Revision of the genus Ancyracanthopsis Diesing ...

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Ancyracanthopsis coronata (Molin, 1860a), decrite de nouveau et designee comme ... and 5 western willets from Brooks, Alberta, Canada (50'35' N,. 11 1'53' W) ...
Revision of the genus Ancyracanthopsis Diesing, 1861 and description of a new genus Molinacuaria n. gen. (Nematoda: Acuarioidea) P. L. WONGAND M. W. LANKESTER Department of Biology, Lakehead Universi~,Thunder Bay, Ont., Cancida P7B 5EI

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Received October 30, 1984 1985. Revision of the genus Ancyraccinthopsis Diesing, 1861 and description of a new WONG,P. L., and M. W. LANKESTER. genus Molinacuaria n. gen. (Nematoda: Acuarioidea). Can. J. Zool. 63: 1556- 1564. Ancyracanthopsis Diesing, 1861 is revised and three of its species are transferred to Molinacuaria n. gen. Ancyracanthopsis belongs to the subfamily Schistorophinae and consists of the following species: Ancyrc~canthopsiscoronata (Molin, 1860a), redescribed herein and designated as the type species because the previous one, Ancyrc~canthop.sisbilabiata (Molin, 1860b), is regarded here as a synonym; Ancyracanthopsispetrovi Guschanskaya, 1950; and Anc~yrclcanthopsisbuckleyi Ali, 1970. One species, Ancyracanthopsis madagascariensis Kung, 1948, is transferred to Sobolevicephalus madagascariensis (Kung) n . comb. Another, Ancyracanthopsis serrata (Wang, 1966), is transferred back to Sc*iadioccirc~ to which it was originally assigned, thus becoming Sciadiocara serrata Wang, 1966.Molinacuaria n. gen. is distinguished from Anc.yracanthopsis by the presence of grooves at the anterior end. The new genus is regarded as a member of the subfamily Seuratinae and consists of the following species: Molinacuaria bendelli (Adams and Gibson, 1969) n. comb., designated as the type species; Molinacuaria acholonui (Schmidt and Kuntz, 1972) n. comb.; and Molinacuariagallinulae (Wang, 1966) n. comb. Redescriptions of M. bendelli and M. acholonui are provided. WONG,P. L., et M. W. LANKESTER. 1985. Revision of the genus Ancyracanthopsis Diesing, 1861 and description of a new genus Molinacuaria n. gen. (Nematoda: Acuarioidea). Can. J . Zool. 63: 1556- 1564. On trouvera ici la revision du genre Ancyracanthopsis Diesing; trois des especes de ce genre sont transferees au genre Molinacuaria n. gen. Ancyracanthopsis appartient a la sous-famille des Schistorophinae et comprend les especes suivantes: Ancyracanthopsis coronata (Molin, 1860a), decrite de nouveau et designee comme espece-type en remplacement d'Ancyracanthopsis bilabiata (Molin, 1860b) qui devient un synonyme, Ancyracanthopsis petrovi Guschanskaya, 1950 et Ancyracanthopsis buckleyi Ali , 1970. L'espkce Ancyracanthopsis madagascariensis Kung , 1948, devient Sobolevicephalus rnadagascariensis (Kung) n. comb. Une autre espece, Ancyracanthopsis serrata (Wang, 1966) est replacee dans le genre Sciadiocara auquel elle avait it6 assignee a I'origine, et elle redevient Sciadiocara serrata Wang, 1966. Molinacuaria n. gen. se distingue d'Ancyracanthopsis par la presence de sillons a I'extremite anterieure. Le nouveau genre est considere comme membre de la sous-famille des Seuratinae et se compose des especes suivantes: Molinacuaria bendelli (Adams et Gibson, 1969) n. comb., choisie comme espece-type, Molinacuaria acholonui (Schmidt et Kuntz, 1972) n. comb. et Molinacuaria gallinulue (Wang, 1966) n. comb. On trouvera ici de nouvelles descriptions de M. bendelli et de M. acholonui. [Traduit par le journal]

