Riemann Liouville Fractional Integrals and Differential

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Sep 1, 2017 - Certain relations that exist between multiindex Bessel function and the Riemann ... Fractional integration formulae for the Bessel function.
Math. Sci. Lett. 6, No. 3, 233-237 (2017)


Mathematical Sciences Letters An International Journal http://dx.doi.org/10.18576/msl/060303

Riemann Liouville Fractional Integrals and Differential Formula Involving Multiindex Bessel Function D. L. Suthar∗ and Temesgen Tsegaye Department of Mathematics, Wollo University, Dessie Campus, P.O. Box: 1145, South Wollo, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Received: 22 Nov. 2016, Revised: 19 Jul. 2017, Accepted: 28 Jul. 2017 Published online: 1 Sep. 2017

(α ) ,γ

Abstract: The paper is devoted to the study of some properties of the multiindex Bessel function J(β j) m,k (z) introduced by Choi et j m

al. Certain relations that exist between multiindex Bessel function and the Riemann Liouville fractional integrals and derivatives are investigated. Fractional integration and differentiation operators transform are shown functions with power multipliers in to the same of the functions form. Keywords: Fractional Calculus Operators, Multiindex Bessel function.

1 Introduction

Recently, the generalized multiindex Bessel function is defined by [8], as follow

The fractional integral is the most rapidly growing subject of mathematical analysis. The fractional integral operator involving various special functions has found significant importance and applications in various sub fields of applicable mathematical analysis. Since last three decades, a number of researchers like [1], [3], [10], [11], [12], [14], [21] and [24] and so forth have studied, in depth, the properties, applications, and different extensions of various operators of fractional calculus. A detailed account of fractional calculus operators along with their properties and applications can be found in the research monographs by [14], [16], and so forth. Motivated by these avenues of applications, a remarkably large number of fractional integral formulas involving a variety of special functions have been developed by many authors (see, e.g., [19]-[20]). Fractional integration formulae for the Bessel function and generalized Bessel functions are given recently by [2], [12], [15] and [23]. A useful generalization of the Bessel function has been introduced and studied in [4],[5],[6] and [7]. ∗ Corresponding

(γ )kn (−z)n , (m ∈ N) j=1 Γ (α j n + β j + 1) n! n=0 (1) where α j , β j , γ ∈ C; ( j = 1, ..., m), ℜ(γ ) > 0, ℜ(β ) > −1, ∑mj=1 ℜ(α ) j > max{0; ℜ(k) − 1}; k > 0. (α )m ,γ

J(β jj)m ,k (z) =

∑ ∏m

If we put k = 0, m = 1, α1 = 1, β1 = υ and replace z by z2 4 in (1), we obtain 1,γ Jυ ,0

  υ z2 2 Jυ [z] , = 4 z


where Jυ [z] is a well- known Bessel function of the first kind defined for complex z ∈ C, (z 6= 0) and υ ∈ C, (ℜ(υ ) > −1) by ([9], 7.2(2)) (see also [17]) ∞

Jυ [z] =

(−1)k (z/2)υ +2k . ∑ k! k=0 Γ (υ + k + 1)


A detail account of Bessel function, the reader may be referred to the earlier extensive works by [9] and [25]. The object of this paper is to derive the relations that exist between the generalized multiindex Bessel function defined by (1) and the left and right sided operators of

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D. L. Suthar, Temesgen Tsegaye: Riemann Liouville fractional integrals and...

Riemann-Liouville fractional calculus. The derived in this paper are believed to be new.


The operators are defined by (see [22], Sect. 2) for α > 0:  I0α+ f (x) =

1 Γ (α )

Z x 0

f (t) dt; (x − t)1−α


∞ 1 f (t) dt; (5) Γ (α ) x (t − x)1−α  [α ]+1    d 1−[α ] α I0 + f (x); D0 + f (x) = dx  [α ]+1 Z x d f (t) 1 dt; (6) = Γ (1 − {α }) dx 0 (x − t){α }  [α ]+1    d 1−[α ] α D0 − f (x) = I0− f (x); dx   Z d [α ]+1 ∞ f (t) 1 − dt. (7) = Γ (1 − {α }) dx x (t − x){α }


 I0α− f (x) =

where [α ] means the maximal integer not exceeding α and {α } is the fractional part of α .

2 Properties of Generalized Multiindex Bessel Function In this section, we derive several interesting properties of (ρ ) ,γ the generalized multiindex Bessel function J(β j)mm,k (z) j defined by (1) associated with Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals and derivatives. Theorem 2.1. Let α > 0, β j > 0, ρ j > 0 ( j = 1, . . . , m) α and a ∈ R. Let I0+ be the left sided operator of Riemann-Liouville fractional integral (4). Then there holds the formula  h i α t β1 −1 J (ρ j )m ,γ (at ρ1 ) I0+ (x) (β )m ,k j

(ρ )m ,γ (axρ1 ) . 1 ),(β j )m ,k

j = xα +β1 −1 J(α + β


Proof. By virtue of (1) and (4), we have i  h (ρ )m ,γ α t β1 −1 J(β jj)m ,k (at ρ1 ) (x), L ≡ I0+ 1 = Γ (α )

Z x

α −1

(x − t)


(γ )kn ∑ ∏m Γ (ρ j n + β j + 1)n! j=1 n=0

×(−a)nt ρ1 n+β1 −1 dt, Now, interchanging the order of integration and summation is permissible under the conditions stated with the theorem dues to convergence of the integrals involved in the process and evaluating the inner integral by beta-function, it gives

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L = xα +β1 −1 ∞

(γ )kn m n + + Γ ( ρ β j j 1)Γ (α n=0 ∏ j =2


+ ρ1 n + β1)n!

(−axρ1 )n ,

(ρ )m ,γ (axρ1 ) . 1 ),(β j )m ,k

j = xα +β1 −1 J(α + β

This completes the proof of Theorem 2.1. Lemma: For a ∈ R there holds the formula (ρ ) ,γ

(ρ ) ,γ

axρ1 J(β j)mm,k (a xρ1 ) = J(−jρ m),(β j


j )m ,k

(a xρ1 )

(ρ )m ,γ −1 (a xρ1 ) 1 ),(β j )m ,k

− J(−jρ


Proof. The formula (9) is easily verified by virtue of the relation (nk + 1)(δ )nk = (δ )nk+1 − (δ − 1)nk+1 . Theorem 2.1 and above Lemma imply. Theorem 2.2. Let α > 0, β j > 0, ρ j > 0 ( j = 1, . . . , m) α and a ∈ R. Let I0+ be the left sided operator of Riemann-Liouville fractional integral (4). Then there holds the formula i  h 1 (ρ )m ,γ α I0+ t β1 −1 J(β jj)m ,k (at ρ1 ) (x) = xα +β1 −ρ1 −1 a h i (ρ j )m ,γ (ρ j )m ,γ −1 ρ1 ρ1 × J(α + (ax (ax ) − J ) . (α +β1 −ρ1 ),(β j )m ,k β1 −ρ1 ),(β j )m ,k (10) Theorem 2.3. Let α > 0, β j > 0, ρ j > 0 ( j = 1, . . . , m) α be the right sided operator of and a ∈ R. Let I0− Riemann-Liouville fractional integral (5). Then there holds the formula  h i (ρ j )m ,γ α −α −β1 (ρ j )m ,γ ρ1 t I− J(β )m ,k (at ρ1 ) (x) = x−β1 J(α + β1 ),(β j )m ,k (ax ). j (11) Proof. By virtue of (1) and (5) we have  h i α −α −β1 (ρ j )m ,γ L ≡ I− J(β )m ,k (at ρ1 ) (x) t j


1 Γ (α )

Z ∞

t −α −β1 (t − x)α −1



m n=0 ∏ j=1 Γ

(γ )kn (−a)nt ρ1 n dt, (ρ j n + β j + 1)n!

Interchanging the order of integration and summation and evaluating the inner integral by beta-function, it gives ∞


(γ )kn Γ ( ρ β n + + 1)(ρ1 n + β1 + α ) n! j j j=2

∑ ∏m


×(−a)n x−ρ1 n−β1

Math. Sci. Lett. 6, No. 3, 233-237 (2017) / www.naturalspublishing.com/Journals.asp

(ρ ) ,γ (axρ1 ), 1 ),(β j )m ,k

j m = x−β1 J(α + β

Theorem 2.4. Let α > 0, β j > 0, ρ j > 0 ( j = 1, . . . , m) α and a ∈ R. Let I0− be the left sided operator of Riemann-Liouville fractional integral (5). Then there holds the formula  h i 1 α −α −β1 (ρ j )m ,γ t I− J(β )m ,k (axρ1 ) (x) = x−β1 +ρ1 j a h (ρ j )m ,γ × J(α + β −ρ

(ρ ) ,γ −1 (ax−ρ1 ) 1−ρ1 ),(β j )m ,k

j m (ax−ρ1 ) − J(α + β


. (12) The proof can be developed on similar way to that of Theorem 2.3. 1

1 ),(β j )m ,k

Now, we proceed to derive certain other properties of (ρ ) ,γ J(β j)mm,k (z) associated with the fractional derivative j operators Dα0+ and Dα− defined by (6) and (7) respectively. Theorem 2.5. Let α > 0, β j > 0, ρ j > 0 ( j = 1, . . . , m) and a ∈ R. Let Dα0+ be the left sided operator of Riemann-Liouville fractional integral (6). Then there holds the formula  h i (ρ ) ,γ Dα0+ t β1 −1 J(β j)mm,k (at ρ1 ) (x) j

(ρ ) ,γ

= xβ1 −α −1 J(β j−mα ),(β 1

j )m ,k

(axρ1 ).


Proof. By virtue of (1) and (6), we have  h i (ρ ) ,γ L ≡ Dα0+ t β1 −1 J(β j)mm,k (at ρ1 ) (x) j


d dx

[α ]+1 

1−{α }


h i (ρ ) ,γ t β1 −1 J(β j)mm,k (at ρ1 ) (x),

Theorem 2.6. Let α > 0, β j > 0, ρ j > 0 ( j = 1, . . . , m) and a ∈ R. Let Dα0+ be the left sided operator of Riemann-Liouville fractional integral (6). Then there holds the formula  h  1 (ρ ) ,γ Dα0+ t β j −1 J(β j)mm,k (at ρ j ) (x) = xβ1 −ρ1 −α −1 j a h i (ρ )m ,γ (ρ )m ,γ −1 J(β j−ρ −α ),(β j )m ,k (a xρ1 ) − J(β j−ρ −α ),(β j )m ,k (a xρ1 ) . 1 1 1 1 (14) Theorem 2.7. Let α > 0, β j > 0, β j − α + {α } > 1 ( j = 1, . . . , m) and a ∈ R. Let Dα− be the right sided operator of Riemann-Liouville fractional integral (7). Then there holds the formula  h i (ρ )m ,γ Dα− t α −β1 J(β jj)m ,k (at −ρ1 ) (x) (ρ ) ,γ

= x−β1 J(β j−mα ),(β 1

(γ )k n (−a)n ∑ m n=0 ∏ j=2 Γ (ρ j n + β j + 1) Γ (ρ1 n + β1 + 1 − {α })n!  [α ]+1 d × xρ1 n+β1 −{α } , dx ∞


(γ )k n (−a)n j=2 Γ (ρ j n + β j + 1) Γ (ρ1 n + β1 − α ) n!

∑ ∏m


×xρ1 n+β1 −α −1 , (ρ ) ,γ

= xβ1 −α −1 J(β j−mα ),(β 1

j )m ,k

(axρ1 ).

which proves the theorem.

(ax−ρ1 ).



  d [α ]+1  1−{α } h α −β1 (ρ j )m ,γ −ρ1 i = − t J(β j )m ,k (at ) (x), I− dx ∞ (γ )kn (−a)n =∑ n=0 Γ (ρ j n + β j + 1) Γ (1 − {α })n!   Z d [α ]+1 ∞ −ρ1 n−β1 +α t (t − x)−{α } dt, × − dx x If we set t = x/u, then the above expression transforms in to the form ∞ (γ )kn (−a)n L= ∑ m n=0 ∏ j=1 Γ (ρ j n + β j + 1) Γ (1 − {α })n! ×


j )m ,k

Proof. By virtue of (1) and (7) we have  h i (ρ ) ,γ L ≡ Dα− t α −β1 J(β j)mm,k (at −ρ1 ) (x),


(γ )kn (−a)n =∑ m n=0 ∏ j=1 Γ (ρ j n + β j + 1) Γ (1 − {α })n!  [α ]+1 Z x d × t ρ1 n+β1 −1 (x − t)−{α }dt, dx 0


Z 1

uρ1 n−α +β1 +{α }−2(1 − u)−{α }du


d × dx ∞


[α ]+1

xα −ρ1 n−β1 −{α }+1 ,

(γ )kn (−a)n x−ρ1 n−β1 , Γ ( ρ β Γ ( ρ β α ) n! n + + 1) n + + j j 1 1 j=2

∑ ∏m


(ρ ) ,γ

= x−β1 J(β j−mα ),(β 1

j )m ,k

(ax−ρ1 ).

which proves the theorem. Theorem 2.8. Let α > 0, ρ j > 0, β j − [α ] > 1 ( j = 1, . . . , m) and a ∈ R (a 6= 0). Let Dα− be the right sided operator of Riemann-Liouville fractional integral (7). Then there holds the formula i  h 1 (ρ )m ,γ Dα− t α −β1 J(β jj)m ,k (at −ρ1 ) (x) = xρ1 −β1 a i h (ρ ) ,γ −1 (ρ ) ,γ J(β j−mρ −α ),(β )m ,k (ax−ρ1 ) − J(β j−mρ −α ),(β )m ,k (ax−ρ1 ) . j j 1 1 1 1 (16)

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D. L. Suthar, Temesgen Tsegaye: Riemann Liouville fractional integrals and...

3 Concluding remark In this paper, we have obtained the certain relations that exist between multiindex Bessel function and the Riemann Liouville fractional integrals and derivatives are investigated. Fractional integration and differentiation operators transform are shown functions with power multipliers in to the same of the functions form. It is expected that the results are derived, may find applications in the solution of the fractional order integral and differential equations arising problems of physical sciences and engineering field.

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D. L. Suthar is Associate Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics at Wollo University, Dessie, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. His research interest includes Special functions, Fractional calculus, Integral transforms, Basic Hypergeometric series, Geometric function theory and Mathematical physics. He has published more than 55 international and national research papers. He is life member of the Indian Science Congress Association, Society for Special Function and Their Application, Indian Mathematical Society and many other organizations. He is also author of three books of Engineering Mathematics of graduation level. He is referee and editor of mathematical journals.

Math. Sci. Lett. 6, No. 3, 233-237 (2017) / www.naturalspublishing.com/Journals.asp


Temesgen Tsegaye is working as the Head and lecturer of Mathematics in department of Mathematics at Wollo University. He has completed M.Sc. in applied mathematics from Addis Ababa university, Ethiopia in 2011. He has participated in Research and community based activities in the University and also participated to the sessions of GeoGebra training for mathematics teachers of secondary and preparatory school in collaboration with Dessie city educational office and community service director of Wollo University. He also has an immense experience in the utilization of GeoGebra for graphics in statistics and functions representation for mathematics concepts. He is the chairperson of GeoGebra Institute of Wollo. His main research interests are: fractional calculus, mathematical economics, game theory, optimization theory,and differential geometry and applications, geometric dynamics and applications.

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