Riboflavin and b-oxidation Flavoenzymes

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1993, 2000). This mitochondrial function is important as a large number of flavoenzymes ... gically produced light, signal transduction in programmed cell death, and regulation ... mammals, mitochondrial β-oxidation of fatty acid provides a major source of ... succinyl-CoA to enter the citric acid cycle. ... The following sections.

Riboflavin and b-oxidation Flavoenzymes BA´RBARA J. HENRIQUES,w JOA˜O V. RODRIGUESw AND CLA´UDIO M. GOMES* Instituto Tecnologia Quı´ mica e Biolo´gica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Av Repu´blica EAN, 2785-572 Oeiras, Portugal *Email: [email protected], URL: http://www.itqb.unl.pt/pbfs

37.1 Riboflavin Metabolism and Chemistry Riboflavin, commonly known as vitamin B2, is metabolized inside cells to flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), two very important enzyme cofactors. These molecules possess rather unique and versatile chemical properties, which confer on them the ability to be among the most important redox cofactors found in a broad range of enzymes. In this chapter we provide a brief description of riboflavin metabolism and chemistry, overview the different flavoenzymes engaged in fatty acid b-oxidation and their respective roles. We also highlight recent studies shedding light on the cellular processes and biological effects of riboflavin supplementation in the context of metabolic disease.


Equally contributing authors.

Food and Nutritional Components in Focus No. 4 B Vitamins and Folate: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects Edited by Victor R. Preedy r The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, www.rsc.org



Chapter 37


Riboflavin Metabolism

Riboflavin needs to be present in the human typical diet, as animals, unlike many plants, fungi and bacteria, are unable to synthesize this molecule. Dietary intake of this vitamin includes free riboflavin and also its protein bound form, as FAD and FMN in flavoproteins (Figure 37.1A). In the latter case, flavins need to be first released from carrier proteins during digestion and then hydrolysed to riboflavin by alkaline phosphatases and FMN/FAD pyrophosphatase in order to be absorbed at the small intestine. Apart from dietary intake, riboflavin is also obtained from endogenous synthesis by microflora in the large intestine and is subsequently absorbed. Inside the cell, FMN is formed from vitamin B2 via adenosine triphosphate (ATP) phosphorylation and a flavokinase. FMN can be subsequently converted to FAD through a FAD synthetase also in the presence of ATP (Figure 37.1B). A


Dietary or therapeutic intake Flavoproteins

liver spleen







Circulation 50% Riboflavin 40% FAD 10% FMN


Riboflavin FMN

FAD FAD ↑ riboflavin

Figure 37.1

Riboflavin metabolism and cellular processing pathways. (A) Riboflavin and flavin intake is made via the diet, either in riboflavin-rich aliments or flavoproteins. In the latter, digestion in the stomach releases FAD and FMN cofactors. Riboflavin and flavins achieve a high concentration in the liver, spleen and cardiac muscle; a concentration of about 30 nM riboflavin is also reached in the plasma circulation. (B) Riboflavin is imported into the cell and into the mitochondria via specific transporters (white circles in membranes). In the cytoplasm, flavin kinase (FK) and FAD synthetase (FADS) consecutively convert riboflavin into FMN and FAD, at the expense of ATP. An identical mechanism is also thought to be present inside the mitochondria, although a mitochondrial FK remains to be identified. FAD can also be imported into the mitochondria, or diffuse passively when the riboflavin concentrations are high. Figures reprinted from Henriques et al. (2010), with permission.

Riboflavin and b-oxidation Flavoenzymes


At this stage the two cofactors are available to bind to apo-proteins on the cytosol, or to be transported inside mitochondria where they will be incorporated in the organelle flavoenzymes. It has also been demonstrated that, in rat liver cells, FAD synthesis can occur inside mitochondria, where a riboflavin kinase and FAD synthetase enzymes can be found (Barile et al. 1993, 2000). This mitochondrial function is important as a large number of flavoenzymes are located inside this organelle and FAD binding only occurs after protein import.


Flavin Chemistry and Flavoproteins

Flavins are redox active protein cofactors that participate in a broad range of reactions, including oxidation, reduction and dehydrogenation, since they are able to carry out both one- or two-electron and proton transfer reactions. The versatile reactivity includes two-electron dehydrogenation of several substrates, aromatic hydroxylations, activation of molecular oxygen, emission of biologically produced light, signal transduction in programmed cell death, and regulation of biological circadian clocks (Edmondson and Ghisla 1999). It is known that 1–3% of the genes in bacteria and eukaryotic genomes encode for flavoproteins; in most of these proteins, flavins are bound non-covalently (De Colibus and Mattevi 2006). Flavin cofactors are composed by a catalytic moiety, the isoalloxazine ring system, and a ribityl side chain, a 5 0 -terminal phosphate ester in FMN, or a pyrophosphate linkage of FMN with an adenosine monophosphate (AMP) moiety in FAD. The amphipathic structure of the isoalloxazine ring system allows its interaction with a protein either by establishing hydrophobic contacts via its xylene moiety, or through the formation of hydrogen bonds engaging the pyrimidine ring (Ghisla and Massey 1986). The functional diversity of flavoproteins results from the broad range of redox potentials that are accessible to the flavin cofactors, as well as their ability to switch between one or two electron redox chemistry. In solution, flavins are found in equilibrium between the oxidized, reduced and the semiquinone radical forms, and have a redox potential of about  210 mV (versus the normal hydrogen electrode) at neutral pH. However, in the protein-bound form, the redox equilibrium can be shifted and the redox potential may span up to 600 mV (Massey 2000). This arises from the fact that flavin–protein interactions may engage a number of non-covalent interactions such as p-stacking, hydrophobic effects, hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions, which will ultimately determine the flavin redox potential.

