Rhinebeck NY Gazette 1916-1919 - FultonHistory.com

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the Scoot Ix>dge where they spent t of the afternoon playing games and a roaring fire. Later on the atmsster and two of the scouts hiked across country to Crystal ...
Hnthuk alette

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Costs Are Behind








New D. A. R. Chapter Organized Here Monday—Twenty-Six Charter Member*

SS^S^^^P^ e



Before Christmas from Rhinebeck



u >nce rs

T h i s is t h e t a s k s e t b e f o r e t h e t o w n . L e t e v e r y m a n , woman, and child join w h e n asked. T h e c o s t of $1.00 covers all of 1 9 1 8 .

and patriotic songs i J | $£***?* ? f b r B S S instruments be will w I

If y o u a r e not a s k e d e l s e w h e r e , j o i n at t h e Office. D i s p l a y a R e d C r o s s S e r v i c e F l a g .

J?*]USES? £&,"«£ ^e ct!

ceIebratio„ m w*H







Rhinebeck Must Have One Thousand Members National Red Cross Before Christmas—Comm i t t e e a t W o r k : — T i m e Is Short


The drive to obtain fifteen million members of the Red Cross before Christmas Eve, in the United States, ! What W e Hear About Our Own and has begun, Dutchess county's quota Other People Who Come is 25,000 members, and one thousand And Go of this number must be found in the ,„.„. „ _ . „ , . ! Town of Rhinebepk. y SP y m T *S&!2J& his work has been und
een visit- urging them to join at the Gazette presents. f W h a a r J playfetf, people Mrs.-Ttreodore de Laporte, Mrs. Wil- room. tiyj .. n L d h ^ ^ r S S — offices, on the d a y s ^ s i g ^ t S S ^ J ^ Office if missed in the canvass. sang, and the party was full of The following ladies were patron- IK-low: "Harry Arnold, 'Wednesdays Wey, Miss Anna Mitchell, Miss The following appeal has been Christmas secricy, for nobody knew liam Mary Olmsted, Mrs. Sumner Sperl- esses for the dance: Mrs. Tracy Dows, and Fridays; Harry Montgomery, fders and children of ttiis city were made by the President: who did it. ing, Miss Julia Reed, Mrs. Jacob H. Mrs. Clinton G. Abbott, Mrs. Frank Thursdays; Benson R. Frost, Thurs- also visitors at Mrs Asher's home.— TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNIT"Who gave the Tree of Light?" Strong, Mrs. Frank Herrick, Miss Latson, Mrs. Jacob H. Strong, Mrs. days, Fridays and Saturdays. Star. ED STATES: i asked a little shop girl, and a tall man Anna Reed, Mia. Frank L. Asher, Francis K. Little, Mrs. Philip DeGarThe Rev. Ernest C. Sounders, recTen million Americans are invitin a fur-lined coat replied, "No one Mrs. S. H. Strong, Miss Marion Best, mo, Mrs. R. Raymond Rikert, Mrs. tor emeritus of the Church of the ed to join the American Red Cross lee Stops Navigation On Hudson knows—Its just our tree!" Mrs. W. R. Carroll, Mrs. W. Scott George Esselstyn, Miss Julia Olmsted, Messiah, who has been ill during the the week ending with ' Because of the heavy ice and And each year since the people's Heard, Mrs. S. H. Van Etten, Mrs. Mrs. Wallace Foster, Mrs. Oscar past summer, has been ordered to during tree has stood in Madison Square, Pierre E. Cookingham, Miss Alice Cookingham, Miss Williams and Mrs. heavy flood tide the ferryboat Trans- California for the winter. His ad- Christmas Eve. The times require port was not able to make its sched- dress is 1248 West Fifty-third street, that every branch of our great New York, far New York's lonely Hill, Mrs. Philip De Garmo, Miss An- A. Lee Stickle. national effort shall be loyally upuled trips Wednesday morning but Los Angeles. ones, rich or poor. na Cramer, Miss Elsie Cramer, Miss Bcekman Arms was thrown open later in the day the conditions imheld, and it is peculiarly fitting that T tthe he ur Lilian B. B TLatson, -*-' "* " B " P e l k „fby Mr. nurnose This year ix there are any lonely Lilian Miss "Helen T J Foster ? l , t O for P Pse and proved. at Christmas season the Red Cross oaes in Rhinebeck let them turn ort Mrs. Lee Stickle _ —^^.. Wey," Wey, Miss EltSbsth fcl ^ s t f t - L ^ «** es i.i should be the branch through which Preparations have been made at VILLAGE BOARD, NAMES and share in the joy of the season. Miss Helen Ackert and Miss Ruth charge. Several rooms were used for Kingston to get the last tow