Rhyme Time: Word Families Lesson - Lakeshore Learning Materials

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Students will build and read words that belong to the same word family. Materials Needed. • Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss. • Word-building cards and answer key.
1st–2nd Grade Objectives Reading: Foundational Skills • Orally producing single-syllable words by blending sounds, including consonant blends • Decoding regularly spelled one-syllable words • Knowing spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams Materials Needed • Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss • Word-building cards and answer key • “Wonderful Word Families” reproducible • Pocket chart • Chart paper or whiteboard • Scissors • Marker













Preparation Print the word-building cards and answer key. Cut out the title, word family and onset cards. Procedure 1. Read Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss. As you read, point out the rhyming words that are used in the book. As students begin to catch on, invite them to point out words that rhyme by raising their hands as they hear you read them. 2. On chart paper or on a whiteboard, make a list of the rhyming words that are used in the book. 3. Explain that words that rhyme are often in the same word family—but not always. Give examples of rhymes that are in the same word family, such as tall, fall, call and wall. Then show examples of rhyming words that do not share the same word family ending, such as there and chair. 4. Tell students that they are going to learn about five word families: -all, -at, -ay, -ed and -ight. 5. Place the word family cards in a pocket chart to make five columns of four. 6. One at a time, hold up the onset cards and ask, “Can we put this card in front of one of the word families to make a word?” Invite students to tell you which word family you can use to form a word. (Answers may vary. To ensure that you don’t have any cards left over, guide students to the answers provided on the answer key.) 7. Choose a student to come up to the pocket chart and put the onset card in the correct place. Have students say the word aloud together. 8. Continue until you have built all 20 words. Independent Practice 1. Assign each student a word family that is used in Hop on Pop. 2. Give each student a copy of the “Wonderful Word Families” reproducible and have them write their word family at the top of the page. Then prompt them to write down as many words from that word family as they can. 3. Encourage students to write a sentence at the bottom of the page using at least two of the words from their list. 4. Assemble the completed pages into a class book and place it in a literacy center. Encourage students to visit the center and add to each other’s lists when they think of other words that belong in each word family! ©Lakeshore


_at _at _at _at p c s h ©Lakeshore


_ay _ay _ay _ay d w pl s ©Lakeshore


_ed _ed _ed _ed r b sl f ©Lakeshore


_all _all _all _all w t f b ©Lakeshore


_ight _ight _ight _ight f n r l ©Lakeshore


Answer Key (Answers may vary.)

-all ball, fall, tall, wall

-ed bed, fed, red, sled

-at cat, hat, pat, sat

-ight fight, light, night, right

-ay day, play, say, way




My word family is __________.

Write a sentence. Use at least two words from your word family.