Introduction The genus Ancyracanthopsis Diesing, 186 1 presently consists of 10 species. The status of the type species, Ancyracanthopsis bilabiata (Molin, 1860b) Diesing, 1861 is unclear because it was incompletely described. It has not been reported in the literature since its original description. Through the kind cooperation of various museums around the world, types of A. bilubiata and four other species in the genus were made available for study. In addition, new material representing two species was recovered from waders (Aves: Scolopacidae) in North America. On this basis, Ancyracanthopsis is revised and a new genus Molinacuaria is proposed. The new genus is named in honour of Dr. R. Molin. Keys to species of these two genera are provided. Materials and methods Newly collected specimens are from waders (Scolopacidae, Charadriidae, and Recurvirostridae) collected at the following localities: 7 western willets (Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatus (Brewster)), I I spotted sandpipers (Actitis macularia L.), and 15 marbled godwits (Limosa .fedoa (L.)) from Delta Marsh, Manitoba, Canada (50'12' N, 98'12' W); 6 western willets and 2 marbled godwits from Oaklake, Manitoba, Canada (49'42' N, 100' 47' W); and 6, 4, and 5 western willets from Brooks, Alberta, Canada (50'35' N, 1 1 1'53' W), Cowoki Lake, Alberta, Canada (50'35' N, llI042' W), and Foremost, Alberta, Canada (49'29' N, I 1 1'25' W), respectively. Finally, five marbled godwits, one western willet, one whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus hudsonic*us (L.)) and three Gray plovers (Piuvialis squatarola (L.)) were collected from Fort Fischer, North

Carolina, United States (33'57' N, 77'56' W). Details on the time of collections and the handling of specimens are given in Wong and Lankester 984a). Types and museum specimens of various species of Ancyracanthopsis were borrowed from the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria (NMW), the British Museum (Natural History) (BMNH), the United States National Museum ~ e l m i n t h o l o ~ i cCollection ~l (USNMH), and the National Museums of Canada Invertebrate Collection (NMCIC). They are as follows. Ancyracanthus bilabiatus 1860b HOST:Eurypyga helias (type host) NMW Coll. No. 6704; 1 female, 3 larvae (types) Spiroptera c.oronata Molin , 1 860a HOST: Rallus cayennensis (type host) NMW Coll. No. 7 120; 1 anterior region, I midbody section (types) Ancyracanthopsis coronata Mol in, 1 860a HOST: Rallus elegans USNMH Coll. No. 29839; 2 males, 3 females Anc~racantho~sis madagascariensis Kung, 1948 HOST:Dryolimnas cuvieri (type host) BMNH; 2 females (paratypes) Ancyracanthopsis bendelli Adams and Gibson, 1969 HOST: Dendragupus obscurus (type host) NMClC Coll. No. 1900-2294; 2 males (paratypes) NMClC Coll. No. 1900-2295; 2 females (paratypes) Viktorocara acholonui Schmidt and Kuntz, 1972 HOST:Alcippe b. brunea (type host) USNMH Coll. No. 63290; 1 male (holotype)

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FIG. 1 . Scanning electron micrograph of Ancyracanthopsis coronata. Anterior extremity, female, en face view. Scale bar ptilinum; s, sublabium.

