In May 1950, Kenneth E. Hagin received a mandate from. God to “go teach My
people faith.” With the message of faith burning in his heart, he took steps to fulfill
Rhema Bible Training College Catalog
Rhema Bible Training College Catalog
A Remarkable Journey In May 1950, Kenneth E. Hagin received a mandate from
Assembly in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where classes
God to “go teach My people
were first held. RBTC now resides on a beautifully
faith.” With the message of faith
landscaped 110-acre campus in Broken Arrow,
burning in his heart, he took
Oklahoma. In 2012, to help students earning credit
steps to fulfill the Lord’s mandate
at universities, Rhema Bible Training Center changed
by holding faith seminars across
its name, becoming Rhema Bible Training College.
the United States. However, on many occasions Brother Hagin
While the school’s name has changed, RBTC is more
felt as though the seminars
determined than ever to see the message of faith
weren’t reaching enough
reach every corner of the earth. In 1975, 58 students
graduated as members of the charter class with the message of faith engraved on their hearts. Today,
He often cried out to God for
nearly 60,000 men and women have graduated
help, “The world must hear this
from over 130 RBTC campuses around the world.
message. It’s not my message— it’s the Word of God. How can
Along with the Broken Arrow campus, there are
we get it out?”
currently Rhema campuses in Angola, Australia, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia,
God’s plan for fulfilling the
Costa Rica, Cuba, Egypt, England, France,
mandate became clear during
Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy,
the first Campmeeting in 1973.
Kenya, Mexico, Myanmar, Netherlands, Nigeria,
Speaking under the unction of
Northern Ireland, Papua New Guinea, Peru,
the Holy Spirit, Kenneth E. Hagin
Romania, Russia, Singapore, the South Pacific,
said, “. . . we’re going to start a
Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, and Zambia.
Bible school.” Brother Hagin later gave his son, Kenneth W. Hagin,
Today the influence of Rhema graduates is being
the task of starting Rhema Bible
felt worldwide. They are ministering in all 50 states,
Training Center. Sitting at a
and over 1,500 churches have been established in
makeshift desk with only a pad
the United States alone. In addition, Rhema has had
and pencil, his Bible, and his
a significant impact in at least 114 nations around
college handbook, Kenneth W.
the world. Since the first graduating class, the
Hagin put together Rhema’s
message of faith has been taken to six continents
first curriculum.
and the islands of the sea.
Rhema Bible Training Center
It has often been said that the sun never sets on
has traveled a remarkable path
a Rhema graduate preaching the Word of God.
since its humble beginnings. The
Working together, the Rhema family is leaving a
school long ago outgrew the
lasting mark on the world.
rented auditorium at Sheridan
Karen Jensen
RBTC Faculty
d Tues day
When Karen Jensen isn’t running the spotlight for one
of the drama productions at Rhema Bible Church, she’s busy illuminating the
ayer nt Pr
7 AM
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AM 8:00 p Jim u k c i P
dents. Whether Karen is teaching Old Testament
9 AM
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Survey, Blood Covenant, or Intro to Pastoral Care,
h AM hurc 10:00 a Bible C Rhem
10 AM
students find her teaching style energetic and engag-
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Word of God for Rhema Bible Training College stu-
AM m 7:00 out @ Gy k r o W
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PM 1:00 Sc er y a Pr
ing. What does she want her students to “get” from
AM 8:30 Honor f e f Li o
her classes? “The Word of God is the answer for everything in life,” she says. “If the students will let it dwell in them richly and believe it, they will always come
1 PM PM 2:00 ing d for p Shop mber foo e r) (Rem re Cente 3 PM We-Ca
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out on top.” Never one to grab the limelight, Karen is always shining the spotlight on the successes of others.
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An RBTC Student’s
Typical Week
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and Curriculum
Making a mark on the world doesn’t just happen. It requires training, and RBTC students are trained by the very best. Our faculty members have proven track records in their particular ministry areas and have more than 600 years of combined ministerial experience. They lived it, they’re still living it, and they’re ready to share their expertise with you. “All of the instructors are awesome,” said one student. “They are so real. It never seems like they are unreachable. They know what they are talking about and you can tell they genuinely care about the students.” Another student said, “The classes are packed with priceless gems of truth. It seemed as though each class ministered to me right when I needed it.” From its inception, RBTC has focused on teaching both the practical and spiritual sides of ministry. Students are taught a balanced, Bible-based curriculum through which they learn to rightly divide the Word of Truth and flow with the Holy Spirit. And outside of the classroom, students have many opportunities to practice what they have been taught.
