Right bullet at the right time

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lects and analyzes visitor data in real-time: number of viewers in front ... Data security and privacy protection are no
POP Channel


Right bullet at the right time In the legendary spaghetti western ‚Day of anger‘, the young and humble Scott Mary (Giuliano Gemma) is taught by the gunfighter Frank Talby, played by the masterly Lee van Cleef, how to become a perfect ‚pistolero’. The basis for his lesson is the reinterpretation of the Ten Commandments, which are handled one by one in the movie. With the sixth Commandment the pupil gets a marketing lesson, which is figuratively very important for the Digital Signage era, as nowadays, the attention of the customer is the most precious good: ,Right bullet at the right time, well aimed’.


hen it comes to DooH advertising, we should certainly not rely on the instincts of a random gunfighter to shoot the ‚Right bullet at the right time...‘, but on funded science.

A huge amount of resources has been invested during the past years in order to decode the relation between outer stimulation (e.g. price or ads) and the connected cognitive and affective reactions. These correlations are supposed to establish a relationship between cause and effect and, eventually, successfully influence the consumer behaviour with the

help to better understand the consumer behaviour. Neuromarketing is very expensive and complex, even if this research area is highly promising and fascinating. The work up of consumer patterns remains very hypothetical and doesn’t allow an exact measurement of action (purchasing incentive) and reaction (purchasing behaviour).

gathered knowledge. A pragmatic, efficient and attractive approach is the In psychology, the research area „Consumer Neuroscience“ has been born. Aim is to develop new methods in the context of neurological research, which

real-time analysis of customer's behaviour directly at the points of sale. On-site sensors and mobile applications can measure interactions and feedbacks, as

well as centrally collect, interpret and arrange direct, indirect, voluntary and involuntary information.

with a video sensor. The video analysis is completely anonym. No infor-

The keystone is a Face Detection System, which col-

mation is related to archived images. Data security

lects and analyzes visitor data in real-time: number

and privacy protection are not violated.

of viewers in front of the display; dwelling time it; content transmitted at that time; detection of demographical (gender, age), emotional factors (surprise, joy, etc.) and the decision making.

All information collected and broadcasted during a certain period of time at each point of sale, are available through an analysis interface with has many predefined charts and reports. They allow the user

Based on this data the so called Dynamic Content


Provisioning can be implemented. Ads will not be

cance ,enabling swift trading decisions with a conse-

displayed according to a fixed schedule but tailored

quent improvement of the sales performance .

to the current viewer and broadcasted output in real -time.






All haunting marketing questions of the experts are just one step away from the answer: Who are my

A success story in this area is POP Channel. It is an

customers? Which on-site communication is the

intelligent and highly customizable shelf-system of

most effective to better promote our product portfo-

the Majrani Group.

lio? How many persons with which demographical

This system, for which an international patent has already been applied for, enables the following: •

consumer profiling

customer's behavioural analysis at the time of

profile stay for how long in front of the display? Which results do we get in selling? Success in cosmetics has shown surprising results in terms of quantity (higher sales) and quality. Even some ‚marketing wisdoms‘ have been disproved.

the purchasing decision It has been emphasized that data collected in rela•

ROI measurement of the campaign

Measurement of the conversion quote

tion to the fidelity card is mostly not reliable as, for example, the husband does the purchases for the

Based on the Digital Signage Platform ‚Web Signage‘,

whole family by using the Fidelity Card of his wife

POP Channel is able to recognise the consumer

and viceversa. It has also been proved that men

based on his demographical profile. Gender, age and

make product decisions by far quicker than women,

mood are recognized; tailored advertising infor-

a fact that makes the usage of a attention catching

mation can be transmitted automatically and in real-

display even more effective as a purchasing decision

time. The outcome of this advertisement activity can

(particularly impulse purchases) can be better stimu-

be measured simultaneously, as data is uploaded to


the reporting platform Emocube, which is an inte-

Furthermore, e-Coupons can be integrated by using

grated feature of Web Signage.

QR codes. This can help to develop new sales and

Emocube collects and analyzes information related

loyalty management models which can be integrated

to gender, age and reaction of the viewer and works

in mobile applications.

POP Channel is a ready to go solution, which includes the Digital




platform. It enables the programming of an advertising campaign without having to rely on a server infrastructure. Web Signage is the first Digital Dwelling time measurement

Signage platform that was introduced onto the market as a SaaS and that is fully based on the Cloud Computing Windows Azure




crosoft. This enables a global usage, a nearly infinite scalability oft he solution and a prompt deployNr. of visitors by age category and mood

ment. All these factors play a crucial role when it comes to short-term and changing campaigns. The reporting platform is also cloud-based and makes it possible to view reports on any device connected to the internet. Pop Channel has been awarded

Visitor number by weekday and gender

with the "Best in Show" price during the Italian Popai Award 2012 and is distributed in Europe by CPM.

Dwelling time by weekday and gender

References: 

Best in Show Award 2012: http://tinyurl.com/bestinshow2012

Product video: http://vimeo.com/35681423

POP Channel and CMP France: http://vimeo.com/40102215

Web Signage: http://www.websignage.eu