RFQ - Economic and Housing Development - Request for ...

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Page 1 of 9. City of Newark EHD - RFQ for Contractors/Developers. 1 of 9. Department of Economic and Housing Development
City of NewarkEHD - RFQ for Contractors/Developers

Department of Economic and Housing Development Division of Property Management 920 Broad Street, Room 421 Newark, New Jersey 07102


RFQ Release Date: February 21, 2018 RFQ Pre-Submission Q & A: March 2, 2018 Submission Deadline: March 19, 2018

Carmelo Garcia, Acting Director Annette Muhammad, Director of Redevelopment

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City of NewarkEHD - RFQ for Contractors/Developers



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Proposal Cover Sheet

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City of NewarkEHD - RFQ for Contractors/Developers


INTRODUCTION The City of Newark (the “City”), as part of its overall housing and neighborhood revitalization strategy, seeks to invite experienced contractors, and developers (“Applicants”) to submit Statements of Qualifications which would allow applicants to contract with the City for certain housing projects administered by the Department of Economic and Housing Development (“DEHD”) The City has issued this Request For Qualifications (RFQ) to pre-qualify general contractors and developers for construction and rehabilitation work proposed by the DEHD, and may include construction of new housing, rehabilitation of distressed properties, and participation in home repair projects. Applicants who qualify through this RFQ will allow for the creation of a list of individuals and organizations (“Developers”) selected for one or more of the City’s afore-mentioned opportunities as they become available. Applicants may be individuals and organizations, both non-profit and for-profit, who have the experience, financial resources, and capacity required to successfully acquire, manage, construct, rehabilitate, and maintain housing projects. The City encourages collaborative partnerships between experienced organizations and small, local minority/women-owned enterprises, particularly small, local contractors, subcontractors and developers, and non-profit community development organizations. Interested Applicants who do not individually have the required qualifications may form joint ventures that will collectively strengthen the team’s qualifications. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications and establish their qualifications for consideration for both current and future site offerings.

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City of NewarkEHD - RFQ for Contractors/Developers

EVALUATION AND SELECTION All RFQ Submittals will be reviewed using the following evaluation and selection criteria: Evaluation Panel An Evaluation Panel consisting of DEHD staff will be responsible for reviewing, analyzing and evaluating the RFQ submittals received. The Evaluation Panel will establish a list of successful applicants for recommendation to the DEHD Deputy Mayor/Director. Evaluation Criteria By use of numerical and narrative scoring techniques, RFQ submittals will be evaluated by the Evaluation Panel against the factors specified below. Shown in parentheses next to each criterion is the maximum number of points that can be awarded by the evaluator based on a 100-point scale. A minimum score of 75 points must be obtained in order for a contractor to proceed to the final selection process. 1. RFQ Application: Complete Package (10 points) 2. Contractor Practices and Standards (10 points) 3. Qualifications and Experience (25 points) 4. References and Past Clients (10 points) 5. Staffing and Organization (5 points) 6. Evidence of License and Insurance (10 points) 7. Financial Capacity (30 points) As part of the selection process for the most qualified applicants, DEHD may require finalists to interview with the Evaluation Panel to further explain their submittals. If such interviews are conducted, appraisals of the presentations will also be factored into the final scores. However, applicants are advised that selection may be made without interviews or further discussion. DEHD reserves the right to reject any or all submittals and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the submittals received. In the event of any such rejection, DEHD shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the applicant in connection with the preparation and submittal of the RFQ.

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CONDITIONS No Commitment to Select a Contractor DEHD reserves the right to qualify as many or as few Developers as they see fit. Issuance of this RFQ does not commit DEHD to select an applicant for the Approved Developer’s List and is not required to qualify any of the interested parties. If pre-qualified, the Developer will be added to DEHD’s list of approved Developers and will be expected to respond to invitations to bid on housing projects as opportunities become available. All bidding will be competitive. DEHD reserves the right to postpone the RFQ for its own convenience, to accept or reject any or all RFQ submittals received in response to this RFQ, or to cancel all or part of this RFQ.

Life Span of the Approved Developers List The list of Approved Developers performance will be reviewed periodically. Those developers who have performed well in a timely fashion and have acted in good faith will be retained on the list. The entire list of approved developers may be subject to requalification every 2 years. All interested parties are required to submit an RFQ package prior to the RFQ Deadline. RFQ applications can be found under the Department of Economic and Housing Development section on the City’s website: http://www.newarknj.gov. For questions or if access to the website is not available, RFQ applications may be requested and obtained via e-mail by contacting Keith Hamilton at [email protected] or by phone at (973)733-3914.

Right to Amend DEHD reserves the right to amend or supplement this RFQ, giving equal information and cooperation to all RFQ interested parties. Interested parties are those individuals or organizations who obtained a copy of the RFQ. Addenda to this RFQ will be posted on the City’s website. It shall be the responsibility of the applicants to check the website prior to the submittal deadline for any addenda issued. All addenda shall become part of the RFQ.