37.2 Mitochondrial b-oxidation Flavoenzymes Fatty acids are carboxylic acids with straight or branched hydrocarbon chains ranging from four to 28 carbons. These biomolecules are major constituents of biological membranes, as phospholipid esters, and constitute an important


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source of energy for living organisms, since their oxidation is a highly exergonic process. In addition, fatty acids also play other vital cellular roles as enzyme cofactors, hormones and intracellular messengers. The cell can metabolize fatty acids by three different pathways in the mitochondria or in the peroxisomes. In mammals, mitochondrial b-oxidation of fatty acid provides a major source of ATP for the heart and skeletal muscle. In the liver, kidney, small intestine and also white adipose tissue, b-oxidation provides the formation of ketone bodies used as an energy source by other tissues including the brain. Fatty acid oxidation is particularly important during fasting, sustained exercise, stress, and the neonatal-suckling period, when glucose supplies become limited. In this section we provide a short overview of the mitochondrial boxidation process and focus more specifically on the several flavoenzymes that participate in the pathway, as their adequate function and folding strongly relies on riboflavin metabolism to assure flavin biosynthesis.


Overview of Mitochondrial b-oxidation

To be recruited for b-oxidation, fatty acids are first activated in the cytosol by an ATP-dependent acylation forming an acyl-CoA, and are then transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane as carnitine-derivatives in a process which is mediated by three proteins: carnitine palmitoyl transferase I (CPT I), acyl-carnitine translocase (CAT) and carnitine palmitoyl transferase II (CPT II). Once in the mitochondrial matrix, the acyl-CoA fatty acids undergo dehydrogenation at carbon b (C3) to form the corresponding trans-2-enoylCoA. This first reaction is the rate-determining step of b-oxidation and is catalysed by a group of enzymes named acyl-CoA dehydrogenases (ACAD). ACAD constitute quite a large family of flavin-containing enzymes, also comprising other dehydrogenases that participate in amino acid metabolism. These proteins share similar structural properties and operate by comparable mechanisms; nevertheless, each member has different substrate specificities. For b-oxidation dehydrogenases, the chain-length of the substrate is the major factor governing specificity and individual enzymes have thus been classified accordingly as very long-, long-, medium-, and short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenases. Most of these enzymes are located in the matrix, with a few exceptions that are associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane (see below). At this stage, electrons derived from the dehydrogenation reaction are fuelled into the respiratory chain through two key enzymes which act as a hub: electron-transfer flavoprotein (ETF) and electron-transfer flavoprotein: ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF:QO). They function as sequential electron carriers: ETF accepts electrons from all ACAD and ETF:QO transfer electrons to ubiquinone, using ETF as substrate. Reduced ubiquinone (ubiquinol) resumes respiration at the level of complex III (ubiquinone:cytochrome c oxidoreductase) (Figure 37.2). The subsequent steps of b-oxidation are catalysed by enoyl-CoA hydratase, 3-L-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase and b-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, and lead to

Riboflavin and b-oxidation Flavoenzymes

615 Fatty acids Amino acids







Matrix (N) Complex I Complex II



Complex IV

Complex III H+

Figure 37.2

Cyt c


Cartoon depicting enzymes participating in mitochondrial b-oxidation and part of the respiratory chain. Acyl-CoA substrates derived from fatty acid and amino acid metabolism are oxidized by several flavincontaining acyl-CoA dehydrogenases (ACAD). Electrons obtained from this reaction are shuttled to the respiratory chain via the ETF/ETF:QO hub (electron-transfer flavoprotein and electron-transfer flavoprotein: ubiquinone oxidoreductase). ETF:QO is able to transfer electrons to ubiquinone (Q) (such as respiratory complexes I and II) whose subsequent transfer down to complex IV will result in energy conservation and ATP production. See list of abbreviations for definitions.

the formation of acetyl-CoA and two-carbon shortened fatty acyl-CoA. Unsaturated fatty acids undergo the same reaction until the cis-configuration double-bond prevents the formation of a substrate for the acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and enoyl-CoA hydratase. At this point additional enzymes are required such as 3,2 trans-enoyl-CoA isomerase and 2,4-dienoyl CoA reductase 1. Fatty acids with an odd number of carbons are degraded in the same way, but the final product has three carbons, propionyl-CoA, which is converted to succinyl-CoA to enter the citric acid cycle. Overall, each round of b-oxidation results in the formation of acetyl-CoA, acyl-CoA which is two-carbons shorter, NADH and two reducing equivalents, carried by ETF/ETF:QO at the level of reduced flavin (FADH2).


