILD MZ8 and MZI2.5 binocular microscopes. The scanningelectronmicrographswere takenby a PHILIPS SEM XL30 CP.The cladistic analysis was performed using PAUP* 4 (Ver. 4.0b8; Swofford 2000).
286 Biondi, M. & D'Alessandro,P.
r k Figs 1-5 - Habitus of Collartaltica Bechyné: C. tenebrosa(Laboissiére)(l); C. meridionalis sp. n. (2); C. cryptostomaBechyné(3); C. alluaudi sp. n. (4); C. nigrolucens(5).
arrangedin regularrows; procoxal cavitiesclosed; unguiculi simple, not appendiculateor subappendiculate; metathoracicwings completely develTypespecies.- Collartaltica cryptostomaBechyné,1959 oped; spermathecawith basal part elongate and by original designation. ductuscomplicatedby severalcoils; metafemoral spring attributableto the ChaetocnemamorphoDistribution. - Central and southern Africa (Fie. group (Furth & Suzuki 1998:97), with extended 33). arm of the dorsal lobe little elongate and Remarks.- Collartaltica showsmainly the follow- depressed,ventral lobe with no recurve flange, ing diagnosticcharacterswhich allow to separate dorsaledgestraightand stronglyangleddown apiit from the closely related gerus Chaetocnema cally,basaledgeflat (Fig. 32). Stephens:prosternumanteriorly strongly convex, shapedto receivethe mouthpartsin resting position, exceptthe labrum and the mandibleswhich Collurtaltica tenebrosa (Laboissière) act as "cover"; maxillae and labium sunken.In (Figs1,6-8,11,13,15,17,20,22,27,32) addition, the speciesof this genus share the following characteristics:body shapethickset,clear- Chaetocnematenebrosa Laboissière. 1942: 83-84:. Bechyné 1959: 27; Bechyné 1960a: 22; Bechyné ly convex;dorsal integumentblack with more or 1960b;96; Scherer1962a:65-66;Scherer1962b:39; less evidentmetallic reflection; elytral punctation Scherer1972:14. Genus C ollartaltic u Bechyné
Collartaltica Bechyné,1959:27; Biondi, 2002a:358
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288 Biondi, M. & D'Alessandro,P.
INSECT SYST.EVOL. 35:3 (2004\
NSECT SYST E\'OL ntryrra. Calbultra 'srmlnuaed I Bn t **afr CdI@ltEa :'9-:to
. Ilatcrul aatxd e:óEl. 5195ó- | ryc SLD.$: Fqrr*rÈ bs Srmilc [3 -ì5\ 310:El I inrrrúr tg rlitllÍ t5 ars -ì0 l{El ad Ll 5-ló-ul9ó3. R LE
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C€údAhc-ncpi Cmgo. Tan5r rd Hdfug-d sfrndrrdùirmf
Frgs 14-2I - Scanningelectron micrographs:posterior left angle of pronotum of C. nigrolucens(Bechyné)(14); elytral surfaceof C. tenebrosa(Laboissiére)( 15); ditto of C. cryptostomaBechyné (16); hind left tibia of C. tenebrosa(17); ditto of C. cryptostoma(18); ditto of C. alluaudí sp.n.(19); hind tarsal segmentsof C. tenebrosa(2O); ditto of C. meridionalissp.n.121).
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290 Biondi, M. & D'Alessandro, P.
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Figs 22-26 - Median lobe of aedeagusin lateral, ventral and dorsal view of Collartaltica Bechyné: C. tenebrosa (Laboissiére) (Democratic Republic of Congo, Parc National de la Garamba) (22); C. meridionalis sp.n. (holotype) (23); C. cryptostoma Bechyné (Sudan, Equatoria) Qa\; C. alhraudi sp.n. (holotype) (25); C. nigrolucens (Bechyné) (holotype)(26).
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