Results Ancyracanthopsis Diesing, 1861 Synonyms: Skrjabinobronema Guschanskaya, 1950 Parahistiocephalus Belopolskaya, 1953 Diagnosis Acuarioidea; Acuariidae Railliet, Henry and Sisoff, 19 12; Schistorophinae Travassos, 19 18; Anc-yracanthopsis Diesing, 1861. Filiform worms. Cuticle with transverse striations. Oral opening, laterally compressed with three pairs of teeth present at lateral walls. Pseudolabia prominent with apices continuous with anterolateral walls of oral opening. Four pear-shaped sublabia located at subdorsal and subventral sides of oral opening. They begin between anterolateral walls of oral opening and pseudolabia and terminate at base of pseudolabia. Ptilina in the form of four shields with indentations beginning dorsoventrally, surrounding sublabia and terminating at lateral lines. The term ptilin~m(pl~ralptilina), I-neaning winglike membrane, was proposed by Wong and Lankester (19840) for the conspicuo~scephalic-structures present in all Schistorophinae (except Schistogendra). Buccal capsule, expanded anteriorly, and lined with transversely striated cuticle. Deirids with pointed tips located anterior to nerve ring. Esophagus divided into muscular and glandular portions. Muscular portion shorter than glandular portion. TYPE SPECIES: Ancyracanthopsis coronata (Molin , 1 860a ) Chabaud and Petter, 1959. LOCATION: Under gizzard linings, mainly of waders. Ancyracanthopsis coronata (Molin, 18600) Chabaud and Petter, 1959 (Tables 1 and 2; Figs. 1 - 8) Synonyms: Spiroptera coronata Molin, 1860a Histioc.ephalus coronata (Molin) van Drasche, 1884 Yseria coronata (Molin) Gedoelst , 19 19 Skrjabinobronema coronata (Molin) Yamaguti , 1961 Anqracanthus bilabiatus Molin, 1 860b Anqracanthopsis bilabiata (Mol in) Diesing, 1861 Yseria quadripartita Clapham, 1945


10 p m . pt,

Anc:yracanthopsis quadripartita (Clapham) Chabaud and Petter, 1959 Skrjabinobronema quadripartita (Clapham) Yamaguti, 1961 Skrjabinobronema sc.hikhobalovi Guschanskaya, 1950 Anqrac.anthopsis schikhobalovi (Guschanskaya) Dollfus and Chabaud, 1957 Parahistiocephalus parvialatus Belopolskaya, 1953 Anc:yrac*anthop.sis parvialatus (Belopolskaya) Dollfus and Chabaud, 1957 ceneral Ptilina present. Each divided into four equal lobes. Buccal capsule expanded anteriorly and lined with transversely striated cuticle. Deirids medium-sized with pointed tips, located immeof esophagus diately anterior to nerve ring. ~~~~~l~~ about one-third length of glandular portion. Male Caudal region with ventral curve. Caudal alae prominent and bearing four pairs of preanal and five pairs of postanal, pedunculated, caudal papillae. Fourth pair of preanal papillae closely associated with third pair. One sessile papilla located immediately posterior to anus. Second and third pair of postanal, pedunculated papillae closely associated with each other. One pair of sessile papillae located just anterior to last pair of pedunculated papillae. Spicules dissimilar and unequal. Right spicule short and crescent-shaped. Left spicule slender, long, with distal end forming a hook; also, a triangular process present near rounded tip of distal end. Tail with rounded tip. Phasmids present. Female Vulva a small slit located in posterior half of body. Vagina surrounded by muscle fibers, lined with cuticle and distinctly divided equally into vagina Vera and vagina uterina. Didelphic, amphidelphic. Uteri packed with larvated, thick-shelled eggs. Tail slender with rounded tip with slight dorsal curve. Phasmids present. HOST: Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornutus (Brewster) Scolopacidae.

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CAN. J . ZOOL. VOL. 63, 1985

FIGS.2-8. Ancyracanthopsis coronata. Fig. 2. Anterior region, female, lateral view. Fig. 3. Vulva, vagina, and uteri, lateral view. V.V., vagina Vera; V.U., vagina uterina. Fig. 4. Caudal extremity, female, ventral view. Fig. 5. Caudal region, male, ventral view. Fig. 6. Caudal extremity, female, lateral view. Fig. 7. Anterior region, female, ventral view. Fig. 8. Caudal region, male, lateral view showing spicules and caudal papillae. PREVALENCE: 3 1% (9129). INTENSITY: 10.2 ( 1 - 38). SPECIMENS: NMCICP 1983-0885; USNMH ColI. NO. 77933. LOCALITIES: Delta Marsh, Manitoba, Canada; Oaklake,

Manitoba, Canada; Foremost, Alberta, Canada; Cowoki Lake, Alberta, Canada; Brooks, Alberta, Canada; Fort Fischer, North Carolina, United States.