The Flavoprotein Enzymatic Machinery

As outlined above, the mitochondrial fatty acid b-oxidation machinery relies on a variety of enzymes, most of which are strictly dependent on the incorporation of FAD as cofactor for proper functioning. Dietary riboflavin deficiency, or impaired metabolic pathways for the biosynthesis of FAD, is thus


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expected to have, a priori, a major impact on the metabolism of lipids due to deficient degradation of fatty acids via b-oxidation. The following sections overview the properties of the different specific flavoenzymes that participate in this mitochondrial b-oxidation machinery.

Very long-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (VLCAD)

An enzyme specific for the oxidation of long-chain fatty acids was identified in rat liver in the 1990s, and one year later, human VLCAD deficiency (VLCADD) (MIM 201475) was reported. The ACADVL gene was mapped to chromosome 17p11.2-11.13. VLCAD catalyses the initial rate-limiting step of the b-oxidation of long-chain saturated fatty acids with a chain length of 14–18 carbons, being responsible for most of palmitoyl-CoA (C16) dehydrogenation in liver, heart, skeletal muscle and skin fibroblasts. VLCAD is a homodimer associated with the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane (Figure 37.2), as revealed by the crystal structure of this enzyme in complex with substrate myristoyl-CoA (C14-CoA) (McAndrew et al. 2008). The catalytic domain, which consists of the first B400 residues, has an overall fold similar to other soluble ACAD and harbours a FAD cofactor. The enzymatic mechanisms are also identical—illustrated in Figure 37.3 for medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) (see Section In the active site, a glutamate (Glu-422 in VLCAD, Glu-376 in MCAD) acts as a catalytic base, ideally orientated to abstract a proton from the substrate at C2 position. In addition, the isoalloxazine ring of the flavin moiety is also directly positioned to accept a hydride ion from the substrate (at C3 position). Part of the chainlength specificity of VLCAD may be explained by a significantly longer cavity that accommodates substrate binding (B24 A˚) when comparing with MCAD (B12 A˚) and SCAD (B8 A˚) (McAndrew et al. 2008). In addition to the catalytic domain, VLCAD has an extension of 180 residues at the C-terminal that is required for proper membrane binding, especially through interactions via a putative amphipathic helix (residues 441–476). Association of VLCAD to the membrane is drastically impaired by mutations in that specific region, as shown by studies on two clinical mutants (A450P and L462P), which nevertheless did not affect the overall protein fold or enzymatic activity (Goetzman et al. 2007).

Long-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (LCAD)

Long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase is a soluble mitochondrial protein that was thought to be essential in humans for the mitochondrial b-oxidation of long chain fatty acids. In mouse, LCAD is highly expressed in most tissues and has a broad activity with acyl-CoA substrates of 6–20 carbons, showing higher activity with lauroyl-CoA (C12-CoA). Mouse mutation models of LCAD deficiency mimic phenotypes of human VLCAD and MCAD deficiency. In humans, however, there are currently no reported cases of human LCAD deficiency. The presence of this enzyme is undetectable in skeletal muscle, where b-oxidation

Riboflavin and b-oxidation Flavoenzymes A




C8 Glu376




FAD N N H N O S-CoA S-CoA H H O H 1 3 H H O 2 R R H N H O– O C Glu376 N

Figure 37.3

Structure of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD), representative of acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, and general mechanism of a,b-dehydrogenation. (A) Tetrameric structure of medium-chain acylCoA dehydrogenase (MCAD). (B) Structure of MCAD monomer showing the FAD cofactor (white) and octanoyl-CoA (black). (C) Surface contour of MCAD active site highlighting substrate binding cavity accommodating an octanoyl-CoA (C8) molecule, and the positioning of the flavin cofactor (top) and the catalytic base -Glu376 (bottom). (D) Dehydrogenation mechanism: the hydrogen at carbon 2 (alpha) in the substrate is abstracted as a H1 by the carboxylate group of an active site glutamate residue, which functions as catalytic base. In a concerted process, the hydrogen at carbon 3 (b) is transferred as an hydride to the N(5) position of the flavin. This results in the formation of a trans-D2enoyl-CoA product, and a reduced flavin cofactor (FADH2). MCAD structure was obtained from Protein Data Bank (PDB: 1udy).

plays an important role. Thus, it is unlikely that function of LCAD could be linked with energy generation through the oxidation of long fatty acids. On the other hand, LCAD was the only one of the long-chain ACAD immunodetected in the lung, possibly having some function in surfactant metabolism (He et al. 2007). Its function in humans thus remains unclear.

Medium-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (MCAD)

MCAD is responsible for catalysing the first step of b-oxidation of medium chain fatty acids. Although the maximum catalytic activity is attained with


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C6-C8 substrates, MCAD has broad chain-length specificity, exhibiting somewhat lower but still significant activity with fatty acids with chain-lengths ranging from four to 14 carbons. The ACADM gene was allocated to chromosome 1p31. Like most of the mitochondrial proteins, MCAD is nuclear encoded and synthesized in the cytosol as a precursor protein of 47 kDa; after import into mitochondria the N-terminal leader peptide is cleaved producing a mature protein of 44 kDa. Native MCAD is formed by the assembly of four monomers and each monomer is folded into three domains (Kim et al. 1993) (Figure 37.3). The Nand C-terminal domains are mainly a-helices packed together and the middle domain is formed by two b-sheets. The flavin cofactor is positioned in the cleft between two adjacent monomers in a way that is deeply buried in the tetramer configuration. Interestingly, the presence of FAD is required for chaperoneassisted MCAD folding into the final tetramer assembly, after mitochondrial import, possibly exerting a nucleating effect (Saijo and Tanaka 1995). Several of the disease-causing missense mutations are believed to influence the folding of the protein inside the mitochondria. Deficiency on MCAD is by far the most frequently detected inheritable defect in b-oxidation.