of the j WATER COMMITTEE your willingness to help is exAckert. The papers of Mrs. John cloak rooms and refreshments were seasjtjii ready to go down the river this served in the small dining room and BOY SCOUTS WORK HARD Creed have been sent, but not yet re- in the grill room. A cheerful fire week. Eight submarine chasers Citizen's Committee Appointed To pressed. You should join the American FOR SECOND CLASS TEST turned. burned in the Urge open fire place which were built at the shipyard were Act With Trustees On Purchase Red Cross because it alone can in the reception hall where one could to go down in this tow and in order to of Water Company—The carry the pledges of Christmas rest in the comfortable old fashioned protect the hulls of the chasers heavy Committee Several Pass Examination To Become TWILIGHT BUS LINE good will to those who are bearing chairs and settees while not dancing. barges .were to be placed in front of Second Class Scouts—Dane* A special meeting of the VilUge for us the real burdens of the TO INCREASE SERVICE It was more like a big house party them to break the ice. War Dance at Pageant Board was held Monday evening for world war, both in our army and than a dance. The steamers Ulster and Ida have Among the guests were people discontinued trips between Saogertics the purpose of selecting a citizen's navy and in the nations upon Stock To Be Sold to Provide Capital Work on the second class tests committee to act in an advisory ca- whose territory the issues of the for New Lines and Better Service from Poughkeepsie, Red Hook, Mada- and N e w York for the season. has kept the local scouts busy during pacity with the trustees in t h e matter world war are being fought oat. lin, Staatsburg, Kingston and other the past week, several boys having of purchasing the Rhinebeck Water Your evidence of faith in this work BAPTIST is necessary for their heartening The Twilight Bus Line, Inc., which places, who were obliged to stay in passed the examinations in compass Company. the village over night because of the and cheer. 10:30—Morning worship. work and the knife work. A t the reg- operates the Twilight buses and the storm. •The following were selected: A. F. 11:00—Sermon. You should join the Red Cross ular meeting Monday night the scoot* Twilight express line running beQuick, A. C. Toof, Jacob H. "Strong, because 11:46"—Bible school. At a table near the entrance to this arm of the national tween this village and Poughkeepsie master inspected the troop. InspecWm. H. Judson, Chas. Ferris, Lee 12:00—Address to Baraca class— Van Vredenburgh and O. E. Cook- service is steadfastly and efficiently tions will take place every week and has offered for sale a number of the dance hall Red Cross women had application blanks for memberehipJn Subject: "The Jacob Family." maintaining the overseas relief in scouts will be awarded points or giv- shares of its stock. ingham. every suffering land, administering %30—B. Y. P. U. service. Their .capital stock is $25,000 di- the society and many new members en demerits according to their perSince the proposition was first our millions wisely and well and vided into 500 shares of common were secured. Rev. Francis K. Little sonal appearance. 7:30—Sermon. made to the board, the members have awakening the gratitude of every spoke a few words telling how Rhine7:30 Monday evening—Teachers had the subject under serious considEight scouts took part in the school stock, having a par value of $50.00 people. Our conscience will not let pagean eant last Friday. They gave the per snare. No bonds nor preferred beck wanted to secure a thousand training class at the parsonage. eration. As it presents Urge ques- us enjoy the Christmas season if new members to the Red Cross. 