HOST: Actitis macularia L. Scolopacidae. PREVALENCE: 14% (2114). INTENSITY: 8.0 (4- 12). LOCALITY: Delta Marsh, Manitoba, Canada. HOST: Limosa fedoa L. Scolopaciadae. PREVALENCE: 12% (4133).


TABLE 1. Measurementsu of Ancyracanthopsis coronata from waders collected in North America

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Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatus

Limosa fedoa

Actitis mac.ularia

Male N Length (mm) Width Buccal capsule Nerve ringd Deiridsd Excretory pored Muscular esophagus Glandular esophagus Total esophagus Left spicule Right spicule Tail Female N Length (mm) Width Buccal capsule Nerve ringd Deiridsd Excretory pored Muscular esophagus Glandular esophagus Total esophagus Vulva (mm)d Vagina Vera, length Vagina uterina, length Tail Eggs "Units in micrometres, unless stated otherwise. bMean with range in parentheses. "Range. "Distance to anterior end.

INTENSITY: 2.2 (1 -4). LOCALITY: Delta Marsh, Manitoba, Canada; Oaklake, Manitoba, Canada; Fort Fischer, North Carolina, United States. HOST:Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus L. Scolopacidae. PREVALENCE: 100% ( 1/ 1). INTENSITY: 10.0. LOCALITY: Fort Fischer, North Carolina, United States. HOST:Pluvialis squatarola (L. ) Charadriidae. PREVALENCE: 33% (113). INTENSITY: 4.0. LOCALITY: Fort Fischer, North Carolina, United States. Comments Diesing ( 1861) proposed the genus Ancyracanthopsis and designated Ancyracanthus bilabiatus Molin, 1860b as the type species. The description of this species was based on specimens recovered from the surfbird (Eurypyga helias helias (Pallas)) in Brazil. Another species, A. coronata (Molin, 1860a) Chabaud and Petter, 1959, was described on the basis of specimens recovered from the kingfisher (Chloroceryle americana americana (Gmelin)) (= - ~ l c e d oamericana) and the rail (Belonopterus chilensis cayennensis (Gmelin)), also in Brazil. The bottle labelled as types of A. coronata'(~ol1.No. 7 120) contained a head region and a midbody section of a nematode.

The anterior end of the head region lacked the four-lobed ptilina which are characteristic of the genus. The midbody section was unidentifiable. Van Drasche (1 884) apparently examined the types of this species and provided illustrations of the anterior end showing the four-lobed ptilina. Therefore, the specimens we examined are not the types of A. coronata and we presume that they are lost. However, on the basis of the work of van Drasche (1884), we conclude that A. coronata is a member of this genus. The bottle labelled as types of A. bilabiatus (Coll. No. 6704) contained three larvae, three body sections, and one adult female. The anterior end morphology of the adult is identical with that of A. coronata as described by van Drasche (1884). The major dimensions of A. bilabiatus are indistinguishable from the new material of A. coronata recovered from waders in this study. We therefore conclude that these two species are conspecifics. Since the name A. coronata was published 2 months before A. bilabiatus, the latter becomes a synonym of the former. Finally, according to the rules of zoological nomenclature, we hereby designate A. coronata as the type species of Ancyracanthopsis.