Short-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (SCAD)

The SCAD gene, located on chromosome 12q22, encodes a cytosolic precursor SCAD that is translocated to mitochondria where the N-terminal mitochondrial targeting peptide is proteolytic cleaved. SCAD shows activity mainly with butyryl- and hexanoyl-CoA substrates, and has been named in the past butyrylCoA dehydrogenase in respect to its preferred substrate. The crystal structure of human SCAD reveals an overall fold very similar with the other ACAD. A special feature of this acyl-CoA dehydrogenase is the presence of a glutamine in position 254 and threonine in position 364 that seem to shorten the substrate binding pocket, contributing to its substrate specificity (Kim et al. 1993).

Emerging Acyl-coA Dehydrogenases: ACAD9, ACAD10 and ACAD11

Acyl-CoA dehydrogenases 9, 10 and 11 have been classified based on their high sequence similarity with other ACAD, but only a few recent studies about their function have been reported. ACAD9 shares high similarity with VLCAD and is ubiquitously expressed, with particularly high expression in heart, skeletal muscle, kidney, liver and brain (especially in the granular layer) (He et al. 2011). Like VLCAD, ACAD9 is associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane, facing the matrix (Ensenauer et al. 2005). ACAD9 has been proposed to play a role in the b-oxidation of unsaturated long-chain fatty acids (C16:1-, C18:1-, C18:2-, C22:6-CoA substrates), although it also shows lower activity towards saturated long-chain substrates (Ensenauer et al. 2005). More recently, ACAD9 was shown to be required for the biogenesis of complex I (Nouws et al. 2010)

Riboflavin and b-oxidation Flavoenzymes


and mutations in this gene were identified as a cause of complex I deficiency (Haack et al. 2010). Clearly, the function of ACAD9 and its role in boxidation is far from being completely understood. The functions of ACAD10 and 11 also remain elusive. Multiple transcripts are made from the genes encoding for ACAD10 and 11, and some forms of alternative splicing are even absent of exons coding for catalytic domains (He et al. 2011). ACAD10 has only limited activity with long branched-chain acylCoA substrates, whereas ACAD11 utilizes unsaturated substrates with 20–26 carbons. ACAD10 and 11 are mostly expressed in the foetal and adult brain, respectively. It has been suggested that ACAD10 and 11 may serve novel physiological functions in the central nervous system (He et al. 2011).

Dehydrogenases from Amino Acid Metabolism

Although not being part of fatty acid b-oxidation, it is worth mentioning here the ACAD that participate in amino acid catabolism, i.e. isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase (IVD) for leucine, short/branched-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SBCAD) for isoleucine, isobutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (IBD) for valine and glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCD) for lysine and tryptophan. These proteins are structurally and mechanistically similar to the dehydrogenases of b-oxidation, and all enzymes have the same electron acceptor and electron-transfer flavoprotein (ETF, see Section, so both metabolic pathways are linked at this point.


As mentioned above, electrons derived from the dehydrogenation of acyl-CoA substrates are shuttled to the respiratory chain via the ETF/ETF:QO hub. Electron-transfer flavoprotein (ETF) accepts electron from all members of ACAD family, constituting a converging point of two distinct metabolic pathways, fatty acid b-oxidation and amino acid degradation. The protein is a heterodimer and the genes encoding the human a and b ETF subunits were mapped to chromosomes 15q23-q25 and 19q13.3, respectively. Both ETF subunits are nuclear encoded; however, the alpha-subunit is synthesized as a precursor protein of 35 kDa, while the b-subunit is synthesized in the cytosol in a form that is indistinguishable from the mitochondrial form. The alpha-subunit precursor sequence is cleaved after import into the mitochondria yielding a mature form with 32 kDa. The completely assembled functional dimer harbours one FAD plus one AMP cofactor (Figure 37.4A). Although the latter does not influence the activity of ETF, it is important for the assembly of the protein. The crystal structure of human ETF was solved to 2.1 A˚ resolution, revealing that ETF consists of three distinct domains: domain I is composed of the Nterminal portion of alpha-subunit; domain II consists of the C-terminal portion of a-subunit and a small C-terminal portion of the b-subunit, and domain III is


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Figure 37.4

Three-dimensional structure of electron-transfer flavoprotein (ETF) alone and in complex with medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD). (A) Human ETF is a dimer of two distinct polypeptide chains, and harbours FAD and AMP cofactors (white sticks). Structure is divided in three sub-domains that are shown in roman numerals. (B) Crystallographic structure of ETF:MCAD complex. ETF domain III is responsible for establishing protein–protein specific interactions. ETF domain II undergoes a dramatic conformational change upon complex formation (compare flavin position in panel A) in order to allow effective electron transfer to the flavin of MCAD. Structures of ETF and ETF:MCAD complexes were obtained from Protein Data Bank (PDB: 1efv and 2A1T, respectively).

