Rhetorical Grammar Activity! The sentence: I bombed my history test today
because I was up late last night. How can this sentence be reconfigured to make
it ...
Rhetorical Grammar Activity! The sentence: I bombed my history test today because I was up late last night. How can this sentence be reconfigured to make it more rhetorically effective? Option 1: If I would have gone to bed earlier last night, I might have passed my history test/exam this morning. Option 2: I should have gone to bed earlier last night so that I would have been better prepared to take my history test/exam. Option 3: Staying up late last night made it difficult to focus on my history test/exam this morning. There is no RIGHT or WRONG way to word a sentence, just a more EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT, and DESCRIPTIVE way so that your listener, reader, or audience clearly understands what you are saying.
*** Now let us try reconfiguring these next two sentences in a more effective, efficient, and descriptive way: The sentences: I will study much harder next time. So that I will not fail my next history test. Option 1: