Riemann Boundary Value Problem on a Regular

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Riemann Boundary Value Problem on a Regular Open Curve Dixan Peña Peña and Juan BorY ReYes

Abstract. In 1.hispa¡rer the Riernann Boundarl'Value Problen on a rectifiable open crrrve admitting the caseof the non-smooth curvc is studied. The solution of thc probler¡l is constructed explicitlv under some weak restricti 0

Pruof. To ut.k" $ "r*

suffir:iently srnall, srrch that for 1 € 1, (41) : 1 i¡,1¡i

I t Yll - o'l-''t'rl )'-ri '

o n t h e o t h e r h a n d s i n c c . g € H ' ( 1 , , t , u 1 ) * 7 1 " 2 ( ¡ t 2z, 2 ) , w e h a v e:

-.) l . s ( ¿s )ol ; l ( l r - o , l ) + { t ; ; ; ( l t - a z )o 0 is sufficientlv small and

f r l.

+ r, [¡r"¿1

if Lb e 7,, if Llr en.

3. It is ea*syto check that in [14, 7] the corresportding)r, ,\1, uk(G) arrduk(¿) verifr- the inequality reqrrestedin the Theorem4.1.

References A. A. B¿baev arrd \'. V. Salaer'. Bortntlar"¡1tto"l'ueproblt:m, and sing'ular r,nte'gral equal,'i,on.s on, recti,fiabll' u¡n.totLr.NIat. zarnel,ki, 31 (1982) 571-580.

l¿omoqeneous of soluti,onsof t,h,e. of l,h,r:n,um,br:r' E. A. Danilov, Th,cdr:pert.d.cnce D