Feb 26, 2016 - Jeremy Ing, Senior Director Employee Success, Salesforce. 11:40 CASE STUDY ... Investing in learning and
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The Future of
Rewards & Recognition in a Social Era 24 th – 26 th February 2016 | The Grace Hotel, Sydney Expert Speakers: Steve Vamos, Former CEO, Microsoft ANZ, Former Managing Director, Apple Asia Pacific, Board Member and Non-Executive Director, Telstra Angela Rayner, Head of Reward, Coles
Key benefits of attending
Melissa Fuller, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Rice Warner
• Build positive cultures and flexible workplaces
Gaye Haug, Director, Head of Performance & Reward, KPMG Australia
• Discover the sustainable balance between intrinsic and extrinsic benefits • Increase workforce talent through diversity, inclusion and gender equality
Jennifer Buxton, Total Reward Lead ANZ, GlaxoSmithKline
Sharon Griffith, Head of Performance and Human Capital, PwC
Benjamin Morris, Head of Performance, Executive Compensation and Global Projects, Lendlease
Graeme Poules, Head of Compensation & Benefits, Latitude Financial Services, Formerly GE Capital
Chris McHugh, CEO, Sitback Solutions
Hattie He, Director, Human Resources Asia Pacific, Cochlear
Leigh Yardy, Head of Human Resources, Parramatta City Council
Nupur Bhushan, Global Reward Head, ResMed
Jeremy Ing, Senior Director Employee Success, Salesforce
Tanya Buium, Reward & Recognition Leader, Lion
Heidi Mayhew-Sanders, Director, Human Resources, Bentleys QLD Pty Ltd
Michael Wordsworth, Senior Manager, Remuneration and Reward, PwC
Advisory Panel: Matthew Hill, Senior Manager Remuneration - Enterprise Talent & Culture, ANZ
Nigel Gray, Remuneration and Reward Manager, Aurecon
Simone Cook, HR Manager, Australian HR Manager of the Year, Bankstown City Council
Sheryl Friend, Human Services Manager, John Deere
• Explore the latest technologies to achieve world class human resource processes • Link pay and performance for effective remuneration • Integrate contemporary career development structures into remuneration strategies • Enable positive, relationship based connections in the workplace
Special features: • 15 industry-led case studies • 4 innovative interactive sessions • Thought leadership from the private and government sectors • Hear industry experts from across Australia sharing the hottest trends on rewards and recognition
Mietta Gibson, Former Head of HR, Fiat Chrysler Group and Change Agent – Consultant, Gibson Concepts
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DAY 1: WEDNESDAY 24TH FEBRUARY 2016 8:00 Registration opens 9:00 Opening remarks from the Chair Jennifer Buxton, Total Reward Lead ANZ, GlaxoSmithKline
THE NEW ERA OF REWARDING EMPLOYEES 9:10 KEYNOTE Leadership, culture and management practices • Positive and flexible working cultures: The most effective kind of reward • The secret recipe to an engaged and positive workplace • Understanding the future of rewards and recognition Steve Vamos, Former CEO, Microsoft ANZ, Former Managing Director, Apple Asia Pacific, Board Member and Non-Executive Director, Telstra
9:50 Psychological capital and reward • 2004 – 2014 was the social decade – Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were born. The next decade is the human decade. People want a social, positive connection at work • Relationships – are to the social era what efficiency was to the industrial era. Purpose, talent and culture will drive your success – what does reward look like in this frame? • Shake up your thinking with global insights to challenge and inform your reward strategy Gaye Haug, Director, Head of Performance & Reward, KPMG Australia
10:30 Morning tea 11:00 Building an engaging culture • Customer success and innovation • Real-time collaboration, open leadership and alignment • Giving back to the community and having fun Jeremy Ing, Senior Director Employee Success, Salesforce
11:40 CASE STUDY Launching reward and recognition in a Greenfields Environment • Helping to bring the values to life through a R&R tool • Designing and implementing for best effect – alignment, gamification, launch • Measuring success through metrics and culture shift Graeme Poules, Head of Compensation & Benefits, Latitude Financial Services, Formerly GE Capital
12:20 Lunch
RECOGNISING HIGH PERFORMERS AND EMPLOYEES WITH POTENTIAL 1:20 Reinventing performance management • What is really happening in the market • The case for performance management and why you shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath water • Making it less about an annual process and more about an ongoing performance and development conversation Benjamin Morris, Head of Performance, Executive Compensation and Global Projects, Lendlease
T | 61 2 9247 6000
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• Investing in top performers vs future leaders • Advantages and disadvantages of both approaches • Deciding which stream is best for your organisation Panellists: Benjamin Morris, Head of Performance, Executive Compensation and Global Projects, Lendlease Nupur Bhushan, Global Reward Head, ResMed Leigh Yardy, Head of Human Resources, Parramatta City Council
Delegates will be in pairs and have one minute to share their successes and challenges with one another
3:00 Afternoon tea 3:30 Investing in employees displaying potential • Identifying employees displaying potential who could become tomorrow’s top performers • Holding off from exclusively rewarding performance • Investing in learning and development as a type of reward for employee and employer alike Leigh Yardy, Head of Human Resources, Parramatta City Council