Other species Ancyracanthopsis petrovi Guschanskaya, 1950 Synonym: Viktorocara petrovi (Guschanskaya) Skrjabin,

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TABLE 2. Hosts and geographic distribution of Anc.yracanthopsi.s spp. Species



A. coronata

Chloroceryle americana Be1onopteru.s chilensis cayennensis Eurypyga h . helias Tringa melanoleuca Cassidix mexicanus Seiurus n. novaboracensis Actitis macularia Eudocimus albus Rallus e. elegans Pluvialis squatarola Actitis macularia Limosa fedoa Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatus Numenius phaeopus hud.sonicu.s Numenius p. phaeopus Arenaria i. interpres Numenius p. phaeopus Amaurornis phaenicurus chinensis

Brazil Brazil Brazil Antigua Mexico Mexico British Columbia, Canada Florida, U.S.A. Maryland, U.S.A. North Carolina, U.S.A. Delta Marsh, Man., Canada Delta Marsh, Man., Canada Delta Marsh, Man.; Alberta, Canada North Carolina, U.S. A. USSR Murmansk. NE USSR USSR Hyderabad. India

A. petrovi A. buckleyi

Sobolev and Ivashkin, 1965 L.

TYPE HOST: Numenius p. phaeopus TYPE LOCALITY: Soviet Union.

Diagnosis This species can be readily differentiated from A. coronata by the morphology of the ptilina. The ptilina of A. petrovi are finely dissected while those of A. coronata are lobed. In addition, A. petrovi has a shorter buccal capsule and the male has six pairs of preanal caudal papillae, while the male of A. coronata has only four pairs. Ancyracanthopsis buckleyi Ali, 1970 Diagnosis The bisected ptilina of this species readily distinguish it from A. coronata and A. petrovi.

Species transferred to other genera Ancyracanthopsis madagascariensis Kung , 1948 The types of this species were examined and it is characterized, at the anterior end, by ptilina in the form of cuticular leaves with sharp indentations. This feature is characteristic of the genus Sobolevicephalus Parukhin, 1964 and we therefore transfer the species to the latter genus and propose a new combination Sobolevicephalus madagascariensis n. comb. Ancyracanthopsis serrata (Wang, 1966) Schmidt and Kinsella, 1972 Wang ( 1966) described a new species, Sciadiocara serrata, based on specimens recovered from crows (Corvus toquatus Lesson and Corvus macrorhynchus colonorum Swinhoe) in China. According to the original description, this species has four prominent sublabia which extend posteriorly beyond the pseudolabia. In addition, four oval-shaped cuticular shields with serrated edges begin dorsoventrally and surround the sublabia. The prominent sublabia and the oval-shaped ptilina are characteristic of the genus Sciadiocara and we therefore transfer this species back to the genus to which it was originally assigned. Molinacuaria n . gen . Diagnosis Acuarioidea; Acuariidae; Seuratinae Chitwood and Wehr, 1932; Molinacuaria n. gen. Filiform worms. Cuticle with

Source Molin 1860a Molin 1860a Molin 1860a Clapham 1945 Adams and Gibson 1969 Adams and Gibson 1969 Adams and Gibson 1969 Bush and Forrester 1976 Wehr 1934 Present study Present study Present study Present study Present study Guschanskaya 1950 Belopolskaya 1953 Guschanskaya 1950 Ali 1970

transverse striations. Pseudolabia present with apices continuous with anterolateral wall of buccal capsule. Two cephalic papillae and an amphid present at base of each pseudolabium. Sublabia absent. Two pairs of grooves originate dorsoventrally , extend laterally, and terminate at base of pseudolabia. Ptilina in the form of four shields with dissected margins located immediately posterior to grooves. Deirids with pointed tips positioned anterior to nerve ring. Buccal capsule long, narrow, and lined with transversely striated cuticle. Esophagus divided into muscular and glandular portions. TYPE SPECIES: Molinacuaria bendelli (Adams and Gibson, 1969) n. comb. LOCATION: Under gizzard lining of birds.

