Jun 28, 2016 - âA high quality kindergarten curriculum is anchored in state content standards, principles of child dev
What steps have we taken in this process?
What does the research say about full-day kindergarten?
What are the benefits of full-day kindergarten?
What will students experience in our full-day kindergarten classrooms?
Conducted feasibility study with a committee of parents and administrators ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
Conducted demographic projection and facility studies Surveyed the community, peer districts, and teachers Conducted research on the literature about full-day Kindergarten Reported to BOE on 2/22/16
Created implementation plan with a committee of teachers and administrators ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
Reviewed various articles and educational reports Conducted site visits to other full-day kindergarten programs in the area. Developed a sample time chart and master schedule Reporting to BOE today – 6/27/16
What Does The Research Say? ¨
Data demonstrates that children in full-day kindergarten classes show greater reading and mathematics achievement gains than those in half-day classes. (Votruba-Drzal, Li-Grining and Maldonado-Carreno, 2008; Walston & West, 2004)
Teachers have more time to get to know students, identify, and address their learning challenges early. This saves money and resources over the long term and increases the odds that children will be successful later in school. (Center for Evaluation and Education Policy, 2004)
Students who attend full-day kindergarten have better attendance records, higher grade point average, and are more likely to be on grade level by third grade than students who attend half-day programs. (Weiss & Offenberg, 2003)
NJDOE Kindergarten Implementation Guidelines ¨
“A high quality kindergarten curriculum is anchored in state content standards, principles of child development, and age appropriate teaching strategies.” (Gullo, 2006)
Make-believe play, with opportunities to learn how to get along, greatly contributes to students’ understanding of emotions and social relations. (Leong & Bedrova, 2005)
Play helps children acquire higher-order thinking skills, such as imagining situations from another’s perspective and thinking of alternate solutions. (Engel, 2010)
“Learning centers should be available every day for open exploration and for activities with specific content focus, such as mathematics and language arts literacy.” (NJDOE, 2011)
What Are The Benefits of Full-day Kindergarten? ¨
Fewer grade retentions
More reinforcement of positive social behaviors
More time spent in individualized instruction
Higher self esteem and independence
Greater creativity
What Will Students Experience In A Full-day Classroom?
8:35 - 8:50
Arrival, Unpack, Do-Now
8:50 - 9:05
Calendar / Math Routines
9:05 - 9:35
Reading Workshop / Shared Reading
9:35 - 10:05
Writing Workshop / Shared Writing - Interactive Writing
10:05 - 10:25
Snack / Gross Motor Play
10:25 - 10:45
Word Study Handwriting / Phonics / Vocabulary
10:45 - 11:05
Free Choice / Play Recess
11:05 - 11:55
12:00 - 12:45
Lunch / Recess
12:45 - 1:00
Guided Recess Extension (Teacher led)
1:00 - 1:30
Science / Social Studies
1:30 - 2:00
2:00 - 2:15
Free Reading / Open Circle / Spanish
2:15 - 2:50
Centers / Small Group Activities / Structured Play
2:50 - 3:00
Pack Up
A Day In the Life...
Comparative Program - Half Day to Full Day Current Half Day Program
Proposed Full Day Program
Reading Workshop - 75 min/wk.
Reading Workshop - 150 min/wk.
Writing Workshop - 75 min/wk.
Writing Workshop - 150 min/wk.
Math - 150 min/wk.
Math - 250 min/wk.
Word Study - 20 min/wk.
Word Study - 160 min/wk.
Social Studies/Science - 45 min/wk.
Social Studies/Science - 120 min/wk.
Open Circle - 15 min/wk.
Open Circle - 45 min/wk
Play/Socialization – 0 min/wk.
Play/Socialization – 425 min/wk.
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Learning Based/Structured Play - 0 min/wk. Unstructured Play - 0 min/wk.
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Learning Based/Structured Play -225 min/wk. Unstructured Play - 200 min/wk.