“It’s one thing for someone to draw a map to a place they’ve never been. It’s another thing when someone who has already traveled the course can share with you things that aren’t on the map.” —Paul Favors Rhema School of Pastoral Ministry
First Year: Fundamentals “I knew that for me to get a kick-start on my life as an adult and as a carrier of the Gospel, Rhema would be the place to get an awesome foundation,” said Lydia, a first-year student. A strong foundation should never be underestimated. It’s the key to success in whatever you do. RBTC’s curriculum is designed with a strong emphasis on establishing students in the fundamental principles of God’s Word. The fundamentals of faith, our righteousness in Christ, and God’s will concerning healing are among the firstyear topics.
Second Year: Advanced Preparation Attending second year at Rhema was a no-brainer for Christi and her husband, Greg. “Although we already had college degrees, we wanted specialized training for the ministry,” she said. The second-year curriculum emphasizes the practical aspects of ministry—building on the first-year program with advanced biblical study and intensive course work. Rhema supplements the classroom experience with hands-on training and a steady flow of guest speakers from around the world. Emphasis is placed on the following ministry areas: Pastors, Missions, Evangelism, Children, Youth, Supportive Ministry, and Biblical Studies.
Third and Fourth Year: Added Training For those wanting additional training, an optional third and fourth year of study is available. Students may specialize in a particular ministry area by attending the School of Worship, School of Pastoral Ministry, School of World Missions, or School of Biblical Studies. Students may also enroll in the General Extended Studies program, a flexible plan that allows them to select the first- and second-year courses of their choice— thereby creating their own unique program.
Taking Aim—Soaring High Rhema’s athletes are right on target, competing nationally in men’s and women’s basketball and golf. The Rhema Eagles and Lady Eagles basketball teams have posted some outstanding seasons since they first laced up their high-tops. Since 1999, the squads have won a combined total of 13 national championships. The Rhema golf team proved that they can also hit the mark, winning two national titles. One of Kenneth W. Hagin’s favorite sayings is “I cannot be defeated, and I will not quit!” That attitude is inscribed on the hearts of Rhema students in the classroom and during games and matches. Not only does it help win competitions, it also propels our students to success long after they have graduated. For those who like sports but don’t play at the intercollegiate level, RBTC offers intramurals in softball, floor hockey, bowling, volleyball, flag football, and basketball. You might see a few more gutter balls, air balls, and strikeouts, but you’ll also make new friends and have a lot of fun in the process.
h 9
Tad Gregurich Dean of RBTC
Few people know that Dean
a 5:11 mile during an eighth-grade track meet. Today, he’s not focused on his race. He’s focused on the race of every student who passes through the doors of Rhema Bible Training College. There’s a big world out there, and not everyone has heard the Good News. There are still plenty of people who need to learn how to walk in faith, understand their authority
and know who they are in Christ. Dean Gregurich is determined to see that RBTC students are able ministers of the Gospel upon that
graduation, every
class finishes the race God has laid out for them.
The Ninowski Recreation Center RBTC students have full access to the Ninowski Recreation Center (NRC). The NRC is open Monday through Saturday and has a regulation-size basketball court, a volleyball court, four racquetball courts, an aerobics area, a weight room, an indoor running track, a roller skating rink, men’s and women’s saunas, and table tennis and foosball tables.
Target Practice Although obtaining a college degree is a mark of achievement, true expertise combines knowledge and experience. If you’re training to become a world-class archer, it isn’t enough to know the distance to the target. You must be able to hit it. At Rhema, we recognize that experience acquired through active, personal participation is every bit as valuable as knowledge gained in the classroom. That’s why Rhema Bible Training College makes it a point to offer volunteer opportunities to every student. Volunteering allows students to discover what works in real-life situations.
Taking Aim Rhema Bible Church is a vibrant local congregation meeting on the Rhema Bible Training College campus. RBTC students are encouraged not only to attend Rhema Bible Church, but also to volunteer in any of its many outreaches. Volunteering at Rhema Bible Church gives students an excellent grasp of what ministry entails—in both the big picture and the small details. Here are just some of the areas where students can get involved:
• Kenneth Hagin Ministries Conferences Each year Kenneth Hagin Ministries hosts Winter Bible Seminar, Campmeeting, the Kindle the Flame® Women’s Conference, and the A Call to Arms® Men’s Conference. These multiday gatherings draw thousands of attendees from around the world. Student volunteers will gain an understanding of some of the logistics involved in hosting large conferences.
• Community Events Rhema’s annual Fourth of July celebration, Rockets Over Rhema, the Harvest Carnival (a Halloween alternative), and the nationally acclaimed Christmas Lights Extravaganza serve as local community outreaches. By volunteering, students see firsthand how community-oriented activities can effectively reach those who need Jesus Christ.