made up from the majority of the b-subunit (Roberts et al. 1996) (Figure 37.4A). The AMP cofactor is buried deeply within domain III, making mostly backbone interactions. The FAD cofactor is bound to domain II, positioned in the cleft between the two subunits, and is highly exposed to the solvent. From the structural/functional point of view, ETF is an interesting enzyme, as it has to interact with several ACAD, plus with ETF:QO (Figures 37.2 and 37.4B). This requires tight protein–protein recognition interactions to ensure specificity. On the other hand, it must also be able to establish more versatile contacts to accommodate structural variations among different partner enzymes. The molecular basis for this behaviour were partially explained upon solving the crystal structure of ETF in complex with MCAD (Toogood et al. 2004) (Figure 37.4B). An anchor region in domain III of ETF, the so called ‘recognition loop’, which establishes specific interactions with a hydrophobic patch of MCAD, has been identified. Also, domain II which harbours FAD, was found to be highly flexible and capable of sampling different structural conformations until inter-protein electron transfer from the ACAD is allowed. ETF:QO is the redox partner of ETF in this enzymatic hub. This enzyme will oxidize reduced ETF, mediating electron transfer to the membrane-bound ubiquinone. Thus ETF:QO establishes the link between several mitochondrial oxidative processes taking place in the matrix and the membrane-bound respiratory chain (Figure 37.2). ETF:QO is a monomeric protein of 66 kDa containing a [4Fe–4S] cluster and a FAD cofactor, and is associated with the

Riboflavin and b-oxidation Flavoenzymes





Figure 37.5

Crystallographic structure of pig electron-transfer flavoprotein: ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF:QO). The flavin and iron–sulfur cluster cofactors, as well as the ubiquinone substrate are shown in white sticks. An amphipatic region of ETF:QO establishes interactions with membrane and accommodates the ubiquinone substrate.

matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane. The gene coding for ETF:QO has been mapped to chromosome 4q32-q35. The crystal structure has revealed that the iron–sulfur cluster is closer to the protein surface while FAD molecule is closer to the ubiquinone; therefore it was postulated that the redox cluster is responsible for accepting electrons from ETF and the flavin cofactor for reduction ubiquinone (Zhang et al. 2006) (Figure 37.5). Two highly hydrophobic peptide segments F114–L131 (b-hairpin) and G427–W451 (ahelix) compose a hydrophobic plateau that is believed to establish interactions with the membrane and, in addition, form the entrance of the ubiquinonebinding pocket.

37.3 Riboflavin Effects in Defective b-oxidation Flavoenzymes Genetic lesions in the genes encoding for the proteins involved in the mitochondrial b-oxidation machinery result in various human diseases. These inborn errors of fatty acid oxidation, most of which result from missense mutations, arise from functional deficiency as a consequence of decreased biological activity of the affected proteins, either because of mutations affecting the active sites or because of defective protein folding. Dominant negative effects resulting from the sequestering of erroneous conformations by molecular chaperones may also play a role. The clinical phenotypes of fatty acid oxidation disorders are variable, ranging from mild to severe forms, and arise from disease of the affected tissues. The pathology becomes particularly significant under metabolic decompensation resulting from fasting or under febrile illness, especially in infants. Defects in the flavoenzymes addressed in the section above culminate in the accumulation of intermediate metabolites, namely acyl-carnitines, whose detection in blood spot samples from newborns


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constitutes one of the biochemical hallmarks of these pathological conditions (for a review see Bennett et al. 2000). One particular case of such pathological conditions is multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenation deficiency (MADD) or glutaric aciduria type-II, a rare disease arising from defects in either ETF or ETF:QO. In this condition, vitamin B2 supplementation has in some cases been successfully employed for the treatment of this fatty acid oxidation (FAO) disorder. However, the molecular rational for the beneficial effect of riboflavin supplementation is not fully clearly defined and the reason why only some MADD patients are responsive to riboflavin whereas others are not remains as one of the key challenging issues in the field (Gregersen et al. 1990; Olsen et al. 2007). In this section we provide an overview of recent approaches that have contributed to clarify riboflavin effects in MADD, one focusing on global proteomic responses upon riboflavin supplementation and the other detailing the molecular rationale for such effects in respect to consequences on the structure, function and folding of ETF.


Proteomics Responses to Riboflavin Supplementation

Gianazza and co-workers have carried a series of elegant proteomic studies aimed at establishing correlations between flavin metabolism and mitochondrial flavoenzyme dysfunction (Gianazza et al. 2006). A detailed investigation was carried out on muscle mitochondria from a patient with profound muscle weakness associated with MADD. The patient received riboflavin supplementation treatment (200 mg/day) in combination with carnitine treatment (2 g/day) which resulted in a substantial improvement, as assessed by biochemical parameters. Prior the therapeutic riboflavin supplementation, the activity of different fatty acid b-oxidation enzymes, respiratory complexes, the ratio between acyl/free carnitine and the levels of intracellular lipids were altered in respect to controls. These data led the authors to evaluate the FAD and FMN concentrations in whole muscle, and the results evidenced a lower amount of available FAD; upon riboflavin therapy the flavin levels were restored to, at least, control levels. In order to gain a better understanding of the modifications taking place on the protein levels upon supplementation, a series of experiments combining two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and mass spectrometry methods were designed so as to study the mitochondrial subproteome of muscular tissue before and after riboflavin therapy. The results obtained showed that, under untreated disease conditions, several proteins were downregulated such as the 75 kDa Fe–S subunit of NADH:quinone oxidoreductase, ETF:QO, MCAD, the b subunit of the trifunctional enzyme, 3-hydroxy-isobutyryl-CoA hydrolase, the E2 component of the branched-chain a-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex and the E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, among others (Gianazza et al. 2006). Interestingly, several of the affected enzymes were flavoproteins suggesting a dysfunction of flavin

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metabolism in MADD, in agreement with the reduced amount of FAD in muscle. After riboflavin treatment both protein levels and biochemical parameters reverted to normal levels. Compliance with the riboflavin therapy maintains the improved clinical condition, although this decays after some time upon suspension of the treatment. On a fundamental level, this study showed that MADD results in a functional depletion of several flavoenzymes, which are not restricted to proteins involved in b-oxidation. Also, it puts forward the hypothesis that riboflavin and its derived cofactors could play an important role as transcriptional or translational regulatory factors.


Molecular Basis for Effects of ETF Flavinylation

Riboflavin supplementation affords increased cellular levels of flavins (B2.5 fold) but the molecular mechanisms through which the increased availability of the cofactors impact on b-oxidation flavoenzymes only now begins to be more accurately understood. In the early 1990s Nagao and Tanaka (1992) used an in vitro system for translation/import into isolated mitochondria of several acyl-CoA dehydrogenases and ETF, and studied the stability of apo and holoenzymes before and after mitochondrial import. The results showed that while mRNA levels of some ACAD were increased during riboflavin depletion, the stability of the precursor proteins was not affected although low mitochondrial levels of riboflavin/FAD resulted in decreased proteolytic stability of the mature acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. These findings led the authors to propose that FAD would bind to the proteins inside mitochondria and that binding of the cofactor decreased the conformational flexibility resulting in higher stability (Nagao and Tanaka 1992). Subsequent experiments by the Tanaka laboratory using MCAD as model showed that FAD also plays a very important role during the folding process, before the assembly of the subunits into the functional tetramer (Saijo and Tanaka 1995). MCAD depends on the assistance of GroEL/GroES chaperonin system for its folding (Bross et al. 1995). Beside these studies focusing in FAD insertion in the acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, Sato and co-workers have studied in vitro the assembly of ETF focusing on the roles of FAD and AMP on the folding and dimerization process (Sato et al. 1996). More recently, Henriques and co-workers used an ETF variant associated with MADD, comprising a point mutation at the b-subunit (ETFbAsp128Asn), as a model to address the effects of flavinylation resulting from therapeutic vitamin B2 supplementation, also under heat stress conditions mimicking the febrile conditions that are known to result in metabolic decompensation in patients. In this work it was shown that ETF variant deflavinylates three-fold faster than the wild-type protein during mild heat stress (39 1C) with concurrent loss of activity (Henriques et al. 2009). This is in agreement with the fact that a patient with this mutation developed more prominent disease symptoms in connection with a viral infection and fever. Experiments carried out in the presence of a 2.5-fold excess of FAD in respect


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to ETF, corresponding to the relative increase observed in muscle mitochondria in patients undergoing riboflavin therapy (Gianazza et al. 2006), have shown that flavinylation improves the conformational and proteolytic stability of the protein, also retaining its biological activity (Henriques et al. 2009) (Figure 37.6). Moreover, flavinylation prevents activity decline and loss of tertiary contacts during heat stress. A noteworthy observation is the fact that ETFb-Asp128Asn



0.8 Normalized AEW

Residual Activity (%)











– FAD + FAD 0.0



40 60 Time (min)




Digestion time (min)







2 3 4 [Urea] (M)



Control 120 α β BSA


α β BSA

Figure 37.6

Effect of flavin cofactor binding on the stability of the human electrontransfer flavoprotein (ETF) mutant variant Asp128Asn. (A) Activity of the protein is affected by incubation at 39 1C (open circles); however, in the presence of 2.5-fold excess FAD the activity is preserved (black circles). (B) The stability of ETF Asp128Asn to urea-induced chemical denaturation is higher when the flavin is bound to the protein (black circles) than in flavin-depleted ETF (open circles). (C) The presence of flavin cofactor affects the proteolytic susceptibility of ETF Asp128Asn. Upon incubation with trypsin protease ETF Asp128Asn is rapidly degraded (top panel), whereas in the presence of excess flavin, the protein is more resistance to proteolysis. Figures reprinted from Henriques et al. (2009), with permission.