Molinacuaria bendelli (Adams and Gibson, 1969) n. comb. (Table 3; Figs. 9- 14) Synonym: Ancyracanthopsis bendelli Adams and Gibson, 1969

General Ptilina in the form of a shield with irregular, sharp indentations. Muscular esophagus less than half the length of glandular portion. Male Caudal extremity coiled. Caudal alae well developed and bearing pedunculated papillae arranged in two parallel rows. Numbers of preanal papillae range from 9 to 14 pairs, occasionally with two or more single papillae located anterior to paired ones. Five pairs of postanal papillae present with adanal pair located more ventral than others. One pair of sessile papillae located just ventral to last pair of postanal, pedunculated papillae. Spicules dissimilar and unequal. Right spicule short and crescent-shaped. Left spicule long, slender with bifid distal end. Tail with rounded tip. Phasmids present. Female Vulva, a small slit, located at midbody. Vagina surrounded by muscle fibers, lined with cuticle, and divided equally into vagina Vera and vagina uterina. Didelphic, amphidelphic. Uteri filled with larvated, thick-shelled eggs. Tail tapered with slight dorsal curve. Phasmids present. TYPE HOST: Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosus (Ridgway)

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FIGS.9- 14. Molinacuaria bendelli. Fig. 9. Anterior region, female. lateral view. Fig. 10. Anterior region, female, ventral view. Fig. I I. Distal end of left spicule, lateral view. Fig. 12. Vulva, vagina, and uteri. lateral view. Fig. 13. Caudal extremity, female, lateral view. Fig. 14. Caudal region, male, lateral view showing spicules and caudal papillae. FIGS. 15- 1 8. Molinacuaria acholonui. Fig. 15. Anterior region, male, lateral view. Fig. 16. Distal end of left spicule, lateral view. Fig. 17. Anterior region, male, ventral view. Fig. 18. Caudal region, male, lateral view showing spicules and caudal papillae.

CAN. J . ZOOL. VOL. 63, 1985

TABLE3. Measurementsu of Molinucuuriu spp.

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M. bendelli

Male N Length (mm) Width Buccal capsule Nerve ring' Deirids' Excretory pore' Muscular esophagus Glandular esophagus Total esophagus Left spicule Right spicule Tail Female N Length (mm) Width Buccal capsule Nerve ring' Deirids' Excretory pore" Muscular esophagus Glandular esophagus Total esophagus Vulva (mm)' Vagina Vera, length Vagina uterina, length Tail Eggs

M. acholonui"

15 17.3 (14.0-22.5) 157 (136-204) 157(125- 166) 201 (174-209) 192 (174-201) 296 (238 - 322) 341 (318-384) 560 (454-6 19) 899 (772 - 989) 9.2 (7.3- 11.7) 115, 120' 185, 165" 240 ( 1 60 - 340) 46 (42 -48) X 22 (20-24)


M. gallinulae


"Units in micrometres, unless stated otherwise. bMeasurements from original description. "Measurements from holotype. "Mean with range in parentheses. "Distance to anterior end. "Measurements from paratypes.

Tetraonidae. TYPE LOCALITY: Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

Molinacuaria acholonui (Schmidt and Kuntz, 1972) n. comb. (Table 3; Figs. 15- 18) Viktorocara acholonui Schmidt and Kuntz, 1972 Synonyms: Ancyracanthopsis acholonui (Schmidt and Kuntz) Wong and Lankester, 1984b General Ptilina in the form of small, sinuate shields located posterior to grooves. Buccal capsule long, narrow, and lined with cuticle. Deirids not observed. Muscular esophagus about twothirds the length of glandular portion. Male Caudal extremity coiled. Caudal alae well developed and possessing six pairs of preanal and four pairs of postanal, pedunculated, caudal papillae. Spicules unequal and dissimilar. Right spicule short and crescent-shaped. Left spicule long and slender, its distal end bifurcated with a sharp process at tip of main shaft. Tail with rounded tip. Phasmids present. Female Unknown. TYPE HOST: Alcippe b. brunnea Gould (Timaliidae). TYPE LOCALITY: Taiwan.