7:46 Saturday evening—Prayer stock have been issued by the comIndian an scalp o r - w a r dance. In the tions, however they determined to this pledge of support to our cause This is not the first time that a service. first part of the dance the Indians pany. It is the purpose of the comconscript the services snd advice of and the world's weal is left o n were supposed to be in camp. They pany to operate more buses and to dance has been held within the old seven of their townsmen, with the re- fulfilled. Red Cross membership Horn* Defease Notes step very highly, show off their feath- extend the service over new territory walls. Mr. Foster is in possession of sult that the men named above have is the Christmas spirit in terms of ers and boast to the squaws who are e n d to add a taxi service. They also many old dance invitations, issued [Orders of the day: been drafted into the service of the action. It during the forties and fifties to balls stated around the fire. Soon they contemplate building a garage. The members of the Rhinebeck village. No definite action could be held in the historic old inn. Nearly WOODROW WILSON, start on the trail of the enemy; they is t o secure capital for this work that Home Defense Reserve Company are taken without a popular rote, but all the old inns and * taverns were ordered to report at Town Hall head- there is much discussion to ta&e place President of American Red Cross are not so brave now, they crouch the stock is being sold. Mr. Abendschein, the president and equipped with ballrooms, where many quarters this Friday evening, Dec. 14, before a vote can be taken. The down, look at the trail, find their way by the stars and tracks. At last treasurer of the company has given notable assembUges gathered to en- '17, at 8:30 o'clock for an indoor board and the committee will hold a OWNER LEAVES HORSE the chief sights the enemy encamp- Rhinebeck people the best service joy the time-honored amusement of drill and smoker. The proposed pre- meeting next Thursday evening. ment. He signals his braves and all they have ever had, since he has been dancing. The dance Thursday even- sentation will take pUce at this time. STANDING IN COLD At the regoUr December meeting crouch close to the ground and move operating the buses and it is his de- ing, we believe, was the first one held Report in full uniform. CUude White was appointed a special around slowly. Creeping on the sire now to give service that is even there, however, in nearly half a cenE, C. Pullen, Copt. Commanding, policeman in connection with his do Police Officer Lane Authorized To tury. Now that the good old custom ground they close in on the camp better. Tain George Post's Hose* in ties as night watchman. has been revived The Gazette hopes until they are near enough to strike. Out of Cold Charles Leo Mirror Enlists that this may be only the beginning Then with a w a r whoop the clubs are RECRUITING OFFICE IN Mora Town Service Flag Stars Word was received this week by of social affairs and dances to be brought down and when the fight is The following names have come to Lafayette Milroy, of Montgomery Police Officer Benjamin Lane was RHINEBECK THIS WEEK held in Bcekman Arms, as th« re c mid street, over they dance away. The Gazette for representation on the authorized that his youngest son, Charles by the village authorities be no place more fitted for a social service flag, which Colonel Olin is to last Saturday afternoon to take a Saturday a f e w scoots gathered at Leo Milroy, having volunteered his center, or more hospitable. present, since the list was published the Scoot Ix>dge where they spent Young Men May Enlist la Navy At Thirty new members joined the service, has been examined and hut week. If any names nave still horse belonging to George Post, n T o w n Hall S u n d a y a n d Monday t of the afternoon playing games passed all requirements f o r duty in farmer living east of this village, Red Cross at the dance Thursday evand a roaring fire. Later on the been missed pleased notify The Ga- from in front of William Cook's store tile U. S. Naval Reserve Fbrce. ening. Twenty-two joined during Rhinebeck young men will be given the afternoon. atmsster and two of the scouts zette during tile coming weak. on the corner of West Market and hiked across country to Crystal Lake an opportunity to enlist in the United Montgomery streets, where it heel Big War Cake Goes To France States Navy this Sunday and Monday where they skated until sundown. been left standing in the cold and Clarence R o o r s A monster war cake six feet in have it taken care of in a livery Thursday evening the troop spent at the Town Hall. A recruiting party Uncle Sam Wants Clerks