4:10 Taking the guesswork and emotion out of performance and reward • Building and implementing a solid, measurable performance foundation • Clearly linking performance foundations to reward • Using transparency of reward to gain and increase employee trust Sharon Griffith, Head of Performance and Human Capital, PwC Michael Wordsworth, Senior Manager, Remuneration and Reward, PwC
4:50 Closing remarks from the Chair and end of day one Jennifer Buxton, Total Reward Lead ANZ, GlaxoSmithKline
DAY 2: THURSDAY 25TH FEBRUARY 2016 8:00 Registration opens 9:00 Opening remarks from the Chair Angela Rayner, Head of Reward, Coles
ACHIEVING GENDER EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION 9:10 Superannuation savings gap • Why women save less for retirement • Legal processes to close the gender pay gap • Two years on – the outcomes Melissa Fuller, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Rice Warner
9:50 CASE STUDY Rolling out remuneration programmes to multi-generational workforces • Aligning rewards to the individual and generational level • Mastering generational differentiation in SMEs • The cost of not considering generational differences in the workplace Heidi Mayhew-Sanders, Director, Human Resources, Bentleys QLD Pty Ltd
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SALARY PACKAGING AND MAINTAINING A COMPETITIVE EDGE 11:00 Going back to basics with reward • Establishing your guiding principles • Salaries as the foundation of a successful reward program • What about benefits? Tanya Buium, Reward & Recognition Leader, Lion
BUILDING POSITIVE CULTURE & FLEXIBLE WORKPLACES 11:40 Doing more with less: Balancing ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ rewards • Investing wisely and understanding the real impact of financial incentives • Adapting to generational shifts and preferred incentives • Personalising employee benefits for maximal impact Chris McHugh, CEO, Sitback Solutions
12:20 Lunch 1:20 KEYNOTE The value of culture in employee engagement • Personalising employee experience • Recognising people and communities • Building career pathways Angela Rayner, Head of Reward, Coles
Delegates will be given the floor to share their main challenges and insights. Speakers and fellow delegates will then have the opportunity to respond.
2:20 Afternoon tea 2:50 Observing the shift in employee expectations • Instilling positive workplace culture • Becoming flexible and adaptable employers • Creating gratifying and rewarding work Jennifer Buxton, Total Reward Lead ANZ, GlaxoSmithKline
In this interactive session, delegates join the table that will be discussing the topic of greatest interest. Each discussion topic will be facilitated by an expert speaker. Topic: Effective surveying for individualised approaches Facilitator: Heidi Mayhew-Sanders, Director, Human Resources, Bentleys QLD Pty Ltd Topic: Market mapping and benchmarking Facilitator: Graeme Poules, Head of Compensation & Benefits, GE Capital Topic: Governance, recognition and rewards Facilitator: Hattie He, Director, Human Resources Asia Pacific, Cochlear
4:10 Closing remarks from the Chair and conference adjourns Angela Rayner, Head of Reward, Coles
POST-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS: FRIDAY, 26TH FEBRUARY 2015 WORKSHOP A: 9:00AM - 12:30PM Using analytics to accelerate gender pay equity
WORKSHOP B: 1:30PM – 5:00PM Tools to personalise solutions to reward, recognise and engage employees
In this workshop, we will share our experiences with companies that have successfully launched interventions to address the pay gap. This will cover the journey from initial questions of whether a gap exists, through to the use of data to influence decision makers.
The main purpose of rewards is to engage and motivate staff. Companies now have to recognise that rewards must be personalised in order for them to be effective. This workshop will enable you with practical tools to do exactly that.
Delegates will learn: • How analytics are used to identify the presence and size of gaps • What approaches are effective to diagnose the root causes of inequity within various companies • Why analytics are essential to targeting interventions for maximum impact and success • How to work with business leaders to ensure action is taken Chris Hare, Director and Co-Founder, QHR Consulting Alicia Roach, Director and Co-Founder, QHR Consulting Alicia and Chris are Directors of QHR, which they co-founded to help clients make sophisticated workforce decisions. These decisions optimise the utilisation of the most important resource and provide measurable improvement to the success of HR programs. Alicia and Chris combine their expertise in remuneration, workforce planning and analytics to create the insight needed for improved cross-functional conversations.
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Attend this workshop to learn: • How to effectively communicate with staff to understand motivators • To adapt to a diverse workforce • How to optimise the value and return of your reward program • How to fairly reward and recognise employees Rohan Connors, Partner, Ernst & Young Rohan works with organisations to improve business performance through people. With more than 15 years’ experience, Rohan’s strong business focus guides his Human Capital strategy, reward, and performance and M&A engagements. A key feature of Rohan’s experience is his ability to operate in complex, global contexts. He has worked with listed, private, government and non-government organisations in five countries across four continents and has delivered engagements encompassing more the 30 countries.
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24th - 26th February 2016 The Grace Hotel 77 York Street Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2 9272 6888
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[email protected]
W | akolade.com.au
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