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City of NewarkEHD - RFQ for Contractors/Developers

Inquiries and Technical Assistance Meeting A Pre-submission question and answer session will be held on Thursday, March 2, 2018 at 11:00AM at City Hall, 920 Broad St., Newark. The meeting will be held in Room B29 located in the lower level rotunda. Additional questions may be submitted in writing and must be received by DEHD by March 9, 2018. Written questions can be sent via email, facsimile or by mail to the attention of Keith Hamilton. DEHD shall not be obligated to answer any questions received after the above-specified deadline or any questions submitted in a manner other than as instructed above.

Submission Requirements On or before the submission deadline, Applicants must submit their qualifications in accordance with the instructions and attachments outlined. SUBMITTAL Applicants shall submit one (1) original and four (4) printed copies of their RFQ submittal by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, March 19, 2018 and must be clearly marked "Developer Request For Qualifications". Responses must be submitted to: Department of Economic and Housing Development Division of Housing and Real Estate 920 Broad Street, Room 421 Newark, New Jersey 07102 Attention: Keith Hamilton

Submittals received after the deadline will not be accepted. In order to be considered, all submittals must be date-stamped by DEHD upon receipt by the above-specified deadline. DEHD shall not be responsible for, nor accept as a valid excuse for late delivery, any delay in mail service or other method of delivery used by Applicants responding to this RFQ. Facsimile responses will not be accepted.

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SUBMITTAL FORMAT AND CONTENT All applicants responding to this RFQ shall provide the following information, in the form, content and sequence as outlined below. Format The RFQ Submittal should be submitted on 8 ½” x 11” size paper, using a simple method of fastening. Packages should be printed in 12pt Times New Roman or similar, and should not include any elaborate or promotional material. Hand written applications will not be accepted. Lengthy narrative is discouraged; presentations should be brief and concise. Content I. Cover Sheet All relevant information on the cover sheet [Attachment 1: Cover Sheet] shall be completed. II. Table of Contents Immediately following the cover page there should be a complete table of contents for material included in the package. III. Organizational Description Provide a succinct description of the organization's history, mission, staffing and organizational structure. Include organizational documents such as a copy of the Articles of Incorporation or Certificate of Formation, and a copy if the Business Registration Certificate. If the respondent is a partnership of more than one organization, please provide a brief bio on each member, including proposed roles and division of responsibilities. Applicants must also disclose any conditions (e.g., bankruptcy, pending litigation) that may affect the developer's ability to perform contractually. IV. Qualifications and Experience, References and Past Clients This section should establish the ability of the developer (and its subcontractors, if any) to satisfactorily perform under the requirements of the RFQ. Information provided should include: • Description of the developer’s existing workload. • List of past clients and recently completed work. Include a project description, number of units, if commercial, total square footage, dollar amount for cost of project, location address, beginning/ending dates of contracts, and names titles 7 of 9

City of NewarkEHD - RFQ for Contractors/Developers

and telephone numbers of individuals that DEHD can contact as references for your company. • Provide Photographs of most recent rehabilitation, remodeling or construction projects. • General Contractors must provide a copy of a valid license. (e.g. photo copy of pocket license) V. Financial Information Applicants must provide evidence that they possess the financial capacity to complete projects resulting from this RFQ solicitation. Provide copies of the following:    

Most recent financial statement Certificate of Good Standing Letter of Credit Bank Statements


VI. Other Requirements In addition to completion and submission of all the attached and required documents as set forth below and in this RFQ, the City also requires Applicants to be aware of the following: A. ALL property conveyances are subject to approval by the Municipal Council. B. Applicants are advised of the responsibility to file an annual disclosure statement on political contributions with the New Jersey Enforcement Commission pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.13 (PI. 2005, c.27l, s.3) if the Applicant receives contracts in excess of $50,000 from public entities in a calendar year. It is the Applicant's responsibility to determine if filing is necessary. Additional information on this requirement is available from ELEC at 888-313- 3532 or at www.elec.state.nj.us C. Upon designation/award for specific projects, additional disclosure forms must be executed. These forms include, in part, Hold Harmless Agreement, NonCollusion Affidavit, Political Contribution Statement, Pay-to-Play Compliance Affidavit, etc. D. Applicants will be required to provide a Certificate of Insurance as a condition to closing on awarded redevelopment projects, or prior to being selected for a home repair contract.

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City of NewarkEHD - RFQ for Contractors/Developers

ATTACHMENT 1: COVER SHEET Name of Applicant/Organization


Business Street Address


City, State, Zip


Contact Person




Telephone Number


Direct Email


Web Site


Is the Applicant a 501(c)(3) non-profit Does the Applicant possess MWBE or MBE Certificate Applicant Interested in:

Rehabilitation Projects

□ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No New Construction Projects

Applicant has previously purchased property from the City of Newark

□ Yes □ No

Identify the property location and date of purchase ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

Has the property been developed: Yes No If No, what is the expected date of completion? _____________________________ I acknowledge that failure to disclose a material fact or to misrepresent a fact can result in a rejection of my application to participate in the RFQ process. I certify that all of the information contained in my application to purchase is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of the individual or an officer authorized to make a binding contractual commitment for the Applicant/Organization. Name:_______________________________________




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