Riboflavin and b-oxidation Flavoenzymes


is not directly located in the FAD binding domain. Therefore, the observations made could be generalized to other mutations in different flavoproteins involved in fatty acid b-oxidation defects. Moreover, the use of this mild mutation, which was modulated by environmental factors, provides a concrete molecular rationale for the efficiency of riboflavin supplementation. However, even though flavinylation can improve the harmful effects of mild destabilized mutants, it is not sufficient to completely rescue protein activity to the level that is required to restore normal b-oxidation: in ETFb-Asp128Asn fibroblasts cultured with riboflavin-supplemented media, the flux using myristate or palmitate as substrates was only 14% and 28% of controls, respectively (Lundemose et al. 1997). This has been also showed for other riboflavin


Mutation Flavin depletion Stress

translation A

Import to mitochondria B cytosol

destabilized apo-protein

Holo Proteases Proteassome

IMS Matrix

Apo-protein Chaperonin

Figure 37.7


Cartoon representing different scenarios for pathways through which FAD may be inserted into proteins conferring structural and functional rescue. After translation and import into the mitochondria the apoprotein form may become flavinylated via a chaperonin-independent (A) or chaperonin-dependent (B) pathway. In both cases, steps involving FAD insertion may eventually be mediated by FAD-chaperone proteins. The chaperonin-dependent pathway may involve folding of the apo monomer which then becomes flavinylated upon release or immediately after release. Oligomerization into the functional forms (tetramers or dimers) is made starting from the holo-protein form. Upon an adverse cellular or patho-physiological condition such as a genetic mutation, stress (thermal, oxidative or other) or riboflavin and flavin depletion, cofactor lability may be enhanced thus resulting in an equilibrium of populations in which there is a significant amount of the enzyme in the apo-form. The latter is known to be more conformationally destabilized and susceptible to degradation or misfolding, resulting in loss of function. In some cases, restoring the intra-mitochondrial flavin levels as a result of riboflavin supplementation, results in an increase of the activity of the affected proteins. See text for details and key references. Figure reprinted from Henriques et al. (2010), with permission.


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responsive patients with mild forms of MADD, where biochemical and clinical abnormalities were only partially restored upon riboflavin therapy (Amendt and Rhead 1986; Olsen et al. 2004). Nevertheless, partial restoration may be sufficient to overcome the disease threshold.

37.4 Concluding Remarks Riboflavin dietary intake is essential for the biosynthesis of flavin cofactors which are essential for many enzymes in the cell, including the several different flavoenzymes involved in mitochondrial b-oxidation processes. Therapeutic intake of vitamin B2 at increased levels (typically 200 mg/day) results in higher cellular levels of the cofactors, and studies in conditions of dysfunction as in FAO disease have contributed to establish cellular and molecular mechanisms through which riboflavin and flavins impact on b-oxidation flavoenzymes. Along these lines, we have recently put forward an integrated scenario for possible mechanisms through which this interplay takes place, namely in respect to the structural and functional rescue of faulty enzymes due to flavinylation (Henriques et al. 2010) (Figure 37.7). According to this scheme, mitochondria apo-flavoproteins will became flavinylated subsequently to import by two possible mechanisms: via a chaperonin- independent (A) or chaperonin-dependent (B) pathway. The insertion of flavin could eventually be mediated by yet unidentified FAD-chaperone proteins. The chaperonindependent pathway may involve folding of the apo monomer which then gets flavinylated upon release or immediately after release, as proposed for MCAD. Holo-protein is then available to make oligomerized species like dimers or tetramers. Adverse cellular or pathophysiological conditions such as genetic mutations, stress (thermal, oxidative or other) or riboflavin and flavin depletion, will enhance cofactor lability, resulting in a build-up of conformations in which there is a significant amount of the enzyme in the apo-form. As a result, the enzymes would become conformationally destabilized and susceptible to degradation or misfolding, resulting in loss of function. In agreement, riboflavin supplementation is known to restore intra-mitochondrial flavin levels corresponding to an increase of the activity of the affected proteins (Gianazza et al. 2006; Lucas et al. 2011). Overall, dietary riboflavin supplementation impacts directly on higher FAD cofactor bio-availability and this has a direct effect on the functional and structural properties of defective mitochondrial flavoenzymes involved in boxidation through the cellular and molecular mechanisms outlined above.

Summary Points  This chapter is about riboflavin and b-oxidation flavoenzymes.  Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is the biological precursor of the essential redox cofactors FAD and FMN, which are synthesized upon dietary intake of riboflavin.

Riboflavin and b-oxidation Flavoenzymes


 Flavins are versatile protein cofactors when inserted into proteins, as these afford a broad range of redox reactions and catalytic properties due to their unique physical and chemical properties.  The mitochondrial b-oxidation machinery is mainly composed by flavoproteins whose properties are described in this chapter.  Altered cellular levels of riboflavin and derived flavins impacts on flavoprotein function. This is particularly relevant in the context of inborn errors of metabolism affecting b-oxidation and amino acid catabolism enzymes which are frequently a result of missense mutations and result in protein misfolding or catalytic impairment.  Therapeutic intake of vitamin B2 increases cellular FAD concentrations that modulate the expression levels of several flavoproteins, and directly promote the folding, stability and activity of affected flavoproteins  An integrated scenario for possible mechanisms through which riboflavin and flavins interplay on b-oxidation flavoenzymes is discussed, especially in what concerns flavins as pharmacological chaperones.