• Church Services and Outreaches Rhema Bible Church offers many ways for students to help— whether in areas close to their hearts or in ones that provide new experiences. Opportunities abound for ministry to children, youth, prisoners, nursing home residents, the lost, and many others.
• RBTC Internships Rhema Bible Training College offers several unpaid internships. Students may apply for positions in many departments, including Student Ministries and Communications. Whichever avenue students choose, they have ample opportunity to participate in active ministry. They don’t have to wait until they graduate to begin making their mark on the world.
Broken Arrow Broken Arrow marks the spot to which Kenneth E. Hagin moved Rhema Bible Training College and his ministry offices in 1976. Since that time, 13 additional buildings—including a prayer and healing center, a library, a recreation center, student housing, and the current Rhema Bible Church facilities—have been built or remodeled, expanding the campus to 110 acres. The picturesque town of Broken Arrow was officially founded in 1902. Named after a former Indian settlement, the once-small bedroom community to Tulsa has grown into a suburban city of just over 97,000 and has received several honors. • Family Circle magazine featured Broken Arrow as one of the 10 best towns for families in 2008. • A 2008 crime survey by CQ Press found Broken Arrow to be the 44th safest city in the nation and the safest city in Oklahoma. • Broken Arrow has been listed in Money magazine’s top 100 best places to live in the United States in 2012, 2010, and 2006. • In 2011, ranked Broken Arrow as the 8th best city to retire to in the United States. Broken Arrow’s revitalized historic downtown boasts a new three-story museum to house the historical and genealogical societies, a farmer’s market and plaza, and a performing arts center. Broken Arrow and Union public school districts serve the thriving community and are considered among the best in Oklahoma. Both have state-of-the-art football stadiums that are also used for other sports, band competitions, and more. Whether you want to relax in one of Broken Arrow’s parks, hike along a nature trail, hit the links on any of the eight golf courses, swim in the aquatic center, or simply eat at a great restaurant, there’s plenty to do after your day ends at Rhema Bible Training College.
Earmarked for Fun! Although most students work full- or part-time jobs after morning classes, carving out time for fun and fellowship is a high priority. Each month you’ll find many of our students at Synergy, which includes high-octane worship, drama, preaching, and a variety of social activities for singles of all ages. Another place to form lasting friendships is through School of the Bible. Classes are divided by age group and marital status and are designed to help people form meaningful relationships with other church members. School of the Bible meets every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. for fellowship and teaching, and classes gather at other times throughout the year for special activities. With more than 30 groups to choose from, Rhema Bible Church’s L.I.N.K. Teams enable students to connect with others of similar interest. From paintball to photography, from riding motorcycles to riding skateboards, students are sure to find something they like. If you enjoy physical activity, there are late skates and family skates every month at the Ninowski Recreation Center. Or you can play intramural sports. “I love the intramural sports program,” one second-year student said. “Not only is it competitive, but it’s something to do with friends beyond the classroom. It’s easy to see some people are not called to be athletes, so it’s a good thing they’re here training for ministry!”
Developing Expertise
Message Development and Delivery Caring for People God’s to Supernatural Ministry On-Site Church Visitation Church Planting Building a Pastoral Staff Church Administration
Way Keys
Rhema’s second-, third-, and fourth-year pastoral programs are designed to give students many hours of hands-on training—both natural and supernatural—before they ever step foot into a church as a pastor. Students study the fundamentals of pastoring, visit local churches, participate in community outreaches, and learn how to be shepherds after God’s own heart.
Cross-Cultural Ministry Survival Weekend Cultural
Immersion Weekend The How-To of Missions The Missionary Family Traveling Ministry Although training for the mission field may begin in the classroom, it doesn’t end there. During the missions second-year program, students learn the basic principles of living
and ministering in a foreign country. Returning third- and fourth-year students take to the woods for survival training and leave their comfort zones to participate in a cultural immersion weekend. These experiences help prepare them for a one-month missions internship they complete before graduation.
“Third year is challenging, but it will be one of the best decisions anyone can make.” —Third-year graduate
Legal and Business Issues Creative Teaching Principles Practical Ministry Skills Ministry of an Evangelist Christianity and World Religions Great Themes in Evangelistic Preaching
The second-year evangelists program gives students a general knowledge of how man practices religion around the world and shares practical ways to reach other people groups with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Students also receive a basic working knowledge of IRS and state laws pertaining to tax-exempt religious organizations.