Diagnosis This species can be differentiated from M. bendelli by the morphology of the ptilina at the anterior end. In M. acholonui the ptilina are delicate with sinuated edges while in M. bendelli, they have deeply serrated edges. Moreover, the male of the former has six pairs of preanal papillae while the latter has nine or more pairs. The left spicule of M. acholonui has a sharp process at its distal end while such a feature is absent at the distal end of the left spicule of M. bendelli.

Other species Molinacuaria gallinulae (Wang, 1966) n. comb. Synonyms: Skrjabinobronema gallinulae Wang , 1966 Ancyracanthopsis gallinulae (Wang) Adams and Gibson, 1969 TYPE HOST:Gallinula chloropus indica Blyth. TYPE LOCALITY: China. Diagnosis Molinacuaria gallinulae can be distinguished from M . bendelli by the morphology of the ptilina. In M. bendelli, the ptilina have irregular, sharp indentations while in M . gallinulae each ptilinum has three rounded indentations. In addition, the total esophagus of M. gallinulae is larger than that of M. bendelli. Molinacuaria gallinulae can be differentiated from M. acholonui by the shorter left and right spicules and the longer total esophagus.



Key to species of Ancyracanthopsis 1 (2). Males with four pairs of preanal pedunculated caudal papillae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. coranata 2 (1). Males with more than four pairs of pedunculated caudal papillae. 3 (4). Ptilina with numerous indentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. petrovi 4 ( 3 ) . Ptilinabisected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. buckleyi

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Key to species of Molinacuaria 1 (2). Ptilina with sharp irregular indentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. bendelli 2 (1). Ptilina with three rounded indentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. gallinulae 3.

Ptilina with sinuate edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. acholonui

Discussion Ancyracanthopsis consists of three species. The type species, A. coronata, is the best studied. It is not host-specific, having been recovered from 16 species of hosts belonging to eight families. It has been reported predominately in the New World and its presence in the Old World is restricted to the Soviet Union. The second species, A. petrovi, has been recovered only from N. p. phaeopus in the Soviet Union (Guschanskaya 1950). The last species, A. buckleyi, has been recovered only from A. p. chinensis in India (Ali 1970). The genus Molinacuaria is characterized by the absence of sublabia and the presence of grooves located immediately anterior to the delicate ptilina. These features are absent in the other six genera belonging to the subfamily Schistorophinae. In fact, they are similar to those of the monotypic genus, Ingliseria Gibson, 1968 of the subfamily Seuratinae. The latter genus has grooves located immediately posterior to the delicate collarettes which are quite similar in form to the ptilina of Molinacuaria. On this basis, we regard Molinacuaria as a member of Seuratinae. Molinacuaria consists of three species, two of which are found in terrestrial birds. The type species, M. bendelli, was found in D. o. fuliginosus (Tetronidae) in British Columbia, Canada while M. acholonui was recovered from A. b. brunnea (Timaliidae) in Taiwan. The third species, M. gallinulae, occurs in G. c. indicus (Scolopacidae) in China. Acknowledgements Dr. E. Kritscher of the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria, Dr. David Gibson of the British Museum (Natural History), Dr. J. R. Lichtenfels, curator of the United States National Museum Helminthological collection, and Dr. P. Frank of the National Museums of Canada lent types and museum specimens, which were most appreciated. We are extremely grateful to Professor Roy C. Anderson, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, who helped to arrange the loan of museum material and who gave advice throughout the study. We wish to thank Dr. A1 Bush of Brandon University for allowing us to examine birds collected at Oaklake, Manitoba, and in Alberta. We also express our appreciation to Dr. G. S. Grant of the North Carolina State Museum of Natural History for sending birds from Fort Fischer, North Carolina. Mr. A. Mackenzie helped in various aspects of scanning electron microscopy. Ms. L. Hauta assisted with manuscript preparation and proofing. ADAMS, J. R., and G. G. GIBSON. 1969. Ancyracanthopsis bendelli n. sp. (Acuariidae:Schistorophinae) from Pacific Coast grouse, with observations on related nematode genera. Can. J. Zool. 47: 619-626.

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