aad StenogArthur Simmons consisting of a doctor and two men rspners diameter and weighing one thousand stable and all expense charged to Mr. quite some time practicing basket William Bekert Qeotwe D. Cannon , Post. ball ia preparation for their gasse will hold a recruiting office there at To supply the demand for clerks, ounds has been made a t the WalCtssriea B a t e * with the Baa Hook boys this Sstur- that time. stenographers, and other servant* to orf-Astoria and is about t o be shipThe horse had been tied fart and George Colborn A publicity party was in the village Uncle Sam's payroll, necessary to ped to France to make part of a Jeeepk di Orettole left to stand and its blanket had fallEdward J. Pottenbursrh The scoots wiQ distribute litera- during the past week and have dis- carry on the great work of the war Christmas dinner in the Y. M. C. A. en off. Officer Lane took it to FraEdward A- Pott#nhur»h for the Red Cress Christmas tributed circulars and put cards in the United States Civil Service Com- quartan there. It took six days to leigh Bros., livery, where ft was fed Robert Coster Han* Waiter Taehudln earapaign. Every man, woman and the store windows. ana kept in a warm stall until Mr. mission is holding exandnations for make the cake. Stanley B. Smith Any young man wishing to be ex- those positions weakly throughout AIM la the village should join the Post called for it and paid for its Rdaon P. Howea Henry W. Bame of Albany has keep, including the officer's fee. Mr. Red Croat at this time. A dollar will amined will apply at the office; when the country. Thousands have been Harry a aabfV Cherlsa I * » Milmr Post was notified that should the stake y e a a member for the whole he will be given the physical exami- appointed in Washington during the been appointed appraiser by the four Rodman Bowne nation. If he passes this physical ex- past few months and thousands more insurance companies who held insurhorse be left again the matter wruM I of 1 9 I t . Join now. leisrtg the residence residenoe of Willi William be referred to the Society for the Salomon's plant for amination he will be given a ticket to are to be appointed as soon as they ance en trie avnisM* White Prevention of Cruelty to AnimaU for Christmas tires art New York d t p and told to report to are available. The secretary of the Srhupp, sooth of the village. A. their attention. ia a n s t a t r part of the pa- the Navy Recruiting Station at that local board of Civil Service examin- Quick of this village was appoin T „ seoota tnH act as guards oUce for enlistment when he will be •rs at the post office Is furnithinjf in- by Mr. Schupp as kjtt appraiser. appointed •lent to the Training Station, New- formation about the examination. Owing to the severe snow storm % tree aad wW distribute leaf- port, Stamp savings bring the children a . i. Thursday night the mail was delayed into the financial schemes of t h e mm tm wot-at of the carols aad appraisers met • officer Benjamin Lena shot Friday morning and traffic in general country. The waste of the children tjf. Everybody shook! f t * Rhtothaafc twoPeWce dogs this week whose o w n e r s ' wat interfered with about the taawa of this day would keep a family beck and have a good time ftfta Donee Night After Draft not taken out tin and village. Many e a t of town on the old farm forty" * ^ ^years ^ ^ ago. A e a n t T r e s of L i g h t " Invitations arc o a t for a Zlta< The following taiaebeck mai have a t ' M M Red Cross dance w It^BafBtM fBsfh ev ft\ ^BBBBBBVBI sajt*m^tHkfaas> It children will m e r e to be held In the Town •s^sw^pem fa^ta^BfesBBBBa' s^ts^B^^H^s^ss v^sv a ^ p W S ^B^B w t^s^^Pej' to shay la the village over SSfe^T-f^fg*tBs««^BBBsi

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«« American ° e «^cted on on the lawn 1J»IX-« I i _ J . .._«,—.» * . „* °* wthe American RevoR»m. I lution, met for the purpose of organ* « first'time Christmas ization at the home of Mrs. Theodore J Eve. Everyone in town de Laport on Livingston street, Mon-1 come out and see the" tree \HAW *° day afternoon at three o'clock. 3\£* J*





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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069







