RF Inhibition Systems.pdf - Military Systems & Technology

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griffin. Enterprise Control Systems Ltd has invested in its own EMC Chamber, enabling the engineering team to design and meticulously test all jammer products.
Enterprise Control Systems Ltd (ECS) Specialist design through innovation and technology With the continuous development and use of Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIED) by terrorists and insurgents worldwide, RF Inhibition is very much in demand by friendly forces, both military and paramilitary. By using accurate threat analysis with the very latest technology Enterprise Control Systems Ltd RF Inhibitors can provide a genuine counter to the most demanding threats.

The team at Enterprise Control Systems Ltd continuously develops and tests the performance of the jammer technology against the latest known threats. The engineers use the very latest techniques and technology to defeat these ever increasing threats.




A lightweight manpack jammer, small for easy deployment, has an operational life in excess of four hours and can be used in many applications.

A software configurable, vehicle-borne jammer that provides excellent platform protection.

An enhanced family of carry forward jammers built in rugged cases, most suitable for neutralising RF communications such as mobile phones in a building.


threat management

emc chamber

A must for Force Protection, particularly for VIP convoys. This jammer covers an extensive frequency range with high power software programmable RF modules.

New intelligence on threats is continuously updated and evaluated. Suitable antidotes are developed in order to continue the battle against RCIEDs. Enterprise Control Systems Ltd keeps an up to date library of known threats and manages the integration of software developed fills into the range of RF Inhibitors.

Enterprise Control Systems Ltd has invested in its own EMC Chamber, enabling the engineering team to design and meticulously test all jammer products and antenna configurations.

antenna design

special systems applications

customer support

An enormously important element in the performance of the jammer is the antenna system and its design. The engineering team are always looking at providing the very best solutions for manpack and vehicle installations.

Whilst new threats can be resolved by RF and Software solutions, specific system applications can mean bespoke solutions are required. Systems engineering can provide specific customer solutions, for example using jammer technology in restricted areas such as prisons.

A dedicated Customer Support team provides frequent customer contact before and after sales. The team of experienced engineers, many with a military background, ensure that the customer receives a system appropriate to their requirements.


Kestrel KESTREL is a flexible-role lightweight jamming system designed for easy deployment in a manpack patrol. It can also be utilised by Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) operators in the manual carry forward frame for Improvised Explosive Devices Disposal (IEDD) or the remote carry forward role utilising a Remote Control Vehicle (RCV). The KESTREL design utilises sophisticated Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) to provide a flexible, programmable and power efficient solution. The KESTREL family of jammers covers a broad range of frequencies to cover the threat bands including GSM, 3G and WLAN.



Falcon FALCON is a twin channel, 50 Watts per output, wide band field proven jammer with integral GSM jamming capability, designed for rapid vehicle deployment. Utilising DDS technology, the FALCON provides an effective and efficient response to RCIED threats. FALCON is available with a unique Vehicle Antenna System designed to optimise performance around the vehicle. The FALCON is ideal for military and civil vehicles as used by Other Government Departments (OGD).



Dart The DART series is a range of portable jamming systems designed for first deployment in ruggedised briefcase form. The system can easily be transported to site, switched on and aimed for instantaneous jamming in the required frequency bands. Area of coverage is dependent upon factors such as distance from cell nodes and proximity of local infrastructure, although distances over several kilometres can be achieved. The DART series also has the facility to add omni-directional antennas for instances where the target location is not known.



Griffin The third generation of GRIFFIN transmits powerful jamming signals over a wide frequency range using the latest digital technology. The DDS power module technology allows for energy efficient countermeasures and provides greater range for convoy protection.


threat management Understanding the technology being implemented in the design of RCIEDs provides the basis for the development of effective countermeasures, both in terms of RF power and also in the development of specific waveforms. There is a continuous need to keep threat information up to date and to use this library of data to design and develop the most appropriate software for the RF Inhibitors. By combining RF power and software defined waveforms, the very best antidotes can be created and tested against known threats.

emc chamber The purpose built EMC chamber in the ECS Technology Park provides an invaluable tool for testing all aspects of RF Inhibition. All parameters, including RF, can be controlled and measured accurately in the chamber, thereby providing an ideal environment for testing the most complex of threat fills. The 32m chamber also provides the means to accurately test the performance of antennas as well as testing the effects that the RF radiation has on the vehicle’s electronics and the safety of its occupants. It is by vigorous testing that we can be assured that all Enterprise Control Systems Ltd RF Inhibitors are effective against these threats.

antenna design A key element in the effectiveness of the RF Inhibitor solution is the antenna system design. The concept is to optimise the radiation pattern to maximise protection across the full RF frequency spectrum. By the correct selection and siting of antennas, Enterprise Control Systems Ltd designs antenna systems to achieve the best solution for the application.

special systems design Enterprise Control Systems Ltd is able to offer solutions to meet bespoke requirements that do not align specifically with the RF Inhibitors in their standard configuration. By providing appliqué modules, Enterprise Control Systems Ltd can enhance the operation of existing equipments. For example REMORA provides additional jamming capability in the 3G and WLAN bands for the standard FALCON vehicle inhibitor. THESTRAL provides the capability of introducing a responsive inhibitor that, in a network, can localise jamming in restricted areas such as prisons. Enterprise Control Systems Ltd can scope customer specific requirements and offer best of breed solutions.

customer support The Customer Support team provides technical and operator expertise for customers at the pre-sale stage to discuss their specific requirements. Customer Support can also undertake installation, commissioning and training on all RF Inhibitors and provide after sales maintenance support.

about Enterprise Control Systems Ltd Founded in 1988, Enterprise Control Systems Ltd placed growth and development at the forefront of its operations. Enterprise Control Systems Ltd has increased steadily in size to its current operation of over 80 employees at the purpose built Technology Park in Northamptonshire, England. The engineering team combines some of the most experienced individuals in RF engineering, software development and mechanical design, all factors important in the design of RF Inhibitors. A developed graduate training programme ensures a constant input of new talent with the keenness to be amongst the best. The success of Enterprise Control Systems Ltd is attributable to the ability to design all products in-house with emphasis on long-term reliability through proven quality management processes. One third of the company is dedicated to product development, ensuring that Enterprise Control Systems Ltd consistently produces leading designs and is able to react quickly to changing threats.

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Enterprise Control Systems Ltd ECS Technology Park Wappenham Northants NN12 8WJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1327 860050 Fax: +44 (0) 1327 860058 [email protected] www.enterprisecontrol.co.uk