Youth & Children’s Ministry Learning Styles
Mechanics of Youth
Children’s Ministry in a Small Church Ministering to Youth in
Children’s Ministry Fundamentals Organizing Youth Events Ministry to Preschool Children Building a Youth
David Vasquez
Ministry Team
RBTC Alumnus
The second-year children’s and youth specialties focus
Senior Pastor
on giving students an overview of what it takes to
In Him Community Church
create successful children’s and youth ministries. These programs emphasize what works. Classes cover legal
Life for David Vasquez is all
issues, the practical side of ministry, and how to reach
about moving forward. A
youngsters and teens in today’s society.
graduate from the pastor’s group
remembers well the words of RBTC instructor Doug Jones: “If you don’t apply what you’ve learned at Rhema, you will revert back to the same position and person you were before you came here.” Throughout his years of ministry, David has had
to apply the wealth of knowledge
he learned at Rhema. “I strongly believe I wouldn’t be where I’m at today if I had not applied what I learned,” he says. Today David pastors the thriving In Him Community Church, located
Arizona, where he teaches his congregation to live life on purpose. And as the congregation applies what they are learning, they are moving forward into all that God has destined for them.
Developing Expertise
Worship Charts Ear Training Practical Worship Skills Technical Worship Skills The Heart of a Worshipper Piano Music Theory
The third-year School of Worship program is designed to strengthen students both naturally and spiritually. Classes in Piano, Voice, and Ear Training prepare budding worship leaders for the practical side of ministry, while subjects such as Praise and Worship in the Word teach students to rely on and follow the Holy Spirit.
A Mark
of Distinction Graduation from Rhema Bible Training College sets you apart and marks you for life. With the seal of faith engraved deeply on your heart, you’ll leave an able minister of the Gospel, ready to fulfill God’s call. After graduation, your connection with RBTC doesn’t have to end. By joining the Rhema Alumni Association (RAA), you’ll receive continued communication and encouragement to help you maintain family ties with your spiritual base. As an RAA member, you’ll be entitled to: •• Access our Ministerial Opportunities database. •• Visit Rhema classes five days each quarter. •• Receive Connections, our twice-yearly publication. •• Enjoy the Ninowski Recreation Center when in town. •• Connect with RAA staff regarding questions or problems in ministry. •• Have the opportunity, when qualified, to receive credentials through Rhema Ministerial Association International (RMAI).
GI Bill/Voc Rehab approved!
You bear a mark of distinction for serving our country. Now God is calling you to “. . . press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14). As a military veteran, a member of the military reserve, or an active duty service member, you can use your GI Bill/Voc Rehab benefits for all four years of training at RBTC. These benefits include tuition and fees paid directly to RBTC, a monthly housing allowance, and an annual book and supply stipend. For more information regarding benefits provided under the GI Bill/Voc Rehab, visit For more information about applying to RBTC under the GI Bill/ Voc Rehab, visit our website at or contact our admissions staff at (918) 258-1588, ext. 2260. We look forward to guiding you through the exciting process of attending RBTC.
S. (Pinkie) Fischer RBTC Alumnus Battalion Chaplain 6th Psychological Operations Battalion 1995 Graduate U.S. Army Special Operations Command
Veritos Vos Liberabit (The Truth Will Set You Free) is the motto of the 6th Psychological Operations Battalion stationed at West Point, New York. It’s not by coincidence that Pinkie Fischer is a battalion chaplain. After learning the truth of the Word of God at Rhema Bible Training College and graduating in 1995, Pinkie joined the military. Drawn by the disciplined Armed Forces lifestyle, Pinkie wanted to help soldiers and their families become more disciplined in their passion for God. “I felt that if I could build a soldier up spiritually, then he or she would have the stamina to overcome the challenges of life physically and mentally,” she says. And every day, whether here in the United States or on the battlefields of Afghanistan, Pinkie is able to share with soldiers the truth that will set them free.
On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!
Things to Do Before Applying:
Check out our website.
We offer tours to prospective students throughout the year.
Every spring and fall, Rhema opens up the campus to prospective students.
Sit in on classes, meet current students and instructors, enjoy campus and
community tours, and get information on moving to Broken Arrow.
Visit the campus. Check out RBTC during a Rhema College Weekend.
Attend a special event.
Plan on attending Winter Bible Seminar, Campmeeting, the Kindle the Flame®
Women’s Conference, or the A Call to Arms® Men’s Conference. While you’re
here, check out the campus.
For more information on visiting the campus, call our Admissions Office at (918) 258-1588, ext. 2260, Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. CST. For more information on Rhema College Weekend or any of our special events, visit
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Lynette Hagin’s
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Annual Events
you can check out!