Key Facts Key Facts about Flavoproteins  Flavoproteins are proteins that contain as prosthetic groups either flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), the two biologically active forms of riboflavin.  1–3% of the genes in bacteria and eukaryotic genomes encode for flavoproteins.  The large majority of flavoproteins are oxidoreductases, i.e. they are enzymes that catalyse oxidation/reduction reactions.  Flavins are extremely versatile cofactors because their chemical properties are dramatically influenced by the surrounding environment provided by the protein.  In most cases flavins are non-covalently attached to the protein. However, in some proteins the flavin cofactor is bound covalently to histidine, cysteine or tyrosine residues, probably to increase saturation of the active site, improve electron transfer or increase protein stability.  Flavins show unique spectroscopic fingerprints in different redox states (oxidized, semiquinone, reduced) and protein environments. This allows the application of a variety of biophysical methods (e.g. visible absorption, visible circular dichroism, resonance Raman and fluorescence emission), to analyse enzymatic reactions and to study flavin chemistry within the flavin-protein complex.  Most enzymes that participate in b-oxidation of fatty acids are flavoproteins. In all cases the flavin cofactor is non-covalently bound.  It is believed that riboflavin supplementation corrects some metabolic defects caused by mutations in flavoproteins because it increases the


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content of flavins inside cells which then, by binding to the defective protein, exert a structural stabilization effect.

Key Facts about Inborn Errors of Fatty Acid Oxidation  Mitochondrial fatty acid b-oxidation is a critical metabolic pathway for energy metabolism.  Over 20 known genetic defects result in impaired fatty acid oxidation, most of which are missense mutations resulting in the change of a single amino acid.  Defective gene products are either not expressed or exhibit impaired protein folding, structural defects and functional deficiency, among other multi-factorial effects.  Broad range of clinical phenotypes, ranging from mild to fatal forms, and genotype-phenotype relationships are in many instances unclear.  The first described inborn error of fatty acid oxidation was muscle CPT II deficiency, which was reported in 1973. MCAD deficiency is the most frequent FAO disorder, with a prevalence of 1 in 12 000 to 20 000 in Caucasians from northern Europe.  Newborn screening programmes evaluate accumulation of FAO metabolites and guide molecular genetic analysis diagnosis in positive cases.  Dietary supplementation with high doses of riboflavin and carnitine results in some cases in successful treatments, such as in the case of some MADD patients.

Definitions of Words and Terms Acyl-CoA dehydrogenases. A family of mitochondrial enzymes containing FAD as redox cofactor that catalyse the dehydrogenation of acyl-CoA thioesters in the initial steps of fatty acid b-oxidation. Amphipathic helix. Designation of a protein alpha helix in which polar and apolar amino acid side chains align over opposing planes. These secondary structure elements play an important role in proteins that do not interact with membranes via transmembrane segments. Fatty acid b-oxidation. Designation of biochemical pathways through which fatty acids are metabolized, resulting in energy production as their oxidation is a highly exergonic process. In mammals, mitochondrial b-oxidation of fatty acid provides a major source of ATP for the heart and skeletal muscle. Flavoprotein. Protein that contains a flavin molecule (FAD, FMN) as cofactor, which can have either a covalent or non-covalent attachment to the protein. Flavoproteins are frequently involved in catalytic and electron transfer reactions but biological activity is not limited to these processes. Isoalloxazine. Designation of the tricyclic heteronuclear organic ring found in flavins.

Riboflavin and b-oxidation Flavoenzymes


Ketone bodies. Designations for by-products of fatty acid metabolism such as acetone, acetoacetic acid and b-hydroxybutyric acid, which are used as energy sources in high-energy demand tissues and organs. MCAD deficiency. The most frequent inborn error of fatty acid oxidation (1 : 12 000 to 20 000 in Caucasians from northern Europe). It affects the medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and in around 80% of the affected alleles a single common missense mutation has been identified. Symptoms typically appear during infancy or early childhood and can include vomiting, lethargy and hypoglycaemia. Protein misfolding. A general designation for a defect in the protein folding process that results in a structural conformation which is not identical to the native state of the protein (e.g. a destabilized variant or an oligomer such as an amyloid). Redox potential. A measure of the tendency of a certain molecule to receive or donate electrons, that is to become reduced (decrease in oxidation state) or oxidized (increase in the oxidation state). Synonym of oxidation-reduction potential. SI unit is Volt (V). Riboflavin-responsive MADD. Designation for patients suffering from multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenation deficiency, a rare mitochondrial b-oxidation disease, whose clinical and biochemical symptoms recover upon dietary intake of high-doses of the vitamin riboflavin.


acyl-CoA dehydrogenases adenosine monophosphate adenosine triphosphate acyl-carnitine translocase carnitine palmitoyl transferase I carnitine palmitoyl transferase II two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis electron-transfer flavoprotein electron-transfer flavoprotein:ubiquinone oxidoreductase flavin adenine dinucleotide flavin adenine dinucleotide, reduced form fatty acid oxidation flavin mononucleotide glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase isobutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenation deficiency medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced form short/branched-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase



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short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase

Acknowledgements Work in the Gomes laboratory has been supported by CLIMB – Children living with Metabolic Disease (CLIMB, UK ), Fundac¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e Tecnologia (FCT/MCTES PTDC/SAU-GMG/70033/2006, Portugal) through research grants (to C.M.G) and fellowships SFRH/BPD/74475/2010 (to B.J.H.) and SFRH/BPD/34763/2007 (to J.V.R) and by the strategic grant PEst-OE/EQB/LA0004/2011 (to the ITQB Laborato´rio Associado).

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